The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: tool.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 07/13/2021 # Brief: Handles tools of alited. # License: MIT. ########################################################### namespace eval tool { } #_______________________ proc tool::ToolButName {img} { # Helper procedure to get a name of toolbar button. # img - name of icon namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav return [$obPav ToolTop].buT_alimg_$img-big } #_______________________ proc tool::HelpContext {} { # Handles hitting "Help" button. alited::Help $::alited::al(WIN) } # ________________________ Edit functions _________________________ # proc tool::Undo {} { # Undoes a change. catch {event generate [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] <<Undo>>} } proc tool::Redo {} { # Redoes a change. catch {event generate [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] <<Redo>>} } #_______________________ proc tool::SetPlainText {wtxt val} { # Set the flag "plain text". # wtxt - text path # val - value of the flag # Returns old value of the flag. if {[alited::file::IsClang [alited::bar::FileName]]} { set oldval [::hl_c::cget $wtxt -plaintext] ::hl_c::configure $wtxt -plaintext $val } else { set oldval [::hl_tcl::cget $wtxt -plaintext] ::hl_tcl::configure $wtxt -plaintext $val } return $oldval } #_______________________ proc tool::undoAll {} { # Undoes all changes. set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set plaintext [SetPlainText $wtxt yes] while {[$wtxt edit canundo]} { if {[Undo]} break } SetPlainText $wtxt $plaintext } #_______________________ proc tool::redoAll {} { # Redoes all changes. set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set plaintext [SetPlainText $wtxt yes] while {[$wtxt edit canredo]} { if {[Redo]} break } SetPlainText $wtxt $plaintext } #_______________________ proc tool::InsertInText {str {pos1 {}} {pos2 {}} } { # Insert a string into a text possibly instead of its selection. # str - the string # pos1 - starting position in a current line # pos2 - ending position in a current line set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] if {$pos1 eq {}} { lassign [$wtxt tag ranges sel] pos1 pos2 } else { set line [expr {int([$wtxt index insert])}] set prevch [$wtxt get $line.[expr {$pos1-1}] $line.$pos1] if {$prevch eq [string index $str 0]} { incr pos1 -1 } set pos1 $line.$pos1 set pos2 $line.[incr pos2] } if {$pos1 ne {}} { $wtxt delete $pos1 $pos2 } $wtxt insert [$wtxt index insert] $str } # ________________________ Various tools _________________________ # proc tool::ColorPicker {} { # Calls a color picker passing to it and getting from it a color. namespace upvar ::alited al al PAVEDIR PAVEDIR lassign [alited::find::GetWordOfText 2] color pos1 pos2 if {$color ne {}} { set al(chosencolor) $color } if {[info commands ::aloupe::run] eq {}} { catch {source [SrcPath [file join $PAVEDIR pickers color aloupe aloupe.tcl]]} } if {![string is boolean -strict $al(moveall)]} {set al(moveall) 0} lassign [LineCoordinates] X Y set res [obj chooser colorChooser ::alited::al(chosencolor) \ -moveall $al(moveall) -parent $al(WIN) -geometry +$X+$Y \ -inifile [aloupePath] -ontop [::asKDE]] catch {lassign [::tk::dialog::color::GetOptions] al(moveall)} if {$res ne {}} { set al(chosencolor) $res InsertInText $res $pos1 $pos2 if {$::alited::edit::ans_hlcolors} { after idle "alited::edit::FindColorValues $::alited::edit::ans_hlcolors" } } alited::FocusText } #_______________________ proc tool::FormatDate {{date {}}} { # Formats a date. # date - date to be formatted (a current date if omitted) namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$date eq {}} {set date [clock seconds]} return [clock format $date -format $al(TPL,%d) -locale $::alited::al(LOCAL)] } #_______________________ proc tool::DatePicker {} { # Calls a calendar to pick a date. namespace upvar ::alited al al lassign [alited::find::GetWordOfText 2] date pos1 pos2 if {$date ne {} \ && ![catch {clock scan $date -format $al(TPL,%d)}]} { set al(klnddate) $date } elseif {![info exists al(klnddate)]} { set al(klnddate) [FormatDate] } lassign [LineCoordinates] X Y set res [obj chooser dateChooser ::alited::al(klnddate) \ -parent $al(WIN) -geometry +$X+$Y -dateformat $al(TPL,%d) \ -weeks $al(klndweeks)] if {$res ne {}} { set al(klnddate) $res InsertInText $res } alited::FocusText } #_______________________ proc tool::LineCoordinates {} { # Gets X, Y screen coordinates of current line. lassign [alited::complete::CursorCoordsChar {} linestart] X Y if {[::iswindows]} {incr Y 50} {incr Y 10} list $X $Y } #_______________________ proc tool::SrcPath {toolpath} { # Gets a path to an external tool. # This may be useful at calling alited by tclkit: # tkcon, aloupe etc. may be located in "src" subdirectory of alited. set srcpath [file join $::alited::FILEDIR src [file tail $toolpath]] if {[file exists $srcpath]} {set toolpath $srcpath} catch {cd [file dirname $toolpath]} return $toolpath } #_______________________ proc tool::aloupePath {} { # Gets aloupe ini file's path. namespace upvar ::alited USERDIR USERDIR return [file join $USERDIR aloupe.conf] } #_______________________ proc tool::Loupe {} { # Calls a screen loupe. namespace upvar ::alited al al LIBDIR LIBDIR PAVEDIR PAVEDIR if {$al(IsWindows)} {set le aloupe.exe} {set le aloupe} set loupe [file join $LIBDIR util $le] if {[file exists $loupe]} { # try to run the loupe executable from lib/util if {![catch {exec $loupe}]} return } set loupe [SrcPath [file join $PAVEDIR pickers color aloupe aloupe.tcl]] alited::Runtime $loupe -locale $::alited::al(LOCAL) -apavedir $PAVEDIR -cs $al(INI,CS) \ -fcgeom $::alited::FilGeometry -inifile [aloupePath] } #_______________________ proc tool::tkconPath {} { # Gets the path to tkcon.tcl. return [SrcPath [file join $::alited::LIBDIR util tkcon.tcl]] } #_______________________ proc tool::tkconOptions {} { # Gets options of tkcon.tcl. namespace upvar ::alited al al foreach opt [array names al tkcon,clr*] { lappend opts -color-[string range $opt 9 end] [string trimleft $al($opt) #] } foreach {opt val} $al(tkcon,options) { if {[string trim $val] ne {}} { lappend opts -apl$opt $val } } return $opts } #_______________________ proc tool::tkcon {args} { # Calls Tkcon application. # args - additional arguments for tkcon set pid [alited::Run [tkconPath] {*}[tkconOptions] {*}$args] if {[llength $args]} {set ::alited::pID $pid} } #_______________________ proc tool::Help {{onwhat ""}} { # Calls a help. # onwhat - what to be helped switch -- $onwhat { Wiki { set url "" } Tcllib { set url "" } Tklib { set url "" } Math { set url "" } SOF { set url "" } default { _run Help return } } openDoc $url } #_______________________ proc tool::AddTooltipRun {} { # Addition to Run's tooltip. return "\n\nCtrl+click = $::alited::al(acc_22) = $::alited::al(acc_2) + F4" } #_______________________ proc tool::TooltipRun {} { # Gets a tip for "Run" tool. namespace upvar ::alited al al set res $al(MC,icorun) if {[ComForced]} { set res $al(comForce)\n[lindex [split $res \n] 1] } append res [AddTooltipRun] } # ________________________ emenu support _________________________ # proc tool::EM_Options {opts} { # Returns e_menu's general options. namespace upvar ::alited al al SCRIPTNORMAL SCRIPTNORMAL CONFIGDIR CONFIGDIR set sel [string trim [alited::find::GetWordOfText]] set sel [lindex [split $sel \n] 0] ;# only 1st line for "selection" set sel [string map [list \" {} \{ {} \} {} \[ {} \] {} \\ {} \$ {}] $sel] set f [alited::bar::FileName] set d [file dirname $f] # get a list of selected tabs (i.e. their file names): # it's used as %ls wildcard in grep.em ("SEARCH EXACT LS=") set tabs [alited::bar::BAR listFlag s] if {[llength $tabs]>1} { foreach tab $tabs { append ls [alited::bar::FileName $tab] { } } set ls "\"ls=$ls\"" } else { set ls "ls=" } # get file names of left & right tabs (used in utils.em by diff items) set z6 {} set z7 {} set tabs [alited::bar::BAR listTab] set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] set i [lsearch -index 0 $tabs $TID] if {$i>=0} { if {$i} { append z6 z6=[alited::bar::FileName [lindex $tabs $i-1 0]] } append z7 z7=[alited::bar::FileName [lindex $tabs $i+1 0]] } if {$al(EM,DiffTool) ne {}} {set df DF=$al(EM,DiffTool)} {set df {}} set l [[alited::main::CurrentWTXT] index insert] set l [expr {int($l)}] set dirvar [set filvar [set tdir {}]] if {$al(EM,exec)} { lassign [::apave::getProperty DirFilGeoVars] dirvar filvar if {$dirvar ne {} && [set dirvar [set $dirvar]] ne {}} { set dirvar "\"g1=$dirvar\"" } if {$filvar ne {} && [set filvar [set $filvar]] ne {}} { set filvar "\"g2=$filvar\"" } set tdir $::alited::LIBDIR } if {$al(EM,geometry) eq {}} { # at 1st exposition, center e_menu approximately lassign [split [wm geometry $al(WIN)] x+] w h x y set al(EM,geometry) [obj EXPORT CenteredXY $w $h $x $y 300 [expr {$h/2}]] } lassign [split $al(EM,tt)] tt if {[::isunix] && [auto_execok $tt] eq {}} { alited::Balloon [msgcat::mc {Set a Linux terminal in Preferences/Tools}] yes } set ed [info nameofexecutable]\ $SCRIPTNORMAL\ $CONFIGDIR set R [list md=$al(EM,mnudir) m=$al(EM,mnu) f=$f d=$d l=$l \ PD=$al(EM,PD=) pd=$al(prjroot) h=$al(EM,h=) tt=$al(EM,tt) s=$sel \ o=-1 om=0 {*}g=$al(EM,geometry) $z6 $z7 {*}$ls $df {*}$opts \ {*}$dirvar {*}$filvar td=$tdir ed=$ed wt=$al(EM,wt=) mp=1] if {[lsearch -glob $R th=*]<0} {lappend R th=$al(THEME)} set res {} foreach r $R {append res \"$r\" { }} return [string trim $res] } #_______________________ proc tool::EM_dir {} { # Returns a directory of e_menu's menus. namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$al(EM,mnudir) eq {}} { return [file join $::e_menu_dir menus] } return $al(EM,mnudir) } #_______________________ proc tool::EM_Structure {mnu} { # Gets a menu's items. # mnu - the menu's file name namespace upvar ::alited al al set mnu [string trim $mnu "\" "] set fname [file join [EM_dir] [file tail $mnu]] if {[catch {set fcont [readTextFile $fname {} 1]}]} { return [list] } set res [list] set prname {} set mmarks [list S: R: M: S/ R/ M/ SE: RE: ME: SE/ RE/ ME/ SW: RW: MW: SW/ RW/ MW/ I:] set ismenu yes set isitem no foreach line [textsplit $fcont] { set line [string trimleft $line] switch $line { {[MENU]} { set ismenu yes set isitem no continue } {[HIDDEN]} - {[OPTIONS]} - {[DATA]} { set ismenu [set isitem no] continue } } if {!$ismenu} continue if {[regexp {^\s*SEP\s*=\s*} $line]} { set isitem no continue } if {[regexp {^\s*ITEM\s*=\s*} $line]} { set isitem yes set itemname [string range $line [string first = $line] end] set itemname [string trim $itemname { =}] continue } if {!$isitem} continue set origname $itemname foreach mark $mmarks { if {[regexp "^\s*$mark" $line]} { set typ [string index $mark 0] if {$typ eq {M}} { lassign [regexp -inline {.+m=([^[:blank:]]+)} $line] -> itemname if {$itemname ne {} && [file extension $itemname] ne {.em}} { set itemname [file rootname $itemname].em ;# normalized menu filename } } if {$itemname ni {{} -} && $itemname ne $prname} { set prname $itemname lappend res [list $mnu "$typ-$itemname\n$origname"] } break } } } return $res } #_______________________ proc tool::EM_HotKey {idx} { # Returns e_menu's hotkeys which numerate menu items. # idx - item's index set hk {0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,./} return [string index $hk $idx] } #_______________________ proc tool::EM_AllStructure1 {mnu lev} { # Gets recursively all items of all menus. # mnu - a current menu's file name # lev - a current level of menu foreach mit [EM_Structure $mnu] { incr i lassign $mit mnu item if {[string match {M-*} $item]} { if {[lsearch -exact -index end $::alited::al(EM_STRUCTURE) $item]>-1} { continue ;# to avoid infinite cycle } lassign [split $item \n] item set lev [EM_AllStructure1 [string range $item 2 end] [incr lev]] } else { lappend ::alited::al(EM_STRUCTURE) [list $lev $mnu [EM_HotKey $i] $item] } } return [incr lev -1] } #_______________________ proc tool::EM_AllStructure {mnu} { # Gets all items of all menus. # mnu - a root menu's file name set ::alited::al(EM_STRUCTURE) [list] EM_AllStructure1 $mnu 0 return $::alited::al(EM_STRUCTURE) } #_______________________ proc tool::EM_SaveFiles {} { # Saves all files before running e_menu, if this mode is set in "Preferences". namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$al(EM,save)==1} { alited::file::SaveAll } elseif {$al(EM,save)==2} { if {[alited::file::IsModified]} { alited::file::SaveFile } } } #_______________________ proc tool::PopupBar {X Y} { # Opens a popup menu in the tool bar, to enter e_menu's preferences. # X - x-coordinate of clicking on the tool bar # Y - y-coordinate of clicking on the tool bar namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set popm $al(WIN).popupBar catch {destroy $popm} menu $popm -tearoff 0 $popm add command -label [msgcat::mc {Open bar-menu settings}] \ -command {alited::pref::_run Emenu_Tab} $obPav themePopup $popm tk_popup $popm $X $Y } #_______________________ proc tool::EM_menuhere {mnu menuargs} { # Checks if m=$mnu is present in e_menu's arguments. # mnu - menu name # menuargs - e_menu's arguments foreach m [list $mnu.em $mnu.mnu $mnu] { if {[lsearch -exact $menuargs m=$m]>-1} { return yes } } return no } #_______________________ proc tool::EM_command {im} { # Gets e_menu command. # im - index of the command in em_inf array namespace upvar ::alited::pref em_inf em_inf if {[catch { lassign $em_inf($im) mnu idx item if {$idx eq {-} || [regexp {^[^[:blank:].]+[.](mnu|em): } $item]} { # open a menu set mnu [string range $item 0 [string first : $item]-1] set ex {ex= o=-1} } else { # call a command set ex "ex=[alited::tool::EM_HotKey $idx] SH=1" } set res "alited::tool::e_menu \"m=$mnu\" $ex" } err]} then { puts stderr "\nalited error: $err" set res {} } return $res } #_______________________ proc tool::EM_optionTF {args} { # Prepares TF= option for e_menu. # args - options of e_menu # TF= is a name of file that contains a current text's selection. # If there is no selection, TF= option is a current file's name. if {[lsearch -glob $args TF=*]>-1} { return {} } set sels [alited::edit::SelectedLines {} yes] set wtxt [lindex $sels 0] set sel {} foreach {l1 l2} [lrange $sels 1 end] { append sel [$wtxt get $l1.0 $l2.end] \n } if {[string length [string trimright $sel]]<2 || \ (![is_mainmenu $args yes] && ![EM_menuhere tests $args])} { set tmpname [alited::bar::FileName] } else { set tmpname [alited::TmpFile SELECTION~] writeTextFile $tmpname sel } return TF=$tmpname } #_______________________ proc tool::SHarg {} { # Gets SH= argument of e_menu (main window's geometry). namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[winfo exists $al(WIN)] && [winfo ismapped $al(WIN)]} { return SH=[wm geometry $al(WIN)] } return {} } ## _____________________ run Tcl/ext commands ___________________ ## proc tool::Runs {mc runs} { # Runs a list of Tcl/ext commands. # mc - message for infobar # runs - list of commands set runs [::alited::ProcEOL $runs in] foreach run [split $runs \n] { if {[set run [string trim $run]] ne {} && [string first # $run]!=0} { if {[catch {eval $run} e]} { catch {exec -- {*}$run} e2 if {$e2 ne {}} {set e $e2} {append e " / OS ?"} } alited::info::Put "$mc\"$run\" -> $e" update } } } ## ________________________ after start _________________________ ## proc tool::AfterStartDlg {} { # Dialogue "Setup/For Start". namespace upvar ::alited al al obDl2 obDl2 set lab [msgcat::mc " Enter commands to be run after starting alited.\n They can be Tcl or executables:"] set run [::alited::ProcEOL $al(afterstart) in] lassign [$obDl2 input {} $al(MC,afterstart) [list \ lab [list {} {-pady 8} [list -t $lab]] {} \ tex "{} {} {-w 80 -h 16 -tabnext {butOK butCANCEL} -afteridle {alited::tool::AfterStartSyntax %w}}" "$run" ] \ -help alited::tool::HelpContext] res run if {$res} { set al(afterstart) [::alited::ProcEOL [string trim $run] out] alited::ini::SaveIni } } #_______________________ proc tool::AfterStartSyntax {w} { # Highlight "Setup/For Start" text's syntax, at least Tcl part of it. # w - the text's path alited::SyntaxHighlight tcl $w [alited::SyntaxColors] } #_______________________ proc tool::AfterStart {} { # Runs commands after starting alited. namespace upvar ::alited al al Runs "$al(MC,afterstart) :" $al(afterstart) } ## ________________________ run tcl source _________________________ ## proc tool::RunArgs {} { # Gets ARGS/RUNF/EXEC arguments (similar to ::em::get_AR of e_menu.tcl). # Returns a list of ARGS and RUNF arguments found in the current file. set res {} set ar {^[[:space:]#/*]*#[ ]?ARGS[0-9]?:[ ]*(.*)} set rf {^[[:space:]#/*]*#[ ]?RUNF[0-9]?:[ ]*(.*)} set ex {^[[:space:]#/*]*#[ ]?EXEC[0-9]?:[ ]*(.*)} set AR [set RF [set EX {}]] set filecontent [split [[alited::main::CurrentWTXT] get 1.0 end] \n] foreach st $filecontent { if {[regexp $ar $st] && $AR eq {}} { lassign [regexp -inline $ar $st] => AR } elseif {[regexp $rf $st] && $RF eq {}} { lassign [regexp -inline $rf $st] => RF } elseif {[regexp $ex $st] && $EX eq {}} { lassign [regexp -inline $ex $st] => EX } if {"$AR$RF$EX" ne {}} { if {"$AR$RF$EX" ne {OFF}} { set res [list $AR $RF $EX] } break } } return $res } #_______________________ proc tool::CheckTcl {} { # Check a current unit for errors, before running Tcl file. alited::main::UpdateUnitTree lassign [alited::tree::CurrentItemByLine {} 1] - - leaf - name l1 l2 if {[string is true -strict $leaf] && $name ne {}} { alited::CheckSource alited::info::ClearRed set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] set err [alited::check::CheckUnit $wtxt $l1.0 $l2.end $TID $name yes yes] if {$err} { set msg [msgcat::mc {Errors found in unit:}]\ $name alited::Message $msg 4 } } } #_______________________ proc tool::RunTcl {{runmode ""}} { # Try to run tcl source file by means of tkcon utility. # runmode - mode of running (in console or in tkcon) # Returns yes if a tcl file was started. if {($runmode eq {} && !$::alited::al(prjincons)) || $runmode eq {tkcon}} { lassign [RunArgs] ar rf set tclfile {} if {[catch { ;# ar & rf can be badly formed => catch set fnameCur [alited::bar::FileName] if {[llength $ar] || (![llength $rf] && [alited::file::IsTcl $fnameCur])} { set rf "\"$fnameCur\"" append rf { } $ar } set fname [lindex $rf 0] set fname [PrepareRunCommand $fname $fnameCur] if {[set tclfile $fname] ne {}} { cd [file dirname $fnameCur] set tclfile [file normalize $tclfile] set rf [lreplace $rf 0 0] } } err]} { alited::Message $err 4 } if {$tclfile ne {} && [file exists $tclfile]} { # run tkcon with file.tcl & argv EM_SaveFiles tkcon $tclfile -apl-topmost 0 -argv {*}$rf return yes } } return no } #_______________________ proc tool::RunMode {} { # Runs Tcl source file with choosing the mode - in console or in tkcon. if {![namespace exists ::alited::run]} { namespace eval ::alited { source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR run.tcl] } } alited::run::_run } #_______________________ proc tool::ComForced {} { # Checks whether a forced command is set. return [expr {$::alited::al(comForceCh) && \ [string trim $::alited::al(comForce)] ni {- {}}}] } ## ________________________ run/close _________________________ ## proc tool::is_mainmenu {menuargs {withTF no}} { # Checks if e_menu's arguments are for the main menu (run by F4). # menuargs - e_menu's arguments # withTF - yes, if checking together with TF= argument # The e_menu's arguments contain ex= or EX= for bar-menu tools only. if {$withTF && [lsearch -exact -nocase $menuargs m=menu.em] >= 0} { return 1 } return [expr {[lsearch -glob -nocase $menuargs EX=*] < 0}] } #_______________________ proc tool::is_emenu {} { # Check for e_menu's existence. if {[winfo exists .em] && [winfo ismapped .em]} { wm withdraw .em wm deiconify .em bell return yes } return no } #_______________________ proc tool::e_menu {args} { # Runs e_menu. # args - arguments of e_menu # The e_menu is run as an external application or an internal procedure, # depending on e_menu's preferences. namespace upvar ::alited al al lappend args {*}[EM_optionTF {*}$args] if {{EX=Help} ni $args} { EM_SaveFiles if {![is_mainmenu $args]} { if {[set p [string first + $al(EM,geometry)]]>-1} { set g [string range $al(EM,geometry) $p end] } else { set g {} } append args " g=$g" ;# should be last, to override previous settings } if {[EM_menuhere grep $args]} { append args { NE=1} ;# let him search till closing the search dialogue } } if {[EM_menuhere menu $args] && {ex=d} in $args && $al(BACKUP) ne {}} { # Differences of a file & its backup: get the backup's name set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] lassign [alited::edit::BackupDirFileNames $TID] dir fname fname2 #set fname2 [alited::edit::BackupFileName $fname2 0] append args " \"BF=$fname2\"" ;# version before 1st change } if {{EX=1} ni $args} { append args { AL=1} ;# to read a current file only at "Run me" } if {[set i [lsearch $args {SH=1}]]>-1} { set args [lreplace $args $i $i [SHarg]] } # check options for compatibility set itc [lsearch -glob $args tc=*] set iee [lsearch -glob $args ee=*] if {$itc>-1 && $iee>-1 && $al(prjincons)} { set ee [string range [lindex $args $iee] 3 end] if {![alited::file::IsTcl $ee]} { set args [lreplace $args $itc $itc] ;# not a Tcl file - can't be run with tclsh } } elseif {$itc==-1 && $iee==-1 && $al(prjincons)} { lappend args tc=[alited::Tclexe] ;# for console - set "path to tclsh" argument } if {$::alited::al(EM,exec)} { e_menu1 $args } else { e_menu2 $args } } #_______________________ proc tool::e_menu1 {opts} { # Runs e_menu. # opts - options of e_menu # The e_menu is run as an external application. namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {$al(EM,ownCS)} { set cs $al(EM,CS) } else { set cs $al(INI,CS) ;# without tinting: e_menu hasn't the tint option } set opts [EM_Options $opts] set opts "c=$cs fs=$al(FONTSIZE,std) $opts" set th $al(THEME) # cs= and fs= can be reset in EM_Options foreach o [list {*}$opts] { if {[string match c=* $o]} {set cs [string range $o 2 end]} if {[string match th=* $o]} {set th [string range $o 3 end]} } set thdark [$obPav thDark $th] set csdark [$obPav csDark $cs] if {$thdark==1 && !$csdark || $thdark==0 && $csdark} { set opts "th=default $opts th=default" ;# default theme fits any CS } set e_menu [file join $::e_menu_dir e_menu.tcl] if {[catch {alited::Run $e_menu {*}$opts} err]} { set msg [msgcat::mc "Incorrect \"Preferences/Tools/tclsh...\"\nresults in the error:"] alited::Msg "$msg\n\n$e_menu $opts\n\n==>\n$err" err -w {50 80} -h {9 24} } } #_______________________ proc tool::e_menu2 {opts} { # Runs e_menu. # opts - options of e_menu # The e_menu is run as an internal procedure. ::alited::Source_e_menu ::apave::cs_Active no ;# no CS changes by e_menu if {[is_emenu]} return set options [EM_Options $opts] ::em::main -prior 1 -modal 0 -remain 0 -noCS 1 {*}$options set maingeo [::em::menuOption $::alited::al(EM,mnu) geometry] if {[is_mainmenu $options] && $maingeo ne {}} { set ::alited::al(EM,geometry) $maingeo } ::apave::cs_Active yes } #_______________________ proc tool::e_menu3 {} { # Prepares TF= argument for e_menu and runs e_menu's main menu. e_menu o=0 {*}[EM_optionTF] } #_______________________ proc tool::PrepareRunCommand {com fname} { # Prepares a command to run. The command can include wildcards. # com - command # fname - current file name namespace upvar ::alited al al set sel [alited::find::GetWordOfText select] alited::Map {} $com $::alited::EOL \n %s $sel \ %f $fname %d [file dirname $fname] %pd $al(prjroot) %H [::apave::HomeDir] } #_______________________ proc tool::_run {{what ""} {runmode ""} args} { # Runs e_menu's item of menu.em. # what - the item (by default, "Run me") # runmode - mode of running (in console or in tkcon) # args - additional options namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[is_emenu]} return set opts "EX=$what" if {$what eq {}} { set doit [::apave::extractOptions args -doit 0] if {!$::alited::DEBUG} { if {$al(EM,exec)} { set fpid [alited::TmpFile .pid~] set pid [readTextFile $fpid] } else { ::alited::Source_e_menu ;# e_menu is "internal" set pid [::em::pID] ::em::pID 0 } catch { if {$pid>0} {exec kill -s SIGINT $pid} } catch { if {$::alited::pID>0} {exec kill -s SIGINT $::alited::pID} } set ::alited::pID 0 } set fnameCur [alited::bar::FileName] set com [PrepareRunCommand $al(prjbeforerun) $fnameCur] Runs {} $com if {$al(prjincons)==2} { ;# run "as is" EM_SaveFiles if {[ComForced]} { set com $al(comForce) } else { lassign [alited::tool::RunArgs] ar rf ex set com $ar$rf$ex } set com [PrepareRunCommand $com $fnameCur] if {[string trim $com] ne {}} { if {[string index $com end] ne {&}} {append com { &}} exec -- {*}$com return } } if {[alited::file::IsTcl $fnameCur]} CheckTcl if {[ComForced]} { set com [PrepareRunCommand $al(comForce) $fnameCur] Run_in_e_menu $com $fnameCur return } if {[RunTcl $runmode]} return set opts "EX=1 PI=1 [SHarg]" } e_menu {*}$opts tc=[alited::Tclexe] {*}$args } #_______________________ proc tool::Run_in_e_menu {com {fnameCur ""}} { # Runs a command with e_menu application # com - the command # fnameCur - currently edited file namespace upvar ::alited al al ::alited::Message "$al(MC,run): $com" 3 set tc {} set tw %t catch { if {[set fname [lindex $com 0]] eq {%f}} { set fname $fnameCur } if {[alited::file::IsTcl $fname]} { set tkconcall " [alited::tool::tkconPath] [alited::tool::tkconOptions] " if {!$al(prjincons)} { set tc "tc=[alited::Tclexe] $tkconcall" set tw {} } else { set tw "%t [alited::Tclexe] " } } } if {$fnameCur ne {}} {set fnameCur f=[string map [list \\ \\\\] $fnameCur]} e_menu ee=$tw[string map [list \" \\\" \\ \\\\] $com] \ pd=[string map [list \\ \\\\] $al(prjroot)] $tc {*}$fnameCur [SHarg] } #_______________________ proc tool::RunFile {} { # Runs a current file as is (by associated app). alited::Message $::alited::al(MC,run):\ [alited::bar::FileName] 3 alited::tool::_run 1 {} -doit yes } #_______________________ proc tool::_close {{fname ""}} { # Closes e_menu (being an internal procedure) by force. catch {destroy .em} } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #