The alited/src directory contains alited's own source files.
Some additional alited's files are also contained in alited/lib/addon directory (alited/lib directory contains all library files).
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh ########################################################### # Name: detached.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: Jul 10, 2024 # Brief: Handles file detachments. # License: MIT. ########################################################### # _________________________ detached ________________________ # namespace eval detached { variable varFind {} } #_______________________ proc detached::Options {} { # Gets options of new detached editor. # Returns a list of index, apave object name, window path, geometry. # The geometry is of some previously used window or "". while {[incr id]<99} { lassign [alited::file::DetachedInfo $id] pobj win if {![info exists $pobj]} { set geo {} ;# vacant yet } elseif {![winfo exists $win]} { set geo [::apave::checkGeometry [set $pobj]] ;# was used } else { continue } return [list $id $pobj $win $geo] } alited::Balloon "Too many requests for detachments!" return {} } #_______________________ proc detached::Tool {pobj tool} { # Applies tool to text. # pobj - apave object of detached editor # tool - tool of toolbar event generate [$pobj Text] <<[string totitle $tool]>> } #_______________________ proc detached::Wrapping {pobj id} { # Handles (un)wrapping lines. # pobj - apave object of detached editor # id - ID of detached object namespace upvar ::alited al al set wtool [$pobj ToolTop].buT_alimg_next2 set wtxt [$pobj Text] set sbh [$pobj Sbh] set al(wrapdetach,$id) [expr {!$al(wrapdetach,$id)}] if {$al(wrapdetach,$id)} { pack forget $sbh $wtool configure -image alimg_next2 ::baltip tip $wtool $al(MC,iconext2) set wrap word } else { pack $sbh -side bottom -fill x -before $wtxt $wtool configure -image alimg_previous2 ::baltip tip $wtool $al(MC,icoprev2) set wrap none } $wtxt configure -wrap $wrap } #_______________________ proc detached::Find {pobj wtxt {donext 0}} { # Finds string in text. # pobj - apave object of detached editor # wtxt - text's path # donext - "1" means 'from a current position' variable varFind set cbx [$pobj CbxFind] if {[set varFind [$cbx get]] ne {}} { $pobj findInText $donext $wtxt ::alited::detached::varFind set values [$cbx cget -values] if {$varFind ni $values} { $cbx configure -values [linsert $values 0 $varFind] } } focus [$pobj Text] } #_______________________ proc detached::DisplayText {pobj fname} { # Displays file's text. # pobj - apave object of detached editor # fname - file name $pobj displayText [$pobj Text] [readTextFile $fname] } #_______________________ proc detached::Modified {pobj win wtxt args} { # Callback for modifying text. # pobj - apave object of detached editor # win - window's path # wtxt - text's path catch { set ttl [string trimleft [wm title $win] *] if {[$wtxt edit modified]} { set ttl *$ttl set state normal } else { set state disabled } wm title $win $ttl [$pobj ToolTop].buT_alimg_SaveFile configure -state $state foreach do {undo redo} { if {[$wtxt edit can$do]} {set state normal} else {set state disabled} [$pobj ToolTop].buT_alimg_$do configure -state $state } } } #_______________________ proc detached::SaveFile {pobj fname win} { # Saves changed text. # pobj - apave object of detached editor # fname - file name # win - window's path set wtxt [$pobj Text] if {[alited::file::SaveText $wtxt $fname]} { $wtxt edit modified no alited::detached::Modified $pobj $win $wtxt } } #_______________________ proc detached::Close {id pobj win fname args} { # Closes detached editor. # id - editor's index # pobj - apave object # win - editor's window # fname - file name if {$id<=8} { # save only first ones' geometry (avoiding fat history) set $pobj [wm geometry $win] } set wtxt [$pobj Text] if {[$wtxt edit modified]} { set msg [msgcat::mc {Save changes made to the text?}] switch [alited::msg yesnocancel warn $msg {} -centerme $win] { 1 {SaveFile $pobj $fname $win} 2 {} default {return} } } catch {destroy $win} $pobj destroy alited::ini::SaveIni } #_______________________ proc detached::_create {fname unwrap} { # Handles detached editor. # fname - edited file's name # unwrap - 1 to unwrap lines at start namespace upvar ::alited al al lassign [Options] id pobj win geo if {$id eq {}} return if {![file isfile $fname]} { alited::Balloon1 $fname return } set $pobj $geo if {$geo ne {}} {set geo "-geometry $geo"} set al(detachtools) {} foreach icon {SaveFile undo redo next2 cut copy paste} { set img [alited::ini::CreateIcon $icon] append al(detachtools) " $img \{{} " switch $icon { SaveFile { append al(detachtools) \ "-com {alited::detached::SaveFile $pobj $fname $win} -state disabled" set tip $al(MC,ico$icon) } undo - redo - cut - copy - paste { append al(detachtools) "-com {alited::detached::Tool $pobj $icon}" if {$icon in {undo redo}} {append al(detachtools) " -state disabled"} set tip [string totitle $icon] } next2 { append al(detachtools) "-com {alited::detached::Wrapping $pobj $id}" } } append al(detachtools) " -tip {$tip@@ -under 4}\}" if {$icon in {SaveFile redo}} { append al(detachtools) " sev 6" } } append al(detachtools) " sev 16 lab1 {{Find: }} CbxFind {-font {$::apave::FONTMAIN}}" ::apave::APave create $pobj $win $pobj makeWindow $win.fra $fname $pobj paveWindow $win.fra { {fra1 - - 1 1 {-st nsew -rw 1 -cw 1}} {.ToolTop - - - - {pack -side top -fill x} {-array {$::alited::al(detachtools)} -relief groove -borderwidth 1}} {.GutText - - - - {pack -side left -expand 0 -fill both}} {.FrAText - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both \ -padx 0 -pady 0 -ipadx 0 -ipady 0} {-background $::apave::BGMAIN2}} {.frAText.Text - - - - {pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both} \ {-w 50 -h 20 -gutter GutText -gutterwidth $al(ED,gutterwidth) \ -guttershift $al(ED,guttershift)}} {.frAText.sbv + L - - pack} {.frAText.Sbh .frAText.text T - - {pack -side bottom -fill x -before %w}} } set wtxt [$pobj Text] set cbx [$pobj CbxFind] foreach ev {Return KP_Enter F3} { bind $cbx <$ev> "alited::detached::Find $pobj $wtxt" } foreach ev {f F} {bind $wtxt <Control-$ev> "focus $cbx"} bind $wtxt <F3> "alited::detached::Find $pobj $wtxt 1" foreach ev [alited::pref::BindKey2 0 -] { bind $win <$ev> "alited::detached::SaveFile $pobj $fname $win" } if {$al(fontdetach)} {set fsz $al(FONTSIZE,std)} {set fsz {}} after idle after [expr {400+10*$id}] "$pobj fillGutter $wtxt;\ alited::file::MakeThemHighlighted {} $wtxt;\ alited::detached::DisplayText $pobj {$fname};\ alited::main::HighlightText {} {$fname} $wtxt {alited::detached::Modified $pobj $win} {} $fsz;\ " if {$unwrap eq ""} { set unwrap 1 catch { set TID [alited::bar::FileTID $fname] set wtxt [alited::main::GetWTXT $TID] ;# may be not open yet set unwrap [expr {[$wtxt cget -wrap] eq {word}}] } } set al(wrapdetach,$id) $unwrap alited::detached::Wrapping $pobj $id $pobj showModal $win -modal no -waitvar no -resizable 1 -minsize {300 200} \ -onclose [list alited::detached::Close $id $pobj $win $fname] -focus $wtxt {*}$geo } #_______________________ proc detached::_run {fnames {wrap ""}} { # Open files in detached editors. # fnames - file name list foreach fn $fnames { _create $fn $wrap } }