The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: check.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 07/03/2021 # Brief: Handles checkings Tcl code. # License: MIT. ########################################################### # _________________________ Variables ________________________ # namespace eval check { # "Check" dialogue's path variable win $::alited::al(WIN).diaCheck # flags to check braces, brackets, parenthesis variable chBrace 1 variable chBracket 1 variable chParenthesis 1 variable chQuotes 1 variable chDuplUnits 1 # what to check: 1 - current file, 2 - all files variable what 1 # counts for errors in units and in whole files variable errors 0 errors1 0 errors2 0 errors3 0 errors4 0 fileerrors 0 # flag "at opening the dialogue" variable atopen yes } # ________________________ Checking _________________________ # proc check::ShowResults {} { # Displays results of checking. variable errors variable fileerrors variable atopen if {$errors || $fileerrors} { set msg [msgcat::mc {Found %f file error(s), %u unit error(s).}] set msg [string map [list %f $fileerrors %u $errors] $msg] if {$atopen} bell } else { set msg [msgcat::mc {No errors found.}] } alited::info::Put $msg {} yes set atopen no } #_______________________ proc check::PosInfo {TID pos1} { # Gets an info on a unit's position (for Put procedure). # TID - tab's ID # pos1 - starting position of the unit in the text # Returns a list of TID and the normalized unit's position. # See also: info::Put if {$TID eq {}} { set res {} } else { set res [list $TID [expr {[string is double -strict $pos1] ? int($pos1) : 1}]] } return $res } #_______________________ proc check::CheckUnit {wtxt pos1 pos2 {TID ""} {title ""} {bold no} {see no}} { # Checks a unit. # wtxt - text's path # pos1 - starting position of the unit in the text # pos2 - ending position of the unit in the text # TID - tab's ID # title - title of the unit # bold - if yes, displays errors bolded # see - if yes, displays errors in red color # See also: info::Put variable chBrace variable chBracket variable chParenthesis variable chQuotes variable chDuplUnits variable errors1 variable errors2 variable errors3 variable errors4 set cc1 [set cc2 [set ck1 [set ck2 [set cp1 [set cp2 [set cq1 0]]]]]] set mapB1 [list "{\[}" {}] ;# skip this usage (not regexp's alas) set mapB2 [list "{\]}" {}] set mapP1 [list "{\(}" {}] set mapP2 [list "{\)}" {}] set mapQ [list "{\"}" {}] foreach line [split [$wtxt get $pos1 $pos2] \n] { if {[string match -nocase *#*alited*check* $line] \ || [string match -nocase *#*check*alited* $line]} { # if a line is "checked by alited", skip this unit as checked by a human return 0 } if {$chBrace} { incr cc1 [::apave::countChar $line \{] incr cc2 [::apave::countChar $line \}] } if {$chBracket} { incr ck1 [::apave::countChar [string map $mapB1 $line] \[] incr ck2 [::apave::countChar [string map $mapB2 $line] \]] } if {$chParenthesis} { incr cp1 [::apave::countChar [string map $mapP1 $line] (] incr cp2 [::apave::countChar [string map $mapP2 $line] )] } if {$chQuotes} { incr cq1 [::apave::countChar [string map $mapQ $line] \"] } } set err 0 set arg [list [PosInfo $TID $pos1] $bold $see] if {$cc1 != $cc2} { incr err incr errors1 if {$TID ne {}} {alited::info::Put "$title: inconsistent \{\}: $cc1 != $cc2" {*}$arg} } if {$ck1 != $ck2} { incr err incr errors2 if {$TID ne {}} {alited::info::Put "$title: inconsistent \[\]: $ck1 != $ck2" {*}$arg} } if {$cp1 != $cp2} { incr err incr errors3 if {$TID ne {}} {alited::info::Put "$title: inconsistent (): $cp1 != $cp2" {*}$arg} } if {$cq1 % 2} { incr err incr errors4 if {$TID ne {}} {alited::info::Put "$title: inconsistent \"\": $cq1" {*}$arg} } return $err } #_______________________ proc check::CheckFile {{fname ""} {wtxt ""} {TID ""}} { # Checks a file. # fname - file name # wtxt - the file's text widget # TID - the file's tab ID variable errors variable fileerrors variable errors1 variable errors2 variable errors3 variable errors4 variable chDuplUnits if {$fname eq {}} { set fname [alited::bar::FileName] set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] } if {$fname ne [alited::bar::FileName] && ![alited::file::IsTcl $fname]} { # do check only a current file and Tcl scripts return } set curfile [file tail $fname] set textcont [$wtxt get 1.0 end] set unittree [alited::unit::GetUnits $TID $textcont] # check for errors of a whole file set errors1 [set errors2 [set errors3 [set errors4 0]]] set fileerrs [CheckUnit $wtxt 1.0 end] # check for duplicate units set errduplist [list] if {$chDuplUnits} { set prevtitle "\{\$\}" set errmsg [msgcat::mc {duplicate unit:}] set uniterr 0 foreach item [lsort -index 3 $unittree] { lassign $item lev leaf fl1 title l1 if {$prevtitle eq $title && $title ni {constructor destructor}} { set uniterr 1 lappend errduplist [list "$curfile: $errmsg $title" $l1] } set prevtitle $title } if {!$fileerrs} {set fileerrs $uniterr} } # put a whole file's statistics on errors incr fileerrors $fileerrs set und [string repeat _ 30] set pos1 [alited::bar::GetTabState $TID --pos] if {![string is double -strict $$pos1]} {set pos1 1.0} set info [list $TID [expr {int($pos1)}]] alited::info::Put "$und $fileerrs ($errors1/$errors2/$errors3/$errors4) file errors of $curfile $und$und$und" $info # put a list of duplicate units foreach errdup $errduplist { lassign $errdup msg pos1 alited::info::Put $msg [PosInfo $TID $pos1] } # check for errors of specific units foreach item $unittree { lassign $item lev leaf fl1 title l1 l2 if {!$leaf || $title eq {}} continue set title "$curfile: $title" set err [CheckUnit $wtxt $l1.0 $l2.end $TID $title] if {$err} { incr errors $err } } } #_______________________ proc check::CheckAll {} { # Checks all files of session. update set allfnd [list] foreach tab [alited::bar::BAR listTab] { set TID [lindex $tab 0] lassign [alited::main::GetText $TID] curfile wtxt CheckFile $curfile $wtxt $TID } } #_______________________ proc check::Check {} { # Runs checking. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable what variable atopen variable errors variable fileerrors alited::info::Clear alited::info::Put $al(MC,wait) {} yes yes alited::main::UpdateUnitTree set errors [set fileerrors 0] if {$atopen || $what==1} { ;# at start, check a current file CheckFile } elseif {$what==2} { CheckAll } ShowResults } # ________________________ Button handlers _________________________ # proc check::Cancel {args} { # Handles hitting "Cancel" button. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable win set al(checkgeo) [wm geometry $win] alited::CloseDlg destroy $win } #_______________________ proc check::Help {args} { # Handles hitting "Help" button. variable win alited::Help $win } # ________________________ Main _________________________ # proc check::_create {} { # Creates "Checking" dialogue. namespace upvar ::alited al al obCHK obCHK variable win catch {destroy $win} $obCHK makeWindow $win.fra $al(MC,checktcl) $obCHK paveWindow $win.fra { {v_ - -} {labHead v_ T 1 1 {-st w -pady 4 -padx 8} {-t "Checks available:"}} {chb1 labHead T 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 22} {-var ::alited::check::chBrace -t {Consistency of {} }}} {chb2 + T 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5 -padx 22} {-var ::alited::check::chBracket -t {Consistency of []}}} {chb3 + T 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 22} {-var ::alited::check::chParenthesis -t {Consistency of ()}}} {chb4 + T 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5 -padx 22} {-var ::alited::check::chQuotes -t {Consistency of ""}}} {chb9 + T 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1 -padx 22} {-var ::alited::check::chDuplUnits -t {Duplicate units}}} {v_2 + T} {fra + T 1 1 {-st nsew -pady 0 -padx 3} {-padding {5 5 5 5} -relief groove}} {fra.lab - - - - {pack -side left} {-t "Check:"}} {fra.radA - - - - {pack -side left -padx 9} {-t "current file" -var ::alited::check::what -value 1}} {fra.radB - - - - {pack -side left -padx 9} {-t "all of session files" -var ::alited::check::what -value 2}} {fra2 fra T 1 1 {-st nsew -pady 3 -padx 3} {-padding {5 5 5 5} -relief groove}} {.ButHelp - - - - {pack -side left} {-t {$al(MC,help)} -tip F1 -com alited::check::Help}} {.h_ - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both}} {.ButOK - - - - {pack -side left -padx 2} {-t "Check" -com ::alited::check::Check}} {.butCancel - - - - {pack -side left} {-t Cancel -com ::alited::check::Cancel}} } bind $win <F1> "[$obCHK ButHelp] invoke" if {[set geo $al(checkgeo)] ne {}} { set geo [string range $geo [string first + $geo] end] set geo "-geometry $geo" } $obCHK showModal $win -modal no -waitvar no -onclose alited::check::Cancel \ -focus [$obCHK ButOK] {*}$geo } proc check::_run {} { # Runs "Checking" dialogue. namespace upvar ::alited al al obCHK obCHK variable win variable atopen set atopen yes if {[::apave::repaintWindow $win "$obCHK ButOK"]} { wm deiconify $win } else { after idle alited::check::Check _create } } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #