The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: keys.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 07/03/2021 # Brief: Handles hot keys settings & bindings. # License: MIT. ########################################################### namespace eval ::alited::keys { variable firstbind yes } # ________________________ Common _________________________ # proc keys::BindKeys {wtxt type {asfind no}} { # Binds keys to appropriate events of text. # wtxt - text's path # type - type of keys (template etc.) # asfind - do it for "find/replace" as well namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav variable firstbind if {$firstbind || $asfind} { # some bindings must be active in "info" listbox, "find units" combobox and tree set activeForOthers [list ::tool: ::find:: ::file:: ::main::GotoLine ::bar::BAR] set w1 [$obPav LbxInfo] set w2 [$obPav CbxFindSTD] set w3 [$obPav Tree] set w4 $::alited::find::win } foreach kb [alited::keys::EngagedList $type all] { lassign $kb -> tpl keys tpldata if {[catch { if {[set i [string last - $keys]]>0} { set lt [string range $keys $i+1 end] if {[string length $lt]==1} { ;# for lower case of letters lappend keys "[string range $keys 0 $i][string tolower $lt]" } } foreach k $keys { if {$type eq "template"} { lassign $tpldata tex pos place set tex [string map [list $::alited::EOL \n % %%] $tex] bind $wtxt "<$k>" [list ::alited::unit::InsertTemplate [list $tex $pos $place]] } elseif {$type eq "preference"} { set tpldata [string map [list %k $keys] $tpldata] {*}$tpldata } else { if {$firstbind || $asfind} { foreach afo $activeForOthers { if {[string first $afo $tpldata]>-1} { if {$asfind} { bind $w4 "<$k>" $tpldata } else { bind $w1 "<$k>" $tpldata bind $w2 "<$k>" $tpldata bind $w3 "<$k>" $tpldata } break } } } bind $wtxt "<$k>" $tpldata } } } err]} then { puts "Error of binding: $tpl <$keys> - $err" } } set firstbind no } #_______________________ proc keys::UnBindKeys {wtxt type} { # Clears key bindings of text. # wtxt - text's path # type - type of keys (template etc.) foreach kb [alited::keys::EngagedList $type all] { lassign $kb -> tpl keys tpldata if {[catch { set tpldata [::alited::ProcEOL $tpldata in] bind $wtxt "<$keys>" {} } err]} then { puts "Error of unbinding: $tpl <$keys> - $err" } } } #_______________________ proc keys::BindAllKeys {wtxt asfind} { # Binds all keys to appropriate events of text. # wtxt - text's path # asfind - do it for "find/replace" as well BindKeys $wtxt action $asfind BindKeys $wtxt template $asfind BindKeys $wtxt preference $asfind } #_______________________ proc keys::Test {klist} { # It's just for testing keys. # klist - list of key combinations foreach k $klist { if {[catch {bind . "<$k>" "puts $k"} err]} { puts $err } else { puts "Valid key combination: $k" } catch {bind . "<$k>" {}} } } # _________________________ Lists of keys ________________________ # proc keys::ReservedList {} { # Returns a list of keys reserved by alited. list \ F1 \ F10 \ Control-A \ Control-B \ Control-C \ Control-E \ Control-F \ Control-N \ Control-O \ Control-T \ Control-V \ Control-W \ Control-X \ Control-Z \ Control-Alt-W \ Control-Shift-Z \ Control-Shift-F \ Alt-Up \ Alt-Down \ Alt-Left \ Alt-Right \ Alt-F4 } #_______________________ proc keys::UserList {} { # Returns a list of keys available to a user. namespace upvar ::alited al al set reserved [ReservedList] lappend reserved {*}[alited::edit::PluginAccelerator $al(MENUFORMATS)] foreach mod {"" Control- Alt- Shift- Control-Shift- Control-Alt-} { if {$mod ni {Control- Control-Alt-}} { foreach k {F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12} { set key "$mod$k" if {$key ni $reserved} {lappend res $key} } } if {$mod ni {"" "Shift-"}} { foreach k [split 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ {}] { set key "$mod$k" if {$key ni $reserved} {lappend res $key} } } } lappend res Control-bracketleft lappend res Control-bracketright lappend res Tab return $res } #_______________________ proc keys::EngagedList {{type ""} {mode "keyscont"}} { # Returns a list of keys engaged by a user. # type - a type of keys ("template" etc.) # mode - if "all", returns full info of keys; if "keysonly" - only key names; if "keyscont" - only key contents namespace upvar ::alited al al set res [list] foreach kb $al(KEYS,bind) { if {$type eq "" || $type eq [lindex $kb 0]} { switch $mode { all {lappend res $kb} keysonly {lappend res [lindex $kb 2]} keyscont {lappend res [lrange $kb 2 3]} } } } return $res } #_______________________ proc keys::VacantList {} { # Returns a list of keys not yet engaged. set userlist [UserList] set englist [EngagedList {} keysonly] set res [list] foreach k $userlist { if {$k ni $englist} {lappend res $k} } return $res } # _______________________ Handling keys data _____________________ # proc keys::ReservedAdd {} { # Saves reserved ("action") keys to a list of keys data. namespace upvar ::alited al al Add action exit-app Alt-F4 {alited::Exit; break} Add action find-replace Control-F {alited::find::_run; break} Add action find-unit Shift-Control-F {alited::find::FindUnit; break} Add action new-file Control-N {alited::file::NewFile; break} Add action open-file Control-O {alited::file::OpenFile; break} Add action save-all Shift-Control-S {alited::file::SaveAll; break} Add action save-close Control-W {alited::file::SaveAndClose; break} Add action close-delete Control-Alt-W {alited::file::CloseAndDelete; break} Add action help F1 {alited::tool::Help} # other keys are customized in Preferences Add action save-file [alited::pref::BindKey 0 - Control-S] ::alited::file::SaveFile Add action save-as [alited::pref::BindKey 1 - Alt-S] {alited::file::SaveFileAs; break} Add action e_menu [alited::pref::BindKey 2 - F4] alited::tool::e_menu3 Add action run [alited::pref::BindKey 3 - F5] alited::tool::_run Add action indent [alited::pref::BindKey 6 - Control-I] {alited::edit::Indent; break} Add action unindent [alited::pref::BindKey 7 - Control-U] {alited::edit::UnIndent; break} Add action comment [alited::pref::BindKey 8 - Control-bracketleft] {alited::edit::Comment; break} Add action uncomment [alited::pref::BindKey 9 - Control-bracketright] {alited::edit::UnComment; break} Add action find-next [alited::pref::BindKey 12 - F3] alited::find::FindNext Add action look-declaration [alited::pref::BindKey 13 - Control-L] "::alited::find::LookDecl ; break" Add action look-word [alited::pref::BindKey 14 - Control-Shift-L] "::alited::find::SearchWordInSession ; break" Add action RESERVED [alited::pref::BindKey 15 - F11] {+ ::apave::None} Add action play-macro [alited::pref::BindKey 16 - F12] {+ ::alited::edit::DispatchMacro} Add action goto-line [alited::pref::BindKey 17 - Control-G] {alited::main::GotoLine; break} Add action insert-line [alited::pref::BindKey 18 - Control-P] {alited::main::InsertLine; break} if {$::alited::al(IsWindows)} {set i1 %s==0} {set i1 1} Add action autocomplete [alited::pref::BindKey 19 - Tab] [list + if $i1 {alited::complete::AutoCompleteCommand; break}] Add action goto-bracket [alited::pref::BindKey 20 - Alt-B] {alited::main::GotoBracket; break} Add action file-list [alited::pref::BindKey 21 - F9] {alited::bar::BAR popList %X %Y; break} Add action run-file [alited::pref::BindKey 22 - Shift-F5] $al(runAsIs) } #_______________________ proc keys::Add {type name keys cont} { # Adds an item to a list of keys data. # type - type of key # name - name of item # keys - key combination # cont - contents (data of binding) namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[string trim $keys] ne {}} { set item [list $type $name $keys $cont] if {[set i [Search $type $name]]>-1} { set al(KEYS,bind) [lreplace $al(KEYS,bind) $i $i $item] } else { lappend al(KEYS,bind) $item } } } #_______________________ proc keys::Delete {type {name ""}} { # Deletes an item from a list of keys data. # type - type of key # name - name of item namespace upvar ::alited al al set deleted 0 while {[set i [Search $type $name]]>-1} { set al(KEYS,bind) [lreplace $al(KEYS,bind) $i $i] incr deleted } return $deleted } #_______________________ proc keys::Search {type name} { # Searches an item in a list of keys data. # type - type of key # name - name of item namespace upvar ::alited al al set i 0 foreach kb $al(KEYS,bind) { lassign $kb t n n2 if {($type eq {} || $t eq $type) && ($name eq {} || $name eq $n || $name eq $n2)} { return $i } incr i } return -1 } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #