The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: complete.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 06/27/2021 # Brief: Handles auto completion. # License: MIT. ########################################################### # _________________________ Variables ________________________ # namespace eval complete { variable win .pickcommand variable comms [list] ;# list of available commands variable commsorig [list] variable word {} variable wordorig {} variable obj {} variable maxwidth 20 ;# maximum width of command variable tclcoms [list] ;# list of Tcl/Tk commands with arguments } # ________________________ Common _________________________ # proc complete::CursorCoordsChar {{wtxt ""} {shift ""}} { # Gets cursor's screen coordinates and a character under cursor in a text. # wtxt - text's path # shift - shift from the cursor where to get non-empty char # Returns a list of X, Y coordinates and a character under the cursor. if {$wtxt eq {}} {set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT]} focus $wtxt set poi [$wtxt index insert] set ch [$wtxt get $poi [$wtxt index {insert +1c}]] set nl [expr {int($poi)}] if {[$wtxt get $nl.0 $nl.end] eq {}} { lassign [$wtxt bbox insert] X Y - h set w 0 set ch - } else { if {[string trim $ch] eq {} || $shift eq {linestart}} { set pos "insert $shift" } else { set pos insert } set pos [$wtxt index $pos] lassign [$wtxt bbox $pos] X Y w h } if {$h eq {}} {set X [set Y [set w [set h 0]]]} incr X $w incr Y $h set p [winfo parent $wtxt] while 1 { lassign [split [winfo geometry $p] x+] w h x y incr X $x incr Y $y if {[catch {set p [winfo parent $p]}] || $p in {{} {.}}} break } list $X $Y $ch } #_______________________ proc complete::TextCursorCoordinates {{wtxt ""}} { # Gets cursor's screen coordinates under cursor in a text. # Also, sets the focus on the text (to make this task be possible at all). # wtxt - text's path # Returns a list of X and Y coordinates. set res [CursorCoordsChar $wtxt] lassign $res X Y ch if {$ch eq {} || $ch eq "\n"} { # EOL => get a previous char's coordinates set res [CursorCoordsChar $wtxt -1c] } return $res } #_______________________ proc complete::AllSessionCommands {{currentTID ""} {idx1 0}} { # Gets all commands available in Tcl/Tk and in session files. # currentTID - ID of a current tab # idx1 - starting position of the current word # If currentTID is set, the commands of this TID are shown unqualified. # Returns a list of "proc variables + commands" and a flag "with commands" namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[set isread [info exists al(_SessionCommands)]]} { unset al(_SessionCommands) } else { alited::info::Put $al(MC,wait) {} yes yes update } set al(_SessionCommands) [dict create] set res [list] # first, add variables set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] lassign [alited::favor::CurrentName] itemID name l1 l2 if {$l2 eq {}} {set l1 [set l2 0]} catch { # get variables from the current proc's header lassign [split [$wtxt get $l1.0 [expr {$l1+4}].0] \n] h1 h2 h3 h4 foreach i {2 3 4} { incr l1 if {[string index $h1 end] eq "\\"} { set h1 [string trimright $h1 \\]\ [set h$i] } else { break } } lassign [string trimright $h1 \{] typ - argums if {$typ in {proc method}} { foreach v $argums { lappend res \$[lindex $v 0] } } } # get variables from the current proc's body set RE {(?:(((^\s*|\[\s*|\{\s*)+((set|unset|append|lappend|incr|variable|global)\s+)} append RE {)|\$)([:a-zA-Z0-9_]*[\(]*[:a-zA-Z0-9_,\$]*[\)]*))} foreach line [split [$wtxt get $l1.0 [incr l2].0] \n] { foreach {- - - - - - v} [regexp -all -inline $RE $line] { if {[string match *(* $v] || [string match *)* $v]} { if {![string match *(*) $v]} { set v [string trim $v ()] } } if {$v ni {{} : ::} && [lsearch -exact $res $v]==-1} { if {![string match \$* $v]} {set v \$$v} lappend res $v } } } set idx1 [expr {int([$wtxt index insert])}].$idx1 # check for $ dollar char set isdol [expr {[$wtxt get "$idx1 -1 c"] eq {$}}] set isdol1 [expr {[$wtxt get "$idx1 -2 c" $idx1] eq {$:}}] set isdol2 [expr {[$wtxt get "$idx1 -3 c" $idx1] eq {$::}}] if {$isdol1 || $isdol2} { foreach v [info vars ::*] { if {[llength $v]==1} {lappend res \$$v} } } # if it isn't a variable's value, add also commands if {[set withcom [expr {!$isdol && !$isdol1 && !$isdol2}]]} { # get commands available in files of current session foreach tab [alited::SessionList] { set TID [lindex $tab 0] lassign [alited::main::GetText $TID no no] curfile wtxt foreach it $al(_unittree,$TID) { lassign $it lev leaf fl1 ttl l1 l2 if {$leaf && [llength $ttl]==1} { if {$TID eq $currentTID} { set ttl [lindex [split $ttl :] end] } lappend res $ttl # save arguments of proc/method set h [alited::unit::GetHeader {} {} 0 $wtxt $ttl $l1 $l2] catch {dict set al(_SessionCommands) $ttl [lindex [split $h \n] 0 2]} } } } if {[llength $al(ED,TclKeyWords)]} { lappend res {*}$al(ED,TclKeyWords) ;# user's commands } } if {!$isread} {alited::info::Clear end} list $res $withcom } #_______________________ proc complete::IsMatch {curword com} { # Check matching a word to a command. # curword - the word # com - the command set res 0 catch {set res [expr {[string match $curword* $com] || [string match $curword* \ [namespace tail $com]] || [regexp "^\[\$\]?$curword" $com]}]} return $res } #_______________________ proc complete::MatchedCommands {{curword ""} args} { # Gets commands that are matched to a current (under cursor) word. # curword - current word to match # args - contains idx1, idx2 indices # Returns list of current word, begin and end of it. variable comms variable commsorig variable maxwidth if {$curword eq {}} { lassign [alited::find::GetWordOfText noselect2 yes] curword idx1 idx2 } else { lassign $args idx1 idx2 } if {![namespace exists ::alited::repl]} { namespace eval ::alited { source [file join $::alited::LIBDIR repl repl.tcl] } } lassign [AllSessionCommands [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] $idx1] allcomms withcomms if {$withcomms} { lappend allcomms {*}[lindex [::alited::repl::complete command {}] 1] } set comms [list] set excluded [list {[._]*} alimg_* bts_*] set maxwidth 20 foreach com $allcomms { set incl 1 foreach ex $excluded { if {[string match $ex $com]} { set incl 0 break } } if {$incl && [IsMatch $curword $com]} { lappend comms $com set maxwidth [expr {max($maxwidth,[string length $com])}] } } set commsorig $comms set comms [lsort -dictionary -unique $comms] list $curword $idx1 $idx2 } # ________________________ GUI _________________________ # proc complete::SelectCommand {obj lbx} { # Handles a selection of command for auto completion. # obj - apave object # lbx - listbox's path variable win $obj res $win [lindex $::alited::complete::comms [$lbx curselection]] } #_______________________ proc complete::WinGeometry {lht} { # Checks and corrects the completion window's geometry (esp. for KDE). # lht - height of completion list variable win update lassign [TextCursorCoordinates] x y lassign [split [wm geometry $win] x+] w h set w2 [winfo reqwidth $win] ; set w3 [winfo width $win] set h2 [winfo reqheight $win]; set h3 [winfo height $win] set w [expr {max($w,$w2,$w3)}] set h [expr {max($h,$h2,$h3)}] if {$w>20 && $h>20} { wm geometry $win ${w}x${h}+${x}+${y} } else { wm geometry $win 220x325+${x}+${y} } } #_______________________ proc complete::PickCommand {wtxt} { # Shows a frame of commands for auto completion, # allowing a user to select from it. # wtxt - text's path variable win variable obj variable word variable comms variable commsorig variable wordorig if {[set llen [llength $comms]]==0} {return {}} set word $wordorig # check for variables if any exist for {set il 0; set icv -1} {$il<$llen} {incr il} { set cv [lindex $comms $il] if {[string first \$ $cv]<0} break if {$cv eq "\$$wordorig"} {set icv $il} } if {$icv>=0 && $il>1 && [string length $wordorig]==1} { set i 0 foreach c $commsorig {if {$c eq "\$wordorig"} {incr i}} if {$i<2} { ;# 1 occurence of 1 letter => remove it set comms [lreplace $comms $icv $icv] incr llen -1 incr il -1 } } set commsorig $comms set mlen 16 set lht [expr {max(min($llen,$mlen),1)}] set obj ::alited::pavedPickCommand catch {destroy $win} catch {$obj destroy} if {$::alited::al(IsWindows)} { toplevel $win } else { toplevel $win # the line below is of an issue in kubuntu (KDE?): small sizes of the popup window after idle [list ::alited::complete::WinGeometry $lht] } wm withdraw $win wm overrideredirect $win 1 ::apave::APave create $obj $win set lwidgets [list \ "Ent - - - - {pack -fill x} {-w $::alited::complete::maxwidth \ -tvar ::alited::complete::word -validate key \ -validatecommand {alited::complete::PickValid $wtxt %V %d %i %s %S}}" \ "fra - - - - {pack -expand 1 -fill both}" \ ".Lbx - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both} \ {-h $lht -w $::alited::complete::maxwidth \ -lvar ::alited::complete::comms -exportselection 0}" ] if {$llen>$mlen} { # add vertical scrollbar if number of items exceeds max.height lappend lwidgets {.sbvPick + L - - {pack -side left -fill both} {}} } $obj paveWindow $win $lwidgets set ent [$obj Ent] set lbx [$obj Lbx] foreach ev {ButtonPress-1 Return KP_Enter KeyPress-space} { catch {bind $lbx <$ev> "after idle {alited::complete::SelectCommand $obj $lbx}"} } ColorPick $wtxt $lbx selection set 0 lassign [TextCursorCoordinates $wtxt] X Y if {$::alited::al(IsWindows)} { incr X 10 incr Y 40 after 100 "wm deiconify $win" } after idle "wm withdraw $win; ::apave::CursorAtEnd $ent; wm deiconify $win" bind $ent <Return> {+ alited::complete::EntReturn} bind $win <FocusOut> {alited::complete::PickFocusOut %W} set res [$obj showModal $win -focus $ent -modal no -geometry +$X+$Y] catch {destroy $win} catch {$obj destroy} if {$res ne "0"} {return $res} return {} } #_______________________ proc complete::ColorPick {wtxt} { # Sets colors for pick list. # wtxt - text's path variable obj variable comms set lbx [$obj Lbx] set llen [llength $comms] lassign [::hl_tcl::hl_colors $wtxt] fgcom - - fgvar set i 0 foreach com $comms { if {[string index $com 0] eq {$}} { $lbx itemconfigure $i -foreground $fgvar ;# variable } else { $lbx itemconfigure $i -foreground $fgcom ;# command } incr i } } #_______________________ proc complete::EntReturn {} { # Handles pressing Return on entry. variable win variable obj variable word set lbx [$obj Lbx] set idx [$lbx curselection] if {$idx eq {} || [set com [$lbx get $idx]] eq {}} { set com $word } if {$com ne {}} {$obj res $win $com} } #_______________________ proc complete::PickValid {wtxt V d i s S} { # Validates the word picker's input. # wtxt - text's path # V - %V of -validatecommand: validation condition # d - %d of -validatecommand: 1 for insert, 0 for delete # i - %i of -validatecommand: index of character # s - %s of -validatecommand: current value of entry # S - %S of -validatecommand: string being inserted/deleted variable win variable obj variable comms variable commsorig variable wordorig if {$V eq {focusin}} { ::apave::CursorAtEnd [$obj Ent] } switch $d { 0 { set curword [string replace $s $i $i] set lc [string length $curword] if {$lc && $lc<[string length $wordorig]} { $obj res $win [list _alited_ $curword] ;# to remake the list } } 1 { set curword [string range $s 0 $i]$S[string range $s $i end] if {[string length $curword]==1 && $curword ne $wordorig} { $obj res $win [list _alited_ $curword] ;# to remake the list } } } if {$d != -1} { set fltcomms [list] foreach com $commsorig { if {[IsMatch $curword $com]} { lappend fltcomms $com } } set comms $fltcomms ColorPick $wtxt update } catch { set lbx [$obj Lbx] $lbx selection clear 0 end $lbx selection set 0 $lbx activate 0 $lbx see 0 lassign [$obj csGet] - - - - - bg fg $lbx itemconfigure 0 -selectbackground $bg -selectforeground $fg } return 1 } #_______________________ proc complete::PickFocusOut {w} { # Closes the word picker at "focus out" event. # w - a current widget variable win variable obj if {[focus] ni [list [$obj Ent] [$obj Lbx]]} { $obj res $win 0 } } # ________________________ Main _________________________ # proc complete::AutoCompleteCommand {} { # Runs auto completion of commands. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable tclcoms variable wordorig set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set pos [$wtxt index insert] set row [expr {int($pos)}] set charsOn [string trim [$wtxt get "$pos -1 char" "$pos +1 char"]] set leftpart [string trim [$wtxt get $row.0 $pos]] if {$al(acc_19) eq {Tab} && $charsOn ne {$} && \ (![regexp {[[:alnum:]_]} $charsOn] || $leftpart eq {})} { # (if the cursor isn't over a word) # Tab is the indentation on the line's beginning or Tab char otherwise if {$leftpart eq {}} { $wtxt insert $pos [alited::main::CalcPad $wtxt] } else { $wtxt insert $pos \t } return } if {![llength $tclcoms]} { set tclcoms [::hl_tcl::hl_commands] foreach cmd {exit break continue pwd pid} { # these commands mostly without arguments: below, don't add { } after them if {[set i [lsearch -exact $tclcoms $cmd]]>-1} { set tclcoms [lreplace $tclcoms $i $i] } } } lassign [MatchedCommands] wordorig idx1 idx2 while 1 { set com [PickCommand $wtxt] if {[llength $com]==2 && [lindex $com 0] eq {_alited_}} { set wordorig [lindex $com 1] MatchedCommands $wordorig $idx1 $idx2 } else { break } } if {$com ne {}} { set isvar [string match \$* $com] if {[$wtxt get "$row.$idx1 -1 c"] eq "\$"} { incr idx1 -1 } elseif {[$wtxt get "$row.$idx1 -2 c" $row.$idx1] eq "\$:"} { incr idx1 -2 } elseif {[$wtxt get "$row.$idx1 -3 c" $row.$idx1] eq "\$::"} { incr idx1 -3 } elseif {[$wtxt get $row.$idx1] eq "\$"} { # replace $variable } elseif {$isvar} { set com [string range $com 1 end] } $wtxt delete $row.$idx1 $row.[incr idx2] set pos $row.$idx1 if {!$isvar} { if {[dict exists $al(_SessionCommands) $com] && [set argums [dict get $al(_SessionCommands) $com]] ne {}} { # add all of the unit's arguments catch { foreach ar $argums { if {[llength $ar]==1} { append com " \$$ar" } else { append com " {\$$ar}" ;# default value to be seen } } } } elseif {$com in $tclcoms} { append com { } } } $wtxt insert $pos $com ::alited::main::HighlightLine } focus -force $wtxt } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #