The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh ########################################################### # Name: alited.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 03/01/2021 # Brief: Starting actions, alited's common procedures. # License: MIT. ########################################################### package provide alited ;# for documentation (esp. for Ruff!) namespace eval alited { variable tcltk_version [package require Tk] variable isTcl90 [package vsatisfies $tcltk_version 9.0-] if {![package vsatisfies $tcltk_version 8.6.10-]} { tk_messageBox -message "\nalited needs Tcl/Tk v8.6.10+ \ \n\nwhile the current is v$tcltk_version\n" exit } set _ [info nameofexecutable] if {[string first { } $_]>0} { set res [tk_messageBox -title Warning -icon warning -message \ "The Tcl runtime path\n\n\"$_\"\n\ncontains spaces.\n \ \nThis path doesn't fit alited. Only 'non-space' ones do.\n \ \n==> Some tools won't work." -type okcancel] if {$res ne {ok}} exit } variable al; array set al [list] variable al2; array set al2 [list] ;# alternative array, just to not touch "al" # versions of mnu/ini to update to set al(MNUversion) set al(INIversion) 1.8.0 # previous version of alited to update from set al(ALEversion) 0.0.1 } wm withdraw . catch {package require comm} ;# Generic message transport # _____ Remove installed (perhaps) packages used in alited _____ # foreach _ {baltip bartabs hl_tcl} { catch {package forget $_} catch {namespace delete ::$_} } unset -nocomplain _ # __________________________ alited:: Main _________________________ # namespace eval alited { ## ________________________ Main variables _________________________ ## set DEBUG no ;# debug mode set LOG {} ;# log file in develop mode set al(WIN) .alwin ;# main form's path set al(comm_port) 51807 ;# port to listen set al(comm_port_list) [list {} $al(comm_port) 51817 51827 51837] ;# ports to listen set al(ini_file) {} ;# alited.ini contents # main data of alited (others are in ini.tcl) variable SCRIPT [info script] variable SCRIPTNORMAL [file normalize $SCRIPT] variable FILEDIR [file dirname $SCRIPTNORMAL] variable DIR [file dirname $FILEDIR] # directories of sources variable SRCDIR [file join $DIR src] variable LIBDIR [file join $DIR lib] # directories of required packages variable BARSDIR [file join $LIBDIR bartabs] variable HLDIR [file join $LIBDIR hl_tcl] set ::e_menu_dir [file join $LIBDIR e_menu] variable MNUDIR [file join $::e_menu_dir menus] # apave & baltip packages are located in e_menu's subdirectory variable PAVEDIR [file join $::e_menu_dir src] variable BALTDIR [file join $PAVEDIR baltip] # directories of key data variable DATADIR [file join $DIR data] variable IMGDIR [file join $DATADIR img] variable MSGSDIR [file join $DATADIR msgs] variable DATAUSER [file join $DATADIR user] variable DATAUSERINI [file join $DATAUSER ini] variable DATAUSERINIFILE [file join $DATAUSERINI alited.ini] variable HOMEDIR ~ if {[info exists ::env(HOME)]} {set HOMEDIR $::env(HOME)} # directories of user's data variable CONFIGDIRSTD [file join $HOMEDIR .config] if {![file exists $CONFIGDIRSTD] && \ ($::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows} || [info exists ::env(LOCALAPPDATA)])} { if {[info exists ::env(LOCALAPPDATA)]} { set CONFIGDIRSTD $::env(LOCALAPPDATA) } else { set CONFIGDIRSTD [file join $HOMEDIR AppData Local] } } set CONFIGDIRSTD [file normalize $CONFIGDIRSTD] variable USERLASTINI [file join $CONFIGDIRSTD alited last.ini] # configurations variable CONFIGDIR $CONFIGDIRSTD variable CONFIGS [list] # two main objects to build forms (just some unique names) variable obPav ::alited::alitedpav variable obDlg ::alited::aliteddlg ;# dialog of 1st level variable obDl2 ::alited::aliteddl2 ;# dialog of 2nd level variable obCHK ::alited::alitedCHK ;# dialog of "Check Tcl" variable obFND ::alited::alitedFND ;# dialog of "Find/Replace" variable obFN2 ::alited::alitedFN2 ;# dialog of "Find by list" variable obRun ::alited::alitedRun ;# dialog of "Run..." # misc. vars variable DirGeometry {} ;# saved geometry of "Choose Directory" dialogue (for Linux) variable FilGeometry {} ;# saved geometry of "Choose File" dialogue (for Linux) variable tplgeometry {} ;# saved geometry of "Template" dialogue variable favgeometry {} ;# saved geometry of "Saved favorites" dialogue variable pID 0 # misc. consts variable PRJEXT .ale ;# project file's extension variable EOL {@~} ;# "end of line" for ini-files # project options' names variable OPTS [list \ prjname prjroot prjdirign prjEOL prjindent prjindentAuto prjredunit prjmaxcoms \ prjmultiline prjbeforerun prjtrailwhite prjincons prjuseleafRE prjleafRE] # directory tree's content variable _dirtree [list] set al(_dirignore) [list] # list of helped windows shown by HelpMe proc variable helpedMe {} # project options' values set al(prjname) {} ;# current project's name set al(prjfile) {} ;# current project's file name set al(prjroot) {} ;# current project's directory name set al(prjindent) 4 ;# current project's indentation set al(prjindentAuto) 1 ;# auto detection of indentation set al(prjmultiline) 0 ;# current project's multiline mode set al(prjEOL) {} ;# current project's end of line set al(prjredunit) 20 ;# current project's unit lines per 1 red bar set al(minredunit) 4 ;# minimum project's unit lines per 1 red bar set al(prjbeforerun) {} ;# a command to be run before "Tools/Run" set al(prjtrailwhite) 0 ;# "remove trailing whitespaces" flag set al(prjincons) 1 ;# "run Tcl scripts in console" flag set al(prjdirign) {.git .bak .gitignore .fslckout} ;# ignored files of project set al(prjmaxcoms) 20 ;# maximum of "Run..." commands set al(prjuseleafRE) 0 ;# "use leaf's RE" set al(prjleafRE) {} ;# "leaf's RE" foreach _ $OPTS {set al(DEFAULT,$_) $al($_)} set al(TITLE) {%f :: %d :: %p} ;# alited title's template set al(TclExtsDef) [list .tcl .tk .tm .msg .test] ;# extensions of Tcl files set al(ClangExtsDef) {.c .h .cpp .hpp} ;# extensions of C/C++ files set al(TextExtsDef) {html htm css md txt sh bat ini alm em ale conf wiki ui} ;# ... plain texts set al(TclExts) $al(TclExtsDef) set al(ClangExts) $al(ClangExtsDef) set al(TextExts) $al(TextExtsDef) set al(MOVEFG) black set al(MOVEBG) #7eeeee ## __________________ Procs to raise the alited app ___________________ ## proc raise_window {} { # Raises the app's window. variable al catch { wm withdraw $al(WIN) wm deiconify $al(WIN) } } proc open_files_and_raise {iin args} { # Opens files of CLI. # iin - count of call # args - list of file names # See also: bar::FillBar if {$iin<10} { # let the tab bar be filled first if {![info exists ::alited::al(BID)]} { after idle [list after 1000 [list ::alited::open_files_and_raise [incr iin] {*}$args]] return } foreach fname [lreverse $args] { set fname [string trim $fname "\"\{\}"] if {[file isfile $fname]} { file::OpenFile $fname yes } else { Balloon1 $fname file::NewFile $fname } } } raise_window } proc run_remote {cmd args} { # Runs a command that was started by another process. if {[catch { $cmd {*}$args } err]} { puts $err return -code error } } proc main_user_dirs {} { # Gets names of main user directories for settings. set ::alited::USERDIR [file join $::alited::CONFIGDIR alited] set ::alited::INIDIR [file join $::alited::USERDIR ini] set ::alited::PRJDIR [file join $::alited::USERDIR prj] } ## _ EONS: Main _ ## } # _____________________________ Packages used __________________________ # lappend auto_path $::alited::LIBDIR $::alited::PAVEDIR source [file join $::alited::PAVEDIR apave.tcl] source [file join $::alited::BARSDIR bartabs.tcl] source [file join $::alited::HLDIR hl_tcl.tcl] source [file join $::alited::HLDIR hl_c.tcl] namespace import ::apave::* ::apave::mainWindowOfApp $::alited::al(WIN) # ________________________ ::argv, ::argc _________________________ # set ::alited::ARGV $::argv set ::alited::al(IsWindows) [expr {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}}] # The following "if" counts on the Ruff! doc generator: # - Ruff! uses "package require" for a documented package ("alited", e.g.) # - alited should not be run when Ruff! sources it # - so, without 'package require alited', it's a regular run of alited if {[package versions alited] eq {}} { wm withdraw . if {$::alited::al(IsWindows)} { wm attributes . -alpha 0.0 } set ALITED_PORT yes if {[set _ [lsearch -exact $::argv -NOPORT]]>-1} { set ::argv [lreplace $::argv $_ $_] incr ::argc -1 set ALITED_PORT no } if {[set _ [lsearch -glob $::argv LOG=*]]>-1} { set ::alited::LOG [string range [lindex $::argv $_] 4 end] set ::argv [lreplace $::argv $_ $_] incr ::argc -1 } if {[set _ [lsearch -exact $::argv DEBUG]]>-1} { set ::alited::DEBUG yes set ::argv [lreplace $::argv $_ $_] incr ::argc -1 } if {[file isdirectory $::argv]} { # if alited run with "config dir containing spaces" set ::argv [list $::argv] } elseif {[file isdirectory [set _ [lrange $::argv 0 end-1]]]} { # if alited run with "config dir containing spaces" + "filename" set ::argv [list $_ [lindex $::argv end]] } ## ____________________ Last configuration __________________ ## set readalitedCONFIGS no set isalitedCONFIGS [file exists $::alited::USERLASTINI] set _ [lindex $::argv 0] if {![llength $::argv] || ![file isdirectory $_]} { alited::main_user_dirs if {(![file exists $::alited::INIDIR] || ![file exists $::alited::PRJDIR]) && \ $isalitedCONFIGS} { # read INIDIR & PRJDIR that were last entered lassign [textsplit [readTextFile $::alited::USERLASTINI]] \ ::alited::INIDIR ::alited::PRJDIR ::alited::CONFIGS set ::alited::CONFIGDIR [file dirname [file dirname $::alited::INIDIR]] set readalitedCONFIGS yes } } else { set ::alited::CONFIGDIR $_ set ::argv [lrange $::argv 1 end] } if {[string index $::argv 0] eq {'} && [string index $::argv end] eq {'}} { # when run from menu.em "Edit/create file" set ::argv [list [string range $::argv 1 end-1]] } elseif {[file isfile $::argv]} { set ::argv [list $::argv] } set ALITED_ARGV [list] foreach _ $::argv {lappend ALITED_ARGV [file normalize $_]} if {[llength $ALITED_ARGV]==1 && [llength [split $ALITED_ARGV]]>1} { set ALITED_ARGV [list $ALITED_ARGV] ;# file name contains spaces } if {!$readalitedCONFIGS && $isalitedCONFIGS} { # read configurations used set fcont [textsplit [readTextFile $::alited::USERLASTINI]] set ::alited::CONFIGS [lindex $fcont 2] } unset -nocomplain readalitedCONFIGS unset -nocomplain isalitedCONFIGS ## ____________________ Port to listen __________________ ## # try to read alited.ini set _ [file join $_ alited ini alited.ini] if {![catch {set _ [open $_]}]} { set ::alited::al(ini_file) [split [read $_] \n] close $_ set _ [lindex $::alited::al(ini_file) 1] if {[string match comm_port=* $_]} { set ::alited::al(comm_port) [string range $_ 10 end] } else { set ::alited::al(comm_port) 51837 ;# to be compatible with old style } } unset -nocomplain _ ## ____________________ Open an existing app __________________ ## if {[string is integer -strict $::alited::al(comm_port)]} { # Code borrowed from TKE editor. # Set the comm port that we will use # Change our comm port to a known value # (if we fail, the app is already running at that port so connect to it) if {$::alited::al(IsWindows) && \ ![catch { ::comm::comm config -port $::alited::al(comm_port) }]} { set ALITED_PORT no ;# no running app } } else { set ALITED_PORT no } if {!$::alited::DEBUG && $ALITED_PORT} { if {$::alited::al(IsWindows)} { if {[llength $ALITED_ARGV]} { # Attempt to add files & raise the existing application if {![catch {::comm::comm send $::alited::al(comm_port) ::alited::run_remote \ ::alited::open_files_and_raise 0 $ALITED_ARGV}]} { destroy . exit } } else { # Attempt to raise the existing application if {![catch { ::comm::comm send $::alited::al(comm_port) ::alited::run_remote \ ::alited::raise_window }]} { destroy . exit } } } else { if {[tk appname alited] ne "alited"} { send -async alited ::alited::open_files_and_raise 0 {*}$ALITED_ARGV destroy . exit } } } } # __________________________ alited:: ________________________ # namespace eval alited { proc FgAdditional {} { # Gets the list of additional colors: branch, red, todo. lassign [::hl_tcl::addingColors {} -AddTags] - - fgbr - - fgred - - - fgtodo list $fgbr $fgred $fgtodo } #_______________________ proc FgFgBold {} { # Gets foregrounds of normal and colored text of current color scheme # and red color of TODOs. variable obPav lassign [FgAdditional] -> fgred if {[catch {set lst [$obPav csGet]}]} { set fg [ttk::style lookup "." -foreground] set bg [ttk::style lookup "." -background] set fgbold $fgred } else { lassign $lst - fg - bg fgbold } list $fg $fgbold $fgred $bg } #_______________________ proc ListPaved {} { # Returns a list of apave objects for dialogues. list obDlg obDl2 obFND obFN2 obCHK obRun } #_______________________ proc SyntaxColors {} { # Gets colors for syntax highlighting. variable al foreach nam [::hl_tcl::hl_colorNames] {lappend colors $al(ED,$nam)} lassign [::hl_tcl::addingColors] clrCURL clrCMN2 lappend colors $clrCURL $clrCMN2 return $colors } #_______________________ proc SyntaxHighlight {lng wtxt colors {cs ""} args} { # Makes a text being syntax highlighted. # lng - language (tcl, c) # wtxt - text's path # colors - highlighting colors # cs - color scheme # args - other options variable al if {$cs eq {}} {set cs [obj csCurrent]} ::hl_${lng}::hl_init $wtxt -dark [obj csDark $cs] -colors $colors \ -multiline 1 -font $al(FONT,txt) -cmdpos ::apave::None {*}$args ::hl_${lng}::hl_text $wtxt } #_______________________ proc TextIcon {ico {to out}} { # Gets a picture from a character and vice versa. # ico - picture or character # to - "in" gets in-chars, "out" gets out-chars set in [list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 & ~ = @] set out [list ∀ ∃ ∏ ∑ ⁂ ⊍ ⋀ ⋁ ⋈ ⋒ ⌗ ⌛ ⌬ ⏏] if {$to eq {out}} { set lfrom $in set lto $out } else { set lfrom $out set lto $in } if {[set i [lsearch -exact $lfrom $ico]]>-1} { set tico [lindex $lto $i] } else { set tico $ico } return $tico } #_______________________ proc Tnext {{wprev ""}} { # Returns "next & prev widgets" for Tab & Shift/Tab keys, just to skip "Help". # wprev - widget for Shift/Tab # Used by obPrf & obPrj objects. list *.ButOK $wprev } #_______________________ proc TmpFile {tname} { # Gets a temporary file's name. # tname - tailing part of the name variable al return [file join $al(EM,mnudir) $tname] } #_______________________ proc ProcEOL {val mode} { # Transforms \n to "EOL chars" and vise versa. # val - string to transform # mode - if "in", gets \n-valued; if "out", gets EOL-valued. variable EOL if {$mode eq {in}} { return [string map [list $EOL \n] $val] } else { return [string map [list \n $EOL] $val] } } #_______________________ proc ProcessFiles {procname what} { # Processes files according to Selected/All choice. # procname - name of command to run on files (TID passed) # what - what to process: 1 - selected, 2 - all # Returns numbers of all and processed files. # See also: SessionList variable da set all [set processed 0] foreach tab [alited::SessionList $what] { incr all incr processed [$procname [lindex $tab 0]] } list $all $processed } #_______________________ proc SessionList {{mode 0}} { # Returns a list of all tabs or selected tabs (if set). # mode - 0 get selected or all, 1 force selected, 2 force all set res [alited::bar::BAR listFlag s] if {(!$mode && [llength $res]==1) || $mode==2} { set res [alited::bar::BAR listTab] } return $res } #_______________________ proc isTclScript {tab} { # Check if the tab's file is of .tcl type. # tab - tab's info set TID [lindex $tab 0] set fn [alited::bar::FileName $TID] expr {[string tolower [file extension $fn]] eq {.tcl}} } #_______________________ proc SessionTclList {{mode 0}} { # Returns a list of all tabs or selected tabs of .tcl files. # mode - 0 get selected or all, 1 force selected, 2 force all set ltabs [list] foreach tab [alited::SessionList $mode] { if {[alited::isTclScript $tab]} { lappend ltabs $tab } } return $ltabs } #_______________________ proc EnsureAlArray {arName args} { # Ensures restoring an array at calling a proc. # arName - fully qualified array name # args - proc name & arguments set foc [focus] ::apave::EnsureArray $arName {*}$args focusByForce $foc 20 } #_______________________ proc InitUnitTree {TID} { # Initializes the unit tree of file to be processed. # TID - tab's ID set wtxt [main::GetWTXT $TID] if {$wtxt ne {}} {unit::RecreateUnits $TID $wtxt} return 1 } #_______________________ proc Map {opts str args} { # Maps wildcards and %% in a string. # opts - options of "string map" command # str - string # args - list of wildcards and values: {%w1 $val1 %w2 $val2 ...} set abra {*^e!`i@U50=|} set str [string map [list %% $abra] $str] foreach {wc val} $args { set str [string map {*}$opts [list $wc $val] $str] } set str [string map [list $abra %] $str] } #_______________________ proc MapWildCards {com} { # Maps some common wildcards in a command # com - the command # Wildcards: # %H - home directory # %P - directory of current project # %F - current file name # %D - directory of current file # %A - directory of alited # %M - directory of e_menu's menus # %E - Tcl/Tk executable as set in Preferences/Tools variable al variable DIR set filename [bar::FileName] set dirname [file dirname $filename] set com [Map {} $com \ %H [apave::HomeDir] \ %P $al(prjroot) \ %F $filename \ %D $dirname \ %A $DIR \ %M $al(EM,mnudir) \ %E [Tclexe]] } #_______________________ proc Font {} { # Gets editor's font. variable al return $al(FONT,txt) } #_______________________ proc FocusText {} { # Focuses a current text. after idle after 100 {focusByForce [alited::main::CurrentWTXT]} } ## ________________________ Messages _________________________ ## proc MessageTags {} { # Gets tags for texts shown with messages. # Returns "-tags option" for messages. lassign [FgFgBold] -> fS set ::alited::textTags [list \ [list "r" "-font {$::apave::FONTMAINBOLD} -foreground $fS"] \ [list "b" "-foreground $fS"] \ [list "link" "openDoc %t@@https://%l@@"] \ ] return {-tags ::alited::textTags} } #_______________________ proc TipMessage {lab tip} { # Shows a tip on status message and clears the status message. # lab - message label's path # tip - text of tip if {$tip ne {}} {$lab configure -text {}} return $tip } #_______________________ proc msg {type icon message {defb ""} args} { # Shows a message and asks for an answer. # type - ok/yesno/okcancel/yesnocancel # icon - info/warn/err # message - the message # defb - default button (for not "ok" dialogs) # args - additional arguments (-title and font's option) # For "ok" dialogue, 'defb' is omitted (being a part of args). variable obDlg variable al if {$type eq {ok}} { set args [linsert $args 0 $defb] set defb {} } elseif {$defb eq {}} { set defb YES } lappend defb -centerme [::apave::rootModalWindow $al(WIN)] lassign [::apave::extractOptions args -title {} -noesc 0] title noesc if {$title eq {}} { switch $icon { warn {set title $al(MC,warning)} err {set title $al(MC,error)} ques {set title $al(MC,question)} default {set title $al(MC,info)} } } else { set title [msgcat::mc $title] } set message [msgcat::mc $message] if {[info exists al(obDlg-BUSY)]} { # the obDlg is engaged: no actions, just a message Message $message 4 set res 0 } else { set al(obDlg-BUSY) yes set res [$obDlg $type $icon $title "\n$message\n" {*}$defb \ -onclose destroy {*}$args] unset -nocomplain al(obDlg-BUSY) } return [lindex $res 0] } #_______________________ proc Msg {inf {ic info} args} { # Shows a message in text box. # inf - the message # ic - icon msg ok $ic $inf -text 1 -w 50 {*}$args } #_______________________ proc Message {msg {mode 2} {lab ""} {first yes}} { # Displays a message in statusbar. # msg - message # mode - 1: simple; 2: bold; 3: bold color; 4: bold red bell; 5: static; 6: bold red # lab - label's name to display the message in # first - serves to recursively erase the message variable al variable obPav if {[info commands $obPav] eq {} || [catch {lassign [FgFgBold] fg fgbold fgred bg}]} { return ;# at exiting app } if {$lab eq {}} {set lab [$obPav Labstat3]} if {$first} {set msg [msgcat::mc $msg]} if {!$first && $msg ne {} && [winfo exists $lab]} { set curmsg [$lab cget -text] # if a message changed or expired, don't touch it (don't cover it with old 'msg') if {[string first $msg $curmsg]<0} return } set font [[$obPav Labstat2] cget -font] set fontB [list {*}$font -weight bold] set msg [string range [string map [list \n { } \r {}] $msg] 0 500] set slen [string length $msg] if {[catch {$lab configure -text $msg}] || !$slen} return $lab configure -font $font -foreground $fg if {$mode > 1} { $lab configure -font $fontB if {$mode == 4} { $lab configure -foreground $fgred if {$first} bell } elseif {$mode == 3 || $mode == 5} { $lab configure -foreground $fgbold } elseif {$mode == 6} { $lab configure -foreground $fgred } } if {$mode == 5} { update return } if {$first} { set msec [expr {200*$slen}] if {$mode > 1} { set opts "-font {$fontB}" } else { set opts {} } set tip [string trim [string range $msg 0 130]] if {[string trim [string range $msg [string length $tip] end]] ne {}} { append tip ... } baltip::tip $lab $tip -command [list alited::TipMessage %w %t] -per10 0 {*}$opts } else { set msg [string range $msg 0 end-1] set msec 10 } catch {after cancel $al(afterID)} if {$msec>0} { set al(afterID) [after $msec [list ::alited::Message $msg $mode $lab no]] } } #_______________________ proc MessageNotDisturb {} { # Shows "Don't disturb" message. variable al lassign [alited::complete::TextCursorCoordinates] X Y set msg "Working...\nDon't disturb." Message $msg 3 ::baltip::showBalloon $msg \ -geometry "+$X+$Y" -fg $al(MOVEFG) -bg $al(MOVEBG) } #_______________________ proc MessageError {msg} { # Doubles error message: in infobar and in status bar. # msg - error message info::Put $msg {} yes yes yes -fg Message $msg 4 } #_______________________ proc Balloon {msg {red no} {timo 100} args} { # Displays a message in a balloon window. # msg - message # red - yes for red background # timo - millisec. before showing the message # args - options of baltip::tip variable al variable obPav set cs [$obPav csGet] set fg [lindex $cs 14] ;# colors of tips set bg [lindex $cs 15] if {$red} {set fg #6e0000} lassign [split [winfo geometry $al(WIN)] x+] w h x y set geo "+([expr {$w+$x}]-W)+$y-60" set msg [string map [list \n " \n "] $msg] if {[llength [split $msg \n]]==1} {set msg \n$msg\n} ::baltip clear $al(WIN) after $timo [list ::baltip tip $al(WIN) $msg -fg $fg -bg $bg -alpha 0.9 \ -font {-weight bold -size 11} -pause 1000 -fade 1000 \ -geometry $geo -bell $red -on yes -relief groove {*}$args] } #_______________________ proc Balloon1 {fname} { # Shows a balloon about non-existing file. # fname - file's name variable al Balloon [string map [list %f $fname] $al(MC,filenoexist)] } #_______________________ proc IsTipable {} { # Checks if a tip on the tree/favorites can be shown. variable al if {[set foc [focus]] eq {} || [string match *tearoff* $foc]} { return no ;# no tips while focusing on a tearoff menu } if {[winfo toplevel $foc] ne $al(WIN)} { return no ;# no tips while focusing on a toplevel other than alited's main } return yes } ## ________________________ Helps _________________________ ## proc HelpAbout {} { # Shows "About..." dialogue. if {[info commands about::About] eq {}} { source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR about.tcl] } about::About } #_______________________ proc HelpAlited {{ilink ""}} { # Shows a main help of alited. # ilink - internal link openDoc$ilink } #_______________________ proc HelpFile {win fname args} { # Reads and shows a help file. # win - currently active window # fname - the file's name # args - option of msg variable obDlg variable al if {[HelpOnce 1 $fname]} return lassign [::apave::extractOptions args -ale1Help no -ontop 0] ale1Help ontop if {[::asKDE]} {set ontop 1} set tags [MessageTags] if {[file exists $fname]} { set msg [readTextFile $fname] } else { set msg "Here should be a text of\n\"$fname\"" } if {$::alited::DEBUG} {puts "help file: $fname"} set wmax 1 foreach ln [split $msg \n] { set oc 0 foreach tag {r b link} { foreach yn {{} /} { set ln2 $ln set t <$yn$tag> set ln [string map [list $t {}] $ln] incr oc [expr {([string length $ln2]-[string length $ln])/([string length $t]+1)}] } } set wmax [expr {max($wmax,[string length $ln]+$oc)}] } set pobj $obDlg if {[info commands $pobj] eq {}} { # at first start, there are no apave objects bound to the main window of alited # -> create an independent one to be deleted afterwards set pobj alitedHelpObjToDel catch {::apave::APave create $pobj} } if {[llength [split $msg \n]]>30} { set args [linsert $args 0 -h 30 -scroll 1] } after 200 [list alited::HelpOnce 0 $fname] if {$ale1Help} { # if run from "Help/Context", remove its predecessor catch {destroy $al(DLGPREV)} after idle "set ::alited::al(DLGPREV) \[$pobj dlgPath\]" } set res [$pobj ok {} Help "\n$msg\n" -modal no -waitvar no \ -onclose "alited::destroyWindow %w [focus]" -centerme $win -text 1 -scroll no \ {*}$tags -ontop $ontop -w [incr wmax] {*}$args] return $res } #_______________________ proc HelpOnce {mode fname} { # Handles "Help" window to have the only instance of it. # mode - 1 to check for existance the help; 0 to register it # fname - file of help variable al2 variable obDlg set key _help_$fname if {$mode} { if {[info exists al2($key)] && [winfo exists $al2($key)]} { ::apave::deiconify $al2($key) return 1 } return 0 } if {[catch {set al2($key) [$obDlg dlgPath]}]} {set al2($key) 0} } #_______________________ proc HelpFname {win {suff ""}} { # Gets a help file's name. # win - currently active window # suff - suffix for a help file's name variable DATADIR set fname [lindex [split [dict get [info frame -2] proc] :] end-2] set fname [file join [file join $DATADIR help] $fname$suff.txt] return $fname } #_______________________ proc HelpMe {win {suff ""}} { # Shows a help file for a procedure with "Don't show again" checkbox. # win - currently active window # suff - suffix for a help file's name variable al variable helpedMe if {[lsearch -exact $helpedMe $win]>-1} return set ans [HelpFile $win [HelpFname $win $suff] -ch $al(MC,noask)] if {[lindex $ans 0]==11} { lappend helpedMe $win } } #_______________________ proc Help {win {suff ""} args} { # Shows a help file for a procedure. # win - currently active window # suff - suffix for a help file's name # args - options of HelpFile HelpFile $win [HelpFname $win $suff] {*}$args } #_______________________ proc destroyWindow {win foc args} { # Destroys current window and focuses on previously focused widget. # win - current window passed as %w # foc - previously focused widget catch {destroy $win} after idle after 100 "focusByForce $foc" } ## ________________________ Runs & exits _________________________ ## proc SaveRunOptions {} { # Saves options of "Run..." dialogue. variable al set al(_SavedRunOptions_) [list \ $al(prjincons) $al(comForce) $al(comForceLs) $al(comForceCh) $al(prjbeforerun)] } #_______________________ proc RestoreRunOptions {} { # Restores options of "Run..." dialogue. variable al lassign $al(_SavedRunOptions_) \ al(prjincons) al(comForce) al(comForceLs) al(comForceCh) al(prjbeforerun) } #_______________________ proc Source_e_menu {} { # Sources e_menu.tcl at need. if {![info exists ::em::geometry]} { source [file join $::e_menu_dir e_menu.tcl] } } #_______________________ proc EditExt {{fname ""}} { # Gets an edited file's extention without '.'. # fname - the file name if {$fname eq {}} {set fname [bar::FileName]} string trimleft [file extension $fname] . } #_______________________ proc HighlightAddon {wtxt fname colors {fontsize ""}} { # Tries to highlight add-on extensions. # wtxt - text's path # fname - current file's name # colors - colors of highlighting # fontsize - font size namespace upvar ::alited al al LIBDIR LIBDIR set res {} set ext [EditExt $fname] if {$ext ne {}} { catch { switch $ext { htm - ui - tpl1 {set ext html} ale - conf - typetpl {set ext ini} } set addon hl_$ext lassign [glob -nocomplain [file join $LIBDIR addon $addon.tcl]] fhl set addon [file rootname [file tail $fhl]] if {![namespace exists ::alited::$addon]} { if {[catch {source $fhl} err]} { alited::Message $err 4 return {} } } lappend colors [FgFgBold] if {$fontsize ne {}} { set fsz $fontsize } elseif {[dict exists $al(FONT,txt) -size]} { set fsz [dict get $al(FONT,txt) -size] } else { set fsz $al(FONTSIZE,std) } set res [${addon}::init $wtxt $al(FONT,txt) $fsz {*}$colors] obj set_highlight_matches $wtxt foreach tag {sel hilited hilited2} {after idle $wtxt tag raise $tag} } } return $res } #_______________________ proc Hl_Colors {} { # Gets highlighting colors. variable al foreach nam [::hl_tcl::hl_colorNames] {lappend colors $al(ED,$nam)} return $colors } #_______________________ proc Tclexe {} { # Gets Tcl's executable file. variable al if {$al(EM,Tcl) eq {}} { if {$al(IsWindows)} { # important: refer to tclsh (not wish), to run it in Windows console # though not good for deployed Tcl/Tk 8.6- if {[set tclexe [::apave::autoexec tclsh .exe]] eq {}} { set tclexe [info nameofexecutable] } } else { set tclexe [info nameofexecutable] } } else { set tclexe $al(EM,Tcl) } return $tclexe } #_______________________ proc Run {args} { # Runs Tcl/Tk script. # args - script's name and arguments variable al set com [string trimright "$args" &] if {{TEST_ALITED} in $args} { set com [string map [list { TEST_ALITED} {}] $com] puts [Tclexe]\ $com } if {[set i [lsearch $args -dir]]>=0} { set dir [lindex $args [incr i]] } else { set dir $al(prjroot) } set curdir [pwd] catch {cd $dir} set res [pid [open |[list [Tclexe] {*}$com]]] cd $curdir return $res } #_______________________ proc Runtime {args} { # Runs Tcl/Tk script by alited's Tcl/Tk runtime. # args - script's name and arguments exec -- [info nameofexecutable] {*}$args & } #_______________________ proc CloseDlg {} { # Tries to close a Help dialogue, open non-modal aside by the current dialogue. variable obDlg catch {[$obDlg ButOK] invoke} } #_______________________ proc ScriptSource {script} { # Sources script.tcl (at need). # script - the script name variable SRCDIR if {[info commands ::alited::${script}::_run] eq {}} { source [file join $SRCDIR $script.tcl] } } #_______________________ proc CheckSource {} { # Sources check.tcl (at need). ScriptSource check } #_______________________ proc CheckRun {} { # Runs "Check Tcl". CheckSource check::_run } #_______________________ proc PrinterRun {} { # Runs "Project Printer". ScriptSource printer printer::_run } #_______________________ proc Exit {{w ""} {res 0} {ask yes}} { # Closes alited application. # w - not used # res - result of running of main window # ask - if "yes", requests the confirmation of the exit variable al variable obPav set al(INI,isfindrepl) [expr {[winfo exist $al(WIN).winFind]}] if {$al(INI,confirmexit)>1} { set timo "-timeout {$al(INI,confirmexit) ButOK}" } else { set timo {} } if {!$ask || !$al(INI,confirmexit) || \ [msg okcancel info [msgcat::mc {Quitting alited.}] OK {*}$timo]} { if {[file::AllSaved]} { alited::menu::SaveCascadeMenuGeo catch {find::CloseFind} ;# save Find/Replace geometry if {$res eq {2}} { # save alited's settings: in main::_run not saved yet catch {ini::SaveIni} } tool::_close ;# close all of the catch {run::Cancel} ;# possibly open catch {check::Cancel} ;# non-modal catch {destroy $::alited::find::win2} ;# windows catch {destroy $::alited::al(FN2WINDOW)} ;# and its possible children catch {paver::Destroy} $obPav res $al(WIN) $res ::apave::endWM } } } ## _______________________ Sources in alited:: _______________________ ## source [file join $SRCDIR ini.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR img.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR msgs.tcl] msgcatMessages source [file join $SRCDIR main.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR bar.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR file.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR unit.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR tree.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR favor.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR favor_ls.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR find.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR keys.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR info.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR tool.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR menu.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR pref.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR project.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR complete.tcl] source [file join $SRCDIR edit.tcl] ## _ EONS alited _ ## } # _________________________ Run the app _________________________ # if {$::alited::LOG ne {}} { ::apave::logName $::alited::LOG ::apave::logMessage "START ------------" } # The following "if" counts on the Ruff! doc generator: # - Ruff! uses "package require" for a documented package ("alited", e.g.) # - alited should not be run when Ruff! sources it # - so, without 'package require alited', it's a regular run of alited if {[info exists ALITED_PORT]} { unset -nocomplain ALITED_PORT # source [::apave::HomeDir]/PG/github/DEMO/alited/demo.tcl ;#! for demo: COMMENT OUT if {[llength $ALITED_ARGV]} { set ::argc 0 set ::argv {} after 10 [list ::alited::open_files_and_raise 0 {*}$ALITED_ARGV] } if {$::alited::DEBUG} { alited::ini::_init } elseif {[catch {alited::ini::_init} _]} { # initialize GUI & data: # let a possible error of ini-file be shown, with attempt to continue puts \n$::errorInfo\n alited::ini::GetUserDirs tk_messageBox -title alited -icon error -message \ "Error of reading of alited's settings: \ \n$_\n\nProbable reason in the file:\n$::alited::al(INI) \ \n\nTry to rename/move it or take it from alited's source. \ \nThen restart alited.\n\nDetails are in stdout." } alited::main::_create ;# create the main form alited::favor::_init ;# initialize favorites alited::tool::AfterStart unset -nocomplain _ unset -nocomplain ALITED_ARGV # source [::apave::HomeDir]/PG/github/DEMO/alited/demo.tcl ;#! for demo: COMMENT OUT if {[catch {set res [alited::main::_run]} err]} { set res 0 set msg "\nERROR in alited:" puts \n$msg\n\n$::errorInfo\n set msg "$msg\n\n$err\n\nPlease, inform authors.\nDetails are in stdout." tk_messageBox -title alited -icon error -message $msg } catch {destroy $al(WIN)} if {$res} { ;# run the main form # restarting if {[file tail [file dirname $::alited::DIR]] eq {alited.kit}} { set ::alited::DIR [file dirname [file dirname $::alited::DIR]] } else { set ::alited::SCRIPT $::alited::SCRIPTNORMAL } if {$::alited::LOG ne {}} { ::apave::logMessage "QUIT :: $::alited::DIR :: $::alited::SCRIPT PORT $::alited::ARGV" } cd $::alited::DIR for {set i [llength $::alited::ARGV]} {$i} {} { incr i -1 if {[file isfile [lindex $::alited::ARGV $i]]} { ;# remove file names passed to ALE set ::alited::ARGV [lreplace $::alited::ARGV $i $i] } } exec -- [info nameofexecutable] $::alited::SCRIPT {*}$::alited::ARGV & } elseif {$::alited::LOG ne {}} { ::apave::logMessage {QUIT ------------} } exit $res } else { # these scripts are sourced at need, here are listed: # - for including them in Ruff!'s generated docs # - as a useful info namespace eval alited { source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR about.tcl] source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR check.tcl] source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR indent.tcl] source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR run.tcl] source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR paver.tcl] source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR preview.tcl] source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR unit_tpl.tcl] source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR format.tcl] source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR printer.tcl] source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR detached.tcl] source [file join $::alited::LIBDIR addon hl_md.tcl] source [file join $::alited::LIBDIR addon hl_html.tcl] source [file join $::alited::LIBDIR addon hl_em.tcl] source [file join $::alited::LIBDIR addon hl_alm.tcl] source [file join $::alited::LIBDIR addon hl_ini.tcl] source [file join $::alited::LIBDIR addon hl_wiki.tcl] } } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #