The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: file.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 06/29/2021 # Brief: Handles files and file tree. # License: MIT. ########################################################### #package require control namespace eval file { variable ansSave 0 variable ansOpen 0 variable firstSave -1 variable ansOpenOfDir 0 } # _________________________ Common ________________________ # proc file::IsModified {{TID ""}} { # Checks if a text of tab is modified. # TID - ID of tab if {$TID eq ""} {set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID]} expr {[lsearch -index 0 [alited::bar::BAR listFlag m] $TID]>-1} } #_______________________ proc file::IsNoName {fname} { # Checks if a file name is "No name". # fname - file name namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[file tail $fname] in [list $al(MC,nofile) {No name} {}]} { return yes } return no } #_______________________ proc file::IsSaved {TID args} { # Checks if a file is modified and if yes, offers to save it. # TID - ID of tab # args - options of dialogue # The appearance of dialogue is controled by $ansSave and $firstSave: # if $ansSave>10, no dialogue at all, meaning the answer = $ansSave # if $firstSave==-1, no "No ask anymore" (if run by "Close" menu item or "x" icon of tabbar) # Returns 1 for "yes, needs saving", 2 - "no saving", 0 - "cancel". variable ansSave variable firstSave namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[IsModified $TID]} { set tname [alited::bar::TabName $TID] if {$ansSave<10} { if {$firstSave==-1} { set ch {} } else { # the option for "save/not save other changed files, without further questions" set ch [list -ch $al(MC,noask)] } set ansSave [alited::msg yesnocancel warn [string map [list %f $tname] \ $al(MC,notsaved)] YES -title $al(MC,saving) {*}$ch {*}$args] } return $ansSave } return 2 ;# as if "No" chosen } #_______________________ proc file::MakeThemHighlighted {{tabs ""} {wtxt ""}} { # Sets flag "highlight file(s) anyway". # tabs - list of tabs to set the flag for # wtxt - text path (if set, it is flagged only) # Useful when you need update the files' highlightings. namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$wtxt eq {}} { if {$tabs eq {}} { set tabs [alited::bar::BAR listTab] } foreach tab $tabs { if {[set w [alited::main::GetWTXT [lindex $tab 0]]] ne {}} { lappend wtxt $w } } } foreach w $wtxt {set al(HL,$w) ..} } #_______________________ proc file::ToBeHighlighted {wtxt} { # Checks flag "highlight text anyway". # wtxt - text's path namespace upvar ::alited al al return [expr {![info exists al(HL,$wtxt)] || $al(HL,$wtxt) eq {..}}] } #_______________________ proc file::FileAttrs {TID} { # Returns a file attributes: name & time. # TID - tab's ID namespace upvar ::alited al al set fname [alited::bar::FileName $TID] lassign [alited::bar::BAR $TID cget --mtime --mtimefile] mtime mtimefile set isfile [file exists $fname] if {$isfile} { set curtime [file mtime $fname] } elseif {$fname ne $al(MC,nofile)} { set curtime ? } else { set curtime {} } list $fname $isfile $mtime $mtimefile $curtime } #_______________________ proc file::OutwardChange {TID {docheck yes}} { # Checks for change of file by an external application. # TID - ID of tab # docheck - yes for "do check", no for "just save the file's mtime" namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[winfo exists .em] || [info exists al(_NO_OUTWARD_)]} { return ;# no actions if "internal" e_menu is open } if {$docheck && $TID ne [alited::bar::CurrentTabID]} { return ;# not a current tab: no questions } lassign [FileAttrs $TID] fname isfile mtime mtimefile curtime if {$docheck && $mtime ne {} && $curtime ne $mtime && $fname eq $mtimefile} { if {$isfile} { set msg [string map [list %f [file tail $fname]] $al(MC,modiffile)] } else { set msg [string map [list %f [file tail $fname]] $al(MC,wasdelfile)] } # at any answer, the tab should be marked as "modified" alited::bar::BAR markTab $TID alited::edit::CheckSaveIcons yes if {[alited::msg yesno warn $msg YES -title $al(MC,saving)]} { if {$isfile} { set wtxt [alited::main::GetWTXT $TID] set pos [$wtxt index insert] set filecont [ReadFile $TID $fname 1] ;# let Undo be possible $wtxt replace 1.0 end $filecont catch { ::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt $pos ::alited::main::CursorPos $wtxt } alited::main::UpdateAll alited::main::FocusText } else { alited::bar::BAR $TID configure --mtime {} SaveFileAs $TID if {[catch {set curtime [file mtime $fname]}]} {set curtime {}} } } set do_update_tree yes lassign [FileAttrs $TID] fname isfile mtime mtimefile curtime } alited::bar::BAR $TID configure --mtime $curtime --mtimefile $fname \ -tip [FileStat $fname] if {[info exists do_update_tree]} { if {$al(TREE,isunits)} {set fname {}} ::alited::tree::RecreateTree {} $fname } } #_______________________ proc file::IsTcl {fname} { # Checks if a file is of Tcl. # fname - file name if {[string tolower [file extension $fname]] in $::alited::al(TclExts)} { return yes } return no } #_______________________ proc file::IsClang {fname} { # Checks if a file is of C/C++. # fname - file name if {[string tolower [file extension $fname]] in $::alited::al(ClangExts)} { return yes } return no } #_______________________ proc file::IsUnitFile {fname} { # Checks if a file has a unit tree. # fname - file name return [expr {[IsTcl $fname]}] } #_______________________ proc file::ReadFileByTID {TID {getcont no}} { # Reads a file of tab, if needed. # TID - ID of the tab # getcont - if yes, returns a content of the file namespace upvar ::alited al al if {![info exist al(_unittree,$TID)]} { return [ReadFile $TID [alited::bar::FileName $TID]] } if {$getcont} { set wtxt [alited::main::GetWTXT $TID] return [$wtxt get 1.0 "end - 1 chars"] } } #_______________________ proc file::FileSize {bsize} { # Formats a file's size. # bsize - file size in bytes set res "$bsize bytes" set bsz $bsize foreach m {Kb Mb Gb Tb} { if {$bsz<1024} break set rsz [expr {$bsz/1024.0}] set res "[format %.1f $rsz] $m ($bsize bytes)" set bsz [expr {int($bsz/1024)}] } return $res } #_______________________ proc file::FileStat {fname} { # Gets a file's attributes: times & size. # fname - file name # Returns a string with file name and attributes divided by \n. # See also: bar::ColorBar set res {} array set ares {} if {$::alited::al(TREE,showinfo)} { if {![catch {file stat $fname ares} err]} { set dtf "%D %T" set res "\n\ \nCreated: [clock format $ares(ctime) -format $dtf]\ \nModified: [clock format $ares(mtime) -format $dtf]\ \nAccessed: [clock format $ares(atime) -format $dtf]\ \nSize: [FileSize $ares(size)]" } else { set res \n\n[string map [list {: } :\n \" ''] $err] } } return [append fname $res] } #_______________________ proc file::UpdateFileStat {} { # Updates tips in tab bar (file info). foreach tab [alited::bar::BAR listTab] { set TID [lindex $tab 0] set fname [alited::bar::FileName $TID] alited::bar::BAR $TID configure -tip [FileStat $fname] } alited::ini::SaveIni } #_______________________ proc file::SbhText {} { # Shows/hides the horizontal scrollbar of the text. namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {[info exist al(isSbhText)]} { set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set wfra [$obPav FraSbh] set wsbh [$obPav SbhText] set wrap [$wtxt cget -wrap] if {$wrap eq {word}} { if {$al(isSbhText)} {pack forget $wfra} set al(isSbhText) no } else { if {!$al(isSbhText)} { if {![info exist al(isfindunit)] || !$al(isfindunit)} { pack $wfra -side bottom -fill x -after [$obPav GutText] } else { pack forget [$obPav FraHead] pack $wfra -side bottom -fill x -after [$obPav GutText] pack [$obPav FraHead] -side bottom -fill x -pady 3 -after [$obPav GutText] } } $wtxt configure -xscrollcommand "$wsbh set" $wsbh configure -command "$wtxt xview" set al(isSbhText) yes } } } #_______________________ proc file::WrapLines {{wrapnone no}} { # Switches wrap word mode for a current text. # wrapnone - yes, if 'none' wrapping is needed namespace upvar ::alited al al set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set al(wrapwords) [expr {!$wrapnone && [$wtxt cget -wrap] ne {word}}] if {$al(wrapwords)} { $wtxt configure -wrap word } else { $wtxt configure -wrap none } if {![info exist al(isSbhText)]} {set al(isSbhText) no} SbhText alited::ini::SaveIni } #_______________________ proc file::Encoding {{fname ""} {enc ""}} { # Gets/sets a file's encoding. # fname - file's name # enc - if "", gets the encoding, otherwise sets the encoding of the file. namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$fname eq {}} {set fname [alited::bar::FileName]} if {$enc ne {}} { set al(ENCODING,$fname) $enc } else { if {[info exists al(ENCODING,$fname)]} { set enc [list -encoding $al(ENCODING,$fname)] } else { set enc {} } } return $enc } #_______________________ proc file::EOL {{fname ""} {eol ""}} { # Gets/sets a file's translation. # fname - file's name # eol - if "", gets the translation, otherwise sets the translation of the file. namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$fname eq {}} {set fname [alited::bar::FileName]} if {$eol ne {}} { set al(EOL,$fname) $eol } else { if {[info exists al(EOL,$fname)]} { set eol [list -translation $al(EOL,$fname)] } else { set eol {} } } return $eol } # ________________________ Helpers _________________________ # proc file::AllSaved {} { # Checks whether all files are saved. Saves them if not. variable ansSave variable firstSave set ansSave 0 set firstSave 1 set res 1 foreach tab [alited::bar::BAR listTab] { set TID [lindex $tab 0] switch [IsSaved $TID] { 0 { ;# "Cancel" chosen for a modified set res 0 break } 1 - 11 { ;# "Save" chosen for a modified if {![set res [SaveFile $TID yes]]} break } } } set ansSave 0 set firstSave -1 return $res } #_______________________ proc file::TreeFilename {} { # Fetches a file name selected in the file tree. # Returns a list of tree path, name in tree, the file name, its ID in tree, its TID in tabbar. namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav set wtree [$obPav Tree] set ID [$wtree selection] if {[llength $ID]!=1} { alited::msg ok err [msgcat::mc {Select one file in the tree.}] return {} } set name [$wtree item $ID -text] set fname [lindex [$wtree item $ID -values] 1] set TID [alited::bar::FileTID $fname] list $wtree $name $fname $ID $TID } #_______________________ proc file::CommandForFile2 {comm fname fname2} { # Execute a command for two files. # comm - the command # fname - 1st file name # fname2 - 2nd file name # Returns yes, if success. if {$comm in {copy rename} && [file exists $fname2]} { alited::msg ok err "$fname2\nalready exists." return no } if {[catch {file $comm -- $fname $fname2} err]} { alited::msg ok err $err -text 1 -w 60 -h {5 9} return no } return yes } #_______________________ proc file::SearchInFileTree {fname {ID {}}} { # Searches a file name in file tree. # fname - file name # ID - returned ID if file name isn't found set ltree [alited::tree::GetTree] set i [lsearch -exact -index {4 1} $ltree $fname] if {$i>-1} {set res [lindex $ltree $i 2]} {set res $ID} return $res } #_______________________ proc file::SelectFileInTree {wtree fname ID} { # Finds a file in file tree and selects it. # wtree - file tree's path # fname - file name # ID - ID of default item to select (if the file not found) alited::tree::RecreateTree $wtree - SelectInTree $wtree [SearchInFileTree $fname $ID] } #_______________________ proc file::RenameFile {TID fname {doshow yes}} { # Renames a file. # TID - ID of tab # fname - file name # doshow - flag "show the file's text" if {[file exists $fname]} { alited::bar::SetTabState $TID --fname $fname alited::bar::BAR $TID configure -text {} -tip {} set tab [alited::bar::UniqueListTab $fname] alited::bar::BAR $TID configure -text $tab -tip [FileStat $fname] if {$doshow} { alited::bar::BAR $TID show yes } } } #_______________________ proc file::DoRenameFileInTree {wtree ID fname fname2} { # Performs renaming a current file in a file tree. # wtree - file tree's path # ID - ID of the file in the file tree # fname - old file name (full) # fname2 - new file name (full) set fsplit [file split $fname] set lfnam0 [llength $fsplit] set lfnam1 [expr {$lfnam0-1}] if {![CommandForFile2 rename $fname $fname2]} return foreach tab [alited::bar::BAR listTab] { set TID [lindex $tab 0] set fname1 [alited::bar::FileName $TID] if {$fname1 eq $fname} { RenameFile $TID $fname2 no break } set fsplit1 [file split $fname1] if {[lrange $fsplit1 0 $lfnam1] == $fsplit} { # directory is renamed set fname1 [file join $fname2 {*}[lrange $fsplit1 $lfnam0 end]] RenameFile $TID $fname1 no } } alited::bar::BAR draw RecreateFileTree AfterSaving alited::main::UpdateHighlighting } #_______________________ proc file::RenameFileInTree {{undermouse yes} args} { # Renames a current file in a file tree. # undermouse - if yes, run by mouse click # args - options for query namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav obDl2 obDl2 lassign [TreeFilename] wtree name fname ID TID if {$fname eq {}} return lassign [InputFileName $al(MC,renamefile) $name $undermouse {*}$args] res name2 set name2 [string trim $name2] if {$res && $name2 ne {} && $name2 ne $name} { set fname2 [file join [file dirname $fname] $name2] DoRenameFileInTree $wtree $ID $fname $fname2 SelectFileInTree $wtree $fname2 $ID } } #_______________________ proc file::CheckForNew {{docheck no}} { # Checks if there is a file in bar of tabs and creates "No name" tab, if no tab exists. # docheck - if yes, does checking, if no - run itself with docheck=yes # See also: project::Ok namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$docheck} { if {![llength [alited::bar::BAR listTab]] && ![info exists al(project::Ok)]} { NewFile } } else { after idle {alited::file::CheckForNew yes} } } #_______________________ proc file::InputFileName {title name undermouse args} { # Dialogue to input a file name. # title - title of the dialogue # name - current file name # undermouse - yes if open under the mouse pointer # args - options for query namespace upvar ::alited obDl2 obDl2 switch -exact -- $args { {} { set args [alited::favor::GeoForQuery $undermouse] } - { set args {} } } lassign [$obDl2 input {} $title [list \ ent "{} {} {-w 32}" "{$name}"] \ -head [msgcat::mc {File name:}] {*}$args] res name list $res $name } #_______________________ proc file::CloneFile {{undermouse yes} {fromtree yes}} { # Clones a current file in a file tree. # undermouse - if yes, run by mouse click # fromtree - if yes, gets the file name from the file tree namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$fromtree} { lassign [TreeFilename] - - fname set ar {} } else { set fname [alited::bar::FileName] set ar - } if {$fname eq {} || [alited::file::IsNoName $fname]} return if {![file isfile $fname]} { alited::Balloon1 $fname return } set fname2 [CloneFileName $fname] set name [file tail $fname2] lassign [InputFileName $al(MC,clonefile) $name $undermouse {*}$ar] res name2 if {$res && $name2 ne {}} { set fname2 [file join [file dirname $fname2] $name2] if {![CommandForFile2 copy $fname $fname2]} return OpenFile $fname2 if {!$al(TREE,isunits)} {RecreateFileTree; AfterSaving} } } #_______________________ proc file::CloneFileName {fname} { # Gets a clone's name. # fname - file name # Returns the clone's file name. set tailname [file tail $fname] set ext [file extension $tailname] set root [file rootname $tailname] # possibly existing suffix in the filename set suffix {_\d+$} set suff [regexp -inline $suffix $root] set root [string range $root 0 end-[string length $suff]] set i1 2 set i2 99 if {$suff eq {}} {set suff _$i1} # find the free suffix for the clone for {set i $i1} {$i<=$i2} {incr i} { set suff [string map [list {\d+} $i \$ {}] $suffix] set fname2 [file join [file dirname $fname] $root$suff$ext] if {![file exists $fname2]} break } return $fname2 } # ________________________ "File" menu _________________________ # proc file::ReadFile {TID fname {doErr 0}} { # Reads a file, creates its unit tree. # TID - ID of tab # fname - file name # doErr - if 'true', exit at errors with error message # Returns the file's contents. namespace upvar ::alited al al set enc [Encoding $fname] append enc { } [EOL $fname] set filecont [readTextFile $fname {} $doErr {*}$enc] set al(_unittree,$TID) [alited::unit::GetUnits $TID $filecont] return $filecont } #_______________________ proc file::DisplayFile {TID fname wtxt doreload} { # Displays a file's contents. # TID - ID of tab # fname - file name # wtxt - text widget's path # doreload - if yes, forces reloading (at external changes of file) namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav # this is most critical: displayed text should correspond to the tab #control::assert {$wtxt eq [alited::main::GetWTXT $TID]} if {$wtxt ne [alited::main::GetWTXT $TID]} { puts [set msg "\n ERROR file::DisplayFile: \ \n ($TID) $wtxt != [alited::main::GetWTXT $TID] \ \n Please, notify alited's authors!\n"] return -code error $msg } # another critical point: read the file only at need if {$doreload || [set filecont [ReadFileByTID $TID yes]] eq {}} { # last check point: 0 bytes of the file => read it anyway with showing errors set filecont [ReadFile $TID $fname 1] } $obPav displayText $wtxt $filecont $obPav makePopup $wtxt no yes } #_______________________ proc file::NewFile {{fname ""}} { # Handles "New file" menu item. # fname - a file name namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[set TID [alited::bar::FileTID $al(MC,nofile)]] eq {}} { if {$fname eq {}} { set tab [set fname $al(MC,nofile)] } else { set tab [alited::bar::UniqueListTab $fname] set fname [FileStat $fname] } set TID [alited::bar::InsertTab $tab $fname] } alited::bar::BAR $TID show alited::tree::SeeTreeItem } #_______________________ proc file::OpenFile {{fnames ""} {reload no} {islist no} {Message ""}} { # Handles "Open file" menu item. # fnames - file name (if not set, asks for it) # reload - if yes, loads the file even if it has a "strange" extension # islist - if yes, *fnames* is a file list # Message - name of procedure for "open file" message # Returns the file's tab ID if it's loaded, or {} if not loaded. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable ansOpen if {$fnames eq {}} { set fnames [ChooseMultipleFiles] } elseif {!$islist} { set fnames [list $fnames] } if {[set llen [llength $fnames]]==0} {return {}} set TID {} set many [expr {$llen>1}] foreach fname $fnames { if {[file exists $fname]} { set exts $al(TclExts) append exts { } $al(ClangExts) append exts { } $al(TextExts) append exts { typetpl} set sexts [string map {. {}} " $al(TclExts)\n $al(ClangExts)\n $al(TextExts)"] set exts [string trim [string map {{ } {, } . {}} $exts]] set ext [alited::EditExt $fname] set ext [string tolower [string trim $ext .]] set esp [split [string map [list { } {} \n ,] $exts] ,] if {!$reload && $ext ni $esp && $ansOpen<11} { set msg [string map [list %f [file tail $fname] %s $sexts] $al(MC,nottoopen)] set ansOpen [alited::msg yesnocancel warn $msg YES -ch $al(MC,noask)] if {!$ansOpen || $ansOpen==12} break if {$ansOpen==2} continue } if {[set TID [alited::bar::FileTID $fname]] eq {}} { # close "no name" tab if it's the only one and not changed set tabs [alited::bar::BAR listTab] set tabm [alited::bar::BAR listFlag m] if {[llength $tabs]==1 && [llength $tabm]==0} { set tid [lindex $tabs 0 0] if {[alited::bar::FileName $tid] eq $al(MC,nofile)} { alited::bar::BAR $tid close } } # open new tab set tab [alited::bar::UniqueListTab $fname] set TID [alited::bar::InsertTab $tab [FileStat $fname]] AddRecent $fname if {$Message ne {}} { $Message "[msgcat::mc {Open file:}] $fname" } } elseif {$al(lifo)} { # in -lifo mode: move all open files to 1st position # (but if it's one file to be move, then only if it's not visible) if {(![alited::bar::BAR $TID visible] && !$many) || $many} { if {$many} { alited::bar::BAR moveTab $TID 0 ;# one tab is shown by "show" method below } set many yes } } } } if {$TID ne {} && ($al(lifo) || $TID ne [alited::bar::CurrentTabID])} { alited::bar::BAR $TID show $many $many } RecreateFileTree after 20 alited::FocusText return $TID } #_______________________ proc file::ChooseMultipleFiles {{dosort yes}} { # Choose miltiple files to open. # dosort - if yes, handles the result's sorting namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set al(TMPfname) {} set fnames [$obPav chooser tk_getOpenFile ::alited::al(TMPfname) -multiple 1 \ -initialdir [file dirname [alited::bar::CurrentTab 2]] -parent $al(WIN)] if {$dosort && $al(lifo)} {set fnames [lsort -decreasing $fnames]} unset al(TMPfname) return $fnames } #_______________________ proc file::SaveText {wtxt fname {enc ""}} { # Saves text buffer to file. # wtxt - text's path # fname - file name # enc - encoding options namespace upvar ::alited al al set fcont [$wtxt get 1.0 "end - 1 chars"] ;# last \n excluded if {![writeTextFile $fname fcont 0 1 {*}$enc]} { alited::msg ok err [::apave::error $fname] -w 50 -text 1 unset -nocomplain al(_NO_OUTWARD_) return 0 } return 1 } #_______________________ proc file::SaveFileByName {TID fname {doit no}} { # Saves a file. # TID - ID of tab # fname - file name # doit - flag "do save now, without any GUI" namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[info exists al(THIS-ENCODING)]} { set enc "-encoding $al(THIS-ENCODING)" ;# at saving "no name" } else { set enc [Encoding $fname] } if {[info exists al(THIS-EOL)]} { set eol "-translation $al(THIS-EOL)" ;# at saving "no name" } else { set eol [EOL $fname] } append enc " $eol" set al(_NO_OUTWARD_) {} set wtxt [alited::main::GetWTXT $TID] if {$al(prjtrailwhite)} {alited::edit::RemoveTrailWhites $TID yes $doit} if {![SaveText $wtxt $fname $enc]} { return 0 } unset al(_NO_OUTWARD_) alited::edit::MacroUpdate $fname OutwardChange $TID no alited::edit::BackupFile $TID if {!$doit} { $wtxt edit modified no alited::edit::Modified $TID $wtxt alited::main::HighlightText $TID $fname $wtxt RecreateFileTree } return 1 } #_______________________ proc file::SaveFile {{TID ""} {doit no}} { # Saves the current file. # TID - ID of tab # doit - flag "do save now, without any GUI" # See also: ini::SaveCurrentIni namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$TID eq {}} {set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID]} set fname [alited::bar::FileName $TID] if {[IsNoName $fname]} { return [SaveFileAs $TID] } set res [SaveFileByName $TID $fname $doit] alited::ini::SaveCurrentIni "$res && $al(INI,save_onsave)" $doit if {!$doit} AfterSaving return $res } #_______________________ proc file::SaveFileAs {{TID ""}} { # Saves the current file "as". # TID - ID of tab namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {$TID eq {}} {set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID]} set fname [set fnameorig [alited::bar::FileName $TID]] set ::alited::al(TMPfname) [file tail $fname] if {[IsNoName $fname]} { set ::alited::al(TMPfname) {} set defext .tcl set inidir $al(prjroot) } else { set defext [file extension $fname] set inidir [file dirname $fname] } set fname [$obPav chooser tk_getSaveFile ::alited::al(TMPfname) -initialdir $inidir \ -defaultextension $defext -title [msgcat::mc {Save as}] -parent $al(WIN)] unset al(TMPfname) if {[IsNoName $fname]} { set res 0 } elseif {[set res [SaveFileByName $TID $fname]]} { AddRecent $fnameorig RenameFile $TID $fname AfterSaving } return $res } #_______________________ proc file::AfterSaving {} { # Actions after saving files. alited::main::ShowHeader yes alited::tree::RecreateTree alited::tree::SeeTreeItem } #_______________________ proc file::SaveAndClose {{TID ""}} { # Saves and closes a file. # TID - tab's ID # This handles pressing Ctrl+W. # Returns yes if the file was closed. set fname [lindex $::alited::bar::ctrltablist 1] if {[IsModified $TID] && ![SaveFile $TID]} {return no} if {$TID eq {}} {set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID]} alited::bar::BAR $TID close # go to a previously viewed file if {[set TID [alited::bar::FileTID $fname]] ne {}} { alited::bar::BAR $TID show } return yes } #_______________________ proc file::CloseAndDelete {{TID ""}} { # Closes and deletes a file. # TID - tab's ID # Returns 1 for deleted, 0 for error/cancel. namespace upvar ::alited al al set fname [alited::bar::FileName $TID] if {[IsNoName $fname]} { # for a new file: to save first if modified (to think twice) if {[IsModified $TID]} {SaveFile $TID} else {SaveAndClose $TID} return 0 } set msg [string map [list %f [file tail $fname]] $al(MC,delfile)] if {[alited::msg yesno warn $msg NO]} { # to save first (for normal closing only) if {[SaveAndClose $TID]} { DeleteFile $fname FillRecent $fname if {!$al(TREE,isunits)} {alited::tree::RecreateTree {} {} yes} alited::edit::MacroUpdate $fname alited::tree::SeeTreeItem return 1 } } return 0 } #_______________________ proc file::SaveAll {} { # Saves all files. foreach tab [alited::bar::BAR listTab] { set TID [lindex $tab 0] if {[IsModified $TID]} { if {![SaveFile $TID]} {return no} } } return yes } #_______________________ proc file::Reload1 {eol} { # Reloads a current file with EOL. # eol - the end of line namespace upvar ::alited al al set eol [string trim $eol] set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] set fname [alited::bar::FileName] set dosave no if {[IsNoName $fname]} { set dosave yes } elseif {[IsModified]} { if {![info exists al(EOLASKED)] || $al(EOLASKED)<10} { set msg [msgcat::mc "Save the file:\n%F ?"] set msg [string map [list %F $fname] $msg] set al(EOLASKED) [alited::msg yesnocancel warn $msg CANCEL -ch $al(MC,noask)] if {!$al(EOLASKED)} return if {$al(EOLASKED) in {1 11}} {set dosave yes} } $wtxt edit modified no alited::edit::Modified $TID $wtxt } if {$dosave} { set al(THIS-EOL) $eol set dosave [SaveFile] unset al(THIS-EOL) if {!$dosave} return } set fname [alited::bar::FileName] set pos [$wtxt index insert] EOL $fname $eol DisplayFile $TID $fname $wtxt yes catch {::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt $pos} alited::main::UpdateProjectInfo alited::main::UpdateAll } #_______________________ proc file::Reload2 {enc} { # Reloads a current file with an encoding. # enc - the encoding namespace upvar ::alited al al lassign [split $enc] enc set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] set fname [alited::bar::FileName] set dosave no if {[IsNoName $fname]} { set dosave yes } elseif {[IsModified]} { if {![info exists al(ENCODINGASKED)] || $al(ENCODINGASKED)<10} { set msg [msgcat::mc \ "Saving and reloading \"%f\"\nwith the encoding \"%e\" may turn out to be wrong.\n\nSave the file:\n%F ?"] set msg [string map [list %e $enc %f [file tail $fname] %F $fname] $msg] set al(ENCODINGASKED) [alited::msg yesnocancel warn $msg CANCEL -ch $al(MC,noask)] if {!$al(ENCODINGASKED)} return if {$al(ENCODINGASKED) in {1 11}} {set dosave yes} } $wtxt edit modified no alited::edit::Modified $TID $wtxt } else { if {![info exists al(ENCODINGASKED2)] || $al(ENCODINGASKED2)<10} { set msg [msgcat::mc \ "Reloading \"%f\"\nwith the encoding \"%e\" may turn out to be wrong.\n\nReload the file:\n%F ?"] set msg [string map [list %e $enc %f [file tail $fname] %F $fname] $msg] set al(ENCODINGASKED2) [alited::msg yesno warn $msg YES -ch $al(MC,noask)] if {!$al(ENCODINGASKED2)} return } } if {$dosave} { set al(THIS-ENCODING) $enc set dosave [SaveFile] unset al(THIS-ENCODING) if {!$dosave} return } set fname [alited::bar::FileName] set pos [$wtxt index insert] Encoding $fname $enc DisplayFile $TID $fname $wtxt yes catch {::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt $pos} alited::main::UpdateProjectInfo alited::main::UpdateAll } # _______________________ Close file(s) _______________________ # proc file::CloseFile {TID checknew args} { # Closes a file. # TID - tab's ID # checknew - if yes, checks if new file's tab should be created # args - arguments added by bartabs # Returns 0, if a user selects "Cancel". namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav variable ansSave variable firstSave lassign [::apave::extractOptions args -withicon 0 -first -1] withicon first if {$withicon || $first} { set ansSave 0 set nmark [llength [alited::bar::BAR listFlag "m"]] if {$nmark<2 || $withicon} { set firstSave -1 if {$withicon} {lappend args -geometry pointer+-100+20} } else { set firstSave $first ;# controls "No ask anymore" checkbox at questions } } set res 1 set fname [alited::bar::FileName $TID] lassign [alited::bar::GetTabState $TID --wtxt --wsbv] wtxt wsbv if {$TID ni {{-1} {}} && $wtxt ne {}} { switch [IsSaved $TID {*}$args] { 0 { ;# "Cancel" chosen for a modified return 0 } 1 - 11 { ;# "Save" chosen for a modified set res [SaveFile $TID] } } alited::main::SaveMarks $wtxt if {$wtxt ne [$obPav Text]} { ;# let [$obPav Text] be alive, as needed by 'pack' destroy $wtxt $wsbv } if {$checknew} CheckForNew alited::ini::SaveCurrentIni $al(INI,save_onclose) after 9999 [list alited::file::ClearupOnClose $TID $wtxt $fname] } if {$al(closefunc) != 1} { ;# close func = 1 means "close all" AddRecent $fname } after idle [list alited::bar::RenameTitles $TID] after idle after 50 after idle after 50 after idle after 50 \ after idle after 50 alited::tree::UpdateFileTree return $res } #_______________________ proc file::ClearupAlTag {tag tab} { # Clears *al* array of *tag,tab* data. # tag - the tag # tab - the tab's pattern namespace upvar ::alited al al foreach n [array names al $tag,$tab] {unset al($n)} } #_______________________ proc file::ClearupOnClose {TID wtxt fname} { # Clearance after closing a file. # TID - tab's ID # wtxt - text's path # fname - file name namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav $obPav fillGutter $wtxt catch {if {[IsClang $fname]} {::hl_c::clearup $wtxt} {::hl_tcl::clearup $wtxt}} unset -nocomplain al(_unittree,$TID) ClearupAlTag HL *_$TID ClearupAlTag _INDENT_ *_$TID ClearupAlTag CPOS *$TID,* } #_______________________ proc file::CloseFileMenu {} { # Closes the current file from the menu. if {[set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID]] ne ""} { alited::bar::BAR $TID close } } #_______________________ proc file::CloseAll {func args} { # Closes files. # func - "1/2/3" means closing "all/to left/to right" # args - may contain -skipsel to not close selected tabs namespace upvar ::alited al al variable ansSave set ansSave 0 set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] set al(closefunc) $func ;# disables "recent files" at closing all alited::bar::BAR closeAll $::alited::al(BID) $TID $func {*}$args set al(closefunc) 0 expr {[llength [alited::bar::BAR listFlag "m"]]==0} } #_______________________ proc file::TreeSelFiles {} { # Gets a list of file tree's selected files. namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set wtree [$obPav Tree] set fnames [list] foreach selID [$wtree selection] { lassign [$wtree item $selID -values] - fname isfile if {$isfile} {lappend fnames $fname} } return $fnames } #_______________________ proc file::SortTreeSelFiles {} { # Sorts a list of file tree's selected files. lsort -decreasing -dictionary [TreeSelFiles] } #_______________________ proc file::OpenFiles {} { # Opens files selected in the file tree. OpenFile [SortTreeSelFiles] no yes } #_______________________ proc file::OpenWith {} { # Opens files selected in the file tree, with their apps. foreach fn [SortTreeSelFiles] { incr i after [expr {($i-1)*500}] openDoc $fn ;# let the app get 0.5 sec pause } } # ________________________ Detach file _________________________ # proc file::DetachedInfo {id} { # Gets detached editor's object and window. # id - editor's index namespace upvar ::alited al al set pobj ::alited::al(detachedObj,$id,) set win $al(WIN).detachedWin$id list $pobj $win } #_______________________ proc file::Detach {{fnames ""} {TID ""}} { # Open file in detached editors # fnames - file names' list namespace upvar ::alited al al SourceDetach if {$fnames eq {} || $TID ne {}} { set fnames [alited::bar::FileName $TID] if {[alited::file::IsNoName $fnames] && ![SaveFileAs $TID]} return set fnames [list [alited::bar::FileName $TID]] } alited::detached::_run $fnames } #_______________________ proc file::OpenDetach {} { # Choose files and open them in detached editors. if {[set fnames [ChooseMultipleFiles no]] eq {}} return SourceDetach alited::detached::_run $fnames 1 } #_______________________ proc file::DetachFromTree {} { SourceDetach alited::detached::_run [TreeSelFiles] 1 } #_______________________ proc file::SourceDetach {} { # Sources detached.tcl. if {![namespace exists ::alited::detached]} { namespace eval ::alited { source [file join $SRCDIR detached.tcl] } } } # ________________________ File tree _________________________ # proc file::RecreateFileTree {} { # Creates the file tree. namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {!$al(TREE,isunits) && ![winfo exists $::alited::project::win]} { [$obPav Tree] selection set {} catch {after cancel $al(_AFT_RECR_)} set al(_AFT_RECR_) [after 100 {alited::tree::RecreateTree; alited::tree::SeeSelection}] } } #_______________________ proc file::OpenOfDir {dname} { # Opens all Tcl files of a directory. # dname - directory's name namespace upvar ::alited al al variable ansOpenOfDir set msg [msgcat::mc "All Tcl files of this directory:\n \"%f\" \nwill be open. This may be expensive!"] set msg [string map [list %f [file tail $dname]] $msg] if {$ansOpenOfDir<11} { set ansOpenOfDir [alited::msg okcancel warn $msg OK -ch $al(MC,noask)] } if {$ansOpenOfDir && ![catch {set flist [glob -directory $dname *]}] && $flist ne {}} { set fnames [list] foreach fname [lsort -decreasing -dictionary $flist] { if {[file isfile $fname] && [IsTcl $fname]} { lappend fnames $fname } } OpenFile $fnames no yes after idle {focus -force [alited::main::CurrentWTXT]} } } #_______________________ proc file::DoMoveFile {fname dname f1112 {addmsg {}}} { # Asks and moves a file to a directory. # fname - file name # dname - directory name # f1112 - yes, if run by pressing F11/F12 keys # addmsg - additional message (for external moves) namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[file isdirectory $fname]} { set msg [msgcat::mc {%f is a directory}] alited::Message [string map [list %f $fname] $msg] 4 return } set tailname [file tail $fname] if {$f1112 || $addmsg ne {}} { set defb NO set geo "" } else { set defb YES set geo "-geometry pointer+10+10" } if {![info exists al(_ANS_MOVE_)] || $al(_ANS_MOVE_)!=11} { append addmsg [string map [list %f $tailname %d $dname] $al(MC,movefile)] set al(_ANS_MOVE_) [alited::msg yesno ques $addmsg \ $defb -title $al(MC,moving) {*}$geo -ch $al(MC,noask)] if {!$al(_ANS_MOVE_)} return } return [RemoveFile $fname $dname move] } #_______________________ proc file::MoveExternal {f1112} { # Moves an external file to a project's directory. # f1112 - yes, if run by F11/F12 keys namespace upvar ::alited al al set fname [alited::bar::FileName] if {$al(prjroot) eq {} || [string first $al(prjroot) $fname]==0} { return no ;# no project directory or the file is inside it } set addmsg [msgcat::mc {THE EXTERNAL FILE IS MOVED TO THE PROJECT!}] set fname [DoMoveFile $fname $al(prjroot) $f1112 "$addmsg\n\n"] alited::tree::RecreateTree {} $fname alited::main::ShowHeader yes return yes } #_______________________ proc file::DropFiles {wtree fromIDs toID} { # Moves a group of selected files to other tree position. # wtree - file tree widget # fromIDs- tree IDs to move the file from # toID - tree ID to move the file to # The destination position is freely chosen by "Drop here" menu item. if {![$wtree exists $toID]} return set dirname [lindex [$wtree item $toID -values] 1] if {![file isdirectory $dirname]} { set dirname [file dirname $dirname] } set movedfiles [list] foreach fromID $fromIDs { if {![$wtree exists $fromID]} continue set curfile [lindex [$wtree item $fromID -values] 1] lappend movedfiles $curfile } if {![llength $movedfiles]} return foreach curfile $movedfiles { if {[file isdirectory $curfile]} { if {$curfile ne $dirname} { alited::Message [msgcat::mc {Only files are moved by alited.}] 4 } continue } if {[file dirname $curfile] ne $dirname} { if {[set name [DoMoveFile $curfile $dirname yes]] ne {}} { lappend newnames $name } } } if {[info exists newnames]} { alited::tree::RecreateTree {} $newnames alited::main::ShowHeader yes } } #_______________________ proc file::MoveFiles {wtree to itemIDs f1112} { # Moves file(s). # wtree - file tree widget # to - "move", "up" or "down" (direction of moving) # itemIDs - file's tree IDs to be moved # f1112 - yes for pressing F11/F12 or file's tree ID # For to=move, f1112 is a file's ID to be moved to. set tree [alited::tree::GetTree] set itemID [lindex $itemIDs 0] set idx [alited::unit::SearchInBranch $itemID $tree] if {$to eq {move}} { if {$idx>=0} { DropFiles $wtree $itemIDs $f1112 } return } set curfile [alited::bar::FileName] set curdir [file dirname $curfile] set isexternal [expr {[string first [file normalize $::alited::al(prjroot)] \ [file normalize $curdir]]<0}] if {!$isexternal} { if {$idx<0} {bell; return} # the edited file is not external => try to move selected files of the tree lassign [$wtree item $itemID -values] -> curfile set curdir [file dirname $curfile] } if {$to eq {up}} {set ito 0} {set ito end} set selparent [$wtree parent [lindex $itemIDs $ito]] set dirname {} set increment [expr {$to eq {up} ? -1 : 1}] for {set i $idx} {1} {incr i $increment} { lassign [lindex $tree $i 4] files fname isfile id if {$fname eq {}} break if {$isfile} { set parent [$wtree parent $id] if {$parent ne $selparent && $parent ne {} && [file dirname $fname] ne $curdir} { lassign [$wtree item $parent -values] files fname isfile id set dirname $fname break } } elseif {$id ne $selparent && $fname ne $curdir} { set dirname $fname break } } if {$dirname eq {}} { if {$selparent ne {}} { set dirname $::alited::al(prjroot) } else { bell return } } if {$isexternal} { # this file is external to the project - ask to move it into the project if {[set name [DoMoveFile $curfile $dirname $f1112]] ne {}} { lappend movedfiles $name } } else { set f1112 [expr {$f1112 || [llength $itemIDs]>1}] foreach ID $itemIDs { set curfile [lindex [$wtree item $ID -values] 1] if {[set name [DoMoveFile $curfile $dirname $f1112]] ne {}} { lappend movedfiles $name } } } if {[info exists movedfiles]} { $wtree selection set {} alited::tree::RecreateTree {} $movedfiles alited::main::ShowHeader yes } } #_______________________ proc file::DeleteFile {fname} { # Deletes a file. # fname - file name if {[catch {file delete $fname} err]} { alited::msg ok err "Error of deleting\n$fname\n\n$err" return no } return yes } #_______________________ proc file::RemoveFile {fname dname mode} { # Removes or backups a file, trying to save it in a directory. # fname - file name # dname - name of directory # mode - if "move", then moves a file to a directory, otherwise backups it # Returns a destination file's name or {} if error. namespace upvar ::alited al al set ftail [file tail $fname] set dtail [file tail $dname] set fname2 [file join $dname $ftail] if {[file exists $fname2]} { if {$mode eq "move"} { set msg [string map [list %f $ftail %d $dname] $al(MC,fileexist)] alited::msg ok warn $msg return {} } catch {file delete $fname2} } if {[catch {file copy $fname $dname} err]} { # more zeal than sense: to show $err here } catch {file mtime $fname2 [file mtime $fname]} if {![DeleteFile $fname]} { return {} } else { alited::Message [string map [list %f $ftail %d $dtail] $al(MC,removed)] if {$mode eq "move" && [set TID [alited::bar::FileTID $fname]] ne {}} { alited::bar::SetTabState $TID --fname $fname2 alited::bar::BAR $TID configure -tip [FileStat $fname2] } } return $fname2 } #_______________________ proc file::Add {ID} { # Creates a file at the file tree. # ID - tree item's ID namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav obDl2 obDl2 if {$ID eq {}} {set ID [alited::tree::CurrentItem]} set wtree [$obPav Tree] set dname [lindex [$wtree item $ID -values] 1] if {[file isdirectory $dname]} { set fname {} } else { set fname [file tail $dname] set dname [file dirname $dname] } set head [string map [list %d $dname] $al(MC,filesadd2)] while {1} { set res [$obDl2 input {} $al(MC,filesadd) [list \ seh {{} {-pady 10}} {} \ ent {{File name:} {} {-w 40}} "{$fname}" \ chb [list {} {-padx 5} [list -toprev 1 -t Directory]] {0} ] \ -head $head -family "{[obj basicTextFont]}"] lassign $res res fname isdir if {$res && $fname eq {}} bell else break } if {$res} { set fname [file join $dname $fname] if {[catch { if {$isdir} { file mkdir $fname } else { if {[file extension $fname] eq {}} {append fname .tcl} if {![file exists $fname]} {close [open $fname w]} OpenFile $fname } $wtree selection set {} alited::tree::RecreateTree $wtree - if {$isdir} { # find the created directory foreach item [alited::tree::GetTree] { lassign $item - - ID - data if {[set dname [lindex $data 1]] eq $fname} { catch {$wtree selection remove [$wtree selection]} SelectInTree $wtree $ID break } } } } err]} then { alited::msg ok err $err } if {!$isdir} {after 200 alited::main::FocusText} } } #_______________________ proc file::DeleteOne {ID wtree dlg dlgopts res} { # Deletes a file at the file tree. # ID - tree item's ID # wtree - file tree widget # dlg - dialogue's type (yesno / yesnocancel) # dlgopts - dialogue's options # res - previous answer # Returns 1 for deleted, -1 for not deleted, 0 for error/cancel namespace upvar ::alited al al BAKDIR BAKDIR set name [$wtree item $ID -text] set fname [lindex [$wtree item $ID -values] 1] set TID [alited::bar::FileTID $fname] if {$TID ne ""} { return [alited::file::CloseAndDelete $TID] } set msg [string map [list %f $name] $al(MC,delfile)] if {$res<11} { set res [alited::msg $dlg ques $msg NO {*}$dlgopts] } switch $res { 1 - 11 { if {[RemoveFile $fname $BAKDIR backup] eq {}} { set res 0 } } } return $res } #_______________________ proc file::Delete {ID wtree sy} { # Deletes file(s) at the file tree. # ID - tree item's ID # wtree - file tree widget # sy - relative Y-coordinate for a query namespace upvar ::alited al al set wasdel 0 set selection [$wtree selection] if {[llength $selection]>1} { set dlg yesnocancel set dlgopts [list -ch $al(MC,noask)] } else { set dlg yesno set dlgopts [alited::tree::syOption $sy] set selection $ID } set ltree [alited::tree::GetTree] set id1 [lindex $selection 0] set in1 [lsearch -exact -index 2 $ltree $id1] set ans 1 foreach id $selection { set ans [DeleteOne $id $wtree $dlg $dlgopts $ans] switch $ans { 1 - 11 {set wasdel 1; $wtree delete $id} 0 - 12 break } } if {$wasdel} { set ltree [alited::tree::GetTree] if {$in1>=[llength $ltree]} {set in1 end} set id1 [lindex $ltree $in1 2] $wtree selection set {} AfterSaving } } #_______________________ proc file::SelectInTree {wtree id} { # Selects an item in the file tree. # wtree - file tree widget # id - item's id catch { $wtree selection add $id $wtree see $id } after idle [list after 200 \ "catch {focus $wtree ; $wtree selection set $id ; $wtree see $id ; $wtree focus $id}"] } # ________________________ Recent files _________________________ # proc file::FillRecent {{delit ""}} { # Creates "Recent Files" menu items. # delit - index or a file name of Recent Files item to be deleted namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[string is integer -strict $delit] && \ $delit>-1 && $delit<[llength $al(RECENTFILES)]} { set al(RECENTFILES) [lreplace $al(RECENTFILES) $delit $delit] } elseif {$delit ne {}} { set delit [lsearch -exact $al(RECENTFILES) $delit] if {$delit>=0} { set al(RECENTFILES) [lreplace $al(RECENTFILES) $delit $delit] } } set m $al(MENUFILE).recentfiles $m configure -tearoff 0 $m delete 0 end if {[llength $al(RECENTFILES)]} { $al(MENUFILE) entryconfigure 2 -state normal foreach rf $al(RECENTFILES) { $m add command -label $rf -command "alited::file::ChooseRecent {$rf}" } } else { $al(MENUFILE) entryconfigure 2 -state disabled } $m configure -tearoff 1 } #_______________________ proc file::InsertRecent {fname pos} { namespace upvar ::alited al al if {![IsNoName $fname]} { ::apave::PushInList al(RECENTFILES) $fname $pos $al(INI,RECENTFILES) } } proc file::AddRecent {fname} { namespace upvar ::alited al al if {![IsNoName $fname]} { InsertRecent $fname 0 FillRecent } } proc file::ChooseRecent {fname} { namespace upvar ::alited al al AddRecent $fname if {[OpenFile $fname] eq {} && ![file exists $fname]} { FillRecent 0 alited::Balloon1 $fname } } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #