The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh ########################################################### # Name: format.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: Feb 09, 2024 # Brief: Handles Edit/Formats menu items. # License: MIT. ########################################################### # _________________________ format ________________________ # namespace eval format { variable win $::alited::al(WIN).formats variable da array set da [list dir 2 what 1 bgRE "" geo ""] set da(separSav1) $::alited::al(format_separ1) set da(separSav2) $::alited::al(format_separ2) variable valueOrig {} variable valueSel {} variable valueLines {} variable cont6; array set cont6 [list] variable bind6; array set bind6 [list] variable icon6; array set icon6 [list] } # ________________________ Move unit descriptions _________________________ # ## ________________________ Move UI _________________________ ## proc format::UnitDesc {} { # Moves unit description from inner to above units. namespace upvar ::alited al al obDl2 obDl2 variable win variable da set da(prjlfRESav) $al(prjleafRE) set da(prjuselfRESav) $al(prjuseleafRE) set separSav1 $da(separSav1) set separSav2 $da(separSav2) lassign [Re_Colors] fgRE da(bgRE) set stcl [llength [alited::SessionTclList 1]] set atcl [llength [alited::SessionTclList 2]] set selected [msgcat::mc Selected]\ ($stcl) set allopen [msgcat::mc {All in session}]\ ($atcl) set REleaf [alited::unit::LeafRegexp] $obDl2 makeWindow $win.fra $al(MC,formatdesc) $obDl2 paveWindow $win.fra { {.lab1 - - 1 3 {-pady 8} {-t "Move proc/method descriptions:" -font {$::apave::FONTMAINBOLD}}} {.seh0 + T 1 6} {.rad1 + T 1 1 {-st w} {-t "From inside to out" -var ::alited::format::da(dir) -value 1 -com alited::format::ChangeTo -image alimg_up -compound right}} {.rad2 + T 1 1 {-st w} {-t "From out to inside" -var ::alited::format::da(dir) -value 2 -com alited::format::ChangeTo -image alimg_down -compound right}} {.sev .rad1 L 2 1 {-padx 10}} {.labRE1 + L 1 1 {-st sne} {-t "Leaf's regexp:"}} {.LabRE2 + L 1 1 {} {-t {$REleaf} -foreground $fgRE -background $da(bgRE)}} {.h_1 + L 1 1} {.butStd + L 1 1 {-st e} {-t Standard -com alited::format::StandardOptions}} {.labSep .labRE1 T 1 1 {-st sne} {-t "Separator:"}} {.EntSepar + L 1 3 {-st ew -cw 1} {-tvar ::alited::format::da(separ) -validate all -validatecommand alited::format::ValidateUnitDesc}} {.seh1 .rad2 T 1 6} {.Tex1 + T 1 6 {-st nsew -pady 4 -rw 1} {-h 11 -w 80 -wrap none -font {$al(FONT,txt)}}} {.fra + T 1 6} {.fra.LabFromTo + L 1 4 {-st nsew} {-image alimg_up-big}} {.fra.labdummy + L 1 1 {-st nsew} {-image alimg_none-big}} {.Tex2 .fra T 1 6 {-st nsew -pady 4 -rw 1} {-h 11 -w 80 -wrap none -font {$al(FONT,txt)}}} {.frawhat + T 1 6} {.frawhat.labwhat - - - - {-st e} {-t "Process .tcl file(s):"}} {.frawhat.rad1 + L 1 1 {-padx 20} {-t {$selected} -var ::alited::format::da(what) -value 1}} {.frawhat.rad2 + L 1 1 {} {-t {$allopen} -var ::alited::format::da(what) -value 2}} {.seh2 .frawhat T 1 6} {.butHelp + T 1 1 {-st w} {-t Help -com alited::format::Help}} {.h_ + L 1 4} {.frabut + L 1 1 {-st e}} {.frabut.butOK + L 1 1 {-st e} {-t OK -com alited::format::Ok}} {.frabut.butCancel + L 1 1 {-st e} {-t Cancel -com alited::format::Cancel}} } if {$da(dir)==1} {set da(separ) $da(separSav2)} {set da(separ) $da(separSav1)} ChangeTo bind $win <F1> alited::format::Help set res [$obDl2 showModal $win -resizable 1 -minsize {650 400} {*}$da(geo)] set al(prjuseleafRE) $da(prjuselfRESav) set al(prjleafRE) $da(prjlfRESav) if {$res} { alited::main::UpdateAll } else { set da(separSav1) $separSav1 set da(separSav2) $separSav2 } set da(geo) "-geometry [wm geometry $win]" catch {destroy $win} } #_______________________ proc format::ChangeTo {} { # At changing the direction, fills 2 texts with "from/to" examples. namespace upvar ::alited al al obDl2 obDl2 variable da if {$da(dir)==1} { set da(separSav2) $da(separ) set da(separ) $da(separSav1) set img alimg_up-big } else { set da(separSav1) $da(separ) set da(separ) $da(separSav2) set img alimg_down-big } ::apave::blinkWidgetImage [$obDl2 LabFromTo] $img ShowUnitDesc Re_FgColor } #_______________________ proc format::ValidateUnitDesc {{dovalid no}} { # Validates the separator's entry # dovalid - if yes runs the validation variable da if {$dovalid} { set da(separSav$da(dir)) $da(separ) ShowUnitDesc } else { after idle {alited::format::ValidateUnitDesc yes} } return yes } #_______________________ proc format::ShowUnitDesc {} { # Displays unit descriptions to move. namespace upvar ::alited obDl2 obDl2 variable da set pad [alited::main::CalcPad] set descIn " SEPAR\n\n proc ::K {x y} {\n\n $pad# K combinator.\ \n $pad# x - returned value\n $pad# y - discarded value\n\n ${pad}set x\n }" set descOut " SEPAR\n\n # K combinator.\ \n # x - returned value\n # y - discarded value\n\n proc ::K {x y} {\n\n ${pad}set x\n }" lassign [Separ1 $da(separSav1)] separ1 limit set separ1 [string range [string map [list n ::K N ::K] $separ1] 0 $limit] set cont1 [string map [list SEPAR $separ1] $descOut] set cont2 [string map [list SEPAR $da(separSav2)] $descIn] set tex1 [$obDl2 Tex1] set tex2 [$obDl2 Tex2] $tex1 replace 1.0 end $cont1 $tex2 replace 1.0 end $cont2 set colors [alited::SyntaxColors] set colors [lreplace $colors end-1 end-1 [lindex [$obDl2 csGet] 2]] alited::SyntaxHighlight tcl $tex1 $colors alited::SyntaxHighlight tcl $tex2 $colors Re_FgColor } #_______________________ proc format::Help {} { # Handles "Help" button. alited::Help $::alited::format::win 1 } #_______________________ proc format::StandardOptions {} { # Sets standard options of Move Descr. namespace upvar ::alited al al obDl2 obDl2 variable da set curRE [alited::unit::LeafRegexp] if {$curRE ne $al(RE,leafDEF)} { set msg [msgcat::mc \ " Current leaf's RE\n\n <r>%r1</r>\n\n is not equal to standard\n\n <r>%r2</r>\n\n as set in Projects/Options and Preferences/Units."] set msg [string map [list %r1 $curRE %r2 $al(RE,leafDEF)] $msg] set tags [alited::MessageTags] set ok [alited::msg okcancel warn $msg CANCEL -text 1 {*}$tags] if {!$ok} return } set da(separSav1) $al(format_separ1DEF) set da(separSav2) $al(format_separ2DEF) set da(separ) $da(separSav$da(dir)) [$obDl2 LabRE2] configure -text $al(RE,leafDEF) ShowUnitDesc Re_FgColor } #_______________________ proc format::Re_Colors {} { # Gets colors for leaf's regexp (comment's fg & bg). namespace upvar ::alited obDl2 obDl2 lassign [::hl_tcl::hl_colors .] - - - - fg lassign [$obDl2 csGet] - - bg list $fg $bg } #_______________________ proc format::Re_FgColor {} { # Sets foreground color for leaf's regexp. namespace upvar ::alited al al obDl2 obDl2 variable da lassign [Re_Colors] fg lassign [Separ1 $da(separSav1)] separ if {![regexp [LeafRE] $separ]} { set fg [lindex [alited::FgFgBold] 2] } [$obDl2 LabRE2] configure -foreground $fg } ## ________________________ Move actions _________________________ ## proc format::Separ1 {title} { # Gets "real" separator and limit of its length (extracted from it). # title - title if {[set limit [regexp -inline {\(\d+\)} $title]] ne {}} { set title [string map [list $limit {}] $title] set limit [string trim $limit ()] } else { set limit 9999 } list $title [incr limit -1] } #_______________________ proc format::MoveOut {cont title l1 l2} { # Move a unit description outside the unit. # cont - file's content # title - initial comment with unit's name # l1 - 1st unit line number # l2 - last unit line number # Returns file's contents and 1 (for processed) or 0 (for not processed). namespace upvar ::alited al al set line [lindex $cont [expr {$l1-1}]] if {[regexp [LeafRE] $line]} { return [list $cont 0] ;# already processed? } # padding (indentation) of unit's declaration set pad [obj leadingSpaces $line] set pad [string repeat { } $pad] set replcont [set replln [list]] # find the inside description for {set i $l1} {$i<$l2} {incr i} { set line [string trimleft [lindex $cont $i]] if {![string match #* $line]} { if {[llength $replcont] || $line ne {}} break } else { lappend replcont $pad$line } lappend replln $i } if {[llength $replln]} { set replcont [linsert $replcont 0 {}] # remove old description set i1 [lindex $replln 0] set i2 [lindex $replln end] set cont [lreplace $cont $i1 $i2] } # above the unit's declaration - find the first "meaningful" line for {set i [incr l1 -2]} {$i>=0} {incr i -1} { set line [string trimleft [lindex $cont $i]] if {$line ne {} && (![string match #* $line] || [regexp {[[:alnum:]]} $line])} { break } } # remove old description, insert new one set title $pad[string trim $title] set cont [lreplace $cont [incr i] $l1] set cont [linsert $cont $i {} $title {*}$replcont {}] list $cont 1 } #_______________________ proc format::MoveInside {cont l1 l2 pad} { # Move a unit description outside the unit. # cont - file's content # l1 - 1st unit line number # l2 - last unit line number # pad - padding (indentation) of text namespace upvar ::alited al al variable da set l0 [expr {$l1-1}] set line [lindex $cont $l0] if {![regexp [LeafRE] $line]} { return [list $cont 0] ;# not unit's declaraion - already processed? } set pad0 [obj leadingSpaces $line] set pad0 [string repeat { } $pad0] # get the outside description set replln 0 set replcont [list] for {set i $l1} {$i<$l2} {incr i} { set line [string trimleft [lindex $cont $i]] if {![string match #* $line]} { if {$line ne {}} { if {[regexp $al(RE,proc2) $line]} { # unit's declaration found in this line set replln [incr i -1] } break } } else { # only comments included into the description lappend replcont $pad$line } } if {$replln <= 0} { # unit's declaration not found return [list $cont 0] } # insert it inside the unit's body if {[llength $replcont]} { # find the unit's body set body [set insln 0] for {set i $l1} {$i<$l2} {incr i} { set line [string trim [lindex $cont $i]] if {[regexp $al(RE,proc2) $line]} { incr body } if {$body && [string index $line end] ne "\\"} { set insln [incr i] break } } if {$insln} { # unit's body found - insert the description inside it if {[lindex $cont $insln] ne {}} {lappend replcont {}} set cont [linsert $cont $insln {} {*}$replcont] } } # replace the the outside description with 2nd separator set separ2 [string trim $da(separSav2)] if {$separ2 ne {}} { set separ2 $pad0$separ2\n # if there is a comment above, no separator for {set i $l0} {$i>1} {} { incr i -1 set line [string trimleft [lindex $cont $i]] if {$line ne {}} { if {[string match #* $line]} { set separ2 {} } break } } } if {$separ2 eq {}} { set cont [lreplace $cont $l0 $replln] } else { set cont [lreplace $cont $l0 $replln $separ2] } list $cont 1 } #_______________________ proc format::MoveUnitDesc {TID} { # Does move the unit descriptions. # TID - tab's ID # Returns 1 if the moves done, 0 if no moves. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable da if {![alited::isTclScript $TID]} {return 0} set infdat [list $TID 1] set fname [file tail [alited::bar::FileName $TID]] set cont [alited::file::ReadFileByTID $TID] ;# let it be read anyhow set wtxt [alited::main::GetWTXT $TID] if {$wtxt eq {}} { lassign [alited::main::GetText $TID no no] -> wtxt } set lfRE $al(prjuseleafRE) if {$da(RE_SWITCHED) || $da(dir)==1} { # if "Use leaf's RE" was switched or moving to outside and # the unit tree contains already appropriate leaf units, then no actions more if {$da(dir)==1} { # in-to-out mode: recreate the "use leafRE" tree to check it for leaf units set al(prjuseleafRE) 1 alited::unit::RecreateUnits $TID $wtxt } lassign [alited::unit::UnitHeaderMode $TID] isLeafRE isProc leafRE foreach item [lreverse $al(_unittree,$TID)] { if {[llength $item]<3} continue lassign $item lev leaf fl1 title l1 l2 set line [$wtxt get $l1.0 $l1.end] if {$isProc && [regexp $al(RE,proc) $line] || $isLeafRE && [regexp $leafRE $line]} { set msg [string map [list %f $fname %n 0] $al(MC,unitprocsd)] alited::info::Put $line [list $TID $l1] ;# line of issue alited::info::Put $msg $infdat ;# file of issue set al(prjuseleafRE) $lfRE return 0 } } } set al(prjuseleafRE) $lfRE alited::unit::RecreateUnits $TID $wtxt set cont1 [$wtxt get 1.0 end] set cont2 [string trimright $cont1] set cont [split $cont2 \n] set moved 0 foreach item [lreverse $al(_unittree,$TID)] { if {[llength $item]<3} continue lassign $item lev leaf fl1 title l1 l2 if {$leaf && $title ne {}} { if {[string first { } $title]>0 && $l1==1} { continue ;# intro lines } lassign [Separ1 $da(separSav1)] separ limit set title [string map [list n $title N $title] $separ] set title [string range $title 0 $limit] if {$da(dir)==1} { # to out lassign [MoveOut $cont $title $l1 $l2] cont i } else { # to inside set pad [alited::main::CalcPad $wtxt] lassign [MoveInside $cont $l1 $l2 $pad] cont i } incr moved $i } } if {$moved} { alited::bar::BAR markTab $TID set newcont {} foreach c $cont { append newcont $c \n } if {[string length $cont1]==[string length $cont2]} { set newcont [string trimright $newcont] } $wtxt replace 1.0 end $newcont if {$wtxt eq [alited::main::CurrentWTXT]} { alited::main::UpdateAll } else { alited::unit::RecreateUnits $TID $wtxt } set msg [msgcat::mc {%f processed, units affected: %n}] } else { set msg $al(MC,unitprocsd) } set msg [string map [list %f $fname %n $moved] $msg] alited::info::Put $msg $infdat alited::file::MakeThemHighlighted $TID return [expr {$moved>0}] } #_______________________ proc format::LeafRE {} { # Gets the chosen leaf's RE (current or standard, seen by the user). return [[$::alited::obDl2 LabRE2] cget -text] } #_______________________ proc format::CheckOk {} { # Check options of Move Descriptions dialogue. namespace upvar ::alited al al obDl2 obDl2 variable da set res yes set REleaf [LeafRE] if {$da(dir)==1} { # move from inside to out lassign [Separ1 $da(separ)] separ if {![regexp $REleaf $separ]} { set err [msgcat::mc "The separator doesn't match to the regexp:\n\n "] append err "\"$REleaf\"" set res no } if {![regexp {[Nn]} $da(separ)]} { set err {Separator must contain "n" or "N" for unit name!} set res no } } else { if {[string trimright $da(separ)] ne {} && ![string match #* $da(separ)]} { set err "The separator should be Tcl comment!" set res no set da(separ) #$da(separ) } } set da(separSav$da(dir)) $da(separ) if {!$res} { bell [$obDl2 Tex1] replace 1.0 end "\n#! [msgcat::mc ERROR]:\n#!\n#! [msgcat::mc $err]" } if {$res && $da(what)==2 && \ ![alited::msg yesno ques {Were all files properly backed up?}]} { return 0 } if {$res} { alited::info::Put {} alited::ProcessFiles alited::InitUnitTree $da(what) set lfRE [alited::unit::IsLeafRegexp] if {$da(dir)==1 && $lfRE || $da(dir)==2 && !$lfRE} { set al(prjuseleafRE) [expr {!$lfRE}] set al(prjleafRE) $REleaf set msg [msgcat::mc "PROJECT OPTION \"Use leaf's regexp\" SWITCHED TEMPORARILY TO "] append msg "\"$al(prjuseleafRE)\"" alited::info::Put $msg {} yes set da(RE_SWITCHED) 1 } else { set da(RE_SWITCHED) 0 } } return $res } #_______________________ proc format::Ok {} { # Handles pressing OK button of Move Descriptions dialogue. namespace upvar ::alited al al obDl2 obDl2 variable win variable da if {[CheckOk]} { set al(format_separ1) $da(separSav1) set al(format_separ2) $da(separSav2) lassign [alited::ProcessFiles alited::format::MoveUnitDesc $da(what)] all processed if {$processed} alited::main::UpdateIcons set msg [msgcat::mc {Files processed successfully: %n}] set msg [string map [list %n $processed] $msg] alited::info::Put $msg {} yes [expr {!$processed}] yes $obDl2 res $win 1 } } #_______________________ proc format::Cancel {} { # Handles pressing Cancel button of Move Descriptions dialogue. namespace upvar ::alited obDl2 obDl2 variable win $obDl2 res $win 0 } # ________________________ Format by modes _________________________ # proc format::BeforeFormatting {{islines no}} { # Gets option for formatting - text's path, selected text and positions to process. # islines - yes, if positions are lines' start and end # Also, sets valueOrig to the original contents of selected text. # See also: AfterFormatting variable valueOrig set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set selection [$wtxt tag ranges sel] if {[set llen [llength $selection]]>2} { alited::Message {Applied to one selection only!} 4 return {} } if {$llen} { lassign $selection pos1 pos2 if {[$wtxt compare $pos2 == [$wtxt index end]]} { set pos2 [$wtxt index "$pos2 -1c"] } } else { set pos [expr {int([$wtxt index insert])}] set pos1 $pos.0 set pos2 $pos.end } if {$islines} { set pos1 [::apave::pint $pos1].0 set pos2 [::apave::pint $pos2].end } set valueOrig [set value [$wtxt get $pos1 $pos2]] list $wtxt $value $pos1 $pos2 } #_______________________ proc format::AfterFormatting {wtxt pos1 pos2 value} { # Actions after formatting: # replace & update all & select the formatted stuff. # wtxt - text's path # pos1 - 1st position formatted # pos2 - last position formatted # value - content formatted # See also: BeforeFormatting variable valueOrig if {$valueOrig ne $value} { $wtxt replace $pos1 $pos2 $value } alited::main::UpdateAll focusByForce $wtxt $wtxt tag remove sel 1.0 set nch [string length $value] $wtxt tag add sel $pos1 "$pos1 +$nch chars" } ## ________________________ map _________________________ ## proc format::Mode1 {cont args} { # Maps selection by pairs taken from config.file. # cont - list of config.file's lines (pairs from-to) lassign [BeforeFormatting] wtxt value pos1 pos2 if {$wtxt eq {}} return # check the list of mapping set prevlist [list] foreach line $cont { set line [split [string trim $line]] set llen [llength $line] if {$llen==1 || $llen>2} { set msg [msgcat::mc "Incorrect mapped 'from-to' in: %l"] set msg [string map [list %l $line] $msg] alited::Message $msg 4 } elseif {$llen} { lassign $line from to set i [lsearch -exact -index 1 $prevlist $from] if {$i>=0} { set msg [msgcat::mc "'from' refers to previous 'to' in: %l (see: %n)"] set msg [string map [list %l $line %n [lindex $prevlist $i]] $msg] alited::Message $msg 4 } lappend prevlist $line } } foreach line $cont { if {[catch { set line [split [string trim $line]] if {[llength $line]==2} { set value [string map $line $value] } } e]} then { alited::Message "$e ($line)" 3 } } AfterFormatting $wtxt $pos1 $pos2 $value } ## ________________________ commands _________________________ ## proc format::Mode2 {cont args} { # Applies a command to selection/current line. # cont - list of config.file's lines lassign [BeforeFormatting] wtxt value pos1 pos2 if {$wtxt eq {}} return set err 0 foreach line $cont { if {[set com [alited::edit::IniParameter command $line]] ne {}} { set value [alited::edit::EscapeValue $value] set com [alited::Map -nocase $com %v $value] if {[catch {set value [eval $com]} e]} { alited::Message $e 4 set err 1 break } set value [alited::edit::UnEscapeValue $value] } } if {!$err} {AfterFormatting $wtxt $pos1 $pos2 $value} } ## ________________________ on line list _________________________ ## proc format::Mode3 {cont args} { # Applies command(s) to lines of selection. # cont - list of config.file's lines lassign [BeforeFormatting yes] wtxt value pos1 pos2 if {$wtxt eq {}} return set value [split $value \n] set err 0 foreach line $cont { if {[set com [alited::edit::IniParameter command $line]] ne {}} { set com [alited::Map {} $com %v $value] if {[catch {set value [eval $com]} e]} { alited::Message $e 4 set err 1 break } } } if {!$err} { set resvalue {} set was no foreach line $value { if {$was} {append resvalue \n} append resvalue $line set was yes } AfterFormatting $wtxt $pos1 $pos2 $resvalue } } ## ________________________ externals _________________________ ## proc format::Mode4 {cont args} { # Applies external command(s) to selection or lines of selection. # cont - list of config.file's lines # The selection (or lines of selection) is saved to a temporary file # that is processed by commands. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable valueSel variable valueLines lassign [BeforeFormatting] wtxt valueSel if {$wtxt eq {}} return lassign [BeforeFormatting yes] wtxt valueLines set comcount 0 set tmpname [alited::TmpFile FORMAT~] foreach line $cont { set com {} if {[set comu [alited::edit::IniParameter Unix,Linux $line]] ne {}} { if {[::isunix]} { set com $comu incr comcount } } elseif {[set comw [alited::edit::IniParameter Windows $line]] ne {}} { if {[::iswindows]} { set com $comu incr comcount } } elseif {[set com [alited::edit::IniParameter Command $line]] ne {}} { if {$comcount} break } if {$com ne {}} { set com [alited::MapWildCards $com] # %S - file name for saved selection # %L - file name for saved lines of selection if {[string first %S $com]>=0 && $valueSel ne {}} { writeTextFile $tmpname ::alited::format::valueSel } elseif {[string first %L $com]>=0 && $valueLines ne {}} { writeTextFile $tmpname ::alited::format::valueLines } set com [alited::Map -nocase $com %S $tmpname %L $tmpname] alited::tool::Run_in_e_menu $com } } alited::FocusText } ## ________________________ insertions _________________________ ## proc format::Mode5 {cont args} { # Inserts a string at the current cursor position. # Or does something without changing the text (if commands return ""). # cont - list of config.file's lines or variable name containing it # args - contains the edited file name etc. namespace upvar ::alited al al DIR DIR lassign [BeforeFormatting] wtxt value set value [alited::edit::EscapeValue $value] lassign $args fn1 fn2 modal if {[info exists $cont]} { set cont [set $cont] } foreach line $cont { incr il set pos [$wtxt index insert] set com [alited::edit::IniParameter command $line -nocase -] if {$com ne {}} { set ending [expr {$com eq "-"}] if {$ending} { set com [join [lrange $cont $il end] \n] } set selection [$wtxt tag ranges sel] set lsel [llength $selection] if {!$lsel} { set value {} } # map format's own and template's woildcards set com [alited::Map {} \ $com %W $wtxt %v $value %f [alited::bar::FileName] \ %d $al(TPL,%d) \ %t $al(TPL,%t) \ %u $al(TPL,%u) \ %U $al(TPL,%U) \ %w $al(TPL,%w) \ %A $DIR \ %M $al(EM,mnudir)] set value [eval $com] if {$value ne {}} { if {$lsel} { lassign $selection pos1 pos2 $wtxt replace $pos1 $pos2 $value } else { $wtxt insert $pos $value } } if {$ending} break } } if {[string is true $modal]} alited::FocusText } ## ________________________ pluginable _________________________ ## proc format::Mode6 {cont args} { # Runs a pluginable formatter. # cont - list of config.file's lines # args - formatter's file name etc. # Returns 1st event to run the formatter or {}. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable cont6 variable bind6 lassign $args fullformname set fform [alited::edit::FormatterName $fullformname] set com [list alited::format::Mode5 ::alited::format::cont6($fform) {*}$args] set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set bind6($fform) [list] set res [set icon {}] set sep 0 set modal 1 foreach line $cont { incr il foreach o {sep modal} { set v [alited::edit::IniParameter $o $line -nocase] if {[string is boolean -strict $v]} {set $o $v} } set ic [alited::edit::IniParameter icon $line -nocase] if {$ic ne {}} {set icon $ic} set events [alited::edit::IniParameter events $line -nocase] if {$events ne {}} { foreach ev [split $events { ,}] { if {$ev ne {}} { set wasacc [info exist cont6($fform)] if {[EventOK $fullformname $fform $ev $wasacc]} { lappend com $modal catch {bind $wtxt $ev $com} if {![llength $bind6($fform)]} {set res $ev} lappend bind6($fform) [list $ev $com] } else { set res {} break } } set cont6($fform) [lrange $cont $il end] } break } } if {$icon ne {}} { CreateFormatIcon $icon $sep $com $fform } elseif {$res eq {}} { # no event encountered - run the formatter once Mode5 $cont {*}$args $modal } return $res } #_______________________ proc format::EventOK {fullformname fform ev wasacc} { # Checks if an event is correct (not overlap alited key mapping). # fullformname - full path to formatter # fform - formatter's name # ev - the event # wasacc - if true, -accelerator of $fform menu item was made namespace upvar ::alited al al variable cont6 set ev2 [string trim $ev <>] set keys [alited::keys::EngagedList] lappend keys {*}[alited::keys::ReservedList] foreach key $keys { lassign $key ev1 if {$ev1 eq $ev2} { set fn [alited::menu::FormatsItemName $fform] set msg [msgcat::mc {%e is overlapped by formatter "%f"}] set msg [string map [list %e $ev %f $fn] $msg] alited::MessageError $msg return no } } if {!$wasacc} { # add -accelerator to Formats menu item of $fform set mnu $al(MENUFORMATS) set itemttl [alited::menu::FormatsItemName $fform] alited::edit::PluginAccelerator $mnu $itemttl $ev2 } set al(FORMATS,$fform,$ev2) [list $fullformname $ev2] return yes } #_______________________ proc format::CreateFormatIcon {icon sep com fform} { # Create icon of formatter in toolbar. # icon - icon name # sep - true if separated # com - command # fform - formatter file name variable icon6 if {[info exists icon6($icon)]} return set icon6($icon) 1 set but [alited::tool::ToolButName $icon]_2 if {$sep} { set separ [ttk::separator ${but}_sep -orient vertical] pack $separ -side left -fill y -padx 6 } lassign [obj csGet] fga fg bga bg set fontB [obj boldTextFont 16] if {[catch {set img [alited::ini::CreateIcon $icon]-big; image inuse $img}]} { set txt $icon set istext 1 } else { set txt {} set istext 0 } set attrs [obj toolbarItem_Attrs $istext $img $fontB $fg $bg $fga $bga] button $but -text $txt -command $com {*}$attrs ::baltip tip $but [msgcat::mc Pluginable]\n[alited::menu::FormatsItemName $fform] bind $but <Button-3> {alited::tool::PopupBar %X %Y} pack $but -side left } # ________________________ EOF _________________________ #