The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh ########################################################### # Name: preview.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 01/06/2023 # Brief: Previews some widgets of chosen theme & CS. # License: MIT. ########################################################### package require Tk wm withdraw . # _________________________ NS preview ________________________ # namespace eval ::preview { variable solo [expr {[info exist ::argv0] && [file normalize $::argv0] eq \ [file normalize [info script]]} ? 1 : 0] variable argfile [lindex $::argv 0] variable prefCheckID [lindex $::argv 1] variable argline {} iniline {} variable theme alt CS -2 tint 0 algeom +1+1 title Test variable curswidth 2 cursclr {} cursblink 0 variable SCRIPT [file normalize [info script]] variable DIR [file dirname [file dirname $SCRIPT]] variable LIBDIR [file join $DIR lib] variable PAVEDIR [file join $LIBDIR e_menu src] } namespace eval :: { if {$::preview::solo} { source [file join $::preview::PAVEDIR apave.tcl] source [file join $::preview::LIBDIR hl_tcl hl_tcl.tcl] } } namespace import ::apave::obj # ________________________ Procedures _________________________ # proc ::tracer {args} { set ::sc2 [expr {round($::sc)}] } #_______________________ proc ::preview::InitArgs {} { # Reads arguments to preview. variable argfile variable argline variable theme variable CS variable tint variable algeom variable title variable curswidth variable cursclr variable cursblink variable prefCheckID if {![file exists $argfile]} exit set ch [open $argfile] set argline [gets $ch] close $ch lassign $argline algeom theme CS tint curswidth cursblink cursclr title ID if {$ID ne $prefCheckID} exit } #_______________________ proc ::preview::Rerun {obj win} { # Reads arguments and at need reruns the preview. # obj - apave object # win - window's path variable theme variable tint variable iniline variable argline set theme_saved $theme set tint_saved $tint InitArgs if {$iniline ne $argline} exit after 300 "preview::Rerun $obj $win" } #_______________________ proc ::preview::SyntaxHighlight {} { # Makes a text being syntax highlighted. variable curswidth set cs [obj csCurrent] set wtxt .win.fra.nbk.f1.texftx1 ::hl_tcl::hl_init $wtxt -dark [obj csDark $cs] -multiline 1 -insertwidth $curswidth ::hl_tcl::hl_text $wtxt } #_______________________ proc ::preview::Run {} { # Creates a window to preview widgets. variable LIBDIR variable theme variable CS variable tint variable algeom variable SCRIPT variable title variable curswidth variable cursclr variable cursblink ::apave::InitTheme $theme $LIBDIR if {$cursclr eq {}} { set cursclr [lindex [obj csGet $CS] 7] } ::apave::initWM -theme $theme -cs $CS -cursorwidth $curswidth obj csSet $CS . -clrcurs $cursclr obj csToned $CS $tint yes if {!$cursblink} { lassign [obj defaultATTRS tex] texopts texattrs obj defaultATTRS tex $texopts [dict set texattrs -insertofftime 0] } set ::tclversion "Tcl [package require Tcl] : [info nameofexecutable]" set obj previewobj set win .win catch {::apave::APave create $obj $win} set ::en1 {Entry value} set ::en2 {Combo 1} set ::v1 [set ::v2 [set ::c1 1]] set ::c2 0 set ::sc [set ::sc2 50] set ::clr1 #e00042 set ::datefmt %Y/%m/%d set ::dat1 [clock format [clock seconds] -format $::datefmt] trace add variable ::sc write ::tracer set ::opc default set ::opcSet [list default clam classic alt -- {{light / dark} awlight awdark -- forest-light forest-dark -- lightbrown darkbrown -- plastik}] set ttl [$obj csGetName $CS] set ttl [string range $ttl [string first { } $ttl]+1 end] $obj makeWindow $win.fra "$title: $theme, $ttl, $tint" $obj paveWindow $win.fra { {nbk - - - - {pack -expand 1 -fill both} { f1 {-t Notebook -underline 0 -tip "Tab #1"} f2 {-t "Tab #2" -underline 0 -tip "Tab #2"} -traverse yes }} {seh3 - - - - {pack -fill x}} {lab - - - - {pack -side left -fill x} {-t "$::tclversion" -font TkTooltipFont}} {but5 - - - - {pack -side right} {-t Close -com ::preview::Exit}} } $obj paveWindow $win.fra.nbk.f1 { {lab1 - - 1 1 {-st wsn} {-t "Entry: "}} {Ent1 + L 1 4 {-st wes} {-tvar ::en1}} {labm lab1 T 1 1 {-st wsn} {-t "Radiobutton: "}} {radA + L 1 1 {-st ws} {-t "Choice 1" -var ::v1 -value 1}} {radB + L 1 1 {-st ws} {-t "Choice 2" -var ::v1 -value 2}} {lab2 labm T 1 1 {-st wsn} {-t "Swi/Chb: "}} {swi1 + L 1 1 {-st ws} {-t "Switch" -var ::c1}} {chb1 + L 1 1 {-st ws} {-t "Checkbox" -var ::c2}} {lab3 lab2 T 1 1 {-st wsn} {-t "Combobox: "}} {cbx1 + L 1 1 {-st ws} {-w 12 -tvar ::en2 -state readonly -values {"Combo 1" "Combo 2" "Combo 3"}}} {lab4 lab3 T 1 1 {-st en} {-t "Labelframe:\nText:\nTooltip:\nScrollbar:\nTool button:\nPopup menu:\nButton:"}} {ftx1 + L 1 4 {-st wesn -cw 1 -rw 1} {-h 5 -w 50 -ro 0 -tvar ::preview::SCRIPT -title {Pick a file to view} -filetypes {{{Tcl scripts} .tcl} {{Text files} {.txt .test}}} -wrap none -tabnext .win.fra.but5 -tip "After choosing a file\nthe text will be read-only."}} } $obj paveWindow $win.fra.nbk.f2 { {lab0 - - 1 1 {-st wsn} {-t "Spinbox: "}} {spx + L 1 1 {-st wes} {-tvar ::v2 -from 1 -to 99 -w 5 -justify center}} {h_ + L 1 1 {-st ew -cw 1}} {v_ lab0 T 1 1 {-pady 10}} {lab1 + T 1 1 {-st wsn} {-t "Progress: "}} {pro + L 1 2 {-st ew} {-mode indeterminate -afteridle {%w start}}} {h_2 lab1} {lab2 + L 1 2 {-st ew} {-tvar ::sc2 -anchor center}} {lab3 h_2 T 1 1 {-st wsn} {-t "Scale: "}} {sca + L 1 2 {-st we} {-length 200 -orient horiz -var ::sc -from 0 -to 100}} {h_3 lab3} {lab4 h_3 T 1 1 {-st wsn} {-t "OptCascade: "}} {opc + L 1 1 {-st we} {::opc ::opcSet {-w 10}}} {lab5 lab4 T 1 1 {-st wsn} {-t "Color picker: "}} {clr + L 1 1 {-st we} {-tvar ::clr1 -w 12}} {lab6 lab5 T 1 1 {-st wsn} {-t "Date picker: "}} {dat + L 1 1 {-st we} {-tvar ::dat1 -title {Pick a date} -dateformat $::datefmt -w 8}} {v_2 lab6 T 1 1 {-st ew -rw 1}} {pro2 h_ L 10 1 {-st ns} {-orient vert -mode indeterminate -afteridle {%w start}}} } after idle ::preview::SyntaxHighlight after 100 "preview::Rerun $obj $win" $obj showModal $win -focus [$obj Ent1] -geometry $algeom -ontop [::asKDE] destroy $win $obj destroy Exit } #_______________________ proc ::preview::Exit {} { # Quits the preview. variable argfile catch {file delete $argfile} exit } # ________________________ Run me _________________________ # if {$::preview::solo && $::argc == 2} { ::preview::InitArgs set ::preview::iniline $::preview::argline ::preview::Run } else { puts "Called by alited." } # ________________________ EOF _________________________ #