A library for GUI development with Tcl/Tk.
############################################################################# # Name: sframe.tcl # Authors: main code by Paul Walton, portions by Alex Plotnikov # Date: 07/04/2022 # Brief: Handles a ttk-compatible, scrollable frame widget. # License: Tcl/Tk. # # Usage: # sframe new <path> ?-toplevel true? ?-anchor nsew? ?-mode x|y|xy|both? # -> <path> # # sframe content <path> # -> <path of child frame where the content should go> ############################################################################# # ________________________ sframe NS _________________________ # namespace eval sframe { namespace ensemble create namespace export * ## ________________________ sframe::procedures _________________________ ## proc new {path args} { # Creates a scrollable frame or window. # path - path to the frame/window # args - options # Use the ttk theme's background for the canvas and toplevel set bg [ttk::style lookup TFrame -background] if { [ttk::style theme use] eq "aqua" } { # Use a specific color on the aqua theme as 'ttk::style lookup' is not accurate. set bg "#e9e9e9" } # Create the main frame or toplevel. if { [dict exists $args -toplevel] && [dict get $args -toplevel] } { toplevel $path -bg $bg } else { ttk::frame $path } # Create a scrollable canvas with scrollbars which will always be the same size as the main frame. set mode both if { [dict exists $args -mode] } { set mode [dict get $args -mode] } switch -- [string tolower $mode] { both - xy - yx { set canvas [canvas $path.canvas -bg $bg -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 -yscrollcommand [list $path.scrolly set] -xscrollcommand [list $path.scrollx set]] ttk::scrollbar $path.scrolly -orient vertical -command [list $canvas yview] ttk::scrollbar $path.scrollx -orient horizontal -command [list $canvas xview] } y { set canvas [canvas $path.canvas -bg $bg -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 -yscrollcommand [list $path.scrolly set]] ttk::scrollbar $path.scrolly -orient vertical -command [list $canvas yview] } x { set canvas [canvas $path.canvas -bg $bg -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 -xscrollcommand [list $path.scrollx set]] ttk::scrollbar $path.scrollx -orient horizontal -command [list $canvas xview] } default { return -code error "-mode option is invalid: \"$mode\" (valid are x, y, xy, yx, both)" } } # Create a container frame which will always be the same size as the canvas or content, whichever is greater. # This allows the child content frame to be properly packed and also is a surefire way to use the proper ttk background. set container [ttk::frame $canvas.container] pack propagate $container 0 # Create the content frame. Its size will be determined by its contents. This is useful for determining if the # scrollbars need to be shown. set content [ttk::frame $container.content] # Pack the content frame and place the container as a canvas item. set anchor "n" if { [dict exists $args -anchor] } { set anchor [dict get $args -anchor] } pack $content -fill both -expand 1 -anchor $anchor $canvas create window 0 0 -window $container -anchor nw # Grid the scrollable canvas sans scrollbars within the main frame. grid $canvas -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew grid rowconfigure $path 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $path 0 -weight 1 # Make adjustments when the sframe is resized or the contents change size. bind $path.canvas <Configure> [list [namespace current]::resize $path] # Mousewheel bindings for scrolling set w [winfo toplevel $path] catch { if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {unix}} { ::apave::bindToEvent $w <Button-4> \ [namespace current]::wheelDelta $w <MouseWheel> 1 ::apave::bindToEvent $w <Button-5> \ [namespace current]::wheelDelta $w <MouseWheel> -1 ::apave::bindToEvent $w <Shift-Button-4> \ [namespace current]::wheelDelta $w <Shift-MouseWheel> 1 ::apave::bindToEvent $w <Shift-Button-5> \ [namespace current]::wheelDelta $w <Shift-MouseWheel> -1 } } ::apave::bindToEvent $w <MouseWheel> \ [namespace current]::wheelScroll $w [namespace current] scroll $path yview %D ::apave::bindToEvent $w <Shift-MouseWheel> \ [namespace current]::wheelScroll $w [namespace current] scroll $path xview %D return $path } #_______________________ proc content {{path ""}} { # Gets the path of the child frame suitable for content. # path - path to the scrollable window/frame return $path.canvas.container.content } #_______________________ proc resize {path} { # Makes adjustments when the the sframe is resized or the contents change size. # path - path to the scrollable window/frame set canvas $path.canvas set container $canvas.container set content $container.content # Set the size of the container. At a minimum use the same width & height as the canvas. set width [winfo width $canvas] set height [winfo height $canvas] # If the requested width or height of the content frame is greater then use that width or height. if { [winfo reqwidth $content] > $width } { set width [winfo reqwidth $content] } if { [winfo reqheight $content] > $height } { set height [winfo reqheight $content] } $container configure -width $width -height $height # Configure the canvas's scroll region to match the height and width of the container. set bg [lindex [::apave::obj csGet] 3] $canvas configure -scrollregion [list 0 0 $width $height] -bg $bg # Show or hide the scrollbars as necessary. # Horizontal scrolling. if {[winfo exists $path.scrollx]} { if { [winfo reqwidth $content] > [winfo width $canvas] } { grid $path.scrollx -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew } else { grid forget $path.scrollx } } # Vertical scrolling. if {[winfo exists $path.scrolly]} { if { [winfo reqheight $content] > [winfo height $canvas] } { grid $path.scrolly -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns } else { grid forget $path.scrolly } } return } #_______________________ proc scroll {path view D} { # Handles mousewheel scrolling. # path - path to the scrollable window/frame # view - xview or yview # D - scrolling units if { [winfo exists $path.canvas] } { $path.canvas $view scroll [expr {-$D}] units } return } #_______________________ proc checkScroll {w} { # Checks whether the scrolling is possible. # w - window set res yes catch { lassign [winfo pointerxy $w] rootX rootY if {[set win [winfo containing $rootX $rootY]] eq {}} { set win [focus] } if {[winfo exists $win]} { set ts [string tolower [winfo class $win]] } else { set ts - } if {$ts in {tablelist text listbox treeview}} { set res no } } return $res } #_______________________ proc wheelScroll {w args} { # Scrolls a window. # w - window catch { if {[checkScroll $w]} { {*}$args } } } #_______________________ proc wheelDelta {w ev delval} { # Generate mouse wheel events with deltas (for Linux). # w - window # ev - event # delval - delta catch { if {[checkScroll $w]} { event generate $w $ev -delta $delval } } } ## ________________________ EONS sframe _________________________ ## } # _____________________________ EOF _____________________________________ # #RUNF1: C:/PG/github/pave/tests/test2_pave.tcl alt 0 9 12 "small icons" #RUNF1: ../../../src/alited.tcl LOG=~/TMP/alited-DEBUG.log DEBUG