The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh ########################################################### # Name: paver.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: Mar 28, 2023 # Brief: Handles the Paver tool. # License: MIT. ########################################################### # _________________________ paver ________________________ # namespace eval paver { variable win $::alited::al(WIN).paverwin variable win2 {} variable pobj ::alited::paver::pavedobj variable widgetlist {} paverttl {} paverTID {} geometry {} variable code {} modtime {} viewgeo {} variable viewpos 1.0 } #_______________________ proc paver::Close {args} { # Closes paver's window. variable pobj variable win variable geometry catch { set geo [wm geometry $win] set geo [string range $geo [string first + $geo] end] if {$geo ne {+0+0}} {set geometry $geo} } catch {$pobj res $win 0} catch {destroy $win} } #_______________________ proc paver::Destroy {args} { # Destroys paver's window. variable pobj variable win Close catch {$pobj destroy} } #_______________________ proc paver::Help {args} { # Handles hitting Help button. variable win alited::Help $win } # ________________________ Function _________________________ # proc paver::AutoUpdate {{dorun 0}} { # Auto-updates the paver. # dorun - if 1, runs the paver namespace upvar ::alited al al variable pobj variable win variable paverTID variable modtime set fname [alited::bar::FileName] if {!$al(paverauto)} return if {!$dorun && [winfo exists $win]} { ::apave::deiconify $::alited::paver::win after idle alited::paver::_run } if {[file exists $fname]} { set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] if {$TID eq $paverTID && [set dt [file mtime $fname]] ne $modtime} { set modtime $dt if {$dorun==1} {after idle alited::paver::_run} after 500 {after idle alited::main::FocusText} } } after 300 {alited::paver::AutoUpdate 1} } #_______________________ proc paver::Viewer {} { # Shows the widget list. namespace upvar ::alited al al obDl2 obDl2 variable paverttl variable code variable geometry variable viewgeo variable viewpos variable win2 WidgetList if {$code eq {}} { MessageNotList return } catch {destroy $win2} if {$viewgeo ne {}} { set geo "-geometry $viewgeo" } else { set geo -geometry\ +[winfo vrootx $al(WIN)]+[winfo vrooty $al(WIN)] } after idle "catch { \ set txt \[$obDl2 TexM\] ; \ ::hl_tcl::hl_init \$txt -dark [$obDl2 csDark] -colors {[alited::SyntaxColors]} \ -cmdpos ::apave::None -font {$al(FONT,txt)} ; \ ::hl_tcl::hl_text \$txt}" after idle "set ::alited::paver::win2 \[$obDl2 dlgPath\]" $obDl2 misc info $paverttl $code \ {OK ::alited::paver::HandleViewer Close ::alited::paver::ExitViewer} TEXT \ -modal no -waitvar 1 -text 1 -savetext 0 -ro 0 -rotext ::alited::paver::code \ -minsize {300 200} -w {40 80} -h {5 20} -resizable 1 -pos $viewpos {*}$geo catch {destroy $win2} } #_______________________ proc paver::HandleViewer {{act 1} args} { # Handles viewer's save/close actions. # act - if 1, saves a code and updates the paver's window; if 0 closes the viewer namespace upvar ::alited obDl2 obDl2 variable win2 variable viewpos variable code variable viewgeo catch { set viewgeo [wm geometry $win2] if {$act} { set tex [$obDl2 TexM] set code [string trim [$tex get 1.0 end]]\n set viewpos [$tex index insert] after idle [list alited::paver::_create $code] after idle after 100 "focusByForce $tex" } else { $obDl2 res $win2 0 destroy $win2 } } } #_______________________ proc paver::ExitViewer {args} { # Closes the viewer. HandleViewer 0 } #_______________________ proc paver::WidgetList {} { # Finds and gets a paveWindow's widget list from a current text. variable widgetlist variable paverttl variable paverTID variable code set code {} # 1st attempt: search the widget list in a current unit (by default) lassign [alited::tree::CurrentItemByLine {} 1] - - leaf - paverttl l1 l2 set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set lcur [expr {int([$wtxt index insert])}] set lend [expr {int([$wtxt index end])}] # 2nd attempt: search the widget list edged by "# paver" comments (by force) set RE {^\s*#\s*paver} for {set l $lcur} {$l>0} {incr l -1} { set line [$wtxt get $l.0 $l.end] if {[regexp -nocase $RE $line] || [string match {* paveWindow *} $line]} { set l1 [incr l -1] set l2 $lend break } } for {set l $lcur} {$l<=$lend} {} { incr l set line [$wtxt get $l.0 $l.end] if {[regexp -nocase $RE $line]} { set l2 $l break } } if {$l1>=$l2} {return {}} set paverTID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] set widgetlist [set com {}] for {set l [incr l1]} {$l<=$l2} {incr l} { set line [$wtxt get $l.0 $l.end] set line [string trimright $line " \\"] # search by completeness of a command the cursor is in append com $line \n if {[info complete $com]} { if {$l>=$lcur} { set widgetlist $com break } set com {} } } set widgetlist [string trim $widgetlist] set i1 [string first \{ $widgetlist] set i2 [string first \[list $widgetlist] if {$i1>-1 && $i2>-1 && $i1<$i2 || $i2<0} { set i $i1 if {$i<0} {set i 9999999} } else { set i $i2 if {$i<0} {set i 9999999} {incr i 5} } set widgetlist [string trim [string range $widgetlist [incr i] end-1]] catch { set wlist [list] foreach widitem $widgetlist { #! catch #\{set widitem [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $widitem]#\} lappend wlist $widitem } set widgetlist $wlist } set widgetlist [string map [list "\[list " "\{" "\]" "\}" "\[" "\{" "\$" ""] $widgetlist] set wlist [list] foreach widitem $widgetlist { lassign $widitem wid nei pos rspan cspan gridpack attrs switch -glob $wid { {#*} - {after} - {} continue } lassign [CheckCommentedOptions $gridpack $attrs] gridpack attrs if {[lindex $gridpack 0] eq {pack}} { if {[lindex $gridpack 1] eq {forget}} {set i 2} {set i 1} set opts [lrange $gridpack $i end] foreach opt {-in} { lassign [::apave::extractOptions opts $opt {}] val if {$val ne {} && [string first . $val]==0} { lappend opts $opt $val } } set gridpack [lrange $gridpack 0 $i-1] lappend gridpack {*}$opts } foreach opt {-validate -validatecommand -foreground -background -fg -bg \ -from -to -variable -textvariable -listvariable -command -var -tvar -lvar \ -com -array -afteridle -ALL -dateformat} { ::apave::extractOptions attrs $opt {} } set font [::apave::extractOptions attrs -font {}] if {$font ne "{}" && ![catch {font actual $font}]} { append attrs " -font $font" } set style [::apave::extractOptions attrs -style {}] if {![catch {set _ [ttk::style configure $style]}] && $_ ne {}} { append attrs " -style $style" } set attrs [RemoveVarOptions $attrs] set attrs2 [list] foreach {opt val} $attrs { set val [RemoveVarOptions $val] if {[llength $val]%2} { lappend attrs2 $opt $val continue } set val2 [list] foreach {o v} $val { set v [RemoveVarOptions $v] if {$v eq {}} continue lappend val2 $o $v } if {$val2 eq {}} continue lappend attrs2 $opt $val2 } set attrs $attrs2 set widitem [list $wid $nei $pos $rspan $cspan $gridpack $attrs] lappend wlist $widitem append code [list $widitem] \n } set widgetlist $wlist } #_______________________ proc paver::RemoveVarOptions {attrs} { # Removes some options with variable values. # attrs - list of options/value pairs if {[llength $attrs]%2} {return $attrs} set wasvar 0 set attrsorig $attrs foreach opt {-w -h -width -height} { lassign [::apave::extractOptions attrs $opt {}] val if {$val ne {}} { if {[string is integer -strict $val]} { lappend attrs $opt $val } set wasvar 1 } } if {!$wasvar} { return $attrsorig } return $attrs } #_______________________ proc paver::CheckCommentedOptions {gridpack attrs} { # Checks for commented options of gridpack & attrs of widget list item # gridpack - grid/pack item of widget list item # attrs - attrs item of widget list item foreach vl {gridpack attrs} { # gridpack & attrs lists: check both for items commented, e.g. #-side left... # (not implemented in APave for the sake of performance) set lst [set $vl] if {[set i [lsearch -glob $lst #*]]>-1} { set $vl [lreplace $lst $i end] } } list $gridpack $attrs } #_______________________ proc paver::MessageNotList {} { # Show a message about absent widget list. set msg {For paveWindow's widget list to be recognized, set the cursor inside it.} alited::Message [msgcat::mc $msg] 4 } # ________________________ GUI _________________________ # proc paver::_create {{inplist ""}} { # Creates and shows the paver's window. # inplist - widget list to handle variable pobj variable win variable paverttl variable geometry variable widgetlist if {$inplist ne {}} { set widgetlist [list] foreach widitem $inplist { lassign $widitem wid nei pos rspan cspan gridpack attrs lassign [CheckCommentedOptions $gridpack $attrs] gridpack attrs if {[string index $wid 0] ne {#}} { lappend widgetlist [list $wid $nei $pos $rspan $cspan $gridpack $attrs] } } } Destroy ::apave::APave create $pobj $win $pobj makeWindow $win.fra $paverttl $pobj paveWindow $win.fra $widgetlist if {$geometry ne {}} {set geo "-geometry $geometry"} {set geo {}} after 300 {alited::paver::AutoUpdate 2} set res [$pobj showModal $win -modal no -waitvar 1 -resizable 1 -minsize {50 50} \ -escape 1 -onclose ::alited::paver::Close {*}$geo] Destroy } #_______________________ proc paver::_run {} { # Runs the paver. variable widgetlist variable viewpos WidgetList if {$widgetlist eq {}} { MessageNotList } else { set viewpos 1.0 _create } } # ________________________ EOF _________________________ #