The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: favor_ls.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 07/03/2021 # Brief: Handles favorites' lists. # License: MIT. ########################################################### # _________________________ Variables ________________________ # namespace eval ::alited::favor_ls { variable obFav pavedFavs variable win $::alited::al(WIN).fraFavs ;# "Favorites' list" dialogue's path variable favlist [list] ;# list of favorites' lists variable favlistsaved [list] ;# saved list of favorites' lists variable favcont [list] ;# content of current favorites' list variable favpla [list] ;# list of "where to place" of current favorites' list variable currents [list] ;# content of text (current favorites) variable fav {} ;# current selection of treeview of list of favorites' lists variable place 1 ;# variable for "where to place" } # ________________________ Form's buttons _________________________ # proc favor_ls::Save_favlist {{saveini yes}} { # Saves favorites' list. # saveini - save templates in ini-file variable favlist variable favlistsaved set favlistsaved $favlist if {$saveini} alited::ini::SaveIniPrj } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::Restore_favlist {} { # Restores favorites' list. variable favlist variable favlistsaved set favlist $favlistsaved } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::Ok {{res 0}} { # Handles hitting OK button. # res - if 0, sets the dialogue's result from a current favorites item. variable obFav variable win variable favcont variable favpla alited::CloseDlg if {!$res || $res==4} { if {[set isel [Selected]] eq {}} { focus [$obFav LbxFav] return } set cont [lindex $favcont $isel] set isfiles [alited::favor::IsFavoritesFiles [Split $cont]] if {$isfiles} {set res 4} set pla [lindex $favpla $isel] if {$res!=4} { # list of fav.units } else { # list of files of fav.units if {$::alited::al(FAV,IsFavor) && !$isfiles} { set cont [ComposeText no {*}[Split $cont]] } else { set cont [Text] } } set res [list [incr pla $res] [Split $cont]] } Save_favlist $obFav res $win $res } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::Cancel {args} { # Handles hitting Cancel button. variable obFav variable win alited::CloseDlg Save_favlist $obFav res $win 0 } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::Help {args} { # Handles hitting Help button. variable win alited::Help $win } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::HelpMe {args} { # 'Help' for start. variable win alited::HelpMe $win } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::DoubleClick {} { # Handles double clicking on the list: # in "Favorites" mode, invokes "Select" button, otherwise "Open...". namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obFav if {$al(FAV,IsFavor)} {set but ButOK} {set but ButOpenFile} [$obFav $but] invoke } # _______________________ List events handlers _______________________ # proc favor_ls::Text {} { # Gets the text widget's content. variable obFav return [[$obFav TexFav] get 1.0 {end -1 char}] } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::ComposeText {isfavor args} { # Composes a current text of favorites or files of favorites. # isfavor - "yes" to get favorites, "no" to get files of favorites # args - a list of favorites # If args is omitted, the current favorites tree's contents will be the list. variable currents set text [set currents {}] set prevnames [list] if {![llength $args]} {set args [alited::tree::GetTree {} TreeFavor]} set isfiles [alited::favor::IsFavoritesFiles $args] foreach it $args { if {$text ne {}} { append text \n append currents $::alited::EOL } if {$isfiles} { set fname [lindex $it 1] if {$fname ni $prevnames} {lappend prevnames $fname} } elseif {$isfavor} { append text [lindex $it 4 0] } else { set fname [lindex $it 4 1] if {$fname ni $prevnames} {lappend prevnames $fname} } append currents $it } if {!$isfavor || $isfiles} { foreach fname [lsort -dictionary $prevnames] { if {$text ne {}} {append text \n} append text $fname } } return $text } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::DisplayText {cont} { # Displays text of favorites or their files. # cont - text's content # See also: DisplayFavorText variable obFav set w [$obFav TexFav] $obFav readonlyWidget $w no $obFav displayText $w $cont $obFav readonlyWidget $w yes } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::DisplayFavorText {args} { # Displays text of favorites or their files. # args - a list of favorites # See also: ComposeText, DisplayText namespace upvar ::alited al al DisplayText [ComposeText $al(FAV,IsFavor) {*}$args] } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::Selected {} { # Gets a selected item of favorites list. variable obFav if {[set isel [[$obFav LbxFav] curselection]] eq {}} { Message $::alited::al(MC,favsel) 4 } return $isel } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::Select {{isel ""}} { # Handles a selection in the list of favorites' lists. # isel - a selected item of the list variable obFav variable favlist variable favcont variable favpla variable fav variable place set lbx [$obFav LbxFav] if {$isel eq {}} {set isel [$lbx curselection]} if {$isel eq {} && [llength $favlist]} {set isel 0} if {$isel ne {} && [set fav [lindex $favlist $isel]] ne {}} { set place [lindex $favpla $isel] set cont [Split [lindex $favcont $isel]] DisplayFavorText {*}$cont Focus $isel } } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::Focus {isel} { # Focuses on an item of the list. # isel - the item to focus on variable obFav set lbx [$obFav LbxFav] $lbx selection clear 0 end $lbx selection set $isel $isel $lbx see $isel } # ________________________ Buttons to modify _________________________ # proc favor_ls::Add {} { # Handles hitting "Add favorites' list" button. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obFav variable favlist variable favcont variable favpla variable currents variable fav variable place set cont $currents set found no set isel 0 foreach f $favlist p $favpla c $favcont { if {$fav eq $f || ($p eq $place && $c eq $cont)} { set found yes break } incr isel } set fav [string trim $fav] if {$fav ne "" && $cont ne "" && $found} { Message $al(MC,favexists) 4 Select $isel return } elseif {$fav eq ""} { focus [$obFav EntFav] Message $al(MC,favent1) 4 return } elseif {[string trim $cont] eq ""} { Message $al(MC,favent3) 4 return } else { set isel end lappend favlist $fav lappend favcont $cont lappend favpla $place set msg [string map [list %n [llength $favlist]] $al(MC,favnew)] Message $msg 3 } Save_favlist Focus $isel } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::AddFiles {} { # Adds .tcl files of current session as the favorites. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable currents variable place variable fav variable obFav if {$fav eq ""} { focus [$obFav EntFav] Message $al(MC,favent1) 4 return } set tsel [alited::SessionTclList 1] set tall [alited::SessionTclList 2] set isel [llength $tsel] set iall [llength $tall] set msgNoTcl {No .tcl files found in the session} if {$iall<1} { Message $msgNoTcl 4 return } set msg [msgcat::mc "\n Save as favorites list: selected (%s) or all (%a) files?\n"] set msg [string map [list %s $isel %a $iall] $msg] if {$isel>1} {set res 1} {set res 2} set res [$obFav misc ques $al(MC,question) $msg {Selected 1 {All files} 2 Cancel 0} $res] switch $res { 1 {set tabs $tsel} 2 {set tabs $tall} default {return} } # scan all .tcl to get the favorites' list from them set fnames [list] foreach tab $tabs { set TID [lindex $tab 0] set wtxt [alited::main::GetWTXT $TID] if {$wtxt eq {}} { alited::main::GetText $TID no no } set it [lindex $al(_unittree,$TID) 0] if {$it ne {}} { lappend fnames [alited::bar::FileName $TID] } } # create the sorted list of favorite files set text [set currents {}] foreach fname [lsort -dictionary $fnames] { if {$text ne {}} { append text \n append currents $::alited::EOL } append text $fname append currents [list FILE $fname] } if {$text eq {}} { Message $msgNoTcl 4 } else { DisplayText $text Add } } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::Change {} { # Handles hitting "Change favorites' list" button. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable favlist variable favpla variable favcont variable place variable fav variable currents if {[set isel [Selected]] eq {}} return if {[set isl1 [lsearch -exact $favlist $fav]]!=$isel && $isl1!=-1} { Message $al(MC,favexists) 4 Select $isl1 } else { set favlist [lreplace $favlist $isel $isel $fav] set favpla [lreplace $favpla $isel $isel $place] set favcont [lreplace $favcont $isel $isel $currents] set msg [string map [list %n [incr isel]] $al(MC,favupd)] Message $msg 3 Save_favlist } } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::Delete {} { # Handles hitting "Delete favorites' list" button. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable favlist variable favcont variable favpla if {[set isel [Selected]] eq ""} return set nsel [expr {$isel+1}] set msg [string map [list %n $nsel] $al(MC,favdelq)] if {![alited::msg yesno warn $msg NO -title $al(MC,warning)]} { return } set favlist [lreplace $favlist $isel $isel] set favcont [lreplace $favcont $isel $isel] set favpla [lreplace $favpla $isel $isel] set llen [expr {[llength $favlist]-1}] if {$isel>$llen} {set isel $llen} if {$llen>=0} {Select $isel} set msg [string map [list %n $nsel] $al(MC,favrem)] Message $msg 3 Save_favlist } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::Message {msg {mode 2}} { # Displays a message in statusbar of favorites dialogue. # msg - message # mode - mode of Message variable obFav alited::Message $msg $mode [$obFav LabMess] } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::ProcMessage {} { # Handles clicking on message label. variable obFav set msg [baltip cget [$obFav LabMess] -text] Message $msg 3 } # ________________________ Ini data _________________________ # proc favor_ls::Split {lines} { # Splits a saved list by the list's dividers. return [split [::alited::ProcEOL $lines in] \n] } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::IniFile {} { # Returns the ini file's name to store favorites' lists. return [file join $::alited::INIDIR favor_ls.ini] } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::GetIni {lines} { # Reads favorites' lists data, stored in the ini file. variable favlist variable favlistsaved variable favcont variable favpla variable currents variable fav variable place set lines [Split $lines] if {[llength $lines]<3} { # initialize arrays set favlist [list] set favlistsaved [list] set favcont [list] set favpla [list] set currents [list] set fav {} set place 1 } elseif {[set cont [lrange $lines 2 end]] ne {}} { lappend favlist [lindex $lines 0] lappend favpla [lindex $lines 1] lappend favcont [join $cont $::alited::EOL] } Save_favlist no } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::PutIni {} { # Makes favorites' lists data to store to the ini file. variable favlist variable favcont variable favpla Restore_favlist set res [list] foreach fav $favlist pla $favpla cont $favcont { set r1 $fav append r1 $::alited::EOL append r1 $pla append r1 $::alited::EOL append r1 $cont lappend res $r1 } return $res } # ________________________ Main _________________________ # proc favor_ls::_create {} { # Creates "Favorites lists" dialogue. namespace upvar ::alited al al favgeometry favgeometry variable obFav variable win variable favlist variable fav set tipson [baltip::cget -on] baltip::configure -on $al(TIPS,SavedFavorites) if {$al(FAV,IsFavor)} {set forget {}} {set forget forget} ::apave::APave create $obFav $win $obFav makeWindow $win $al(MC,FavLists) $obFav paveWindow $win { {fraLbxFav - - 1 2 {-st nswe -rw 1 -pady 4} {}} {.fra - - - - {pack $forget -side right -fill both} {}} {.fra.btTAd - - - - {pack -side top -anchor n} {-com ::alited::favor_ls::Add -tip "Add a list of favorites" -image alimg_add-big}} {.fra.btTChg - - - - {pack -side top} {-com ::alited::favor_ls::Change -tip "Change a list of favorites" -image alimg_change-big}} {.fra.btTDel - - - - {pack -side top} {-com ::alited::favor_ls::Delete -tip "Delete a list of favorites" -image alimg_delete-big}} {.fra.v_ - - - - {pack -side top -expand 1 -fill y}} {.fra.btTFil - - - - {pack $forget -side top} {-com ::alited::favor_ls::AddFiles -tip "Add .tcl files of current session\nas the favorites" -image alimg_plus-big}} {.fra.btTCur - - - - {pack $forget -side top} { -com ::alited::favor_ls::DisplayFavorText -tip "$al(MC,currfavs)" -image alimg_heart-big}} {.LbxFav - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both} {-h 10 -w 40 -lvar ::alited::favor_ls::favlist -onevent { <<ListboxSelect>> ::alited::favor_ls::Select <FocusIn> ::alited::favor_ls::Select <Double-Button-1> ::alited::favor_ls::DoubleClick <Return> ::alited::favor_ls::DoubleClick}}} {.sbvFavs + L - - {pack -side left -fill y} {}} {fra1 fraLbxFav T 1 2 {-st nswe}} {.h_ - - 1 1 {pack -side top -expand 1 -fill both -pady 10}} {fra1.fraEnt - - 1 1 {pack -side top -expand 1 -fill both -pady 4}} {.labFav - - 1 1 {pack $forget -side left -padx 4} {-t "$al(MC,currfavs):"}} {.EntFav - - 1 1 {pack $forget -side left -expand 1 -fill both} {-tvar ::alited::favor_ls::fav -tip {$al(MC,favent1)}}} {fratex fra1 T 1 2 {-st nswe -rw 1 -cw 1}} {.TexFav - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both} {-h 10 -w 72 -tip "Favorites of the current list" -ro 1 -wrap none}} {.sbvFav + L - - {pack -side left -fill y}} {fra2 fratex T 1 2 {-st nswe} {-padding {5 5 5 5} -relief groove}} {.labBA - - - - {pack $forget -side left} {-t "Non-favorite files to be:"}} {.radA - - - - {pack $forget -side left -padx 8} {-t kept -var ::alited::favor_ls::place -value 1 -tip "Doesn't close any tab without favorites\nat choosing Favorites' list"}} {.radB - - - - {pack $forget -side left -padx 8} {-t closed -var ::alited::favor_ls::place -value 2 -tip "Closes all tabs without favorites\nat choosing Favorites' list"}} {LabMess fra2 T 1 2 {-st nsew -pady 0 -padx 3} {-style TLabelFS}} {fra3 + T 1 2 {-st nswe}} {.ButHelp - - - - {pack -side left} {-t {$al(MC,help)} -tip F1 -com ::alited::favor_ls::Help}} {.h_ - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both -padx 4}} {.ButOK - - - - {pack $forget -side left} {-t "$al(MC,select)" -com ::alited::favor_ls::Ok}} {.ButOpenFile - - - - {pack -side left -padx 2} {-t Open... -com {alited::favor_ls::Ok 4} -tip {Opens files with current favorites.}}} {.butUndo - - - - {pack $forget -side left} {-t Back -com {alited::favor_ls::Ok 3} -tip "Sets a list of Favorites\nthat was active initially."}} {.butCancel - - - - {pack -side left -padx 2} {-t Cancel -com ::alited::favor_ls::Cancel}} } set fav {} set lbx [$obFav LbxFav] DisplayFavorText Restore_favlist if {!$al(FAV,IsFavor)} {after idle "alited::favor_ls::Select 0 ; focus $lbx"} bind $win <F1> "[$obFav ButHelp] invoke" bind [$obFav LabMess] <Button-1> alited::favor_ls::ProcMessage after 500 ::alited::favor_ls::HelpMe ;# show an introduction after a short pause set geo {-resizable 1 -minsize {600 400}} if {$favgeometry ne {}} {append geo " -geometry $favgeometry"} set res [$obFav showModal $win -onclose ::alited::favor_ls::Cancel \ -focus [$obFav EntFav] {*}$geo] set favgeometry [wm geometry $win] baltip::configure {*}$tipson catch {destroy $win} $obFav destroy return $res } #_______________________ proc favor_ls::_run {} { # Runs "Favorites lists" dialogue. variable win if {[winfo exists $win]} {return 0} set res [_create] return $res } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #