The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: tree.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 06/23/2021 # Brief: Handles unit/file tree procedures. # License: MIT. ########################################################### # ________________________ Variables _________________________ # namespace eval tree { variable doFocus yes ;# flag "set focus on a text" variable tipID {} ;# tree ID with shown tip } # ________________________ Common _________________________ # proc tree::SwitchTree {} { # Switches trees - units to files and vice versa. namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {[set al(TREE,isunits) [expr {!$al(TREE,isunits)}]]} { unset al(widthPanBM) ;# the variable used to save the panel's size [$obPav PanL] add [$obPav FraFV] RecreateTree SeeUnit } else { set al(widthPanBM) [winfo geometry [$::alited::obPav PanBM]] [$obPav PanL] forget [$obPav FraFV] set al(TREE,files) no Create SeeFile [alited::bar::FileName] } IconContract alited::main::FocusText update idletasks } #_______________________ proc tree::MoveItem {to {f1112 no}} { # Moves items of the tree (units or files) # to - direction ("up" or "down") # f1112 - true, if started by keypressing (false, if by mouse) namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {!$al(TREE,isunits) && [alited::file::MoveExternal $f1112]} return set wtree [$obPav Tree] set itemID [$wtree selection] if {$itemID eq {}} { set itemID [$wtree focus] } if {$itemID eq {}} { if {$f1112} {set geo {}} {set geo {-geometry pointer+10+10}} alited::Message {No item selected.} 4 return } if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { alited::unit::MoveUnits $wtree $to $itemID $f1112 } else { alited::file::MoveFiles $wtree $to $itemID $f1112 } } #_______________________ proc tree::OpenFile {{ID ""}} { # Opens file at clicking a file tree's item. # ID - ID of unit tree namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {!$al(TREE,isunits)} { set wtree [$obPav Tree] if {$ID eq {}} { if {[set ID [$wtree selection]] eq {}} return } lassign [$wtree item $ID -values] -> fname isfile if {$isfile} { alited::file::OpenFile $fname after idle {alited::bar::BAR draw; alited::tree::UpdateFileTree} } } } #_______________________ proc tree::CurrentItemByLine {{pos ""} {fullinfo no}} { # Gets item ID of unit tree for a current text position. # pos - the current text position # fullinfo - if yes, returns a full info for the found ID. namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$pos eq {}} { set pos [[alited::main::CurrentWTXT] index insert] } set l [expr {int($pos)}] set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] set L 0 set R [llength $al(_unittree,$TID)] while {$L<$R} { set m [expr {int(($L+$R)/2)}] lassign [lindex $al(_unittree,$TID) $m] lev leaf fl1 title l1 l2 ID if {$l2<$l} { set L [incr m] } elseif {$l1>$l} { set R $m } else { if {$fullinfo} { return [list $ID $lev $leaf $fl1 $title $l1 $l2] } return $ID } } return {} } #_______________________ proc tree::CurrentItem {{Tree Tree} {wtree ""}} { # Gets ID of selected item of the tree. # Tree - the tree widget's name # wtree - full path to the tree namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav if {$wtree eq {}} {set wtree [$obPav $Tree]} set it [$wtree focus] if {$it eq {}} {set it [lindex [$wtree selection] 0]} return $it } #_______________________ proc tree::AddTagSel {wtree ID} { # Adds tagSel tag to the unit tree's item. # wtree - the tree's path # ID - the item's ID set leaf [lindex [$wtree item $ID -values] 5] if {[string is true -strict $leaf] && ![$wtree tag has tagTODO $ID]} { $wtree tag add tagSel $ID } } #_______________________ proc tree::NewSelection {{itnew ""} {line 0} {topos no}} { # Selects a new item of the unit tree. # itnew - ID of the new selected item # line - a relative line number inside the item or an absolute position in the text # topos - if yes, 'line' is an absolute position in the text # Returns ID of the newly selected item. namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav variable doFocus set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set ctab [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] set wtree [$obPav Tree] # newly selected item if {$itnew eq {}} { if {$topos} { set itnew [CurrentItemByLine $line] } else { set itnew [CurrentItem] } } set header [alited::unit::GetHeader $wtree $itnew] lassign [$wtree item $itnew -values] l1 l2 AddTagSel $wtree $itnew # get saved pos set issaved [info exists al(CPOS,$ctab,$header)] if {$issaved} { set pos [::apave::p+ $l1 $al(CPOS,$ctab,$header)] } else { set pos [$wtxt index insert] } if {$topos} { set pos $line } elseif {[string is digit -strict $l1] && [string is digit -strict $l2]} { if {[string is double -strict $line] && $line != 0 && \ $l1<($l1+$line) && ($l1+$line)<($l2+1)} { # it's coming from a saved favorite item set pos [expr {$l1+$line}] } else { if {$pos<$l1 || $pos>=($l2+1)} { # if not saved, get it from 1st line or TODO set pos $l1.0 if {!$issaved} { foreach {ltd1 ltd2} [$wtxt tag ranges tagCMN2] { if {$ltd1>=$l1 && $ltd1<=$l2} { set pos $ltd1 break } } } } } } # previously selected item lassign [alited::bar::BAR cget --currSelTab --currSelItem] otab itold if {$itold ne "" && ![catch {lassign [$wtree item $itold -values] o1 o2}]} { # if there was the previously selected item, save its cursor position catch { # -values at files' tree is invalid for this => 'catch' # (then pos=saved position for the whole file, got from --pos) set opos [$wtxt index insert] if {$o1<=$opos && $opos<($o2+1)} { set ohead [alited::unit::GetHeader $wtree $itold] set al(CPOS,$otab,$ohead) [::apave::p+ $opos -$o1] } } } alited::bar::BAR configure --currSelTab $ctab --currSelItem $itnew catch {set al(CPOS,$ctab,$header) [::apave::p+ $pos -$l1]} if {$doFocus} { alited::main::FocusText $TID $pos } if {$al(TREE,isunits) && $al(dolastvisited)} { alited::favor::LastVisited [$wtree item $itnew] $header } alited::main::UpdateGutter return $itnew } #_______________________ proc tree::SaveCursorPos {} { # Saves current unit's cursor position. # See also: favor::GoToUnit namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set pos [$wtxt index insert] # catch is needed at creating text, as the tree doesn't exist catch { set itnew [CurrentItemByLine $pos] set wtree [$obPav Tree] set header [alited::unit::GetHeader $wtree $itnew] # save the position to unit tree list, to restore it in favor::GoToUnit set it [lsearch -exact -index 6 $al(_unittree,$TID) $itnew] if {$it>-1} { set item [lindex $al(_unittree,$TID) $it] set item [lreplace $item 7 7 $pos] set al(_unittree,$TID) [lreplace $al(_unittree,$TID) $it $it $item] } } return $pos } #_______________________ proc tree::syOption {sy} { # Gets -geometry option of dialogues. # sy - relative Y-coordinate of dialogue # See also: unit::Delete, file::Delete if {$sy eq {}} { set opt {} } else { set opt [list -geometry pointer+10+$sy] } return $opt } # ________________________ Expand/contract tree _________________________ # proc tree::IconContract {} { # Sets "Contract All" toolbar action's icon. namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav if {[IsExpandedTree]} { set ico alimg_minus } else { set ico alimg_actions } [$obPav PanL].fraBot.panBM.fraTree.fra1.btTCtr configure -image $ico } #_______________________ proc tree::IsExpandUT {{fname ""}} { # Gets a flag "expanding unit tree of text". # fname - file name namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$fname eq {}} {set fname [alited::bar::FileName]} expr {![dict exists $al(expandUT) $fname] || [dict get $al(expandUT) $fname]} } #_______________________ proc tree::ExpandedTree {isexp} { # Sets expanded mode of tree. # isexp - new mode namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { dict set al(expandUT) [alited::bar::FileName] $isexp } else { set al(expandFT) $isexp } } #_______________________ proc tree::IsExpandedTree {} { # Gets a flag "the tree is in expanded mode". namespace upvar ::alited al al expr {$al(TREE,isunits) && [IsExpandUT] || !$al(TREE,isunits) && $al(expandFT)} } #_______________________ proc tree::ExpandContractTree {Tree {isexp yes}} { # Expands or contracts the tree. # Tree - the tree's name # isexp - yes, if to expand; no, if to contract namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {!$isexp && ![IsExpandedTree]} { # restore expanded mode without updating tree ExpandedTree yes IconContract return } set wtree [$obPav $Tree] if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { set pos [[alited::main::CurrentWTXT] index insert] lassign [CurrentItemByLine $pos 1] itemID } else { set itemID [CurrentItem] } ExpandedTree $isexp IconContract set branch [set selbranch {}] foreach item [GetTree {} $Tree] { lassign $item lev cnt ID if {[llength [$wtree children $ID]]} { set branch $ID $wtree item $ID -open $isexp } if {$ID eq $itemID} {set selbranch $branch} } if {$isexp} { if {$itemID ne {}} {$wtree selection set $itemID} SeeSelection } elseif {$selbranch ne {}} { $wtree selection set $selbranch SeeSelection } } #_______________________ proc tree::ExpandSelection {selID {wtree ""}} { # Expands the tree selection, counting the tree expanded mode. # selID - ID of selection # wtree - tree's path namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav if {[IsExpandedTree]} { if {$wtree eq {}} {set wtree [$obPav Tree]} catch {$wtree see $selID} } } #_______________________ proc tree::OldExpanded {wtree tree} { # Gets a list of old expanded branches. # wtree - tree widget # tree - tree contents as provided by GetTree set res [list] foreach it $tree { lassign $it lev children item text if {$children} { catch { if {[$wtree item $item -open]} { lappend res $text } } } } return $res } #_______________________ proc tree::IsOldExpanded {branchexp leaf title} { # Checks if branch was expanded. # branchexp - list of old expanded branches # leaf - yes if it's leaf # title - item's title expr {!$leaf && [lsearch -exact $branchexp $title]>-1} } # ________________________ See tree items _________________________ # proc tree::SeeUnit {} { # Sees unit name in tree. namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav catch {[$obPav Tree] see [CurrentItemByLine]} } #_______________________ proc tree::SeeSelection {{wtree ""}} { # Sees (makes visible) a current selected item in the tree. # wtree - tree's path namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {$wtree eq {}} {set wtree [$obPav Tree]} set selection [$wtree selection] if {[llength $selection]==1} {ExpandSelection $selection $wtree} } #_______________________ proc tree::SeeFile {fname} { # Sees file name in tree. # fname - file name namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav set id [alited::file::SearchInFileTree $fname] if {$id ne {}} { set wtree [$obPav Tree] after idle [list after 100 "catch {$wtree selection set $id; $wtree see $id}"] } } #_______________________ proc tree::SeeTreeItem {} { # Sees item in tree. after idle { after 200 { if {$::alited::al(TREE,isunits)} { alited::tree::SeeUnit } else { alited::tree::SeeFile [alited::bar::FileName] } } } } # ________________________ Create and handle a tree _________________________ # proc tree::Create {} { # Creates a tree of units/files, at need. # See also: CreateFilesTree namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {$al(TREE,isunits) && $al(TREE,units) \ || !$al(TREE,isunits) && $al(TREE,files)} return ;# no need set wtree [$obPav Tree] set branchexp [OldExpanded $wtree [GetTree]] if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { pack forget [$obPav BtTRenT] ;# hide file buttons for unit tree pack forget [$obPav BtTCloT] pack forget [$obPav BtTOpen] } else { pack [$obPav BtTRenT] -side left -after [$obPav BtTAddT] ;# show file buttons pack [$obPav BtTCloT] -side left -after [$obPav BtTDelT] pack [$obPav BtTOpen] -side left -after [$obPav BtTCloT] # get file tree's current "open branch" flags to check in CreateFilesTree } set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] Delete $wtree {} $TID AddTags $wtree $wtree tag bind tagNorm <ButtonPress> {after idle {alited::tree::ButtonPress %b %x %y %X %Y}} $wtree tag bind tagNorm <ButtonRelease> {after idle {alited::tree::ButtonRelease %b %s %x %y %X %Y}} $wtree tag bind tagNorm <Motion> {after idle {alited::tree::ButtonMotion %b %s %x %y %X %Y}} bind $wtree <ButtonRelease> {alited::tree::DestroyMoveWindow no} bind $wtree <Leave> {alited::tree::DestroyMoveWindow yes} bind $wtree <F2> {alited::file::RenameFileInTree 0 -} bind $wtree <Insert> {alited::tree::AddItem} bind $wtree <Delete> {alited::tree::DelItem {} {}} if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { CreateUnitsTree $TID $wtree $branchexp } else { CreateFilesTree $wtree $branchexp } } #_______________________ proc tree::UnitTitle {title l1 l2} { # Gets a title of a unit (checking for empty string). # title - original title # l1 - first line of the unit # l2 - latst line of the unit if {$title eq {}} {set title "$::alited::al(MC,lines) $l1-$l2"} return $title } #_______________________ proc tree::CreateUnitsTree {TID wtree branchexp} { # Creates a unit tree for a tab. # TID - a current tab's ID # wtree - the tree's path # branchexp - list of old expanded branches namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set al(TREE,units) yes [$obPav BtTswitch] configure -image alimg_folder baltip::tip [$obPav BtTswitch] $al(MC,swunits) baltip::tip [$obPav BtTAddT] $al(MC,tpl) baltip::tip [$obPav BtTDelT] $al(MC,unitsdel) baltip::tip [$obPav BtTUp] $al(MC,moveupU) baltip::tip [$obPav BtTDown] $al(MC,movedownU) $wtree heading #0 -text [alited::bar::CurrentTab 1] $wtree heading #1 -text [msgcat::mc Row] set parents [list {}] set parent {} set levprev -1 set wtxt [alited::main::GetWTXT $TID] foreach item $al(_unittree,$TID) { incr iiuni if {[llength $item]<3} continue set itemID [alited::tree::NewItemID [incr iit]] lassign $item lev leaf fl1 title l1 l2 set title [UnitTitle $title $l1 $l2] set lev [expr {min($lev,[llength $parents])}] set parent [lindex $parents [expr {$lev-1}]] if {$leaf} { set title " $title" set pr [expr {max(0,min(7,($l2-$l1-$::alited::al(minredunit))/$al(prjredunit)))}] set imgopt "-image alimg_pro$pr" set isopen no } else { set imgopt "-image alimg_gulls" set levtmp [expr ([lindex $al(_unittree,$TID) $iiuni 0]+0)] set isopen [expr {$levtmp>$lev && [IsExpandUT]}] } if {!$isopen && [IsOldExpanded $branchexp $leaf $title]} {set isopen yes} $wtree insert $parent end -id $itemID -text "$title" \ -values [list $l1 $l2 {} $itemID $lev $leaf $fl1] -open $isopen {*}$imgopt $wtree tag add tagNorm $itemID if {!$leaf} { set parent $itemID catch {set parents [lreplace $parents $lev end $parent]} } set levprev $lev } alited::tree::ColorUnitsTree $TID $wtxt $wtree -1 ;# color without todos, then with after idle [list after 10 [list alited::tree::ColorUnitsTree $TID $wtxt $wtree 50]] } #_______________________ proc tree::ColorUnitsTree {TID wtxt wtree wait} { # Color units of the tree. # TID - a current tab's ID # wtxt - text's path # wtree - tree's path # wait - waiting mode: -1 no wait, >0 wait for highlighting done, 0 waiting done namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$TID ne [alited::bar::CurrentTabID]} return # colorizing should wait for the highlighting done if {$wait>0} { if {[alited::file::IsClang [alited::bar::FileName $TID]]} { set dowait [expr {![::hl_c::isdone $wtxt]}] } else { set dowait [expr {![::hl_tcl::isdone $wtxt]}] } if {$dowait} { incr wait -1 after 100 [list alited::tree::ColorUnitsTree $TID $wtxt $wtree $wait] return } } set ctab [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] set todolist [list] foreach {tr1 tr2} [$wtxt tag ranges tagCMN2] { lappend todolist [expr {int($tr1)}] } $wtree tag remove tagTODO if {$wait==-1} { $wtree tag remove tagBranch $wtree tag remove tagSel } foreach item $al(_unittree,$TID) { if {[llength $item]<3} continue set itemID [alited::tree::NewItemID [incr iit]] lassign $item lev leaf fl1 title l1 l2 set tag tagNorm foreach tr $todolist { if {$tr>=$l1 && $tr<=$l2} { set tag tagTODO break } } catch { if {$leaf && \ [info exists al(CPOS,$ctab,[alited::unit::GetHeader $wtree $itemID])]} { if {$tag ne {tagTODO}} {set tag tagSel} } } if {!$leaf} { if {$tag ne {tagTODO}} {set tag tagBranch} } if {$tag ne {tagNorm} && ($wait==-1 && $tag ne {tagTODO} || $tag eq {tagTODO})} { if {[catch {$wtree tag add $tag $itemID}]} break } } } #_______________________ proc tree::CreateFilesTree {wtree branchexp} { # Creates a file tree. # wtree - the tree's path # branchexp - list of old expanded branches namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set al(TREE,files) yes [$obPav BtTswitch] configure -image alimg_gulls baltip::tip [$obPav BtTswitch] $al(MC,swfiles) baltip::tip [$obPav BtTAddT] $al(MC,filesadd)\nInsert baltip::tip [$obPav BtTDelT] $al(MC,filesdel)\nDelete baltip::tip [$obPav BtTUp] $al(MC,moveupF) baltip::tip [$obPav BtTDown] $al(MC,movedownF) $wtree heading #0 -text ":: $al(prjname) ::" $wtree heading #1 -text $al(MC,files) bind $wtree <Return> {alited::tree::OpenFile} if {[catch {set selfile [alited::bar::FileName]}]} { set selfile {} ;# at closing by Ctrl+W with file tree open: no current file } set filesTIDs [alited::bar::FilesTIDs] PrepareDirectoryContents foreach item [GetDirectoryContents $al(prjroot)] { set itemID [alited::tree::NewItemID [incr iit]] lassign $item lev isfile fname fcount iroot set title [file tail $fname] if {$iroot<0} { set parent {} } else { set parent [alited::tree::NewItemID [incr iroot]] } if {$isfile} { if {[alited::file::IsTcl $fname]} { set imgopt {-image alimg_tclfile} } else { set imgopt {-image alimg_file} } } else { set imgopt {-image alimg_folder} # get the directory's flag of expanded branch (in the file tree) } if {$fcount} {set fc $fcount} {set fc {}} set isopen [expr {$al(expandFT) || [IsOldExpanded $branchexp $isfile $title]}] $wtree insert $parent end -id $itemID -text "$title" \ -values [list $fc $fname $isfile $itemID] -open $isopen {*}$imgopt $wtree tag add tagNorm $itemID if {!$isfile} { $wtree tag add tagBranch $itemID } elseif {[alited::bar::FileTID $fname $filesTIDs] ne {}} { $wtree tag add tagSel $itemID } } } #_______________________ proc tree::NewItemID {iit} { # Gets a new ID for the tree item. # iit - index of the new item. return "al$iit" } #_______________________ proc tree::AddTags {wtree} { # Creates tags for the tree. # wtree - the tree's path namespace upvar ::alited al al lassign [alited::FgAdditional] fgbr fgred fgtodo append fontN "-font $::alited::al(FONT,defsmall)" append fontS $fontN " -foreground $fgred" $wtree tag configure tagNorm {*}$fontN $wtree tag configure tagSel {*}$fontS $wtree tag configure tagBold -foreground magenta $wtree tag configure tagTODO -foreground $fgtodo $wtree tag configure tagBranch -foreground $fgbr } #_______________________ proc tree::AddItem {{ID ""}} { # Adds a new item to the tree. # ID - an item's ID where the new item will be added (for the file tree). namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { alited::unit::Add } else { alited::file::Add $ID } } #_______________________ proc tree::DelItem {{ID ""} {sy 10}} { # Removes an item from the tree. # ID - an item's ID to be deleted. # sy - relative Y-coordinate for a query namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {$ID eq {} && [set ID [alited::tree::CurrentItem]] eq {}} { bell return } set wtree [$obPav Tree] set fname [alited::bar::FileName] if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { alited::unit::Delete $wtree $fname $sy } else { alited::file::Delete $ID $wtree $sy } } #_______________________ proc tree::Delete {wtree item TID} { # Removes recursively an item and its children from the tree. # wtree - the tree widget's path # item - ID of the item to be deleted. foreach child [$wtree children $item] { alited::tree::Delete $wtree $child $TID } if {$item ne {}} {$wtree delete $item} } #_______________________ proc tree::AdjustWidth {} { # Fixes a problem with the tree scrollbar's width at resizing the panes. # The problem occurs if Frame's width is less than Tree's + Scrollbar's, as # then the scrollbar is squeezed. Thus the Tree's width should be adjusted. # The restart of alited will fully repair this. namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set wpf [winfo width [$obPav FraTree]] set ws1 [winfo width [$obPav SbvTree]] set ws2 [winfo width [$obPav SbvFavor]] set w2 [[$obPav Tree] column #1 -width] [$obPav Tree] column #0 -width [expr {$wpf-$w2-$ws2-4}] } # ________________________ Buttons handlers _________________________ # proc tree::ShowPopupMenu {ID X Y} { # Creates and opens a popup menu at right clicking the tree. # ID - ID of clicked item # X - x-coordinate of the click # Y - y-coordinate of the click namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav ::baltip sleep 1000 set wtree [$obPav Tree] set popm $wtree.popup catch {destroy $popm} menu $popm -tearoff 0 set header [lindex [split [alited::unit::GetHeader $wtree $ID] \n] 0] set sname [$wtree item $ID -text] lassign [$wtree item $ID -values] -> fname isfile - - isunit if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { set img alimg_folder set m1 $al(MC,swunits) set m2 $al(MC,tpl) set m3 $al(MC,unitsdel) set moveup $al(MC,moveupU) set movedown $al(MC,movedownU) set dropitem [msgcat::mc {Drop Selected Units Here}] set accins {} set accdel {} } else { set img alimg_gulls set m1 $al(MC,swfiles) set m2 $al(MC,filesadd...) set m3 $al(MC,filesdel) set moveup $al(MC,moveupF) set movedown $al(MC,movedownF) set dropitem [msgcat::mc {Drop Selected Files Here}] set accins {-accelerator Insert} set accdel {-accelerator Delete} } if {[string length $sname]>25} {set sname "[string range $sname 0 21]..."} $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA none] -label $m1 \ -command ::alited::tree::SwitchTree -image $img $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA none] -label $al(MC,updtree) \ -command alited::tree::RecreateTree -image alimg_retry $popm add separator $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA none] -label $moveup \ -command {alited::tree::MoveItem up} -image alimg_up $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA none] -label $movedown \ -command {alited::tree::MoveItem down} -image alimg_down $popm add separator $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA none] -label $m2 \ -command "::alited::tree::AddItem $ID" {*}$accins -image alimg_add if {!$al(TREE,isunits)} { $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA change] \ -label $al(MC,renamefile...) -accelerator F2 \ -command {alited::file::RenameFileInTree no} } $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA none] -label $m3 \ -command "::alited::tree::DelItem $ID -100" {*}$accdel -image alimg_delete if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { if {$al(FAV,IsFavor)} { $popm add separator $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA heart] -label $al(MC,favoradd) \ -command ::alited::favor::AddFromTree } if {$isunit} { $popm add separator $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA none] -label $al(MC,copydecl) \ -command "clipboard clear ; clipboard append {\n$header \{\n\}}" } } else { $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA copy] \ -label $al(MC,clonefile...) -command ::alited::file::CloneFile $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA OpenFile] -label $al(MC,openwith) \ -command ::alited::file::OpenWith $popm add separator if {$isfile} {set fname [file dirname $fname]} set sname [file tail $fname] $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA none] -label $al(MC,openselfile) -command ::alited::file::OpenFiles set msg [string map [list %n $sname] $al(MC,openofdir)] $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA none] -label $msg \ -command "::alited::file::OpenOfDir {$fname}" $popm add separator $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA none] -label $al(MC,detachsel) \ -command ::alited::file::DetachFromTree } set addsel {} if {[llength [$wtree selection]]>1} { $popm add separator $popm add command {*}[$obPav iconA none] -label $dropitem \ -command "::alited::tree::DropItems $ID" -image alimg_paste if {[$wtree tag has tagSel $ID]} { # the added tagSel tag should be overrided $wtree tag remove tagSel $ID set addsel "; $wtree tag add tagSel $ID" } } bind $popm <FocusIn> "$wtree tag add tagBold $ID" bind $popm <FocusOut> "catch {$wtree tag remove tagBold $ID; $addsel}" $obPav themePopup $popm tk_popup $popm $X $Y } #_______________________ proc tree::ButtonPress {but x y X Y} { # Handles a mouse clicking the tree. # but - mouse button # x - x-coordinate to identify an item # y - y-coordinate to identify an item # X - x-coordinate of the click # Y - x-coordinate of the click namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set wtree [$obPav Tree] set ID [$wtree identify item $x $y] set region [$wtree identify region $x $y] set al(movID) [set al(movWin) {}] if {![$wtree exists $ID] || $region ni {tree cell}} { return ;# only tree items are processed } switch $but { {3} { if {[llength [$wtree selection]]<2} { $wtree selection set $ID } ShowPopupMenu $ID $X $Y } {1} { set al(movID) $ID set al(movWin) .tritem_move set msec [clock milliseconds] set doubleclick [expr {[info exists al(_MSEC)] && [expr {($msec-$al(_MSEC))<400}]}] set al(_MSEC) $msec if {$doubleclick} { ;# at double click: DestroyMoveWindow yes ;# disable any drag-drop } if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { NewSelection $ID alited::main::SaveVisitInfo } elseif {$doubleclick} { OpenFile $ID } } } } #_______________________ proc tree::DropItems {ID} { # Drops (moves) selected items to a current position. # ID - ID of an item to be clicked namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set wtree [$obPav Tree] set selection [$wtree selection] if {[$wtree exists $ID] && $selection ne {} && $ID ne {} && $selection ne $ID} { if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { alited::unit::MoveUnits $wtree move $selection $ID } else { alited::file::MoveFiles $wtree move $selection $ID } } } #_______________________ proc tree::SelectUnits {wtree ctrl} { # Selects units at Ctrl/Shift clicking the unit tree. # wtree - path to tree widget # ctrl - 1 if pressed Ctrl/Shift key at clicking namespace upvar ::alited al al if {!$ctrl || !$al(TREE,isunits)} return set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] $wtxt tag remove sel 1.0 end foreach ID [$wtree selection] { lassign [$wtree item $ID -values] l1 l2 $wtxt tag add sel $l1.0 [incr l2].0 } } #_______________________ proc tree::ButtonRelease {but s x y X Y} { # Handles a mouse button releasing on the tree, at moving an item. # but - mouse button # s - state (ctrl/alt/shift) # x - x-coordinate to identify an item # y - y-coordinate to identify an item # X - x-coordinate of the click # Y - x-coordinate of the click namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav set wtree [$obPav Tree] set ID [$wtree identify item $x $y] DestroyMoveWindow no set msec [clock milliseconds] set ctrl [expr {$s & 0b100}] if {([info exists al(_MSEC)] && [expr {($msec-$al(_MSEC))<400}]) || $ctrl} { SelectUnits $wtree $ctrl set al(movWin) {} return } if {[$wtree exists $ID] && [info exists al(movID)] && \ $al(movID) ne {} && $ID ne {} && $al(movID) ne $ID && \ [$wtree identify region $x $y] eq {tree}} { if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { alited::unit::MoveUnits $wtree move $al(movID) $ID } else { alited::file::MoveFiles $wtree move $al(movID) $ID } } DestroyMoveWindow yes } #_______________________ proc tree::ButtonMotion {but s x y X Y} { # Starts moving an item of the tree. # but - mouse button # s - state (ctrl/alt/shift) # x - x-coordinate to identify an item # y - y-coordinate to identify an item # X - x-coordinate of the click # Y - x-coordinate of the click namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {![info exists al(movWin)] || $al(movWin) eq {}} { return } if {$s & 0b111} { set al(movWin) {} return } set wtree [$obPav Tree] # dragging the tab if {![winfo exists $al(movWin)]} { # make the tab's replica to be dragged toplevel $al(movWin) if {$al(IsWindows)} { wm attributes $al(movWin) -alpha 0.0 } else { wm withdraw $al(movWin) } if {[tk windowingsystem] eq {aqua}} { ::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle style $al(movWin) help none } else { wm overrideredirect $al(movWin) 1 } set selection [$wtree selection] if {[set il [llength $selection]]>1} { set al(movID) $selection set text "$il items" } else { set text [$wtree item $al(movID) -text] } label $al(movWin).label -text $text -relief solid \ -foreground $al(MOVEFG) -background $al(MOVEBG) pack $al(movWin).label -expand 1 -fill both -ipadx 1 } set ID [$wtree identify item $x $y] wm geometry $al(movWin) +[expr {$X+10}]+[expr {$Y+10}] if {$al(IsWindows)} { if {[wm attributes $al(movWin) -alpha] < 0.1} {wm attributes $al(movWin) -alpha 1.0} } else { catch {wm deiconify $al(movWin) ; raise $al(movWin)} } } #_______________________ proc tree::DestroyMoveWindow {cancel} { # Destroys an item moving window. # cancel - if yes, clears also the related variables. namespace upvar ::alited al al catch {destroy $al(movWin)} if {$cancel} {lassign {} al(movWin) al(movID)} } #_______________________ proc tree::UnitTooltip {wtxt l1 l2} { # Gets unit's tooltip. # wtxt - text's path # l1 - 1st line's number # l2 - last line's number set tip {} foreach {p1 p2} [$wtxt tag ranges tagCMN2] { if {[$wtxt compare $l1.0 <= $p1] && [$wtxt compare $p2 <= $l2.end]} { set todo [string trimleft [$wtxt get $p1 $p2] #!] switch [incr tiplines] { 1 {append tip \n_______________________\n} 13 {break} } append tip \n $todo } } return $tip } #_______________________ proc tree::GetTooltip {ID NC} { # Gets a tip for unit / file tree's item. # ID - ID of treeview item # NC - column of treeview item namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {[info exists al(movWin)] && $al(movWin) ne {} || ![::alited::IsTipable]} { return {} ;# no tips while drag-n-dropping or focusing somewhere else } set wtree [$obPav Tree] if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { # for units set tip [alited::unit::GetHeader $wtree $ID $NC] # try to read and add TODOs for this unit catch { lassign [$wtree item $ID -values] l1 l2 set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] append tip [UnitTooltip $wtxt $l1 $l2] } if {!$al(TIPS,Tree) && ![info exists todo]} { # no tips while switched off (excepting for TODOs) return {} } } else { # for files lassign [$wtree item $ID -values] -> tip isfile if {$isfile} { if {$al(TREE,showinfo)} { set tip [alited::file::FileStat $tip] } else { set tip {} } } } return $tip } # ________________________ Directories procs _________________________ # proc tree::PrepareDirectoryContents {} { # Prepares reading a directory's contents. # See also: GetDirectoryContents namespace upvar ::alited al al _dirtree _dirtree set _dirtree [set al(_dirignore) [list]] catch { ;# there might be an incorrect list -> catch it foreach d $al(prjdirign) { lappend al(_dirignore) [string toupper [string trim $d \"]] } } lappend al(_dirignore) [string toupper [file tail [alited::Tclexe]]] . .. } #_______________________ proc tree::GetDirectoryContents {dirname} { # Gets a directory's contents. # dirname - the directory's name # Returns a list containing the directory's contents. # See also: DirContents namespace upvar ::alited _dirtree _dirtree DirContents $dirname return $_dirtree } #_______________________ proc tree::DirContents {dirname {lev 0} {iroot -1} {globs "*"}} { # Reads a directory's contents. # dirname - a dirtectory's name # lev - level in the directory hierarchy # iroot - index of the directory's parent or -1 # globs - list of globs to filter files. # See also: # GetDirectoryContents # AddToDirContents namespace upvar ::alited al al _dirtree _dirtree incr lev set tpl [file join $dirname *] if {[catch {set dcont [glob $tpl]}]} { set dcont [list] } catch { lappend dcont {*}[glob -type hidden $tpl] } set dcont [lsort -dictionary $dcont] # firstly directories: # 1. skip the ignored ones for {set i [llength $dcont]} {$i} {} { incr i -1 if {[IgnoredDir [lindex $dcont $i]]} { set dcont [lreplace $dcont $i $i] } } # 2. put the directories to the beginning of the file list set i 0 foreach fname $dcont { if {[file isdirectory $fname]} { set dcont [lreplace $dcont $i $i [list $fname "y"]] set nroot [AddToDirContents $lev 0 $fname $iroot] if {[llength $_dirtree] < $al(MAXFILES)} { DirContents $fname $lev $nroot $globs } else { break } } else { set dcont [lreplace $dcont $i $i [list $fname]] } incr i } # then files if {[llength $_dirtree] < $al(MAXFILES)} { foreach fname $dcont { lassign $fname fname d if {$d ne "y"} { foreach gl [split $globs ","] { if {[string match $gl $fname]} { AddToDirContents $lev 1 $fname $iroot break } } } } } } #_______________________ proc tree::AddToDirContents {lev isfile fname iroot} { # Adds an item to a list of directory's contents. # lev - level in the directory hierarchy # isfile - a flag "file" (if yes) or "directory" (if no) # fname - a file name to be added # iroot - index of the directory's parent or -1 namespace upvar ::alited al al _dirtree _dirtree set dllen [llength $_dirtree] if {$dllen < $al(MAXFILES)} { lappend _dirtree [list $lev $isfile $fname 0 $iroot] if {$iroot>-1} { lassign [lindex $_dirtree $iroot] lev isfile fname fcount sroot set _dirtree [lreplace $_dirtree $iroot $iroot \ [list $lev $isfile $fname [incr fcount] $sroot]] } } return $dllen } #_______________________ proc tree::IgnoredDir {dir} { # Checks if a directory is in the list of the ignored ones. # dir - the directory's name namespace upvar ::alited al al set dir [string toupper [file tail $dir]] return [expr {[lsearch -exact $al(_dirignore) $dir]>-1}] } # ________________________ Tree procs _________________________ # proc tree::ForEach {wtree aproc {lev 0} {branch {}}} { # Scans all items of the tree. # wtree - the tree's path # aproc - a procedure to run at scanning # lev - level of the tree # branch - ID of the branch to be scanned # The 'aproc' argument can include wildcards to be replaced # appropriate data: # %level - current tree level # %children - children of a current item # %item - ID of a current item # %text - text of a current item # %values - values of a current item set children [$wtree children $branch] if {$lev} { set proc [string map [list \ %level $lev \ %children [llength $children] \ %item $branch \ %text [$wtree item $branch -text] \ %values [$wtree item $branch -values]] \ $aproc] catch {uplevel [expr {$lev+1}] $proc} } incr lev foreach child $children { ForEach $wtree $aproc $lev $child } } #_______________________ proc tree::GetTree {{parent ""} {Tree Tree} {wtree ""}} { # Gets a tree or its branch. # parent - ID of the branch # Tree - name of the tree widget # wtree - full path to the tree namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav if {$wtree eq {}} {set wtree [$obPav $Tree]} set tree [list] set levp -1 ForEach $wtree { set item "%item" set lev %level if {$levp>-1 || $item eq $parent} { if {$lev<=$levp} {return -code break} ;# all of branch fetched if {$item eq $parent} {set levp $lev} } catch { if {$parent eq {} || $levp>-1} { lappend tree [list $lev %children $item {%text} {%values}] } } } return $tree } #_______________________ proc tree::RecreateTree {{wtree ""} {headers ""} {clearsel no}} { # Recreates the tree and restores its selections. # wtree - the tree's path # headers - a list of selected items # clearsel - if yes, clears tree's selection namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {$wtree eq {}} {set wtree [$obPav Tree]} if {$clearsel || [catch {set selection [$wtree selection]}]} { set selection [list] } if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { set al(TREE,units) no set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] alited::unit::RecreateUnits $TID $wtxt } else { set al(TREE,files) no } Create # restore selections if {$headers eq {-}} return if {$headers ne {}} { set selection [list] foreach item [alited::tree::GetTree] { lassign $item lev cnt ID foreach hd $headers { if {[alited::unit::GetHeader $wtree $ID] eq $hd} { lappend selection $ID break } } } $wtree selection set $selection } else { # try to restore selections foreach item $selection { catch {$wtree selection add $item} } } catch {$wtree see [lindex $selection 0]} } #_______________________ proc tree::UpdateFileTree {{doit no}} { # Updates the file tree (colors of files). # doit - yes, if run after idle # See also: CreateFilesTree namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {$al(TREE,isunits)} return ;# no need if {$doit} { set wtree [$obPav Tree] foreach item [GetTree] { lassign [lindex $item 4] - fname leaf itemID if {$leaf} { if {[alited::bar::FileTID $fname] ne {}} { $wtree tag add tagSel $itemID } else { $wtree tag remove tagSel $itemID } } } } else { catch {after cancel $al(_UPDATEFILETREE_)} set al(_UPDATEFILETREE_) [after idle {alited::tree::UpdateFileTree yes}] } } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #