The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: indent.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 06/11/2021 # Brief: Handles indenting Tcl file. # License: MIT. ########################################################### namespace eval indent { } proc indent::indent {tclcode pad padchar indcnt} { # Indents Tcl code. # tclcode - text of Tcl code # pad - number of spaces per 1 indent # padchar - indenting character # indcnt - initial indent set lines [split $tclcode \n] set out {} set nquot 0 ;# count of quotes set ncont 0 ;# count of continued strings if {$padchar ne "\t"} {set padchar { }} set padst [string repeat $padchar $pad] foreach orig $lines { incr lineindex if {$lineindex>1} {append out \n} set newline [string trim $orig] if {$newline eq {}} continue set is_quoted $nquot set is_continued $ncont if {[string index $orig end] eq "\\"} { incr ncont } else { set ncont 0 } set npad [expr {$indcnt * $pad}] set line [string repeat $padst $indcnt]$newline set ns [set nl [set nr [set body 0]]] if {[string index $newline 0] ne {#}} { for {set i 0; set n [string length $newline]} {$i<$n} {incr i} { set ch [string index $newline $i] if {$ch eq "\\"} { set ns [expr {[incr ns] % 2}] } elseif {!$ns} { if {$ch eq {"}} { set nquot [expr {[incr nquot] % 2}] } elseif {!$nquot} { switch $ch { "\{" { if {[string range $newline $i $i+2] eq "\{\"\}"} { # quote in braces - correct (though tricky) incr i 2 } else { incr nl set body -1 } } "\}" { incr nr set body 0 } } } } else { set ns 0 } } } set nbbraces [expr {$nl - $nr}] incr totalbraces $nbbraces if {$totalbraces<0} { set msg [msgcat::mc {The line %n: unbalanced brace!}] set msg [string map [list %n $lineindex] $msg] alited::msg ok err $msg return {} } incr indcnt $nbbraces if {$nbbraces==0} { set nbbraces $body } if {$is_quoted || $is_continued} { set line $orig ;# don't touch quoted and continued strings } else { set np [expr {- $nbbraces * $pad}] if {$np>$npad} { ;# for safety too set np $npad } set line [string range $line $np end] } append out $line } return $out } #_______________________ proc indent::normalize {} { # Normalizes all indents of the current Tcl text. namespace upvar ::alited al al set txtcurr [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] lassign [alited::main::CalcIndentation $txtcurr] pad padchar if {$pad<1} { alited::msg ok err "No indentation set.\nSee 'Setup/Projects/Options'." return } set msg [msgcat::mc "Correct the indentation of \"%f\"\nwith indenting %i spaces?"] set ipad $pad if {$padchar eq "\t"} {append ipad { Tab}} set msg [string map [list %i $ipad] $msg] set msg [string map [list %f [file tail [alited::bar::FileName]]] $msg] set res [alited::msg yesno ques $msg YES -title $al(MC,corrindent) -ch $al(MC,othertcl)] if {$res} { ::apave::setTextIndent $pad $padchar foreach tab [alited::bar::BAR listTab] { set TID [lindex $tab 0] lassign [alited::main::GetText $TID no no] fname txt if {[alited::file::IsTcl $fname] && ($res==11 || $txt eq $txtcurr)} { set contents [$txt get 1.0 {end -1 chars}] set contents [indent $contents $pad $padchar 0] if {$contents ne {}} { undoIn $txt $txt replace 1.0 end $contents undoOut $txt alited::bar::BAR markTab $TID } } } alited::main::UpdateTextGutterTreeIcons } } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #