The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: unit_tpl.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 07/01/2021 # Brief: Handles templates of code. # License: MIT. ########################################################### # _________________________ Variables ________________________ # namespace eval ::alited::unit_tpl { # apave object of Templates variable obTpl pavedTemplates # "Templates" dialogue's path variable win $::alited::al(WIN).fraTpl variable tpllist [list] ;# list of templates' names variable tplcont [list] ;# list of content of templates variable tplpos [list] ;# list of position of cursor for templates variable tplpla [list] ;# list of "where to place" of templates variable tplid [list] ;# list of IDs of templates (in treeview) variable tplkeys [list] ;# list of keys of templates variable tplkey {} ;# current template's keys variable tpl {} ;# current template's name variable place 1 ;# current template's "where to place" variable dosel yes ;# if yes, enables "Select" action } # ________________________ Ini _________________________ # proc unit_tpl::ReadIni {} { # Gets templates' data from al(TPL,list) saved in alited.ini. namespace upvar ::alited al al foreach tv {tpllist tplcont tplkeys tplpos tplpla} { variable $tv set $tv [list] } foreach lst $al(TPL,list) { if {![catch {lassign $lst tpl key cont pos pla}]} { set cont [::alited::ProcEOL $cont in] if {$tpl ne {} && $cont ne {} && $pos ne {}} { if {![string is double -strict $pos]} {set pos 1.0} lappend tpllist $tpl lappend tplcont $cont lappend tplkeys $key lappend tplpos $pos lappend tplpla $pla } } } } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::SaveIni {} { # Puts templates' data to al(TPL,list) to save in alited.ini. set ::alited::unit::ilast [Selected index no] RegisterKeys alited::ini::SaveIni } # ________________________ Keys _________________________ # proc unit_tpl::RegisterKeys {} { # Registers key bindings of templates, to save them to alited.ini afterwards. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable tpllist variable tplcont variable tplkeys variable tplpos variable tplpla alited::keys::Delete template set al(TPL,list) [list] foreach tpl $tpllist key $tplkeys cont $tplcont pos $tplpos pla $tplpla { set cont [::alited::ProcEOL $cont out] lappend al(TPL,list) [list $tpl $key $cont $pos $pla] alited::keys::Add template $tpl $key [list $cont $pos $pla] } } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::GetKeyList {} { # Creates a key list for "Keys" combobox. variable obTpl RegisterKeys set keys [linsert [alited::keys::VacantList] 0 ""] [$obTpl CbxKey] configure -values $keys } # ________________________ List _________________________ # proc unit_tpl::Focus {isel} { # Sets the focus on the template list's item. # isel - index of item variable obTpl set tree [$obTpl TreeTpl] $tree selection set $isel $tree see $isel $tree focus $isel } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::UpdateTree {{saveini yes}} { # Updates the template list. # saveini - save templates in ini-file variable obTpl variable tpllist variable tplkeys variable tplid set tree [$obTpl TreeTpl] $tree delete [$tree children {}] set tplid [list] set item0 {} foreach tpl $tpllist tplkey $tplkeys { set item [$tree insert {} end -values [list $tpl $tplkey]] if {$item0 eq {}} {set item0 $item} lappend tplid $item } if {$item0 ne {} && $::alited::unit::ilast<0} {Focus $item0} ClearCbx [$obTpl CbxKey] if {$saveini} SaveIni } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::Select {{item ""}} { # Selects an item of the template list. # item - index (ID) of template list variable obTpl variable tpllist variable tplkey variable tplkeys variable tplcont variable tplid variable tplpla variable tpl variable place if {$item eq {}} {set item [Selected item no]} if {$item ne {}} { if {[string is digit $item]} { ;# the item is an index set item [lindex $tplid $item] } catch { set tree [$obTpl TreeTpl] set isel [$tree index $item] set tpl [lindex $tpllist $isel] set tplkey [lindex $tplkeys $isel] set place [lindex $tplpla $isel] set cont [lindex $tplcont $isel] set wtxt [$obTpl TexTpl] ::hl_tcl::iscurline $wtxt no $wtxt delete 1.0 end $wtxt insert end $cont InText $wtxt if {[$tree selection] ne $item} { $tree selection set $item } focus $tree $tree see $item $tree focus $item } } } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::Selected {what {domsg yes}} { # Gets ID or index of currently selected item of the template list. # what - if "index", gets a current item's index # domsg - if yes, shows a message about the selection variable obTpl variable tpllist set tree [$obTpl TreeTpl] if {[set isel [$tree selection]] eq {} && [set isel [$tree focus]] eq {} && $domsg} { Message $::alited::al(MC,tplsel) 4 } if {$isel ne {} && $what eq {index}} { set isel [$tree index $isel] } return $isel } # ________________________ Text of template _________________________ # proc unit_tpl::Pos {{pos ""}} { # Returns a cursor position in the template's text. # pos - if not "", it's a position to be returned by default variable obTpl set wtxt [$obTpl TexTpl] if {$wtxt eq [focus] || $pos eq {}} { return [$wtxt index insert] } return $pos } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::Text {} { # Returns the contents of the template's text. variable obTpl return [[$obTpl TexTpl] get 1.0 {end -1 char}] } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::InText {wtxt} { # Goes into the template's text and sets the cursor on it. # wtxt - text's path variable tplpos if {[set isel [Selected index no]] ne {}} { set pos [lindex $tplpos $isel] after idle " \ ::hl_tcl::iscurline $wtxt yes ; \ ::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt $pos ; \ event generate $wtxt <Enter> ;# to force highlighting " } } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::SyntaxText {wtxt} { # Prepares syntax highlighting of template's text # wtxt - the text's path alited::SyntaxHighlight tcl $wtxt [alited::SyntaxColors] } # ________________________ GUI handlers _________________________ # proc unit_tpl::Ok {args} { # Handles "OK" button. variable obTpl variable win variable tplpos variable tplcont variable tplpla variable dosel alited::CloseDlg if {!$dosel || [set isel [Selected index]] eq {}} { focus [$obTpl TreeTpl] return } set tex [lindex $tplcont $isel] set pos [lindex $tplpos $isel] set pla [lindex $tplpla $isel] SaveIni $obTpl res $win [list $tex $pos $pla] } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::Cancel {args} { # Handles "Cancel" button. variable obTpl variable win alited::CloseDlg SaveIni $obTpl res $win 0 } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::Help {args} { # Handles "Help" button. variable win alited::Help $win } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::HelpMe {args} { # 'Help' for start. variable win alited::HelpMe $win } ## ________________________ GUI cont. _________________________ ## proc unit_tpl::ClearCbx {cbx} { # Helper to clear the combobox's selection. $cbx selection clear } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::Add {{inpos ""}} { # Handles "Add template" button. # inpos - cursor position in template text # Returns 1, if the template was added, else returns 0. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obTpl variable tpllist variable tpl variable tplcont variable tplpos variable tplpla variable place variable tplkeys variable tplkey variable tplid set tpl [string trim $tpl] set txt [Text] set tree [$obTpl TreeTpl] if {$tplkey ne {}} { set isel2 [lsearch -exact $tplkeys $tplkey] } else { set isel2 -1 } if {$tpl ne {} && $txt ne {} && ( \ [set isel1 [lsearch -exact $tpllist $tpl]]>-1 || $isel2>-1 || [set isel3 [lsearch -exact $tplcont $txt]]>-1 )} { if {$isel1>-1} { focus [$obTpl EntTpl] } elseif {$isel2>-1} { focus [$obTpl CbxKey] } else { set wtxt [$obTpl TexTpl] focus $wtxt set pos [lindex $tplpos $isel3] ::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt $pos } Message $al(MC,tplexists) 4 return 0 } elseif {$tpl eq {}} { focus [$obTpl EntTpl] Message $al(MC,tplent1) 4 return 0 } elseif {[string trim $txt] eq {}} { focus [$obTpl TexTpl] Message $al(MC,tplent2) 4 return 0 } if {$inpos eq {}} {set inpos [Pos]} lappend tpllist $tpl lappend tplcont $txt lappend tplpos $inpos lappend tplpla $place set msg [string map [list %n [llength $tpllist]] $al(MC,tplnew)] set item [$tree insert {} end -values [list $tpl $tplkey]] lappend tplkeys $tplkey UpdateTree set item [lindex [$tree children {}] end] lappend tplid $item set isel [expr {[llength $tplid]-1}] after idle "::alited::unit_tpl::Select $isel" Message $msg 3 return 1 } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::Change {} { # Handles "Change template" button. variable tpllist variable tplcont variable tplpos variable tplpla variable place variable tplkeys variable tplkey variable tpl if {[set isel [Selected index]] eq {}} return set tpllist [lreplace $tpllist $isel $isel $tpl] set tplcont [lreplace $tplcont $isel $isel [Text]] set tplpos [lreplace $tplpos $isel $isel [Pos [lindex $tplpos $isel]]] set tplpla [lreplace $tplpla $isel $isel $place] set tplkeys [lreplace $tplkeys $isel $isel $tplkey] UpdateTree after idle "::alited::unit_tpl::Select $isel" set msg [string map [list %n [incr isel]] $::alited::al(MC,tplupd)] Message $msg 3 } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::Delete {} { # Handles "Delete template" button. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable tpllist variable tplcont variable tplpos variable tplpla variable tplkeys variable tplid variable win variable dosel if {!$dosel || [set isel [Selected index]] eq {}} return set nsel [expr {$isel+1}] set msg [string map [list %n $nsel] $al(MC,tpldelq)] if {![alited::msg yesno warn $msg NO -centerme $win]} { return } foreach tl {tpllist tplcont tplpos tplpla tplid tplkeys} { set $tl [lreplace [set $tl] $isel $isel] } set llen [expr {[llength $tpllist]-1}] if {$isel>$llen} {set isel $llen} UpdateTree if {$llen>=0} {after idle "alited::unit_tpl::Select $isel"} set msg [string map [list %n $nsel] $al(MC,tplrem)] Message $msg 3 } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::Import {} { # Handles "Import templates" button. namespace upvar ::alited al al DATAUSERINI DATAUSERINI variable obTpl variable tpl variable tplkey variable place variable win set al(TMPfname) alited.ini set fname [$obTpl chooser tk_getOpenFile ::alited::al(TMPfname) \ -initialdir $DATAUSERINI -parent $win] unset al(TMPfname) if {$fname eq {}} return set imported 0 set wtxt [$obTpl TexTpl] foreach line [textsplit [readTextFile $fname]] { if {[string match tpl=* $line]} { set line [string range $line 4 end] if {![catch {lassign $line tpl tplkey cont pos place}]} { set cont [::alited::ProcEOL $cont in] if {$tpl ne {} && $cont ne {} && $pos ne {}} { if {![string is double -strict $pos]} {set pos 1.0} $wtxt delete 1.0 end $wtxt insert end $cont incr imported [Add $pos] } } } } set msg [string map "%n $imported" [msgcat::mc "Number of imported templates: %n"]] Message $msg 3 } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::Message {msg {mode 2}} { # Displays a message in statusbar of templates dialogue. # msg - message # mode - mode of Message variable obTpl alited::Message $msg $mode [$obTpl LabMess] } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::ProcMessage {} { # Handles clicking on message label. variable obTpl set msg [baltip cget [$obTpl LabMess] -text] Message $msg 3 } # ________________________ Main _________________________ # proc unit_tpl::_create {{geom ""}} { # Creates "Templates" dialogue. # geom - "-geometry" option for showModal namespace upvar ::alited al al tplgeometry tplgeometry variable obTpl variable win variable tpllist variable tplkey variable dosel set tipson [baltip::cget -on] baltip::configure -on $al(TIPS,Templates) if {$dosel} { set forget {} set ::alited::unit_tpl::BUTEXIT Cancel } else { set forget forget set ::alited::unit_tpl::BUTEXIT Close } ::apave::APave create $obTpl $win $obTpl makeWindow $win $al(MC,tpl) $obTpl paveWindow $win { {fraTreeTpl - - 10 10 {-st nswe -rw 3 -pady 8} {}} {.fra - - - - {pack -side right -fill both} {}} {.fra.btTAd - - - - {pack $forget -side top -anchor n} {-com alited::unit_tpl::Add -tip "Add a template" -image alimg_add-big}} {.fra.btTChg - - - - {pack $forget -side top} {-com alited::unit_tpl::Change -tip "Change a template" -image alimg_change-big}} {.fra.btTDel - - - - {pack $forget -side top} {-com alited::unit_tpl::Delete -tip "Delete a template" -image alimg_delete-big}} {.fra.v_ - - - - {pack -side top -expand 1 -fill x -pady 2} {}} {.fra.btTImp - - - - {pack $forget -side top} {-com alited::unit_tpl::Import \ -tip "Import templates\nfrom external alited.ini" -image alimg_plus-big}} {.TreeTpl - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both} {-h 12 -show headings -columns {C1 C2} -displaycolumns {C1 C2} -columnoptions "C2 {-stretch 0}" -onevent { <<TreeviewSelect>> alited::unit_tpl::Select <Delete> alited::unit_tpl::Delete <Double-Button-1> alited::unit_tpl::Ok <Return> alited::unit_tpl::Ok}}} {.sbvTpls + L - - {pack -side left -fill both}} {fra1 fraTreeTpl T 10 10 {-st nsew}} {.h_ - - 1 1 {-st we} {-h 20}} {.labTpl .h_ T 1 1 {-st e} {-anchor center -t "Current template:"}} {.EntTpl .labTpl L 1 8 {-st we} {-tvar ::alited::unit_tpl::tpl -w 45 -tip {-BALTIP {$al(MC,tplent1)} -MAXEXP 1}}} {.CbxKey + L 1 1 {-st w} {-tvar ::alited::unit_tpl::tplkey -postcommand alited::unit_tpl::GetKeyList -state readonly -h 16 -w 16 -tip {-BALTIP {$al(MC,tplent3)} -MAXEXP 1} -onevent {<FocusOut> "alited::unit_tpl::ClearCbx %w"}}} {fratex fra1 T 10 10 {-st nsew -rw 1 -cw 1} {}} {.TexTpl - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both} {-h 10 -w 80 -tip {-BALTIP {$al(MC,tplent2)} -MAXEXP 1} -onevent { <FocusIn> "alited::unit_tpl::InText %w"}}} {.sbvTpl + L - - pack {}} {fra2 fratex T 1 10 {-st nsew} {-padding {5 5 5 5} -relief groove}} {.labBA - - - - {pack -side left} {-t "Place after:"}} {.radA - - - - {pack -side left -padx 8} {-t "line" -var ::alited::unit_tpl::place -value 1 -tip {-BALTIP {$al(MC,tplaft1)} -UNDER 4}}} {.radB - - - - {pack -side left -padx 8} {-t "unit" -var ::alited::unit_tpl::place -value 2 -tip {-BALTIP {$al(MC,tplaft2)} -UNDER 4}}} {.radC - - - - {pack -side left -padx 8} {-t "cursor" -var ::alited::unit_tpl::place -value 3 -tip {-BALTIP {$al(MC,tplaft3)} -UNDER 4}}} {.radD - - - - {pack -side left -padx 8} {-t "file's beginning" -var ::alited::unit_tpl::place -value 4 -tip {-BALTIP {$al(MC,tplaft4)} -UNDER 4}}} {LabMess fra2 T 1 10 {-st nsew -pady 0 -padx 3} {-style TLabelFS -onevent {<Button-1> alited::unit_tpl::ProcMessage}}} {fra3 + T 1 10 {-st nsew}} {.ButHelp - - - - {pack -side left} {-t {$al(MC,help)} -tip F1 -com alited::unit_tpl::Help}} {.h_ - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both}} {.butOK - - - - {pack $forget -side left -padx 2} {-t "$al(MC,select)" -com alited::unit_tpl::Ok}} {.butCancel - - - - {pack -side left} {-t $::alited::unit_tpl::BUTEXIT -com alited::unit_tpl::Cancel}} } set tree [$obTpl TreeTpl] $tree heading C1 -text [msgcat::mc Template] $tree heading C2 -text [msgcat::mc {Hot keys}] UpdateTree no Select SyntaxText [$obTpl TexTpl] bind $win <F1> "[$obTpl ButHelp] invoke" if {[llength $tpllist]} {set foc $tree} {set foc [$obTpl EntTpl]} if {[set il $::alited::unit::ilast] > -1} { Select $il after idle "alited::unit_tpl::Select $il" ;# just to highlight } after 500 ::alited::unit_tpl::HelpMe ;# show an introduction after a short pause set geo {-resizable 1 -minsize {640 480}} if {$geom ne {}} { set geo $geom } elseif {$tplgeometry ne {}} { append geo " -geometry $tplgeometry" } set res [$obTpl showModal $win -onclose ::alited::unit_tpl::Cancel -focus $foc {*}$geo] if {$geom eq {}} { set tplgeometry [wm geometry $win] } baltip::configure {*}$tipson catch {destroy $win} $obTpl destroy if {[llength $res] < 2} {set res {}} return $res } #_______________________ proc unit_tpl::_run {{doselect yes} {geom ""}} { # Runs "Templates" dialogue. # doselect - if yes, enables "Select" action # geom - "-geometry" option for showModal variable win variable dosel if {[winfo exists $win]} {return {}} set dosel $doselect set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] alited::keys::UnBindKeys $wtxt template ReadIni set res [_create $geom] destroy $win alited::keys::BindKeys $wtxt template return $res } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #