The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: about.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 07/03/2021 # Brief: Handles 'About' form of alited. # License: MIT. ########################################################### # _________________________ Variables ________________________ # namespace eval about { variable textTags ;# text tags to highlight strings } # ________________________ Procedures _________________________ # proc about::textImaged {w} { # Makes the feather blink. # w - window's path obj labelFlashing [obj textLink $w 5] "" 1 \ -data $::alited::img::_AL_IMG(feather) -pause 0.5 -incr 0.1 -after 40 } #_______________________ proc about::About {} { # Shows "About" dialogue. # alited_checked namespace upvar ::alited al al DIR DIR variable textTags ## ________________________ Preparing tabs _________________________ ## ::alited::Source_e_menu ::alited::edit::MacroInit lassign [obj csGet] fg fg2 bg bg2 - bS fS ::apave::InitAwThemesPath $::alited::LIBDIR foreach _ {alited apave bartabs baltip hl_tcl playtkl} { if {[set v$_ v[package versions $_]] eq {v} \ && [catch {set v$_ v[package require $_]}]} { set v$_ {} } } set font [obj csFontDef] obj initLinkFont {*}$font -underline 1 -foreground $fg2 -background $bg2 append font " -weight bold" ### ________________________ Tags and links _________________________ ### set textTags [list \ [list "red" "-font {$font} -foreground $fS -background $bS"] \ [list "link1" "openDoc %t@@https://%l@@"] \ [list "link2" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkapl" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkCN" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkSH" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkHE" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkRD" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkPO" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkPW" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkRK" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkMIT" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkJS" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkRS" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkAN" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkDF" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkJO" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkTW" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkCM" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkDB" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkDG" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkPY" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkMH" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkNB" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkTZ" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkCW" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkAK" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkAG" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkDA" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkET" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "link-apave" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "link-e_menu" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "link-baltip" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "link-bartabs" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "link-hl_tcl" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "link-aloupe" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "link-playtkl" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "link-tkcc" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "link-repl" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "link-ale_themes" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "link-tkcon" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "link_" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkRH" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkBL" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkFF" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkSS" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkML" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkDN" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkAM" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkHO" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkJM" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkJN" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkGN" "openDoc %t@@"] \ [list "linkGR" "openDoc %t@@"] \ ] ### ________________________ "General" tab _________________________ ### set head "alited $valited" set clog [readTextFile [file join $DIR]] foreach line [textsplit $clog] { lassign [regexp -inline {Version `.+(\(.+\))`} $line] -> line if {$line ne {}} { append head " $line" break } } set long1 [msgcat::mc {And well fit for programming with it.}] set long2 __________________________________________ set long3 [file nativename [info nameofexecutable]] set msg " <red>$head</red>, a lite editor.\n\n \ [msgcat::mc {Written in pure Tcl/Tk.}] \n \ $long1\n\n \ [msgcat::mc {Details:}] \n\n \ \u2022 <link1></link1>\n \ \u2022 <link1></link1>\n \ \u2022 <link1></link1>\n\n \ [msgcat::mc {Authors:}] \n\n \ \u2022 <linkapl>Alex Plotnikov</linkapl>\n\n \ [msgcat::mc {License:}] <linkMIT>MIT</linkMIT>\n \ $long2\n \ \n \ <red> $long3 </red>\n \ \n \ <red> Tcl/Tk $::alited::tcltk_version </red> <link2></link2>\n \ \n \ <red> $::tcl_platform(os) $::tcl_platform(osVersion) </red>" ### ________________________ "Packages" tab _________________________ ### set packages [msgcat::mc {Packages used by <red>alited %ver</red>:}] set packages [string map [list %ver $valited] $packages] set vemenu v[lindex $::em::em_version 1] set ::alited::AboutPack "\n $packages\n\n \ \u2022 <link-apave>apave $vapave</link-apave>\n\n \ \u2022 <link-e_menu>e_menu $vemenu</link-e_menu>\n\n \ \u2022 <link-ale_themes>ale_themes</link-ale_themes>\n\n \ \u2022 <link-baltip>baltip $vbaltip</link-baltip>\n\n \ \u2022 <link-bartabs>bartabs $vbartabs</link-bartabs>\n\n \ \u2022 <link-hl_tcl>hl_tcl $vhl_tcl</link-hl_tcl>\n\n \ \u2022 <link-aloupe>aloupe v1.8.1</link-aloupe>\n\n \ \u2022 <link-playtkl>playtkl $vplaytkl</link-playtkl>\n\n \ \u2022 <link-tkcc>tkcc</link-tkcc>\n\n \ \u2022 <link-repl>tcl-repl</link-repl>\n\n \ \u2022 <link-tkcon>tkcon v2.7</link-tkcon>\n \ \n menus/*.em v$al(MNUversion) \ \n alited.ini v$al(INIversion)" ### ________________________ "Acknowledgements" tab _________________________ ### set ackn [msgcat::mc "Many thanks to the following people \ \n who have contributed to this project \ \n with their participation, advice and code"] set spec [msgcat::mc "Special thanks also to"] set ::alited::AboutAckn "\n $ackn\n\n \ \u2022 <linkSH>Steve Huntley</linkSH>\n \ \u2022 <linkHE>Holger Ewert</linkHE>\n \ \u2022 <linkCN>Csaba Nemethi</linkCN>\n \ \u2022 <linkPO>Paul Obermeier</linkPO>\n \ \u2022 <linkAN>Ashok P. Nadkarni</linkAN>\n \ \u2022 <linkRD>rdbende</linkRD>\n \ \u2022 <linkBL>Brad Lanam</linkBL>\n \ \u2022 <linkPW>Paul Walton</linkPW>\n \ \u2022 <linkJO>Johann Oberdorfer</linkJO>\n \ \u2022 <linkRS>Richard Suchenwirth</linkRS>\n \ \u2022 <linkCW>Christian Werner</linkCW>\n \ \u2022 <linkNB>Nicolas Bats</linkNB>\n \ \u2022 <linkTZ>Thanos Zygouris</linkTZ>\n \ \u2022 <linkFF>Federico Ferri</linkFF>\n \ \u2022 <linkSS>Salvatore Sanfilippo</linkSS>\n \ \u2022 <linkML>Martin Lemburg</linkML>\n \ \u2022 <linkDN>Daniele Bonini</linkDN>\n \ \u2022 <linkAM>Alexis Martin</linkAM>\n \ \u2022 <linkJN>Johann</linkJN>\n \ \u2022 <linkGN>Gregor</linkGN>\n \ \u2022 <linkGR>George</linkGR>\n \ \n $spec\n\n \ \u2022 <linkTW>Trevor Williams</linkTW>\n \ \u2022 <linkDF>Donal K. Fellows</linkDF>\n \ \u2022 <linkJS>Jeff Smith</linkJS>\n \ \u2022 <linkRK>Roy Keene</linkRK>\n \ \u2022 <linkDB>D. Bohdan</linkDB>\n \ \u2022 <linkDG>Detlef Groth</linkDG>\n \ \u2022 <linkCM>Colin Macleod</linkCM>\n \ \u2022 <linkPY>Nathan Coulter</linkPY>\n \ \u2022 <linkAK>Andreas Kupries</linkAK>\n \ \u2022 <linkRH>D. Richard Hipp</linkRH>\n \ \u2022 <linkMH>Matthias Hoffmann</linkMH>\n \ \u2022 <linkAG>Andy Goth</linkAG>\n \ \u2022 <linkDA>Danilo Chang</linkDA>\n \ \u2022 <linkET>Enrico Troeger</linkET>\n \ \u2022 <linkHO>Harald Oehlmann</linkHO>\n \ \u2022 <linkJM>John MacFarlane</linkJM>\n \ \n <link_>Excuse my memory if I omitted someone's name.</link_>\n" ### ________________________ Combining tabs _________________________ ### set wmax [expr {4+max([string length $long1], \ [string length $long2],[string length $long3])}] set tab2 [list General Packages "{fra - - 1 99 {-st nsew -rw 1 -cw 1}} \ {.TexPack - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both} {-w $wmax -h 31 \ -rotext ::alited::AboutPack -tags ::alited::about::textTags}}" \ Acknowledgements "{fra - - 1 99 {-st nsew -rw 1 -cw 1}} \ {.TexAckn - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both} \ {-w $wmax -h 34 -rotext ::alited::AboutAckn -tags ::alited::about::textTags}} \ {.sbv .texAckn L - - {pack -side right}}"] ## ________________________ Change default options _________________________ ## # invert link colors set aopts "{-fg $::apave::FGMAIN -bg $::apave::BGMAIN}" obj untouchWidgets "*.texM $aopts" "*.texPack $aopts" "*.texAckn $aopts" lassign [obj csGet] fg fg2 bg bg2 lappend textTags "FG $fg2" "FG2 $fg" "BG $bg2" "BG2 $bg" # tooltips to show in the left & bottom point from the mouse pointer lassign [::baltip cget -shiftX] -> shiftX ::baltip configure -shiftX 10 ## ________________________ Open dialogue _________________________ ## ::alited::msg ok {} $msg \ -title [msgcat::mc About] -t 1 -w $wmax -h {30 30} -scroll 0 \ -tags ::alited::about::textTags -my "after idle {alited::about::textImaged %w}" \ -tab2 $tab2 ## ________________________ Restore defaults _________________________ ## ::baltip configure -shiftX $shiftX obj touchWidgets *.texM *.texPack *.texAckn unset -nocomplain ::alited::AboutAckn unset -nocomplain ::alited::AboutPack } # _____________________________ EOF _____________________________________ #