The alited/lib/addon directory's scripts highlight various types of files:
The alited's main files are contained in alited/src directory.
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh ########################################################### # Name: hl_html.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: Mar 13, 2023 # Brief: Handles highlighting .htm, .html files. # License: MIT. ########################################################### namespace eval hl_html {} #_______________________ proc hl_html::init {w font szfont args} { # Initializes highlighting .html text. # w - the text # font - the text's font # szfont - the font's size # args - highlighting colors lassign $args clrCOM clrCOMTK clrSTR clrVAR clrCMN clrPROC clrOPT dict set font -size $szfont $w tag config htmVAL -font $font -foreground $clrSTR $w tag config htmARG -font $font -foreground $clrOPT dict set font -weight bold $w tag config htmTAG -font $font -foreground $clrCOM dict set font -weight normal dict set font -slant italic $w tag config htmCMN -font $font -foreground $clrCMN foreach t {TAG CMN} {after idle $w tag raise htm$t} return [namespace current]::line } #_______________________ proc hl_html::line {w {pos ""} {prevQtd 0}} { # Highlights a line of .html text. # w - the text # pos - position in the line # prevQtd - mode of processing a current line (0, 1, -1) if {$pos eq {}} {set pos [$w index insert]} set il [expr {int($pos)}] set line [$w get $il.0 $il.end] foreach t {TAG VAL ARG CMN} {$w tag remove htm$t $il.0 $il.end} if {$prevQtd==-1} { # comments continued (would work with 1 continued line) set i [string first --> $line] if {$i<0} { $w tag add htmCMN $il.0 $il.end return -1 } set line [string repeat { } [incr i 2]][string range $line [incr i] end] $w tag add htmCMN $il.0 $il.$i } set specs [regexp -inline -all -indices {&[a-zA-Z]+;} $line] foreach l2 $specs { lassign $l2 p1 p2 if {$p1<$p2} { $w tag add htmTAG $il.$p1 $il.[incr p2] } } set htms [regexp -inline -all -indices {(<{1}/?\w+)([^>]*>{1})} $line] foreach {l1 l2 -} $htms { lassign $l1 p1 p2 if {$p1<$p2} { lassign $l2 r1 r2 $w tag add htmTAG $il.$r1 $il.[incr r2] $w tag add htmTAG $il.$p2 $il.[incr p2] set subline [$w get $il.$r2 $il.[incr p2 -1]] # inside a tag: options may be quoted and not while 1 { # first, get an option's name lassign [lindex [regexp -inline -indices {\w+=} $subline] 0] p1 p2 if {$p1 eq {}} break # then, get an option's value incr p2 if {[string index $subline $p2] eq {"}} { lassign [lindex [regexp -inline -indices {"[^"]*\"} $subline] 0] s1 s2 if {$s2 eq {}} { set s1 $p2 set s2 [string length $subline] } else { incr s2 } } else { set s1 $p2 set s2 [string first { } $subline $s1] if {$s2<0} {set s2 [string length $subline]} } # erase the currently processed option if {$p1 > $s2} break set subline [string replace $subline $p1 $s2 [string repeat { } [expr {$s2-$p1+1}]]] # highlight name & value incr p1 $r2 incr p2 $r2 $w tag add htmARG $il.$p1 $il.$p2 incr s1 $r2 incr s2 $r2 $w tag add htmVAL $il.$s1 $il.$s2 } } } set cmns [regexp -inline -all -indices {<{1}![^>]*>{1}} $line] foreach l2 $cmns { lassign $l2 p1 p2 if {$p1<$p2} { $w tag add htmCMN $il.$p1 $il.[incr p2] } } set cmns [regexp -inline -all -indices {<{1}!--[^>]*$} $line] foreach l2 $cmns { lassign $l2 p1 p2 if {$p1<$p2} { $w tag add htmCMN $il.$p1 $il.end return -1 ;# comments to be continued } } return 0 } # ________________________ EOF _________________________ #