The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: unit.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 06/30/2021 # Brief: Handles units (branches and leaves). # License: MIT. ########################################################### namespace eval unit { variable ilast -1 ;# last selection in the list of templates variable REtodel {#!*\s*TODEL} } # ________________________ Common _________________________ # proc unit::GetDeclaration {wtxt tip l1 l2} { # Gets a unit's declaration. # wtxt - text widget # tip - unit's name # l1 - 1st line of unit # l2 - last line of unit namespace upvar ::alited al al set unithead $tip if {[IsLeafRegexp] && ![catch {set unittext [$wtxt get $l1.0 $l2.end]}]} { foreach t [split $unittext \n] { if {[regexp $al(RE,proc2) $t]} { set unithead $t break } } } else { catch {set unithead [$wtxt get $l1.0 $l1.end]} } return $unithead } #_______________________ proc unit::GetHeader {wtree ID {NC ""} {wtxt ""} {tip ""} {l1 0} {l2 0}} { # Gets a header of unit: declaration + initial comments. # wtree - unit tree widget # ID - ID of item in the unit tree # NC - index of column of the unit tree # wtxt - text widget # tip - unit's name # l1 - 1st line of unit # l2 - last line of unit namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$wtree ne {}} { set tip [string trim [$wtree item $ID -text]] lassign [$wtree item $ID -values] l1 l2 - id if {!$al(TREE,isunits)} { return $l2 ;# for file tree, it's a full file name } } if {$NC eq {#1}} { set tip "[string map {al #} $id]\n$l1 - [expr {max($l1,$l2)}]" set ID {} } else { catch { if {$wtxt eq {}} { set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] } set tip2 [GetDeclaration $wtxt $tip $l1 $l2] if {[string match "*\{" $tip2] || [string match "test *" $tip2]} { set tip [string trim $tip2 " \{\\"] } if {$NC eq {}} { return $tip ;# returns a declaration only } # find first commented line, after the proc/method declaration set isleafRE [IsLeafRegexp] for {} {$l1<$l2} {} { incr l1 set line [string trim [$wtxt get $l1.0 $l1.end]] if {[string index $line end] ni [list \\ \{] && $line ni {{} # //} \ && ($isleafRE || ![regexp $al(RE,proc) $line])} { set line1 [string trimleft $line {#!;}] set line2 [string trimleft $line {/}] if {[string match #* $line] && [string trimleft $line1] ne {} && \ ![regexp $::hl_tcl::my::data(RETODO) $line]} { if {[regexp {^\s+} $line1]} {set line1 [string range $line1 1 end]} append tip \n $line1 break } elseif {[string match //* $line] && [string trimleft $line2] ne {}} { if {[regexp {^\s+} $line2]} {set line2 [string range $line2 1 end]} append tip \n $line2 if {$al(RE,proc) ne {}} break } elseif {$line ne {}} { break } } } } } return $tip } #_______________________ proc unit::UnitHeaderMode {TID} { # Gets modes for unit tree : do use RE for leaf headers and do not. # TID - tab's ID # Returns 2 flags: "Use leaf's RE" and "Use proc/method declaration". set isLeafRE [IsLeafRegexp] set isProc [expr {!$isLeafRE && \ ($TID eq {TMP} || [alited::file::IsTcl [alited::bar::FileName $TID]])}] set leafRE [LeafRegexp] list $isLeafRE $isProc $leafRE } #_______________________ proc unit::GetUnits {TID textcont} { # Gets a unit structure from a text. # TID - tab ID of the text # textcont - contents of the text # Returns a list of unit items. # An item contains: # - level # - 0 (branch) or 1 (INI,LEAF) # - title # - line1 - first text line for the item # - line2 - last text line for the item # The procedure searhes "branch" units in commented lines, e.g. for: # # ___ level 1 _____ # # ## ___ level 2 _____ ## # ### ___ level 3 _____ ### # using regexp {^\s*(#+) [_]+([^_]+)[_]+ (#+)} $line -> cmn1 title cmn2 # it extracts two comment marks (#, ## or ###) and a title (level 1/2/3). # # To search "leaf" units (containing procs and methods), another `regexp` # is used, e.g. for: # # _____ # # _____ my leaf 1 # regexp {^\s*# [_]+([^_]*)$} $line -> title # extracts a title (my leaf 1). # # If "leaf" title is empty, it's taken from the proc/method name, e.g. for # proc unit::SelectUnit {} {...} # method unit::SelectUnit {} {...} # regexp {^\s*(proc|method)\s+([[:alnum:]_:]+)\s.+} $line -> type title # extracts a type (proc/method) and a title (unit::SelectUnit). # The last non-empty group is taken for the title. namespace upvar ::alited al al set retlist [set item [set title [list]]] set textcont [split $textcont \n] set llen [llength $textcont] lappend textcont "" ;# to save a last unit to the retlist lassign [UnitHeaderMode $TID] isLeafRE isProc leafRE set i [set lev [set leaf [set icomleaf -1]]] foreach line $textcont { incr i set flag1 0 if {[set flag [regexp $al(RE,branch) $line -> cmn1 title]]} { # a branch set leaf [set icomleaf 0] set lev [expr {max(0,[string length $cmn1]-1)}] } elseif { \ $isProc && [regexp $al(RE,proc) $line -> t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7] || \ $isLeafRE && [regexp $leafRE $line -> t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7]} { set title $t1 ;# default title: just after found string foreach t {t7 t6 t5 t4 t3 t2} { if {[set _ [set $t]] ne ""} { set title $_ ;# last non-empty group of others is a real title break } } if {[set cl [string last :: $title]]>-1 && [set cl [string last :: $title $cl]]>-1} { # let only a last namespace be present in the titles set title [string range $title $cl+2 end] } set flag1 $al(INI,LEAF) set flag [set leaf 1] } else { set flag [expr {$i>=$llen}] } if {$flag} { if {[llength $item]} { set l1 [expr {[lindex $item 4]-1}] if {$l1>0 && ![llength $retlist]} { # first found at line>1 => create a starting leaf set treeID [alited::tree::NewItemID [incr iit]] lappend retlist [list $lev 1 $al(INI,LEAF) "" 1 $l1 $treeID] } lassign [lindex $retlist end] levE leafE flE namE l1E - treeIDE lassign $item levC leafC flC namC l1C if {$flE eq "1" && $flC eq "0" && $levE==$levC && $leafE==$leafC} { # found a named previous leaf if {$namE eq ""} {set namE $namC} # update the named leaf set retlist [lreplace $retlist end end \ [list $levE $leafE $flE $namE $l1E $i $treeIDE]] } else { # add l2 (last line of unit), ID of unit set treeID [alited::tree::NewItemID [incr iit]] lappend retlist [lappend item $i $treeID] } } # prepare an item for saving set item [list \ [expr {$lev+$leaf}] $leaf $flag1 [string trim $title " #"] [expr {$i+1}]] } } if {![llength $retlist]} { set name [file tail [alited::bar::FileName $TID]] set name [string map [list %f $name] $al(MC,alloffile)] set treeID [alited::tree::NewItemID [incr iit]] lappend retlist [list 1 1 1 $name 1 $llen $treeID] } return $retlist } #_______________________ proc unit::SwitchUnits {} { # Switches between last two active units. namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[llength $al(FAV,visited)]<2} return lassign [lindex $al(FAV,visited) 1 4] name fname header if {[set TID [alited::favor::OpenSelectedFile $fname]] eq {}} return alited::favor::GoToUnit $TID $name $header } #_______________________ proc unit::RecreateUnits {TID wtxt} { # Recreates the internal tree of units. # TID - tab's ID # wtxt - text's path namespace upvar ::alited al al set al(_unittree,$TID) [GetUnits $TID [$wtxt get 1.0 {end -1 char}]] } #_______________________ proc unit::LeafRegexp {} { # Gets "leaf's regexp" setting. namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$al(prjuseleafRE) && $al(prjleafRE) ne {}} { return $al(prjleafRE) } return $al(RE,leaf) } #_______________________ proc unit::IsLeafRegexp {} { # Checks for using "leaf's regexp" setting. namespace upvar ::alited al al set al(prjuseleafRE) [string is true -strict $al(prjuseleafRE)] if {$al(prjuseleafRE) && $al(prjleafRE) ne {}} { set res 1 } else { set res [expr {$al(RE,leaf) ne {} && $al(INI,LEAF)}] } return $res } #_______________________ proc unit::UnitRegexp {} { # Gets RE to check unit's beginning. namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[IsLeafRegexp]} { return [LeafRegexp] } return $al(RE,proc2) } # ________________________ Templates _________________________ # proc unit::TemplateMap {str} { # Maps a string using template wildcards. # str - string to map namespace upvar ::alited al al DIR DIR set sec [clock seconds] set fname [alited::bar::FileName] return [alited::Map {} $str \ %d [alited::tool::FormatDate $sec] \ %t [clock format $sec -format $al(TPL,%t) -locale $::alited::al(LOCAL)] \ %u $al(TPL,%u) \ %U $al(TPL,%U) \ %m $al(TPL,%m) \ %w $al(TPL,%w) \ %F $fname \ %f [file tail $fname] \ %n [file rootname [file tail $fname]] \ %A $DIR \ %M $al(EM,mnudir) \ ] } #_______________________ proc unit::TemplateData {wtxt l1 l2 tpldata} { # Replaces the template wildcards with data of current text and unit. # wtxt - text's path # l1 - 1st line of current unit # l2 - last line of current unit # tpldata - template namespace upvar ::alited al al DIR DIR MNUDIR MNUDIR lassign $tpldata tex pos place set sec [clock seconds] set fname [alited::bar::FileName] set tex [TemplateMap $tex] # get a list of proc/method's arguments: # from "proc pr {ar1 ar2 ar3} " and a template " # %a -\n" # to get # # ar1 - # # ar2 - # # ar3 - set unithead [GetDeclaration $wtxt {} $l1 $l2] set unithead [string trim $unithead "\{ "] lassign [split $unithead "\{"] proc set iarg [string range $unithead [string length $proc] end] catch { set ipad [obj leadingSpaces [$wtxt get $l1.0 $l1.end]] if {![IsLeafRegexp]} { incr ipad [obj leadingSpaces $tex] } set pad [string repeat " " $ipad] set tpla $pad[string map [list \\n \n] $al(TPL,%a)] set oarg [set st1 ""] if {[string match \{*\} $iarg]} {set iarg [string range $iarg 1 end-1]} foreach a [list {*}$iarg] { lassign $a a set a [string trim $a "\{\} "] if {$a ne {}} { set st [string map [list %a $a] $tpla] if {$st1 eq ""} {set st1 $st} append oarg $st } } if {[string first %a $tex]>-1} { set tex $pad[string trimleft $tex] set place 0 set pos 1.[string length $st1] } set tex [string map [list \\n \n %a $oarg] $tex] } set ll1 [string length $tex] set tex [string map [list %p [lindex $proc 1]] $tex] set ll2 [string length $tex] if {[set ll [expr {$ll2-$ll1}]]} { lassign [split $pos .] r c if {[string is digit -strict $c]} { set pos $r.[expr {$c+$ll}] } } list $tex $pos $place } #_______________________ proc unit::InsertTemplate {tpldata {dobreak yes}} { # Inserts a template into a current text. # tpldata - template # dobreak - if yes, means "called from bindings, should return -code break" # for noname file - save it beforehand, as templates refer to a file name if {[alited::file::IsNoName [alited::bar::FileName]]} { if {![alited::file::SaveFile]} { if {$dobreak} {return -code break} return } } set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] lassign [alited::tree::CurrentItemByLine "" 1] itemID - - - - l1 l2 lassign [TemplateData $wtxt $l1 $l2 $tpldata] tex posc place lassign [split $posc .] -> col0 switch $place { 0 { ;# returned by TemplateData: after a declaration set pos0 [expr {$l1+1}].0 } 4 { ;# after 1st line set pos0 1.0 } 3 { ;# after cursor set pos0 [$wtxt index insert] } 2 { ;# after unit if {$l2 ne ""} { set pos0 [$wtxt index "$l2.0 +1 line linestart"] if {[string index $tex end] ne "\n"} {append tex \n} lassign [CorrectPos $wtxt $tex $posc $pos0 {}] tex pos0 posc lassign [split $posc .] -> col0 } else { set place 1 } } default { ;# after line set place 1 } } if {$place == 1} { set pos0 [$wtxt index "insert +1 line linestart"] set posi [$wtxt index "insert linestart"] lassign [CorrectPos $wtxt $tex $posc $pos0 $posi] tex pos0 posc lassign [split $posc .] -> col0 if {[string index $tex end] ne "\n"} {append tex \n} } set posc "[expr {int($posc)-1}].$col0" set posc [::apave::p+ $pos0 $posc] $wtxt insert $pos0 $tex ::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt $posc alited::main::UpdateAll after idle alited::main::FocusText if {$dobreak} {return -code break} } #_______________________ proc unit::CorrectPos {wtxt tex posc pos0 posi} { # Corrects an insert position, counting the insertion point's indentation. # wtxt - current text widget # tex - template's text # posc - relative position of cursor # pos0 - position of insertion # posi - cursor position namespace upvar ::alited al al variable REtodel set tlist [split $tex \n] set indent1 0 foreach t $tlist { if {[set t [string trim $t]] ne {}} { set indent1 [obj leadingSpaces $t] ;# indentation of the template break } } set pos1 [expr {int([$wtxt index $pos0])}] set line2 [$wtxt get $pos1.0 $pos1.end] if {$posi eq {}} { set indent2 [obj leadingSpaces $line2] ;# indentation of the insert point } else { set posi [expr {int($posi)}] set linei [string trimright [$wtxt get $posi.0 $posi.end]] set indent2 [obj leadingSpaces $linei] if {$linei eq {}} { foreach i {+0 +1 +2 -1 -2} { set i [expr $posi$i] set ind [obj leadingSpaces [$wtxt get $i.0 $i.end]=] if {$ind} { set indent2 $ind break } } } } lassign [split $posc .] pl pc # If 1st line of the template is underlined, we place it under a previous # unit's closing brace. But if the insertion point is already underlined # or is a branch, we move 1st line of the template to its end. # Or remove it at all, at the end of branch. set line1 [lindex $tlist 0] set under {^\s*#\s?_+$} if {[regexp $under $line1]} { set isund [expr {[regexp $under $line2] || [regexp $al(RE,leaf2) $line2]}] while {[incr pos1 -1]>1} { set line [string trim [$wtxt get $pos1.0 $pos1.end]] if {$line ne {}} { if {[regexp $under $line] || [regexp $al(RE,leaf2) $line]} { set tex [string range $tex [string first \n $tex] end] set len1 [llength $tlist] set len2 [llength [split [string trimleft $tex] \n]] set tex \n[string trim $tex]\n if {!$isund} {append tex $line1 \n} incr pl [expr {$len2-$len1+1}] ;# cursor position changed too set posc $pl.$pc } elseif {$line ne "\}"} { if {$isund} {append tex \n} break } set pos0 [$wtxt index "$pos1.0 + 1 line"] break } } } Source_unit_tpl # indent the template & increment the cursor position if {![regexp $REtodel $tex] && $indent1<$indent2} { incr indent2 -$indent1 set indent [string repeat { } $indent2] lassign [split $posc .] pl pc set posc $pl.[incr pc $indent2] foreach t [split $tex \n] { if {[incr _cnt]==1} {set tex {}} {append tex \n} if {$t ne {}} {set t $indent$t} append tex $t } } list $tex $pos0 $posc } #_______________________ proc unit::Source_unit_tpl {} { # Sources unit_tpl.tcl. if {![namespace exists ::alited::unit_tpl]} { namespace eval ::alited { source [file join $SRCDIR unit_tpl.tcl] } } } #_______________________ proc unit::Run_unit_tpl {args} { # Runs Templates dialogue. Source_unit_tpl return [::alited::unit_tpl::_run {*}$args] } #_______________________ proc unit::Add {} { # Runs a dialog "Add Template" and adds a chosen template to a text. set res [Run_unit_tpl] if {$res ne {}} {InsertTemplate $res no} alited::keys::BindKeys [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] template } #_______________________ proc unit::Delete {wtree fname sy} { # Deletes a unit from a text. # wtree - unit tree's path # fname - file name # sy - relative Y-coordinate for a query namespace upvar ::alited al al set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set selection [$wtree selection] set wasdel no if {[set llen [llength $selection]]>1} { set dlg yesnocancel set dlgopts [list -ch $al(MC,noask)] } else { set dlg yesno set dlgopts [alited::tree::syOption $sy] } set ans 1 for {set i $llen} {$i} {} { # delete units from the text's bottom (text selection is sorted by items) incr i -1 set ID [lindex $selection $i] set name [$wtree item $ID -text] set msg [string map [list %n $name %f [file tail $fname]] $al(MC,delitem)] if {$ans<11} { set ans [alited::msg $dlg ques $msg YES {*}$dlgopts] } switch $ans { 0 - 12 break 1 - 11 { lassign [$wtree item $ID -values] l1 l2 set ind2 [$wtxt index "$l2.end +1 char"] $wtxt delete $l1.0 $ind2 set wasdel yes } } } } ## ________________________ Type templates _________________________ ## proc unit::PutTypeTemplate {wtxt} { # Inserts a type template depending on a current chars at the cursor. # wtxt - text's path if {[set word [alited::find::GetWordOfText]] ne {}} { set idxr [$wtxt index insert] set idxl "$idxr -[string length $word] c" set wordleft [$wtxt get $idxl $idxr] if {$wordleft eq $word && [set tpl [GetTypeTemplate $word]] ne {}} { undoIn $wtxt $wtxt replace $idxl $idxr $tpl AfterInsertingTypeTemplate $wtxt $idxl $tpl return -code break } } } #_______________________ proc unit::InsertTypeTemplate {word} { # Inserts a type template at the cursor. # word - template's word if {[set tpl [GetTypeTemplate $word]] ne {}} { set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set idxl [$wtxt index insert] undoIn $wtxt $wtxt insert $idxl $tpl AfterInsertingTypeTemplate $wtxt $idxl $tpl } } #_______________________ proc unit::AfterInsertingTypeTemplate {wtxt idxl tpl} { # Actions after inserting type template. # wtxt - text's path # idxl - insertion index # tpl - template's contents if {[set i [string first `` $tpl]]>-1} { set idxl [$wtxt index "$idxl +$i c"] $wtxt replace $idxl [$wtxt index "$idxl +2 c"] {} ::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt $idxl } undoOut $wtxt alited::main::UpdateAll } #_______________________ proc unit::GetTypeTemplate {word} { # Gets a template's content. # word - template's word namespace upvar ::alited al al set res {} set ttdict [ReadTypeTemplate] if {[dict exists $ttdict $word]} { foreach line [dict get $ttdict $word] { if {$res ne {}} {append res \n} append res $line } } string map [list ``` {}] $res } #_______________________ proc unit::TypeTemplateFiles {} { # Lists files of type template directory. namespace upvar ::alited al al if {![info exists al(_TypeTemplateDir)]} { set tpldir [CreateTypeTemplateFiles] set al(_TypeTemplateDir) [list] foreach fn [glob -nocomplain [file join $tpldir *]] { lappend al(_TypeTemplateDir) $fn } } return $al(_TypeTemplateDir) } #_______________________ proc unit::CreateTypeTemplateFiles {} { # Creates type template files, if they don't exist. namespace upvar ::alited DATADIR DATADIR USERDIR USERDIR set aledir [file join $DATADIR typetpl] set tpldir [file join $USERDIR typetpl] if {![file exists $tpldir]} { if {[catch {file copy $aledir $tpldir} err]} { alited::Message $err 4 } } return $tpldir } #_______________________ proc unit::ReadTypeTemplate {} { # Reads all template contents for the current edited file. namespace upvar ::alited al al set type [alited::EditExt] if {![info exists al(_TypeTemplateFile,$type)]} { set al(_TypeTemplateFile,$type) [dict create] set ttsection \[alited: foreach fn [TypeTemplateFiles] { # find the current file type among template files: # template file rootname can be "htm,html,css" if {[regexp "\(^|,\)$type\(,|$\)" [file rootname $fn]]} { set fcont [CheckTypeTemplate $fn] set tt {} foreach line $fcont { set linetr [string trim $line] if {[string first $ttsection $linetr]==0 \ && [string index $linetr end] eq "\]"} { set tt [string range $linetr [string length $ttsection] end-1] set tt [set ttl [string trim $tt]] if {[set i [string first { } $tt]]>0} { set tt [string range $tt 0 $i] } set tt [string trim $tt] dict set al(_TypeTemplateFile,$type) $tt [list] ;# template's contents dict set al(_TypeTemplateFile,$type) $tt,ttl $ttl ;# template's title } elseif {$tt ne {}} { dict lappend al(_TypeTemplateFile,$type) $tt $line } } break } } } return $al(_TypeTemplateFile,$type) } #_______________________ proc unit::CheckTypeTemplate {fname} { # Checks the type template's version. # If it's obsolete, updates it from alited's source. # fname - type template file name namespace upvar ::alited DATADIR DATADIR set fcont [textsplit [string trimleft [readTextFile $fname]]] set fverAle 1.1 set fverCur [string trim [lindex $fcont 0] { []}] set fnameAle [file join $DATADIR typetpl [file tail $fname]] if {$fverAle > $fverCur && [file exists $fnameAle]} { set fcont [textsplit [readTextFile $fnameAle]] if {[catch {file copy -force $fnameAle $fname} err]} { alited::Message $err 4 } } return $fcont } #_______________________ proc unit::OpenTypeTemplate {} { # Opens type template(s) for editing. namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set tpldir [CreateTypeTemplateFiles] set ::alited::al(TMPfname) {} set fnames [$obPav chooser tk_getOpenFile ::alited::al(TMPfname) \ -initialdir $tpldir -parent $al(WIN) -multiple 1] unset ::alited::al(TMPfname) foreach fn [lreverse [lsort $fnames]] { alited::file::OpenFile $fn yes } } #_______________________ proc unit::FillTypeTplMenu {} { # Fills "Type Templates" submenu. namespace upvar ::alited al al set ttdict [ReadTypeTemplate] set m $al(TYPETPLMENU) catch {$m delete 2 end} if {$ttdict ne {}} { $m add separator foreach ttl [lsort [dict keys $ttdict]] { if {[set i [string first ,ttl $ttl]]>0} { set tt [string range $ttl 0 [incr i -1]] set it [dict get $ttdict $ttl] if {[incr idx] % 25} {set cbr {}} {set cbr {-columnbreak 1}} $m add command -label $it \ -command [list alited::unit::InsertTypeTemplate $tt] {*}$cbr } } } } # ________________________ Moving units _________________________ # proc unit::DropUnits {wtree fromIDs toID} { # Moves unit(s) from one location in the unit tree to other. # wtree - unit tree's path # fromIDs - IDs of tree item "to move from" # toID - ID of tree item "to move to" namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav set tree [alited::tree::GetTree] set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set wtree [$obPav Tree] undoIn $wtxt # firstly, cut all moved lines set ijust 0 set movedlines [list] # we must cut from below, so sort units reversely: set fromIDs [lsort -decreasing -dictionary $fromIDs] set headers [list] foreach fromID $fromIDs { if {$fromID eq $toID} continue # simply for each unit: find its moved lines and a destination line set i1 [set i2 [set io 0]] foreach item $tree { lassign $item lev cnt id title values lassign $values l1 l2 prl id lev leaf fl1 if {$id eq $fromID} { set i1 $l1 set i2 $l2 } elseif {$id eq $toID} { set io $l1 } } if {$i1 && $i2 && $io} { lappend headers [GetHeader $wtree $fromID] # if the unit is above the destination, the destination should be adjusted if {$i2<$io} {set ijust [expr {$ijust-$i2+$i1-1}]} set ind2 [$wtxt index "$i2.end +1 char"] set lines [$wtxt get $i1.0 $ind2] $wtxt delete $i1.0 $ind2 # the cut lines are saved, to paste them afterwards lappend movedlines $lines } } # secondly, paste all moved lines if {[llength $movedlines]} { incr io $ijust foreach lines $movedlines { $wtxt insert $io.0 $lines } ::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt $io.0 alited::main::UpdateAll $headers alited::main::FocusText } undoOut $wtxt } #_______________________ proc unit::MoveL1L2 {wtxt i1 i2 io {dosep yes}} { # Moves a text lines to other location. # wtxt - text widget's path # i1 - first line to be moved # i2 - last line to be moved # io - destination line (to insert the moved lines before) # dosep - yes, if "edit separator" is required # Returns a position of destination line, if the moving was successful. set ind2 [$wtxt index "$i2.end +1 char"] if {($i1<=$io && $io<=$i2) || $io<1 || $i1<1 || $i2<1 || \ [set linesmoved [$wtxt get $i1.0 $ind2]] eq ""} { return "" ;# nothing to do } if {$dosep} {undoIn $wtxt} $wtxt delete $i1.0 $ind2 if {$io>$i2} { # 3. i1 if moved below, the moved (deleted) lines change 'io', so # 4. i2 'io' is shifted up (by range of moved lines i.e. i1-i2-1) # 5. # 6. io resulting io = io-(i2-i1+1) = io+i1-i2-1 (6+3-4-1=4) set io [expr {$io+$i1-$i2-1}] } if {$io == int([$wtxt index end])} { # "If index refers to the end of the text (the character after the last newline) # then the new text is inserted just before the last newline instead." # (The text manual page) $wtxt insert "end" \n$linesmoved $wtxt delete [$wtxt index "end -1 char"] end } else { $wtxt insert $io.0 $linesmoved } if {$dosep} {undoOut $wtxt} return $io } #_______________________ proc unit::MoveUnit {wtree to hd headers f1112 {dosep yes}} { # Moves a unit up/down the unit tree. # wtree - unit tree's path # to - direction (up/down) # hd - header of the moved unit # headers - headers of all selected units # f1112 - yes, if run by F11/F12 keys # dosep - yes, if "edit separator" is required namespace upvar ::alited al al set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set tree [alited::tree::GetTree] set itemID [SearchByHeader $hd] set newparent [set oldparent {}] set newlev [set oldlev [set iold -1]] set i1 [set i2 [set io 0]] foreach item $tree { lassign $item lev cnt id title values lassign $values l1 l2 prl id lev leaf fl1 if {$id eq $itemID} { set oldlev $lev set i1 $l1 set i2 $l2 if {$to eq "up"} break } elseif {$to ne "up" && $oldlev>-1} { set io [expr {$l2+1}] break } set io $l1 } if {$io<$al(INI,LINES1)} { set msg [string map [list %n $al(INI,LINES1)] $al(MC,introln2)] if {$f1112} {set geo ""} else {set geo "-geometry pointer+10+10"} alited::msg ok err $msg -title $al(MC,introln1) {*}$geo return no } if {[set pos [MoveL1L2 $wtxt $i1 $i2 $io $dosep]] ne {}} { ::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt [expr {int($pos)}].0 alited::tree::RecreateTree $wtree $headers } else { return no } return yes } #_______________________ proc unit::MoveUnits {wtree to itemIDs f1112} { # Moves selected units up/down the unit tree. # wtree - unit tree's path # to - direction (up/down) # itemIDs - tree item IDs of selected units # f1112 - yes, if run by F11/F12 keys namespace upvar ::alited al al # update the unit tree, to act for sure alited::tree::RecreateTree # check the moved units for the consistency of braces set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] foreach ID $itemIDs { lassign [$wtree item $ID -values] l1 l2 - id set cc1 [set cc2 0] foreach line [split [$wtxt get $l1.0 $l2.end] \n] { incr cc1 [::apave::countChar $line \{] incr cc2 [::apave::countChar $line \}] } if {$cc1!=$cc2} { set tip [string trim [$wtree item $ID -text]] set msg [string map [list %n $tip %1 $cc1 %2 $cc2] $al(MC,errmove)] alited::Message $msg 4 return } } if {$to eq {move}} { DropUnits $wtree $itemIDs $f1112 return } set al(RECREATE) 0 set headers [list] foreach ID $itemIDs { set hd [GetHeader $wtree $ID] if {$to eq {up}} { lappend headers $hd } else { set headers [linsert $headers 0 $hd] } } # move items one by one, by their headers undoIn $wtxt foreach hd $headers { if {![MoveUnit $wtree $to $hd $headers $f1112 no]} { break } } undoOut $wtxt set com "set ::alited::al(RECREATE) 1; alited::tree::RecreateTree" if {[set sel [$wtree selection]] ne {}} { append com "; $wtree selection set {$sel}" } after idle $com } # ________________________ Search _________________________ # proc unit::SearchInBranch {unit {branch {}}} { # Checks whether a unit is in a branch. # unit - ID of the unit # branch - the branch or its ID # If *branch* is omitted, searches in all of the tree. # If *branch* is set as ID, the branch is fetched from this ID. # Returns the unit's index in the branch or -1 if not found. if {[llength $branch]<2} { set branch [alited::tree::GetTree $branch] } return [lsearch -exact -index 2 $branch $unit] } #_______________________ proc unit::SearchByHeader {header} { # Gets tree item ID of a units by its header (declaration+initial comment). namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav set wtree [$obPav Tree] foreach item [alited::tree::GetTree] { set ID [lindex $item 2] set header2 [GetHeader $wtree $ID] if {$header eq $header2} {return $ID} } return {} } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #