The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: pref.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 05/25/2021 # Brief: Handles "Preferences". # License: MIT. ########################################################### # ________________________ Variables _________________________ # namespace eval pref { # apave object of Preferences variable obPrf pavedPrefs # "Preferences" dialogue's path variable win $::alited::al(WIN).diaPref # geometry variable geo {} # saved data of settings variable data; array set data [list] # data of keys variable keys; array set keys [list] # saved data of previous keys variable prevkeys; array set prevkeys [list] # saved data of keys variable savekeys; array set savekeys [list] # saved tabs variable arrayTab; array set arrayTab [list nbk $win.fra.fraR.nbk.f1] # current tab variable curTab nbk # saved tab variable oldTab {} # list of color themes variable opcThemes [list] variable opc1 {} # list of color schemes variable opcColors [list] # current CS of alited variable opcc {} # current CS of e_menu variable opcc2 {} # bar/e_menu data: variable em_NumMax 32 ;# maximum of bar-menu items variable em_Num 0 ;# number of bar-menu items variable em_mnu; array set em_mnu [list] ;# actions variable em_ico; array set em_ico [list] ;# icons variable em_inf; array set em_inf [list] ;# full info variable em_Icons [list] ;# list of e_menu icons # list of alited icons variable listIcons [list] # list of e_menu menus variable listMenus [list] # standard keys' data variable stdkeys [dict create \ 0 [list {Save File} Control-S] \ 1 [list {Save File as} Alt-S] \ 2 [list {Run e_menu} F4] \ 3 [list {Run File} F5] \ 4 [list {Double Selection} Control-D] \ 5 [list {Delete Line} Control-Y] \ 6 [list $::alited::al(MC,indent) Control-I] \ 7 [list $::alited::al(MC,unindent) Control-U] \ 8 [list $::alited::al(MC,comment) Control-bracketleft] \ 9 [list $::alited::al(MC,uncomment) Control-bracketright] \ 10 [list {Highlight First} Alt-Q] \ 11 [list {Highlight Last} Alt-W] \ 12 [list {Find Next Match} F3] \ 13 [list $::alited::al(MC,lookdecl) Control-L] \ 14 [list $::alited::al(MC,lookword) Control-Shift-L] \ 15 [list RESERVED F11] \ 16 [list $::alited::al(MC,playtkl) F12] \ 17 [list $::alited::al(MC,toline) Control-G] \ 18 [list {Put New Line} Control-P] \ 19 [list {Complete Commands} Tab] \ 20 [list $::alited::al(MC,tomatched) Alt-B] \ 21 [list $::alited::al(MC,filelist) F9] \ 22 [list $::alited::al(MC,runAsIs) Shift-F5] \ ] # size of standard keys' data variable StdkeysSize [dict size $stdkeys] # locales variable locales [list] # preview flag variable preview 0 } # ________________________ Common procedures _________________________ # proc pref::fetchVars {} { # Delivers namespace variables to a caller. uplevel 1 { namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obPrf variable win variable geo variable data variable keys variable prevkeys variable savekeys variable arrayTab variable curTab variable oldTab variable opcThemes variable opc1 variable opcColors variable opcc variable opcc2 variable em_Num variable em_mnu variable em_ico variable em_inf variable em_Icons variable listIcons variable listMenus variable stdkeys variable StdkeysSize variable locales variable preview } } #_______________________ proc pref::SavedOptions {} { # Returns a list of names of main settings. fetchVars return [array names al] } #_______________________ proc pref::SaveSettings {} { # Saves original settings. fetchVars foreach o [SavedOptions] { set data($o) $al($o) } for {set i 0} {$i<$em_Num} {incr i} { catch { set data(em_mnu,$i) $em_mnu($i) set data(em_ico,$i) $em_ico($i) set data(em_inf,$i) $em_inf($i) } } set data(INI,CSsaved) $data(INI,CS) if {[info exists ::em::geometry]} {set ::em::geometry $al(EM,geometry)} } #_______________________ proc pref::RestoreSettings {} { # Restores original settings. fetchVars foreach o [SavedOptions] { catch {set al($o) $data($o)} } dict for {k info} $stdkeys { set keys($k) $savekeys($k) SelectKey $k } for {set i 0} {$i<$em_Num} {incr i} { catch { set em_mnu($i) $data(em_mnu,$i) set em_ico($i) $data(em_ico,$i) set em_inf($i) $data(em_inf,$i) } } if {[info exists ::em::geometry]} {set ::em::geometry $al(EM,geometry)} } #_______________________ proc pref::TextIcons {} { # Returns a list of letters to be toolbar "icons". return &~=@$#%ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ } #_______________________ proc pref::ReservedIcons {} { # Returns a list of icons already engaged by alited. list file OpenFile box SaveFile saveall undo redo help replace run other ok color } #_______________________ proc pref::Message {msg {mode 2}} { # Displays a message in statusbar of preferences dialogue. # msg - message # mode - mode of Message fetchVars alited::Message $msg $mode [$obPrf LabMess] } #_______________________ proc pref::ProcMessage {} { # Handles clicking on message label. fetchVars set msg [baltip cget [$obPrf LabMess] -text] Message $msg 3 } # ________________________ Main Frame _________________________ # proc pref::MainFrame {} { # Creates a main frame of the dialogue. fetchVars $obPrf untouchWidgets *.cannbk* return { {fraL - - 1 1 {-st nws -rw 2}} {.ButHome - - 1 1 {-st we -pady 0} \ {-t "General" -com "alited::pref::Tab nbk" -style TButtonWest}} {.Cannbk + L 1 1 {-st ns} {-w 2 -h 10 -highlightthickness 1 \ -afteridle {alited::pref::fillCan %w}}} {.ButChange .butHome T 1 1 {-st we -pady 1} \ {-t "Editor" -com "alited::pref::Tab nbk2" -style TButtonWest}} {.Cannbk2 + L 1 1 {-st ns} {-w 2 -h 10 -highlightthickness 1 \ -afteridle {alited::pref::fillCan %w}}} {.ButCategories .butChange T 1 1 {-st we -pady 0} \ {-t "Units" -com "alited::pref::Tab nbk3" -style TButtonWest}} {.Cannbk3 + L 1 1 {-st ns} {-w 2 -h 10 -highlightthickness 1 \ -afteridle {alited::pref::fillCan %w}}} {.ButActions .butCategories T 1 1 {-st we -pady 1} \ {-t "Templates" -com "alited::pref::Tab nbk4" -style TButtonWest}} {.Cannbk4 + L 1 1 {-st ns} {-w 2 -h 10 -highlightthickness 1 \ -afteridle {alited::pref::fillCan %w}}} {.ButKeys .butActions T 1 1 {-st we -pady 0} \ {-image alimg_kbd -compound left -t "Keys" -com "alited::pref::Tab nbk5" \ -style TButtonWest}} {.Cannbk5 + L 1 1 {-st ns} \ {-w 2 -h 10 -highlightthickness 1 -afteridle {alited::pref::fillCan %w}}} {.ButTools .butKeys T 1 1 {-st we -pady 1} \ {-t "Tools" -com "alited::pref::Tab nbk6" -style TButtonWest}} {.Cannbk6 + L 1 1 {-st ns} \ {-w 2 -h 10 -highlightthickness 1 -afteridle {alited::pref::fillCan %w}}} {.v_ .butTools T 1 1 {-st ns} {-h 30}} {fraR fraL L 1 1 {-st nsew -cw 1}} {fraR.nbk - - - - {pack -side top -expand 1 -fill both} { f1 {-t View} f2 {-t Saving} f3 {-t Projects} }} {fraR.nbk2 - - - - {pack forget -side top} { f1 {-t Editor} f2 {-t "Tcl syntax"} f3 {-t "C/C++ syntax"} f4 {-t "Plain text"} }} {fraR.nbk3 - - - - {pack forget -side top} { f1 {-t Units} }} {fraR.nbk4 - - - - {pack forget -side top} { f1 {-t Templates} }} {fraR.nbk5 - - - - {pack forget -side top} { f1 {-t Keys} }} {fraR.nbk6 - - - - {pack forget -side top} { f1 {-t Common} f2 {-t e_menu} f3 {-t bar-menu} f4 {-t Tkcon} }} {seh fraL T 1 2 {-st nsew -pady 2}} {fraB + T 1 2 {-st nsew} {-padding {2 2}}} {.ButHelp - - - - {pack -side left} {-t {$::alited::al(MC,help)} \ -tip F1 -com ::alited::pref::Help}} {.LabMess - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both -padx 8} {-onevent {<Button-1> alited::pref::ProcMessage}}} {.ButOK - - - - {pack -side left -anchor s -padx 2} {-t Save -com ::alited::pref::Ok}} {.butCancel - - - - {pack -side left -anchor s} {-t Cancel -com ::alited::pref::Cancel}} } } #_______________________ proc pref::CheckOk {} { # Checker for "OK" button. # Returns yes if OK button may be handled, else no. fetchVars if {$al(INI,LEAF) && $al(RE,leaf) eq {}} { bell ::alited::pref::Tab nbk3 $win.fra.fraR.nbk3.f1 yes no focus [$obPrf EntLf] return no } return yes } #_______________________ proc pref::Ok {args} { # Handler of "OK" button. fetchVars if {![CheckOk]} return alited::CloseDlg if {$al(INI,confirmexit)>1} { set timo "-timeout {$al(INI,confirmexit) ButOK}" } else { set timo {} } set ans [alited::msg okcancel info $al(MC,restart) OK -centerme $win {*}$timo] if {$ans} { # check options that can make alited unusable if {![::apave::intInRange $al(INI,HUE) -50 50]} {set al(INI,HUE) 0} if {![::apave::intInRange $al(FONTSIZE,small) 6 72]} {set al(FONTSIZE,small) 9} if {![::apave::intInRange $al(FONTSIZE,std) 7 72]} {set al(FONTSIZE,std) 10} if {![::apave::intInRange $al(INI,RECENTFILES) 10 50]} {set al(INI,RECENTFILES) 16} if {![::apave::intInRange $al(FAV,MAXLAST) 10 100]} {set al(FAV,MAXLAST) 100} if {![::apave::intInRange $al(MAXFILES) 1000 9999]} {set al(MAXFILES) 5000} if {![::apave::intInRange $al(INI,barlablen) 10 100]} {set al(INI,barlablen) 16} if {![::apave::intInRange $al(INI,bartiplen) 10 100]} {set al(INI,bartiplen) 32} if {![::apave::intInRange $al(CURSORWIDTH) 1 8]} {set al(CURSORWIDTH) 2} set al(THEME) $opc1 set al(INI,CS) [GetCS] if {![string is integer -strict $al(INI,CS)]} {set al(INI,CS) $al(defCS)} set al(EM,CS) [GetCS 2] if {![string is integer -strict $al(EM,CS)]} {set al(EM,CS) $al(defCS)} set al(ED,TclKeyWords) [[$obPrf TexTclKeys] get 1.0 {end -1c}] set al(ED,TclKeyWords) [string map [list \n { }] $al(ED,TclKeyWords)] set al(ED,CKeyWords) [[$obPrf TexCKeys] get 1.0 {end -1c}] set al(ED,CKeyWords) [string map [list \n { }] $al(ED,CKeyWords)] set al(BACKUP) [string trim $al(BACKUP)] catch {set al(TCLLIST) [lreplace $al(TCLLIST) 32 end]} set al(EM,TclList) $al(EM,Tcl) foreach tcl $al(TCLLIST) { if {[::apave::lsearchFile [split $al(EM,TclList) \t] $tcl]<0} { append al(EM,TclList) \t $tcl } } set al(EM,TclList) [string trim $al(EM,TclList)] catch {set al(TTLIST) [lreplace $al(TTLIST) 32 end]} set al(EM,tt=List) $al(EM,tt=) foreach tt $al(TTLIST) { if {[::apave::lsearchFile [split $al(EM,tt=List) \t] $tt]<0} { append al(EM,tt=List) \t $tt } } set al(EM,tt=List) [string trim $al(EM,tt=List)] catch {set al(WTLIST) [lreplace $al(WTLIST) 32 end]} set al(EM,wt=List) $al(EM,wt=) foreach wt $al(WTLIST) { if {$wt ni [split $al(EM,wt=List) \t]} {append al(EM,wt=List) \t $wt} } set al(EM,wt=List) [string trim $al(EM,wt=List)] set plst [lsort [list {} $al(comm_port) {*}$al(comm_port_list)]] set al(comm_port_list) [list] foreach pt $plst { if {$pt ni $al(comm_port_list)} {lappend al(comm_port_list) $pt} if {[llength $al(comm_port_list)]>32} break } set al(EM,DiffTool) [file join {*}[file split $al(EM,DiffTool)]] set al(RE,proc) [string trimright $al(RE,proc)] $obPrf res $win 1 alited::Exit - 1 no } } #_______________________ proc pref::Cancel {args} { # Closes Preferences. # args - not empty, if called by Esc, Alt+F4 or "X" button fetchVars if {[llength $args]} { set ischanged [expr { \ $al(THEME) ne $opc1 || $al(INI,CS) ne [GetCS] || $al(EM,CS) ne [GetCS 2]}] foreach o [SavedOptions] { if {[info exist data($o)] && $al($o) ne $data($o)} { set ischanged yes break } } for {set i 0} {$i<$em_Num} {incr i} { catch { lassign $em_inf($i) em1 idx1 item1 lassign $data(em_inf,$i) em2 idx2 item2 set em1 [file rootname $em1] ;# for compatibility set em2 [file rootname $em2] ;# with old ".mnu" extension if {$em_mnu($i) ne $data(em_mnu,$i) || \ $em_ico($i) ne $data(em_ico,$i) || \ $em1 ne $em2 || $idx1 ne $idx2 || $item1 ne $item2} { set ischanged yes } } } if {$ischanged} { if {![alited::msg okcancel warn {Changes will be lost!} CANCEL]} return } } RestoreSettings alited::CloseDlg $obPrf res $win 0 } #_______________________ proc pref::Tab {tab {nt ""} {doit no} {focus1st yes}} { # Handles changing tabs of notebooks. # tab - name of notebook # nt - tab of notebook # doit - if yes, forces changing tabs # focus1st - if yes, focuses 1st widget of tab # At changing the current notebook: we need to save the old selection # in order to restore the selection at returning to the notebook. fetchVars foreach nbk {nbk nbk2 nbk3 nbk4 nbk5 nbk6} {fillCan [$obPrf Can$nbk]} foreach but {Home Change Categories Actions Keys Tools} { [$obPrf But$but] configure -style TButtonWest } switch $tab { nbk {set but Home} nbk2 {set but Change} nbk3 {set but Categories} nbk4 {set but Actions} nbk5 {set but Keys} nbk6 {set but Tools} } [$obPrf But$but] configure -style TButtonWestHL fillCan [$obPrf Can$tab] yes if {$tab ne $curTab || $doit} { if {$curTab ne {}} { set arrayTab($curTab) [$win.fra.fraR.$curTab select] pack forget $win.fra.fraR.$curTab } set curTab $tab pack $win.fra.fraR.$curTab -expand yes -fill both catch { if {$nt eq {}} {set nt $arrayTab($curTab)} $win.fra.fraR.$curTab select $nt } } if {$tab eq {nbk2}} { # check if a color scheme is switched light/dark - if yes, disable colors set cs [GetCS] if {$data(INI,CSsaved)!=$cs} { Tcl_Default 0 yes C_Default 0 yes UpdateSyntaxTab UpdateSyntaxTab 2 } lassign [$obPrf csGet $cs] fg - bg - - sbg sfg ibg [$obPrf TexSample] configure -fg $fg -bg $bg \ -selectbackground $sbg -selectforeground $sfg -insertbackground $ibg [$obPrf TexCSample] configure -fg $fg -bg $bg \ -selectbackground $sbg -selectforeground $sfg -insertbackground $ibg set data(INI,CSsaved) $cs } if {[string match root* $geo]} { # the geometry of the dialogue - its first setting # (makes sense at switching tabs, when open 1st time) after 10 [list after 10 [list after 10 [list after 10 \ "wm geometry $win \[wm geometry $win\]"]]] } if {$focus1st} { foreach w [$win.fra.fraR.$curTab tabs] { if {[string match *$nt $w]} { after 10 [list after 10 [list after 10 [list after 10 "::apave::focusFirst $w"]]] break } } } } #_______________________ proc pref::Help {} { # Shows a help on a current tab. fetchVars set sel [lindex [split [$win.fra.fraR.$curTab select] .] end] alited::Help $win "-${curTab}-$sel" } #_______________________ proc pref::fillCan {w {selected no}} { # Sets a bg color of tab canvas. # w - canvas' path # selected - yes for selected tab fetchVars catch {$w delete $data(CANVAS,$w)} lassign [$obPrf csGet] - - - bg selbg - - - - hotbg if {$selected} { set bg $hotbg $w configure -highlightbackground $hotbg } else { $w configure -highlightbackground $bg } set data(CANVAS,$w) [$w create rectangle {0 0 10 100} -fill $bg -outline $selbg] } # ________________________ Tabs "General" _________________________ # proc pref::General_Tab1 {} { # Serves to layout "General" tab. fetchVars set opcc [set opcc2 [msgcat::mc {-2: Default}]] set opcColors [list "{$opcc}"] for {set i -1; set n [apave::cs_MaxBasic]} {$i<=$n} {incr i} { if {(($i+2) % ($n/2+2)) == 0} {lappend opcColors |} set csname [$obPrf csGetName $i] lappend opcColors [list $csname] if {$i == $al(INI,CS)} {set opcc $csname} if {$i == $al(EM,CS)} {set opcc2 $csname} } set lightdark [msgcat::mc {Light / Dark}] set opcThemes [list default clam classic alt -- \ "{$lightdark} awlight awdark -- \ azure-light azure-dark -- forest-light forest-dark -- \ sun-valley-light sun-valley-dark -- lightbrown darkbrown -- plastik"] if {$al(IsWindows)} { lappend opcThemes -- "{[msgcat::mc {Windows themes}]} vista xpnative winnative" } if {[string first $al(THEME) $opcThemes]<0} { set opc1 [lindex $opcThemes 0] } else { set opc1 $al(THEME) } return { {v_ - - 1 1} {fra1 v_ T 1 2 {-st nsew -cw 1}} {.labTheme - - 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Ttk theme:}}} {.opc1 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} \ {::alited::pref::opc1 ::alited::pref::opcThemes \ {-width 21 -compound left -image alimg_gulls \ -tip {-indexedtips 5 "-BALTIP {$al(MC,needcs)} -MAXEXP 1"}} {}}} {.labCS .labTheme T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Color scheme:}}} {.opc2 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {::alited::pref::opcc ::alited::pref::opcColors \ {-width 21 -compound left -image alimg_color -com alited::pref::CheckCS \ -tip {-indexedtips \ 0 {$al(MC,nocs)} \ 2 {$al(MC,fitcs): awlight} \ 3 {$al(MC,fitcs): azure-light} \ 4 {$al(MC,fitcs): forest-light} \ 5 {$al(MC,fitcs): sun-valley-light} \ 6 {$al(MC,fitcs): lightbrown} \ 26 {$al(MC,fitcs): sun-valley-dark} \ 27 {$al(MC,fitcs): awdark} \ 28 {$al(MC,fitcs): azure-dark} \ 29 {$al(MC,fitcs): forest-dark} \ 30 {$al(MC,fitcs): sun-valley-dark} \ 31 {$al(MC,fitcs): darkbrown} \ }} {alited::pref::opcToolPre %a}}} {.butOK + L 1 1 {-padx 20} {-t "$al(MC,test)" -com {alited::pref::CheckTheming yes yes}}} {.labHue .labCS T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t Tint:}} {.spxHue + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} \ {-tvar ::alited::al(INI,HUE) -from -50 -to 50 -increment 5 -tip {$al(MC,hue)}}} {.labCurw .labHue T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Cursor width:}}} {.spxCurw + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(CURSORWIDTH) -from 1 -to 8}} {.labCC + L 1 1 {-st we -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Color of cursor:}}} {.clrCC + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(CURSORCOLOR) -w 14}} {seh_ fra1 T 1 2 {-pady 4}} {fra2 + T 1 2 {-st nsew -cw 1}} {.labLocal - - 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Preferable locale:} -tip {$al(MC,locale)}}} {.cbxLocal + L 1 1 {-st sew -pady 1 -padx 3} \ {-tvar ::alited::al(LOCAL) -values {$::alited::pref::locales} -w 4 \ -tip {$al(MC,locale)} -state readonly -selcombobox alited::pref::GetLocaleImage \ -afteridle alited::pref::GetLocaleImage}} {.LabLocales + L 1 7} {.labFon .labLocal T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t Font:}} {.fonTxt1 + L 1 7 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(FONT) -w 50}} {.labFsz1 .labFon T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Small font size:}}} {.spxFsz1 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 3} \ {-tvar ::alited::al(FONTSIZE,small) -from 6 -to 72}} {.labFsz2 .labFsz1 T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,middlefont)}}} {.spxFsz2 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(FONTSIZE,std) -from 7 -to 72}} {seh_2 fra2 T 1 2 {-pady 4}} {lab + T 1 2 {-st w -pady 4 -padx 3} {-t Notes:}} {fra3 + T 1 2 {-st nsew -rw 1 -cw 1}} {.TexNotes - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both -padx 3} \ {-h 20 -w 70 -wrap word -tabnext {alited::Tnext *.spxCurw} \ -tip {-BALTIP {$al(MC,notes)} -MAXEXP 1}}} {.sbv + L - - {pack -side left}} } } #_______________________ proc pref::General_Tab2 {} { # Serves to layout "General/Saving" tab. return { {v_ - - 1 1} {fra v_ T 1 1 {-st nsew -cw 1 -rw 1}} {fra.scf - - 1 1 {pack -fill both -expand 1} {-mode y}} {.labport - - 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Port to listen alited:"}} {.cbxport + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5} \ {-tvar ::alited::al(comm_port) -values {$al(comm_port_list)} -w 8 \ -tip "The empty value allows\nmultiple alited apps."}} {.labConf .labport T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Confirm exit:"}} {.spxConf + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 3} \ {-tvar ::alited::al(INI,confirmexit) -from 0 -to 60 -tip {"> 1" : N sec.}}} {.seh1 .labConf T 1 4 {-st ew -pady 5}} {.labS + T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Save configuration on"}} {.labSonadd + T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "opening a file:"}} {.swiOnadd + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 3} {-var ::alited::al(INI,save_onadd)}} {.labSonclose .labSonadd T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "closing a file:"}} {.swiOnclose + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 3} {-var ::alited::al(INI,save_onclose)}} {.labSonsave .labSonclose T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "saving a file:"}} {.swiOnsave + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 3} {-var ::alited::al(INI,save_onsave)}} {.labSave .labSonsave T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Save before bar-menu runs:"}} {.rad1 + L 1 1 {-st sw -padx 3} {-var ::alited::al(EM,save) -value 1 -t "$al(MC,allfiles)"}} {.rad2 + L 1 1 {-st sw -padx 3} {-var ::alited::al(EM,save) -value 2 -t "$al(MC,currfile)"}} {.rad3 + L 1 1 {-st sw -padx 3} {-var ::alited::al(EM,save) -value 3 -t "$al(MC,none)"}} {.seh3 .labSave T 1 4 {-st ew -pady 5}} {.labRecnt + T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "'Recent Files' length:"}} {.spxRecnt + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(INI,RECENTFILES) -from 10 -to 50}} {.labMaxLast .labRecnt T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "'Last Visited' length:"}} {.spxMaxLast + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(FAV,MAXLAST) -from 10 -to 100}} {.labMaxFiles .labMaxLast T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Maximum of project files:"}} {.spxMaxFiles + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(MAXFILES) -from 1000 -to 9999}} {.seh4 .labMaxFiles T 1 4 {-st ew -pady 5}} {.labBackup + T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Back up files to a project's subdirectory:"}} {.cbxBackup + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} \ {-tvar ::alited::al(BACKUP) -values {{} .bak} -state readonly -w 6 \ -tip "A subdirectory of projects where backup copies of files will be saved to.\nSet the field blank to cancel the backup." \ -afteridle alited::pref::CbxBackup -selcombobox alited::pref::CbxBackup}} {.LabMaxBak + L 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 1} {-t " Maximum:"}} {.SpxMaxBak + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 1} \ {-tvar ::alited::al(MAXBACKUP) -from 1 -to 99 -tip {$al(MC,maxbak)}}} {.labBell .labBackup T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Bell at warnings:"}} {.swiBell + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 3} \ {-var ::alited::al(INI,belltoll) -tabnext alited::Tnext}} } } #_______________________ proc pref::General_Tab3 {} { # Serves to layout "General/Projects" tab. return { {v_ - - 1 10} {fra2 v_ T 1 2 {-st nsew -cw 1}} {.labDef - - 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Default values for new projects:}}} {.swiDef + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3 -padx 3} \ {-var ::alited::al(PRJDEFAULT) -com alited::pref::CheckUseDef \ -afteridle alited::pref::CheckUseDef}} {.seh .labDef T 1 10 {-st ew -pady 3 -padx 3}} {.labIgn + T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,Ign:)}}} {.EntIgn + L 1 9 {-st sw -pady 3 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(DEFAULT,prjdirign) -w 50}} {.labEOL .labIgn T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,EOL:)}}} {.CbxEOL + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3 -padx 3} \ {-tvar ::alited::al(DEFAULT,prjEOL) -values {{} LF CR CRLF} -state readonly -w 9}} {.labIndent .labEOL T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,indent:)}}} {.SpxIndent + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3 -padx 3} \ {-tvar ::alited::al(DEFAULT,prjindent) -from 0 -to 8 -com ::alited::pref::CheckIndent}} {.ChbIndAuto + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3 -padx 3} \ {-var ::alited::al(DEFAULT,prjindentAuto) -t {$al(MC,indentAuto)}}} {.labRedunit .labIndent T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,redunit)}}} {.SpxRedunit + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3 -padx 3} \ {-tvar ::alited::al(DEFAULT,prjredunit) -from $al(minredunit) -to 100}} {.labMult .labRedunit T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} \ {-t {$al(MC,multiline)} -tip {$al(MC,notrecomm)}}} {.SwiMult + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3 -padx 3} \ {-var ::alited::al(DEFAULT,prjmultiline) -tip {$al(MC,notrecomm)}}} {.labTrWs .labMult T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,trailwhite)}}} {.SwiTrWs + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 3} \ {-var ::alited::al(DEFAULT,prjtrailwhite) -tabnext alited::Tnext}} } } #_______________________ proc pref::opcToolPre {args} { # Gets colors for "Color schemes" items. # args - a color scheme's index and name, separated by ":" lassign $args a set a [string trim $a :] if {[string is integer $a]} { lassign [obj csGet $a] - fg - bg return "-background $bg -foreground $fg" } else { return {} } } #_______________________ proc pref::CbxBackup {} { # Check for access to SpxMaxBak field. # If CbxBackup is empty (no backup), SpxMaxBak should be disabled. fetchVars if {$al(BACKUP) eq {}} {set state disabled} {set state normal} [$obPrf SpxMaxBak] configure -state $state [$obPrf LabMaxBak] configure -state $state } #_______________________ proc pref::CheckUseDef {} { # Enables/disables the project default fields. fetchVars if {$al(PRJDEFAULT)} { set state normal [$obPrf CbxEOL] configure -state readonly } else { set state disabled [$obPrf CbxEOL] configure -state $state } foreach w {EntIgn SpxIndent SpxRedunit SwiMult ChbIndAuto SwiTrWs} { [$obPrf $w] configure -state $state } } #_______________________ proc pref::GetCS {{ncc {}}} { # Gets a color scheme's index from *opcc* / *opcc2* variable. # ncc - {} for opcc, {2} for opcc2 fetchVars return [scan [set opcc$ncc] %d:] } #_______________________ proc pref::CsDark {{cs ""}} { # Gets a lightness of a color scheme. # cs - the color scheme's index (if omitted, the chosen one's) if {$cs eq {}} {set cs [GetCS]} return [obj csDark $cs] } #_______________________ proc pref::GetLocaleImage {} { fetchVars [$obPrf LabLocales] configure -image ::alited::pref::LOC$al(LOCAL) } #_______________________ proc pref::InitLocales {} { # Creates flag images to display at "Preferable locale". fetchVars if {[llength $locales]} return set imd [file join $::alited::DATADIR img] set locales [list] foreach lm [glob -nocomplain [file join $imd ??.png]] { set loc [file rootname [file tail $lm]] image create photo ::alited::pref::LOC$loc -file $lm lappend locales $loc } if {![file exists [file join $::alited::MSGSDIR $al(LOCAL).msg]]} { set al(LOCAL) en } set locales [lsort $locales] } #_______________________ proc pref::CheckIndent {{pre "DEFAULT,"}} { # Sets "auto indentation", if indent is 1 (for indentation by Tabs) # pre - prefix: if {}, refers to a project's settings, by default to preferences' namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$al(${pre}prjindent)<=1} {set al(${pre}prjindentAuto) 1} } #_______________________ proc pref::CheckCS {} { # Checks if the color scheme is changed and, if so, sets "Color of cursor" field. fetchVars set cs [GetCS] set cclr [lindex [obj csGet $cs] 7] if {$al(CURSORCOLOR) ne $cclr} { catch { .alwin.diaPref.fra.fraR.nbk.f1.fra1.labclrCC configure -background $cclr set al(CURSORCOLOR) $cclr } } return $cs } #_______________________ proc pref::CheckTheming {{doit yes} {force no}} { # Checks periodically theming options and, if changed, shows their preview. # doit - if no, deletes both a temporary file and the possible preview # force - if yes, shows the preview by force # The theming cannot be nice viewed "on fly", so we need to use a separate app. namespace upvar ::alited SRCDIR SRCDIR fetchVars set fname [file join [alited::tool::EM_dir] preview~] if {!$doit || (!$force && ![file exists $fname])} { catch {file delete $fname} catch {unset al(checkTheming)} return } set cs [GetCS] if {$al(CURSORCOLOR) ne {}} {set cc $al(CURSORCOLOR)} {set cc "{}"} if {[string is double -strict $al(INI,HUE)]} {set hue $al(INI,HUE)} {set hue 0} if {[string is double -strict $al(CURSORWIDTH)]} {set cw $al(CURSORWIDTH)} {set cw 2} set thopts "$opc1 $cs $hue $cw $al(ED,BlinkCurs) $cc" if {![info exists al(checkTheming)] || $al(checkTheming) ne $thopts || $force} { incr al(prefCheckID) lassign [split [wm geometry $win] x+] w h x y set ch [open $fname w] puts $ch "+[expr {$x+$w/6}]+[expr {$y+$h/3}] $thopts {$al(MC,test)} $al(prefCheckID)" close $ch alited::Runtime [file join $SRCDIR preview.tcl] $fname $al(prefCheckID) set al(checkTheming) $thopts } after 100 {alited::pref::CheckTheming yes} } # ________________________ Tab "Editor" _________________________ # proc pref::Edit_Tab1 {} { # Serves to layout "Editor" tab. return { {v_ - - 1 1} {fra v_ T 1 1 {-st nsew -cw 1 -rw 1}} {fra.scf - - 1 1 {pack -fill both -expand 1} {-mode y}} {.labFon - - 1 1 {-st e -pady 8 -padx 3} {-t Font:}} {.fonTxt2 + L 1 9 {-st sw -pady 5 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(FONT,txt) -w 50}} {.labSp1 .labFon T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Space above lines:}}} {.spxSp1 .labSp1 L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,sp1) -from 0 -to 16}} {.labSp3 .labSp1 T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Space below lines:}}} {.spxSp3 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,sp3) -from 0 -to 16}} {.labSp2 .labSp3 T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Space between wraps:}}} {.spxSp2 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,sp2) -from 0 -to 16}} {.labBC .labSp2 T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Blinking cursor:}}} {.swiBC + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5 -padx 3} {-var ::alited::al(ED,BlinkCurs)}} {.seh .labBC T 1 10 {-pady 3}} {.labGW + T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Gutter's width:}}} {.spxGW + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,gutterwidth) -from 3 -to 7}} {.labGS .labGW T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Gutter's shift from text:}}} {.spxGS + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,guttershift) -from 0 -to 10}} {.seh2 .labGS T 1 10 {-pady 3}} {.labLl + T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Tab bar label's length:}}} {.spxLl + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(INI,barlablen) -from 10 -to 100}} {.labTl .labLl T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Tab bar tip's length:}}} {.spxTl + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(INI,bartiplen) -from 10 -to 100}} {.labBD .labTl T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Border for bar tabs:}}} {.swiBD + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5 -padx 3} {-var ::alited::al(ED,btsbd) -tabnext alited::Tnext}} } } #_______________________ proc pref::Edit_Tab2 {} { # Serves to layout "Tcl syntax" tab. return { {v_ - - 1 1} {FraTab2 v_ T 1 1 {-st nsew -cw 1 -rw 1}} {fraTab2.scf - - 1 1 {pack -fill both -expand 1} {-mode y}} {.labExt - - 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Tcl files' extensions:}}} {.entExt + L 1 1 {-st swe -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(TclExts) -w 50}} {.labCOM .labExt T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of Tcl commands:}}} {.clrCOM + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,clrCOM) -w 20}} {.labCOMTK .labCOM T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of Tk commands:}}} {.clrCOMTK + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,clrCOMTK) -w 20}} {.labSTR .labCOMTK T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of strings:}}} {.clrSTR + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,clrSTR) -w 20}} {.labVAR .labSTR T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of variables:}}} {.clrVAR + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,clrVAR) -w 20}} {.labCMN .labVAR T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of comments:}}} {.clrCMN + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,clrCMN) -w 20}} {.labPROC .labCMN T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of proc/methods:}}} {.clrPROC + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,clrPROC) -w 20}} {.labOPT .labPROC T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of options:}}} {.clrOPT + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,clrOPT) -w 20}} {.labBRA .labOPT T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of brackets:}}} {.clrBRA + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,clrBRA) -w 20}} {fraTab2.scf.FraDefClr1 .labBRA T 1 2 {-st nsew -pady 3}} {.but - - 1 1 {-st w -padx 0} {-t Standard -com {alited::pref::Tcl_Default 0}}} {.but1 + L 1 1 {-st w -padx 8} {-t {Standard 2} -com {alited::pref::Tcl_Default 1}}} {.but2 + L 1 1 {-st w -padx 0} {-t {Standard 3} -com {alited::pref::Tcl_Default 2}}} {.but3 + L 1 1 {-st w -padx 8} {-t {Standard 4} -com {alited::pref::Tcl_Default 3}}} {fraTab2.scf.sehclr fraTab2.scf.FraDefClr1 T 1 2 {-pady 3}} {fraTab2.scf.fra2 + T 1 2 {-st nsew -pady 5}} {.lab - - - - {pack -side left -anchor ne -pady 0 -padx 3} {-t {Code snippet:}}} {.TexSample - - - - {pack -side left -fill both -expand 1} \ {-h 7 -w 48 -afteridle alited::pref::UpdateSyntaxTab -tabnext {*.texTclKeys *.but3}}} {.sbv + L - - {pack -side right}} {fraTab2.scf.fra3 fraTab2.scf.fra2 T 1 2 {-st nsew -pady 3}} {.labAddKeys - - - - {pack -side left -anchor ne -pady 0 -padx 3} {-t {Your commands:}}} {.TexTclKeys - - - - {pack -side left -fill both -expand 1} \ {-h 3 -w 48 -wrap word -tabnext {alited::Tnext *.texSample}}} {.sbv + L - - {pack -side right}} } } #_______________________ proc pref::Edit_Tab3 {} { # Serves to layout "C/C++ syntax" tab. return { {v_ - - 1 1} {FraTab3 + T 1 1 {-st nsew -cw 1 -rw 1}} {fraTab3.scf - - 1 1 {pack -fill both -expand 1} {-mode y}} {.labExt - - 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {C/C++ files' extensions:}}} {.entExt + L 1 1 {-st swe -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ClangExts) -w 47}} {.labCOM2 .labExt T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of C key words:}}} {.clrCOM2 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,CclrCOM) -w 20}} {.labCOMTK2 .labCOM2 T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of C++ key words:}}} {.clrCOMTK2 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,CclrCOMTK) -w 20}} {.labSTR2 .labCOMTK2 T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of strings:}}} {.clrSTR2 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,CclrSTR) -w 20}} {.labVAR2 .labSTR2 T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of punctuation:}}} {.clrVAR2 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,CclrVAR) -w 20}} {.labCMN2 .labVAR2 T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of comments:}}} {.clrCMN2 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,CclrCMN) -w 20}} {.labPROC2 .labCMN2 T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of return/goto:}}} {.clrPROC2 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,CclrPROC) -w 20}} {.labOPT2 .labPROC2 T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of your key words:}}} {.clrOPT2 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,CclrOPT) -w 20}} {.labBRA2 .labOPT2 T 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Color of brackets:}}} {.clrBRA2 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(ED,CclrBRA) -w 20}} {fraTab3.scf.FraDefClr2 .labBRA2 T 1 2 {-st nsew -pady 3}} {.but - - 1 1 {-st w -padx 0} {-t Standard -com {alited::pref::C_Default 0}}} {.but1 + L 1 1 {-st w -padx 8} {-t {Standard 2} -com {alited::pref::C_Default 1}}} {.but2 + L 1 1 {-st w -padx 0} {-t {Standard 3} -com {alited::pref::C_Default 2}}} {.but3 + L 1 1 {-st w -padx 8} {-t {Standard 4} -com {alited::pref::C_Default 3}}} {fraTab3.scf.sehclr fraTab3.scf.fraDefClr2 T 1 2 {-pady 3}} {fraTab3.scf.fra2 + T 1 2 {-st nsew -pady 5}} {.lab - - - - {pack -side left -anchor ne -pady 0 -padx 3} {-t {Code snippet:}}} {.TexCSample - - - - {pack -side left -fill both -expand 1} \ {-h 8 -w 48 -wrap word -tabnext {*.texCKeys *.but3}}} {.sbv + L - - {pack -side right}} {fraTab3.scf.fra3 fraTab3.scf.fra2 T 1 2 {-st nsew -pady 3}} {.lab - - - - {pack -side left -anchor ne -pady 0 -padx 3} {-t {Your key words:}}} {.TexCKeys - - - - {pack -side left -fill both -expand 1} \ {-h 3 -w 48 -wrap word -tabnext {alited::Tnext *.texCSample}}} {.sbv + L - - {pack -side right}} } } #_______________________ proc pref::Edit_Tab4 {} { # Serves to layout "Plain texts" tab. return { {v_ - - 1 1} {FraTab4 + T 1 1 {-st nsew -cw 1 -rw 1}} {fraTab4.scf - - 1 1 {pack -fill both -expand 1} {-mode y}} {.labExt - - 1 1 {-st e -pady 3 -padx 3} {-t {Plain texts' extensions:}}} {.entExt + L 1 1 {-st swe -pady 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(TextExts) -w 50}} {.seh .labExt T 1 10 {-pady 3}} {.but + T 1 1 {-st w} {-t Standard -com alited::pref::Text_Default -tabnext alited::Tnext}} } } #_______________________ proc pref::Tcl_Default {isyn {init no}} { # Sets default colors to highlight Tcl. # isyn - index of syntax colors # init - yes, if only variables should be initialized fetchVars set al(TclExts) $al(TclExtsDef) set Dark [CsDark] set clrnams [::hl_tcl::hl_colorNames] set clrvals [::hl_tcl::hl_colors $isyn $Dark] foreach nam $clrnams val $clrvals { set al(ED,$nam) $val } set al(ED,Dark) $Dark if {!$init} UpdateSyntaxTab set al(syntaxidx) $isyn } #_______________________ proc pref::C_Default {isyn {init no}} { # Sets default colors to highlight C. # isyn - index of syntax colors # init - yes, if only variables should be initialized fetchVars set al(ClangExts) $al(ClangExtsDef) set Dark [CsDark] set clrnams [::hl_tcl::hl_colorNames] set clrvals [::hl_c::hl_colors $isyn $Dark] foreach nam $clrnams val $clrvals { set al(ED,C$nam) $val } if {!$init} {UpdateSyntaxTab 2} set al(syntaxidx) $isyn } #_______________________ proc pref::Text_Default {} { # Sets defaults for plain text. fetchVars set al(TextExts) $al(TextExtsDef) update } #_______________________ proc pref::InitSyntax {lng} { # Updates and initializes color fields. # lng - {} for Tcl, {2} for C/C++ fetchVars foreach nam {COM COMTK STR VAR CMN PROC OPT BRA} { set ent [$obPrf Entclr$nam$lng] ;# method's name, shown by -debug attribute set lab [string map [list .entclr .labclr] $ent] ;# colored label $lab configure -background [$ent get] ::apave::bindToEvent $ent <FocusIn> alited::pref::UpdateSyntaxTab $lng ::apave::bindToEvent $ent <FocusOut> alited::pref::UpdateSyntaxTab $lng } } #_______________________ proc pref::InitSyntaxTcl {colors} { # Initializes syntax stuff for Tcl. # colors - highlighting colors fetchVars set tex [$obPrf TexSample] lassign [$obPrf csGet] - - - - - - - - tfgD bclr $tex configure -highlightbackground $tfgD -highlightcolor $bclr set texC [$obPrf TexCSample] $texC configure -highlightbackground $tfgD -highlightcolor $bclr if {[string trim [$tex get 1.0 end]] eq {}} { $obPrf displayText $tex {proc foo {args} { # Tcl code to test colors. set var "(Multiline string) Args=$args" winfo interps -displayof [lindex $args 0] return $var ;#! text of TODO }}} set wk [$obPrf TexTclKeys] ::apave::bindToEvent $wk <FocusOut> alited::pref::UpdateSyntaxTab set keywords [string trim [$wk get 1.0 end]] alited::SyntaxHighlight tcl $tex $colors [GetCS] -keywords $keywords } #_______________________ proc pref::InitSyntaxC {colors} { # Initializes syntax stuff for C/C++. # colors - highlighting colors fetchVars set tex [$obPrf TexCSample] if {[string trim [$tex get 1.0 end]] eq {}} { $obPrf displayText $tex {static sample(const char *ptr) { char *tx, *st; tx = get_text(); // inline comment st = get_string(); //! TODO if (strstr(tx,st)!=tx) return FALSE; /* it's okay */ tx += strlen(st); ptr = strstr(tx+1,"My string"); return TRUE }}} set wk [$obPrf TexCKeys] ::apave::bindToEvent $wk <FocusOut> alited::pref::UpdateSyntaxTab 2 set keywords [string trim [$wk get 1.0 end]] alited::SyntaxHighlight c $tex $colors [GetCS] -keywords $keywords } #_______________________ proc pref::UpdateSyntaxTab {{lng ""}} { # Updates color labels at clicking "Default" button. # lng - {} for Tcl, {2} for C/C++ fetchVars catch { InitSyntax $lng foreach nam [::hl_tcl::hl_colorNames] { lappend colors $al(ED,$nam) lappend Ccolors $al(ED,C$nam) } lassign [::hl_tcl::addingColors [CsDark] {} [GetCS]] clrCURL clrCMN2 lappend colors $clrCURL $clrCMN2 lappend Ccolors $clrCURL $clrCMN2 InitSyntaxTcl $colors InitSyntaxC $Ccolors } } # ________________________ Tab "Template" _________________________ # proc pref::Template_Tab {} { # Serves to layout "Template" tab. return { {v_ - - 1 1} {fra v_ T 1 2 {-st nsew -cw 1}} {.labH - - 1 2 {-st w -pady 5 -padx 3} \ {-t "Enter %U, %u, %m, %w, %d, %t wildcards of templates:"}} {.labU + T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "User name:"}} {.entU + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(TPL,%U) -w 40}} {.labu .labU T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-anc e -t "Login:"}} {.entu + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(TPL,%u) -w 30}} {.labm .labu T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "E-mail:"}} {.entm + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(TPL,%m) -w 40}} {.labw .labm T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "WWW:"}} {.entw + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(TPL,%w) -w 40}} {.labd .labw T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Date format:"}} {.entd + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(TPL,%d) -w 30}} {.labt .labd T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Time format:"}} {.entt + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(TPL,%t) -w 30}} {.seh .labt T 1 2 {-pady 3}} {.but + T 1 1 {-st w} {-t {$al(MC,tpl)} \ -com {alited::EnsureAlArray ::alited::al alited::unit::Run_unit_tpl no \ "-centerme $::alited::pref::win"} -tabnext alited::Tnext}} } } # ________________________ Tab "Keys" _________________________ # proc pref::Keys_Tab1 {} { # Serves to layout "Keys" tab. return { {after idle} {v_ - - 1 1} {fra + T 1 1 {-st nsew -cw 1 -rw 1}} {fra.scf - - 1 1 {pack -fill both -expand 1} {-mode y}} {tcl { set pr - for {set i 0} {$i<$::alited::pref::StdkeysSize} {incr i} { set lab "lab$i" set cbx "CbxKey$i" lassign [dict get $::alited::pref::stdkeys $i] text key set lwid ".$lab $pr T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t \"$text\"}" %C $lwid if {($i+1)==$::alited::pref::StdkeysSize} { set pr {-tabnext alited::Tnext} } else { set pr {} } set lwid ".$cbx + L 1 1 {-st we} {-tvar ::alited::pref::keys($i) \ -postcommand {alited::pref::GetKeyList $i} -selcombobox \ {alited::pref::SelectKey $i} -state readonly -h 16 -w 20 $pr}" %C $lwid set pr .$lab } }} } } #_______________________ proc pref::RegisterKeys {} { # Adds key bindings to keys array. fetchVars alited::keys::Delete preference for {set k 0} {$k<$StdkeysSize} {incr k} { alited::keys::Add preference $k [set keys($k)] "alited::pref::BindKey $k {%k}" } } #_______________________ proc pref::GetKeyList {nk} { # Gets a list of available (not engaged) key combinations. # nk - index of combobox that will get the list as -values option fetchVars RegisterKeys [$obPrf CbxKey$nk] configure -values [alited::keys::VacantList] } #_______________________ proc pref::SelectKey {nk} { # Handles <<ComboboxSelected>> event on a combobox of keys. # nk - index of combobox fetchVars alited::keys::Delete {} $prevkeys($nk) set prevkeys($nk) $keys($nk) GetKeyList $nk } #_______________________ proc pref::KeyAccelerator {nk defk} { # Gets a key accelerator for a combobox of keys, bound to an action. # nk - index of combobox # defk - default key combination set acc [BindKey $nk - $defk] return [::apave::KeyAccelerator $acc] } #_______________________ proc pref::KeyAccelerators {} { # Gets a full list of key accelerators, fetchVars dict for {k info} $stdkeys { set al(acc_$k) [KeyAccelerator $k [lindex $info 1]] } } #_______________________ proc pref::BindKey {nk {key ""} {defk ""}} { # Binds a key event to a key combination. # nk - index of combobox corresponding to the event # key - key combination or "-" (for not engaged keys) # defk - default key combination # Returns a bound keys for not engaged keys or {} for others. fetchVars if {$key eq {-}} { # not engaged event: bind to a new combination if defined if {[info exists keys($nk)]} { return $keys($nk) } # otherwise bind to the default return $defk } switch $nk { 4 { ;# "Double Selection" ::apave::setTextHotkeys CtrlD $keys($nk) } 5 { ;# "Delete Line" ::apave::setTextHotkeys CtrlY $keys($nk) } 10 { ;# "Highlight First" ::apave::setTextHotkeys AltQ $keys($nk) } 11 { ;# "Highlight Last" ::apave::setTextHotkeys AltW $keys($nk) } } return {} } #_______________________ proc pref::BindKey2 {nk {key ""} {defk ""}} { # Almost the same as BindKey, but gets a list of upper & lower keys. # nk - index of combobox corresponding to the event # key - key combination or "-" (for not engaged keys) # defk - default key combination # See also: BindKey set res [BindKey $nk $key $defk] set char [string range $res end-1 end] if {[regexp {^[-][[:alpha:]]$} $char]} { set res [string range $res 0 end-2] set res [list $res[string toupper $char] $res[string tolower $char]] } return $res } #_______________________ proc pref::IniKeys {} { # Gets key settings at opening "Preferences" dialogue. fetchVars # default settings dict for {k info} $stdkeys { set keys($k) [set prevkeys($k) [set savekeys($k) [lindex $info 1]]] } # new settings foreach kitem [alited::keys::EngagedList preference] { lassign $kitem key comi lassign $comi com k set keys($k) [set prevkeys($k) [set savekeys($k) $key]] } } # ________________________ Units _________________________ # proc pref::Units_Tab {} { # Serves to layout "Units" tab. return { {v_ - - 1 1} {fra + T 1 1 {-st nsew -cw 1 -rw 1}} {fra.scf - - 1 1 {pack -fill both -expand 1} {-mode x}} {.labBr - - 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Branch's regexp:"}} {.entBr + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(RE,branch) -w 70}} {.labPr .labBr T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Proc's regexp:"}} {.EntPr + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(RE,proc) -w 70}} {.labUself .labPr T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,useleafRE)}}} {.swiUself + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-var ::alited::al(INI,LEAF) \ -com alited::pref::CheckUseLeaf -afteridle alited::pref::CheckUseLeaf}} {.labLf .labUself T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,leafRE)}}} {.EntLf + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(RE,leaf) -w 70}} {.labLf2 .labLf T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Check branch's regexp:"}} {.entLf2 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(RE,leaf2) -w 70}} {.labPr2 .labLf2 T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Check proc's regexp:"}} {.entPr2 + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(RE,proc2) -w 70}} {.labUnt .labPr2 T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Unaffected top lines:"}} {.spxUnt + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(INI,LINES1) -from 2 -to 200 -w 9}} {.but .labUnt T 1 1 {-st w} {-t Standard -com alited::pref::Units_Default -tabnext alited::Tnext}} } } #_______________________ proc pref::Units_Default {} { # Sets the default settings of units. fetchVars set al(INI,LINES1) 10 set al(INI,LEAF) 0 set al(RE,branch) $al(RE,branchDEF) set al(RE,leaf) $al(RE,leafDEF) set al(RE,proc) $al(RE,procDEF) set al(RE,leaf2) $al(RE,leaf2DEF) set al(RE,proc2) $al(RE,proc2DEF) CheckUseLeaf } #_______________________ proc pref::CheckUseLeaf {} { # Enables/disables the "Regexp of a leaf" field. fetchVars if {$al(INI,LEAF)} { set state1 disabled set state2 normal } else { set state1 normal set state2 disabled } if {$al(RE,proc) eq {}} {set al(RE,proc) [string trimright $al(RE,procDEF)]} if {$al(RE,proc2) eq {}} {set al(RE,proc2) [string trimright $al(RE,proc2DEF)]} [$obPrf EntPr] configure -state $state1 [$obPrf EntLf] configure -state $state2 } # ________________________ Tab "Tools" _________________________ # proc pref::Common_Tab {} { # Serves to layout "Tools/Common" tab. fetchVars if {$al(EM,Tcl) eq {}} { set al(TCLINIDIR) [info nameofexecutable] } else { set al(TCLINIDIR) $al(EM,Tcl) } set al(TCLINIDIR) [file dirname $al(TCLINIDIR)] set al(TCLLIST) [split $al(EM,TclList) \t] set al(TTLIST) [split $al(EM,tt=List) \t] set al(WTLIST) [split $al(EM,wt=List) \t] set res { {v_ - - 1 1} {fra + T 1 1 {-st nsew -cw 1 -rw 1}} {fra.scf - - 1 1 {pack -fill both -expand 1} {-mode x}} {.labTcl - - 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "tclsh, wish or tclkit:"}} {.fiLTcl + L 1 2 {-st sw -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(EM,Tcl) \ -values {$al(TCLLIST)} -w 45 -initialdir $al(TCLINIDIR) \ -clearcom {alited::main::ClearCbx %w ::alited::al(TCLLIST)}}} {.labDF .labTT T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Diff tool:"}} {.filDF + L 1 2 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(EM,DiffTool) \ -w 45 -tabnext alited::Tnext}} {.labDoc .labDF T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Path to man/tcl:"}} {.dirDoc + L 1 2 {-st sw -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(EM,h=) -w 45}} } if {$al(IsWindows)} { set tt {{.labTT .labTcl T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "MS Windows shell:"}} {.cbxTT + L 1 1 {-st swe -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(EM,wt=) -w 45 -values \ {$al(WTLIST)}}} {.butOK + L 1 1 {} {-t Test -com {alited::tool::_run 5}}}} } else { set tt {{.labTT .labTcl T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Linux terminal:"}} {.cbxTT + L 1 1 {-st swe -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(EM,tt=) -w 45 -values \ {$al(TTLIST)} -clearcom {alited::main::ClearCbx %w ::alited::al(TTLIST)}}} \ {.butOK + L 1 1 {-pady 5} {-t Test -com {alited::tool::_run 5}}}} } linsert $res 5 {*}$tt } ## ________________________ e_menu _________________________ ## proc pref::Emenu_Tab {} { # Serves to layout "Tools/e_menu" tab. set al(EM,exec) yes return { {v_ - - 1 1} {fra + T 1 1 {-st nsew -cw 1 -rw 1}} {fra.scf - - 1 1 {pack -fill both -expand 1} {-mode x}} {.labCS - - 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Color scheme:"}} {.SwiCS + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5} {-t {e_menu's own} \ -var ::alited::al(EM,ownCS) -com alited::pref::OwnCS -afteridle alited::pref::OwnCS}} {.OpcCS + L 1 1 {-st sew -pady 5} {::alited::pref::opcc2 ::alited::pref::opcColors \ {-width 21 -compound left -image alimg_color} {alited::pref::opcToolPre %a}}} {.labGeo .labCS T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t Geometry:}} {.entGeo + L 1 2 {-st sew -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(EM,geometry)}} {.labDir .labGeo T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Directory of menus:"}} {.dirEM + L 1 2 {-st sw -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(EM,mnudir) -w 48}} {.labMenu .labDir T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Main menu:"}} {.filMenu + L 1 2 {-st sw -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(EM,mnu) -w 48 -filetypes {{{Menus} .em} {{All files} .* }}}} {.labPD .labMenu T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "Projects (%PD wildcard):"}} {.filPD + L 1 2 {-st sw -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(EM,PD=) -w 48}} {.but1 .filPD T 1 1 {-st w -pady 5} {-t Standard -com alited::pref::Default_e_menu}} {.butok + L 1 1 {-st w} {-t "$al(MC,test)" -com alited::pref::Test_e_menu -tabnext alited::Tnext}} } } #_______________________ proc pref::Default_e_menu {} { # Set default a_menu settings. fetchVars set al(EM,exec) yes set al(EM,ownCS) no set emdir [file join $::alited::USERDIR e_menu] set al(EM,mnudir) [file join $emdir menus] set al(EM,mnu) [file join $al(EM,mnudir) menu.em] set al(EM,PD=) [file join $emdir em_projects] } #_______________________ proc pref::Test_e_menu {} { # Tests a_menu settings. fetchVars set cs $al(EM,CS) set al(EM,CS) [GetCS 2] alited::tool::e_menu o=0 t=[::asKDE] TEST_ALITED set al(EM,CS) $cs } ## ________________________ tkcon _________________________ ## proc pref::Tkcon_Tab {} { # Serves to layout "Tools/Tkcon" tab. return { {v_ - - 1 1} {fra + T 1 1 {-st nsew -cw 1 -rw 1}} {fra.scf - - 1 1 {pack -fill both -expand 1} {-mode y}} {fra.scf.lfr - - 1 1 {pack -fill x} {-t Colors}} {.Labbg - - 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "bg:"}} {.clrbg + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(tkcon,clrbg) -w 20}} {.labblink .labbg T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "blink:"}} {.clrblink + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(tkcon,clrblink) -w 20}} {.labcursor .labblink T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "cursor:"}} {.clrcursor + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(tkcon,clrcursor) -w 20}} {.labdisabled .labcursor T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "disabled:"}} {.clrdisabled + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(tkcon,clrdisabled) -w 20}} {.labproc .labdisabled T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "proc:"}} {.clrproc + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(tkcon,clrproc) -w 20}} {.labvar .labproc T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "var:"}} {.clrvar + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(tkcon,clrvar) -w 20}} {.labprompt .labvar T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "prompt:"}} {.clrprompt + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(tkcon,clrprompt) -w 20}} {.labstdin .labprompt T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "stdin:"}} {.clrstdin + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(tkcon,clrstdin) -w 20}} {.labstdout .labstdin T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "stdout:"}} {.clrstdout + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(tkcon,clrstdout) -w 20}} {.labstderr .labstdout T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t "stderr:"}} {.clrstderr + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(tkcon,clrstderr) -w 20}} {fra.scf.v_ fra.scf.lfr T 1 1 pack {-h 10}} {fra.scf.lfr2 - - - - {pack -fill x} {-t Options}} {.entopts - - 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(tkcon,options) -w 80}} {fra.scf.frabuts - - - - {pack -fill x}} {.but1 - - - - {-pady 8} {-t Standard -com {alited::pref::Tkcon_Default1; alited::pref::UpdateTkconTab}}} {.but2 + L 1 1 {-padx 8} {-t {Standard 2} -com {alited::pref::Tkcon_Default2; alited::pref::UpdateTkconTab}}} {.butok + L 1 1 {} {-t "$al(MC,test)" -com alited::tool::tkcon -tabnext alited::Tnext}} } } #_______________________ proc pref::UpdateTkconTab {} { # Updates color labels for "Tools/Tkcon" tab. fetchVars set lab1 [$obPrf Labbg] foreach nam {bg blink cursor disabled proc var prompt stdin stdout stderr} { set lab [string map [list labbg labclr$nam] $lab1] set ent [string map [list labbg entclr$nam] $lab1] $lab configure -background [$ent get] } } #_______________________ proc pref::Tkcon_Default {} { # Sets defaults for "Tools/Tkcon" tab. namespace upvar ::alited al al set g "{}" catch { set ls [split $al(tkcon,options)] if {[set i [lsearch $ls -geometry]]>-1} { set g [lindex $ls [incr i]] } } set al(tkcon,options) "-rows 24 -cols 80 -fontsize 13 -geometry $g -showmenu 1 -topmost [::asKDE]" } #_______________________ proc pref::Tkcon_Default1 {} { # Sets light theme colors for Tkcon. fetchVars Tkcon_Default foreach {clr val} { \ bg #FFFFFF blink #FFFF00 cursor #000000 disabled #4D4D4D proc #008800 \ var #FFC0D0 prompt #8F4433 stdin #000000 stdout #0000FF stderr #FF0000} { set al(tkcon,clr$clr) $val } } #_______________________ proc pref::Tkcon_Default2 {} { # Sets dark theme colors for Tkcon. fetchVars Tkcon_Default foreach {clr val} { \ bg #25292b blink #929281 cursor #FFFFFF disabled #999797 proc #66FF10 \ var #565608 prompt #ffff00 stdin #FFFFFF stdout #aeaeae stderr #ff7272} { set al(tkcon,clr$clr) $val } } ## ________________________ bar-menu _________________________ ## proc pref::Runs_Tab {tab} { # Prepares and layouts "Tools/bar-menu" tab. # tab - a tab to open (saved at previous session) or {} fetchVars # get a list of all available icons for "bar-menu" actions set listIcons [::apave::iconImage] set em_Icons [list] set n [llength $listIcons] set icr 0 set ncr 0 for {set i 0} {$i<($n+43)} {incr i} { if {$icr && ($icr % 13) == 0} {lappend em_Icons |} set ii [expr {$icr-$ncr}] if {$i<$n} { set ico [lindex $listIcons $i] if {$ico in [ReservedIcons]} continue lappend em_Icons $ico incr ncr } elseif {$ii<10} { lappend em_Icons $ii } else { set ico [string index [TextIcons] [expr {$ii -10}]] lappend em_Icons [alited::TextIcon $ico] } incr icr } Em_ShowAll no # get a layout of "bar-menu" tab set res { {v_ - - 1 1} {fra + T 1 1 {-st nsew -cw 1 -rw 1 -padx 8} {-afteridle ::alited::pref::Em_ShowAll}} {fra.fraButs - - 1 1 {pack -anchor w -pady 4}} {.btTUp - - - - {pack -side left} {-image alimg_up -com ::alited::pref::UpRun -tip {Move an item up}}} {.btTDown - - - - {pack -side left} {-image alimg_down -com ::alited::pref::DownRun -tip {Move an item down}}} {.btTDelRun - - - - {pack -side left} {-image alimg_delete -com ::alited::pref::DelRun -tip {Delete an item}}} {fra.ScfRuns - - 1 1 {pack -fill both -expand 1}} {tcl { set prt "- -" for {set i 0} {$i<$::alited::pref::em_Num} {incr i} { set nit [expr {$i+1}] set lwid ".OpcIco$i $prt 1 1 {-st nsw} {::alited::pref::em_ico($i) \ ::alited::pref::em_Icons {-width 9 -com alited::pref::Em_ShowAll \ -tip {{An icon puts the run into the toolbar.\nBlank or 'none' excludes it from the toolbar.}}} \ {alited::pref::opcIcoPre %a}}" %C $lwid set lwid ".ButMnu$i + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 8} \ {-t {$::alited::pref::em_mnu($i)} -com {alited::pref::PickMenuItem $i} \ -style TButtonWest -tip \ {{The run item for the menu and/or the toolbar.\nSelect it from the e_menu items.}}}" %C $lwid set prt ".OpcIco$i T" }} } } if {$tab eq {Emenu_Tab} || \ ($oldTab ne {} && [string match *nbk6.f3 $arrayTab($oldTab)])} { # "Run" items should be displayed immediately return $res } # "Run" items can be created with a little delay # imperceptible for a user, saving his/her time return [linsert $res 0 {after 500}] } #_______________________ proc pref::DelRun {} { # Deletes a current "bar-menu" action. fetchVars if {[set idx [FocusedRun]]<0} return for {set i $idx} {$i<$em_Num} {incr i} { if {$i==($em_Num-1)} { lassign {} em_mnu($i) em_ico($i) em_inf($i) } else { # make upper all the rest actions set ip [expr {$i+1}] set em_ico($i) $em_ico($ip) set em_mnu($i) $em_mnu($ip) set em_inf($i) $em_inf($ip) } } Em_ShowAll ScrollRuns } #_______________________ proc pref::Em_ShowAll {{upd yes}} { # Handles separators of bar-menu. # upd - if yes, displays the widgets of bar-menu settings. fetchVars for {set i 0} {$i<$em_Num} {incr i} { if {![info exists em_inf($i)]} { lassign {} em_inf($i) em_mnu($i) em_ico($i) } if {$em_ico($i) eq {none}} {set em_ico($i) {}} if {$upd} { [$obPrf ButMnu$i] configure -text $em_mnu($i) set ico [$obPrf OpcIco$i] if {[set k [lsearch $listIcons [$ico cget -text]]]>-1} { set img [::apave::iconImage [lindex $listIcons $k]] set cmpd left } else { set img alimg_none set cmpd right } $ico configure -image $img -compound $cmpd } } if {$upd} ScrollRuns } #_______________________ proc pref::PickMenuItem {it} { # Selects e_menu's action for a "bar-menu" item. # it - index of "bar-menu" item fetchVars ::alited::Source_e_menu set w [$obPrf ButMnu$it] set X [winfo rootx $w] set Y [winfo rooty $w] set res [::em::main -prior 1 -modal 1 -remain 0 -noCS 1 \ {*}[alited::tool::EM_Options \ "pk=yes dk=dock o=-1 t=1 g=+[incr X 5]+[incr Y 25] mp=1"]] lassign $res menu idx item if {$item ne {}} { set item1 [lindex [alited::tool::EM_Structure $menu] $idx-1 1] lassign [split $item1 -\n] -> item2 item3 if {$item2 ne $item3 && [string match *.em $item2]} { append item2 ": $item3" ;# it's a menu call title set idx - ;# to open the whole menu } $w configure -text $item2 set em_mnu($it) [::apave::NormalizeName $item2] set em_inf($it) [list [file tail $menu] $idx $item2] ScrollRuns } focus -force $w } #_______________________ proc pref::ScrollRuns {} { # Updates scrollbars of bar-menu tab because its contents may have various length. fetchVars update ::apave::sframe resize [$obPrf ScfRuns] } #_______________________ proc pref::opcIcoPre {args} { # Gets an item for icon list of a bar-menu action. # args - contains a name of current icon fetchVars lassign $args a if {[set i [lsearch $listIcons $a]]>-1} { set img [::apave::iconImage [lindex $listIcons $i]] set res "-image $img -compound left " } else { set res {} } append res "-label " [alited::TextIcon $a] } #_______________________ proc pref::OwnCS {} { # Looks for ownCS option. fetchVars if {$al(EM,exec)} {set st normal} {set st disabled; set al(EM,ownCS) no} [$obPrf SwiCS] configure -state $st if {$al(EM,ownCS)} {set st normal} {set st disabled} [$obPrf OpcCS] configure -state $st } ### ________________________ Up/Down buttons _________________________ ### proc pref::FocusedRun {} { # Gets an index of current run. fetchVars set foc [focus] set fr -1 for {set i 0} {$i<$::alited::pref::em_Num} {incr i} { if {$foc in [list [$obPrf OpcIco$i] [$obPrf ButMnu$i]]} { set fr $i break } } if {$fr<0} {Message [msgcat::mc {Select any of run item}] 3} return $fr } #_______________________ proc pref::ExchangeRuns {f1 f2} { # Exchanges two run items. # f1 - 1st item # f2 - 2nd item fetchVars set ico1 $em_ico($f2) set mnu1 $em_mnu($f2) set inf1 $em_inf($f2) set em_ico($f2) $em_ico($f1) set em_mnu($f2) $em_mnu($f1) set em_inf($f2) $em_inf($f1) set em_ico($f1) $ico1 set em_mnu($f1) $mnu1 set em_inf($f1) $inf1 Em_ShowAll set foc [focus] if {$foc eq [$obPrf OpcIco$f1]} {focus [$obPrf OpcIco$f2] } elseif {$foc eq [$obPrf ButMnu$f1]} {focus [$obPrf ButMnu$f2] } else {focus [$obPrf ChbMT$f2]} } #_______________________ proc pref::UpRun {} { # Move a current run item up. if {[set fr [FocusedRun]]<0} return if {$fr==0} { bell } else { set f2 [expr {$fr - 1}] ExchangeRuns $fr $f2 } } #_______________________ proc pref::DownRun {} { # Move a current run item down. if {[set fr [FocusedRun]]<0} return set f2 [expr {$fr + 1}] if {$f2>=$::alited::pref::em_Num} { bell } else { ExchangeRuns $fr $f2 } } # ________________________ GUI procs _________________________ # proc pref::_create {tab} { # Creates "Preferences" dialogue. # tab - previous open tab fetchVars set tipson [baltip::cget -on] set preview 0 baltip::configure -on $al(TIPS,Preferences) ::apave::APave create $obPrf $win $obPrf makeWindow $win.fra "$al(MC,pref) :: $::alited::USERDIR" $obPrf paveWindow \ $win.fra [MainFrame] \ $win.fra.fraR.nbk.f1 [General_Tab1] \ $win.fra.fraR.nbk.f2 [General_Tab2] \ $win.fra.fraR.nbk.f3 [General_Tab3] \ $win.fra.fraR.nbk2.f1 [Edit_Tab1] \ $win.fra.fraR.nbk2.f2 [Edit_Tab2] \ $win.fra.fraR.nbk2.f3 [Edit_Tab3] \ $win.fra.fraR.nbk2.f4 [Edit_Tab4] \ $win.fra.fraR.nbk3.f1 [Units_Tab] \ $win.fra.fraR.nbk4.f1 [Template_Tab] \ $win.fra.fraR.nbk5.f1 [Keys_Tab1] \ $win.fra.fraR.nbk6.f1 [Common_Tab] \ $win.fra.fraR.nbk6.f2 [Emenu_Tab] \ $win.fra.fraR.nbk6.f3 [Runs_Tab $tab] \ $win.fra.fraR.nbk6.f4 [Tkcon_Tab] set wtxt [$obPrf TexNotes] set fnotes [file join $::alited::USERDIR notes.txt] if {[file exists $fnotes]} { $wtxt insert end [readTextFile $fnotes] } after idle "alited::ini::HighlightFileText $wtxt .md 0" $wtxt edit reset; $wtxt edit modified no [$obPrf TexTclKeys] insert end $al(ED,TclKeyWords) [$obPrf TexCKeys] insert end $al(ED,CKeyWords) set 1st "$win.fra.fraR.nbk select $arrayTab(nbk)" ;# to restore 1st nbk's tab if {$tab ne {}} { switch -exact $tab { Emenu_Tab { set nbk nbk6 set nt $win.fra.fraR.nbk6.f3 after idle "$1st ; ::alited::pref::Tab $nbk $nt yes" } } } elseif {$oldTab ne {}} { after idle "$1st ; ::alited::pref::Tab $oldTab {} yes" } else { after idle "::alited::pref::Tab nbk" ;# first entering } foreach o {o O} {bind $win <Control-$o> alited::ini::EditSettings} bind $win <F1> "[$obPrf ButHelp] invoke" $obPrf untouchWidgets *.texSample *.texCSample if {$geo in [list {} "{}"]} {set geo root=$al(WIN)} set res [$obPrf showModal $win -geometry $geo -minsize {800 600} -resizable 1 \ -onclose ::alited::pref::Cancel] set fcont [$wtxt get 1.0 {end -1c}] writeTextFile $fnotes fcont if {[llength $res] < 2} {set res ""} set geo [wm geometry $win] ;# save the new geometry of the dialogue set oldTab $curTab set arrayTab($curTab) [$win.fra.fraR.$curTab select] CheckTheming no baltip::configure {*}$tipson foreach arr {data prevkeys savekeys} {array unset $arr *} catch {destroy $win} $obPrf destroy return $res } #_______________________ proc pref::_init {} { # Initializes "Preferences" dialogue. fetchVars InitLocales SaveSettings set curTab "nbk" IniKeys } #_______________________ proc pref::_run {{tab {}}} { # Runs "Preferences" dialogue. # tab - previous open tab # Returns yes, if settings were saved. update ;# if run from menu: there may be unupdated space under it (in some DE) _init set res [_create $tab] return $res } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #