The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: ini.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 06/30/2021 # Brief: Handles settings (of alited and projects). # License: MIT. ########################################################### # ___________ Default settings of alited app ____________ # namespace eval ::alited { set al(MAXFILES) 5000 ;# maximum size of file tree (max size of project) set al(ED,sp1) 0 ;# -spacing1 option of texts set al(ED,sp2) 1 ;# -spacing2 option of texts set al(ED,sp3) 1 ;# -spacing3 option of texts set al(ED,TclKeyWords) {} ;# user's key words for Tcl set al(ED,CKeyWords) {} ;# user's key words for C/C++ set al(ED,gutterwidth) 5 ;# gutter's windth in chars set al(ED,guttershift) 3 ;# space between gutter and text set al(ED,btsbd) 0 ;# borderwidth for bartabs set al(ED,BlinkCurs) 1 ;# blinking cursor set al(TREE,isunits) yes ;# current mode of tree: units/files set al(TREE,units) no ;# flag "is a unit tree created" set al(TREE,files) no ;# flag "is a file tree created" set al(TREE,cw0) 200 ;# tree column #0 width set al(TREE,cw1) 70 ;# tree column #1 width set al(TREE,showinfo) 0 ;# flag "show info on a file in tips" set al(expandUT) [dict create] ;# current mode of unit tree: expanded or not set al(expandFT) 0 ;# current mode of file tree: expanded or not set al(FONT) {} ;# default font's options set al(FONT,txt) TkFixedFont set al(FONT,defsmall) TkDefaultFont set al(FONTSIZE,small) 9 ;# small font size set al(FONTSIZE,std) 10 ;# middle font size set al(THEME) default ;# ttk theme set al(defCS) [::apave::DefaultCS] set al(INI,CS) $al(defCS) ;# color scheme set al(INI,HUE) 0 ;# tint of color scheme set al(INI,ICONS) {middle icons} ;# sets tollbar icons' size as middle set al(INI,save_onselect) no ;# do saving alited configuration at tab selection set al(INI,save_onadd) no ;# do saving alited configuration at tab adding set al(INI,save_onmove) no ;# do saving alited configuration at tab moving set al(INI,save_onclose) no ;# do saving alited configuration at tab closing set al(INI,save_onsave) yes ;# do saving alited configuration at file saving set al(INI,maxfind) 32 ;# size for comboboxes of "Find/Replace" dialogue set al(INI,barlablen) 16 ;# width of tab labels in chars set al(INI,bartiplen) 32 ;# size of tips for tab bar's arrows & of tabs submenu set al(INI,confirmexit) 1 ;# flag "confirm exiting alited" set al(INI,belltoll) 1 ;# flag "bell at warnings" set al(INI,LINES1) 10 ;# number of initial "untouched" lines (to ban moves in it) set al(INI,isfindrepl) 0 ;# Find/Replace shown at starting set al(PTP,text) {} ;# project template's text set al(PTP,name) {} ;# current template name set al(PTP,names) [list] ;# all template names set al(PTP,list) [list] ;# list of pairs "name contents" set al(moveall) 1 ;# "move all" of color chooser set al(tonemoves) 1 ;# "tone moves" of color chooser set al(checkgeo) {} ;# geometry of "Check Tcl" window set al(cmdNum) 6 ;# number of commands on Commands tab # flag "use special RE for leafs of unit tree" set al(INI,LEAF) 0 # RE for branches of unit tree ( # _ lev 1 _..) set al(RE,branchDEF) {^\s*(#+) [_]+\s+([^_]+[^[:blank:]]*)\s+[_]+ (#+)$} set al(RE,branch) $al(RE,branchDEF) # special RE for leafs set al(RE,leafDEF) {^\s*#\s*=+\s*([^=\s]+)\s*=+$} set al(RE,leaf) $al(RE,leafDEF) # RE for Tcl leaf units set al(RE,procDEF) {^\s*(((proc|method|test)\s+([^[:blank:]]+))|((constructor|destructor)\s+))} set al(RE,proc) $al(RE,procDEF) # RE to check for leaf units (# _ / # _ abc) set al(RE,leaf2DEF) {^\s*(#+) [_]+} set al(RE,leaf2) $al(RE,leaf2DEF) # RE to check for Tcl leaf units (proc abc {}...) set al(RE,proc2DEF) {^\s*(proc|method|test|constructor|destructor)\s+} set al(RE,proc2) $al(RE,proc2DEF) # list of current favorite units set al(FAV,current) [list] # list of current visited units set al(FAV,visited) [list] # flag "is now favorites (not last visited)" set al(FAV,IsFavor) 0 # maximum of "last visited" items set al(FAV,MAXLAST) 32 # templates' list set al(TPL,list) [list] # wildcards for templates set al(TPL,%d) %D set al(TPL,%t) %T set al(TPL,%u) aplsimple set al(TPL,%U) {Alex Plotnikov} set al(TPL,%m) set al(TPL,%w) set al(TPL,%a) {# %a - \n} # key bindings set al(KEYS,bind) [list] # e_menu settings and arguments set al(EM,geometry) {} set al(EM,save) 2 set al(EM,PD=) [file join $::alited::CONFIGDIRSTD alited e_menu em_projects] set al(EM,Tcl) {} set al(EM,TclList) [list] set al(EM,h=) [file join $::alited::HOMEDIR DOC man tcl8.6] set al(EM,tt=) x-terminal-emulator set al(EM,tt=List) "$al(EM,tt=)\txfce4-terminal\tlxterminal --geometry=220x55\tgnome-terminal --wait\tkonsole\tqterminal\tEterm\tmlterm\txgterm" set al(EM,wt=) cmd.exe set al(EM,wt=List) "$al(EM,wt=)\tpowershell.exe" set al(EM,mnu) menu.em set al(EM,mnudir) {} set al(EM,CS) 33 set al(EM,ownCS) no set al(EM,exec) yes set al(EM,DiffTool) kdiff3 # data of tabs set al(tablist) [list] # list "Recent files" and its max length set al(RECENTFILES) [list] set al(INI,RECENTFILES) 16 # this is used at closing tabs to disable registering in "Recent files" set al(closefunc) 0 # initial color of "Choose color" dialogue set al(chosencolor) green # subdirectory of project to backup files at modifications # and maximum of backups set al(BACKUP) .bak set al(MAXBACKUP) 1 # enables/disables call of LastVisited in tree::NewSelection set al(dolastvisited) yes # current text's wrap words mode set al(wrapwords) 1 # cursor's width & color set al(CURSORWIDTH) 2 set al(CURSORCOLOR) {} # defaults for projects foreach _ $::alited::OPTS {set prjinfo(DEFAULT,$_) $::alited::al($_)} set al(PRJDEFAULT) 1 ;# is Preferences/General/Projects/Default values for new projects # use localized messages set al(LOCAL) {} catch {set al(LOCAL) [string range [::msgcat::mclocale] 0 1]} # data for "Search by list" set al(listSBL) {} set al(matchSBL) {} set al(wordonlySBL) 0 set al(caseSBL) 1 # info about current unit set al(CURRUNIT,line) 0 set al(CURRUNIT,line1) 0 set al(CURRUNIT,line2) 0 set al(CURRUNIT,wtxt) {} set al(CURRUNIT,itemID) {} # list of "Find Unit" combobox's values set al(findunitvals) {} # commands after starting alited set al(afterstart) {} # index of syntax colors set al(syntaxidx) 0 # preferrable command to run set al(comForce) {} set al(comForceCh) 1 set al(comForceLs) {} set al(runGeometry) {} # flags of tip show set al(TIPS,Tree) 1 set al(TIPS,TreeFavor) 1 set al(TIPS,Projects) 1 set al(TIPS,Preferences) 1 set al(TIPS,Templates) 1 set al(TIPS,SavedFavorites) 1 set al(TIPS,Marks) 1 # flag "sorted file list" set al(sortList) 0 # modes to sort bartabs set al(incdecName) increasing set al(incdecDate) decreasing set al(incdecSize) decreasing set al(incdecExtn) increasing # mode "place tabs to the beginning of bar" set al(lifo) 1 # options for macro play set al(activemacro) {} ;# active macro's name set al(macroext) {.alm} ;# macro extension set al(macromouse) no ;# use mouse actions # flag "Paver tool is auto-updated" set al(paverauto) 0 # rectangular selection set al(rectSel) 0 ;# flag "it was started" set al(rectSel,TID) {} ;# tab ID where it was started set al(rectSel,text) [list] ;# selected rectangle # "TODO ahead" setting of Projects set al(todoahead) 0 # Handler of "Run as Is" set al(runAsIs) {alited::tool::RunFile; break} # Commenting mode: 0 - TODO, 1 - Classic, 2 - Sticky set al(commentmode) 0 # options for Edit/Formats submenu set al(format_separ1DEF) \ {# == N (70)=============================================================================} set al(format_separ2DEF) #_______________________ set al(format_separ1) $al(format_separ1DEF) set al(format_separ2) $al(format_separ2DEF) # width of mark bar set al(markwidth) 8 # switch "show week numbers in calendar" set al(klndweeks) 0 # -topmost attribute of Find/Replace dialog set al(topFindRepl) [::asKDE] # flag "middle font size in detached editor" set al(fontdetach) 1 } # ________________________ Variables _________________________ # namespace eval ini { variable afterID {} ;# after ID used by SaveCurrentIni proc variable configs {} ;# list of configurations } # ________________________ Reading common settings _________________________ # proc ini::ReadIni {{projectfile ""}} { # Reads alited application's and project's settings. # projectfile - project file's name namespace upvar ::alited al al namespace upvar ::alited::pref em_Num em_Num em_NumMax em_NumMax \ em_ico em_ico em_inf em_inf em_mnu em_mnu namespace upvar ::alited::project prjlist prjlist prjinfo prjinfo alited::pref::Tkcon_Default set prjlist [list] set al(TPL,list) [list] set al(KEYS,bind) [list] set em_i 0 set fontsize [expr {$al(FONTSIZE,std)+1}] set al(FONT,txt) "-family {[obj basicTextFont]} -size $fontsize" lassign "" ::alited::Pan_wh ::alited::PanL_wh ::alited::PanR_wh \ ::alited::PanBM_wh ::alited::PanTop_wh ::alited::al(GEOM) puts "alited pwd : [pwd]" puts "alited reading: $al(INI)" if {$al(ini_file) eq {}} { # al(ini_file) may be already filled (see alited.tcl) set al(ini_file) [split [readTextFile $::alited::al(INI)] \n] } set mode "" foreach stini $al(ini_file) { switch -exact $stini { {[Geometry]} - {[Options]} - {[Projects]} - {[Templates]} - {[Keys]} - {[EM]} - {[Tkcon]} - {[Misc]} - {[Formats]} { set mode $stini continue } } # any line may be potentially bad formed => catch errors catch { if {[set i [string first = $stini]]>0} { set nam [string range $stini 0 $i-1] set val [string range $stini $i+1 end] switch -exact $mode { {[Geometry]} {ReadIniGeometry $nam $val} {[Options]} {ReadIniOptions $nam $val} {[Templates]} {ReadIniTemplates $nam $val} {[Keys]} {ReadIniKeys $nam $val} {[EM]} {ReadIniEM $nam $val em_i} {[Tkcon]} {ReadIniTkcon $nam $val} {[Misc]} {ReadIniMisc $nam $val} {[Formats]} {ReadIniFormats $nam $val} } } } } if {[set al(PTP,text) [lindex $al(PTP,list) 1]] eq {}} { set al(PTP,text) [alited::project::TplDefaultText] set al(PTP,list) [list Default $al(PTP,text)] } set al(PTP,name) [lindex $al(PTP,list) 0] set al(PTP,names) [list] foreach {n c} $al(PTP,list) {lappend al(PTP,names) $n} set em_Num [expr {min($em_NumMax,[Em_Number $em_i]+3)}] while {$em_i < $em_Num} { lassign {} em_ico($em_i) em_inf($em_i) em_mnu($em_i) incr em_i } if {$projectfile eq {} && $al(prjfile) eq {}} { # some options may be active outside of any project; fill them with defaults foreach opt {multiline indent indentAuto EOL trailwhite} { set al(prj$opt) $al(DEFAULT,prj$opt) } } else { if {$projectfile eq {}} { set projectfile $al(prjfile) } else { set al(prjfile) $projectfile } ReadIniOptions project $projectfile } catch { lassign [split $::alited::PanR_wh] - w1 - h1 lassign [split $::alited::PanTop_wh] - w2 - h2 if {($h1-$h2)<60} { set h2 [expr {$h1-60}] set ::alited::PanTop_wh "-w $w2 -h $h2" ;# the status bar is wanted } } if {$al(RE,leaf) eq {}} {set al(RE,leaf) $al(RE,leafDEF)} ReadIniPrj lassign [::apave::defaultAttrs tex] - atrs set pad [expr {$al(CURSORWIDTH) + 2}] append atrs " -spacing1 $al(ED,sp1) -spacing2 $al(ED,sp2) -spacing3 $al(ED,sp3) -padx $pad -pady $pad -insertwidth $al(CURSORWIDTH) -bd 0" ::apave::defaultAttrs tex "" $atrs if {!$al(INI,belltoll)} { ; proc ::bell args {} ;# no bells } if {![string is digit -strict $al(INI,confirmexit)]} { set al(INI,confirmexit) 1 } if {![info exists al(tkcon,clrbg)]} { alited::pref::Tkcon_Default alited::pref::Tkcon_Default1 } InitXterminal set al(ini_file) {} ;# to reread alited.ini contents, at need in next time } #_______________________ proc ini::ReadIniGeometry {nam val} { # Gets the geometry options of alited. # nam - name of option # val - value of option namespace upvar ::alited al al switch -glob -- $nam { Pan* { lassign [::apave::splitGeometry $val] w h set ::alited::${nam}_wh "-w $w -h $h" } GEOM { lassign [::apave::splitGeometry $val] w h x y set ::alited::al(GEOM) "-geometry $x$y" } geomfind {set ::alited::find::geo $val} geomfind2 {set ::alited::find::geo2 $val} geomproject {set ::alited::project::geo $val} geompref {set ::alited::pref::geo $val} dirgeometry {set ::alited::DirGeometry $val} filgeometry {set ::alited::FilGeometry $val} favgeometry {set ::alited::favgeometry $val} tplgeometry {set ::alited::tplgeometry $val} treecw0 {set al(TREE,cw0) $val} treecw1 {set al(TREE,cw1) $val} runGeometry {set al(runGeometry) $val} fontdetach {set al(fontdetach) $val} detach* { set id [string range $nam 6 end] lassign [alited::file::DetachedInfo $id] pobj set $pobj $val } } } #_______________________ proc ini::ReadIniOptions {nam val} { # Gets various options of alited. # nam - name of option # val - value of option namespace upvar ::alited al al set clrnames [::hl_tcl::hl_colorNames] foreach lng {{} C} { set nam1 [string range $nam [string length $lng] end] if {[lsearch $clrnames $nam1]>-1} { set al(ED,$nam) $val return } } switch -glob -- $nam { comm_port_list {set al(comm_port_list) $val} project { set al(prjfile) [::apave::UnixPath $val] set al(prjname) [file tail [file rootname $val]] } theme {set al(THEME) $val} cs {set al(INI,CS) $val} hue {set al(INI,HUE) $val} local {set al(LOCAL) $val} deffont {set al(FONT) $val} smallfontsize {set al(FONTSIZE,small) $val} stdfontsize {set al(FONTSIZE,std) $val} txtfont {set al(FONT,txt) $val} maxfind {set al(INI,maxfind) $val} confirmexit {set al(INI,confirmexit) $val} belltoll {set al(INI,belltoll) $val} spacing1 {set al(ED,sp1) $val} spacing2 {set al(ED,sp2) $val} spacing3 {set al(ED,sp3) $val} TclKeyWords {set al(ED,TclKeyWords) $val} CKeyWords {set al(ED,CKeyWords) $val} clrDark {set al(ED,Dark) $val} save_onadd - save_onclose - save_onsave {set al(INI,$nam) $val} TclExts { set al(TclExts) [split $val] foreach e $al(TclExtsDef) { if {$e ni $al(TclExts)} {lappend al(TclExts) $e} } } ClangExts {set al(ClangExts) $val} TextExts {set al(TextExts) $val} REbranch {set al(RE,branch) $val} REproc {set al(RE,proc) $val} REproc2 {set al(RE,proc2) $val} REleaf {set al(RE,leaf) $val} REleaf2 {set al(RE,leaf2) $val} UseLeaf {set al(INI,LEAF) [string is true -strict $val]} Lines1 {set al(INI,LINES1) $val} RecentFiles {set al(INI,RECENTFILES) $val} MaxLast {set al(FAV,MAXLAST) $val} MaxFiles {set al(MAXFILES) $val} barlablen {set al(INI,barlablen) $val} bartiplen {set al(INI,bartiplen) $val} isfindrepl {set al(INI,isfindrepl) $val} prjtpls {set al(PTP,list) [::alited::ProcEOL $val in]} backup { if {$val ne {.bak}} {set val {}} set al(BACKUP) $val } maxbackup {set al(MAXBACKUP) $val} gutterwidth {set al(ED,gutterwidth) $val} guttershift {set al(ED,guttershift) $val} btsbd {set al(ED,btsbd) $val} BlinkCurs {set al(ED,BlinkCurs) $val} ClrCurs {set al(CURSORCOLOR) $val} cursorwidth {set al(CURSORWIDTH) $val} prjdefault {set al(PRJDEFAULT) $val} DEFAULT,* {set al($nam) $val} findunit {set al(findunitvals) $val} afterstart {set al(afterstart) $val} ALEversion {set al(ALEversion) $val} todoahead {set al(todoahead) $val} } } #_______________________ proc ini::ReadIniTemplates {nam val {updwc yes}} { # Sets new or updates old templates. # nam - name of option # val - value of option # updwc - if yes, sets wild cards for templates namespace upvar ::alited al al switch -exact -- $nam { tpl { lassign $val tplname tplkey if {[set i [lsearch -exact -index 0 $al(TPL,list) $tplname]]<0} { # at inserting new, check for possible duplicate 'tplkey' set i [lsearch -exact -index 1 $al(TPL,list) $tplkey] lappend al(TPL,list) $val # key bindings if {$tplkey ne {}} { if {$i<0} { # add a new key binding, for this template set kbval "template {$tplname} $tplkey {[lrange $val 2 end]}" lappend al(KEYS,bind) $kbval } else { # duplicate 'tplkey' => clear it in the new template, no key binding set val [lreplace $val 1 1 {}] set al(TPL,list) [lreplace $al(TPL,list) end end $val] } } } else { # at updating old, replace the contents only (remaining 'tplname tplkey') set val2 [lindex $al(TPL,list) $i] set val [list {*}[lrange $val2 0 1] {*}[lrange $val 2 end]] set al(TPL,list) [lreplace $al(TPL,list) $i $i $val] } } } if {$updwc} { foreach n {%d %t %u %U %m %w} { if {$n eq $nam} { if {$val ne ""} {set al(TPL,$n) $val} break } } } } #_______________________ proc ini::ReadIniKeys {nam val} { # Gets keys options of alited. # nam - name of option # val - value of option namespace upvar ::alited al al switch -exact -- $nam { key {lappend al(KEYS,bind) $val} } } #_______________________ proc ini::ReadIniEM {nam val emiName} { # Gets e_menu options of alited. # nam - name of option # val - value of option # emiName - name of em_i (index in arrays of e_menu data) namespace upvar ::alited al al namespace upvar ::alited::pref em_NumMax em_NumMax \ em_ico em_ico em_inf em_inf em_mnu em_mnu upvar $emiName em_i switch -exact $nam { emPD {set al(EM,PD=) [::apave::UnixPath $val]} emTcl { set val [::apave::UnixPath $val] if {[string first { } $val]>0} { tk_messageBox -title Warning -icon warning -message \ "The path to Tcl executable\n\n\"$val\"\n\ncontains spaces.\n \ \nThis path doesn't fit alited. Only 'non-space' ones do.\n \ \n==> Change this setting:\nPreferences/Tools/tclsh..." } else { set al(EM,Tcl) $val } } emTclList { set al(EM,TclList) {} foreach t [split [string trim $val] \t] { if {[string trim $t] ne {}} { append al(EM,TclList) \t [::apave::UnixPath $t] } } } em_run { if {$em_i < $em_NumMax} { lassign [split $val \t] v1 v2 v3 if {$v1 eq "1" && $v2 eq {}} { lassign {} em_ico($em_i) em_inf($em_i) ;# it's a separator in alited v1.6.1 } elseif {$v1 eq "0" && $v3 ne {}} { set em_ico($em_i) $v2 set em_inf($em_i) $v3 ;# it's an item in alited v1.6.1 } else { set em_ico($em_i) $v1 ;# it's a separator / item in v1.6.2 set em_inf($em_i) $v2 } set em_mnu($em_i) [::apave::NormalizeName [lindex $em_inf($em_i) end]] incr em_i } } } if {[string trim $val] eq {}} return ;# options below should be non-empty switch -exact $nam { emgeometry {set al(EM,geometry) $val} emsave { ;# messy for compatibility: switch $val [list \ 3 - {} {set al(EM,save) 3} \ 2 - Current - {Current file} - $al(MC,currfile) {set al(EM,save) 2} \ default {set al(EM,save) 1} \ ] } emtt {set al(EM,tt=) $val} emttList { foreach tt [split $al(EM,tt=List) \t] { if {[string first \t$tt \t$val]<0} { append val \t$tt ;# let default items be in the list } } set al(EM,tt=List) $val } emwt {set al(EM,wt=) $val} emmenu {set al(EM,mnu) [::apave::UnixPath $val]} emmenudir { set val [::apave::UnixPath $val] if {[file exists $val]} {set al(EM,mnudir) $val} } emcs {set al(EM,CS) $val} emowncs {set al(EM,ownCS) $val} emdiff {set al(EM,DiffTool) $val} emh {set al(EM,h=) [::apave::UnixPath $val]} } # emexec #\{set al(EM,exec) $val#\} } #_______________________ proc ini::ReadIniTkcon {nam val} { # Gets tkcon options of alited. # nam - name of option # val - value of option namespace upvar ::alited al al set al(tkcon,$nam) $val } #_______________________ proc ini::ReadIniMisc {nam val} { # Gets miscellaneous options of alited. # nam - name of option # val - value of option namespace upvar ::alited al al switch -glob -- $nam { isfavor {set al(FAV,IsFavor) $val} showinfo {set al(TREE,showinfo) $val} HelpedMe {set ::alited::helpedMe $val} listSBL - checkgeo - tonemoves - moveall - chosencolor \ - sortList - activemacro - commentmode - format_separ1 - format_separ2 \ - TIPS,* - MNUGEO,* - markwidth - klndweeks - topFindRepl { set al($nam) $val } tplilast {set ::alited::unit::ilast $val} incdec {lassign $val al(incdecName) al(incdecDate) al(incdecSize) al(incdecExtn)} blifo {set al(lifo) [string is true $val]} InRE2 {set ::alited::find::InRE2 [::alited::ProcEOL $val in]} ExRE2 {set ::alited::find::ExRE2 [::alited::ProcEOL $val in]} chInRE2 {set ::alited::find::chInRE2 [string is true $val]} chExRE2 {set ::alited::find::chExRE2 [string is true $val]} geoRE2 {set ::alited::find::geoRE2 $val} } } #_______________________ proc ini::ReadIniFormats {nam val} { # Gets pluginable formatters of alited. # nam - name of option # val - value of option namespace upvar ::alited al al switch -exact -- $nam { pluginable { lassign $val fullformname ev set fform [alited::edit::FormatterName $fullformname] set al(FORMATS,$fform,$ev) $val } } } #_______________________ proc ini::Em_Number {em_N} { # Gets a real number of e_menu items counting non-empty ones only. # em_N - current number of e_menu items namespace upvar ::alited::pref em_inf em_inf for {set i $em_N} {$i>0} {} { set em_N $i incr i -1 if {[info exists em_inf($i)] && $em_inf($i) ne {}} { break } } return $em_N } #_______________________ proc ini::InitXterminal {} { # Gets Linux terminal called by x-terminal-emulator, saves the result to al(EM,tt). # See also: tool::EM_Options namespace upvar ::alited al al set al(EM,tt) $al(EM,tt=) set tty [lindex [split $al(EM,tt)] 0] set xte x-terminal-emulator if {[::isunix] && [file tail $tty] eq $xte} { if {[auto_execok $tty] eq {} || [catch {set man [exec man $xte]}]} { set al(EM,tt) {} ;# no x-terminal-emulator command return } switch -glob $man { GNOME-TERMINAL* {set tt {gnome-terminal --wait}} XFCE4-TERMINAL* {set tt xfce4-terminal} default {return} } set al(EM,tt) $tt[string range $al(EM,tt=) [string length $tty] end] } } # _______________________ Reading project settings _________________________ # proc ini::ReadIniPrj {} { # Reads a project's settings. namespace upvar ::alited al al PRJEXT PRJEXT set al(tabs) [list] set al(curtab) 0 set al(_check_menu_state_) 1 set al(comForce) [set al(comForceLs) {}] set al(expandFT) 0 set al(FAV,current) [list] set al(FAV,visited) [list] alited::favor::InitFavorites [list] alited::favor_ls::GetIni {} if {![file exists $al(prjfile)]} { set al(prjfile) [file join $::alited::PRJDIR default$PRJEXT] } set al(prjname) [file tail [file rootname $al(prjfile)]] puts "alited project: $al(prjfile)" if {[catch { set chan [open $::alited::al(prjfile) r] set mode "" while {![eof $chan]} { set stini [string trim [gets $chan]] switch -exact $stini { {[Tabs]} - {[Options]} - {[Favorites]} - {[Misc]} { set mode $stini continue } } set i [string first = $stini] set nam [string range $stini 0 $i-1] set val [string range $stini $i+1 end] # any line may be potentially bad formed => catch errors catch { switch -exact $mode { {[Tabs]} {ReadPrjTabs $nam $val} {[Options]} {ReadPrjOptions $nam $val} {[Favorites]} {ReadPrjFavorites $nam $val} {[Misc]} {ReadPrjMisc $nam $val} } } } } e]} then { puts "Not open: $al(prjfile)\n$e" set al(prjname) {} set al(prjfile) {} set al(prjroot) {} } if {$al(prjroot) eq {} && $al(prjname) eq {default}} {set al(prjroot) $::alited::DIR} alited::favor::InitFavorites $al(FAV,current) catch {close $chan} catch {cd $al(prjroot)} if {![string is digit -strict $al(curtab)] || \ $al(curtab)<0 || $al(curtab)>=[llength $al(tabs)]} { set al(curtab) 0 } ::apave::textEOL $al(prjEOL) alited::SaveRunOptions } #_______________________ proc ini::ReadPrjTabs {nam val} { # Gets tabs of project. # nam - name of option # val - value of option namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[string trim $val] ne {}} { switch -exact -- $nam { tab { set fname [lindex $val 0] if {[lsearch -exact -index 0 $al(tabs) $fname]<0} { lappend al(tabs) $val lassign [split $val \t] - - isexp if {[string is boolean -strict $isexp]} { dict set al(expandUT) $fname $isexp } } } recent {alited::file::InsertRecent $val end} encode - eol { lassign [split $val \t] k v set al($k) $v } } } } #_______________________ proc ini::ReadPrjOptions {nam val} { # Gets options of project. # nam - name of option # val - value of option if {$nam in {{} prjfile prjname}} { return ;# to avoid resetting the current project file name } namespace upvar ::alited al al set al($nam) $val } #_______________________ proc ini::ReadPrjFavorites {nam val} { # Gets favorites of project. # nam - name of option # val - value of option namespace upvar ::alited al al switch -exact -- $nam { current - visited {lappend al(FAV,$nam) $val} saved {alited::favor_ls::GetIni $val} } } #_______________________ proc ini::ReadPrjMisc {nam val} { # Gets favorites of project. # nam - name of option # val - value of option namespace upvar ::alited al al switch -exact -- $nam { datafind { catch { # lists of find/replace strings to be restored only set ::alited::find::data(en1) {} set ::alited::find::data(en2) {} array set data [::alited::ProcEOL $val in] set ::alited::find::data(vals1) $data(vals1) set ::alited::find::data(vals2) $data(vals2) } } comforce {set al(comForce) $val} comforcech {set al(comForceCh) $val} comforcels {set al(comForceLs) $val} expandFT {set al(expandFT) $val} } } # ____________________________ Saving settings ____________________________ # proc ini::SaveCurrentIni {{saveon yes} {doit no}} { # Saves a current configuration of alited on various events. # saveon - flag "save on event" # doit - serves to run this procedure after idle # See also: project::Ok namespace upvar ::alited al al # for sessions to come if {![expr $saveon]} return # al(project::Ok) is set at switching projects and closing old project's files if {[info exists al(project::Ok)]} return variable afterID # run this code after updating GUI catch {after cancel $afterID} if {$doit} { SaveIni } else { set afterID [after idle ::alited::ini::SaveCurrentIni yes yes] } } #_______________________ proc ini::SaveIni {{newproject no}} { # Saves a current configuration of alited. # newproject - flag "for a new project" namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav namespace upvar ::alited::pref em_Num em_Num em_ico em_ico em_inf em_inf namespace upvar ::alited::project prjlist prjlist prjinfo prjinfo puts "alited storing: $al(INI)" set chan [open $::alited::al(INI) w] chan configure $chan -buffering full -buffersize 131072 puts $chan {[Options]} puts $chan "comm_port=$al(comm_port)" puts $chan "comm_port_list=$al(comm_port_list)" puts $chan "project=$al(prjfile)" puts $chan "theme=$al(THEME)" puts $chan "cs=$al(INI,CS)" puts $chan "hue=$al(INI,HUE)" puts $chan "local=$al(LOCAL)" puts $chan "deffont=$al(FONT)" puts $chan "smallfontsize=$al(FONTSIZE,small)" puts $chan "stdfontsize=$al(FONTSIZE,std)" puts $chan "txtfont=$al(FONT,txt)" puts $chan "maxfind=$al(INI,maxfind)" puts $chan "confirmexit=$al(INI,confirmexit)" puts $chan "belltoll=$al(INI,belltoll)" puts $chan "spacing1=$al(ED,sp1)" puts $chan "spacing2=$al(ED,sp2)" puts $chan "spacing3=$al(ED,sp3)" puts $chan "CKeyWords=$al(ED,CKeyWords)" puts $chan "TclKeyWords=$al(ED,TclKeyWords)" puts $chan "cursorwidth=$al(CURSORWIDTH)" set clrnams [::hl_tcl::hl_colorNames] foreach lng {{} C} { foreach nam $clrnams {puts $chan "$lng$nam=$al(ED,$lng$nam)"} } puts $chan "clrDark=$al(ED,Dark)" puts $chan "save_onadd=$al(INI,save_onadd)" puts $chan "save_onclose=$al(INI,save_onclose)" puts $chan "save_onsave=$al(INI,save_onsave)" puts $chan "TclExts=$al(TclExts)" puts $chan "ClangExts=$al(ClangExts)" puts $chan "TextExts=$al(TextExts)" puts $chan "REbranch=$al(RE,branch)" puts $chan "REproc=$al(RE,proc)" puts $chan "REproc2=$al(RE,proc2)" puts $chan "REleaf=$al(RE,leaf)" puts $chan "REleaf2=$al(RE,leaf2)" puts $chan "UseLeaf=$al(INI,LEAF)" puts $chan "Lines1=$al(INI,LINES1)" puts $chan "RecentFiles=$al(INI,RECENTFILES)" puts $chan "MaxLast=$al(FAV,MAXLAST)" puts $chan "MaxFiles=$al(MAXFILES)" puts $chan "barlablen=$al(INI,barlablen)" puts $chan "bartiplen=$al(INI,bartiplen)" puts $chan "isfindrepl=$al(INI,isfindrepl)" puts $chan prjtpls=[::alited::ProcEOL $al(PTP,list) out] puts $chan "backup=$al(BACKUP)" puts $chan "maxbackup=$al(MAXBACKUP)" puts $chan "gutterwidth=$al(ED,gutterwidth)" puts $chan "guttershift=$al(ED,guttershift)" puts $chan "btsbd=$al(ED,btsbd)" puts $chan "BlinkCurs=$al(ED,BlinkCurs)" puts $chan "ClrCurs=$al(CURSORCOLOR)" puts $chan "prjdefault=$al(PRJDEFAULT)" foreach k [array names al DEFAULT,*] { puts $chan "$k=$al($k)" } puts $chan "findunit=$al(findunitvals)" puts $chan "afterstart=$al(afterstart)" puts $chan "ALEversion=[AlitedVersion]" puts $chan "todoahead=$al(todoahead)" puts $chan {} puts $chan {[Templates]} foreach t $al(TPL,list) { puts $chan "tpl=$t" } foreach n {%d %t %u %U %m %w} { puts $chan "$n=$al(TPL,$n)" } puts $chan {} puts $chan {[Keys]} foreach k $al(KEYS,bind) { if {![string match template* $k] && ![string match action* $k]} { puts $chan "key=$k" } } puts $chan {} puts $chan {[EM]} puts $chan "emsave=$al(EM,save)" puts $chan "emPD=$al(EM,PD=)" puts $chan "emTcl=$al(EM,Tcl)" puts $chan "emTclList=$al(EM,TclList)" puts $chan "emh=$al(EM,h=)" puts $chan "emtt=$al(EM,tt=)" puts $chan "emttList=$al(EM,tt=List)" puts $chan "emwt=$al(EM,wt=)" puts $chan "emmenu=$al(EM,mnu)" puts $chan "emmenudir=$al(EM,mnudir)" puts $chan "emcs=$al(EM,CS)" puts $chan "emowncs=$al(EM,ownCS)" puts $chan "emgeometry=$al(EM,geometry)" # puts $chan "emexec=$al(EM,exec)" puts $chan "emdiff=$al(EM,DiffTool)" set em_N [Em_Number $em_Num] for {set i 0} {$i<$em_N} {incr i} { if {[info exists em_inf($i)]} { set em_run em_run= append em_run [alited::TextIcon $em_ico($i) in] \t $em_inf($i) puts $chan $em_run } } puts $chan {} puts $chan {[Tkcon]} foreach k [array names al tkcon,*] { puts $chan "[string range $k 6 end]=$al($k)" } # save misc settings puts $chan {} puts $chan {[Misc]} puts $chan "isfavor=$al(FAV,IsFavor)" puts $chan "chosencolor=$al(chosencolor)" puts $chan "showinfo=$al(TREE,showinfo)" set al(listSBL) [::alited::ProcEOL $al(listSBL) out] puts $chan "listSBL=$al(listSBL)" puts $chan "moveall=$al(moveall)" puts $chan "tonemoves=$al(tonemoves)" puts $chan "checkgeo=$al(checkgeo)" puts $chan "HelpedMe=$::alited::helpedMe" foreach k [array names al -glob TIPS,*] { puts $chan "$k=$al($k)" } foreach k [array names al -glob MNUGEO,*] { puts $chan "$k=$al($k)" } puts $chan "sortList=$al(sortList)" puts $chan "tplilast=$::alited::unit::ilast" puts $chan "incdec=$al(incdecName) $al(incdecDate) $al(incdecSize) $al(incdecExtn)" puts $chan "blifo=$al(lifo)" puts $chan "activemacro=$al(activemacro)" puts $chan InRE2=[::alited::ProcEOL $::alited::find::InRE2 out] puts $chan ExRE2=[::alited::ProcEOL $::alited::find::ExRE2 out] puts $chan "chInRE2=$::alited::find::chInRE2" puts $chan "chExRE2=$::alited::find::chExRE2" puts $chan "geoRE2=$::alited::find::geoRE2" puts $chan "commentmode=$al(commentmode)" puts $chan "format_separ1=$al(format_separ1)" puts $chan "format_separ2=$al(format_separ2)" puts $chan "markwidth=$al(markwidth)" puts $chan "klndweeks=$al(klndweeks)" puts $chan "topFindRepl=$al(topFindRepl)" # save the Edit/Formats pluginables puts $chan {} puts $chan {[Formats]} foreach n [array names al -glob FORMATS,*] { puts $chan "pluginable=$al($n)" } # save the geometry options puts $chan {} puts $chan {[Geometry]} puts $chan "runGeometry=$al(runGeometry)" puts $chan "geomfind=$::alited::find::geo" puts $chan "geomfind2=$::alited::find::geo2" puts $chan "geomproject=$::alited::project::geo" puts $chan "geompref=$::alited::pref::geo" puts $chan "dirgeometry=$::alited::DirGeometry" puts $chan "filgeometry=$::alited::FilGeometry" puts $chan "favgeometry=$::alited::favgeometry" puts $chan "tplgeometry=$::alited::tplgeometry" set wtree [$obPav Tree] set al(TREE,cw0) [$wtree column #0 -width] set al(TREE,cw1) [$wtree column #1 -width] puts $chan "treecw0=$al(TREE,cw0)" puts $chan "treecw1=$al(TREE,cw1)" foreach v {Pan PanL PanR PanBM PanTop} { if {[info exists al(width$v)]} { set w $al(width$v) } else { set w [winfo geometry [$obPav $v]] } puts $chan $v=$w } puts $chan "GEOM=[wm geometry $al(WIN)]" foreach id {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} { lassign [alited::file::DetachedInfo $id] pobj win if {[info exists $pobj]} { if {[winfo exists $win]} { set geo [wm geometry $win] } else { set geo [set $pobj] } puts $chan "detach$id=$geo" } else { break } } puts $chan "fontdetach=$al(fontdetach)" close $chan SaveIniPrj $newproject SaveIniGlob } #_______________________ proc ini::SaveIniPrj {{newproject no}} { # Saves settings of project. # newproject - flag "for a new project" namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$al(prjroot) eq {}} return set tabs $al(tabs) set al(tabs) [list] puts "alited storing: $al(prjfile)" set chan [open $al(prjfile) w] chan configure $chan -buffering full -buffersize 262144 puts $chan {[Tabs]} lassign [alited::bar::GetBarState] TIDcur - wtxt if {!$newproject} { set tabs [alited::bar::BAR listTab] } foreach tab $tabs { ;# save the current files' list & states if {!$newproject} { set TID [lindex $tab 0] set tab [alited::bar::FileName $TID] if {[alited::file::IsNoName $tab]} continue if {$TID eq $TIDcur} { set pos [$wtxt index insert] } else { set pos [alited::bar::GetTabState $TID --pos] } # save the current cursor position (fit to all files) append tab \t $pos \t [alited::tree::IsExpandUT $tab] catch { set wrap [[alited::main::GetWTXT $TID] cget -wrap] if {$wrap ne {word}} { append tab \t $wrap ;# save the current wrap!=word (fit to strange files) } } } lappend al(tabs) $tab puts $chan tab=$tab } foreach rf $al(RECENTFILES) { if {![alited::file::IsNoName $rf]} { puts $chan recent=$rf } } foreach {key1 key2} {ENCODING encode EOL eol} { foreach k [array names al $key1,*] { if {$al($k) ni {utf-8 auto}} { # restrict the saved with currently used files only set fname [string range $k [string first , $k]+1 end] if {$fname in $al(RECENTFILES) || [alited::bar::FileTID $fname] ne {}} { puts $chan "$key2=$k\t$al($k)" } } } } puts $chan {} puts $chan {[Options]} puts $chan curtab=[alited::bar::CurrentTab 3] foreach {opt val} [array get al prj*] { puts $chan $opt=$val } if {!$newproject} { puts $chan {} puts $chan {[Favorites]} if {$al(FAV,IsFavor)} { set favlist [alited::tree::GetTree {} TreeFavor] } else { set favlist $al(FAV,current) } foreach curfav $favlist { puts $chan current=$curfav } foreach savfav [::alited::favor_ls::PutIni] { puts $chan saved=$savfav } foreach visited $al(FAV,visited) { puts $chan visited=$visited } puts $chan {} puts $chan {[Misc]} puts $chan datafind=[::alited::ProcEOL [array get ::alited::find::data] out] puts $chan comforce=$al(comForce) puts $chan comforcech=$al(comForceCh) puts $chan comforcels=$al(comForceLs) puts $chan expandFT=$al(expandFT) } puts \n close $chan } #_______________________ proc ini::SaveIniGlob {} { # Save 3 lines of global configuration of alited: # current .ini file, current project's path, list of config dirs namespace upvar ::alited al al set cont [file dirname $al(INI)]\n[file dirname $al(prjfile)]\n$::alited::CONFIGS writeTextFile $::alited::USERLASTINI cont } # ______________________ Updating alited's data ______________________ # proc ini::AlitedVersion {} { # Gets current version of alited. return [package require alited] } #_______________________ proc ini::ViewUpdates {} { # Views changes for updating. namespace upvar ::alited DATADIR DATADIR obj vieweditFile [file join $DATADIR to-update.txt] {} -rotext 1 -h 25 } #_______________________ proc ini::UpdateTemplates {inideffile} { # Updates templates. # inideffile - ini file name of default templates set tplmode 0 # read new templates: from [Templates] to [Keys] foreach stini [split [readTextFile $inideffile {} 1] \n] { switch -exact $stini { {[Templates]} {set tplmode 1} {[Keys]} break } if {$tplmode && [set i [string first = $stini]]>0} { set nam [string range $stini 0 $i-1] set val [string range $stini $i+1 end] ReadIniTemplates $nam $val no } } } #_______________________ proc ini::CheckUpdates {doit} { # Updates significant data of current version of alited. # doit - yes, if it's called from menu namespace upvar ::alited al al DATAUSERINIFILE DATAUSERINIFILE MNUDIR MNUDIR set al(_updmnu_) [expr {$doit || [package vcompare $al(ALEversion) $al(MNUversion)]<0}] set al(_updini_) [expr {$doit || [package vcompare $al(ALEversion) $al(INIversion)]<0}] if {!$al(_updmnu_) && !$al(_updini_)} return set head "\n [msgcat::mc {Some things have been changed in alited %v.}] " set head [string map [list %v v[AlitedVersion]] $head] set date _[clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y-%m-%d] set al(_updDirMnu_) [file normalize $al(EM,mnudir)$date] set inidir [file dirname $al(INI)] set inifile [file tail $al(INI)] set iniext [file extension $inifile] set inifile [file rootname $inifile] set al(_updFileIni_) [file normalize [file join $inidir $inifile$date$iniext]] set pobj alitedObjToDel ::apave::APave create $pobj $al(WIN) set mnudo [expr {![file exists $al(_updDirMnu_)]}] set inido [expr {![file exists $al(_updFileIni_)]}] if {$doit} { set lab5 {} set ::alited::al(_updmnu_) $mnudo set ::alited::al(_updini_) $inido } else { set lab5 [list \ seh2 {{} {-pady 10} {}} {} \ lab5 {{} {-padx 5} {-t {$::alited::al(MC,restart)}}} {} \ ] } lassign [$pobj input {} $al(MC,updateALE)\ v$al(ALEversion) [list \ lab1 {{} {} {-t {$::alited::al(MC,updLab1)}}} {} \ chb1 {{} {-padx 10} {-t {$::alited::al(MC,updmnu)}}} {$::alited::al(_updmnu_)} \ chb2 {{} {-padx 10} {-t {$::alited::al(MC,updini)}}} {$::alited::al(_updini_)} \ seh1 {{} {-pady 10} {}} {} \ lab2 {{} {} {-t {$::alited::al(MC,updLab2)}}} {} \ lab3 {{} {-padx 20} {-t {$::alited::al(_updDirMnu_)}}} {} \ lab4 {{} {-padx 20} {-t {$::alited::al(_updFileIni_)}}} {} \ {*}$lab5 \ ] -head $head -weight bold -buttons "butHELP {View Changes} ::alited::ini::ViewUpdates" -resizable no -focus *YES] \ res updmnu updini catch {$pobj destroy} if {!$res} {if {$doit} return else exit} if {!$updmnu && !$updini} return CreatePossibleNewDirs ;# it's good to do it here set err {} set mnudone 0 set inidone 0 if {$updmnu && $mnudo && \ ![catch {file rename $al(EM,mnudir) $al(_updDirMnu_)} err]} { set err {} } if {$err eq {} && $updmnu && $mnudo} { if {![catch {file copy $MNUDIR $al(EM,mnudir)} err]} { set err {} set mnudone 1 } } if {$err eq {} && $updini && $inido && \ ![catch {file copy $al(INI) $al(_updFileIni_)} err]} { set err {} set inidone 1 } if {$err eq {} && $inidone} { UpdateTemplates $DATAUSERINIFILE } alited::ini::SaveIni if {!$doit} { alited::Exit - 1 no } else { if {$err ne {}} { ::apave::APave create $pobj $al(WIN) $pobj ok err Error $err -text 1 -w 50 -h {3 5} catch {$pobj destroy} } elseif {$mnudone || $inidone} { set msg "$al(MC,updateALE):" if {$mnudone} {append msg " $al(MC,updmnu)"} if {$inidone} {append msg " $al(MC,updini)"} alited::Message "\n $msg \n" 3 } } } # ______________________ Configuring alited ______________________ # proc ini::GetConfiguration {} { # Gets the configuration directory's name. namespace upvar ::alited al al obDl2 obDl2 variable configs set configs $::alited::CONFIGS if {![llength $configs]} {lappend configs $::alited::CONFIGDIR} if {[lindex $configs 0] eq {-}} { set configs [lreplace $configs 0 0] ;# legacy } set head [string map [list %d $::alited::CONFIGDIRSTD] $al(MC,chini2)] set pobj $obDl2 if {[info commands $pobj] eq {}} { # at first start, there are no apave objects bound to the main window of alited # -> create an independent one to be deleted afterwards set pobj alitedObjToDel ::apave::APave create $pobj } set res [$pobj input {} $al(MC,chini1) \ [list \ diR1 [list $al(MC,chini3) {} [list -title $al(MC,chini3) -w 50 \ -values $configs -clearcom {alited::main::ClearCbx %w ::alited::ini::configs}]] \ "{$::alited::CONFIGDIR}" \ ] -head $head -help alited::ini::Help -resizable no] catch {alitedObjToDel destroy} lassign $res ok confdir if {$ok} { set confdir [file normalize [string trim $confdir]] if {$confdir eq {}} { set ok no } else { AddConfigDir $confdir $configs } } return $ok } #_______________________ proc ini::AddConfigDir {confdir configs} { # Adds a config directory to the list of all config dirs. # confdir - config directory # configs - list of config dirs # Returns -1, if *confdir* was absent in *configs*. set ::alited::CONFIGDIR $confdir if {[set res [::apave::lsearchFile $configs $confdir]]>-1} { set configs [lreplace $configs $res $res] } set ::alited::CONFIGS [linsert $configs 0 $confdir] return $res } # ______________________ Initializing alited app ______________________ # proc ini::CheckIni {} { # Checks if the configuration directory exists and if not asks for it. namespace upvar ::alited al al if {![file exists $::alited::INIDIR] || ![file exists $::alited::PRJDIR]} { ::apave::initWM -cursorwidth $al(CURSORWIDTH) InitGUI catch {destroy .tex} if {![GetConfiguration]} exit ::alited::main_user_dirs GetUserDirs yes CreateUserDirs set al(ALEversion) [AlitedVersion] } if {[AddConfigDir $::alited::CONFIGDIR $::alited::CONFIGS]<0} { SaveIniGlob } } #_______________________ proc ini::GetUserDirs {{initmnu no}} { # Gets names of user directories for settings. # initmnu - yes, if called to initialize mnu dir namespace upvar ::alited al al ::alited::main_user_dirs if {$al(prjroot) eq {}} { set ::alited::BAKDIR [file join $::alited::USERDIR .bak] } else { set ::alited::BAKDIR [file join $al(prjroot) .bak] } if {![file exists $::alited::BAKDIR]} { catch {file mkdir $::alited::BAKDIR} } set mnudir [file join $::alited::USERDIR e_menu menus] if {$initmnu && ![file exists $mnudir]} { set al(EM,mnudir) $mnudir ;# to have e_menu in each config dir } set al(INI) [file join $::alited::INIDIR alited.ini] } #_______________________ proc ini::CreateUserDirs {} { # Creates main directories for settings. namespace upvar ::alited al al USERDIR USERDIR INIDIR INIDIR PRJDIR PRJDIR \ MNUDIR MNUDIR DATAUSER DATAUSER DATAUSERINIFILE DATAUSERINIFILE PRJEXT PRJEXT foreach dir {USERDIR INIDIR PRJDIR} { catch {file mkdir [set $dir]} } if {![file exists $al(INI)]} { file copy $DATAUSERINIFILE $al(INI) file copy [file join $DATAUSER prj default$PRJEXT] \ [file join $PRJDIR default$PRJEXT] file copy [file join $DATAUSER notes.txt] [file join $USERDIR notes.txt] ReadIni } set emdir [file dirname $al(EM,mnudir)] if {![file exists $emdir]} { file mkdir $emdir file copy $MNUDIR $emdir file copy [file join [file dirname $MNUDIR] em_projects] $emdir } CreatePossibleNewDirs } #_______________________ proc ini::CreateMacrosDir {} { # Creates macros' directory. namespace upvar ::alited al al DATAUSER DATAUSER set macrodir [file dirname [alited::edit::MacroFileName -]] if {![file exists $macrodir]} { file mkdir $macrodir foreach f [glob -nocomplain [file join $DATAUSER macro *]] { file copy $f $macrodir } } } #_______________________ proc ini::CreatePossibleNewDirs {} { # Creates a user directories, possibly new after v1.4.0 (e.g. macro). CreateMacrosDir } #_______________________ proc ini::CreateIcon {icon} { # Create an icon (of normal and big size). # icon - name of icon set img alimg_$icon catch {image create photo $img-big -data [::apave::iconData $icon]} catch {image create photo $img -data [::apave::iconData $icon small]} return $img } #_______________________ proc ini::EditSettings {} { # Displays the settings file, just to look behind the wall. namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav after idle alited::ini::HighlightFileText $obPav vieweditFile $al(INI) {} -rotext 1 -h 25 } #_______________________ proc ini::HighlightFileText {{wtxt ""} {fname ""} {ro 1} args} { # Highlights a text of a file. # wtxt - the text's path # fname - the file name (extension) # ro - flag "readonly text" # args - additional options namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set colors [alited::Hl_Colors] if {$wtxt eq {}} {set wtxt [$obPav TexM]} if {$fname eq {}} {set fname $al(INI)} set plcom [alited::HighlightAddon $wtxt $fname $colors] ::hl_tcl::hl_init $wtxt -font $al(FONT,txt) -dark [$obPav csDark] \ -multiline 1 -colors $colors -readonly $ro -plaintext 0 -plaincom $plcom {*}$args ::hl_tcl::hl_text $wtxt alited::main::SetTabs $wtxt [lindex [alited::main::CalcIndentation] 0] } # ________________________ Main (+ tool bar) _________________________ # proc ini::InitGUI {} { # Initializes GUI. namespace upvar ::alited al al obj basicFontSize $al(FONTSIZE,std) if {$al(INI,HUE)} {obj csToned $al(INI,CS) $al(INI,HUE)} if {$al(CURSORCOLOR) eq {}} { set al(CURSORCOLOR) [lindex [obj csGet $al(INI,CS)] 7] } obj csSet $al(INI,CS) . -doit -clrcurs $al(CURSORCOLOR) if {$al(INI,HUE)} {obj csToned $al(INI,CS) $al(INI,HUE) yes} set Dark [obj csDark] if {![info exists al(ED,clrCOM)] || ![info exists al(ED,CclrCOM)] || \ ![info exists al(ED,Dark)] || $al(ED,Dark) != $Dark} { alited::pref::Tcl_Default $al(syntaxidx) yes alited::pref::C_Default $al(syntaxidx) yes } set clrnams [::hl_tcl::hl_colorNames] set clrvals [list] foreach clr $clrnams { if {[info exists al(ED,$clr)]} { lappend clrvals [set al(ED,$clr)] } } if {[llength $clrvals]==[llength $clrnams]} { ::hl_tcl::hl_colors -AddTags $Dark {*}$clrvals } ::hl_tcl::hl_colors . $Dark {*}$clrvals ;# default Tcl syntax colors if {!$al(ED,BlinkCurs)} { lassign [obj defaultATTRS tex] texopts texattrs obj defaultATTRS tex $texopts [dict set texattrs -insertofftime 0] } obj setShowOption -resizable 0 if {[::asKDE]} { ;# esp. for KDE: # dialogue windows should be topmost, otherwise KDE hides them at losing focus obj setShowOption -ontop yes } lassign [::apave::defaultAttrs spx] opts atrs ::apave::defaultAttrs spx $opts "$atrs -justify center -w 9" } #_______________________ proc ini::InitFonts {} { # Loads main fonts for alited to use as default and mono. namespace upvar ::alited al al MSGSDIR MSGSDIR if {$al(FONT) ne {}} { catch { obj basicDefFont [dict get $al(FONT) -family] } set smallfont $al(FONT) catch {dict set smallfont -size $al(FONTSIZE,small)} foreach font {TkDefaultFont TkMenuFont TkHeadingFont TkCaptionFont} { font configure $font {*}$al(FONT) } foreach font {TkSmallCaptionFont TkIconFont TkTooltipFont} { font configure $font {*}$smallfont } ::baltip::configure -font $smallfont } set statusfont [obj basicSmallFont] catch {dict set statusfont -size $al(FONTSIZE,small)} obj basicSmallFont $statusfont obj basicFontSize $al(FONTSIZE,std) set gl [file join $MSGSDIR $al(LOCAL)] if {[catch {set flist [glob "$gl.msg"]}] || $flist eq {}} { set al(LOCAL) en } if {$al(LOCAL) ni {en {}}} { # load localized messages msgcat::mcload $MSGSDIR msgcat::mclocale $al(LOCAL) alited::msgcatMessages } else { msgcat::mclocale en } } #_______________________ proc ini::initStyles {} { # Initializes widget styles for alited. namespace upvar ::alited al al ::apave::initStyles ::apave::initStylesFS -size $al(FONTSIZE,small) } #_______________________ proc ini::TipToolHotkeys {} { # Adds hotkeys to toolbar tips. namespace upvar ::alited al al append al(MC,icoSaveFile) \n $al(acc_0) append al(MC,icorun) \n $al(acc_3) append al(MC,icoe_menu) \n $al(acc_2) } #_______________________ proc ini::_init {} { # Initializes alited app. namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav obDlg obDlg obDl2 obDl2 \ obFND obFND obFN2 obFN2 obCHK obCHK obRun obRun namespace upvar ::alited::pref em_Num em_Num em_ico em_ico em_inf em_inf em_mnu em_mnu ::apave::initBaltip obj chooserGeomVars ::alited::DirGeometry ::alited::FilGeometry GetUserDirs CheckIni ReadIni InitFonts lassign [::apave::InitTheme $al(THEME) $::alited::LIBDIR] theme lbd ::apave::initWM -cursorwidth $al(CURSORWIDTH) -theme $theme -labelborder $lbd ::apave::iconImage -init $al(INI,ICONS) yes set ::apave::MC_NS ::alited InitGUI GetUserDirs # get hotkeys alited::pref::IniKeys alited::pref::RegisterKeys alited::pref::KeyAccelerators # create main apave objects ::apave::APave create $obPav $al(WIN) foreach ob [::alited::ListPaved] { ::apave::APave create [set $ob] $al(WIN) } # here, the order of icons defines their order in the toolbar set listIcons [::apave::iconImage] # the below icons' order defines their order in the toolbar TipToolHotkeys foreach {icon} {none gulls heart add change delete up down paste plus minus retry \ misc previous previous2 next next2 folder file OpenFile SaveFile saveall undo redo \ box replace ok color date help run e_menu other trash actions paste copy} { set img [CreateIcon $icon] if {$icon in {file OpenFile SaveFile saveall box undo redo replace \ ok color date help run e_menu other}} { if {$icon eq {run}} { set com "-command alited::tool::TooltipRun" } else { set com "" } append al(atools) " $img-big \{{} -tip {$::alited::al(MC,ico$icon)@@ -under 4 $com} \ -popup {alited::tool::PopupBar %X %Y} " switch $icon { file { append al(atools) "-com alited::file::NewFile\}" } OpenFile { append al(atools) "-com alited::file::OpenFile\} sev 6" } SaveFile { append al(atools) "-com alited::file::SaveFile -state disabled\}" } saveall { append al(atools) "-com alited::file::SaveAll -state disabled\} sev 6" } undo { append al(atools) "-com alited::tool::Undo -state disabled\}" } redo { append al(atools) "-com alited::tool::Redo -state disabled\} sev 6" } box { append al(atools) "-com alited::project::_run\} sev 6" } replace { append al(atools) "-com alited::find::_run\}" } ok { append al(atools) "-com alited::CheckRun\}" } color { append al(atools) "-com alited::tool::ColorPicker\}" } date { append al(atools) "-com alited::tool::DatePicker\}" } help { append al(atools) "-com alited::tool::Help\} sev 6" } run { append al(atools) "-com {alited::tool::_run {} {} -doit yes}\}" } e_menu { image create photo $img-big -data $::alited::img::_AL_IMG(e_menu) append al(atools) "-com {alited::tool::e_menu o=0}\}" } other { append al(atools) "-com alited::tool::tkcon\}" } } } } # e_menu items for the toolbar set limgs [list] set em_N [Em_Number $em_Num] for {set i [set was 0]} {$i<$em_N} {incr i} { if {[info exists em_ico($i)] && ($em_ico($i) ni {none {}} || $em_inf($i) eq {})} { if {[incr was]==1 && $em_inf($i) ne {}} { append al(atools) { sev 6} } if {$em_inf($i) eq {}} { append al(atools) { sev 6} } else { set tico [alited::TextIcon $em_ico($i)] if {[string length $tico]==1 || ![string is ascii $tico]} { set em_ico($i) $tico set img _$i set txt "-t $tico" } else { set img [CreateIcon $tico]-big set txt {} } if {[lsearch -exact $limgs $img]>-1} { set msg [msgcat::mc {ERROR! Duplicate tool icon: }] append msg [string map {-big {}} [lindex [split $img _] end]] after idle [list alited::Message $msg 4] continue } set com [alited::tool::EM_command $i] if {$com ne {}} { lappend limgs $img set tip $em_mnu($i) append al(atools) " $img \{{} -tip {$tip@@ -under 4 \ -command {alited::ini::ToolbarTip $i}} $txt \ -popup {alited::tool::PopupBar %X %Y} -com {$com}\}" } } } } for {set i 0} {$i<8} {incr i} { image create photo alimg_pro$i -data [set ::alited::img::_AL_IMG($i)] } image create photo alimg_tclfile -data [set ::alited::img::_AL_IMG(Tcl)] image create photo alimg_kbd -data [set ::alited::img::_AL_IMG(kbd)] # styles & fonts used in "small" dialogues initStyles lassign [obj create_FontsType small -size $al(FONTSIZE,small)] \ al(FONT,defsmall) al(FONT,monosmall) lassign [alited::FgFgBold] -> al(FG,Bold) } #_______________________ proc ini::ToolbarTip {i} { # Gets a toolbar button's tip, mapping %f / %D to a current file / directory. # i - index of e_menu item set maplist [alited::menu::MapRunItems [alited::bar::FileName]] string map $maplist $::alited::pref::em_mnu($i) } #_______________________ proc ini::Help {} { # Shows "Configurations" help. alited::Help $::alited::al(WIN) } # ________________________ Projects' toolbar _________________________ # # This branch contains procedures for project::Tab5 (Projects' tab of Files). # It uses much of the stuff found in this script. proc ini::ProjectsToolbar {} { # Tool bar for Projects (subset of main toolbar). # See also: _init, project::Tab5 namespace upvar ::alited al al namespace upvar ::alited::pref em_Num em_Num em_ico em_ico em_inf em_inf em_mnu em_mnu set e_menu_icon {iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQAgMAAABinRfyAAAADFBMVEUAAAAASZL///8Atv8UVAVH AAAAAXRSTlMAQObYZgAAACZJREFUCNdjYA0NDQAS9ReARN4FKDdr1QQGtvz/E8AsZLHUUAJiAI6+ FtcEguWyAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC} set al(atools) [list] foreach {icon} {run e_menu other} { set img [CreateIcon $icon] if {$icon eq {run}} { set com "-command alited::tool::TooltipPrjRun" } else { set com "" } append al(atools) " $img \{{} -tip {$::alited::al(MC,ico$icon)@@ -under 4 $com} " switch $icon { run { append al(atools) "-com alited::ini::ToolPrjRun\}" } e_menu { image create photo $img -data $e_menu_icon append al(atools) "-com alited::ini::ToolPrjEM\}" } other { append al(atools) "-com alited::ini::ToolPrjTkcon\}" } } } # e_menu items for the toolbar set limgs [list] set em_N [Em_Number $em_Num] for {set i [set was 0]} {$i<$em_N} {incr i} { if {[info exists em_ico($i)] && ($em_ico($i) ni {none {}} || $em_inf($i) eq {})} { if {[incr was]==1 && $em_inf($i) ne {}} { append al(atools) { sev 6} } if {$em_inf($i) eq {}} { append al(atools) { sev 6} } else { set tico [alited::TextIcon $em_ico($i)] if {[string length $tico]==1 || ![string is ascii $tico]} { set em_ico($i) $tico set img _$i set txt "-t $tico -font {[obj boldTextFont 12]}" } else { set img [CreateIcon $tico] set txt {} } lappend limgs $img set tip $em_mnu($i) append al(atools) " $img \{{} -tip {$tip@@ -under 4 \ -command {alited::ini::ToolPrjTip $i}} $txt \ -com {alited::ini::ToolPrjCommand $i}\}" } } } } #_______________________ proc ini::TooltipPrjRun {} { # Gets a tip for "Projects' Run" tool. namespace upvar ::alited al al set res $al(MC,icorun) append res [AddTooltipRun] } #_______________________ proc ini::ToolPrjRun {} { # Runs current file from toolbar. alited::tool::_run 1 {} -doit yes f=[ToolPrjFilename] } #_______________________ proc ini::ToolPrjEM {} { # Calls e_menu from toolbar. alited::tool::e_menu o=0 f=[ToolPrjFilename] d=[ToolPrjDirname] } #_______________________ proc ini::ToolPrjTkcon {} { # Runs tkcon from toolbar. alited::tool::tkcon -dir [ToolPrjDirname] } #_______________________ proc ini::ToolPrjFilename {} { # Gets file name of current file. alited::project::CurrentFile } #_______________________ proc ini::ToolPrjDirname {} { # Gets dir name of current file. file dirname [ToolPrjFilename] } #_______________________ proc ini::ToolPrjTip {i} { # Gets a toolbar button's tip, mapping %f / %D to a current file / directory. # i - index of e_menu item set maplist [alited::menu::MapRunItems [ToolPrjFilename]] string map $maplist $::alited::pref::em_mnu($i) } #_______________________ proc ini::ToolPrjCommand {im} { # Executes project toolbar's command. # im - index in toolbar set com [alited::tool::EM_command $im] append com " \"f=[ToolPrjFilename]\" \"d=[ToolPrjDirname]\" \"TF=[ToolPrjFilename]\"" {*}$com } #_______________________ proc ini::ToolByKey {nbk com} { # Runs a command after its hot key pressing in f5 tab of Projects. # nbk - notebook's path # com - command # See also: project::_create if {[$nbk select] eq "$nbk.f5"} $com } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #