The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: info.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 07/03/2021 # Brief: Handles the info listbox widget. # License: MIT. ########################################################### # _________________________ Variables ________________________ # namespace eval ::alited::info { variable list [list] ;# list of listbox items variable info [list] ;# data of listbox items (file, found position etc.) variable focustext yes ;# if yes, focuses on a text at the listbox selections variable lastred -2 # these two allow to disable text updates at constant key pressings variable selectmsec 0 ;# saved time at key pressing variable selectafter {} ;# saved after ID at key pressing } # ________________________ Common _________________________ # proc info::Put {msg {inf ""} {bold no} {red no} {see no} {fg ""}} { # Puts a message to the info listbox widget. # msg - the message # inf - additional data for the message (1st line of unit etc.) # bold - if yes, displays the message bolded # red - if yes, makes the message seen in red color # see - if yes, makes the message seen # fg - {} or foreground color or -fg namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav variable list variable info variable lastred ClearRed set llen [llength $list] if {[lindex $list end] eq {} && $msg eq {}} return lappend list $msg lappend info $inf set lbx [$obPav LbxInfo] lassign [alited::FgFgBold] -> fgbold fgred if {$red || $see} { $lbx see end } if {$red} { set fgbold $fgred set lastred $llen } elseif {!$bold && $fg eq {}} { return } if {$fg ne {}} { if {$fg eq "-fg"} { lassign [alited::FgAdditional] -> fg } set fgbold $fg } $lbx itemconfigure end -foreground $fgbold } #_______________________ proc info::Clear {{i -1}} { # Clears the info listbox widget and the related data. # i - index of message (if omitted, clears all messages) namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav variable list variable info variable lastred if {$i == -2} { # no action } elseif {$i == -1} { set list [list] set info [list] } else { lassign [$obPav csGet] fg catch {[$obPav LbxInfo] itemconfigure $i -foreground $fg} set list [lreplace $list $i $i] set info [lreplace $info $i $i] } set lastred -2 } #_______________________ proc info::ClearOut {} { # Clears and out of the info listbox. namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav Clear alited::main::FocusText FocusOut [$obPav SbhInfo] } #_______________________ proc info::ClearRed {} { # Clears a red message in info bar (if it was displayed). variable lastred Clear $lastred } # ________________________ GUI _________________________ # proc info::ListboxSelect {w {checkit no}} { # Handles a selection event of the info listbox. # w - listbox's path # checkit - flag to check for the repeated calls of this procedure variable info variable focustext variable selectmsec variable selectafter set msec [clock milliseconds] if {($msec-$selectmsec)<500 && $checkit} { # this disables updating at key pressing, let a user release the key catch {after cancel $selectafter} set selectafter [after idle "alited::info::ListboxSelect $w yes"] } else { set sel [lindex [$w curselection] 0] if {[string is digit -strict $sel]} { update lassign [lindex $info $sel] TID line if {[alited::bar::BAR isTab $TID]} { if {$TID ne [alited::bar::CurrentTabID]} { alited::favor::SkipVisited yes alited::bar::BAR $TID show alited::find::SetTags [alited::main::GetWTXT $TID] } after idle "catch { \ alited::main::FocusText $TID $line.0 ; \ alited::tree::NewSelection {} $line.0 yes ; \ alited::main::HighlightLine}" if {!$focustext} {after 100 "focus $w"} } } } set selectmsec $msec } #_______________________ proc info::FocusIn {sbhi lbxi} { # At focusing in the info listbox, shows its scrollbar. # sbhi - scrollbar's path # lbxi - listbox's path if {![winfo ismapped $sbhi]} { pack $sbhi -side bottom -before $lbxi -fill both } } #_______________________ proc info::FocusOut {sbhi} { # At focusing out of the info listbox, hides its scrollbar. # sbhi - scrollbar's path variable focustext if {$focustext} { pack forget $sbhi } } #_______________________ proc info::SwitchFocustext {} { # Switches a variable of flag "listbox is focused". namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav variable focustext if {$focustext} { set focustext 0 set lbx [$obPav LbxInfo] focus $lbx catch { $lbx selection clear 0 end $lbx selection set 0 $lbx activate 0 $lbx see 0 } } else { set focustext 1 FocusOut [$obPav SbhInfo] alited::main::FocusText } } #_______________________ proc info::PopupMenu {X Y} { # Runs a popup menu on the info listbox. # X - x-coordinate of mouse pointer # Y - y-coordinate of mouse pointer namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav variable focustext set popm $al(WIN).popupInfo catch {destroy $popm} menu $popm -tearoff 0 $popm add command -label $al(MC,favordelall) -command alited::info::ClearOut if {$focustext} { set msg [msgcat::mc {Don't focus a text after selecting in infobar}] } else { set msg [msgcat::mc {Focus a text after selecting in infobar}] } $popm add command -label $msg -command alited::info::SwitchFocustext $obPav themePopup $popm tk_popup $popm $X $Y } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #