The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: bar.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 07/01/2021 # Brief: Handles bar of tabs. # License: MIT. ########################################################### # _________________________ Variables ________________________ # namespace eval bar { variable ctrltablist [list] ;# selected tabs (with Ctrl+click) variable whilesorting no } # _________________________ Main procs ________________________ # proc bar::BAR {args} { # Runs the tab bar's method. # args - method's name and its arguments namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[lindex $args 0] eq {popList}} { if {[llength $args] eq 1} {lappend args {} {}} lappend args $al(sortList) } if {[lindex $args 1] eq {cget}} { if {![al(bts) isTab [lindex $args 0]]} { return {} ;# at closing tabs: cget must return "" to "after" proc } } return [al(bts) $al(BID) {*}$args] } #_______________________ proc bar::PopupTip {wmenu idx TID} { # Makes tooltips (full file names) for popup menu items. # wmenu - path to popup menu # idx - index of item # TID - ID of item's tab if {[$wmenu cget -tearoff]} {incr idx} ::baltip::tip $wmenu [alited::file::FileStat [FileName $TID]] -index $idx -shiftX 10 -ontop 1 } #_______________________ proc bar::FillBar {wframe {newproject no}} { # Fills the bar of tabs. # wframe - frame's path to place the bar in # newproject - if yes, creates the bar from scratch namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav update ;# to get real sizes of -wbase set wbase [$obPav LbxInfo] set lab0 [msgcat::mc (Un)Select] set lab1 [msgcat::mc {... Visible}] set lab2 [msgcat::mc {... All at Left}] set lab3 [msgcat::mc {... All at Right}] set lab4 [msgcat::mc {... All}] if {$al(ED,btsbd)} {set bd {-bd 2 -relief sunken}} {set bd {}} set bar1Opts [list -wbar $wframe -wbase $wbase -pady 2 -scrollsel no -lifo $al(lifo) \ -lowlist $al(FONTSIZE,small) -lablen $al(INI,barlablen) -tiplen $al(INI,bartiplen) \ -bg [lindex [$obPav csGet] 3] -popuptip ::alited::bar::PopupTip \ -menu [list \ sep \ "com {$lab0} {alited::bar::SelTab %t} {} {}" \ "com {$lab1} {alited::bar::SelTabVis} {} {}" \ "com {$lab2} {alited::bar::SelTabLeft %t} {} {{\[::alited::bar::DisableTabLeft %t\]}}" \ "com {$lab3} {alited::bar::SelTabRight %t} {} {{\[::alited::bar::DisableTabRight %t\]}}" \ "com {$lab4} {alited::bar::SelTabAll} {} {}"] \ -separator no -font apaveFontDefTypedsmall \ -csel2 {alited::bar::OnTabSelection %t} \ -csel3 alited::bar::OnControlClick \ -cdel {alited::file::CloseFile %t yes} \ -cmov2 alited::bar::OnTabMove \ -cmov3 {alited::bar::OnTabMove3 %t} \ -title $al(MC,filelist) \ -expand 9 -padx 0 {*}$bd] set tabs [set files [set posis [set wraps [list]]]] foreach tab $al(tabs) { lassign [split $tab \t] tab pos wrap lappend files $tab lappend posis $pos lappend wraps $wrap set tab [UniqueTab $tabs [file tail $tab]] lappend tabs $tab lappend bar1Opts -tab $tab } set byname [msgcat::mc Sort] set bydate [msgcat::mc {... by date}] set bysize [msgcat::mc {... by size}] set byextn [msgcat::mc {... by extension}] set ttl [msgcat::mc {Files to Beginning}] set tip [msgcat::mc \ "If it's checked, open files would be placed\nonto the beginning page of the bar."] lappend bar1Opts -menu [list \ sep \ "com {$byname} {alited::bar::Sort Name}" \ "com {$bydate} {alited::bar::Sort Date {\n$bydate}}" \ "com {$bysize} {alited::bar::Sort Size {\n$bysize}}" \ "com {$byextn} {alited::bar::Sort Extn {\n$byextn}}" \ sep \ "com {$al(MC,detach)} {alited::bar::Detach %t}" \ sep \ "chb {$ttl} alited::bar::Lifo {} {} {$tip} ::alited::al(lifo)" \ ] set curname [lindex $tabs $al(curtab)] catch {BAR removeAll} catch {::bartabs::Bars create al(bts)} ;# al(bts) is Bars object if {$newproject || [catch {set al(BID) [al(bts) create al(bt) $bar1Opts $curname]}]} { foreach tab $tabs {BAR insertTab $tab} } set tabs [BAR listTab] foreach tab $tabs fname $files pos $posis wrap $wraps { set tid [lindex $tab 0] SetTabState $tid --fname $fname --pos $pos --wrap $wrap BAR $tid configure -tip [alited::file::FileStat $fname] } set curname [lindex $files $al(curtab)] SetBarState -1 $curname [$obPav Text] [$obPav SbvText] ColorBar alited::file::CheckForNew } #_______________________ proc bar::UniqueTab {tabs tab args} { # Returns a unique name for a tab. # tabs - list of tabs # tab - tab name to be checked for its duplicate # args - options of lsearch to find a duplicate name # If some file has a tail name (tab name) equal to an existing one's, # the new tab name should get "(N)" suffix to be unique. # This is required by bartabs package: no duplicates allowed. set cnttab 1 set taborig $tab while {1} { if {[lsearch {*}$args $tabs $tab]==-1} break set tab "$taborig ([incr cnttab])" } return $tab } #_______________________ proc bar::UniqueListTab {fname} { # Returns a unique tab name for a file. # fname - file name UniqueTab [BAR listTab] [file tail $fname] -index 1 } # ________________________ Menu additions _________________________ # proc bar::SelTab {tab {mode -1}} { # Makes a tab selected / unselected. # tab - tab's ID # mode - if 1, selects the tab set selected [BAR cget -select] if {$mode == 1 || $tab in $selected} { BAR unselectTab $tab } elseif {$mode == 0 || $tab ni $selected} { BAR selectTab $tab } } #_______________________ proc bar::SelTabVis {} { # Makes visible tabs selected / unselected. foreach tab [BAR listFlag v] { SelTab $tab } } #_______________________ proc bar::SelTabAll {} { # Makes all tabs selected / unselected. set mode [expr {[llength [BAR cget -select]]>0}] foreach tab [BAR listTab] { SelTab [lindex $tab 0] $mode } } #_______________________ proc bar::SelTabLeft {tab} { # Makes all left tabs selected / unselected. # tab - tab's ID foreach t [BAR listTab] { set t [lindex $t 0] if {$t eq $tab} break SelTab $t } } #_______________________ proc bar::SelTabRight {tab} { # Makes all right tabs selected / unselected. # tab - tab's ID set cntrd no foreach t [BAR listTab] { set t [lindex $t 0] if {$t eq $tab} { set cntrd yes } elseif {$cntrd} { SelTab $t } } } #_______________________ proc bar::DisableTabLeft {tab} { # Checks for left tabs to disable "select all at left". # tab - tab's ID # Returns 1, if no left tab exists, thus disabling the menu's item. set i [CurrentTab 3 $tab] if {$i} {return 0} return 1 } #_______________________ proc bar::DisableTabRight {tab} { # Checks for right tabs to disable "select all at right". # tab - tab's ID # Returns 1, if no right tab exists, thus disabling the menu's item. set i [CurrentTab 3 $tab] if {$i < ([llength [BAR listTab]]-1)} {return 0} return 1 } #_______________________ proc bar::SortData {{tab ""}} { # Sets or gets data for sorting bar tabs. # tab - tab info (if empty, sets all tabs' data) # Returns a list of file's name, extension, date and size. if {$tab eq {}} { set sortdata [list] foreach tab [BAR listTab] { set tid [lindex $tab 0] set fname [FileName $tid] if {![catch {file stat $fname ares}]} { BAR $tid configure --sortdate $ares(mtime) --sortsize $ares(size) } } return {} } else { set tid [lindex $tab 0] lassign [BAR $tid cget -text --sortdate --sortsize] fname date size set ext [file extension $fname] if {[set i [string first " \(" $ext]]>-1} { set ext [string range $ext 0 $i-1] } return [list $fname $ext $date $size] } } #_______________________ proc bar::CompareByDate {t1 t2} { # Compares two tabs by date. # t1 - 1st tab # t2 - 2nd tab lassign [SortData $t1] fname1 - date1 lassign [SortData $t2] fname2 - date2 if {$date1 < $date2} { set res -1 } elseif {$date1 > $date2} { set res 1 } elseif {$::alited::al(incdec) eq {increasing}} { set res [string compare -nocase $fname1 $fname2] } else { set res [string compare -nocase $fname2 $fname1] } return $res } #_______________________ proc bar::CompareBySize {t1 t2} { # Compares two tabs by size. # t1 - 1st tab # t2 - 2nd tab lassign [SortData $t1] fname1 - - size1 lassign [SortData $t2] fname2 - - size2 if {$size1 < $size2} { set res -1 } elseif {$size1 > $size2} { set res 1 } elseif {$::alited::al(incdec) eq {increasing}} { set res [string compare -nocase $fname1 $fname2] } else { set res [string compare -nocase $fname2 $fname1] } return $res } #_______________________ proc bar::CompareByExtn {t1 t2} { # Compares two tabs by extension. # t1 - 1st tab # t2 - 2nd tab lassign [SortData $t1] fname1 ext1 lassign [SortData $t2] fname2 ext2 if {[set res [string compare -nocase $ext1 $ext2]]==0} { if {$::alited::al(incdec) eq {increasing}} { set res [string compare -nocase $fname1 $fname2] } else { set res [string compare -nocase $fname2 $fname1] } } return $res } #_______________________ proc bar::Sort {by {ttl ""}} { # Sorts tabs. # by - sort type (by name is default) # ttl - sort title namespace upvar ::alited obDl2 obDl2 variable whilesorting set ::alited::al(incdec) [set ::alited::al(incdec$by)] lassign [$obDl2 input {} [msgcat::mc Sort] [list \ radA {{ }} {"$::alited::al(incdec)" increasing decreasing} \ ] -head [msgcat::mc {Sort files}]$ttl] res ::alited::al(incdec) if {$res} { set whilesorting yes SortData if {$by eq {Name}} {set cmd {}} {set cmd alited::bar::CompareBy$by} if {$::alited::al(incdec) in [list increasing [msgcat::mc increasing]]} { set ::alited::al(incdec) increasing } else { set ::alited::al(incdec) decreasing } BAR sort -$::alited::al(incdec) $cmd set ::alited::al(incdec$by) $::alited::al(incdec) set whilesorting no } } #_______________________ proc bar::Detach {TID} { # Gets an attribute of the current tab. # TID - tab's ID if {[llength [set TIDs [BAR listFlag s]]]<=1} { set TIDs $TID } set foc [focus] foreach TID $TIDs { alited::file::Detach {} $TID } after idle after 200 apave::focusByForce $foc } #_______________________ proc bar::SelFile {TID tip} { # Open a file from the file list even when it's closed # (the file list may be open due to -tearoff option). # TID - tab's ID # tip - tip of tab lassign [split $tip \n] fname if {[alited::file::OpenFile $fname yes] eq {}} { BAR $TID show after idle [list alited::Balloon1 $fname] } } #_______________________ proc bar::Lifo {} { # Sets -lifo option of the bar. namespace upvar ::alited al al BAR configure -lifo $al(lifo) } # ________________________ Identification _________________________ # proc bar::CurrentTabID {} { # Gets ID of the current tab. return [BAR cget -tabcurrent] } #_______________________ proc bar::CurrentTab {io {TID ""}} { # Gets an attribute of the current tab. # io - 0 to get ID, 1 - short name (tab label), 2 - full name, 3 - index # TID - tab's ID if {$TID eq {}} {set TID [CurrentTabID]} switch $io { 0 {set res $TID} 1 {set res [BAR $TID cget -text]} 2 {set res [FileName $TID]} 3 {set res [lsearch -index 0 [BAR listTab] $TID]} default {set res {}} } return $res } #_______________________ proc bar::FileName {{TID ""}} { # Gets a file name of a tab. # TID - tab's ID if {$TID eq {}} {set TID [CurrentTabID]} set tip [BAR $TID cget -tip] return [lindex [split $tip \n] 0] } #_______________________ proc bar::FileTID {fname {filesTIDs ""}} { # Gets a tab's ID of a file name. # fname - file name # filesTIDs - prepared list of pairs "filename & TID" # The *filesTIDs* is useful at massive calls of this proc. # See also: FilesTIDs if {[llength $filesTIDs]} { if {[set i [lsearch -exact -index 0 $filesTIDs $fname]]>=0} { return [lindex $filesTIDs $i 1] } } else { foreach tab [BAR listTab] { set TID2 [lindex $tab 0] if {$fname eq [FileName $TID2]} { return $TID2 } } } return {} } #_______________________ proc bar::FilesTIDs {} { # Gets a list of pairs "filename & TID". # Useful at massive calls of FileTID proc. # See also: FileTID set filesTIDs [list] foreach tab [BAR listTab] { set TID [lindex $tab 0] lappend filesTIDs [list [FileName $TID] $TID] } return $filesTIDs } #_______________________ proc bar::TabName {{TID ""}} { # Gets a tab's title. # TID - tab's ID if {$TID eq {}} {set TID [CurrentTabID]} return [BAR $TID cget -text] } # ________________________ State of bar / tab _________________________ # proc bar::SetBarState {TID args} { # Sets attributes of the tab bar that are specific for alited. # TID - tab's ID # args - list of attributes + values BAR configure -ALITED [list $TID {*}$args] } #_______________________ proc bar::GetBarState {} { # Gets attributes of a tab that are specific for alited. return [BAR cget -ALITED] } #_______________________ proc bar::SetTabState {TID args} { # Sets attributes of a tab. # TID - tab's ID # args - list of attributes + values if {![BAR isTab $TID]} return BAR $TID configure {*}$args } #_______________________ proc bar::GetTabState {{TID ""} args} { # Gets attributes of a tab. # TID - tab's ID (current one by default) # args - list of attributes + values if {$TID eq {}} {set TID [CurrentTabID]} if {![BAR isTab $TID]} {return {}} return [BAR $TID cget {*}$args] } # ________________________ Event handlers _________________________ # proc bar::OnTabMove {} { # Handles moving a tab in the bar. namespace upvar ::alited al al alited::ini::SaveCurrentIni $al(INI,save_onmove) } #_______________________ proc bar::OnTabMove3 {{TID ""}} { # Handles moving selected tab(s) in the bar. # TID - if empty, the selected tabs are moved namespace upvar ::alited al al alited::ini::SaveCurrentIni $al(INI,save_onmove) if {$TID eq {}} { # no selection of tabs after moving BAR unselectTab OnControlClick } } #_______________________ proc bar::OnTabSelection {TID} { # Handles selecting a tab in the bar. # TID - tab's ID namespace upvar ::alited al al variable whilesorting if {$whilesorting} return alited::favor::SkipVisited yes set fname [FileName $TID] alited::main::ShowText alited::file::SbhText alited::find::ClearTags alited::ini::SaveCurrentIni $al(INI,save_onselect) alited::edit::CheckSaveIcons [alited::file::IsModified $TID] alited::edit::CheckUndoRedoIcons [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] $TID if {[alited::edit::CommentChar] ne {}} {set cmnst normal} {set cmnst disabled} if {[set wtxt [alited::main::GetWTXT $TID]] ne {}} { set al(wrapwords) [expr {[$wtxt cget -wrap] eq {word}}] } CurrentControlTab $fname alited::menu::FillRunItems $fname alited::main::HighlightLine lassign [alited::main::CalcIndentation $wtxt] indent indentchar ::apave::setTextIndent $indent $indentchar if {$al(prjindentAuto)} {alited::main::UpdateProjectInfo $indent} after 10 { ::alited::tree::SeeSelection ::alited::main::UpdateGutter ::alited::favor::SkipVisited no } if {![alited::file::IsNoName $fname] && ![file exists $fname]} { after idle [list alited::Balloon1 $fname] } } #_______________________ proc bar::OnControlClick {} { # Shows a number of tabs selected by Ctrl+Click. set llen [llength [alited::bar::BAR cget -select]] set msg [string map "%n $llen" [msgcat::mc {Selected files: %n}]] alited::Message $msg 3 } # ________________________ Handle Ctrl+Tab keys ______________________ # proc bar::CurrentControlTab {{fname ""}} { # Keeps a list of last switched files, to switch between last two. # fname - file name variable ctrltablist if {[set ret [expr {$fname eq {}}]]} { set fname [FileName] } ::apave::PushInList ctrltablist $fname $ret return $fname } #_______________________ proc bar::ControlTab {} { # Switches between last two active tabs. variable ctrltablist alited::favor::SkipVisited yes set fname [CurrentControlTab] set found no while {[llength $ctrltablist]} { set fnext [lindex $ctrltablist 0] foreach tab [BAR listTab] { set TID [lindex $tab 0] if {$fnext eq [FileName $TID]} { set found yes break } } if {$found} break # if the file was closed, remove it from the ctrl-tabbed set ctrltablist [lreplace $ctrltablist 0 0] } if {$found} { CurrentControlTab $fname BAR $TID show } after idle "focus \[alited::main::CurrentWTXT\]; alited::favor::SkipVisited no" } # ________________________ Service _________________________ # proc bar::ColorBar {} { # Makes the bar of tabs to have a "marked tab" color # consistent with current color scheme. namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav set cs [$obPav csCurrent] if {$cs>-1} { lassign [$obPav csGet $cs] cfg2 cfg1 cbg2 cbg1 cfhh - - - - - - - - - - - - fgmark # %t wildcard means "a tooltip on the list of files": BAR configure -fgmark $fgmark -comlist {alited::bar::SelFile %ID "%t"} } } #_______________________ proc bar::InsertTab {tab tip} { # Inserts a new tab into the beginning of bar of tabs. # tab - the tab # tip - the tab's tip namespace upvar ::alited al al set TID [BAR insertTab $tab 0] BAR $TID configure -tip $tip SetTabState $TID --fname $tip alited::ini::SaveCurrentIni $al(INI,save_onadd) return $TID } #_______________________ proc bar::RenameTitles {TID} { # After closing a tab, seeks and renames synonyms of tabs: "name (2)", "name (3)" # TID - closed tab's ID set names [list] foreach tab [BAR listTab] { set TID2 [lindex $tab 0] if {$TID2 ne $TID} { set name [file tail [FileName $TID2]] set icnt 1 if {[set i [lsearch -exact -index 1 $names $name]]>-1} { lassign [lindex $names $i] tid name icnt incr icnt set names [lreplace $names $i $i [list $tid $name $icnt]] set name "$name ($icnt)" } lappend names [list $TID2 $name $icnt] } } set doupdate no foreach name $names { lassign $name TID2 name if {[BAR $TID2 cget -text] ne $name} { set doupdate yes BAR $TID2 configure -text $name } } if {$doupdate} {BAR draw no} } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #