or -tvar
(variable name) optionThe calendar looks like this:
To directly call the calendar, use the following commands:
package require klnd klnd::calendar ?-option value ... ? # or this way source [file join $::apave::apaveDir pickers klnd klnd.tcl] klnd::calendar ?-option value ... ?where
may be:
-value - sets an input date (omittable) -tvar - sets a variable name to hold the input/output value (omittable) -dateformat - sets the input/output date format (%D by default) -weekday - sets a first week day: %w for Sunday, %u for Monday (default) -modal - `yes` if the calendar should be a modal window (default) -title - sets the calendar's title -geometry - sets the calendar's geometry -entry - sets a widget's path to show the calendar under -parent - sets a parent toplevel window to center the calendar in -centerme - `yes` if the calendar should be centered in the screenIf
and -tvar
options are both set, the -tvar
is preferred. If both omitted, a current system date is used as input.
The calendar returns a chosen date (setting also the -tvar
variable if any) or "" at no choice.
The priority of geometry options: -geometry, -entry, -parent, -centerme
. At no geometry option given, the calendar is shown under the mouse pointer.
The -parent
option may be used along with -geometry, -entry
, as it allows a child window to inherit the parent's attributes.
The calendar provides the hotkeys Left, Right, Up, Down, PageUp, PageDown, Home, End and F3 to navigate through days, months and years.
The Enter / Space keys or Double-Click are used to pick a date.
With apave package, the calendar can be used in two forms: date picker and embedded calendar:
An example of using date picker for apave layout:
{dat1 labDat1 L 1 1 {} {-tvar ::N::dat1 -title {Date of the event} -dateformat %d.%m.%Y -weekday %w}}This example includes
option meaning a variable name to hold the date.
The embedded calendar differs from this with daT
type of widget used instead of dat
. Also, this form of calendar doesn't allow using the keyboard; only the mouse is used in it.
The below example is taken from alited's source:
{.daT - - - - {pack -fill both} {-tvar alited::project::klnddata(date) -com {alited::project::KlndUpdate} -dateformat $alited::project::klnddata(dateformat) -tip {alited::project::KlndTip %W %D}}}This example includes
option to run a command at clicking a day. This command can use ::klnd::update
to highlight some days in the calendar. In alited these days contain reminders of TODOs being dead-lines.
Options of embedded calendar:
-com, -command - a command to run at left-click -popup - a command to run at right-click -currentmonth - a current month to display, in form of "year/month" -united - if yes, means "united" calendars -daylist - a list of selected days for "united" calendars -hllist - a list of highlighted days -tip - a command to get a day's tipA command of
-com, -command, -popup
options can use wildcards: %y
, %m
, %d
for year, month, day, %X
, %Y
for mouse pointer's coordinates.
A command of -tip
option can use wildcards: %W
for a day widget's path, %D
for a day.
UI procedures of embedded calendar:
- gets a title label's path, to change its attributes::klnd::selectedDay
- gets a selected day::klnd::getDaylist
- gets a list of selected days (for united calendars)::klnd::update
- redraws a calendar for a month
The procedures use obj
argument, which is just an index of a calendar (beginning with 1). If omitted or equal to {}, obj
means a last created calendar.
The multiple embedded calendars may be united with -united yes
option, so that a user can select a list of days inside them.
########################################################### # Name: klnd2.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov (aplsimple@gmail.com) # Date: 01/18/2022 # Brief: Handles calendar widget for apave package. # License: MIT. ########################################################### package require Tk # ________________________ my _________________________ # namespace eval ::klnd { namespace export calendar2 namespace eval my {} } ## ________________________ Go month/year _________________________ ## proc ::klnd::my::IsDay2 {obj i} { # Check if a button shows a day. # obj - index of calendar # i - button index variable p return [expr {![catch {set w [$p($obj) BuT$obj-${i}KLND]}] && \ [string length [TrimN [$w cget -text]]]}] } #_______________________ proc ::klnd::my::GoYear2 {obj i {dobreak no}} { # Shifts the year backward/forward. # obj - index of calendar # i - increment for the current year # dobreak - yes when called from 'bind' variable p ShowMonth2 $obj $p(mvis$obj) [expr {$p(yvis$obj)+($i)}] yes yes if {$dobreak} {return -code break} } #_______________________ proc ::klnd::my::GoMonth2 {obj i {dobreak no}} { # Shifts the month backward/forward. # obj - index of calendar # i - increment for the current month # dobreak - yes when called from 'bind' variable p set m [expr {$p(mvis$obj)+($i)}] if {$m>12} {set m 1; incr p(yvis$obj)} if {$m<1} {set m 12; incr p(yvis$obj) -1} ShowMonth2 $obj $m $p(yvis$obj) yes yes if {$dobreak} {return -code break} } #_______________________ proc ::klnd::my::fgMayHL {obj fg y m d} { # Gets a foreground color (possibly highlighting). # fg - default foreground color # y - year # m - month # d - day variable p foreach item $p(hllist$obj) { # date format for highlighting is %Y/%m/%d lassign [split [lindex $item 0] /] yh mh dh set dh [TrimN $dh] set mh [TrimN $mh] if {$y==$yh && $m==$mh && $d==$dh} { set fg red break } } return $fg } #_______________________ proc ::klnd::my::ShowMonth2 {obj m y {doenter yes} {dopopup no}} { # Displays a month's days. # obj - index of calendar # m - month # y - year # doenter - yes, if perform Enter2 proc # dopopup - yes, if bind a popup menu variable p set y [expr {max($y,[::klnd::minYear])}] set m [TrimN $m] # if calendars are linked with united, no display of year in a title if {$p(united$obj)} {set yd {}} {set yd " $y"} [$p($obj) LabMonth$obj] configure -text "[lindex $p(months$obj) [expr {$m-1}]]$yd" \ -font [::apave::obj boldDefFont [expr {[::apave::obj basicFontSize]+2}]] # highlight color set hlcolor red ;#[lindex [::apave::obj csGet] 17] # display day names for {set i 1} {$i<8} {incr i} { [$p($obj) LabDay$obj$i] configure -text " [lindex $p(days$obj) $i-1]" } # 1st day of the month's first week: set day1st [clock scan "$m/1/$y" -format %D] set i0 [clock format $day1st -format %w] if {$p(weekday$obj) eq {%u}} {if {$i0} {incr i0 -1} {set i0 6}} # get the last day of month if {[set yl $y] && [set ml $m]==12} {set ml 1; incr yl} set lday [clock format [clock scan "[incr ml]/1/$yl 1 day ago"] -format %d] set iday [set p(icurr$obj) 0] for {set i 1} {$i<38} {incr i} { set fg $p(fg1) set bg $p(bg1) set wbut [$p($obj) BuT$obj-${i}KLND] if {$i<=$i0 || $iday>=$lday} { set ttl { } set att "-takefocus 0 -activebackground $p(bg1) -overrelief flat" set script {} } else { set ttl [incr iday] set att "-takefocus 0 -activeforeground $p(fg0) -activebackground $p(bg0) -overrelief raised" if {$doenter && ($iday==$p(dvis$obj) || ($iday==$lday && $iday<$p(dvis$obj)))} { catch {after cancel $p(after$obj)} set p(after$obj) [after idle "::klnd::my::Enter2 $obj $i"] } if {$iday==1} {set p(d1st) $i} if {$y==$p(y) && $m==$p(m) && $iday==$p(d)} { set p(icurr$obj) $i ;# button's index of the current date } set dt [FormatDay2 $obj $y $m $iday] if {[lsearch -exact $p(daylist$obj) $dt]>-1} { set fg $p(fgsel) set bg $p(bgsel) } elseif {$p(currentdate) eq "$y/$m/$iday"} { set fg $p(fg2) set bg $p(bg2) } if {$dopopup} { set script [MapYMD $p(popup$obj) $y $m $iday] } } if {$dopopup && $p(popup$obj) ne {}} { bind $wbut <Button-3> $script } lappend ttls [string trim $ttl] # as last refuge: highlighting fg by hllist set fg [fgMayHL $obj $fg $y $m $iday] $wbut configure {*}$att -relief flat -fg $fg -bg $bg -text $ttl } set wnums [WeekNumbers $day1st $ttls] for {set i 0} {$i<6} {} { set wnum [lindex $wnums $i] set wbut [$p($obj) BuTW[incr i]] $wbut configure {*}$::klnd::TMPATTW -text $wnum } set p(mvis$obj) $m ;# month & year currently visible set p(yvis$obj) $y } ## ________________________ Current day _________________________ ## proc ::klnd::my::SetCurrentDay2 {obj} { # Goes to the current date. # obj - index of calendar variable p set p(dvis$obj) 0 ShowMonth2 $obj $p(m) $p(y) Enter2 $obj $p(icurr$obj) 1 } #_______________________ proc ::klnd::my::HighlightCurrentDay2 {obj} { # Highlights the current day's button. # obj - index of calendar variable p if {$p(currentmonth) eq "$p(yvis$obj)/[TrimN $p(mvis$obj)]"} { if {![info exists p(wcurr$obj)]} { catch {set p(wcurr$obj) [$p($obj) BuT$obj-$p(icurr$obj)KLND]} } catch { set day [$p(wcurr$obj) cget -text] if {[$p(wcurr$obj) cget -bg] ne $p(bgsel) && [TrimN $day] ne {}} { set fg [fgMayHL $obj $p(fg2) $p(yvis$obj) $p(mvis$obj) $day] $p(wcurr$obj) configure -fg $fg -bg $p(bg2) } if {$p(united$obj)} { # if calendars are linked with united, one COMMON day selected for all set p(wcurrdate) $p(wcurr$obj) } } return [expr {[info exists p(wunited$obj)] && [info exists p(wcurr$obj)] && \ $p(wunited$obj) eq $p(wcurr$obj)}] } return no } #_______________________ proc ::klnd::my::FormatDay2 {obj y m d} { # Gets a date formatted according to a current format. # obj - index of calendar # y - year of the date # m - month of the date # d - day of the date variable p return [clock format [clock scan $m/$d/$y -format %D] -format $p(dformat$obj) -locale $p(loc$obj)] } ## ________________________ Event handlers _________________________ ## proc ::klnd::my::Enter2 {obj i {focusin 0}} { # Highlights a button and makes it current. # obj - index of calendar # i - button index # focusin - yes, if the button is clicked and focused variable p if {[catch {set isday [IsDay2 $obj $i]}]} {set isday no} if {!$isday} {return -code break} set w [$p($obj) BuT$obj-${i}KLND] set p(dvis$obj) [$w cget -text] set date [FormatDay2 $obj $p(yvis$obj) $p(mvis$obj) $p(dvis$obj)] if {$focusin} { if {$p(daylist$obj) ne {-}} { # add/delete the date to/from the list of selected days if {[set di [lsearch -exact $p(daylist$obj) $date]]>-1} { set p(daylist$obj) [lreplace $p(daylist$obj) $di $di] ShowMonth2 $obj $p(mvis$obj) $p(yvis$obj) no return } else { lappend p(daylist$obj) $date } } } ShowMonth2 $obj $p(mvis$obj) $p(yvis$obj) no if {$focusin} { catch {set $p(tvar$obj) $date} set p(olddate$obj) $date if {$p(united$obj)} { # if calendars are linked with united, unselect previously selected COMMON day # and then highlight the current date catch { if {$p(daylist$obj) eq {-}} { $p(wunited) configure -fg $p(fg1) -bg $p(bg1) } if {[$p(wcurr$obj) cget -bg] ne $p(bgsel)} { set fg [fgMayHL $obj $p(fg2) $p(yvis$obj) $p(mvis$obj) $p(dvis$obj)] $p(wcurr$obj) configure -fg $fg -bg $p(bg2) } } } } set p(ienter) $i if {$p(tvar$obj) ne {}} { set $p(tvar$obj) $date if {$p(olddate$obj) eq $date} { if {$p(daylist$obj) ne {-}} { ShowMonth2 $obj $p(mvis$obj) $p(yvis$obj) no } else { catch { # unselect previously selected day of THIS month if {![HighlightCurrentDay2 $obj]} { $p(wunited$obj) configure -fg $p(fg1) -bg $p(bg1) } } # show selected day set fg [fgMayHL $obj $p(fgsel) $p(yvis$obj) $p(mvis$obj) $p(dvis$obj)] $w configure -fg $fg -bg $p(bgsel) } # save the selected widget for THIS month # and as COMMON for calendars linked with united set p(wunited$obj) $w if {$p(united$obj)} {set p(wunited) $w} } } if {$focusin && $p(com$obj) ne {}} { eval [MapYMD $p(com$obj) $p(yvis$obj) $p(mvis$obj) $p(dvis$obj)] } HighlightCurrentDay2 $obj } #_______________________ proc ::klnd::my::BindButtons2 {obj} { # Binds events to buttons of a calendar. # obj - index of calendar variable p for {set i 1} {$i<38} {incr i} { set but [$p($obj) BuT$obj-${i}KLND] bind $but <Button-1> "::klnd::my::Enter2 $obj $i 1" } } #_______________________ proc ::klnd::my::ButtonTip {obj tipcom w} { # Gets a button's tip. # obj - index of calendar # tipcom - a caller's command returning a tip # w - current day button's path # The tipcom command can include wildcards: # %W - a current day button's path # %D - a current day's value as Y/M/D variable p set res {} catch { set y $p(yvis$obj) set m $p(mvis$obj) set d [TrimN [$w cget -text]] set d [clock format [clock scan $m/$d/$y -format %D] -format %Y/%m/%d] set tipcom [string map [list %W $w %D $d] $tipcom] set res [eval {*}$tipcom] } return $res } ## ________________________ Widgets _________________________ ## proc ::klnd::my::MainWidgets2 {obj ownname} { # Forms main widgets of calendar. # obj - index of calendar # ownname - frame for calendar variable p set ::klnd::TMPTIP {} catch { if {$p(tip$obj) ne {}} { set tipcom [list $p(tip)] ;# possible bad list set ::klnd::TMPTIP \ "-tip { -BALTIP %W -COMMAND {::klnd::my::ButtonTip $obj {$tipcom} %w} }" } } set p(tipF3$obj) \ "[::msgcat::mc {Current date}]: \ [clock format [CurrentDate] -format $p(dformat$obj) -locale $p(loc$obj)]" set res [list "$ownname.laB - - 1 10 {-st nsew} {-bg $p(bg1)}"] # if calendars are united, no display of tool bar if {$p(united$obj)} { lappend res \ "$ownname.laB.LabMonth$obj - - - - {pack -fill x -expand 1} {-anchor center -w 18}" } else { lappend res \ "$ownname.laB.tool - - - - {pack -side top} {-array { \ IM_KLND_0 {{::klnd::my::SetCurrentDay2 $obj} -tip {$p(tipF3$obj)@@-under 5}} sev 3 \ IM_KLND_1 {{::klnd::my::GoYear2 $obj -1} -tip {$::klnd::my::prevY\n(Home)@@-under 5}} h_ 1 \ IM_KLND_2 {{::klnd::my::GoMonth2 $obj -1} -tip {$::klnd::my::prevM\n(PageUp)@@-under 5}} h_ 2 \ LabMonth$obj {{} {-fill x -expand 1} {-anchor center -w 18}} h_ 1 \ IM_KLND_3 {{::klnd::my::GoMonth2 $obj 1} -tip {$::klnd::my::nextM\n(PageDown)@@-under 5}} h_ 2 \ IM_KLND_4 {{::klnd::my::GoYear2 $obj 1} -tip {$::klnd::my::nextY\n(End)@@-under 5}} \ }}" } set ::klnd::TMPATTW "-font {$::apave::FONTMAIN} -padx 0 -pady 0 \ -activeforeground $p(fgh) -activebackground $p(bg1) -foreground $p(fgh) \ -relief flat -overrelief flat -takefocus 0 -highlightthickness 0 -width 2" if {$p(weeks)} {set ::klnd::TMPPACKW {}} {set ::klnd::TMPPACKW forget} lappend res "$ownname.frAW $ownname.laB T - - {-padx 0} {-bg $p(bg1) -w 0 -borderwidth 0}" lappend res "$ownname.frAW.labw - - 1 1 {pack $::klnd::TMPPACKW -pady 0}" # 1st day of the month's first week: for {set i 1} {$i<7} {incr i} { lappend res "$ownname.frAW.BuTW$i + T 1 1 {pack $::klnd::TMPPACKW -pady 1} {$::klnd::TMPATTW}" } lappend res "$ownname.laBDays $ownname.frAW L - - {-st nsew} {-bg $p(bg1)}" lappend res \ [list $ownname.laBDays.tcl " \ set wt - ; \ for {set i 1} {\$i<45} {incr i} { \ if {\$i<8} {set cur $ownname.laBDays.LabDay$obj\$i} {set cur $ownname.laBDays.BuT$obj-\[expr {\$i-7}\]KLND} ; \ if {(\$i%7)!=1} {set p L; set pw \$pr} {set p T; set pw \$wt; set wt \$cur} ; \ if {\$i<8} { \ set lwid \"\$cur \$pw \$p 1 1 {-st ew -pady 0} {-anchor center -foreground $p(fgh) -background $p(bg1)}\" \ } else { \ set lwid \"\$cur \$pw \$p 1 1 {-st ew -pady 1} {-relief flat -overrelief raised -takefocus 0 -padx 8 -pady 0 -font {$::apave::FONTMAIN} -com {::klnd::my::Enter2 $obj \[expr {\$i-7}\]} $::klnd::TMPTIP -highlightthickness 0 -w $p(width) -background $p(bg1)}\" \ } ; \ %C \$lwid ; \ set pr \$cur \ }" ] return $res } # ________________________ UI _________________________ # proc ::klnd::labelPath {{obj {}}} { # Gets a title label path. # obj - index of the calendar # Useful to change the label's attributes. # If *obj* omitted, returns a path of last created label. variable my::p if {$obj eq {}} {set obj $my::p(objNUM)} return [$my::p($obj) LabMonth$obj] } #_______________________ proc ::klnd::blinking {doit} { # Makes a calendar label blink. # doit - if yes, starts blinking, else stops it lassign [::apave::obj csGet] - fgnorm - bgnorm lassign [::apave::obj csGet 45] - - - - - bgblink fgblink set lab [::klnd::labelPath] if {$doit} { after idle "::apave::blinkWidget $lab $fgnorm $bgnorm $fgblink $bgblink 100 4" } else { ::apave::blinkWidget $lab $fgnorm $bgnorm } } #_______________________ proc ::klnd::update {{obj {}} {year {}} {month {}} {hllist {}}} { # Redraws a calendar. # obj - index of the calendar # year - year to redraw # month - month to redraw variable my::p if {$obj eq {}} { set obj $my::p(objNUM) set year $my::p(yvis$obj) set month $my::p(mvis$obj) set my::p(hllist$obj) $hllist } my::ShowMonth2 $obj $month $year yes yes } #_______________________ proc ::klnd::selectedDay {{obj {}} {y {}} {m {}} {d {}} {doblink yes}} { # Gets a selected day. # obj - index of the calendar # y - year # m - month # d - day # doblink - if yes, make the month blink # If y/m/d are set, they define currently selected date. # Returns a list of year, month, day variable my::p if {$obj eq {}} {set obj $my::p(objNUM)} if {$y ne {}} { set my::p(yvis$obj) $y set my::p(mvis$obj) $m set my::p(dvis$obj) $d if {$my::p(tvar$obj) ne {}} { set p(olddate$obj) [my::FormatDay2 $obj $y $m $d] set $my::p(tvar$obj) $p(olddate$obj) } after idle "::klnd::my::ShowMonth2 $obj $m $y yes yes; ::klnd::blinking $doblink" } list $my::p(yvis$obj) $my::p(mvis$obj) $my::p(dvis$obj) } #_______________________ proc ::klnd::getDaylist {pobj {min 0} {max 9999999}} { # Gets a day list which was set initially and possibly changed by a user. # pobj - apave object # min - minimal index of calendar widget # max - maximal index of calendar widget # The pobj is the same as passed to klnd::calendar2. # See also: calendar2 variable my::p set res [list] if {![catch {set objNUM $my::p(objNUM)}]} { for {set obj 0} {$obj<$objNUM} {} { incr obj if {$my::p($obj) eq $pobj && [info exist my::p(daylist$obj)]} { if {$my::p(daylist$obj) ne {-} && $min<=$obj && $obj<=$max} { foreach d $my::p(daylist$obj) { if {[lsearch -exact $res $d]<0} { lappend res $d } } } } } } return $res } #_______________________ proc ::klnd::calendar2 {pobj w ownname args} { # The main procedure of the calendar embedded widget. # pobj - apave object # w - container widget for *ownname* # ownname - frame widget for calendar # args - options of the calendar # Returns a list of widgets for apave layout. variable my::p set obj [incr my::p(objNUM)] set my::p($obj) $pobj my::InitSettings my::InitCalendar {*}$args if {$my::p(currentmonth) eq {}} { lassign [::klnd::currentYearMonthDay] year month day set my::p(currentmonth) "$year/$month" set my::p(currentdate) "$year/$month/$day" } # save options for current calendar foreach opt {weekday months days loc yvis mvis dvis \ com tvar dformat united currentmonth daylist popup hllist tip} { set my::p($opt$obj) $my::p($opt) } if {$my::p(daylist) ne {-} && $my::p(united)} { # for calendars united, initialize day lists per month set my::p(daylist$obj) [list] foreach date $my::p(daylist) { set d [clock format [clock scan $date -format $my::p(dformat)] -format %Y/%N/%d] lassign [split $d /] y m set m [my::TrimN $m] lappend my::p(daylist$obj) $date } } # if calendars are united, it's selected at start # and saved as previously selected one set my::p(olddate$obj) {} # binds for day buttons and show and work with the calendar after idle "::klnd::my::BindButtons2 $obj; \ ::klnd::my::ShowMonth2 $obj $my::p(m) $my::p(y) yes yes" set res [my::MainWidgets2 $obj $ownname] return $res } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #