The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: find.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 06/25/2021 # Brief: Handles find/replace procedures of alited. # License: MIT. ########################################################### # ________________________ Variables _________________________ # namespace eval find { # dialogues' path variable win $::alited::al(WIN).winFind variable win2 $::alited::al(WIN).winFind2 variable winRE2 $win.winRE2 variable obRE2 ::alited::find::obRE2 # initial geometry of the dialogue variable geo root=$::alited::al(WIN) variable geo2 $geo # common data of procs variable data; array set data [list] # last invoked "Find" (initially, "All in session") set data(lastinvoke) 3 # options of "Find/Replace" dialogue set data(c1) 0 ;# words only set data(c2) 1 ;# case set data(c3) 0 ;# by blank set data(c4) 1 ;# wrap around # lists for find & replace comboboxes set data(vals1) [list] set data(vals2) [list] # values of find & replace comboboxes set data(en1) {} set data(en2) {} # value for radiobutton "Match" set data(v1) 1 # value for radiobutton "Direction" set data(v2) 2 # enables/disables correctness of options (if "no", "Find" is run without dialogue) set data(docheck) yes # delimiters of words variable delim1 [list { } {} {;} \n \t \$ \" ` ' @ # % ^ & * ( ) - + = | \\ / : , . ? ! < >] # left delimiters of commands variable ldelim [list { } {} \n \t \} \{ \[ # {;} \" \\ (] # right delimiters of commands variable rdelim [list { } {} \n \t \} \] # {;} \" \\ )] # all delimiters of commands variable adelim [list \} \{ \[ \] {*}$delim1] # variable to count matches variable counts {} # including and excluding RE variable InRE2 [list] variable ExRE2 [list] variable chInRE2 1 variable chExRE2 1 variable geoRE2 {} } # ________________________ Common _________________________ # proc find::TabsToSearch {{tab -} {cur1st yes}} { # Gets a list of tabs to search something, beginning from a current tab. # tab - the current tab # cur1st - if yes, search first in a current tab if {$tab eq {-}} {set tab [alited::bar::CurrentTabID]} set tabs [alited::SessionList] if {$cur1st && [set i [lsearch -exact -index 0 $tabs $tab]]>0} { set tabs [linsert [lreplace $tabs $i $i] 0 $tab] } return $tabs } # ________________________ Words / commands from text _________________________ # proc find::GetCommandOfLine {line idx {delim ""} {mode ""}} { # Gets a command from a line. # line - the line # idx - a column of the line # delim - list of word delimiters # mode - if it ends with "2", the result includes a range of found string. variable ldelim variable rdelim if {$delim ne {}} { set delim1 $delim set delim2 $delim } else { set delim1 $ldelim set delim2 $rdelim } set i1 [set i2 [string range $idx [string first . $idx]+1 end]] for {set i $i1} {1} {} { incr i -1 if {[string index $line $i] in $delim1} { set i1 [expr {$i+1}] break } } for {set i $i1} {1} {} { incr i if {[string index $line $i] in $delim2} { set i2 [expr {$i-1}] break } } set res [string trim [string range $line $i1 $i2]] if {[string index $mode end] eq "2"} { set res [list $res $i1 $i2] } return $res } #_______________________ proc find::GetWordOfLine {line idx {mode ""}} { # Gets a word from a line. # line - the line # idx - a column of the line # mode - if it ends with "2", the result includes a range of found string. variable adelim return [GetCommandOfLine $line $idx $adelim $mode] } #_______________________ proc find::GetCommandOfText {wtxt {mode ""}} { # Gets a command under the cursor. # wtxt - text widget's path # mode - if it ends with "2", the result includes a range of found string set idx [$wtxt index insert] set line [$wtxt get "$idx linestart" "$idx lineend"] list [GetCommandOfLine $line $idx "" $mode] $idx } #_______________________ proc find::GetWordOfText {{mode ""} {getdollar no}} { # Gets a word of text under the cursor. # mode - if "select", try to get the word from a line with a selection # getdollar - if no word found and the cursor is set on $, get "$" as the word # If 'mode' ends with "2", the result includes a range of found string. set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] if {$mode in {noselect noselect2} || \ [catch {set sel [$wtxt get sel.first sel.last]}]} { set idx [$wtxt index insert] set line [$wtxt get "$idx linestart" "$idx lineend"] set sel [GetWordOfLine $line $idx $mode] if {$getdollar && [lindex $sel 0] eq {}} { set idx [$wtxt index "insert -1 c"] if {[$wtxt get $idx] eq "\$"} { set sel "\$ [lrange $sel 1 end]" } } } elseif {[string index $mode end] eq "2"} { set sel [list $sel] } return $sel } # ________________________ Search declaration (Ctrl-L) _________________________ # proc find::LookDecl1 {wtxt isNS} { # Searches a declaration in a text. # wtxt - the text's path # isNS - flag "search a qualified unit name" namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$wtxt eq ""} {set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT]} lassign [GetCommandOfText $wtxt] com1 idx if {$com1 eq {}} {bell; return {}} set com2 $com1 set withNS [expr {[set i [string last ":" $com1]]>-1}] if {!$isNS} { # try to find the pure (not qualified) name set com2 [string range $com1 $i+1 end] } elseif {!$withNS} { # try to get the current unit's namespace set curr [lindex [alited::tree::CurrentItemByLine $idx yes] 4] set com2 [string cat [string range $curr 0 [string last ":" $curr]] $com1] } set tab [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] if {$isNS} { # search a qualified name: beginning from the current tab set tabs [TabsToSearch $tab] if {$withNS} {set what "*$com2"} {set what " $com2"} } else { # search a non-qualified name: in the current tab only set what "*::$com2" set tabs $tab } foreach tab $tabs { set TID [lindex $tab 0] alited::main::GetText $TID no no foreach it $al(_unittree,$TID) { lassign $it lev leaf fl1 ttl l1 l2 if {$leaf} { if {[string match $what $ttl] || [string match "*::$ttl" $com2] || $com2 eq $ttl} { return [list $l1 $TID $what] } } } } return [list {} {} [string range $what 1 end]] } #_______________________ proc find::LookDecl {{wtxt ""}} { # Prepares and runs searching a declaration in a text. # wtxt - the text's path namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav # switch to the unit tree: 1st to enable the search, 2nd to show units found & selected if {!$al(TREE,isunits)} alited::tree::SwitchTree lassign [LookDecl1 $wtxt yes] found TID what if {$found eq {}} { # if the qualified not found, try to find the non-qualified (first encountered) lassign [LookDecl1 $wtxt no] found TID } if {$found ne {}} { alited::main::SaveVisitInfo alited::favor::SkipVisited yes alited::bar::BAR $TID show after idle " \ alited::main::FocusText $TID $found.0 ; \ alited::tree::NewSelection ; \ alited::main::SaveVisitInfo" } else { set msg [string map [list %u $what] $al(MC,notfndunit)] alited::Message $msg 4 } } # ________________________ Search units (Ctrl-Shift-F) _________________________ # proc find::DoFindUnit {} { # Runs searching units in current text / all texts. namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set ent [$obPav CbxFindSTD] set what [string trim [$ent get]] if {$what eq {} || [regexp {\s} $what]} { alited::Message [msgcat::mc {Incorrect name for a unit.}] 4 return } if {[set i [lsearch -exact $al(findunitvals) $what]]>=0} { set al(findunitvals) [lreplace $al(findunitvals) $i $i] } set al(findunitvals) [linsert $al(findunitvals) 0 $what] catch {set al(findunitvals) [lreplace $al(findunitvals) $al(FAV,MAXLAST) end]} $ent configure -values $al(findunitvals) InitShowResults set n 0 if {$::alited::main::findunits==1} { set tabs [TabsToSearch] } else { set tabs [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] } foreach tab $tabs { set TID [lindex $tab 0] alited::main::GetText $TID no no lassign [alited::FgAdditional] fgbr foreach it $al(_unittree,$TID) { lassign $it lev leaf fl1 title l1 l2 set ttl [string range $title [string last : $title]+1 end] ;# pure name, no NS if {[string match -nocase "*$what*" $ttl]} { set tname [alited::bar::TabName $TID] if {$leaf} {set fg {}} {set fg $fgbr} PutInfo $tname $l1 $title $TID $fg incr n } } } ShowResults [string map [list %n $n %s $what] $al(MC,frres1)] {} -fg } #_______________________ proc find::FindUnit {} { # Displays "Find unit" frame. namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set ent [$obPav CbxFindSTD] if {[set word [GetWordOfText]] ne {}} { set al(findunit) $word } if {![info exist al(isfindunit)] || !$al(isfindunit)} { set al(isfindunit) true pack [$obPav FraHead] -side bottom -fill x -pady 3 -after [$obPav GutText] foreach k {f F} {bind $ent <Shift-Control-$k> {alited::find::DoFindUnit; break}} bind $ent <Return> alited::find::DoFindUnit bind $ent <Escape> {alited::find::HideFindUnit; break} } focus $ent after idle "$ent selection range 0 end" } #_______________________ proc find::HideFindUnit {} { # Hides "Find unit" frame. namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set al(isfindunit) no pack forget [$obPav FraHead] focus [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] } # ________________________ Find word in a session (Ctrl-L) _________________________ # proc find::SearchWordInSession {} { variable data set saven1 $data(en1) ;# field "Find" set savv1 $data(v1) ;# rad "Exact" set savc1 $data(c1) ;# chb "Word only" set savc2 $data(c2) ;# chb "Case Sensitive" if {[set data(en1) [GetWordOfText select]] eq ""} { bell } else { set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] if {[catch {set sel [$wtxt get sel.first sel.last]}] || $sel eq ""} { set data(c1) 1 } else { set data(c1) 0 ;# if selected, let it be looked for (at "not word only") } set data(v1) 1 set data(c2) 1 set data(docheck) no ;# no checks - no usage of the dialogue's widgets FindInSession notag set data(docheck) yes } set data(en1) $saven1 set data(v1) $savv1 set data(c1) $savc1 set data(c2) $savc2 } # ________________________ Get data for search _________________________ # proc find::GetFindEntry {} { # Puts a current selection of text to the "Find:" field variable data set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] if {[catch {set sel [$wtxt get sel.first sel.last]}]} { set idx [$wtxt index insert] set line [$wtxt get "$idx linestart" "$idx lineend"] set sel [GetWordOfLine $line $idx] } if {$sel ne {}} {set data(en1) $sel} } #_______________________ proc find::CheckData {op} { # Checks if the find/replace data are valid. # op - if "repl", checks for "Replace" operation # Return "yes", if the input data are valid. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable win variable data # this means "no checks when used outside of the dialogue": if {!$data(docheck)} {return yes} # search input data in arrays of combobox values: # if not found, save the data to the arrays set w $win.fra set foc {} foreach i {2 1} { if {[set data(en$i)] ne {}} { if {[set f [lsearch -exact [set data(vals$i)] [set data(en$i)]]]>-1} { set data(vals$i) [lreplace [set data(vals$i)] $f $f] } set data(vals$i) [linsert [set data(vals$i)] 0 [set data(en$i)]] catch {set data(vals$i) [lreplace [set data(vals$i)] $al(INI,maxfind) end]} $w.cbx$i configure -values [set data(vals$i)] } elseif {$i==1 || ($op eq "repl" && !$data(c3))} { set foc $w.cbx$i } } if {$foc ne {}} { # if find/replace field is empty, let the bell tolls for him bell focus $foc return no } return yes } #_______________________ proc find::FindOptions {wtxt} { # Gets options of search, according to the dialogue's fields. # wtxt - text widget's path variable data UnsetTags $wtxt set options [set stopidx {}] set findstr $data(en1) if {!$data(c2)} {append options {-nocase }} # glob search - through its regexp switch $data(v1) { 2 { append options {-regexp } set findstr [string map {* .* ? . . \\. \{ \\\{ \} \\\} ( \\( ) \\) ^ \\^ \$ \\\$ - \\- + \\+} $findstr] } 3 { append options {-regexp }} default { append options {-exact }} } list $findstr [string trim $options] $stopidx } # ________________________ Show results _________________________ # proc find::ShowResults {msg {TID ""} {fg ""}} { # Shows a message containing results of a search. # msg - the message # TID - tab's ID where the searches were performed in # fg - color for infobar set tname [alited::bar::TabName $TID] set msg [string map [list %f $tname] $msg] # results in info list: alited::info::Put $msg {} yes no no $fg # results in status bar: alited::Message "$msg [string repeat { } 40]" 3 # update line numbers of current file, as they are gone after the search after idle " \ alited::main::CursorPos [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] ; \ alited::main::UpdateGutter" } #_______________________ proc find::ShowResults1 {allfnd} { # Shows a message of all found strings. # allfnd - list of search results variable data ShowResults [string map [list %n [llength $allfnd] %s $data(en1)] $::alited::al(MC,frres1)] } #_______________________ proc find::ShowResults2 {rn msg {TID ""}} { # Shows a message of number of found strings (e.g. in a tab). # rn - number of found strings # msg - message's template # TID - tab's ID where the searches were performed in namespace upvar ::alited al al variable data set tn [alited::bar::TabName $TID] ShowResults [string map [list %n $rn %s $data(en1) %r $data(en2) %f $tn] $msg] 3 } #_______________________ proc find::InitShowResults {} { # Clears the info list before any search. namespace upvar ::alited al al alited::info::Clear alited::info::Put $al(MC,wait) {} yes yes update } #_______________________ proc find::PutInfo {fname line info TID {fg ""}} { # Puts a message to the info listbox widget, about a line found in a file. # fname - the file's name # line - the line's number # info - found info # TID - tab's ID of the file # fg - color of the message # See also: info::Put set msg "$fname $line: $info" set dat [list $TID $line] alited::info::Put $msg $dat no no no $fg } # ________________________ Do search _________________________ # proc find::SetTags {wtxt} { # Adds a tag of found strings to a text widget. # wtxt - path to the text namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav if {[$obPav csDark]} { set fg white set bg #1c1cff } else { set fg black set bg #8fc7ff } $wtxt tag configure fndTag -borderwidth 1 -relief raised -foreground $fg -background $bg $wtxt tag lower fndTag sel } #_______________________ proc find::UnsetTags {{wtxt ""}} { # Clears the text of the find tag. # wtxt - text's path if {$wtxt eq {}} {set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT]} $wtxt tag remove fndTag 1.0 end } #_______________________ proc find::CheckWord {wtxt index1 index2 wordonly} { # Check if the found string is a word, at searching by words, # wtxt - text widget's path # index1 - first index of the found string # index2 - last index of the found string # wordonly - flag "search word only" # Returns "yes" if the found string is a word. variable adelim if {$wordonly} { set index10 [$wtxt index "$index1 - 1c"] set index20 [$wtxt index "$index2 + 1c"] if {[$wtxt get $index10 $index1] ni $adelim} {return no} if {[$wtxt get $index2 $index20] ni $adelim} {return no} } return yes } #_______________________ proc find::Search1 {wtxt pos} { # Searches a text from a position for a string to find. # wtxt - text widget's path # pos - position to start searching from variable win variable data lassign [FindOptions $wtxt] findstr options if {[catch {set fnd [$wtxt search {*}$options -count ::alited::find::counts -all -- $findstr $pos]} err]} { alited::msg ok err $err -ontop yes -parent $win set data(_ERR_) yes return [list 1 {}] } return [list 0 $fnd] } #_______________________ proc find::Search {wtxt} { # Searches a text for a string to find. # wtxt - text widget's path namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav variable counts variable data variable InRE2 variable ExRE2 variable chInRE2 variable chExRE2 set idx [$wtxt index insert] lassign [FindOptions $wtxt] findstr options if {![CheckData find]} {return {}} $obPav set_HighlightedString $findstr SetTags $wtxt lassign [Search1 $wtxt 1.0] err fnd if {$err} {return {}} set i 0 set res [list] foreach index1 $fnd { set index2 [$wtxt index "$index1 + [lindex $counts $i]c"] if {[CheckWord $wtxt $index1 $index2 $data(c1)]} { set strfound [$wtxt get $index1 $index2] set OK yes if {$chExRE2} { foreach re $ExRE2 { if {[stopRE2 $re]} break if {[skipRE2 $re]} continue set err [catch {set ok [regexp $re $strfound]}] if {$err || $ok} {set OK no; break} ;# anyone excludes } } if {$OK && $chInRE2} { foreach re $InRE2 { if {[stopRE2 $re]} break if {[skipRE2 $re]} continue set OK no set err [catch {set ok [regexp $re $strfound]}] if {!$err && $ok} {set OK yes; break} ;# anyone includes } } if {$OK} {lappend res [list $index1 $index2]} } incr i } return $res } # _______________________ "Find" buttons _______________________ # proc find::Find {{inv -1}} { # Searches one string in a current text. # inv - index of a button that was hit (1 means "Find" button) # Returns yes, if a string is found. namespace upvar ::alited obFND obFND variable data set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] $wtxt tag remove sel 1.0 end set fndlist [Search $wtxt] if {![llength $fndlist]} { focus [$obFND Cbx1] NotFoundMessage $data(en1) return no } set res no set indexprev [set indexnext 0] set index [$wtxt index insert] foreach idx12 $fndlist { lassign $idx12 index1 index2 $wtxt tag add fndTag $index1 $index2 if {[$wtxt compare $index1 < $index]} { set indexprev $index1 set indp2 $index2 } if {[$wtxt compare $index < $index1] && $indexnext==0} { set indexnext $index1 set indn2 $index2 } } if {$data(c4) && $data(v2)==1} { ;# search backward & wrap around if {!$indexprev} {lassign [lindex $fndlist end] indexprev indp2} ::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt $indexprev $wtxt tag add sel $indexprev $indp2 set res yes } elseif {$data(c4) && $data(v2)==2} { ;# search forward & wrap around if {!$indexnext || ([lindex $fndlist end 0]==$indexnext && [$wtxt compare $indexnext == $index])} { lassign [lindex $fndlist 0] indexnext indn2 } ::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt $indexnext $wtxt tag add sel $indexnext $indn2 set res yes } elseif {!$data(c4) &&$data(v2)==1} { ;# search backward & not wrap around if {$indexprev} { ::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt $indexprev $wtxt tag add sel $indexprev $indp2 set res yes } } elseif {!$data(c4) && $data(v2)==2} { ;# search forward & not wrap around if {$indexnext} { ::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt $indexnext $wtxt tag add sel $indexnext $indn2 set res yes } } ::alited::main::CursorPos $wtxt if {$inv>-1} alited::main::HighlightLine return $res } #_______________________ proc find::FindAll {wtxt TID {tagme "add"}} { # Searches all strings in a text. # wtxt - text widget's path # TID - tab's ID # tagme - if "add", means "add find tag to the found strings of the text" set tname [alited::bar::TabName $TID] set l1 -1 set allfnd [Search $wtxt] foreach idx12 $allfnd { lassign $idx12 index1 index2 if {$tagme eq {add}} {$wtxt tag add fndTag $index1 $index2} set l2 [expr {int($index1)}] if {$l1 != $l2} { set line [$wtxt get "$index1 linestart" "$index1 lineend"] PutInfo $tname $l2 [string trim $line] $TID set l1 $l2 } } return $allfnd } #_______________________ proc find::FindInText {{inv -1}} { # Searches all strings in a current text. # inv - index of a button that was hit (2 means "All in text" button) variable data if {$inv>-1} {set data(lastinvoke) $inv} alited::info::Clear set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] ShowResults1 [FindAll $wtxt $TID] } #_______________________ proc find::FindInSession {{tagme "add"} {inv -1}} { # Searches all strings in a session. # tagme - if "add", means "add find tag to the found strings of the text" # inv - index of a button that was hit (3 means "All in session" button) variable data if {![CheckData find]} return if {$inv>-1} {set data(lastinvoke) $inv} InitShowResults set allfnd [list] set data(_ERR_) no foreach tab [TabsToSearch - $::alited::al(lifo)] { set TID [lindex $tab 0] lassign [alited::main::GetText $TID no no] curfile wtxt lappend allfnd {*}[FindAll $wtxt $TID $tagme] if {$data(_ERR_)} break } ShowResults1 $allfnd } #_______________________ proc find::FindNext {} { # Performs "find next" (F3 key) for the current text. namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav variable data variable win set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] alited::Message {} lassign [$obPav findInText 1 $wtxt {} no] res what if {!$res && [winfo exists $win]} { set res [Find] ;# go to the next by "Find" set what $data(en1) } if {!$res} {NotFoundMessage $what} } #_______________________ proc find::NotFoundMessage {what} { # Shows "not found" message. # what - what's not found set msg [msgcat::mc {Not found: %s}] alited::Message [string map [list %s $what] $msg] 4 } # _______________________ "Replace" buttons _______________________ # proc find::FindReplStr {str} { # Prepares a string to find/replace for messages. # str - string to prepare set res [string range $str 0 50] if {$res ne $str} {append res { ...}} return $res } #_______________________ proc find::Replace1 {wtxt idx1 idx2} { # Replaces a string found, possibly using regsub. # wtxt - text's path # idx1 - starting index of the string # idx2 - ending index of the string variable data if {$data(v1)==3} { set replstr [regsub $data(en1) [$wtxt get $idx1 $idx2] $data(en2)] } else { set replstr $data(en2) } $wtxt replace $idx1 $idx2 $replstr } #_______________________ proc find::Replace {} { # Replaces one string and finds next. variable data if {![CheckData repl]} return set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set pos [$wtxt index insert] set isset no lassign [$wtxt tag ranges sel] idx1 idx2 if {$pos eq $idx1} { lassign [Search1 $wtxt $pos] err fnd if {$err} return foreach index1 $fnd { if {$index1 eq $pos} { set isset yes break } } } if {!$isset} Find lassign [$wtxt tag ranges sel] idx1 idx2 if {$idx1 ne {} && $idx2 ne {}} { Replace1 $wtxt $idx1 $idx2 SetCursor $wtxt $idx1 set msg [string map [list %n 1 %s $data(en1) %r $data(en2)] $::alited::al(MC,frres2)] ShowResults $msg alited::main::UpdateTextGutterTree } Find } #_______________________ proc find::ReplaceAll {TID wtxt allfnd} { # Replaces all found strings in a text. # TID - tab's ID # wtxt - text's path # allfnd - list of found strings data (index1, index2) undoIn $wtxt set rn 0 for {set i [llength $allfnd]} {$i} {} { if {!$rn} { if {$TID ni [alited::bar::BAR listFlag m]} { alited::edit::BackupFile $TID orig } } incr i -1 lassign [lindex $allfnd $i] idx1 idx2 Replace1 $wtxt $idx1 $idx2 incr rn } if {$rn} {SetCursor $wtxt [lindex $allfnd end 0]} undoOut $wtxt return $rn } #_______________________ proc find::ReplaceInText {} { # Handles hitting "Replace in Text" button. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable data if {![CheckData repl]} return set fname [file tail [alited::bar::FileName]] set msg [string map [list %f $fname %s [FindReplStr $data(en1)] \ %r [FindReplStr $data(en2)]] $al(MC,frdoit1)] if {![alited::msg yesno warn $msg YES]} { return {} } set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] set rn [ReplaceAll $TID $wtxt [Search $wtxt]] ShowResults2 $rn $al(MC,frres2) alited::main::UpdateTextGutterTree } #_______________________ proc find::ReplaceInSession {} { # Handles hitting "Replace in Session" button. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable data if {![CheckData repl]} return if {[set llen [llength [alited::bar::BAR listFlag s]]]>1} { set S " ($llen) " } else { set S " " } set msg [string map [list %s [FindReplStr $data(en1)] \ %r [FindReplStr $data(en2)] %S $S] $al(MC,frdoit2)] if {![alited::msg yesno warn $msg YES]} { return {} } set rn 0 set waseditcurr no set data(_ERR_) no foreach tab [TabsToSearch - $al(lifo)] { set TID [lindex $tab 0] lassign [alited::main::GetText $TID no no] curfile wtxt if {[set rdone [ReplaceAll $TID $wtxt [Search $wtxt]]]} { ShowResults2 $rdone $al(MC,frres2) $TID incr rn $rdone alited::bar::BAR markTab $TID if {$wtxt eq [alited::main::CurrentWTXT]} { set waseditcurr yes ;# update the current text's view only } } if {$data(_ERR_)} break } ShowResults2 $rn $al(MC,frres3) if {$waseditcurr} { alited::main::UpdateTextGutterTreeIcons } elseif {$rn} { alited::main::UpdateIcons } } #_______________________ proc find::btTPaste {} { # Copies text from "Find" to "Replace" field. namespace upvar ::alited obFND obFND variable data if {$data(en1) eq {}} { focus [$obFND Cbx1] bell } else { [$obFND Cbx1] selection clear set data(en2) $data(en1) ::apave::CursorAtEnd [$obFND Cbx2] } } #_______________________ proc find::btTRetry {} { # Resizes Find/Replace dialogue. namespace upvar ::alited al al obFND obFND variable win variable geo variable data if {[string match root* $geo]} { set geo [wm geometry $win] } if {[incr data(btTRetry)]%2} { lassign [split $geo x+] w1 h1 x1 y1 lassign [split [winfo geometry [$obFND But1]] x+] w2 h2 set w [expr {($w2+2)*5}] ;# "standard" width set h [expr {($h2+2)*7}] ;# "standard" height set sw [expr {$w1-$w}] ;# shift by X set sh [expr {$h1-$h}] ;# shift by Y set x [expr {max(1,$x1+$sw)}] ;# new X coordinate set y [expr {max(1,$y1+$sh)}] ;# new Y coordinate # set "standard" geometry, starting from the default's right-bottom corner wm geometry $win ${w}x${h}+$x+$y } else { # set the default geometry wm geometry $win $geo lassign [split $geo x+] w1 h1 x y } # set the mouse pointer on the button ::apave::MouseOnWidget [$obFND BtTretry] } # ________________________ Helpers _________________________ # proc find::Next {} { # Generate F3 key pressing event. catch {event generate [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] <[alited::pref::BindKey 12 - F3]>} } #_______________________ proc find::ClearTags {} { # Clears find tags in all texts, if Find dialogues are closed. variable win variable win2 if {![winfo exists $win] && ![winfo exists $win2]} { foreach tab [alited::bar::BAR listTab] { set TID [lindex $tab 0] catch {UnsetTags [alited::main::GetWTXT $TID]} } } } #_______________________ proc find::SessionButtons {} { # Prepares buttons' label ("in all/selected tabs"). namespace upvar ::alited al al obFND obFND if {[set llen [llength [alited::bar::BAR listFlag s]]]>1} { set btext [string map [list %n $llen] [msgcat::mc {All in %n Files}]] } else { set btext [msgcat::mc {All in session}] } [$obFND But3] configure -text $btext [$obFND But6] configure -text $btext } #_______________________ proc find::SetCursor {wtxt idx1} { # Sets the cursor in a text after a replacement made. # wtxt - text's path # idx1 - starting index of the replacement variable data set len [string length $data(en2)] ::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt [$wtxt index "$idx1 + ${len}c"] ::alited::main::CursorPos $wtxt } #_______________________ proc find::LastInvoke {} { # Invokes last Find button that was pressed. # If Ctrl-F is pressed inside Find/Replace dialogue, the last # pressed Find button will be invoked. namespace upvar ::alited obFND obFND variable data [$obFND But$data(lastinvoke)] invoke } #_______________________ proc find::FocusCbx1 {{aft idle} {deico ""}} { # Set focus on "Find" field. # aft - idle/msec for "after" # deico - deiconify command namespace upvar ::alited obFND obFND {*}$deico set cbx [$obFND Cbx1] after $aft "focus -force $cbx; $cbx selection range 0 end ; $cbx icursor end" } #_______________________ proc find::FocusCbx {} { # Forces focusing on "Find" field. variable win if {[winfo ismapped $win]} {set t 1} {set t 100} after idle [list after $t [list alited::find::FocusCbx1 $t "wm deiconify $win"]] } #_______________________ proc find::CloseFind {args} { # Closes Find/Replace dialogue. variable win variable geo variable data catch { if {[string match root=* $geo] || $data(geoDefault)} { set geo [wm geometry $win] ;# save the new geometry of the dialogue } set ::alited::al(topFindRepl) [wm attributes $win -topmost] } catch {destroy $win} ClearTags } #_______________________ proc find::CloseFind2 {args} { # Closes Find by List dialogue. namespace upvar ::alited al al obFN2 obFN2 variable geo2 if {[catch {set win2 $al(FN2WINDOW)}]} { set win2 [$obFN2 dlgPath] } set geo2 [wm geometry $win2] destroy $win2 unset -nocomplain al(findSearchByList) ClearTags } # _____________________ Search by list ____________________ # proc find::PrepareSearchByList {findstr} { # Prepares searched word by list and search options. # findstr - searched word namespace upvar ::alited al al if {!$al(caseSBL)} {append options {-nocase }} # glob search - through its regexp switch $al(matchSBL) { Glob { append options {-regexp } set findstr [string map {* .* ? . . \\. \{ \\\{ \} \\\} ( \\( ) \\) ^ \\^ \$ \\\$ - \\- + \\+} $findstr] } RE { append options {-regexp } } default { append options {-exact }} } list $findstr $options } #_______________________ proc find::SearchByList_Do {{show yes}} { # Does searching words by list. # show - if yes, shows results namespace upvar ::alited al al obFN2 obFN2 variable counts set list [[$obFN2 Text] get 1.0 end] if {[set al(listSBL) [string trim $list]] eq {}} { bell focus [$obFN2 Text] return } set found [set notfound [list]] set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set list [string map {\n { }} $al(listSBL)] set al(findSearchByList) $wtxt SetTags $wtxt UnsetTags $wtxt foreach findword [split $list] { lassign [PrepareSearchByList $findword] findstr options if {[catch {set fnd [$wtxt search {*}$options -count ::alited::find::counts -all -- $findstr 1.0]} err]} { alited::Message $err 4 break } if {[llength $fnd]} { set i [set wasfound 0] foreach index1 $fnd { set index2 [$wtxt index "$index1 + [lindex $counts $i]c"] if {[CheckWord $wtxt $index1 $index2 $al(wordonlySBL)]} { set wasfound 1 set word [$wtxt get $index1 $index2] if {[lsearch -exact $found $word]==-1} { lappend found $word } $wtxt tag add fndTag $index1 $index2 } incr i } if {!$wasfound} {lappend notfound $findword} } else { lappend notfound $findword } } if {$show} { alited::msg ok info "[msgcat::mc FOUND:]\n$found\n[string repeat _ 50]\ \n\n[msgcat::mc {NOT FOUND:}]\n$notfound\n" \ -text 1 -w {40 70} -h {10 20} -resizable 1 } } #_______________________ proc find::SearchByList {} { # Searches words by list. namespace upvar ::alited al al obFN2 obFN2 set al(findSearchByList) {} variable win2 variable geo2 set head [msgcat::mc { Enter a list of words divided by spaces:}] set text [::alited::ProcEOL $al(listSBL) in] if {$al(matchSBL) eq {}} {set al(matchSBL) $al(MC,frExact)} after idle [list catch {set ::alited::al(FN2WINDOW) $::apave::MODALWINDOW}] set headfont [$obFN2 boldDefFont] $obFN2 makeWindow $win2.fra [msgcat::mc {Find by List}] $obFN2 paveWindow $win2.fra { \ {labhead - - 1 5 {} {-t "$head" -font "$headfont"}} \ {lab1 + T 1 1 {-st en -padx 5} {-t List:}} \ {fra1 + L 1 4 {-st nsew -rw 1}} \ {.Text + L - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both} {-w 30 -h 5 -tabnext {*rad1 *CANCEL}}} \ {.sbvText + L - - pack} \ {seh1 lab1 T 1 5} \ {lab2 + T 1 1 {-st e -padx 5} {-t "$al(MC,frMatch)"}} \ {fra2 + L 1 4 {-st w}} \ {.rad1 - - 1 1 {} {-var ::alited::al(matchSBL) -value "$al(MC,frExact)" -t "$al(MC,frExact)"}} \ {.rad2 + L 1 1 {-padx 10} {-var ::alited::al(matchSBL) -value Glob -t Glob}} \ {.rad3 + L 1 1 {} {-var ::alited::al(matchSBL) -value RE -t RE}} \ {seh2 lab2 T 1 5} \ {lab3 + T 1 1 {-st e -padx 5} {-t "$al(MC,frWord):"}} \ {fra3 + L 1 3 {-st we}} \ {.chb1 - - 1 1 {-st w} {-var ::alited::al(wordonlySBL)}} \ {.lab4 + L 1 1 {-st e -padx 5} {-t "$al(MC,frCase):"}} \ {.chb2 + L 1 1 {-st w} {-var ::alited::al(caseSBL)}} \ {seh3 lab3 T 1 5} \ {butHelp + T 1 1 {-st w} {-t Help -com {alited::find::HelpFind 2}}} \ {h_ + L 1 1 {-st ew -cw 1}} \ {butFind + L 1 1 {} {-t Find -com ::alited::find::SearchByList_Do}} \ {ButDown + L 1 1 {} {-t {Find Next} -com ::alited::find::NextFoundByList}} \ {butCancel + L 1 1 {} {-t Cancel -com alited::find::CloseFind2}} \ } set wtxt [$obFN2 Text] after idle [list $obFN2 displayText $wtxt $text] after 300 focus $wtxt bind $win2 <F3> "[$obFN2 ButDown] invoke" $obFN2 showModal $win2 -modal no -waitvar no -onclose alited::find::CloseFind2 \ -geometry $geo2 -resizable 1 -minsize {200 200} } #_______________________ proc find::HelpFind {suff} { # Helps on search by list. # suff - help's suffix alited::Help [apave::dlgPath] $suff } #_______________________ proc find::NextFoundByList {{focusDLG yes}} { # Finds next occurence of found strings. # focusDLG - if yes, focuses on "First by List" dialogue, otherwise the text is focused namespace upvar ::alited obFN2 obFN2 set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set pos0 [$wtxt tag nextrange fndTag 1.0] if {$pos0 eq {}} { SearchByList_Do no set pos0 [$wtxt tag nextrange fndTag 1.0] } set pos [$wtxt index insert] set nextpos [$wtxt tag nextrange fndTag "$pos + 1c"] if {$nextpos eq {}} {set nextpos $pos0} if {$nextpos eq {}} { bell } else { alited::main::FocusText [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] [lindex $nextpos 0] $wtxt tag remove sel 1.0 end $wtxt tag add sel {*}$nextpos } if {$focusDLG} { if {$nextpos eq {}} { focus [$obFN2 Text] } else { focus [$obFN2 ButDown] } } } # ________________________ RE2 dialogue _________________________ # proc find::RE2 {} { # RE2 dialogue. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable win variable winRE2 variable obRE2 variable chInRE2 variable chExRE2 variable geoRE2 if {[winfo exists $winRE2]} { focus $winRE2 focus [$obRE2 TexIn] return } catch {$obRE2 destroy} set savInRE2 $chInRE2 set savExRE2 $chExRE2 ::apave::APave create $obRE2 $winRE2 $obRE2 makeWindow $winRE2.fra RE2 $obRE2 paveWindow $winRE2.fra { {h_ - - 1 5} \ {chbIn T + 1 1 {-st w} {-t {Including RE2:} -var ::alited::find::chInRE2}} \ {fra1 + T 1 5 {-st nsew -cw 1 -rw 1}} \ {.TexIn - - - - {pack -side left -fill both -expand 1} {-w 40 -h 6 -afteridle {alited::find::FillRE2Tex In} -tabnext *texEx}} \ {.sbv + L - - {pack -side left}} \ {seh3 fra1 T 1 5 {-pady 5}} \ {chbEx + T 1 5 {-st w} {-t {Excluding RE2:} -var ::alited::find::chExRE2}} \ {fra2 + T 1 5 {-st nsew -cw 1 -rw 1}} \ {.TexEx - - - - {pack -side left -fill both -expand 1} {-w 40 -h 6 -afteridle {alited::find::FillRE2Tex Ex} -tabnext *OK}} \ {.sbv + L - - {pack -side left}} \ {seh2 fra2 T 1 5 {-pady 5}} \ {ButHelp + T 1 1 {-st w -padx 2} {-t Help -com {alited::find::HelpFind 3}}} \ {h_2 + L 1 2 {-st ew}} \ {fra3 + L 1 2 {-st e}} \ {.butOK - - 1 1 {-padx 2} {-t OK -com alited::find::OKRE2}} \ {.butCancel + L 1 1 {-padx 2} {-t Cancel -com {$::alited::find::obRE2 res $::alited::find::winRE2 0}}} \ } bind $winRE2 <F1> "[$obRE2 ButHelp] invoke" if {$geoRE2 eq {}} {set geo "-parent $al(WIN)"} {set geo "-geometry $geoRE2"} set res [$obRE2 showModal $winRE2 -onclose destroy -focus [$obRE2 TexIn] \ -resizable 1 -minsize {400 200} {*}$geo] if {!$res} { set chInRE2 $savInRE2 set chExRE2 $savExRE2 } catch {destroy $winRE2} catch {$obRE2 destroy} } #_______________________ proc find::FillRE2Tex {idx} { # Fills a text field of RE2 dialog. # idx - the text's index variable obRE2 set relist [set ::alited::find::${idx}RE2] set tex [$obRE2 Tex$idx] foreach re $relist { $tex insert end $re\n } } #_______________________ proc find::OKRE2 {} { # Saves data, closes RE2 dialogue. variable winRE2 variable obRE2 variable InRE2 variable ExRE2 variable geoRE2 set InRE2 [set ExRE2 [list]] foreach idx {In Ex} { foreach line [split [[$obRE2 Tex$idx] get 1.0 end] \n] { if {[string trim $line] ne {}} { lappend ${idx}RE2 $line if {![skipRE2 $line] && ![stopRE2 $line] && [catch {regexp $line foo} err]} { alited::Message "$err : $line" 4 return } } } } styleButtonRE2 set geoRE2 [wm geometry $winRE2] $obRE2 res $winRE2 1 } #_______________________ proc find::skipRE2 {line} { # Checks if a RE2 line has to be skipped. # line - the line return [regexp {^\s*[*]+[^*]+} $line] } #_______________________ proc find::stopRE2 {line} { # Checks if a text line stops RE2 list. # line - the line return [regexp {^\s*[*]+\s*$} $line] } #_______________________ proc find::styleButtonRE2 {} { # Gets RE2 button styled. namespace upvar ::alited obFND obFND variable InRE2 variable ExRE2 variable chInRE2 variable chExRE2 set style TButtonWestFS foreach idx {In Ex} { if {[set ch${idx}RE2]} { foreach line [set ${idx}RE2] { if {[string trim $line] ne {}} { if {[stopRE2 $line]} break if {[skipRE2 $line]} continue set style TButtonRedFS } } } } [$obFND ButRE2] configure -style $style } # _____________________ Find/Replace dialogue ____________________ # proc find::_create {} { # Creates Find/Replace dialogue. namespace upvar ::alited al al obFND obFND variable win variable geo variable data set data(geoDefault) 0 set data(btTRetry) 0 set w $win.fra lassign [::alited::FgFgBold] - - fgred ::apave::initStyle TButtonRedFS TButtonBoldFS -foreground $fgred $obFND makeWindow $w $al(MC,findreplace) -type dialog $obFND paveWindow $w { {labB1 - - 1 1 {-st es -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0} {-t "Find: " -style TLabelFS}} {Cbx1 + L 1 5 {-st wes -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0} \ {-tvar ::alited::find::data(en1) -values {$::alited::find::data(vals1)}}} {labB2 labB1 T 1 1 {-st es -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0} \ {-t "Replace: " -style TLabelFS}} \ {Cbx2 + L 1 4 {-st wes -cw 1 -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0} \ {-tvar ::alited::find::data(en2) -values {$::alited::find::data(vals2)}}} {btTpaste + L 1 1 {-st ws -ipady 0 -pady 0} \ {-com alited::find::btTPaste -tip "Paste 'Find'\nCtrl+R"}} \ {labBm labB2 T 1 1 {-st ens -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0} \ {-t "Match: " -style TLabelFS}} {radA + L 1 1 {-st ens -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0} \ {-t "Exact" -var ::alited::find::data(v1) -value 1 -style TRadiobuttonFS}} {radB + L 1 1 {-st ns -padx 5 -ipady 0 -pady 0} \ {-t "Glob" -var ::alited::find::data(v1) -value 2 \ -tip "Allows to use *, ?, \[ and \]\nin \"find\" string." -style TRadiobuttonFS}} {radC + L 1 1 {-st wns -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0} \ {-t "RE" -var ::alited::find::data(v1) -value 3 \ -tip "Allows to use the regular expressions\nin \"find\" string." -style TRadiobuttonFS}} {ButRE2 + L 1 1 {-st wns} {-t " RE2" -w 4 -com ::alited::find::RE2 \ -tip "Including / excluding\nregular expressions." -style TButtonWestFS}} {BtTretry + L 1 1 {-st wns -ipady 0 -pady 0} {-com alited::find::btTRetry -tip "Resize"}} {h_2 labBm T 1 6 {-st es -rw 1 -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0}} {seh + T 1 6 {-st ews -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0}} {chb1 + T 1 2 {-st w -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0} \ {-t "Match whole word" -var ::alited::find::data(c1) -style TCheckbuttonFS}} {chb2 + T 1 2 {-st w -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0} \ {-t "Match case" -var ::alited::find::data(c2) -style TCheckbuttonFS}} {chb3 + T 1 2 {-st w -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0} \ {-t "Replace by blank" -var ::alited::find::data(c3) \ -tip "Allows replacements by the empty string,\nin fact, to erase the found ones." \ -style TCheckbuttonFS}} {sev1 chb1 L 4 1 } {rad1 + L 1 2 {-st w -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0} \ {-t "Up" -image alimg_up -compound left -var ::alited::find::data(v2) \ -value 1 -style TRadiobuttonFS}} {rad2 + T 1 2 {-st w -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0} \ {-t "Down" -image alimg_down -compound left -var ::alited::find::data(v2) \ -value 2 -style TRadiobuttonFS}} {chb4 + T 1 2 {-st w -ipadx 0 -padx 0 -ipady 0 -pady 0} \ {-t "Wrap" -var ::alited::find::data(c4) -style TCheckbuttonFS}} {sev2 cbx1 L 9 1} {But1 + L 1 1 {-st wes -pady 2} {-t "Find" -com "::alited::find::Find 1" \ -style TButtonWestBoldFS}} {But2 + T 1 1 {-st we -pady 0} {-t "All in text" -com "::alited::find::FindInText 2" \ -style TButtonWestFS}} {But3 + T 1 1 {-st wen -pady 2} {-com "::alited::find::FindInSession add 3" \ -style TButtonWestFS}} {chb + T 2 1 {-st e} {-t {-geometry} -var ::alited::find::data(geoDefault) \ -tip "Use this geometry of the dialogue\nby default" -takefocus 0 -style TCheckbuttonFS}} {but4 + T 1 1 {-st wes -pady 2} {-t Replace -com "::alited::find::Replace" \ -style TButtonWestBoldFS}} {but5 + T 1 1 {-st we -pady 0} {-t "All in text" -com "::alited::find::ReplaceInText" \ -style TButtonWestFS}} {But6 + T 1 1 {-st wen -pady 2} {-com "::alited::find::ReplaceInSession" \ -style TButtonWestFS}} } SessionButtons styleButtonRE2 set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] alited::keys::BindAllKeys $wtxt yes bind $win <Enter> alited::find::SessionButtons bind $win <F1> {alited::main::Help find} bind $win <F3> "$w.but1 invoke" bind $w.cbx1 <Return> "$w.but1 invoke" ;# hotkeys in comboboxes bind $w.cbx2 <Return> "$w.but4 invoke" foreach k {f F} {bind $win <Control-$k> {alited::find::LastInvoke; break}} foreach k {r R} {bind $win <Control-$k> {alited::find::btTPaste; break}} foreach k {t T} {bind $win <Control-$k> "focusByForce $wtxt"} FocusCbx set but [$obFND But1] lassign [split [winfo geometry $but] x+] w h set minw [expr {([winfo reqwidth $but]+2)*3}] set minh [expr {([winfo reqheight $but]+2)*3}] $obFND showModal $win -modal no -waitvar no -onclose alited::find::CloseFind \ -geometry $geo -resizable 1 -minsize "$minw $minh" -ontop $al(topFindRepl) ClearTags } #_______________________ proc find::_run {} { # Runs Find/Replace dialogue. variable win update ;# if run from menu: there may be unupdated space under it (in some DE) GetFindEntry if {[::apave::repaintWindow $win]} { SessionButtons FocusCbx } else { _create } } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #