The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
########################################################### # Name: project.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 04/28/2021 # Brief: Handles project settings. # License: MIT. ########################################################### # _________________________ Variables ________________________ # namespace eval project { # apave object of Projects variable obPrj pavedProject # Projects dialogue's path variable win $::alited::al(WIN).diaPrj # list of projects variable prjlist [list] # initial geometry of Projects dialogue (centered in the main form) variable geo root=$::alited::al(WIN) # saved index of last selected project variable ilast -1 # saved tab of Projects dialogue variable oldTab {} # data of projects variable prjinfo; array set prjinfo [list] foreach _ $::alited::OPTS { catch {set prjinfo(*DEFAULT*,$_) $::alited::al(DEFAULT,$_)} ;# default options } # data of currently open project (to save/restore) variable curinfo; array set curinfo [list] # calendar's data variable klnddata; array set klnddata [list] set klnddata(dateformat) {%Y/%m/%d} # todo message and its project variable msgtodo {} variable itemtodo {} # flag "projects changed" variable updateGUI no # total of project files variable totalfiles 0 # separator for commands in Notes variable COMSEP \t # filter for project files variable filefilter {} variable casefilter 0 variable savedfilefilter $filefilter variable savedcasefilter $casefilter # flag "save alited.ini" variable saveini no } # ________________________ Common _________________________ # proc project::ProjectName {fname} { # Gets a project name from its file name. namespace upvar ::alited PRJEXT PRJEXT set fname [file tail $fname] if {[string match -nocase *$PRJEXT $fname]} { set fname [file rootname $fname] } return $fname } #_______________________ proc project::ProjectFileName {name} { # Gets a project file name from a project's name. namespace upvar ::alited PRJDIR PRJDIR PRJEXT PRJEXT set name [ProjectName [string trim $name]] return [file normalize [file join $PRJDIR "$name$PRJEXT"]] } #_______________________ proc project::CheckProjectName {} { # Removes spec.characters from a project name (sort of normalizing it). # Returns yes, if the name is "correct" (no char replacements made). namespace upvar ::alited al al set oldname $al(prjname) set al(prjname) [::apave::NormalizeFileName $al(prjname)] return [expr {$oldname eq $al(prjname)}] } #_______________________ proc project::GetProjects {} { # Reads settings of all projects. namespace upvar ::alited al al PRJEXT PRJEXT variable prjlist variable ilast set prjlist [list] set i [set ilast 0] alited::tree::PrepareDirectoryContents foreach finfo [alited::tree::GetDirectoryContents $::alited::PRJDIR] { set fname [lindex $finfo 2] if {[file extension $fname] eq $PRJEXT} { if {[GetProjectOpts $fname] eq $al(prjname)} { set ilast $i } incr i } } } #_______________________ proc project::ClockFormat {secs} { # Formats date in seconds. # secs - date in seconds variable klnddata return [clock format $secs -format $klnddata(dateformat)] } #_______________________ proc project::ClockScan {d} { # Scans date to get date in seconds. # d - date variable klnddata return [clock scan $d -format $klnddata(dateformat)] } #_______________________ proc project::ClockYMD {d} { # Extracts year, month, day from date. # d - date return [split [ClockFormat $d] /] } #_______________________ proc project::IsOutdated {prj {todo no}} { # Checks for outdated TODOs of a project. # prj - project's name # todo - if yes, gets also date and todo # Returns 0, if no todo for the project, 1 otherwise; if todo=yes, adds also date and todo outdated (if there is). set rems [SortRems [ReadRems $prj]] set res [lindex $rems 2] if {$todo} { lappend res {*}[lindex $rems 1 0] } return $res } #_______________________ proc project::CheckOutdated {} { # Checks for outdated TODOs of all projects except for the current. # Return {} or a name of project with outdated TODOs. variable prjlist foreach prj $prjlist { if {$prj ne $::alited::al(prjname)} { if {[IsOutdated $prj]} {return $prj} } } return {} } # ________________________ Ini _________________________ # proc project::SaveData {} { # Saves some data. variable ilast set ilast [Selected index no] } #_______________________ proc project::GetOptVal {line} { # Gets a name and a value from a line of form "name=value". # line - the line if {[set i [string first = $line]]>-1} { return [list [string range $line 0 $i-1] [string range $line $i+1 end]] } return [list] } #_______________________ proc project::SaveSettings {} { # Saves project settings to curinfo array. namespace upvar ::alited al al OPTS OPTS variable curinfo foreach v $OPTS { set curinfo($v) $al($v) } set curinfo(prjfile) $al(prjfile) } #_______________________ proc project::RestoreSettings {} { # Restores project settings from curinfo array. namespace upvar ::alited al al OPTS OPTS variable curinfo foreach v $OPTS { set al($v) $curinfo($v) } set al(prjfile) $curinfo(prjfile) TabFileInfo } #_______________________ proc project::GetProjectOpts {fname} { # Reads a project's settings from a project settings file. # fname - the project settings file's name namespace upvar ::alited al al OPTS OPTS DIR DIR variable prjlist variable prjinfo variable curinfo set pname [ProjectName $fname] # save project names to 'prjlist' variable to display it by treeview widget lappend prjlist $pname # save project files' settings in prjinfo array set filecont [readTextFile $fname] foreach opt $OPTS { catch {set prjinfo($pname,$opt) $prjinfo(*DEFAULT*,$opt)} ;# defaults } set prjinfo($pname,tablist) [list] if {[set currentprj [expr {$curinfo(prjname) eq $pname}]]} { foreach tab [alited::bar::BAR listTab] { set tid [lindex $tab 0] if {[set val [alited::bar::FileName $tid]] ne {}} { lappend prjinfo($pname,tablist) $val } } } set prjinfo($pname,prjroot) $DIR foreach line [textsplit $filecont] { lassign [GetOptVal $line] opt val if {[lsearch $OPTS $opt]>-1} { set prjinfo($pname,$opt) [alited::ProcEOL $val in] } elseif {$opt eq {tab} && !$currentprj && $val ne {}} { lappend prjinfo($pname,tablist) $val } } set prjinfo($pname,prjfile) $fname set prjinfo($pname,prjname) $pname set al(tablist) $prjinfo($pname,tablist) return $pname } #_______________________ proc project::PutProjectOpts {fname oldname dorename} { # Writes a project's settings to a project settings file. # fname - the project settings file's name # oldname - old name of the project file # dorename - yes, if rename of old -notes/-rems namespace upvar ::alited al al OPTS OPTS variable prjinfo set filecont [readTextFile $oldname] if {$filecont eq {}} { alited::ini::SaveIniPrj set filecont [readTextFile $oldname] } set newcont {} foreach line [textsplit $filecont] { lassign [GetOptVal $line] opt val if {$line eq {[Tabs]}} { foreach tab $al(tablist) { append line \n "tab=$tab" } } elseif {$opt in [list tab rem tablist {*}$OPTS]} { continue } elseif {$opt in {curtab}} { # } elseif {$line eq {[Options]}} { foreach opt $OPTS { if {$opt ni {prjname tablist}} { set val [set al($opt)] append line \n $opt= $val set prjinfo($al(prjname),$opt) [alited::ProcEOL $val in] } } } append newcont $line \n } writeTextFile $fname newcont if {$oldname ne $fname} { catch {file delete $oldname} if {$dorename} { foreach ftyp {notes rems} { set oldtyp [file rootname $oldname]-$ftyp.txt set newtyp [file rootname $fname]-$ftyp.txt catch {file rename $oldtyp $newtyp} } } } } # ________________________ Text fields _________________________ # proc project::CurrProject {} { # Gets a current project name, from a current item of project list. variable obPrj variable prjlist set prj {} catch { set tree [$obPrj TreePrj] set item [Selected item no] set isel [$tree index $item] set prj [lindex $prjlist $isel] } return $prj } #_______________________ proc project::SaveNotes {{prj ""}} { # For a current item of project list, saves a file of notes and Commands tab's commands. # prj - project's name namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obPrj variable klnddata variable COMSEP if {$prj eq {}} {set prj $klnddata(SAVEPRJ)} if {$prj ne {}} { set fnotes [NotesFile $prj] set fcont [string trimright [[$obPrj TexPrj] get 1.0 end]] if {[catch {set indent [string repeat { } $::alited::al(prjindent)]}]} {set indent { }} set fcont [string map [list $COMSEP $indent] $fcont] set fcontOrig $fcont for {set i 1} {$i<=$al(cmdNum)} {incr i} { set com [string trim $al(PTP,run$i)] set al(PTP,run$i) {} if {$com ne {}} { incr irun ;# starting commands from #1 append fcont \nrun$irun$COMSEP$al(PTP,runch$i)$COMSEP$com set al(PTP,run$i) $com } } for {set i 1} {$i<=$al(cmdNum)} {incr i} { set com [string trim $al(PTP,com$i)] set al(PTP,com$i) {} if {$com ne {}} { incr irun ;# starting commands from #1 append fcont \nrun$irun$COMSEP$al(PTP,comch$i)$COMSEP$COMSEP$com set al(PTP,com$i) $com } } if {$fcontOrig eq {} && $fcont ne {}} { set fcont __$al(MC,coms)__$fcont } writeTextFile $fnotes fcont 0 0 } } #_______________________ proc project::NotesFile {prj} { # Gets a file name of notes. # prj - project's name return [file join $::alited::PRJDIR $prj-notes.txt] } #_______________________ proc project::RemsFile {prj} { # Gets a file name of reminders. return [file join $::alited::PRJDIR $prj-rems.txt] } #_______________________ proc project::ReadRems {prj} { # Reads a file of reminders. variable klnddata set frems [RemsFile $prj] if {[file exists $frems]} { set res [readTextFile $frems] } else { set res [list] } return $res } #_______________________ proc project::SortRems {rems} { # Sorts reminders by date. # rems - list of reminders # Returns a list of reminder date before current date, sorted list, flag of outdated reminder. set tmp [list] set dmin [set outdated 0] set dcur [clock add [KlndInDate] $::alited::al(todoahead) day] foreach it $rems { lassign $it d text lassign [split $d /] y m d if {[catch {set d [KlndInDate $y $m $d]}]} { set d [clock seconds] } if {$d<=$dcur && ($dmin==0 || $d<$dmin)} { set dmin $d } lappend tmp [list $d $text] } set rems [list] foreach it [lsort -index 0 $tmp] { lassign $it d text lappend rems [list [ClockFormat $d] $text] } if {$dmin} { if {$dmin<[clock seconds]} { set outdated 1 ;# current day reached } elseif {$dmin<$dcur} { set outdated 2 ;# "ahead" day reached } } list $dmin $rems $outdated } #_______________________ proc project::Klnd_save {} { # Saves a reminder on a date. variable obPrj variable prjinfo variable klnddata set wtxt [$obPrj TexKlnd] if {[set prjname $klnddata(SAVEPRJ)] eq {}} return set text [string trim [$wtxt get 1.0 end]] set date $klnddata(SAVEDATE) set info [list $date $text "TODO opt."] ;# + possible options for future set i [KlndSearch $date $prjname] if {$text eq {}} { if {$i>-1} { set prjinfo($prjname,prjrem) [lreplace $prjinfo($prjname,prjrem) $i $i] } KlndBorderText } elseif {$i>-1} { set prjinfo($prjname,prjrem) [lreplace $prjinfo($prjname,prjrem) $i $i $info] } else { lappend prjinfo($prjname,prjrem) $info } ::klnd::update {} {} {} $prjinfo($prjname,prjrem) set fcont $prjinfo($prjname,prjrem) writeTextFile [RemsFile $prjname] fcont 0 0 } #_______________________ proc project::KlndBorderText {{clr {}}} { # Highlights/unhighlights a reminder's border. # clr - color of border variable obPrj if {$clr eq {}} {set clr [lindex [obj csGet] 8]} [$obPrj TexKlnd] configure -highlightbackground $clr } # ________________________ GUI helpers _________________________ # proc project::ReadNotes {prj} { # Reads notes of a project and commands for Commands tab. # prj - project's name namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obPrj variable COMSEP for {set i 1} {$i<=$al(cmdNum)} {incr i} { set al(PTP,run$i) [set al(PTP,com$i) {}] set al(PTP,runch$i) [set al(PTP,comch$i) 0] } set al(PTP,chbClearRun) 0 set al(PTP,chbClearCom) 0 set irun [set icom 0] set wtxt [$obPrj TexPrj] $wtxt delete 1.0 end set fnotes [NotesFile $prj] if {[file exists $fnotes]} { set cont [readTextFile $fnotes] if {[set ir [string first run1$COMSEP $cont]]>-1} { # get commands for Commands tab (project's and common) foreach com [split [string range $cont $i end] \n] { lassign [split $com $COMSEP] run ch com1 com2 set ch [string is true -strict $ch] if {$com1 ne {}} { set al(PTP,run[incr irun]) $com1 if {$ch} {set al(PTP,runch$irun) [set al(PTP,chbClearRun) 1]} } elseif {$com2 ne {}} { set al(PTP,com[incr icom]) $com2 if {$ch} {set al(PTP,comch$icom) [set al(PTP,chbClearCom) 1]} } } set cont [string range $cont 0 $ir-1] } set cont [string trim $cont] if {$cont ne {}} {$wtxt insert end $cont} } $wtxt edit reset; $wtxt edit modified no } #_______________________ proc project::SelectedPrj {item} { # Gets a project name of selected item. # item - selected item variable obPrj variable prjlist variable prjinfo set tree [$obPrj TreePrj] if {[string is digit $item]} { ;# the item is an index if {$item<0 || $item>=[llength $prjlist]} {return {}} set prj [lindex $prjlist $item] set item $prjinfo($prj,ID) } elseif {![$tree exists $item]} { return {} } set isel [$tree index $item] if {$isel<0 || $isel>=[llength $prjlist]} {return {}} list $tree $item [lindex $prjlist $isel] } #_______________________ proc project::Select {{item ""}} { # Handles a selection in a list of projects. namespace upvar ::alited al al OPTS OPTS variable obPrj variable prjinfo variable klnddata if {$item eq {}} {set item [Selected item no]} if {$item ne {}} { lassign [SelectedPrj $item] tree item prj if {$prj eq {}} return ReadNotes $prj lassign [SortRems [ReadRems $prj]] dmin prjinfo($prj,prjrem) foreach opt $OPTS { if {[catch {set al($opt) $prjinfo($prj,$opt)} e]} { Message $e return } } set al(tablist) $prjinfo($prj,tablist) TabFileInfo if {[$tree selection] ne $item} { $tree selection set $item } if {$dmin>0} { KlndDayRem $dmin } else { KlndDay [clock seconds] no KlndBorderText } ::klnd::blinking no set klnddata(SAVEDATE) {} catch {after cancel $klnddata(AFTERKLND)} set klnddata(AFTERKLND) [after 200 alited::project::KlndUpdate] [$obPrj Labprj] configure -text [msgcat::mc {For project}]\ $al(prjname) set tip [string map [list %f "$al(MC,prjName) $al(prjname)"] $al(MC,alloffile)] ::baltip tip [$obPrj ChbClearRun] $tip after 200 "$tree see $item; $tree focus $item" CheckPrjUseLeaf } } #_______________________ proc project::Selected {what {domsg yes}} { # Gets a currently selected project's index. # what - if "index", selected item's index is returned # domsg - if "no", no message displayed if there is no selected project variable obPrj variable prjlist set tree [$obPrj TreePrj] if {[set isel [$tree selection]] eq {} && [set isel [$tree focus]] eq {} && $domsg} { Message $::alited::al(MC,prjsel) 4 } if {$isel ne {} && $what eq {index}} { set isel [$tree index $isel] } return $isel } #_______________________ proc project::UpdateTree {} { # Fills a list of projects. variable obPrj variable prjlist variable prjinfo set tree [$obPrj TreePrj] $tree delete [$tree children {}] foreach prj $prjlist { set prjinfo($prj,ID) [$tree insert {} end -values [list $prj]] } } #_______________________ proc project::FocusInTab {tab wid} { # Focuses on a widget in a tab. # tab - the tab's path # wid - the widget's path variable win $win.fra.fraR.nbk select $win.fra.fraR.nbk.$tab focus $wid } #_______________________ proc project::CheckNewDir {} { # Checks if the root directory exists. If no, tries to create it. # Returns yes, if all is OK. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obPrj variable win if {![file exists $al(prjroot)]} { FocusInTab f1 [$obPrj chooserPath Dir] set msg [string map [list %d $al(prjroot)] \ [msgcat::mc "Directory \"%d\"\ndoesn't exist.\n\nCreate it?"]] if {![alited::msg yesno ques $msg YES -geometry root=$win]} { return no } if {[catch {file mkdir $al(prjroot)} err]} { set msg [msgcat::mc {Error at creating the directory.}] alited::msg ok err [append msg \n\n $err] -geometry root=$win return no } } return yes } #_______________________ proc project::ExistingProject {msgOnExist} { # Checks if a project (of entry field) exists. # msgOnExist - yes, if message on existing, else on non-existing project # Returns a project name if it exists or {} otherwise. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obPrj variable prjlist set pname $al(prjname) if {[lsearch -exact $prjlist $pname]>-1} { if {$msgOnExist} { FocusInTab f1 [$obPrj EntName] set msg [string map [list %n $pname] $al(MC,prjexists)] Message $msg 4 } } else { if {!$msgOnExist} { FocusInTab f1 [$obPrj EntName] set msg [msgcat::mc \ "A project \"%n\" doesn't exists. Hit \[+\] button to create it."] set msg [string map [list %n $pname] $msg] Message $msg 4 } set pname {} } return $pname } #_______________________ proc project::ValidProject {} { # Checks if a project's options are valid. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obPrj variable totalfiles set al(prjname) [string trim $al(prjname)] if {$al(prjname) eq {} || ![CheckProjectName]} { bell FocusInTab f1 [$obPrj EntName] return no } if {$al(prjroot) eq {}} { bell FocusInTab f1 [$obPrj chooserPath Dir] return no } if {$al(prjuseleafRE) && $al(prjleafRE) eq {}} { bell FocusInTab f2 [$obPrj EntLf] return no } set al(prjroot) [file nativename $al(prjroot)] if {![CheckNewDir]} {return no} if {$al(prjindent)<0 || $al(prjindent)>8} {set al(prjindent) 2} if {$al(prjredunit)<$al(minredunit) || $al(prjredunit)>100} {set al(prjredunit) 20} set msg [string map [list %d $al(prjroot)] \ [msgcat::mc {Checking %d. Wait a little...}]] Message $msg 5 alited::tree::PrepareDirectoryContents set totalfiles [llength [alited::tree::GetDirectoryContents $al(prjroot)]] if {$totalfiles >= $al(MAXFILES)} { set msg [string map [list %n $al(MAXFILES)] \ [msgcat::mc {Too big directory for a project: %n files or more.}]] Message $msg 4 set res no } else { Message {} set res yes } return $res } #_______________________ proc project::CheckPrjLeaf {} { # Checks "Regexp of a leaf" field. namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$al(prjleafRE) eq {}} { set al(prjleafRE) [string trimright $al(RE,leaf)] } } #_______________________ proc project::CheckPrjUseLeaf {} { # Enables/disables the "Regexp of a leaf" field. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obPrj CheckPrjLeaf set al(prjuseleafRE) [string is true -strict $al(prjuseleafRE)] if {$al(prjuseleafRE)} {set _ normal} {set _ disabled} [$obPrj EntLf] configure -state $_ } #_______________________ proc project::StdLeafRE {} { # Sets standard RE for leaf unit. namespace upvar ::alited al al set al(prjleafRE) $al(RE,leafDEF) } #_______________________ proc project::KlndDay {dsec {doblink yes}} { # Selects a date of reminder. # dsec - date in seconds to select # doblink - if yes, make the month blink lassign [ClockYMD $dsec] y m d set m [string trimleft $m { 0}] set d [string trimleft $d { 0}] ::klnd::selectedDay {} $y $m $d $doblink } #_______________________ proc project::KlndDayRem {dmin} { # Selects a date of reminder before a current one. # dmin - date in seconds to select KlndDay $dmin after idle {alited::project::KlndBorderText red} } #_______________________ proc project::Message {msg {mode 2}} { # Displays a message in statusbar of projects dialogue. # msg - message # mode - mode of Message variable obPrj alited::Message $msg $mode [$obPrj LabMess] } #_______________________ proc project::KeyOnTree {K} { # Handles key press on the tree. # K - key variable prjlist Message {} set icur [Selected index no] if {![string is integer -strict $icur]} return foreach i [list [incr icur] 0] { foreach pr [lrange $prjlist $i end] { if {![string compare -nocase $K [string index $pr 0]]} { Select $i return } incr i } } } #_______________________ proc project::focusTree {} { # Sets focus on the treeview. variable win variable obPrj focus $win focus [$obPrj TreePrj] } #_______________________ proc project::ValidateIni {V} { # Validates values of alited.ini. # V - %V wildcard of -validatecommand variable saveini set saveini yes if {$V eq {focusout}} { alited::ini::SaveIni set saveini no } return 1 } # ________________________ Files tab's procs _________________________ # proc project::SelFiles {} { # Checks for a selection of file listbox. # Returns: list of listbox's path and the selection or {}. variable obPrj set lbx [$obPrj LbxFlist] if {![llength [set selidx [$lbx curselection]]]} { Message [msgcat::mc {No selected files}] 4 return {} } list $lbx $selidx } #_______________________ proc project::CurrentFile {} { # Gets a current file of file listbox. # Returns file name of first selected file or 1st in the list, if no selection. variable obPrj set lbx [$obPrj LbxFlist] if {[catch { if {[llength [set selidx [$lbx curselection]]]} { set idx [lindex $selidx 0] } else { set idx 0 } set res [$lbx get $idx] }]} { set res {} } return $res } #_______________________ proc project::OpenFile {y} { # Opens a file of listbox after double clicking. # y - y-coordinate of clicking variable obPrj set lbx [$obPrj LbxFlist] set selid [$lbx nearest $y] if {$selid != -1} { $lbx selection clear 0 end $lbx selection set $selid OpenSelFiles no } } #_______________________ proc project::OpenSelFiles {{showmsg yes}} { # Opens selected files of listbox. # showmsg - if yes, shows a message # Files are open in a currently open project. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable prjinfo variable curinfo set prj $al(prjname) set cprj $curinfo(prjname) set al(prjname) $curinfo(prjname) lassign [SelFiles] lbx selidx if {$lbx ne {}} { update set fnames [list] set balloon {} foreach idx [lreverse $selidx] { set fn [$lbx get $idx] if {[file exists $fn]} { lappend fnames $fn if {[lsearch -index 0 -exact $prjinfo($cprj,tablist) $fn]<0} { set prjinfo($cprj,tablist) [linsert $prjinfo($cprj,tablist) 0 $fn] } } else { set balloon $fn } } set llen [llength $fnames] if {$showmsg} { set msg [string map [list %n $llen] [msgcat::mc {Open files: %n}]] Message $msg 3 } if {$llen} { alited::file::OpenFile $fnames yes yes alited::info::Put } if {$balloon ne {}} { after idle alited::Balloon1 $balloon } } set al(prjname) $prj afterOpenCloseFiles } #_______________________ proc project::CloseSelFiles {} { # Closes selected files of listbox. # Files are closed in a currently open project. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable prjinfo variable curinfo if {[set pname [ExistingProject no]] eq {}} return set prj $al(prjname) set cprj $curinfo(prjname) lassign [SelFiles] lbx selidx if {$lbx ne {}} { set closecurr no set fnamecurr [alited::bar::FileName] foreach idx $selidx { set fname [$lbx get $idx] if {[alited::file::IsNoName $fname]} continue if {[set TID [alited::bar::FileTID $fname]] ne {}} { if {$fname eq $fnamecurr} { set closecurr yes } else { alited::bar::BAR $TID close no } } if {$prj eq $cprj && [set i [lsearch -index 0 -exact $prjinfo($cprj,tablist) $fname]]>=0} { set prjinfo($cprj,tablist) [lreplace $prjinfo($cprj,tablist) $i $i] } } set al(prjname) $cprj if {$closecurr && [set TID [alited::bar::FileTID $fnamecurr]] ne {}} { alited::bar::BAR $TID close ;# this should be last to check for "No name" tab } alited::bar::BAR draw if {$prj eq $cprj} { set al(tablist) $prjinfo($cprj,tablist) TabFileInfo } set al(prjname) $prj afterOpenCloseFiles } } #_______________________ proc project::DetachSelFiles {} { # Detaches selected files. lassign [SelFiles] lbx selidx set fnames [list] if {$lbx ne {}} { foreach idx $selidx {lappend fnames [$lbx get $idx]} } alited::file::Detach $fnames } #_______________________ proc project::afterOpenCloseFiles {} { # Actions after opening/closing files. variable obPrj set flist [$obPrj LbxFlist] set fsels [$flist curselection] set item [Selected index] GetProjects UpdateTree Select $item focusTree foreach fsel $fsels { after 300 $flist selection set $fsel $fsel } } #_______________________ proc project::SelectAllFiles {} { # Selects all files of listbox. variable obPrj [$obPrj LbxFlist] selection set 0 end } #_______________________ proc project::LbxPopup {X Y} { # Runs a popup menu on the project files listbox. # X - x-coordinate of mouse pointer # Y - y-coordinate of mouse pointer variable obPrj variable filefilter set popm [$obPrj LbxFlist].popup catch {destroy $popm} lassign [SelFiles] lbx selidx if {$filefilter eq {}} {set state normal} {set state disabled} if {[llength $selidx]} {set stateS normal} {set stateS [set state disabled]} menu $popm -tearoff 0 $popm add command -label $::alited::al(MC,openselfile) -command alited::project::OpenSelFiles -state $stateS $popm add command -label [msgcat::mc {Close Selected Files}] \ -command alited::project::CloseSelFiles -state $state $popm add separator $popm add command -label $::alited::al(MC,detachsel) -command alited::project::DetachSelFiles -state $stateS $popm add separator $popm add command -label [msgcat::mc {Select All}] -command alited::project::SelectAllFiles -accelerator Ctrl+A baltip::sleep 1000 $obPrj themePopup $popm tk_popup $popm $X $Y } #_______________________ proc project::ValidateDir {} { # Tries to get a project name at choosing root dir. namespace upvar ::alited al al update idletasks ;# update ;# a bug of ttk? if {$al(prjname) eq {}} { set al(prjname) [file tail $al(prjroot)] } return yes } #_______________________ proc project::TipOnFile {idx} { # Shows info on a file in the file list as a tooltip. # idx - item index variable obPrj set lbx [$obPrj LbxFlist] set item [$lbx get $idx] return [alited::file::FileStat $item] } #_______________________ proc project::PopupMenu {x y X Y} { # Opens a popup menu in the project list. # x - x-coordinate to identify an item # y - y-coordinate to identify an item # X - x-coordinate of the click # Y - x-coordinate of the click namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obPrj variable win set popm $win.popupmenu catch {destroy $popm} menu $popm -tearoff 0 $popm add command -label $al(MC,prjadd) \ -command alited::project::Add {*}[$obPrj iconA add] $popm add command -label $al(MC,prjchg) \ -command alited::project::Change {*}[$obPrj iconA change] $popm add command -label $al(MC,prjdel1) \ -command alited::project::Delete {*}[$obPrj iconA delete] $popm add separator $popm add command -label $al(MC,CrTemplPrj) \ -command alited::project::Template {*}[$obPrj iconA plus] $popm add command -label $al(MC,ViewDir) \ -command alited::project::ViewDir {*}[$obPrj iconA OpenFile] $obPrj themePopup $popm tk_popup $popm $X $Y } #_______________________ proc project::TabFileHeading {} { # Show Files tab's heading. variable obPrj set lbx [$obPrj LbxFlist] set txt [msgcat::mc {List of files (%n):}] set txt [string map [list %n [$lbx index end]] $txt] [$obPrj LabFlist] configure -text $txt } #_______________________ proc project::TabFileFill {flist} { # Fills a listbox of files. # flist - file list variable obPrj set lbx [$obPrj LbxFlist] $lbx delete 0 end set savfname {} foreach tab [lsort -index 0 -dictionary $flist] { set fname [lindex [split $tab \t] 0] if {$savfname ne $fname} { ;# no duplicates $lbx insert end $fname set savfname $fname } } } #_______________________ proc project::TabFileInfo {} { # Fills a listbox with a list of project files. variable filefilter if {$filefilter ne {}} { TabFileFilter return } TabFileFill $::alited::al(tablist) TabFileHeading } #_______________________ proc project::TabFileFilter {} { # Fills a listbox with a list of filtered files of all projects. variable filefilter variable casefilter variable prjlist variable prjinfo if {$filefilter eq {}} { TabFileInfo return } set alltablist [list] if {$casefilter} {set nocase {}} {set nocase -nocase} foreach prj $prjlist { foreach tab $prjinfo($prj,tablist) { set fname [lindex [split $tab \t] 0] if {[string match {*}$nocase *$filefilter* $fname]} { lappend alltablist $tab } } } TabFileFill $alltablist TabFileHeading } #_______________________ proc project::postValidateFilter {} { # Postvalidates the file filter change. variable filefilter variable casefilter variable savedfilefilter variable savedcasefilter if {$savedfilefilter ne $filefilter || $savedcasefilter ne $casefilter} { if {$filefilter eq {}} { TabFileInfo } else { TabFileFilter } set savedfilefilter $filefilter set savedcasefilter $casefilter } } #_______________________ proc project::preValidateFilter {} { # Prevalidates the file filter change. after idle alited::project::postValidateFilter return 1 } # ________________________ Buttons for project list _________________________ # proc project::Add {{showtotals yes}} { # "Add project" button's handler. # showtotals - if yes, shows total number of files # Returns yes, if the project is successfully added. namespace upvar ::alited al al OPTS OPTS variable prjlist variable prjinfo SaveNotes if {![ValidProject] || [ExistingProject yes] ne {}} {return no} set al(tablist) [list] TabFileInfo set pname $al(prjname) set proot $al(prjroot) set al(prjfile) [ProjectFileName $pname] set al(prjbeforerun) {} if {$al(PRJDEFAULT)} { # use project defaults from "Setup/Common/Projects", except for prjname & prjroot foreach opt $OPTS { catch {set al($opt) $al(DEFAULT,$opt)} } set al(prjname) $pname set al(prjroot) $proot } alited::ini::SaveIni yes ;# to initialize ini-file foreach opt $OPTS { set prjinfo($pname,$opt) $al($opt) } set prjinfo($pname,prjrem) {} ;# reminders PutProjectOpts $al(prjfile) $al(prjfile) no GetProjects UpdateTree Select $prjinfo($pname,ID) UpdateMsg [string map [list %n $pname] $al(MC,prjnew)] $showtotals return yes } #_______________________ proc project::Change {} { # "Change project" button's handler. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obPrj variable curinfo variable prjlist variable prjinfo variable updateGUI SaveNotes if {[set isel [Selected index]] eq {}} return if {![ValidProject]} return for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $prjlist]} {incr i} { if {$i!=$isel && [lindex $prjlist $i] eq $al(prjname)} { set msg [string map [list %n $al(prjname)] $al(MC,prjexists)] Message $msg 4 return } } set oldprj [lindex $prjlist $isel] set newprj $al(prjname) set prjinfo($newprj,tablist) $prjinfo($oldprj,tablist) catch {unset prjinfo($oldprj,tablist)} set oldname [ProjectFileName $oldprj] set prjlist [lreplace $prjlist $isel $isel $newprj] set fname [ProjectFileName $newprj] if {$newprj eq $curinfo(prjname)} SaveSettings if {$oldprj eq $curinfo(prjname)} { set curinfo(prjname) $newprj set curinfo(prjfile) $fname } set prjinfo($newprj,prjrem) $prjinfo($oldprj,prjrem) ;# reminders PutProjectOpts $fname $oldname yes GetProjects UpdateTree Select $prjinfo($newprj,ID) set updateGUI yes UpdateMsg [string map [list %n [lindex $prjlist $isel]] $al(MC,prjupd)] } #_______________________ proc project::Delete {} { # "Delete project" button's handler. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable prjlist variable prjinfo variable win variable curinfo if {[set isel [Selected index]] eq {}} return set geo "-centerme $win" set nametodel [lindex $prjlist $isel] if {$nametodel eq $curinfo(prjname)} { Message $al(MC,prjcantdel) 4 return } set msg [string map [list %n $nametodel] $al(MC,prjdelq)] if {![alited::msg yesno ques $msg NO {*}$geo]} { return } if {[catch {file delete [ProjectFileName $nametodel]} err]} { alited::msg ok err $err {*}$geo return } catch {file delete [NotesFile $nametodel]} catch {file delete [RemsFile $nametodel]} if {[set llen [llength $prjlist]] && $isel>=$llen} { set isel [incr llen -1] } GetProjects UpdateTree Select $isel Message [string map [list %n $nametodel] $al(MC,prjdel2)] 3 } #_______________________ proc project::Template {} { # Creates a project by template as set in Template tab. # The template can contain directories or files (indented for subdirectories). # The files satisfy glob-patterns: changelog*, license*, licence*, readme*. # See also: TplDefault namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obPrj variable curinfo # first, update the template list independently on errors UpdateTplLists # then check the template for correctness set wtpl [$obPrj TexTemplate] set namelist [set errmess {}] set margin [set indent [set spprev -1]] foreach name [split [$wtpl get 1.0 end] \n] { if {[set name [string trimright $name]] eq {}} continue if {[string trim $name] ne [::apave::NormalizeFileName $name]} { set errmess [string map [list %n $name] $al(MC,incorrname)] break } set sporig [$obPrj leadingSpaces $name] if {$margin<0} {set margin $sporig} set sp [$obPrj leadingSpaces [string range $name $margin end]] set name [string trimleft $name] set lastname {} ;# root of project dir if {$sp || $margin>$sporig} { if {$indent<0} {set indent $sp} if {$margin>$sporig || $sp % $indent || $sp>($spprev+$indent)} { set errmess [string map [list %n $name] \ [msgcat::mc {Incorrect indentation in Project template: %n}]] break } for {set i [llength $namelist]} {$i} {} { incr i -1 lassign [lindex $namelist $i] n1 s1 if {$s1<$sp} { set lastname $n1/ break } } } lappend namelist [list [file nativename $lastname$name] $sp] set spprev $sp } if {"$errmess$namelist" eq {}} { set errmess {The project template is empty!} } elseif {[ExistingProject yes] ne {}} { return } elseif {[file exists $al(prjroot)]} { set errmess {The project directory already exists! It isn't created with templates.} FocusInTab f1 [$obPrj chooserPath Dir] Message [msgcat::mc $errmess] 4 return } if {$errmess ne {}} { set namelist {} ;# skip the following foreach } elseif {![Add no]} { return } # the template is OK -> create its dir/file tree foreach fn $namelist { set fn [lindex $fn 0] set fname [file join $al(prjroot) $fn] switch -glob -nocase -- [file tail $fn] { README* - CHANGELOG* { set err [catch {writeTextFile $fname {} 1} errmess] } LICENCE* - LICENSE* { set fname0 [file join $curinfo(prjroot) $fn] if {[file exists $fname0]} { set err [catch {file copy $fname0 $fname} errmess] } else { set err [catch {writeTextFile $fname {} 1} errmess] } } default { set err [catch {file mkdir $fname} errmess] } } if {$err} break set errmess {} } if {$errmess ne {}} { FocusInTab f3 $wtpl Message [msgcat::mc $errmess] 4 } } #_______________________ proc project::UpdateMsg {msg {showtotals yes}} { # Displays a message on project updating. # msg - message of action (add/change) # showtotals - if yes, shows total number of files variable totalfiles if {$showtotals} {append msg " ($::alited::al(MC,files) : $totalfiles) "} Message $msg 3 } # ________________________ Buttons _________________________ # proc project::Ok {args} { # 'OK' button handler. # args - possible arguments namespace upvar ::alited al al obPav obPav _dirtree _dirtree variable obPrj variable win variable prjlist variable prjinfo variable curinfo variable updateGUI alited::CloseDlg if {$curinfo(_NO2ENT)} { # disables entering twice (at multiple double-clicks) return } if {[set isel [Selected index]] eq {} || ![ValidProject]} { focusTree return } if {![ValidProject]} return if {[set pname [ExistingProject no]] eq {}} return if {[set N [llength [alited::bar::BAR listFlag m]]]} { set msg [msgcat::mc "All modified files (%n) will be saved.\n\nDo you agree?"] set msg [string map [list %n $N] $msg] if {![alited::msg yesno ques $msg YES -centerme $win]} return } if {![alited::file::SaveAll]} { $obPrj res $win 0 return } if {[set N [llength [alited::bar::BAR cget -select]]]} { set msg [msgcat::mc "All selected files (%n) will remain open\nin the project you are switching to.\n\nDo you agree?"] set msg [string map [list %n $N] $msg] if {![alited::msg yesno ques $msg YES -centerme $win]} return } ::apave::withdraw $win set curinfo(_NO2ENT) 1 set fname [ProjectFileName $pname] catch {alited::run::Cancel} ;# possibly open Run dialogue: discard its settings RestoreSettings alited::ini::SaveIni # setting al(project::Ok) to skip "No name" & SaveCurrentIni at closing all if {[set al(project::Ok) 1]} { set tabs [alited::bar::BAR listTab] alited::file::CloseAll 1 -skipsel ;# the selected tabs aren't closed set selfiles [list] ;# -> get their file names to reopen afterwards foreach tid [alited::bar::BAR listFlag s] { lappend selfiles [alited::bar::FileName $tid] } alited::file::CloseAll 1 ;# close all tabs set comms [info commands] foreach tab $tabs { set tab [lindex $tab 0] foreach c $comms { if {[regexp "\[._\]$tab\(\[.\]internal\$|\$\)" $c]} { catch {destroy $c} catch {rename $c {}} } } } $obPav untouchWidgets clear *btsBar* ;# remove bartabs references to the untouched set al(prjname) $pname set al(prjfile) $fname alited::ini::ReadIni $fname alited::bar::FillBar [$obPav BtsBar] set fnames [list] for {set i [llength $selfiles]} {$i} {} { ;# reopen selected files of previous project incr i -1 set fname [lindex $selfiles $i] if {[alited::bar::FileTID $fname] eq {}} { lappend fnames $fname } } set TID [lindex [alited::bar::BAR listTab] $al(curtab) 0] catch {alited::bar::BAR $TID show no no} if {[llength $fnames]} {alited::file::OpenFile $fnames yes yes} alited::main::UpdateProjectInfo alited::ini::GetUserDirs alited::file::MakeThemHighlighted alited::favor::ShowFavVisit [$obPav Tree] selection set {} ;# new project - no group selected update } unset al(project::Ok) alited::file::CheckForNew yes after 200 {after idle alited::main::FocusText} set _dirtree [list] ;# free its memory if {!$al(TREE,isunits)} { after 200 {after idle {alited::tree::RecreateTree; alited::tree::SeeTreeItem}} } set updateGUI no ;# GUI will be updating anyway $obPrj res $win 1 } #_______________________ proc project::Cancel {args} { # 'Cancel' button handler. # args - possible arguments variable obPrj variable win alited::CloseDlg SaveData SaveNotes RestoreSettings $obPrj res $win 0 } #_______________________ proc project::Help {} { # 'Help' button handler. variable win set th {} set ts [string range [$win.fra.fraR.nbk select] end-1 end] switch $ts { f2 - f3 - f4 - f5 {set th [string index $ts end]} } alited::Help $win $th } #_______________________ proc project::HelpMe {} { # 'Help' for start. variable win alited::HelpMe $win } #_______________________ proc project::OnProjectEnter {} { # Actions on entering a project. variable win variable prjinfo variable msgtodo variable itemtodo lassign [SortRems $prjinfo($::alited::al(prjname),prjrem)] dmin - outdated if {$outdated} { set tab1 $win.fra.fraR.nbk.f1 if {[$win.fra.fraR.nbk select] ne $tab1} { $win.fra.fraR.nbk select $tab1 } KlndDayRem $dmin set msgtodo [msgcat::mc {TODO reminders for the past: %d.}] set dmin [ClockFormat $dmin] set msgtodo [string map [list %d $dmin] $msgtodo] Message $msgtodo 6 set itemtodo [Selected item no] } } #_______________________ proc project::ProcMessage {} { # Handles clicking on message label. # Shows the message and if it is about TODO, selects the corresponding project. variable obPrj variable msgtodo variable itemtodo set msg [baltip cget [$obPrj LabMess] -text] if {$msgtodo eq $msg} { Message $msg 6 Select $itemtodo } else { Message $msg 3 } } #_______________________ proc project::ProjectEnter {} { # Processes double-clicking and pressing Enter on the project list. # Cancels selecting projects if there are old reminders. OnProjectEnter Ok } #_______________________ proc project::Klnd_button {ev} { # Fire an event handler (paste/undo/redo) on a reminder. # ev - event to fire variable obPrj ::apave::eventOnText [$obPrj TexKlnd] $ev } #_______________________ proc project::Klnd_paste {} { # Pastes a text to a reminder. Klnd_button <<Paste>> } #_______________________ proc project::Klnd_undo {} { # Undoes changes of a reminder. Klnd_button <<Undo>> } #_______________________ proc project::Klnd_redo {} { # Redoes changes of a reminder. Klnd_button <<Redo>> } #_______________________ proc project::Klnd_delete {} { # Clears a reminder. variable obPrj [$obPrj TexKlnd] replace 1.0 end {} } #_______________________ proc project::Klnd_moveTODO {wrem todo date} { # Moves current TODO to a new date. # wrem - text widget of TODO # todo - text of TODO # date - new date (in seconds) variable klnddata # get TODO of new date lassign [ClockYMD $date] y m d KlndClick $y $m $d set todonew [string trimright [$wrem get 1.0 end]] if {$todonew ne {}} {append todonew \n} # add the moved TODO to the new TODO append todonew $todo # select the new date set klnddata(SAVEDATE) [ClockFormat $date] KlndDay $date no # update the new TODO $wrem replace 1.0 end $todonew } #_______________________ proc project::Klnd_next {{days 1}} { # Moves a reminder to *days*. # days - days to move to variable obPrj variable klnddata set wrem [$obPrj TexKlnd] set todo [string trimright [$wrem get 1.0 end]] if {$todo eq {}} { bell FocusInTab f1 $wrem return } Klnd_delete set date [ClockScan $klnddata(SAVEDATE)] set date [clock add $date $days days] after 100 [list alited::project::Klnd_moveTODO $wrem $todo $date] } #_______________________ proc project::Klnd_next2 {} { # Moves a reminder to 7 days. Klnd_next 7 } #_______________________ proc project::Klnd_previous {} { # Moves a reminder back to 1 day. Klnd_next -1 } #_______________________ proc project::Klnd_previous2 {} { # Moves a reminder back to 7 days. Klnd_next -7 } #_______________________ proc project::KlndPopup {w y m d X Y} { # Handles a popup menu for the calendar. # w - day widget clicked # y - year # m - month # d - day # X - X-coordinate of pointer # Y - Y-coordinate of pointer variable obPrj KlndClick $y $m $d ::klnd::selectedDay {} $y $m $d no set popm $w.popup catch {destroy $popm} menu $popm -tearoff 0 foreach img {delete - previous2 previous - next next2} { if {$img eq {-}} { $popm add separator } else { $popm add command -image alimg_$img -compound left \ -label $::alited::al(MC,prjT$img) -command alited::project::Klnd_$img } } $obPrj themePopup $popm tk_popup $popm $X $Y KlndUpdate } #_______________________ proc project::ViewDir {} { # Shows file chooser just to view the project's dir alited::tool::e_menu EX=4 d=$::alited::al(prjroot) } #_______________________ proc project::RunComs {} { # Handles running commands of Commands tab. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obPrj variable win variable prjlist variable prjinfo SaveNotes [CurrProject] set comtorun {} set comcnt 0 # collect commands executed on the current project if {[info exists prjinfo($al(prjname),prjroot)]} { set dir $prjinfo($al(prjname),prjroot) for {set i 1} {$i<=$al(cmdNum)} {incr i} { if {$al(PTP,runch$i) && $al(PTP,run$i) ne {}} { if {!$comcnt} { append comtorun "cd $dir\n" } append comtorun "$al(PTP,run$i)\n" incr comcnt } } } # collect general commands executed per project foreach prj $prjlist { set dir $prjinfo($prj,prjroot) set com {} for {set i 1} {$i<=$al(cmdNum)} {incr i} { if {$al(PTP,comch$i) && $al(PTP,com$i) ne {}} { if {$com eq {}} { append com "cd $dir\n" } append com "$al(PTP,com$i)\n" incr comcnt } } append comtorun $com } if {$comtorun eq {}} { focus [$obPrj Entrun1] bell } else { set msg [msgcat::mc {%n commands will be executed!}] set msg [string map [list %n $comcnt] $msg] if {[alited::msg yesno ques $msg YES -centerme $win]} { alited::tool::Run_in_e_menu $comtorun } } } #_______________________ proc project::ChecksRun {} { # Sets checks of "Commands / Run for project". namespace upvar ::alited al al for {set i 1} {$i<=$al(cmdNum)} {incr i} { set al(PTP,runch$i) $al(PTP,chbClearRun) } } #_______________________ proc project::ChecksCom {} { # Sets checks of "Commands / Run for all". namespace upvar ::alited al al for {set i 1} {$i<=$al(cmdNum)} {incr i} { set al(PTP,comch$i) $al(PTP,chbClearCom) } } # ________________________ Template procs _________________________ # proc project::TplDefaultText {} { # Gets default contents of project template. return \ {doc data hlp img msg lib theme utils tkcon src LICENSE} } #_______________________ proc project::TplDefault {} { # Sets default contents of project template. variable obPrj set cbx [$obPrj CbxTpl] $cbx set Default $cbx selection clear $obPrj displayText [$obPrj TexTemplate] [TplDefaultText] } #_______________________ proc project::UpdateTplLists {} { # Updates lists of template data, setting the current template on the top. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obPrj set wtpl [$obPrj TexTemplate] set cbx [$obPrj CbxTpl] set al(PTP,name) [string trim [$cbx get]] RemoveFromTplList $al(PTP,name) if {$al(PTP,name) eq {}} { set al(PTP,name) Template\ #[llength $al(PTP,names)] } set tpltext [string trimright [$wtpl get 1.0 end]] set al(PTP,names) [linsert $al(PTP,names) 0 $al(PTP,name)] set al(PTP,list) [linsert $al(PTP,list) 0 $al(PTP,name) $tpltext] set maxlen 16 catch {set al(PTP,names) [lreplace $al(PTP,names) $maxlen end]} catch {set al(PTP,list) [lreplace $al(PTP,list) $maxlen+$maxlen end]} set ltmp [list] foreach {n c} $al(PTP,list) { set t {} foreach l [lrange [split $c \n] 0 200] {append t [string trimright $l] \n} lappend ltmp $n [string trimright $t] } set al(PTP,list) $ltmp $cbx set $al(PTP,name) $cbx configure -values $al(PTP,names) } #_______________________ proc project::UpdateTplText {} { # Updates the template text. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obPrj set i [lsearch -exact $al(PTP,list) $al(PTP,name)] $obPrj displayText [$obPrj TexTemplate] [lindex $al(PTP,list) $i+1] UpdateTplLists } #_______________________ proc project::RemoveFromTplList {val} { # Removes a template name from the lists of template data. # val - name of template to be removed namespace upvar ::alited al al if {$val eq {}} return # remove from list of template names if {[set i [lsearch -exact $al(PTP,names) $val]]>-1} { set al(PTP,names) [lreplace $al(PTP,names) $i $i] } # remove from list of template pairs "name contents" if {[set i [lsearch -exact $al(PTP,list) $val]]>-1} { set al(PTP,list) [lreplace $al(PTP,list) $i $i+1] } } #_______________________ proc project::DeleteFromTplList {} { # Deletes a template name from the list of project templates. variable obPrj set cbx [$obPrj CbxTpl] RemoveFromTplList [string trim [$cbx get]] $cbx configure -values $::alited::al(PTP,names) $cbx set {} } # ________________________ Calendar _________________________ # proc project::KlndUpdate {} { # Updates calendar data. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable prjinfo if {![info exists prjinfo($al(prjname),prjrem)]} { set prjinfo($al(prjname),prjrem) {} } ::klnd::update {} {} {} $prjinfo($al(prjname),prjrem) lassign [::klnd::selectedDay] y m d KlndClick $y $m $d } #_______________________ proc project::KlndInDate {{y {}} {m {}} {d {}}} { # Gets a date in seconds. # y - year # m - month # d - day # If *y* is omitted or y/m/d not valid, gets a current date in seconds. if {$y ne {}} { if {[catch {set date [ClockScan $y/$m/$d]}]} { set y {} } } if {$y eq {}} {set date [clock seconds]} return $date } #_______________________ proc project::KlndOutDate {{y {}} {m {}} {d {}}} { # Gets a date formatted. # y - year # m - month # d - day # If *y* is omitted or y/m/d not valid, gets a current date formatted. return [ClockFormat [KlndInDate $y $m $d]] } #_______________________ proc project::KlndDate {date} { # Formats a calendar date by alited's format (Preferences/Templates). # date - the date to be formatted set seconds [ClockScan $date] return [alited::tool::FormatDate $seconds] } #_______________________ proc project::KlndText {dt} { # Gets a reminder text for a date. # dt - date namespace upvar ::alited al al variable prjinfo if {[set i [KlndSearch $dt $al(prjname)]]>-1} { return [lindex $prjinfo($al(prjname),prjrem) $i 1] } return {} } #_______________________ proc project::KlndClick {y m d} { # Processes a click on a calendar day. # y - year # m - month # d - day variable obPrj variable klnddata set klnddata(date) [KlndOutDate $y $m $d] # first, save a previous reminder at need set klnddata(SAVEDATE) $klnddata(date) set klnddata(SAVEPRJ) [CurrProject] # then display a new reminder's text set klndtex [$obPrj TexKlnd] $obPrj displayText $klndtex [KlndText $klnddata(date)] alited::ini::HighlightFileText $klndtex .md 0 -cmdpos ::apave::None \ -cmd alited::project::KlndTextModified [$obPrj LabKlndDate] configure -text [KlndDate $klnddata(date)] } #_______________________ proc project::KlndSearch {date prjname} { # Search a date in calendar data. # Returns index of found item or -1 if not found. variable prjinfo variable klnddata set res -1 catch { set res [lsearch -index 0 -exact $prjinfo($prjname,prjrem) $date] } return $res } #_______________________ proc project::KlndTextModified {wtxt args} { # Processes modifications of calendar text. # wtxt - text's path # args - not used arguments namespace upvar ::alited al al set aft _KLND_TextModified catch {after cancel $al($aft)} set al($aft) [after idle alited::project::Klnd_save] } # ________________________ GUI _________________________ # proc project::MainFrame {} { # Creates a main frame of "Project" dialogue. return { {fraTreePrj - - 10 1 {-st nswe -pady 4 -rw 1}} {.TreePrj - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both} {-h 16 -show headings -columns {C1} -displaycolumns {C1} -popup {alited::project::PopupMenu %x %y %X %Y} -onevent {<<TreeviewSelect>> alited::project::Select <Delete> alited::project::Delete <Double-Button-1> alited::project::ProjectEnter <Return> alited::project::ProjectEnter}}} {.sbvPrjs + L - - {pack -side left -fill both}} {fraR fraTreePrj L 10 1 {-st nsew -cw 1 -pady 4}} {fraR.nbk - - - - {pack -side top -expand 1 -fill both} { f1 {-text {$al(MC,info)}} f2 {-text {$al(MC,prjOptions)}} f3 {-text Templates} f4 {-text Commands} f5 {-text Files} -traverse yes -select f1 }} {fraB1 fraTreePrj T 1 1 {-st nsew}} {.btTad - - - - {pack -side left -anchor n} {-com alited::project::Add -tip {$::alited::al(MC,prjadd)} -image alimg_add-big}} {.btTch - - - - {pack -side left} {-com alited::project::Change -tip {$::alited::al(MC,prjchg)} -image alimg_change-big}} {.btTdel - - - - {pack -side left} {-com alited::project::Delete -tip {$::alited::al(MC,prjdel1)} -image alimg_delete-big}} {.h_ - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1}} {.btTtpl - - - - {pack -side left} {-com alited::project::Template -tip {$::alited::al(MC,CrTemplPrj)} -image alimg_plus-big}} {.btTtview - - - - {pack -side left -padx 4} {-image alimg_folder-big -com alited::project::ViewDir -tip {$::alited::al(MC,ViewDir)}}} {LabMess fraB1 L 1 1 {-st nsew -pady 0 -padx 3} {-style TLabelFS}} {seh fraB1 T 1 2 {-st nsew -pady 2}} {fraB2 + T 1 2 {-st nsew} {-padding {2 2}}} {.ButHelp - - - - {pack -side left -anchor s -padx 2} {-t {$::alited::al(MC,help)} -tip F1 -com alited::project::Help}} {.h_ - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both -padx 8} {-w 50}} {.ButOK - - - - {pack -side left -anchor s -padx 2} {-t {$::alited::al(MC,select)} -com alited::project::Ok}} {.butCancel - - - - {pack -side left -anchor s} {-t Cancel -com alited::project::Cancel}} } } #_______________________ proc project::Tab1 {} { # Creates a main tab of "Project". namespace upvar ::alited al al variable klnddata set klnddata(SAVEDATE) [set klnddata(SAVEPRJ) {}] set monofont "[font actual apaveFontMono] -size $al(FONTSIZE,small)" set klnddata(toobar) "LabKlndDate {{} {} {-font {$monofont}}} sev 6" foreach img {delete paste undo redo - previous2 previous next next2} { # -method option for possible disable/enable BuT_alimg_delete etc. if {$img eq {-}} { append klnddata(toobar) " sev 4" continue } append klnddata(toobar) " alimg_$img \{{} \ -tip {-BALTIP {$al(MC,prjT$img)} -MAXEXP 2@@ -under 4} \ -com alited::project::Klnd_$img -method yes \}" } set klnddata(vsbltext) yes set klnddata(date) [KlndOutDate] after idle alited::project::KlndUpdate return { {v_ - - 1 1} {fra1 v_ T 1 2 {-st nsew -cw 1}} {.labName - - 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,prjName)} -foreground $al(FG,DEFopts) -font {$::apave::FONTMAINBOLD}}} {.EntName + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 5} {-tvar ::alited::al(prjname) -w 50}} {.labDir .labName T 1 1 {-st e -pady 8 -padx 3} {-t "Root directory:"}} {.Dir + L 1 9 {-st sw -pady 5 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(prjroot) -w 50 -validate focus -validatecommand alited::project::ValidateDir}} {lab fra1 T 1 1 {-st w -pady 4 -padx 3} {-t "Notes:"}} {fra2 + T 2 1 {-st nsew -rw 1 -cw 99}} {.TexPrj - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both -padx 3} {-h 20 -w 40 -wrap word -tabnext *.spx -tip {-BALTIP {$al(MC,notes)} -MAXEXP 1}}} {.sbv + L - - {pack -side left}} {frasp lab L 1 1 {-st nsew}} {.lab - - - - {pack -side left} {-t {TODO days ahead:}}} {.spx - - - - {pack -side left -padx 8} {-tvar ::alited::al(todoahead) -from 0 -to 365 -w 5 -justify center -com alited::project::Select -validate all -validatecommand {alited::project::ValidateIni %V}}} {fra3 fra2 L 2 1 {-st nsew} {-relief groove -borderwidth 2}} {.seh - - - - {pack -fill x}} {.daT - - - - {pack -fill both} {-tvar ::alited::project::klnddata(date) -com {alited::project::KlndUpdate; alited::project::KlndBorderText} -dateformat "$::alited::al(TPL,%d)" -tip {alited::project::KlndText %D} -weeks $::alited::al(klndweeks) -popup {alited::project::KlndPopup %W %y %m %d %X %Y} -width 3}} {fra3.fra - - - - {pack -fill both -expand 1}} {.seh2 - - - - {pack -side top -fill x}} {.too - - - - {pack -side top} {-relief flat -borderwidth 0 -array {$::alited::project::klnddata(toobar)}}} {.TexKlnd - - - - {pack -side left -fill both -expand 1} {-wrap none -tabnext {alited::Tnext *.texPrj} -w 4 -h 8 -tip {-BALTIP {$al(MC,prjTtext)} -MAXEXP 1}}} } } #_______________________ proc project::Tab2 {} { # Creates Options tab of "Project". namespace upvar ::alited al al lassign [alited::FgFgBold] fg al(FG,DEFopts) if {!$al(PRJDEFAULT)} { set al(FG,DEFopts) "$fg -afteridle {grid forget %w}" ;# no heading message } return { {v_ - - 1 10} {lab1 + T 1 2 {-st nsew -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,DEFopts)} -foreground $al(FG,DEFopts) -font {$::apave::FONTMAINBOLD}}} {fra2 + T 1 2 {-st nsew -cw 1}} {.labIgn - - 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,Ign:)}}} {.entIgn + L 1 8 {-st sw -pady 5 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(prjdirign) -w 50}} {.labEOL .labIgn T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,EOL:)}}} {.cbxEOL + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(prjEOL) -values {{} LF CR CRLF} -w 9 -state readonly}} {.labIndent .labEOL T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,indent:)}}} {.spxIndent + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(prjindent) -from 0 -to 8 -com {alited::pref::CheckIndent ""}}} {.chbIndAuto + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3 -padx 3} {-var ::alited::al(prjindentAuto) -t {$al(MC,indentAuto)}}} {.labRedunit .labIndent T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,redunit)}}} {.spxRedunit + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(prjredunit) -from $al(minredunit) -to 100}} {.labmaxcom .labRedunit T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {Maximum Run commands}}} {.spxMaxcom + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3 -padx 3} {-tvar ::alited::al(prjmaxcoms) -from 4 -to 99 -tabnext alited::Tnext}} {.labMult .labmaxcom T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,multiline)} -tip {$al(MC,notrecomm)}}} {.swiMult + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 3 -padx 3} {-var ::alited::al(prjmultiline) -tip {$al(MC,notrecomm)}}} {.labTrWs .labMult T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,trailwhite)}}} {.swiTrWs + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-var ::alited::al(prjtrailwhite)}} {.seh .labTrWs T 1 9} {.labUself + T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,useleafRE)}}} {.swiUself + L 1 1 {-st sw -pady 1} {-var ::alited::al(prjuseleafRE) -com alited::project::CheckPrjUseLeaf}} {.butStd + L 1 7 {-st e} {-t Standard -com alited::project::StdLeafRE}} {.labLf .labUself T 1 1 {-st e -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,leafRE)}}} {.EntLf + L 1 8 {-st sew -pady 1} {-tvar ::alited::al(prjleafRE)}} } } #_______________________ proc project::Tab3 {} { # Creates Templates tab of "Project". return { {v_ - - 1 9} {lab1 + T 1 9 {-st nsew -pady 1 -padx 3} {-t {$al(MC,TemplPrj)}}} {lab2 + T 1 1 {-st ew -pady 5 -padx 3} {-t Template: -foreground $al(FG,DEFopts) -font {$::apave::FONTMAINBOLD}}} {CbxTpl + L 1 3 {-st ew -pady 5} {-w 40 -h 12 -cbxsel {$al(PTP,name)} -tvar ::alited::al(PTP,name) -values {$al(PTP,names)} -clearcom alited::project::DeleteFromTplList -selcombobox alited::project::UpdateTplText}} {fraTlist + T 1 8 {-st nswe -padx 3 -cw 1 -rw 1}} {.TexTemplate - - - - {pack -side left -fill both -expand 1} {-h 20 -w 40 -tabnext "*.butTplDef *.cbxTpl" -wrap none}} {.sbv + L - - {pack -side left}} {butTplDef fraTlist T 1 1 {-st w -padx 4 -pady 4} {-t Standard -com alited::project::TplDefault -tabnext alited::Tnext}} } } #_______________________ proc project::Tab4 {} { # Creates Commands tab of "Project". namespace upvar ::alited al al set al(PTP,chbClearRun) 0 set al(PTP,chbClearCom) 0 set al(PTP,chbClearTip) [string map [list %f [msgcat::mc General]] $al(MC,alloffile)] return { {v_ - - 1 3} {Labprj + T 1 2 {} {-foreground $al(FG,DEFopts) -font {$::apave::FONTMAINBOLD}}} {ChbClearRun labprj L 1 1 {-st w} {-var ::alited::al(PTP,chbClearRun) -com alited::project::ChecksRun -takefocus 0}} {tcl { set prt labprj set ent Entrun for {set i 1} {$i<=$::alited::al(cmdNum)} {incr i} { set lwid "lab$i $prt T 1 1 {-st nse} {-t {$::alited::al(MC,com) $i:}}" %C $lwid set lwid "$ent$i lab$i L 1 1 {-cw 1 -st ew} {-tvar ::alited::al(PTP,run$i)}" %C $lwid set lwid "chb$i $ent$i L 1 1 {} {-t {Run it} \ -var ::alited::al(PTP,runch$i) -takefocus 0}" %C $lwid set prt lab$i set ent ent } set lwid {seh1 lab6 T 1 3} %C $lwid set lwid {labcom seh1 T 1 2 {} \ {-t General -foreground $::alited::al(FG,DEFopts) -font {$::apave::FONTMAINBOLD}}} %C $lwid set lwid {chbClearCom labcom L 1 1 {-st w} \ {-var ::alited::al(PTP,chbClearCom) -com alited::project::ChecksCom -takefocus 0 \ -tip {$al(PTP,chbClearTip)}}} %C $lwid set prt labcom for {set i 1} {$i<=$::alited::al(cmdNum)} {incr i} { set lwid "labc$i $prt T 1 1 {-st nse} {-t {$::alited::al(MC,com) $i:}}" %C $lwid set lwid "entc$i labc$i L 1 1 {-cw 1 -st ew} {-tvar ::alited::al(PTP,com$i)}" %C $lwid set lwid "chbc$i entc$i L 1 1 {} {-t {Run it} -var ::alited::al(PTP,comch$i) -takefocus 0}" %C $lwid set prt labc$i } } } {seh2 labc6 T 1 3} {h_ seh2 T 1 1} {butRun h_ L 1 2 {-st ew} {-t Run -com alited::project::RunComs -tip {$al(MC,saving) & $al(MC,run)} -tabnext alited::Tnext}} } } #_______________________ proc project::Tab5 {} { # Creates Files tab of "Project". alited::ini::ProjectsToolbar return { {frat - - 1 9 {-st ew}} {frat.ToolTop + T - - pack {-array {$::alited::al(atools)} -relief groove -borderwidth 1}} {labFilter frat T 1 1 {-st se -padx 1} {-t {All files filter:}}} {EntFilter + L 1 1 {-st swe -padx 1 -cw 1} {-tvar ::alited::project::filefilter -validate all -validatecommand alited::project::preValidateFilter}} {ChbFilter + L 1 1 {-st sw -padx 1} {-var ::alited::project::casefilter -t {Match case} -com alited::project::postValidateFilter}} {seh_ labFilter T 1 3} {LabFlist + T 1 3 {-pady 3 -padx 3} {-foreground $al(FG,DEFopts) -font {$::apave::FONTMAINBOLD}}} {fraFlist + T 1 3 {-st nswe -padx 3 -rw 1}} {.LbxFlist - - - - {pack -side left -fill both -expand 1} {-takefocus 0 -selectmode multiple -popup {alited::project::LbxPopup %X %Y}}} {.sbvFlist + L - - {pack -side left}} } } # ________________________ Main _________________________ # proc project::_create {} { # Creates and opens Projects dialogue. namespace upvar ::alited al al variable obPrj variable win variable geo variable prjlist variable oldTab variable ilast variable curinfo set curinfo(_NO2ENT) 0 set tipson [baltip::cget -on] baltip::configure -on $al(TIPS,Projects) ::apave::APave create $obPrj $win $obPrj makeWindow $win.fra "$al(MC,projects) :: $::alited::PRJDIR" set nbk $win.fra.fraR.nbk $obPrj paveWindow \ $win.fra [MainFrame] \ $nbk.f1 [Tab1] \ $nbk.f2 [Tab2] \ $nbk.f3 [Tab3] \ $nbk.f4 [Tab4] \ $nbk.f5 [Tab5] set tree [$obPrj TreePrj] $tree heading C1 -text $al(MC,projects) if {$oldTab ne {}} {$nbk select $oldTab} UpdateTree bind $win <$al(acc_2)> "alited::ini::ToolByKey $nbk ToolPrjEM" bind $win <$al(acc_3)> "alited::ini::ToolByKey $nbk ToolPrjRun" foreach ev {KeyPress ButtonPress} { bind $tree <$ev> {+ alited::project::KeyOnTree %K} } bind $win <F1> "[$obPrj ButHelp] invoke" bind [$obPrj LabMess] <Button-1> alited::project::ProcMessage set lbx [$obPrj LbxFlist] foreach a {a A} { bind $lbx <Control-$a> alited::project::SelectAllFiles } bind $lbx <Double-Button-1> {alited::project::OpenFile %y} ::baltip tip $lbx {alited::project::TipOnFile %i} -shiftX 10 after 500 alited::project::HelpMe ;# show an introduction after a short pause set prjtex [$obPrj TexPrj] bind $prjtex <FocusOut> alited::project::SaveNotes if {$ilast>-1} {Select $ilast} $obPrj displayText [$obPrj TexTemplate] $al(PTP,text) alited::ini::HighlightFileText $prjtex .md 0 -cmdpos ::apave::None set res [$obPrj showModal $win -geometry $geo -minsize {600 400} -resizable 1 \ -onclose alited::project::Cancel -focus [$obPrj TreePrj]] set oldTab [$nbk select] set al(PTP,text) [string trimright [[$obPrj TexTemplate] get 1.0 end]] if {[llength $res] < 2} {set res ""} # save the new geometry of the dialogue set geo [wm geometry $win] alited::main::ShowHeader yes baltip::configure {*}$tipson ::klnd::clearup array unset curinfo * catch {destroy $win} $obPrj destroy return $res } #_______________________ proc project::_run {{checktodo yes}} { # Runs Projects dialogue. # checktodo - if yes, checks for outdated TODOs namespace upvar ::alited al al variable win variable msgtodo variable updateGUI variable saveini if {[winfo exists $win]} return set updateGUI [set saveini no] set msgtodo {} update ;# if run from menu: there may be unupdated space under it (in some DE) SaveSettings GetProjects if {$checktodo && ![IsOutdated $al(prjname)]} { after 200 { if {[set prj [alited::project::CheckOutdated]] ne {}} { alited::project::Select $::alited::project::prjinfo($prj,ID) } } } after 200 alited::project::OnProjectEnter set res [_create] if {$updateGUI} alited::main::UpdateAll ;# settings may be changed as for GUI if {$saveini} alited::ini::SaveIni } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #