The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: edit.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 08/29/2021 # Brief: Handles editing procedures. # License: MIT. ########################################################### namespace eval edit { variable hlcolors [list] variable ans_hlcolors 0 variable macrosmode init } # ________________________ Indent _________________________ # proc edit::SelectedLines {{wtxt ""} {strict no}} { # Gets a range of lines of text that are selected at least partly. # wtxt - text's path # strict - if yes, only a real selection is counted # Returns a list of the text widget's path and ranges of selected lines. if {$wtxt eq {}} {set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT]} set res [list $wtxt] if {[catch {$wtxt tag ranges sel} sels] || ![llength $sels]} { if {$strict} { set sels [list] } else { set pos1 [set pos2 [$wtxt index insert]] set sels [list $pos1 $pos2] } } foreach {pos1 pos2} $sels { if {$pos1 ne {}} { set pos21 [$wtxt index "$pos2 linestart"] if {[$wtxt get $pos21 $pos2] eq {}} { set pos2 [$wtxt index "$pos2 - 1 line"] } } set l1 [expr {int($pos1)}] set l2 [expr {max($l1,int($pos2))}] lappend res $l1 $l2 } return $res } #_______________________ proc edit::Indent {} { # Indent selected lines of text. set indent $::apave::_AP_VARS(INDENT) set len [string length $::apave::_AP_VARS(INDENT)] set sels [SelectedLines] set wtxt [lindex $sels 0] undoIn $wtxt foreach {l1 l2} [lrange $sels 1 end] { for {set l $l1} {$l<=$l2} {incr l} { set line [$wtxt get $l.0 $l.end] if {[string trim $line] eq {}} { $wtxt replace $l.0 $l.end {} } else { set leadsp [obj leadingSpaces $line] set sp [expr {$leadsp % $len}] # align by the indent edge if {$sp==0} { set ind $indent } else { set ind [string repeat " " [expr {$len - $sp}]] } $wtxt insert $l.0 $ind } } } undoOut $wtxt alited::main::HighlightLine } #_______________________ proc edit::UnIndent {} { # Unindent selected lines of text. set len [string length $::apave::_AP_VARS(INDENT)] set spaces [list { } \t] set sels [SelectedLines] set wtxt [lindex $sels 0] undoIn $wtxt foreach {l1 l2} [lrange $sels 1 end] { for {set l $l1} {$l<=$l2} {incr l} { set line [$wtxt get $l.0 $l.end] if {[string trim $line] eq {}} { $wtxt replace $l.0 $l.end {} } elseif {[string index $line 0] in $spaces} { set leadsp [obj leadingSpaces $line] # align by the indent edge set sp [expr {$leadsp % $len}] if {$sp==0} {set sp $len} $wtxt delete $l.0 "$l.0 + ${sp}c" } } } undoOut $wtxt } #_______________________ proc edit::NormIndent {} { # Normalizes a current text's indenting. alited::main::CalcIndentation {} yes alited::main::UpdateProjectInfo if {![namespace exists ::alited::indent]} { namespace eval ::alited { source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR indent.tcl] } } alited::indent::normalize } # ________________________ Comment in / out _________________________ # proc edit::SelectLines {wtxt l1 l2} { # Selects lines (all their contents) of text. # wtxt - text's path # l1 - starting line # l2 - ending line $wtxt tag remove sel 1.0 end $wtxt tag add sel $l1.0 [incr l2].0 ;# $l1.0 $l2.end } #_______________________ proc edit::CommentChar {} { # Returns the commenting chars for a current file. set fname [alited::bar::FileName] if {[alited::file::IsClang $fname]} { return // } return # } #_______________________ proc edit::Comment {} { # Comments selected lines of text. # See also: UnComment namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav al al set ch [CommentChar] set sels [SelectedLines] set wtxt [lindex $sels 0] undoIn $wtxt foreach {l1 l2} [lrange $sels 1 end] { for {set l $l1} {$l<=$l2} {incr l} { set line [$wtxt get $l.0 $l.end] set col [$obPav leadingSpaces $line] switch $al(commentmode) { 1 {$wtxt insert $l.0 $ch} 2 {$wtxt insert $l.$col $ch} default { if {$ch eq "#"} { # comment-out with TODO comment: to see / to find / to do them afterwards # for Tcl code: it needs to disable also all braces with #\{ #\} patterns $wtxt replace $l.0 $l.end [string map [list \} #\\\} \{ #\\\{] $line] } $wtxt insert $l.0 $ch! } } } } undoOut $wtxt SelectLines $wtxt $l1 $l2 after idle alited::tree::RecreateTree } #_______________________ proc edit::UnComment {} { # Uncomments selected lines of text. # See also: Comment namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav al al set ch [CommentChar] set lch [string length $ch] set lch0 [expr {$lch-1}] set sels [SelectedLines] set wtxt [lindex $sels 0] undoIn $wtxt foreach {l1 l2} [lrange $sels 1 end] { for {set l $l1} {$l<=$l2} {incr l} { set line [$wtxt get $l.0 $l.end] set isp [$obPav leadingSpaces $line] if {[string range $line $isp $isp+$lch0] eq $ch} { set lch2 $lch if {[regexp "^\\s*$ch!" $line]} {incr lch2} ;# remove TODO comment $wtxt delete $l.$isp "$l.$isp + ${lch2}c" if {$ch eq "#" && !$al(commentmode)} { # for Tcl code: it needs to enable also all braces with #\{ #\} patterns set line [$wtxt get $l.0 $l.end] $wtxt replace $l.0 $l.end [string map [list #\\\} \} #\\\{ \{] $line] } } } } undoOut $wtxt SelectLines $wtxt $l1 $l2 after idle alited::tree::RecreateTree } # ________________________ Color values _________________________ # proc edit::FindColorValues {mode} { # Finds color values. # mode - 1 for "find in all text", 2 for "find in current page", 3 "return RF" namespace upvar ::alited obPav obPav set RF {#([0-9a-fA-F]{3,6})} if {$mode==3} {return $RF} set RE {#([0-9a-f]{3}([^0-9a-z]|$)|[0-9a-f]{6}([^0-9a-z]|$))} set txt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] set l1 1.0 set l2 end if {$mode in {2 12} && \ ![catch {set gcon [$obPav gutterContents $txt]}] && [llength $gcon]} { set l1 [string trim [lindex $gcon 0 1]].0 set l2 [string trim [lindex $gcon end 1]].end } set lenList [set hlcolors [list]] set posList [$txt search -count lenList -regexp -nocase -all -strictlimits $RE $l1 $l2] foreach pos $posList len $lenList { if {$len eq {}} { set st [$txt get $pos "$pos lineend + 1 char"] set len [lindex [regexp -nocase -indices -inline $RE $st] 1 1] } set pos2 [$txt index "$pos + $len char"] set hlc [$txt get $pos $pos2] catch { lassign [apave::InvertBg $hlc] fg bg $txt tag configure $hlc -foreground $fg -background $bg $txt tag add $hlc $pos $pos2 lappend hlcolors $hlc } } list [llength $hlcolors] $RF } #_______________________ proc edit::ShowColorValues {} { # Highlights color values. namespace upvar ::alited al al obFND obFND variable hlcolors variable ans_hlcolors if {$ans_hlcolors<10} { set ans_hlcolors [alited::msg yesnocancel ques \ [msgcat::mc {Display colors in the whole text?}] YES \ -title $al(MC,hlcolors) -ch $al(MC,noask)] } if {!$ans_hlcolors} return HideColorValues lassign [FindColorValues $ans_hlcolors] llen RF if {[winfo exists $::alited::find::win] && [winfo ismapped $::alited::find::win]} { set ::alited::find::data(en1) $RF ;# if "Find/Replace" is shown, set Find = RE [$obFND Cbx1] selection clear set msg " ([msgcat::mc {check RE in Find/Replace box}])" set mode 3 } else { set msg {} set mode 1 } alited::Message $al(MC,hlcolors):\ $llen\ $msg $mode } #_______________________ proc edit::HideColorValues {} { # Unhighlights color values. set RF [FindColorValues 3] set txt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] foreach hlc [$txt tag names] { if {[regexp $RF $hlc]} { $txt tag remove $hlc 1.0 end } } } # ________________________ At modifications _________________________ # proc edit::BackupFile {TID {mode {}}} { # Makes a backup copy of a file after the first modification of it. # TID - tab's ID of the file # mode - if {orig}, makes an original copy of a file, otherwise makes .bak copy namespace upvar ::alited al al lassign [BackupDirFileNames $TID] dir fname fname2 if {$dir ne {}} { if {$mode eq {}} { set fname2 [BackupFileName $fname2] } catch { file copy -force $fname $fname2 ::apave::logMessage "backup $fname -> $fname2" } } } #_______________________ proc edit::BackupDirFileNames {TID} { # Gets directory and file names for backuping. # TID - current tab's ID # Returns a list of names: # directory, source file, target original file namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$al(BACKUP) eq {}} {return {}} set dir [file join $al(prjroot) $al(BACKUP)] set fname [alited::bar::FileName $TID] set fname2 [file join $dir [file tail $fname]] if {![file exists $dir] && [catch {file mkdir $dir} err]} { alited::msg ok err $err return {} } set fname3 [file join $dir [file tail $fname]] list $dir $fname $fname2 } #_______________________ proc edit::BackupFileName {fname {iincr 1}} { # Gets a backup name for a file (checking for backup's maximum). # fname - name of target file # iincr - incrementation for backup index # The iincr parameter is used to get the last backup's name: # if no backups, the empty string is returned. namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$al(MAXBACKUP)>1} { if {[set baks [glob -nocomplain ${fname}*]] eq {}} { set nbak 1 if {!$iincr} {return {}} ;# no backups yet } else { foreach bak $baks { lappend bakdata [list [file mtime $bak] $bak] } set bakdata [lsort -decreasing $bakdata] set bak1 [lindex $bakdata 0 1] set nbak [lindex [split $bak1 -.] end-1] foreach delbak [lrange $bakdata $al(MAXBACKUP) end] { catch {file delete [lindex $delbak 1]} } if {[catch {incr nbak $iincr}] || $nbak>$al(MAXBACKUP)} {set nbak 1} } append fname -$nbak.bak } return $fname } #_______________________ proc edit::CheckUndoRedoIcons {wtxt TID} { # Checks for states of undo/redo button for a file being modified. # wtxt - text's path # TID - tab's ID of the file set TIDundo [alited::bar::BAR cget --TIDundo] set oldundo [alited::bar::BAR $TID cget --undo] set oldredo [alited::bar::BAR $TID cget --redo] set newundo [$wtxt edit canundo] set newredo [$wtxt edit canredo] if {$TIDundo ne $TID || $oldundo ne $newundo} { if {$newundo} {set stat normal} {set stat disabled} [alited::tool::ToolButName undo] configure -state $stat alited::bar::BAR $TID configure --undo $newundo } if {$TIDundo ne $TID || $oldredo ne $newredo} { if {$newredo} {set stat normal} {set stat disabled} [alited::tool::ToolButName redo] configure -state $stat alited::bar::BAR $TID configure --redo $newredo } if {$oldundo ne {} && !$oldundo && !$oldredo && $newundo} { BackupFile $TID orig } alited::bar::BAR configure --TIDundo $TID } #_______________________ proc edit::CheckSaveIcons {modif} { # Checks for states of save buttons at modifications of files. # modif - yes, if a file has been modified namespace upvar ::alited al al set marked [alited::bar::BAR listFlag "m"] set b_save [alited::tool::ToolButName SaveFile] set b_saveall [alited::tool::ToolButName saveall] if {![llength $marked]} { foreach but {SaveFile saveall} { [alited::tool::ToolButName $but] configure -state disabled } } else { if {$modif} {set stat normal} {set stat disabled} $b_save configure -state $stat $b_saveall configure -state normal } $al(MENUFILE) entryconfigure 5 -state [$b_save cget -state] $al(MENUFILE) entryconfigure 7 -state [$b_saveall cget -state] } #_______________________ proc edit::Modified {TID wtxt {l1 0} {l2 0} args} { # Handles a modification of file, recreating the unit tree at need. # TID - tab's ID # wtxt - text's path # l1 - 1st line of unit # l2 - last line of unit namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav if {[alited::bar::BAR isTab $TID]} { set old [alited::file::IsModified $TID] set new [$wtxt edit modified] if {$old != $new} { if {$new} { alited::bar::BAR markTab $TID } else { alited::bar::BAR unmarkTab $TID } CheckSaveIcons $new } CheckUndoRedoIcons $wtxt $TID if {$al(TREE,isunits)} { set pos [$wtxt index insert] set wtree [$obPav Tree] set todoTree no catch {set todoTree [$wtree tag has tagTODO [alited::tree::CurrentItem]]} # when text's TODO tag isn't equal to tree's, recreate the tree lassign [$wtxt tag nextrange tagCMN2 \ [$wtxt index "$pos linestart"] [$wtxt index "$pos lineend"]] p1 p2 if {$p2 ne {} && [$wtxt compare $pos >= $p1] && [$wtxt compare $pos <= $p2]} { set todo [expr {!$todoTree}] } else { set todo $todoTree } if {$todo} { alited::tree::RecreateTree } elseif {![info exists al(RECREATE)] || $al(RECREATE)} { set doit no if {[set llen [llength $al(_unittree,$TID)]]} { set lastrow [lindex $al(_unittree,$TID) $llen-1 5] set doit [expr {$lastrow != int([$wtxt index {end -1c}])}] } set l1 [expr {int($pos)}] set line [$wtxt get $l1.0 $l1.end] if {$doit || (![catch {set ifound [lsearch -index 4 $al(_unittree,$TID) $l1]}] \ && $ifound>-1) || [regexp [alited::unit::UnitRegexp] $line]} { alited::tree::RecreateTree } else { set REtd {(#\s*(!|TODO))|(//\s*(!|TODO))} ;# RE for todo in Tcl and C if {$al(INI,LEAF) && [regexp $al(RE,leaf) $line] || [regexp $REtd $line] \ || !$al(INI,LEAF) && [regexp $al(RE,proc) $line] || [regexp $al(RE,branch) $line]} { alited::tree::RecreateTree } } } } } alited::main::ShowHeader } #_______________________ proc edit::RemoveTrailWhites {{TID ""} {doit no} {skipGUI no}} { # Removes trailing spaces of lines - all of lines or a selection of lines. # TID - tab ID # doit - if yes, trimright all of text without questions # skipGUI - if yes, no updating GUI namespace upvar ::alited al al set ans 1 if {!$doit} { set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] # ask about trailing all lines of a current file (with option: all of other files) set msg [msgcat::mc "Remove trailing whitespaces of all lines\nof \"%f\"?"] set msg [string map [list %f [file tail [alited::bar::FileName]]] $msg] set ans [alited::msg yesno ques $msg \ YES -title {Remove trailing whitespaces} -ch $al(MC,otherfiles)] if {![set doit $ans]} return } set waseditcurr no foreach tab [alited::bar::BAR listTab] { set tid [lindex $tab 0] if {$ans==11 || $tid eq $TID} { if {[set curt [expr {$tid eq [alited::bar::CurrentTabID]}]]} { set curl [expr {int([[alited::main::GetWTXT $tid ] index insert])}] } lassign [alited::main::GetText $tid no no] -> wtxt set l1 1 set l2 [expr {int([$wtxt index {end -1c}])}] set wasedit no for {set l $l1} {$l<=$l2} {incr l} { set line [$wtxt get $l.0 $l.end] if {[set trimmed [string trimright $line]] ne $line && $curt && $l!=$curl} { if {!$wasedit} {undoIn $wtxt} set wasedit yes $wtxt replace $l.0 $l.end $trimmed } } if {$wasedit} { undoOut $wtxt alited::bar::BAR markTab $tid if {$wtxt eq [alited::main::CurrentWTXT]} { set waseditcurr yes ;# update the current text's view only } } } } if {!$skipGUI} { if {$waseditcurr} { alited::main::UpdateUnitTree alited::main::UpdateGutter } alited::main::UpdateIcons } } # ________________________ Macros _________________________ # ## ________________________ Preparing macros _________________________ ## proc edit::MacroSource {} { # Loads playtkl package. if {[info command ::playtkl::play] eq {}} { namespace eval :: { source [file join $::alited::LIBDIR playtkl playtkl.tcl] } } } #_______________________ proc edit::MacroInit {} { # Initializes macro stuff. MacroSource ::playtkl::inform no } #_______________________ proc edit::MacroDir {} { # Gets a directory name of macros. return [file dirname [MacroFileName .]] } #_______________________ proc edit::MacroFileName {name {dir ""}} { # Gets a file name for a macro. # name - macro's name # dir - macro's directory namespace upvar ::alited al al USERDIR USERDIR if {[file extension $name] ne $al(macroext)} { append name $al(macroext) } if {$dir eq {}} { set dir [file join $USERDIR macro] } return [file normalize [file join $dir [file tail $name]]] } #_______________________ proc edit::MacroMenu {name doit} { # Recreate macros' menu. # name - current macro # doit - yes if update anyway namespace upvar ::alited al al MacroSource set fname [MacroFileName $name] if {$doit || $al(activemacro) ne $name} { set al(activemacro) $name playtkl::readcontents $fname alited::menu::FillMacroItems } elseif {$al(activemacro) eq $name} { playtkl::readcontents $fname } } #_______________________ proc edit::MacroExists {fname} { # Checks for existing macro. # If the macro doesn't exist, shows a message and updates the macros list menu. # fname - macro file name if {[file exists $fname]} {return yes} alited::Balloon1 $fname after idle alited::menu::FillMacroItems return no } #_______________________ proc edit::MacroUpdate {fname} { # If a file is a macro, updates macros' list. # fname - file name namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[file extension $fname] eq $al(macroext)} { after idle [list alited::edit::MacroMenu $fname yes] } } ## ________________________ Handling macros _________________________ ## proc edit::DoMacro {mode {fname ""}} { # Plays or records a macro. # mode - play / record # fname - name of recorded file namespace upvar ::alited al al variable macrosmode MacroInit if {$macrosmode eq "record"} { ;# repeated recording? ::playtkl::end WatchMacro return no } set name [file rootname [file tail $fname]] if {$fname ne {}} { set fname [MacroFileName $fname] if {$mode eq "play"} { if {[MacroExists $fname]} { # play the macro after a pause to dismiss intervening events after 50 [list after idle [list after 50 [list after idle alited::edit::DoMacro $mode]]] } return no } } set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] after idle "focus $wtxt" set macrosmode $mode switch $mode { "record" { set al(activemacro) $name after 100 [list ::playtkl::record $fname $al(acc_16) $al(macromouse)] after 200 alited::edit::WatchMacro alited::Message "[msgcat::mc Recording:] $name" 5; bell bell } "play" { if {$fname ne {}} { alited::Message "[msgcat::mc Playing:] $name" 3 } else { alited::Message {} } focus $wtxt undoIn $wtxt ::playtkl::replay $fname "::apave::undoOut $wtxt" [list *frAText.text* $wtxt] yes $wtxt } } return yes } #_______________________ proc edit::InputMacro {idx} { # Enters/changes a macro. # idx - index in macro menu namespace upvar ::alited al al obDl2 obDl2 variable macrosmode set win $al(WIN).macro if {[winfo exists $win]} { focusByForce [$obDl2 chooserPath Fil] return } set m $al(MENUEDIT).playtkl incr idx ;# for -tearoff menu set al(macromouse) no set al(_macro) [$m entrycget $idx -label] set al(_macroDir) {} set dir [MacroDir] ReadMacroComment $al(_macro) set head [msgcat::mc "The macro is updated at its recording.\nPress %s to play it."] set head [string map [list %s $al(acc_16)] $head] $obDl2 makeWindow $win.fra $al(MC,playtkl) $obDl2 paveWindow $win.fra { \ {lab - - 1 4 {-padx 4} {-t {$head}}} {Fil + T 1 4 {-pady 4 -padx 4 -st ew} "-tvar ::alited::al(_macro) -validate all \ -validatecommand alited::edit::ValidMacro -w 30 -initialdir {$dir} \ -filetypes {{{Macros} $al(macroext)} {{All files} .*}}"} {chb + T 1 4 {-st w -pady 4} {-t {Record mouse} -var ::alited::al(macromouse)}} {seh + T 1 4 {-pady 4}} {lab2 + T 1 4 {} {-t Comment:}} {fra0 + T 1 4 {-rw 1 -st nsew}} {.TexCmn L + - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both -padx 3} {-h 4 -w 40 -wrap word -tabnext *.buth -rotext ::alited::al(macrocomment) -ro 0}} {.sbvText + L - - pack} {seh2 fra0 T 1 4 {-pady 4}} {fra + T 1 1 {-st w}} {.ButPlay - - 1 1 {-padx 4} {-com 1 -tip "Play Macro" -image alimg_run}} {.ButRec + L 1 1 {} {-com 2 -tip "Record Macro" -image alimg_change}} {.ButDel + L 1 1 {-padx 4} {-com 3 -tip "Delete Macro" -image alimg_delete}} {h_ fra L 1 1 {-st we -cw 1}} {buth + L 1 1 {-st e} {-t Help -com alited::edit::HelpOnMacro}} {but + L 1 1 {-st e} {-com 0 -t Cancel}} } set tex [$obDl2 TexCmn] bind $win <F1> alited::edit::HelpOnMacro set butplay [$obDl2 ButPlay] bind $win <$al(acc_16)> "if {\[$butplay cget -state\] eq {normal}} {$butplay invoke}" after 200 ::apave::MouseOnWidget $butplay set res [$obDl2 showModal $win -resizable 1 -focus $win.fra.entfil -geometry pointer+10+10] set al(macrocomment) [$tex get 1.0 end] catch {destroy $win} set name [::apave::NormalizeFileName [file root [file tail $al(_macro)]]] set fname [MacroFileName $name] if {$al(_macroDir) ni {. ""}} { # if chosen macro doesn't exist in user's dir, copy it there set fchosen [MacroFileName $name $al(_macroDir)] if {$fchosen ne $fname && ![file exists $fname]} { catch {file copy $fchosen $fname} after idle alited::menu::FillMacroItems } set fname $fchosen } unset al(_macro) unset al(_macroDir) if {!$res} { set macrosmode "init" return } if {[string length $name]>99 || $name eq {}} { alited::Msg [string map [list %n $name] $al(MC,incorrname)] err return } switch $res { 1 { MacroMenu $name no if {[DoMacro play $name]} { set macrosmode "play" } } 2 { if {[file exists $fname]} { if {![info exists al(macrotorew)] || ![string match *10 $al(macrotorew)]} { set msg [string map [list %f [file tail $fname] %d [file dirname $fname]] \ $al(MC,fileexist)] set dlg [::apave::APave new] set al(macrotorew) [$dlg misc warn \ $al(MC,playtkl) $msg {"Rewrite" File "Edit" Change "Cancel" 0} \ 0 -ch $al(MC,noask) -centerme $al(WIN)] $dlg destroy } switch -glob $al(macrotorew) { File* {} Change* {alited::file::OpenFile $fname yes; return} default {set al(macrotorew) {}; return} } } after idle [list alited::edit::DoMacro record $name] } 3 { if {![MacroExists $fname]} return if {![info exists al(macrotodel)] || $al(macrotodel)<10} { set msg [string map [list %f [file tail $fname]] $al(MC,delfile)] set al(macrotodel) [alited::msg yesno warn $msg NO -ch $al(MC,noask)] } if {$al(macrotodel)} { file delete $fname if {$name eq $al(activemacro)} { set al(activemacro) {} } set macrosmode "init" after idle alited::menu::FillMacroItems } } } } #_______________________ proc edit::ValidMacro {} { # Validates the macro name. after idle alited::edit::ValidMacroReal return yes } #_______________________ proc edit::ValidMacroReal {} { # Gets "root tail" of the file name and saves its directory name. # Changes the record icon depending on the macro file exists or not. namespace upvar ::alited al al obDl2 obDl2 set tmpdir [file dirname $al(_macro)] if {$tmpdir ni {. ""}} {set al(_macroDir) $tmpdir} set al(_macro) [file rootname [file tail $al(_macro)]] if {[file exists [MacroFileName [string trim $al(_macro)]]]} { set icon change set mstate normal } else { set icon add set mstate disabled } set icon alimg_$icon set but [$obDl2 ButRec] if {[$but cget -image] ne $icon} {::apave::blinkWidgetImage $but $icon} [$obDl2 ButPlay] configure -state $mstate [$obDl2 ButDel] configure -state $mstate } #_______________________ proc edit::DispatchMacro {{mode ""}} { # Dispatches macro actions. # mode - what to do namespace upvar ::alited al al variable macrosmode MacroInit if {$mode ne {}} {set macrosmode $mode} switch -glob $macrosmode { "item*" {InputMacro [string range $macrosmode 4 end]} "record" { set fname [MacroFileName $al(activemacro)] if {![info exists al(macrocomment)]} {ReadMacroComment $fname} ;# get the comment ::playtkl::end $al(macrocomment) set macrosmode {} } "quickrec" { set al(activemacro) $al(MC,quickmacro) set al(macromouse) no DoMacro record $al(MC,quickmacro) } "init" { # the very first call of DispatchMacro: activate an old active macro MacroMenu $al(activemacro) yes DoMacro play $al(activemacro) set macrosmode {} after idle {set alited::edit::macrosmode play} } "play" { DoMacro play set macrosmode {} after idle {set alited::edit::macrosmode play} } } } #_______________________ proc edit::WatchMacro {} { # Watch the end of recording. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable macrosmode if {[::playtkl::isend]} { alited::Message {Recording: done} 5; bell MacroMenu $al(activemacro) yes set macrosmode "play" bell } else { after 200 alited::edit::WatchMacro } } #_______________________ proc edit::ReadMacroComment {fname} { # Reads macro's comment. # fname - the macro's file name namespace upvar ::alited al al set fcont [readTextFile [MacroFileName $fname]] set al(macrocomment) {} foreach ln [split $fcont \n] { set ln [string trim $ln] if {[string match #* $ln]} { append al(macrocomment) [string trimleft $ln #] \n } } } #_______________________ proc edit::OpenMacroFile {} { # Opens a file of macro. namespace upvar ::alited al al obDl2 obDl2 set al(TMPfname) [MacroFileName $al(MC,quickmacro)] set types [list [list {Macro Files} $al(macroext)]] set fname [$obDl2 chooser tk_getOpenFile ::alited::al(TMPfname) \ -initialdir [MacroDir] -filetypes $types -parent $al(WIN)] unset al(TMPfname) if {$fname ne {}} {alited::file::OpenFile $fname} } #_______________________ proc edit::HelpOnMacro {} { # Shows Play Macro help. alited::Help $::alited::al(WIN) macro } # ________________________ Rectangular selection _________________________ # proc edit::RectSelection {mode} { # Starts, ends, does, cuts, copies and pastes a rectangular selection. # mode: 0 for start/end, 1 do, 2 cut, 3 copy, 4 paste namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$mode==1 && !$al(rectSel)} return set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] set wtxt [alited::main::CurrentWTXT] lassign [split [$wtxt index insert] .] nl nc if {$mode==0} { if {$al(rectSel)} { set al(rectSel,TID) $TID ;# starts selecting set al(rectSel,nl) $nl set al(rectSel,nc) $nc set al(rectSel,text) [list] set mode 1 alited::Message [msgcat::mc {Move the cursor to select a rectangle.}] 3 } else { set al(rectSel,TID) {} ;# ends selecting } } switch $mode { 1 { if {$al(rectSel) && $al(rectSel,TID) eq $TID} { makeRect $wtxt $al(rectSel,nl) $al(rectSel,nc) $nl $nc } else { set al(rectSel,TID) {} ;# at switching tabs set al(rectSel) 0 } } 2 - 3 {saveRect $mode $wtxt} 4 {pasteRect $wtxt $nl $nc} } if {$al(rectSel)} {set ico none} {set ico run} $al(MENUEDIT).rectsel entryconfigure 1 -image alimg_$ico focus $wtxt } #_______________________ proc edit::makeRect {wtxt alnl alnc nl nc} { # Selects a rectangle. # wtxt - the current text's path # alnl - starting row # alnc - starting column # nl - current row # nc - current column set l1 [expr {min($alnl,$nl)}] set l2 [expr {max($alnl,$nl)}] set c1 [expr {min($alnc,$nc)}] set c2 [expr {max($alnc,$nc)}] if {$c1==$c2} {set c2 end} ;# to select "all to line ends" for {set l $l1} {$l<=$l2} {incr l} { $wtxt tag add sel $l.$c1 $l.$c2 } } #_______________________ proc edit::saveRect {mode wtxt} { # Cuts & copies a rectangle. # mode - 2 cut, 3 copy # wtxt - the current text's path namespace upvar ::alited al al set selection [$wtxt tag ranges sel] if {[llength $selection]} { undoIn $wtxt set ln1 999999999 set al(rectSel,text) [list] foreach {from to} $selection { set ln2 [::apave::pint $from] while {[incr ln1]<$ln2} { ;# empty intermediate lines lappend al(rectSel,text) {} ;# to be included too } lappend al(rectSel,text) [$wtxt get $from $to] if {$mode==2} {$wtxt delete $from $to} set ln1 [::apave::pint $to] } if {$mode==2} { catch {::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt [lindex $selection 0 0]} } undoOut $wtxt } set al(rectSel) 0 } #_______________________ proc edit::pasteRect {wtxt nl nc} { # Pastes a rectangle. # wtxt - the current text's path # nl - current row # nc - current column namespace upvar ::alited al al if {[llength $al(rectSel,text)]} { undoIn $wtxt $wtxt tag remove sel 1.0 end set sels [list] foreach line $al(rectSel,text) { if {$line ne {}} { $wtxt insert $nl.$nc $line set pos2 $nl.[expr {$nc+[string length $line]}] lappend sels $nl.$nc $pos2 if {![info exists pos1]} {set pos1 $pos2} } incr nl } catch {::tk::TextSetCursor $wtxt $pos1} catch {$wtxt tag add sel {*}$sels} undoOut $wtxt } } # ________________________ To words right / left _________________________ # proc edit::ControlRight {txt s} { # Goes to a next word's start as seen from programmer's viewpoint. # txt - text's path # s - key state # The code is rather efficient with long sequences of non-word chars. # [Going_on_words_with_Ctrl+arrow]( # [text_index_{insert_wordstart}]( if {$s % 2} return set pos [$txt index "insert wordend"] lassign [split $pos .] -> col set linestart [expr {int([$txt index insert])}] set lineend [expr {int([$txt index end])}] while {$linestart <= $lineend} { set line [$txt get $linestart.0 $linestart.end] if {int($pos)>$linestart} { set col [string length $line] } set res [regexp -indices -start $col -inline "\\w{1}" $line] if {[llength $res]} { ::tk::TextSetCursor $txt $linestart.[lindex $res 0 0] break } set pos [incr linestart].[set col 0] } return -code break } #_______________________ proc edit::ControlLeft {txt s} { # Goes to a previous word's start/end as seen from programmer's viewpoint. # txt - text's path # s - key state # The code is rather efficient with long sequences of non-word chars. # See also: # [Going_on_words_with_Ctrl+arrow]( # [text_index_{insert_wordstart}]( if {$s % 2} return set pos [$txt index insert] lassign [split $pos .] -> col set linestart [expr {int($pos)}] while {$linestart>=0} { set line [$txt get $linestart.0 $linestart.$col] for {set i [string length $line]} {[incr i -1]>=0} {} { if {[string is wordchar -strict [string index $line $i]]} { if {![string is wordchar -strict [string index $line [expr {$i-1}]]]} { set pos1 $linestart.$i set pos2 [$txt index "$pos1 wordend"] if {[$txt compare $pos2 < $pos]} {set pos1 $pos2} ::tk::TextSetCursor $txt $pos1 return -code break } } } incr linestart -1 set col {end +1c} } return -code break } # ________________________ Formats _________________________ # proc edit::IniParameter {parname line {case -nocase} {defval ""}} { # Gets parameter value from a line of ini-file. # parname - parameter name (can contain several names separated with comma) # line - line content # case - option "-nocase" for regexp (default) or any other option # defval - default value foreach pname [split $parname ,] { if {[regexp {*}$case "^\\s*$pname\\s*=\\s*" $line]} { set i [string first = $line] set res [string range $line [incr i] end] if {[string trim $res] eq {}} {set res -} return [string trim $res] } } return {} } #_______________________ proc edit::SourceFormatTcl {} { # Sources format.tcl. if {![namespace exists ::alited::format]} { namespace eval ::alited { source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR format.tcl] } } } #_______________________ proc edit::FormatUnitDesc {} { SourceFormatTcl alited::format::UnitDesc } #_______________________ proc edit::RunFormat {fname {forbind no}} { # Does format according to a format file. # fname - format file's name # forbind - if no, called from menu namespace upvar ::alited al al SourceFormatTcl set initfile [file join [file dirname $fname] init.tcl] if {[file exists $initfile]} {catch {source $initfile}} set fcont [split [readTextFile $fname] \n] set fform [FormatterName $fname] unset -nocomplain al(FORMATS,$fform) set mode 0 set cont [list] set backslashed {} foreach line $fcont { set line [string trimright $line] if {[string index $line end] eq "\\"} { append backslashed { } [string trimright $line \\] continue } elseif {$backslashed ne {}} { set line "$backslashed $line" set backslashed {} } lappend cont $line } foreach line $cont { incr iline set mode [IniParameter mode $line] if {$mode in {1 2 3 4 5 6}} { set ev [alited::format::Mode$mode \ [lrange $cont $iline end] $fname [alited::bar::FileName]] if {!$forbind && $mode==6 && $ev ne {}} { set ev [string trim $ev <>] set mitem [alited::menu::FormatsItemName $fform] set msg [msgcat::mc {Use %e to run "%m"}] set msg [string map [list %e $ev %m $mitem] $msg] alited::Message $msg 3 alited::ini::SaveIni } break } } } #_______________________ proc edit::OpenFormatFile {dir} { # Opens file(s) from data/format directory or its subdirectories. # dir - (sub)directory name namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav DATADIR DATADIR set ::alited::al(TMPfname) {} if {[glob -nocomplain -directory $dir *] eq {}} { set dir [file dirname $dir] } set fnames [$obPav chooser tk_getOpenFile ::alited::al(TMPfname) \ -initialdir $dir -parent $al(WIN) -multiple 1] unset ::alited::al(TMPfname) foreach fn [lreverse [lsort $fnames]] { alited::file::OpenFile $fn yes } } #_______________________ proc edit::InvertStringCase {str} { # Inverts cases in a string (e.g. InversE -> iNVERSe). # str - the string set res {} lmap ch [split $str {}] { if {[string is lower $ch]} { set ch [string toupper $ch] } else { set ch [string tolower $ch] } append res $ch } return $res } #_______________________ proc edit::SqueezeString {str} { # Squeezes multiple spaces to one space (except for leading spaces) # and removes tailing spaces, e.g. " a b c " => " a b c". # str - the string set isp [obj leadingSpaces $str] set substring [string range $str $isp end] set splist [regexp -inline -all {[ ]+} $substring] set splist [lsort -decreasing -command alited::edit::CompareByLength $splist] foreach sp $splist { set substring [string map [list $sp { }] $substring] } set res [string repeat { } $isp] append res [string trimright $substring] } #_______________________ proc edit::ReverseString {str} { # The same as "string reverse", but counts escaping braces made in format::Mode2. # str - the string to reverse # See also: format::Mode2 set str [UnEscapeValue $str] set str [string reverse $str] EscapeValue $str } #_______________________ proc edit::SqueezeLines {strlist} { # Squeezes a list of lines. # strlist - the list set res [list] foreach str $strlist {lappend res [SqueezeString $str]} return $res } #_______________________ proc edit::CompareByLength {s1 s2} { # Compares two string by length. # s1 - 1st string # s2 - 2nd string set l1 [string length $s1] set l2 [string length $s2] if {$l1>$l2} { return 1 } elseif {$l1<$l2} { return -1 } return 0 } #_______________________ proc edit::EscapeValue {value} { # Escapes a value's backslashes and braces. # value - the value string map [list \\ \\\\ \} \\\} \{ \\\{] $value } #_______________________ proc edit::UnEscapeValue {value} { # Unescapes a value's backslashes and braces. # value - the value string map [list \\\\ \\ \\\} \} \\\{ \{] $value } #_______________________ proc edit::BindPluginables {wtxt} { # Binds pluginable formatters to the edited text. # wtxt - text's path namespace upvar ::alited al al set lformat [array names al -glob FORMATS,*] if {[llength $lformat]} { SourceFormatTcl foreach n $lformat { lassign $al($n) fullformname ev set fn [file tail $fullformname] if {[set i [lsearch -index 0 $al(FORMATNAMES) $fn]]>-1} { set fullformname [lindex $al(FORMATNAMES) $i 1] ;# truly source name } set fform [FormatterName $fullformname] if {[info exists ::alited::format::bind6($fform)] && \ [llength $::alited::format::bind6($fform)]} { foreach b $::alited::format::bind6($fform) { lassign $b ev com catch { bind $wtxt $ev $com } } } else { RunFormat $fullformname yes } } } } #_______________________ proc edit::PluginAccelerator {mnu {itemttl ""} {ev ""} {retlist ""}} { # Adds -accelerator to Formats menu item or returns a list of # accelerators used by pluginables. # mnu - menu path # itemttl - item's title # ev - event set nitems [$mnu index end] for {set i 0} {$i<=$nitems} {incr i} { set typ [$mnu type $i] if {[catch {set ttl [$mnu entrycget $i -label]}]} {set ttl {}} switch $typ { command { if {$itemttl ne {} && $itemttl eq $ttl} { $mnu entryconfigure $i -accelerator [::apave::KeyAccelerator $ev] break ;# it's call to set an accelerator } set acc [$mnu entrycget $i -accelerator] if {$acc ne {}} { set acc [string map {+ - Ctrl Control} $acc] lappend retlist $acc } } cascade { set cascade [$mnu entrycget $i -menu] if {$cascade ne {}} { set retlist [PluginAccelerator $cascade $itemttl $ev $retlist] continue } } separator - tearoff {} } } return $retlist } #_______________________ proc edit::FormatterName {fname} { # Gets formatter's file name from its full name. # fname - full name of formatter file file tail $fname } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #