The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: msgs.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 06/30/2021 # Brief: Handles common localized messages. # License: MIT. ########################################################### namespace eval ::alited { proc msgcatMessages {} { # Sets common localized messages. # alited_checked variable al ## _ common _ ## set al(MC,nofile) [msgcat::mc {No name}] set al(MC,info) [msgcat::mc Information] set al(MC,warning) [msgcat::mc Warning] set al(MC,error) [msgcat::mc Error] set al(MC,question) [msgcat::mc Question] set al(MC,wait) [msgcat::mc {Wait a little ...}] set al(MC,help) [msgcat::mc Help] set al(MC,select) [msgcat::mc Select] ;# verb set al(MC,notsaved) [msgcat::mc "\"%f\" wasn't saved.\n\nSave it?"] set al(MC,saving) [msgcat::mc Saving] set al(MC,files) [msgcat::mc Files] set al(MC,moving) [msgcat::mc Moving] set al(MC,run) [msgcat::mc Run] set al(MC,runAsIs) [msgcat::mc {Run as Is}] set al(MC,new) [msgcat::mc New] set al(MC,open...) [msgcat::mc Open...] set al(MC,openwith) [msgcat::mc {Open Selected Files with}] set al(MC,close) [msgcat::mc Close] set al(MC,save) [msgcat::mc Save] set al(MC,saveas...) [msgcat::mc {Save as...}] set al(MC,saveall) [msgcat::mc {Save All}] set al(MC,clall) [msgcat::mc {... All}] set al(MC,clallleft) [msgcat::mc {... All at Left}] set al(MC,clallright) [msgcat::mc {... All at Right}] set al(MC,detach) [msgcat::mc Detach] set al(MC,detachsel) [msgcat::mc {Detach Selected Files}] set al(MC,pref) [msgcat::mc Preferences] set al(MC,pref...) [msgcat::mc Preferences...] set al(MC,notrecomm) [msgcat::mc "Not recommended for projects\nwith large files (>2000 LOC)!"] set al(MC,quit) [msgcat::mc Quit] set al(MC,indent) [msgcat::mc Indent] set al(MC,unindent) [msgcat::mc Unindent] set al(MC,corrindent) [msgcat::mc {Correct Indentation}] set al(MC,comment) [msgcat::mc Comment] set al(MC,uncomment) [msgcat::mc Uncomment] set al(MC,findreplace) [msgcat::mc {Find / Replace}] set al(MC,findnext) [msgcat::mc {Find Next}] set al(MC,alloffile) [msgcat::mc "All of \"%f\""] set al(MC,lines) [msgcat::mc Lines] set al(MC,moveupU) [msgcat::mc {Move Unit Up}] set al(MC,movedownU) [msgcat::mc {Move Unit Down}] set al(MC,moveupF) [msgcat::mc {Move File Up}] set al(MC,movedownF) [msgcat::mc {Move File Down}] set al(MC,FavLists) [msgcat::mc {Saved Lists of Favorites}] set al(MC,swfiles) [msgcat::mc {Switch to Unit Tree}] set al(MC,swunits) [msgcat::mc {Switch to File Tree}] set al(MC,filesadd) [msgcat::mc {Create File}] set al(MC,filesadd...) [msgcat::mc {Create File...}] set al(MC,filesadd2) [msgcat::mc "Enter a name of file to create in:\n%d\n\nIf it is a directory, check 'Directory' box.\nThe directory can include subdirectories (a/b/c)."] set al(MC,filesdel) [msgcat::mc {Delete File}] set al(MC,fileexist) [msgcat::mc "\nFile \"%f\" already exists in\n%d\n"] set al(MC,filenoexist) [msgcat::mc "\nFile\n \"%f\"\ndoesn't exist.\n"] set al(MC,unitsdel) [msgcat::mc {Delete Unit(s)}] set al(MC,favoradd) [msgcat::mc {Add to Favorites}] set al(MC,favordel) [msgcat::mc {Delete}] set al(MC,favorren) [msgcat::mc {Rename}] set al(MC,favordelall) [msgcat::mc {Delete All}] set al(MC,updtree) [msgcat::mc {Update Tree}] set al(MC,movefile) [msgcat::mc "Move %f\nto\n%d\n?"] set al(MC,introln1) [msgcat::mc {First Lines}] set al(MC,introln2) [msgcat::mc {Can't touch the first %n lines.}] set al(MC,favorites) [msgcat::mc Favorites] set al(MC,currfavs) [msgcat::mc {Current list of favorites}] set al(MC,lastvisit) [msgcat::mc {Last Visited}] set al(MC,addfavor) [msgcat::mc "Add \"%n\" of %f\nto Favorites?"] set al(MC,addexist) [msgcat::mc "Item \"%n\" of %f\nis already in Favorites."] set al(MC,delfavor) [msgcat::mc "Remove \"%n\" of %f\nfrom Favorites?"] set al(MC,notfavor) [msgcat::mc "\"%n\" unit of %f is not in the list."] set al(MC,selfavor) [msgcat::mc "Click \"%t\""] set al(MC,copydecl) [msgcat::mc {Copy Declaration}] set al(MC,openofdir) [msgcat::mc "Open All Tcl Files of \"%n\""] set al(MC,delitem) [msgcat::mc "Remove \"%n\"\nfrom \"%f\"?"] set al(MC,delfile) [msgcat::mc "Delete \"%f\"?"] set al(MC,modiffile) [msgcat::mc "File \"%f\" was modified by some application.\n\nCancel your edition and reload the file?"] set al(MC,wasdelfile) [msgcat::mc "File \"%f\" was deleted by some application.\n\nSave the file?"] set al(MC,Row:) [msgcat::mc {Row }] set al(MC,Col:) [msgcat::mc { Col }] set al(MC,Item) [msgcat::mc Item] set al(MC,errmove) [msgcat::mc "\"%n\" contains unbalanced \{\}: %1!=%2"] set al(MC,afterstart) [msgcat::mc {For Start}] set al(MC,locale) [msgcat::mc "This is a language code: ru, uk, de...\nIn alited, \"en\" means American English."] set al(MC,noask) [msgcat::mc {Don't show anymore}] set al(MC,needcs) [msgcat::mc "These themes need\nlight / dark color schemes\naccordingly"] set al(MC,nocs) [msgcat::mc {No color scheme at all}] set al(MC,fitcs) [msgcat::mc {Fit for theme}] set al(MC,hue) [msgcat::mc {Makes colors darker .. lighter}] set al(MC,maxbak) [msgcat::mc {Maximum of backup copies per a file}] set al(MC,othertcl) [msgcat::mc {Do it in other Tcl files}] set al(MC,otherfiles) [msgcat::mc {Do it in other files}] set al(MC,inconsole) [msgcat::mc {in console}] set al(MC,intkcon) [msgcat::mc {in Tkcon}] set al(MC,asis) [msgcat::mc {as is}] set al(MC,on) [msgcat::mc on] set al(MC,test) [msgcat::mc Test] set al(MC,restart) [msgcat::mc "For the settings to be active,\nalited application should be restarted."] set al(MC,incorrname) [msgcat::mc {Incorrect name: "%n"}] set al(MC,allfiles) [msgcat::mc {All files}] set al(MC,currfile) [msgcat::mc {Current}] set al(MC,none) [msgcat::mc {None}] ## _ menu items _ ## set al(MC,lookdecl) [msgcat::mc {Look for Declaration}] set al(MC,lookword) [msgcat::mc {Look for Word}] set al(MC,toline) [msgcat::mc {Go to Line}] set al(MC,tomatched) [msgcat::mc {To Matched Bracket}] set al(MC,hlcolors) [msgcat::mc {Display Colors}] set al(MC,playtkl) [msgcat::mc {Play Macro}] set al(MC,quickmacro) {Quick macro} set al(MC,formatdesc) [msgcat::mc {Moving Unit Descriptions}] set al(MC,formatdesc...) [msgcat::mc {Moving Unit Descriptions...}] set al(MC,middlefont) [msgcat::mc {Middle font size:}] ## _ project options _ ## set al(MC,Ign:) [msgcat::mc {Skip files/directories:}] set al(MC,EOL:) [msgcat::mc {End of line:}] set al(MC,indent:) [msgcat::mc {Indentation:}] set al(MC,indentAuto) [msgcat::mc {Auto detection}] set al(MC,redunit) [msgcat::mc {Unit lines per 1 red bar:}] set al(MC,multiline) [msgcat::mc {Multi-line strings:}] set al(MC,trailwhite) [msgcat::mc {Remove trailing whitespaces:}] set al(MC,useleafRE) [msgcat::mc {Use leaf's regexp:}] set al(MC,leafRE) [msgcat::mc {Leaf's regexp:}] ## _ templates _ ## set al(MC,tpl) [msgcat::mc Templates] set al(MC,tplsel) [msgcat::mc {Click a template}] set al(MC,tplnew) [msgcat::mc {The template #%n added}] set al(MC,tplupd) [msgcat::mc {The template #%n updated}] set al(MC,tplrem) [msgcat::mc {The template #%n removed}] set al(MC,tplent1) [msgcat::mc {Enter a name of the template}] set al(MC,tplent2) [msgcat::mc {Enter a text of the template}] set al(MC,tplent3) [msgcat::mc "Choose a hot key combination\nfor the template insertion."] set al(MC,tplaft1) [msgcat::mc "Inserts a template\nbelow a current line"] set al(MC,tplaft2) [msgcat::mc "Inserts a template\nbelow a current unit"] set al(MC,tplaft3) [msgcat::mc "Inserts a template at the cursor\n(good for one-liners)"] set al(MC,tplaft4) [msgcat::mc "Inserts a template after 1st line of a file\n(License, Introduction etc.)"] set al(MC,tplexists) [msgcat::mc {A template with the attribute(s) already exists.}] set al(MC,tpldelq) [msgcat::mc {Delete a template #%n ?}] ## _ projects _ ## set al(MC,projects) [msgcat::mc Projects] set al(MC,prjgoing) [msgcat::mc {You are going to %n!}] set al(MC,prjadd) [msgcat::mc {Add a project}] set al(MC,prjchg) [msgcat::mc {Change a project}] set al(MC,prjdel1) [msgcat::mc {Delete a project}] set al(MC,prjcantdel) [msgcat::mc {Don't delete the current project!}] set al(MC,prjnew) [msgcat::mc "The project \"%n\" added"] set al(MC,prjupd) [msgcat::mc "The project \"%n\" updated"] set al(MC,prjdel2) [msgcat::mc "The project \"%n\" removed"] set al(MC,prjOptions) [msgcat::mc Options] set al(MC,prjName) [msgcat::mc {Project:}] set al(MC,prjaddfl) [msgcat::mc Add] set al(MC,prjsubstfl) [msgcat::mc Substitute] set al(MC,prjdelfl) [msgcat::mc Delete] set al(MC,prjnochfl) [msgcat::mc {Don't change}] set al(MC,prjsel) [msgcat::mc {Click a project}] set al(MC,prjdelq) [msgcat::mc "Delete a project \"%n\" ?"] set al(MC,prjexists) [msgcat::mc "A project \"%n\" already exists."] set al(MC,DEFopts) [msgcat::mc {Options for new projects are set in "Preferences/General/Projects"}] set al(MC,prjTdelete) [msgcat::mc {Erase a text}] set al(MC,prjTpaste) [msgcat::mc {Paste a text}] set al(MC,prjTundo) [msgcat::mc {Undo changes}] set al(MC,prjTredo) [msgcat::mc {Redo changes}] set al(MC,prjTtext) [msgcat::mc {Text of a reminder}] set al(MC,prjTprevious) [msgcat::mc {TODO previous day}] set al(MC,prjTprevious2) [msgcat::mc {TODO previous week}] set al(MC,prjTnext) [msgcat::mc {TODO next day}] set al(MC,prjTnext2) [msgcat::mc {TODO next week}] set al(MC,TemplPrj) [msgcat::mc "Enter a tree of directories for the project template.\nIndent them by equal indents to mean subdirectories.\n\nFiles like README*, CHANGELOG* will be created blank.\nFiles like LICENSE* will be taken from the current project."] set al(MC,CrTemplPrj) [msgcat::mc {Create a project by template}] set al(MC,ViewDir) [msgcat::mc {Project directory}] set al(MC,com) [msgcat::mc Command] set al(MC,coms) [msgcat::mc Commands] ## _ favorites _ ## set al(MC,favsel) [msgcat::mc {Click a list of favorites}] set al(MC,favnew) [msgcat::mc {The list #%n added}] set al(MC,favupd) [msgcat::mc {The list #%n updated}] set al(MC,favrem) [msgcat::mc {The list #%n removed}] set al(MC,favent1) [msgcat::mc {Enter a name of the list}] set al(MC,favent3) [msgcat::mc {The current list is empty!}] set al(MC,favexists) [msgcat::mc {This list already exists}] set al(MC,faverrsav) [msgcat::mc "This list not saved to\n\"%f\"."] set al(MC,favdelq) [msgcat::mc {Delete a favorites' list #%n ?}] set al(MC,unitprocsd) [msgcat::mc {%f processed, units affected: %n - ALREADY PROCESSED?}] ## _ find-replace dialogue _ ## set al(MC,frMatch) [msgcat::mc {Match: }] set al(MC,frWord) [msgcat::mc {Match whole word}] set al(MC,frExact) [msgcat::mc {Exact}] set al(MC,frCase) [msgcat::mc {Match case}] set al(MC,frres1) [msgcat::mc "Found %n matches for \"%s\"."] set al(MC,frres2) [msgcat::mc "Made %n replacements of \"%s\" with \"%r\" in \"%f\"."] set al(MC,frres3) [msgcat::mc "Made %n replacements of \"%s\" with \"%r\" in all of session."] set al(MC,frdoit1) [msgcat::mc "Replace all of \"%s\"\n\nwith \"%r\"\n\nin \"%f\" ?"] set al(MC,frdoit2) [msgcat::mc "Replace all of \"%s\"\n\nwith \"%r\"\n\nin all%Stexts?"] ## _ file & directory _ ## set al(MC,removed) [msgcat::mc "\"%f\" removed to \"%d\""] set al(MC,nottoopen) [msgcat::mc "The file \"%f\" seems to be not of types\n%s.\n\nStill do you want to open it?"] set al(MC,renamefile) [msgcat::mc {Rename File}] set al(MC,renamefile...) [msgcat::mc {Rename File...}] set al(MC,clonefile) [msgcat::mc {Clone File}] set al(MC,clonefile...) [msgcat::mc {Clone File...}] set al(MC,openselfile) [msgcat::mc {Open Selected Files}] set al(MC,filelist) [msgcat::mc {File List}] ## _ start and update _ ## set al(MC,chini1) [msgcat::mc {Choosing Directory for Settings}] set al(MC,chini2) [msgcat::mc "\n The \"alited\" needs a configuration directory to store its settings.\n You can pass its name to alited as an argument.\n\n The default configuration directory is \"%d\".\n It's preferable as used to run \"alited\" without arguments.\n"] set al(MC,chini3) [msgcat::mc {Choose a directory}] set al(MC,updateALE) [msgcat::mc {Updating alited}] set al(MC,updLab1) [msgcat::mc " You are highly recommended to accept\n these changes in order to complete updating:"] set al(MC,updmnu) [msgcat::mc {.em files for "Tools"}] set al(MC,updini) [msgcat::mc {.ini file for "Templates"}] set al(MC,updLab2) [msgcat::mc { Your previous files will be saved to:}] ## _ misc _ ## set al(MC,notes) [msgcat::mc "Sort of diary.\nList of TODOs etc."] set al(MC,checktcl) [msgcat::mc {Check Tcl}] set al(MC,checktcl...) [msgcat::mc {Check Tcl...}] set al(MC,colorpicker) [msgcat::mc {Color Picker}] set al(MC,datepicker) [msgcat::mc {Date Picker}] set al(MC,marks) [msgcat::mc Marks] ## _ icons of toolbar _ ## set al(MC,icofile) [msgcat::mc "Create a file\nCtrl+N"] set al(MC,icoOpenFile) [msgcat::mc "Open a file\nCtrl+O"] set al(MC,icoSaveFile) [msgcat::mc {Save the file}] set al(MC,icosaveall) [msgcat::mc "Save all files\nCtrl+Shift+S"] set al(MC,icohelp) [msgcat::mc "Tcl/Tk help on the selection\nF1"] set al(MC,icoreplace) [msgcat::mc "Find / Replace\nCtrl+F"] set al(MC,icook) $al(MC,checktcl) set al(MC,icocolor) $al(MC,colorpicker) set al(MC,icodate) $al(MC,datepicker) set al(MC,icoother) Tkcon set al(MC,icorun) [msgcat::mc {Run the file}] set al(MC,icoe_menu) [msgcat::mc {Run e_menu}] set al(MC,icoundo) [msgcat::mc "Undo changes\nCtrl+Z"] set al(MC,icoredo) [msgcat::mc "Redo changes\nCtrl+Shift+Z"] set al(MC,icobox) [msgcat::mc Projects] set al(MC,icoprev2) [msgcat::mc {Wrap Lines}] set al(MC,iconext2) [msgcat::mc {Unwrap Lines}] ## _ find units _ ## set al(MC,findunit) [msgcat::mc "Use glob patterns to find units' declarations\ne.g. \"s*rt\" would find \"start\" and \"insert\".\nThe letter case is ignored."] set al(MC,notfndunit) [msgcat::mc {Unit not found: %u}] } } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #