The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: menu.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 06/20/2021 # Brief: Handles menus. # License: MIT. ########################################################### namespace eval menu { variable tint; array set tint [list] variable inctint 5 } # ________________________ procs _________________________ # proc menu::Configurations {} { # if {![alited::ini::GetConfiguration]} return set ::alited::ARGV $::alited::CONFIGDIR alited::Exit - 1 no } #_______________________ proc menu::CheckMenuItems {} { # Disables/enables "File/Close All..." menu items. namespace upvar ::alited al al set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] foreach idx {11 12 13} { if {[alited::bar::BAR isTab $TID]} { set dsbl [alited::bar::BAR checkDisabledMenu $al(BID) $TID [incr item]] } else { set dsbl yes } if {$dsbl} { set state {-state disabled} } else { set state {-state normal} } $al(MENUFILE) entryconfigure $idx {*}$state } if {[alited::file::IsNoName [alited::bar::FileName]]} { set state {-state disabled} } else { set state {-state normal} } $al(MENUFILE) entryconfigure 2 {*}$state } #_______________________ proc menu::TintRange {} { # Gets the range for tints, counting the current one as the middle point. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable inctint set MT 50 set mt 30 for {set i $MT} {$i>=-$MT} {incr i -$inctint} { set tint($i) [::apave::IsRoundInt $::apave::_CS_(HUE) $i] if {[::apave::IsRoundInt $al(INI,HUE) $i]} { if {$i>0} { set max [expr {min($i+$mt,$MT)}] set min [expr {max(min($max-2*$mt,0),-$MT)}] } else { set min [expr {max($i-$mt,-$MT)}] set max [expr {min(max($min+2*$mt,0),$MT)}] } return [list $max $min] } } return [list $mt -$mt] } #_______________________ proc menu::CheckTint {{doit no}} { # Sets a check in menu "Tint" according to the current tint. # doit - "yes" at restarting this procedure after a pause namespace upvar ::alited al al variable tint variable inctint if {!$doit} { # we can postpone updating the Tint menu after idle {after 500 {alited::menu::CheckTint yes}} return } set fg1 [lindex [alited::FgFgBold] 1] set fg2 [$al(SETUP) entrycget 0 -foreground] set ti 0 lassign [TintRange] max min for {set i $max} {$i>=$min} {incr i -$inctint} { set tint($i) [::apave::IsRoundInt $::apave::_CS_(HUE) $i] if {[::apave::IsRoundInt $al(INI,HUE) $i]} { set fg $fg1 } else { set fg $fg2 } incr ti $al(SETUP).tint entryconfigure $ti -variable alited::menu::tint($i) -foreground $fg } } #_______________________ proc menu::SetTint {tint} { # Sets a tint of a current color scheme. # tint - value of the tint namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav $obPav csToned $al(INI,CS) $tint yes alited::main::UpdateMarkBar alited::file::MakeThemHighlighted alited::main::ShowText alited::bar::BAR update CheckTint alited::ini::initStyles # the infobar listbox needs colorizing by force set fg [ttk::style configure TLabel -foreground] set bg [ttk::style configure TLabel -background] set bs [lindex [$obPav csGet] 5] [$obPav LbxInfo] configure -foreground $fg -background $bg -selectbackground $bs # Find/Replace dialogue may be open at start (and presently) - update it too if {[winfo exists $::alited::find::win]} { alited::find::CloseFind alited::find::_run } set TID [alited::bar::CurrentTabID] after 500 "alited::bar::OnTabSelection $TID" } #_______________________ proc menu::MapRunItems {fname} { # Gets a map list to map %f & %D wildcards to the current file & directory names. # fname - the current file name namespace upvar ::alited al al set ftail [file tail $fname] list %PD $al(prjroot) %D [file dirname $fname] %f $fname %F $ftail \$::FILETAIL $ftail } #_______________________ proc menu::FillRunItems {fname} { # Fills Tools/e_menu items, depending on a currently edited file. # fname - the current file name # Maps %f & %D wildcards to the current file & directory names. namespace upvar ::alited al al namespace upvar ::alited::pref em_Num em_Num em_mnu em_mnu set m $al(TOOLS) set maplist [MapRunItems $fname] set em_N [alited::ini::Em_Number $em_Num] for {set i 0} {$i<$em_N} {incr i} { if {[info exists em_ico($i)] && $em_mnu($i) ne {}} { set txt [string map $maplist $em_mnu($i)] $m.runs entryconfigure [expr {$i+1}] -label $txt } } } #_______________________ proc menu::MacroOptions {ca am} { # Gets play macro item's options. # ca - argument of command # am - label of macro namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$am eq $al(activemacro)} { set fg [lindex [alited::FgFgBold] 1] set opts "-accelerator $al(acc_16) -foreground $fg" } else { set opts {} } list -label $am -command [list alited::edit::DispatchMacro $ca] {*}$opts } #_______________________ proc menu::CompareFnames {n1 n2} { # Comapares two names of files, by their rootnames. # n1 - 1st name # n2 - 2nd name set n1 [file rootname [file tail $n1]] set n2 [file rootname [file tail $n2]] if {$n1 eq $n2} {return 0} set ls [lsort -dictionary [list $n1 $n2]] if {$n1 eq [lindex $ls 0]} {return -1} return 1 } #_______________________ proc menu::FillMacroItems {} { # Fills play macro items. namespace upvar ::alited al al set m $al(MENUEDIT).playtkl set imax 99 set pmax 34 for {set i 0} {$i<[expr {$imax+$pmax}]} {incr i} { if {[catch {$m delete 1}]} break } set isaccel 0 set pattern [alited::edit::MacroFileName *$al(macroext)] set lmacro [lsort -command alited::menu::CompareFnames [glob -nocomplain $pattern]] set imax [expr {min([llength $lmacro],$imax-2)}] for {set i [set idx 0]} {$i<$imax} {incr i} { set am [lindex $lmacro $i] if {[alited::edit::MacroFileName $am] ne [alited::edit::MacroFileName $al(MC,quickmacro)]} { set am [file rootname [file tail $am]] set opts [MacroOptions item$idx $am] if {[incr idx]%$pmax} {set cbr {}} {set cbr {-columnbreak 1}} $m add command {*}$opts {*}$cbr if {{-accelerator} in $opts} {set isaccel 1} } } if {!$idx} { if {[catch {set _ [$m entrycget 1 -label]}]} { after idle { alited::ini::CreateMacrosDir ;# initialize macros alited::menu::FillMacroItems ;# and refill this menu } } $m add command {*}[MacroOptions item0 $al(MC,new)] } $m add separator if {!$isaccel} {set al(activemacro) $al(MC,quickmacro)} $m add command {*}[MacroOptions quickrec $al(MC,quickmacro)] $m add command -label $al(MC,open...) -command alited::edit::OpenMacroFile $m add separator $m add command -label $al(MC,help) -command alited::edit::HelpOnMacro } #_______________________ proc menu::Paver {mode} { # Loads and calls Paver tool. # mode - 0 run paver; 1 auto update flag; 2 view code; 3 help if {![namespace exists ::alited::paver]} { namespace eval ::alited { source [file join $::alited::SRCDIR paver.tcl] } } switch $mode { 0 ::alited::paver::_run 1 ::alited::paver::AutoUpdate 2 ::alited::paver::Viewer 3 ::alited::paver::Help } } #_______________________ proc menu::FormatsItemName {fname} { # Gets a Formats item's name. # fname - formatter file's name return [file rootname [string range [file tail $fname] 4 end]] } #_______________________ proc menu::FillFormatItems {mnu {dir ""} {lev 0} {mnuID 0}} { # Fills Edit/Format submenu with items taken from "alited/data/format" directory. # mnu - submenu's path # dir - directory name # lev - current level of subdirectory # mnuID - menu's ID namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$dir eq {}} { set dir [file join $::alited::DATADIR format] } set al(FORMATNAMES) [list] set fnames [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir *] foreach fn [lsort -dictionary $fnames] { if {[string tolower [file tail $fn]] eq {init.tcl}} continue # first 4 chars for sorting set it [FormatsItemName $fn] set it [string map [list _ { }] $it] if {[file isdirectory $fn]} { if {$lev<3} { ;# prohibit too deep diving set subm [MenuCascade $mnu m[incr mnuID] $it] alited::menu::FillFormatItems $subm $fn [expr {$lev+1}] $mnuID } } elseif {$it eq {}} { $mnu add separator } else { if {[incr idx] % 25} {set cbr {}} {set cbr {-columnbreak 1}} $mnu add command -label $it -command [list alited::edit::RunFormat $fn] {*}$cbr lappend al(FORMATNAMES) [list [file tail $fn] $fn] } } if {!$lev} { $mnu add separator $mnu add command -label $al(MC,open...) -command [list alited::edit::OpenFormatFile $dir] } } ## ________________________ Tear-off menus _________________________ ## proc menu::MenuCascade {mnu mnuName mnuTitle {subTitle ""}} { # Creates a cascade submenu, saving its title (for saved/restored submenus). # mnu - parent menu's path # mnuName - submenu name # mnuTitle - parent's title # subTitle - submenu's title # See also: SaveCascadeMenuGeo set mnuPath $mnu.$mnuName set mnuTitle [msgcat::mc $mnuTitle] if {$subTitle eq {}} { set subTitle $mnuTitle } else { set subTitle [msgcat::mc $subTitle] } set submnu [menu $mnuPath -tearoff 1 -title $subTitle] $mnu add cascade -label $mnuTitle -menu $submnu set ::alited::al(MNUMEM,$mnuName) [list $submnu $subTitle] return $mnuPath } #_______________________ proc menu::SaveCascadeMenuGeo {} { # Saves the geometry of tear-off menus. # See also: MenuCascade, RestoreCascadeMenu namespace upvar ::alited al al # clear all geometry data of menus foreach n [array names al -glob MNUGEO,*] {unset al($n)} # set the currently existing tearoff menus' geometry data foreach w [winfo children $al(WIN)] { # only tearoff menus counted: if {[regexp {\.tearoff\d+$} $w]} { set mtitle [wm title $w] # find the tearoff menu among those registered by MenuCascade foreach mMem [array names al -glob MNUMEM,*] { lassign $al($mMem) mnuPath mnuTitle if {$mtitle eq $mnuTitle} { set mgeo MNUGEO,$mnuPath set al($mgeo) [list $mnuPath [wm geometry $w]] break } } } } } #_______________________ proc menu::RestoreCascadeMenu {} { # Restores cascade menus at starting alited. namespace upvar ::alited al al foreach mn [array names al -glob MNUGEO,*] { lassign $al($mn) mnu mnugeo if {[winfo exists $mnu]} { incr itearoff set mtearoff $al(WIN).tearoff$itearoff after 1000 [list alited::menu::TearoffCascadeMenu $mnu $mtearoff $mnugeo] } } } #_______________________ proc menu::TearoffCascadeMenu {mnu mtearoff mnugeo} { # Tear off a cascade menus at starting alited. # mnu - menu's path # mtearoff - tearoff menu's path # mnugeo - geometry of menu $mnu invoke 0 catch { wm geometry $mtearoff $mnugeo if {[::isunix]} {wm iconphoto $mtearoff -default alimg_none} } } # ________________________ Fill Menu _________________________ # proc menu::FillMenu {} { # Populates alited's main menu. variable inctint # alited_checked ::apave::msgcatDialogs namespace upvar ::alited al al DATADIR DATADIR DIR DIR namespace upvar ::alited::pref em_Num em_Num em_ico em_ico em_inf em_inf em_mnu em_mnu ## ________________________ File _________________________ ## set m [set al(MENUFILE) $al(WIN).menu.file] $m add command -label $al(MC,new) -command alited::file::NewFile -accelerator Ctrl+N $m add command -label $al(MC,open...) -command alited::file::OpenFile -accelerator Ctrl+O $m add command -label [msgcat::mc Clone...] -command {alited::file::CloneFile no no} menu $m.recentfiles -tearoff 1 $m add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Recent Files}] -menu $m.recentfiles $m add separator ### ________________________ Save _________________________ ### $m add command -label $al(MC,save) -command alited::file::SaveFile -accelerator $al(acc_0) $m add command -label $al(MC,saveas...) -command alited::file::SaveFileAs -accelerator $al(acc_1) $m add command -label $al(MC,saveall) -command alited::file::SaveAll -accelerator Ctrl+Shift+S $m add command -label [msgcat::mc {Save and Close}] -command alited::file::SaveAndClose -accelerator Ctrl+W $m add separator ### ________________________ Close _________________________ ### $m add command -label $al(MC,close) -command alited::file::CloseFileMenu $m add command -label $al(MC,clall) -command {alited::file::CloseAll 1} $m add command -label $al(MC,clallleft) -command {alited::file::CloseAll 2} $m add command -label $al(MC,clallright) -command {alited::file::CloseAll 3} $m add command -label [msgcat::mc {Close and Delete}] -command alited::file::CloseAndDelete -accelerator Ctrl+Alt+W $m add separator ### ________________________ Detach _________________________ ### menu $m.detach -tearoff 1 -title $al(MC,detach) $m add cascade -label $al(MC,detach) -menu $m.detach $m.detach add command -label $al(MC,detach) -command alited::file::Detach $m.detach add command -label $al(MC,open...) -command alited::file::OpenDetach $m.detach add separator $m.detach add checkbutton -label [string trim $al(MC,middlefont) :] -variable ::alited::al(fontdetach) $m add separator ### ________________________ Reload _________________________ ### menu $m.eol -tearoff 1 -title EOL $m add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Reload with EOL}] -menu $m.eol foreach eol {LF CR CRLF - auto} { if {$eol eq {-}} { $m.eol add separator } else { $m.eol add command -label " $eol " \ -command [list alited::file::Reload1 $eol] } } menu $m.encods -tearoff 1 $m add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Reload with Encoding}] -menu $m.encods foreach enc [lsort -dictionary [encoding names]] { if {[incr icbr]%25} {set cbr {}} {set cbr {-columnbreak 1}} $m.encods add command -label $enc -command [list alited::file::Reload2 $enc] {*}$cbr } $m add separator $m add command -label $al(MC,quit) -command {alited::Exit - 0 no} ## ________________________ Edit _________________________ ## set m [set al(MENUEDIT) $al(WIN).menu.edit] $m add command -label $al(MC,indent) -command alited::edit::Indent -accelerator $al(acc_6) $m add command -label $al(MC,unindent) -command alited::edit::UnIndent -accelerator $al(acc_7) $m add command -label $al(MC,corrindent) -command alited::edit::NormIndent $m add separator ### ________________________ Comments _________________________ ### set ttl [msgcat::mc Comments] menu $m.comment -tearoff 1 -title $ttl $m add cascade -label $ttl -menu $m.comment $m.comment add command -label $al(MC,comment) -command alited::edit::Comment -accelerator $al(acc_8) $m.comment add command -label $al(MC,uncomment) -command alited::edit::UnComment -accelerator $al(acc_9) $m.comment add separator $m.comment add radiobutton -variable ::alited::al(commentmode) -value 0 -label TODO $m.comment add radiobutton -variable ::alited::al(commentmode) -value 1 -label Classic $m.comment add radiobutton -variable ::alited::al(commentmode) -value 2 -label Sticky ### ________________________ Formats _________________________ ### MenuCascade $m format [msgcat::mc Formats] set al(MENUFORMATS) $m.format FillFormatItems $al(MENUFORMATS) $m add separator $m add command -label [msgcat::mc {Put New Line}] -command alited::main::InsertLine -accelerator $al(acc_18) $m add command -label [msgcat::mc {Remove Trailing Whitespaces}] -command alited::edit::RemoveTrailWhites $m add separator ### ________________________ Rectangular Selection _________________________ ### MenuCascade $m rectsel [msgcat::mc {Rectangular Selection}] $m.rectsel add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc Start] -command {alited::edit::RectSelection 0} -variable ::alited::al(rectSel) -compound left -image alimg_run $m.rectsel add separator $m.rectsel add command -label [msgcat::mc Cut] -command {alited::edit::RectSelection 2} $m.rectsel add command -label [msgcat::mc Copy] -command {alited::edit::RectSelection 3} $m.rectsel add command -label [msgcat::mc Paste] -command {alited::edit::RectSelection 4} ### ________________________ Color Values _________________________ ### MenuCascade $m hlcolors [msgcat::mc {Color Values #hhhhhh}] [msgcat::mc Colors] $m.hlcolors add command -label $al(MC,hlcolors) -command alited::edit::ShowColorValues $m.hlcolors add command -label [msgcat::mc {Hide Colors}] -command alited::edit::HideColorValues ### ________________________ Macro _________________________ ### MenuCascade $m playtkl $::alited::al(MC,playtkl) FillMacroItems ## ________________________ Search _________________________ ## set m [set al(SEARCH) $al(WIN)] $m add command -label $al(MC,findreplace) -command alited::find::_run -accelerator Ctrl+F $m add command -label $al(MC,findnext) -command {alited::find::Next ; after idle alited::main::SaveVisitInfo} -accelerator $al(acc_12) $m add separator $m add command -label $al(MC,lookdecl) -command alited::find::LookDecl -accelerator $al(acc_13) $m add command -label $al(MC,lookword) -command alited::find::SearchWordInSession -accelerator $al(acc_14) $m add command -label [msgcat::mc {Find Unit}] -command alited::find::FindUnit -accelerator Ctrl+Shift+F $m add command -label [msgcat::mc {Find by List}] -command alited::find::SearchByList $m add separator $m add command -label [msgcat::mc {To Last Visited}] -command alited::unit::SwitchUnits -accelerator Alt+BackSpace $m add command -label $al(MC,tomatched) -command {alited::main::GotoBracket yes} -accelerator $al(acc_20) $m add separator $m add command -label $al(MC,toline) -command alited::main::GotoLine -accelerator $al(acc_17) ## ________________________ Tools _________________________ ## set m [set al(TOOLS) $al(WIN).menu.tool] $m add command -label [msgcat::mc Run...] -command alited::tool::RunMode $m add command -label $al(MC,run) -command alited::tool::_run -accelerator $al(acc_3) $m add command -label $al(MC,runAsIs) -command alited::tool::RunFile -accelerator $al(acc_22) $m add separator $m add command -label e_menu -command {alited::tool::e_menu o=0} -accelerator $al(acc_2) $m add command -label Tkcon -command alited::tool::tkcon ### ________________________ bar-menu _________________________ ### set em_N [alited::ini::Em_Number $em_Num] for {set i [set emwas 0]} {$i<$em_N} {incr i} { if {[info exists em_inf($i)]} { if {[incr emwas]==1} { menu $m.runs -tearoff 1 $m add cascade -label bar-menu -menu $m.runs } if {$em_inf($i) eq {}} { $m.runs add separator } else { set com [alited::tool::EM_command $i] if {$com ne {}} { set txt $em_mnu($i) $m.runs add command -label $txt -command $com } } } } ### ___________________ Check, File list __________________ ### $m add separator menu $m.filelist -tearoff 0 $m add cascade -label $al(MC,filelist) -menu $m.filelist $m.filelist add command -label $al(MC,filelist) -command {alited::bar::BAR popList} -accelerator $al(acc_21) $m.filelist add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Sorted}] -variable ::alited::al(sortList) -command alited::ini::SaveIni $m add command -label $al(MC,checktcl...) -command alited::CheckRun $m add command -label [msgcat::mc {Project Printer...}] -command alited::PrinterRun ### ________________________ Paver _________________________ ### $m add separator MenuCascade $m paver Paver $m.paver add command -label {Paver} -command {alited::menu::Paver 0} $m.paver add separator $m.paver add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Auto Update}] \ -variable ::alited::al(paverauto) -command {alited::menu::Paver 1} $m.paver add command -label [msgcat::mc {Widget List}] -command {alited::menu::Paver 2} $m.paver add separator $m.paver add command -label [msgcat::mc {Help}] -command {alited::menu::Paver 3} ### ________________________ Pickers _________________________ ### $m add separator $m add command -label $al(MC,datepicker) -command alited::tool::DatePicker $m add command -label $al(MC,colorpicker) -command alited::tool::ColorPicker $m add command -label [msgcat::mc {Screen Loupe}] -command alited::tool::Loupe ## ________________________ Setup _________________________ ## set m [set al(SETUP) $al(WIN).menu.setup] $m add command -label [msgcat::mc Projects...] -command alited::project::_run $m add command -label [msgcat::mc {Favorites Lists...}] -command alited::favor::Lists $m add separator $m add command -label [msgcat::mc Templates...] -command alited::unit::Add set al(TYPETPLMENU) $m.typetpl menu $al(TYPETPLMENU) -tearoff 1 $m add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Type Templates}] -menu $al(TYPETPLMENU) $al(TYPETPLMENU) add command -label [msgcat::mc {Open...}] -command alited::unit::OpenTypeTemplate $m add separator $m add checkbutton -label $al(MC,icoprev2) \ -variable ::alited::al(wrapwords) -command alited::file::WrapLines $m add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Tip File Info}] \ -variable ::alited::al(TREE,showinfo) -command alited::file::UpdateFileStat $m add separator MenuCascade $m tint [msgcat::mc Tint] lassign [TintRange] max min for {set ti $max} {$ti>=$min} {incr ti -$inctint} { set ti1 [string range " $ti" end-2 end] if {$ti<0} { set ti2 "[msgcat::mc Darker:] $ti1" } elseif {$ti>0} { set ti2 "[msgcat::mc Lighter:]$ti1" } else { set ti2 CS\ #$al(INI,CS) } $m.tint add checkbutton -label $ti2 -command "alited::menu::SetTint $ti" -variable alited::menu::tint($ti) } CheckTint menu $m.tipson -tearoff 1 $m add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Tips on / off}] -menu $m.tipson $m.tipson add checkbutton -label $al(MC,projects) -variable ::alited::al(TIPS,Projects) -command alited::ini::SaveIni $m.tipson add checkbutton -label $al(MC,tpl) -variable ::alited::al(TIPS,Templates) -command alited::ini::SaveIni $m.tipson add checkbutton -label $al(MC,pref) -variable ::alited::al(TIPS,Preferences) -command alited::ini::SaveIni $m.tipson add checkbutton -label $al(MC,FavLists) -variable ::alited::al(TIPS,SavedFavorites) -command alited::ini::SaveIni $m.tipson add separator $m.tipson add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc Units] -variable ::alited::al(TIPS,Tree) -command alited::ini::SaveIni $m.tipson add checkbutton -label $al(MC,favorites) -variable ::alited::al(TIPS,TreeFavor) -command alited::ini::SaveIni $m.tipson add checkbutton -label $al(MC,marks) -variable ::alited::al(TIPS,Marks) -command {alited::main::UpdateMarkBar; alited::ini::SaveIni} menu $m.weekcal -tearoff 0 $m add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Weeks in Calendar}] -menu $m.weekcal $m.weekcal add radiobutton -value 0 -label None \ -variable ::alited::al(klndweeks) -command alited::ini::SaveIni $m.weekcal add radiobutton -value 1 -label Classic \ -variable ::alited::al(klndweeks) -command alited::ini::SaveIni $m.weekcal add radiobutton -value 2 -label Sticky \ -variable ::alited::al(klndweeks) -command alited::ini::SaveIni $m add separator $m add command -label $al(MC,formatdesc...) -command alited::edit::FormatUnitDesc $m add separator $m add command -label [msgcat::mc {For Start...}] -command alited::tool::AfterStartDlg $m add command -label [msgcat::mc Configurations...] -command alited::menu::Configurations $m add separator $m add command -label $al(MC,pref...) -command alited::pref::_run ## ________________________ Help _________________________ ## set m $al(WIN) menu $ -tearoff 0 $m add cascade -label Tcl/Tk -menu $ $ add command -label Tcl/Tk -command alited::tool::Help -accelerator F1 $ add command -label {Tcl Wiki} -command {alited::tool::Help Wiki} $ add separator $ add command -label Tcllib -command {alited::tool::Help Tcllib} $ add command -label Tklib -command {alited::tool::Help Tklib} $ add command -label {Math functions} -command {alited::tool::Help Math} $ add separator $ add command -label StackOverflow -command {alited::tool::Help SOF} $m add separator $m add command -label alited -command alited::HelpAlited menu $m.helps -tearoff 1 $m add cascade -label [msgcat::mc Context] -menu $m.helps foreach {hlp lab} [HelpFiles] { if {$hlp eq {-}} { $m.helps add separator } else { if {[set i [string first \\ $lab]]<0} { set lab [msgcat::mc $lab] } else { set lab1 [msgcat::mc [string range $lab 0 $i-1]] set lab2 [msgcat::mc [string range $lab $i+1 end]] set lab "$lab1 / $lab2" } $m.helps add command -label $lab -command [list alited::HelpFile $al(WIN) [file join $DATADIR help $hlp] -head $lab -weight bold -ale1Help yes] } } $m add separator $m add command -label Changelog -command \ [list alited::file::OpenFile [file join $DIR]] $m add command -label $al(MC,updateALE) -command {alited::ini::CheckUpdates yes} $m add separator $m add command -label [msgcat::mc "About..."] -command alited::HelpAbout alited::file::FillRecent RestoreCascadeMenu } #_______________________ proc menu::HelpFiles {} { # Gets a list of Help/Context (file names and labels). list \ pref-nbk-f1.txt {Preferences\General} \ pref-nbk-f2.txt {Preferences\Saving} \ pref-nbk-f3.txt {Preferences\Projects} \ pref-nbk2-f1.txt {Preferences\Editor} \ pref-nbk2-f2.txt {Preferences\Tcl syntax} \ pref-nbk2-f3.txt {Preferences\C/C++ syntax} \ pref-nbk2-f4.txt {Preferences\Plain text} \ pref-nbk3-f1.txt {Preferences\Units} \ pref-nbk4-f1.txt {Preferences\Templates} \ pref-nbk5-f1.txt {Preferences\Keys} \ pref-nbk6-f1.txt {Preferences\Tools} \ pref-nbk6-f2.txt {Preferences\e_menu} \ pref-nbk6-f3.txt {Preferences\bar-menu} \ pref-nbk6-f4.txt {Preferences\Tkcon} \ - - \ project.txt {Projects\Information} \ project2.txt {Projects\Options} \ project3.txt {Projects\Templates} \ project4.txt {Projects\Commands} \ project5.txt {Projects\Files} \ - - \ unit_tpl.txt {Setup\Templates...} \ favor_ls.txt {Setup\Favorites Lists...} \ format1.txt {Setup\Moving Unit Descriptions...} \ tool.txt {Setup\For Start...} \ ini.txt {Setup\Configurations...} \ - - \ editmacro.txt {Edit\Play Macro} \ mainmark.txt {Edit\Marks} \ find2.txt {Search\Find by List} \ maingoline.txt {Search\Go to Line} \ run.txt {Tools\Run...} \ check.txt {Tools\Check Tcl...} \ printer.txt {Tools\Project Printer...} \ paver.txt {Tools\Paver} } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #