A library for GUI development with Tcl/Tk.
# _______________________________________________________________________ # # # This script contains a bunch of oo::classes. A bit of it. # # The ObjectProperty class allows to mix-in into # an object the getter and setter of properties. # # The ObjectTheming class allows to change the ttk widgets' style. # # _______________________________________________________________________ # namespace eval ::apave { # ________________________ apave's global variables _________________________ # variable FGMAIN #000000 ;# base fg/bg variable BGMAIN #d9d9d9 variable FGMAIN2 #000000 ;# field fg/bg variable BGMAIN2 #ffffff variable FONTMAIN [font actual TkDefaultFont] variable FONTMAINBOLD [list {*}$::apave::FONTMAIN -weight bold] # - common options/constants of apave utils variable _PU_opts; array set _PU_opts [list -NONE =NONE=] variable _AP_Properties; array set _AP_Properties [list] set _PU_opts(_ERROR_) {} set _PU_opts(_EOL_) {} set _PU_opts(_LOGFILE) {} set _PU_opts(_MODALWIN_) [list] # - main color scheme data variable _C_ array set _C_ [list] # - localized messages variable _MC_ array set _MC_ [list] namespace eval ::tk { ; # just to get localized messages foreach m {&Abort &Cancel &Copy Cu&t &Delete E&xit &Filter &Ignore &No \ OK Open P&aste &Quit &Retry &Save {Save As} &Yes Close {To clipboard} \ Zoom Size} { set m2 [string map {& {}} $m] set ::apave::_MC_($m2) [string map {& {}} [msgcat::mc $m]] } } # ________________________ CS - color schemes _________________________ # ## ________________________ CS variables _________________________ ## variable _CS_ array set _CS_ [list] # - current color scheme data set _CS_(initall) 1 set _CS_(initWM) 1 set _CS_(isActive) 1 set _CS_(!FG) #000000 set _CS_(!BG) #b7b7b7 ;#a8bcd2 #c3c3c3 #9cb0c6 #4a6984 set _CS_(expo,tfg1) "-" set _CS_(defFont) [font actual TkDefaultFont -family] set _CS_(textFont) [font actual TkFixedFont -family] set _CS_(smallFont) [font actual TkSmallCaptionFont] set _CS_(fs) [font actual TkDefaultFont -size] set _CS_(untouch) [list] set _CS_(NONCS) -2 set _CS_(MINCS) -1 set _CS_(old) -3 set _CS_(TONED) [list -2 no] set _CS_(HUE) 0 set _CS_(LABELBORDER) 0 set _CS_(CURSORWIDTH) 2 ## ________________________ CS list _________________________ ## # Colors for <MildDark CS> : 1. meanings 2. code names # <CS> itemfg mainfg itembg mainbg itemsHL actbg actfg cursor greyed hot \ emfg embg - menubg winfg winbg itemHL2 tabHL chkHL #005...reserved... #007 # <CS> clrtitf clrinaf clrtitb clrinab clrhelp clractb clractf clrcurs clrgrey clrhotk \ fI bI --12-- bM fW bW itemHL2 tabHL chkHL #005...reserved... #007 set ::apave::_CS_(ALL) { {{ 0: AwLight} "#141414" #151616 #dfdfde #d1d1d0 #28578a #85b4e7 #000 #444 grey #4776a9 #000 #97c6f9 - #bebebd #000 #FBFB96 #cacaca #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{ 1: AzureLight} "#050b0d" #050b0d #ffffff #e1e1e1 #00516b #a2f2ff #000 #444 grey #007f99 #000 #92e2ef - #cccccc #000 #FBFB95 #e2e2e0 #ad0000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{ 2: ForestLight} "#050b0d" #050b0d #ffffff #e1e1e1 #1d5d1d #A8CCA8 #000 #185818 grey #328457 #000 #b6cbb6 - #cccccc #000 #FBFB95 #e2e2e0 #ad0000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{ 3: SunValleyLight} "#050b0d" #050b0d #ffffff #e1e1e1 #1056af #74c9ff #000 #444 grey #1574cd #000 #84d9ff - #cccccc #000 #FBFB95 #e2e2e0 #950000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{ 4: LightBrown} "#00002f" #00001a #f6f4f2 #f6f4f2 #7b3e30 #edc89b #000 #682800 grey #d59e6d #000000 #deb98c - #dfdddb #000 #FBFB95 #e3e2e0 #a30000 #900000 #005 #006 #007} {{ 5: Grey1} "#050b0d" #050b0d #F8F8F8 #dadad8 #933232 #b8b8b8 #000 #444 grey #843e3e #000 #AFAFAF - #caccd0 #000 #FBFB95 #e0e0d8 #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{ 6: Grey2} "#050b0d" #050b0d #f4f4f4 #F8F8F8 #5c1616 #c8c8c8 #000 #444 grey #933232 #000 #c1c1c1 - #e7e7e7 #000 #FBFB95 #e5e5e5 #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{ 7: Rosy} "#2B122A" #000000 #FFFFFF #F6E6E9 #712371 #d0b8d3 #000 #630063 grey #954799 #000 #ceb6d1 - #e3d3d6 #000 #FBFB95 #e5e3e1 #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{ 8: Clay} "#000000" #000000 #fdf4ed #e6dbd4 #6e300d #bcaea2 #000 #444 grey #813b3b #000 #c6b4ac - #d5c9c1 #000 #FBFB95 #e1dfde #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{ 9: Dawn} "#08085D" #030358 #FFFFFF #e4fafa #794545 #a3dce5 #000 #195999 grey #ae4d4d #000 #99d2db - #d3e9e9 #000 #FBFB96 #dbe9ed #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{10: Sky} "#102433" #0A1D33 #d0fdff #bdf6ff #713d3d #95ced7 #000 #195999 grey #a94848 #000 #9ad3dc - #b1eaf3 #000 #FBFB95 #c0e9ef #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{11: Florid} "#000000" #004000 #e4fce4 #fff #8b4545 #93e493 #0F2D0F #185818 grey #9a481a #004000 #a7f8a7 - #d8e7d8 #000 #FBFB96 #d7e6d7 #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{12: LightGreen} "#122B05" #091900 #edffed #DEF8DE #764242 #A8CCA8 #000 #185818 grey #a34242 #000 #A8CCA8 - #cde7cd #000 #FBFB96 #dee9de #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{13: InverseGreen} "#122B05" #091900 #e5ffe1 #d7f1d7 #6d3939 #a7cba7 #000 #185818 grey #a94848 #000 #afd3af - #c9e3c9 #000 #FBFB96 #d6e8d5 #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{14: GreenPeace} "#001000" #001000 #e1ffdd #cfe4cf #733f3f #a5c3a1 #000 #185818 grey #af4e4e #000 #9cb694 - #c1dbc1 #000 #FBFB96 #d2e1d2 #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{15: African} "#000000" #000000 #ffffff #ffffe7 #8a4444 #ffd797 #000 #682800 #7e7e7e #a44a2d #000 #f7bf91 - #e7e7cf #000 #fbfb74 #ededd5 #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{16: African1} "#000000" #000000 #ffffff #ebebd3 #8a4444 #ebc383 #000 #682800 #7e7e7e #9d4326 #000 #f7bf91 - #dbdbc3 #000 #fbfb74 #ededd5 #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{17: African2} "#000000" #000000 #f7f7dc #dedbb4 #8e4848 #f2b482 #000 #682800 grey #9f4528 #000 #e6ae80 - #ccc9a2 #000 #fbfb74 #e7e7cb #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{18: African3} "#000000" #000000 #e2deb5 #ccc9a6 #813b3b #e1a97b #000 #682800 grey #a44a2d #000 #e6ae80 - #bbb895 #000 #fbfb74 #c9c9b0 #c10000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{19: Notebook} "#000000" #000000 #e9e1c8 #d2ccb8 #692323 #d59d6f #000 #682800 #7e7e7e #92381b #000 #c09c77 - #dbd5c1 #000 #eded89 #dad2b9 #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{20: Notebook1} "#000000" #000000 #dad2b9 #bfb9a5 #692323 #d59d6f #000 #682800 #707070 #92381b #000 #ba9671 - #c5bfab #000 #eded89 #ccc4ab #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{21: Notebook2} "#000000" #000000 #d1c9b0 #b1ab97 #692323 #d59d6f #000 #682800 #606060 #92381b #000 #c38b5d - #bdb7a3 #000 #e3e37f #c1b9a0 #980000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{22: Notebook3} "#000000" #000000 #c2baa1 #a6a08c #793333 #cb9365 #000 #682800 #505050 #973d20 #000 #d59d6f - #b3ad99 #000 #dada76 #b2aa91 #7b1010 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{23: Dusk} "#ececec" #ececec #1a1f21 #262b2d #90afca #4a6984 #FFF #f4f49f #585d5f #7897b2 #fff #41607b - #363b3d #000 #9d9d60 #23282a #ffc341 #8cabc6 #005 #006 #007} {{24: SunValleyDeep} "#dfdfdf" #dddddd #131313 #323232 #aae2ff #2a627f #FFF #f4f49f #6f6f6f #7db5d2 #fff #245c79 - #3e3e3e #000 #9d9d60 #2a2a2a #efaf6f #4273eb #005 #006 #007} {{25: AwDark} "#F0E8E8" #E7E7E7 #1f2223 #232829 #77b3f2 #215d9c #fff #f4f49f grey #5793d2 #fff #0d4988 - #313637 #000 #9d9d60 #292e2f #ffc341 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{26: AzureDark} "#ececec" #c7c7c7 #272727 #393939 #56d5ff #0a89c1 #FFF #f4f49f grey #36b5ed #ffffff #0069a1 - #4a4a4a #000 #aaaa6d #383838 #ffc341 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{27: ForestDark} "#ececec" #c7c7c7 #272727 #393939 #a3cda3 #217346 #FFF #42ff42 grey #84ae84 #fff #247649 - #4a4a4a #000 #aaaa6d #383838 #efaf6f #99dd99 #005 #006 #007} {{28: SunValleyDark} "#ececec" #c7c7c7 #272727 #323232 #aae2ff #2a627f #fff #f4f49f grey #7cb4d1 #fff #245c79 - #444444 #000 #aaaa6d #343434 #ffc341 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{29: DarkBrown} "#e0e0e0" #e0e0e0 #171717 #232323 #de9e5e #6d4d29 #fff #f4f49f #616161 #aa7d3d #dfdfdf #62421e - #303030 #000 #9d9d60 #292929 #ffc341 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{30: Dark1} "#E0D9D9" #C4C4C4 #212121 #292929 #de9e5e #6c6c6c #fff #f4f49f #606060 #ba8d4d #000 #767676 - #363636 #000 #9d9d60 #292929 #ffc341 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{31: Dark2} "#bebebe" #bebebe #1f1f1f #262626 #de9e5e #6b6b6b #fff #f4f49f #616161 #b28545 #000 #767676 - #323232 #000 #9d9d60 #262626 #ffc341 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{32: Oscuro} "#f1f1f1" #ffffff #314242 #3e5959 #f1b479 #6c8787 #fff #42ff42 #afafaf #d3a051 #fff #5b7676 - #4d6868 #000 #aaaa6d #425353 #ffc341 #94e2b8 #005 #006 #007} {{33: Oscuro1} "#e3e3e3" #f7f7f7 #233434 #304b4b #e3a66b #5e7979 #fff #42ff42 #a1a1a1 #d6a354 #fff #4e6969 - #3f5a5a #000 #aaaa6d #344545 #ffcb8b #86d4aa #005 #006 #007} {{34: Oscuro2} "#d5d5d5" #f1f1f1 #152626 #223d3d #d5985d #506b6b #fff #42ff42 #939393 #c69344 #fff #435e5e - #314c4c #000 #9d9d60 #263737 #ffc585 #78c69c #005 #006 #007} {{35: Oscuro3} "#c7c7c7" #eaeaea #071818 #142f2f #dfa267 #425d5d #fff #42ff42 #858585 #ba8738 #fff #324d4d - #233e3e #000 #9d9d60 #182929 #e9ae6e #6ab88e #005 #006 #007} {{36: MildDark} "#d2d2d2" #ffffff #223142 #2D435B #3ddbdb #517997 #fff #00ffff grey #18b6b6 #fff #3e6684 - #3a5068 #000 #aaaa6d #324152 #ffc341 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{37: MildDark1} "#c8c8c8" #f7f7f7 #1a2937 #24384f #3cdada #466e8c #fff #00ffff #757575 #19b7b7 #fff #3a6280 - #31455c #000 #aaaa6d #2b3a48 #f1b171 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{38: MildDark2} "#e2e2e2" #f1f1f1 #0e1d2c #1B3048 #3edddd #426a88 #fff #00ffff #6c6c6c #0ba9a9 #fff #355d7b - #2a3f57 #000 #9d9d60 #1d2c3b #f4b474 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{39: MildDark3} "#dbdbdb" #eaeaea #000c1b #031830 #35d4d4 #375f7d #fff #00ffff #6c6c6c #019f9f #fff #2f5775 - #162b43 #000 #9d9d60 #0a1f37 #e5a565 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{40: Inkpot} "#d3d3ff" #AFC2FF #16161f #1E1E27 #e39f51 #525293 #fff #f4f49f #6e6e6e #b57535 #fff #4d4d8e - #292936 #000 #9d9d60 #202029 #e7b070 #7a7abb #005 #006 #007} {{41: Quiverly} "#cdd8d8" #cdd8d8 #2b303b #333946 #69daff #2a627f #fff #f4f49f #757575 #46b7ee #fff #306885 - #414650 #000 #aaaa6d #323742 #ffc341 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{42: Monokai} "#f8f8f2" #f8f8f2 #353630 #4e5044 #ffbb6d #707070 #fff #f4f49f #9a9a9a #db9e63 #000 #777777 - #46473d #000 #b7b77a #3c3d37 #ffc888 #cd994b #005 #006 #007} {{43: TKE Default} "#dbdbdb" #dbdbdb #000000 #282828 #d3a85a #0a0acc #fff #f4f49f #6a6a6a #c58545 #fff #0000d3 - #383838 #000 #9d9d60 #1b1c1c #e5a565 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007} {{44: Magenta} "#E8E8E8" #F0E8E8 #381e44 #4A2A4A #ffbb6d #846484 #fff #f4f49f grey #d6995e #000 #ad8dad - #573757 #000 #9d9d60 #42284e #ffc888 #ffafff #005 #006 #007} {{45: Red} "#ffffff" #e9e9e6 #340202 #440702 #ffbb6d #b05e5e #fff #f4f49f #828282 #ce9156 #000 #ba6868 - #521514 #000 #9d9d60 #461414 #ffcf8f #ff9a9a #005 #006 #007} {{46: Chocolate} "#d6d1ab" #d6d1ab #251919 #402020 #ebb474 #664D4D #fff #f4f49f #828282 #c08040 #fff #583f3f - #432a2a #000 #aaaa6d #2d2121 #eeb777 #cf9292 #005 #006 #007} {{47: Desert} "#ffffff" #ffffff #47382d #5a4b40 #ffbb6d #85766b #fff #f4f49f #a2a2a2 #d4975c #fff #7f7065 - #695a4f #000 #aaaa6d #503f34 #ffc341 #ead79b #005 #006 #007} } set ::apave::_CS_(STDCS) [expr {[llength $::apave::_CS_(ALL)] - 1}] } # _____________________________ Common procs ________________________________ # proc ::apave::mc {msg} { # Gets a localized version of a message. # msg - the message variable _MC_ if {[info exists _MC_($msg)]} {return $_MC_($msg)} return $msg } ## ________________________ Inits _________________________ ## proc ::apave::initWM {args} { # Initializes Tcl/Tk session. Used to be called at the beginning of it. # args - options ("name value" pairs) # If args eq "?", return a flag "need to call initWM" if {$args eq {?}} {return $::apave::_CS_(initWM)} if {!$::apave::_CS_(initWM)} return ::apave::withdraw . ::apave::place . 0 0 center lassign [parseOptions $args -cursorwidth $::apave::cursorwidth -theme default \ -buttonwidth -8 -buttonborder 1 -labelborder 0 -padding 1 -cs -2 -isbaltip yes] \ cursorwidth theme butwidth butborder labborder padding cs ::apave::ISBALTIP initBaltip if {$theme eq {}} {set theme default} if {$cs<-2 || $cs>47} {set cs -2} set ::apave::_CS_(initWM) 0 set ::apave::_CS_(CURSORWIDTH) $cursorwidth set ::apave::_CS_(LABELBORDER) $labborder # for default theme: only most common settings set tfg1 $::apave::_CS_(!FG) set tbg1 $::apave::_CS_(!BG) if {$theme ne {} && [catch {ttk::style theme use $theme}]} { catch {ttk::style theme use default} } ttk::style map . \ -selectforeground [list !focus $tfg1 {focus active} $tfg1] \ -selectbackground [list !focus $tbg1 {focus active} $tbg1] ttk::style configure . -selectforeground $tfg1 -selectbackground $tbg1 # configure separate widget types ttk::style configure TButton -anchor center -width $butwidth \ -relief raised -borderwidth $butborder -padding $padding ttk::style configure TMenubutton -width 0 -padding 0 # TLabel's standard style saved for occasional uses initStyle TLabelSTD TLabel -anchor w # ... TLabel new style ttk::style configure TLabel -borderwidth $labborder -padding $padding # ... Treeview colors set twfg [ttk::style map Treeview -foreground] set twfg [putOption selected $tfg1 {*}$twfg] set twbg [ttk::style map Treeview -background] set twbg [putOption selected $tbg1 {*}$twbg] ttk::style map Treeview -foreground $twfg ttk::style map Treeview -background $twbg # ... TCombobox colors ttk::style map TCombobox -fieldforeground [list {active focus} $tfg1 readonly $tfg1 disabled grey] ttk::style map TCombobox -fieldbackground [list {active focus} $tbg1 {readonly focus} $tbg1 {readonly !focus} white] initStyles initPOP . if {$cs!=-2} {obj csSet $cs} } #_______________________ proc ::apave::endWM {args} { # Finishes the window management by apave, closing and clearing all. # args - if any set, means "ask if apave's WM is finished" if {[llength $args]} {return [info exists ::apave::_CS_(endWM)]} set ::apave::_CS_(endWM) yes } #_______________________ proc ::apave::initPOP {w} { # Initializes system popup menu (if possible) to call it in a window. # w - window's name bind $w <KeyPress> { if {"%K" eq "Menu"} { if {[winfo exists [set w [focus]]]} { event generate $w <Button-3> -rootx [winfo pointerx .] \ -rooty [winfo pointery .] } } } } #_______________________ proc ::apave::ttkToolbutton {} { # Initializes Toolbutton's style, depending on CS. # Creates also btt / brt / blt widget types to be paved, # with images top / right / left accordingly. lassign [obj csGet] fg1 - bg1 ttk::style map Toolbutton {*}[dict replace [ttk::style map Toolbutton] \ -foreground "pressed $fg1 active $fg1" -background "pressed $bg1 active $bg1"] defaultAttrs btt {} {-style Toolbutton -compound top -takefocus 0} ttk::button defaultAttrs brt {} {-style Toolbutton -compound right -takefocus 0} ttk::button defaultAttrs blt {} {-style Toolbutton -compound left -takefocus 0} ttk::button } #_______________________ proc ::apave::initStyle {wt wbase args} { # Initializes a style for a widget type, e.g. button's. # wt - target widget type # wbase - base widget type # args - options of the style ttk::style configure $wt {*}[ttk::style configure $wbase] ttk::style configure $wt {*}$args ttk::style map $wt {*}[ttk::style map $wbase] ttk::style layout $wt [ttk::style layout $wbase] } #_______________________ proc ::apave::initStyles {} { # Initializes miscellaneous styles, e.g. button's. obj create_Fonts initStyle TButtonWest TButton -anchor w -font $::apave::FONTMAIN initStyle TButtonBold TButton -font $::apave::FONTMAINBOLD initStyle TButtonWestBold TButton -anchor w -font $::apave::FONTMAINBOLD initStyle TButtonWestHL TButton -anchor w -foreground [lindex [obj csGet] 4] initStyle TMenuButtonWest TMenubutton -anchor w -font $::apave::FONTMAIN -relief raised initStyle TreeNoHL Treeview -borderwidth 0 lassign [obj csGet] - - - - thlp tbgS tfgS - - bclr ttk::style map TreeNoHL {*}[ttk::style map Treeview] \ -foreground [list {selected focus} $tfgS {selected !focus} $tfgS] \ -background [list {selected focus} $tbgS {selected !focus} $tbgS] } #_______________________ proc ::apave::initStylesFS {args} { # Initializes miscellaneous styles, e.g. button's. # args - font options ("name value" pairs) ::apave::obj create_Fonts set font "$::apave::FONTMAIN $args" set fontB "$::apave::FONTMAINBOLD $args" initStyle TLabelFS TLabel -font $font initStyle TCheckbuttonFS TCheckbutton -font $font initStyle TComboboxFS TCombobox -font $font initStyle TRadiobuttonFS TRadiobutton -font $font initStyle TButtonWestFS TButton -anchor w -font $font initStyle TButtonBoldFS TButton -font $fontB initStyle TButtonWestBoldFS TButton -anchor w -font $fontB } #_______________________ proc ::apave::InitAwThemesPath {libdir} { # Initializes the path to awthemes package. # libdir - root directory of themes (where 'theme' subdirectory is) global auto_path set awpath [file join $libdir theme awthemes-10.4.0] if {[lindex $auto_path 0] ne $awpath} { set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 $awpath] } } #_______________________ proc ::apave::InitTheme {intheme libdir} { # Initializes app's theme. # intheme - name of the theme # libdir - root directory of themes (where 'theme' subdirectory is) # Returns a list of theme name and label's border (for status bar). # The returned values are used in ::apave::initWM procedure. set theme {} switch -glob -- $intheme { azure* - sun-valley* { set i [string last - $intheme] set name [string range $intheme 0 $i-1] set type [string range $intheme $i+1 end] catch {source [file join $libdir theme $name $name.tcl]} catch { set_theme $type set theme $intheme } set lbd 0 } forest* { set i [string last - $intheme] set name [string range $intheme 0 $i-1] set type [string range $intheme $i+1 end] catch { source [file join $libdir theme $name $intheme.tcl] set theme $intheme } set lbd 0 } awdark - awlight { catch {package forget ttk::theme::$intheme} catch {namespace delete ttk::theme::$intheme} catch {package forget awthemes} catch {namespace delete awthemes} InitAwThemesPath $libdir package require awthemes package require ttk::theme::$intheme set theme $intheme set lbd 1 } plastik - lightbrown - darkbrown { set path [file join $libdir theme $intheme] source [file join $path $intheme.tcl] set theme $intheme set lbd 1 } default { set theme $intheme set lbd 1 } } list $theme $lbd } #_______________________ proc ::apave::iconifyOption {args} { # Gets/sets "-iconify" option. # args - if contains no arguments, gets "-iconify" option; otherwise sets it # Option values mean: # none - do nothing: no withdraw/deiconify # Linux - do withdraw/deiconify for Linux # Windows - do withdraw/deiconify for Windows # default - do withdraw/deiconify depending on the platform # See also: withdraw, deiconify if {[llength $args]} { set iconify [::apave::obj setShowOption -iconify $args] } else { set iconify [::apave::obj getShowOption -iconify] } return $iconify } #_______________________ proc ::apave::withdraw {w} { # Does 'withdraw' for a window. # w - the window's path # See also: iconifyOption switch -- [iconifyOption] { none { ; # no withdraw/deiconify actions } Linux { ; # do it for Linux wm withdraw $w } Windows { ; # do it for Windows wm withdraw $w wm attributes $w -alpha 0.0 } default { ; # do it depending on the platform wm withdraw $w if {[::iswindows]} { wm attributes $w -alpha 0.0 } } } } #_______________________ proc ::apave::deiconify {w} { # Does 'deiconify' for a window. # w - the window's path # See also: iconifyOption switch -- [iconifyOption] { none { ; # no withdraw/deiconify actions } Linux { ; # do it for Linux catch {wm deiconify $w ; raise $w} } Windows { ; # do it for Windows if {[wm attributes $w -alpha] < 0.1} {wm attributes $w -alpha 1.0} catch {wm deiconify $w ; raise $w} } default { ; # do it depending on the platform if {[::iswindows]} { if {[wm attributes $w -alpha] < 0.1} {wm attributes $w -alpha 1.0} } catch {wm deiconify $w ; raise $w} } } } #_______________________ proc ::apave::cs_Active {{flag ""}} { # Gets/sets "is changing CS possible" flag for a whole application. if {[string is boolean -strict $flag]} { set ::apave::_CS_(isActive) $flag } return $::apave::_CS_(isActive) } ## ________________________ Property _________________________ ## proc ::apave::setProperty {name args} { # Sets a property's value as "application-wide". # name - name of property # args - value of property # If *args* is omitted, the method returns a property's value. # If *args* is set, the method sets a property's value as $args. variable _AP_Properties switch -exact [llength $args] { 0 {return [getProperty $name]} 1 {return [set _AP_Properties($name) [lindex $args 0]]} } puts -nonewline stderr \ "Wrong # args: should be \"::apave::setProperty propertyname ?value?\"" return -code error } #_______________________ proc ::apave::getProperty {name {defvalue ""}} { # Gets a property's value as "application-wide". # name - name of property # defvalue - default value # If the property had been set, the method returns its value. # Otherwise, the method returns the default value (`$defvalue`). variable _AP_Properties if {[info exists _AP_Properties($name)]} { return $_AP_Properties($name) } return $defvalue } ## ________________________ CS procs _________________________ ## proc ::apave::cs_Non {} { # Gets non-existent CS index return -3 } #_______________________ proc ::apave::cs_Min {} { # Gets a minimum index of available color schemes return $::apave::_CS_(MINCS) } proc ::apave::cs_Max {} { # Gets a maximum index of available color schemes expr {[llength $::apave::_CS_(ALL)] - 1} } proc ::apave::cs_MaxBasic {} { # Gets a maximum index of basic color schemes return $::apave::_CS_(STDCS) } ## ________________________ Opfions _________________________ ## proc ::apave::parseOptionsFile {strict inpargs args} { # Parses argument list containing options and (possibly) a file name. # strict - if 0, 'args' options will be only counted for, # other options are skipped # strict - if 1, only 'args' options are allowed, # all the rest of inpargs to be a file name # - if 2, the 'args' options replace the # appropriate options of 'inpargs' # inpargs - list of options, values and a file name # args - list of default options # # The inpargs list contains: # - option names beginning with "-" # - option values following their names (may be missing) # - "--" denoting the end of options # - file name following the options (may be missing) # # The *args* parameter contains the pairs: # - option name (e.g., "-dir") # - option default value # # If the *args* option value is equal to =NONE=, the *inpargs* option # is considered to be a single option without a value and, # if present in inpargs, its value is returned as "yes". # # If any option of *inpargs* is absent in *args* and strict==1, # the rest of *inpargs* is considered to be a file name. # # The proc returns a list of two items: # - an option list got from args/inpargs according to 'strict' # - a file name from inpargs or {} if absent # # Examples see in tests/obbit.test. variable _PU_opts set actopts true array set argarray "$args yes yes" ;# maybe, tail option without value if {$strict==2} { set retlist $inpargs } else { set retlist $args } set retfile {} for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $inpargs]} {incr i} { set parg [lindex $inpargs $i] if {$actopts} { if {$parg eq "--"} { set actopts false } elseif {[catch {set defval $argarray($parg)}]} { if {$strict==1} { set actopts false append retfile $parg " " } else { incr i } } else { if {$strict==2} { if {$defval == $_PU_opts(-NONE)} { set defval yes } incr i } else { if {$defval == $_PU_opts(-NONE)} { set defval yes } else { set defval [lindex $inpargs [incr i]] } } set ai [lsearch -exact $retlist $parg] incr ai set retlist [lreplace $retlist $ai $ai $defval] } } else { append retfile $parg " " } } list $retlist [string trimright $retfile] } #_______________________ proc ::apave::parseOptions {opts args} { # Parses argument list containing options. # opts - list of options and values # args - list of "option / default value" pairs # It's the same as parseOptionsFile, excluding the file name stuff. # Returns a list of options' values, according to args. # See also: parseOptionsFile lassign [::apave::parseOptionsFile 0 $opts {*}$args] tmp foreach {nam val} $tmp { lappend retlist $val } return $retlist } #_______________________ proc ::apave::extractOptions {optsVar args} { # Gets options' values and removes the options from the input list. # optsVar - variable name for the list of options and values # args - list of "option / default value" pairs # Returns a list of options' values, according to args. # See also: parseOptions upvar 1 $optsVar opts set retlist [::apave::parseOptions $opts {*}$args] foreach {o v} $args { set opts [::apave::removeOptions $opts $o] } return $retlist } #_______________________ proc ::apave::getOption {optname args} { # Extracts one option from an option list. # optname - option name # args - option list # Returns an option value or "". # Example: # set options [list -name some -value "any value" -tip "some tip"] # set optvalue [::apave::getOption -tip {*}$options] set optvalue [lindex [::apave::parseOptions $args $optname ""] 0] return $optvalue } #_______________________ proc ::apave::putOption {optname optvalue args} { # Replaces or adds one option to an option list. # optname - option name # optvalue - option value # args - option list # Returns an updated option list. set optlist {} set doadd true foreach {a v} $args { if {$a eq $optname} { set v $optvalue set doadd false } lappend optlist $a $v } if {$doadd} {lappend optlist $optname $optvalue} return $optlist } #_______________________ proc ::apave::removeOptions {opts args} { # Removes some options from a list of options. # opts - list of options and values # args - list of option names to remove # The `opts` may contain "key value" pairs and "alone" options # without values. # To remove "key value" pairs, `key` should be an exact name. # To remove an "alone" option, `key` should be a glob pattern with `*`. foreach key $args { while {[incr maxi]<99} { if {[set i [lsearch -exact $opts $key]]>-1} { catch { # remove a pair "option value" set opts [lreplace $opts $i $i] set opts [lreplace $opts $i $i] } } elseif {[string first * $key]>=0 && \ [set i [lsearch -glob $opts $key]]>-1} { # remove an option only set opts [lreplace $opts $i $i] } else { break } } } return $opts } ## ________________________ Text file _________________________ ## proc ::apave::error {{fileName ""}} { # Gets the error's message at reading/writing. # fileName - if set, return a full error messageat opening file variable _PU_opts if {$fileName eq ""} { return $_PU_opts(_ERROR_) } return "Error of access to\n\"$fileName\"\n\n$_PU_opts(_ERROR_)" } #_______________________ proc ::apave::textsplit {textcont} { # Splits a text's contents by EOLs. Those inventors of EOLs... # textcont - text's contents split [string map [list \r\n \n \r \n] $textcont] \n } #_______________________ proc ::apave::textEOL {{EOL "-"}} { # Gets/sets End-of-Line for text reqding/writing. # EOL - LF, CR, CRLF or {} # If EOL omitted or equals to {} or "-", return the current EOL. # If EOL equals to "translation", return -translation option or {}. variable _PU_opts if {$EOL eq "-"} {return $_PU_opts(_EOL_)} if {$EOL eq "translation"} { if {$_PU_opts(_EOL_) eq ""} {return ""} return "-translation $_PU_opts(_EOL_)" } set _PU_opts(_EOL_) [string trim [string tolower $EOL]] } #_______________________ proc ::apave::textChanConfigure {channel {coding {}} {eol {}}} { # Configures a channel for text file. # channel - the channel # coding - if set, defines encoding of the file # eol - if set, defines EOL of the file if {$coding eq {}} { chan configure $channel -encoding utf-8 } else { chan configure $channel -encoding $coding } if {$eol eq {}} { chan configure $channel {*}[::apave::textEOL translation] } else { chan configure $channel -translation $eol } } #_______________________ proc ::apave::logName {fname} { # Sets a log file's name. # fname - file name # If fname is {}, disables logging. variable _PU_opts; set _PU_opts(_LOGFILE) [file normalize $fname] } #_______________________ proc ::apave::logMessage {msg {lev 16}} { # Logs messages to a log file. # msg - the message # lev - maximum level for [info level] to introspect calls # A log file's name is set by _PU_opts(_LOGFILE). If it's blank, # no logging is made. variable _PU_opts; if {$_PU_opts(_LOGFILE) eq {}} return set chan [open $_PU_opts(_LOGFILE) a] set dt [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%d%b'%y %T}] set msg "$dt $msg" for {set i $lev} {$i>0} {incr i -1} { catch { lassign [info level -$i] p1 p2 if {$p1 eq {my}} {append p1 " $p2"} append msg " / $p1" } } puts $chan $msg close $chan if {[incr _PU_opts(_LOGNN)]==1} {puts $_PU_opts(_LOGFILE):} puts $_PU_opts(_LOGNN):\ $msg } #_______________________ proc ::apave::readTextFile {fname {varName ""} {doErr 0} args} { # Reads a text file. # fname - file name # varName - variable name for file content or "" # doErr - if 'true', exit at errors with error message # Returns file contents or "". variable _PU_opts if {$varName ne {}} {upvar $varName fvar} if {[catch {set chan [open $fname]} _PU_opts(_ERROR_)]} { if {$doErr} {error [::apave::error $fname]} set fvar {} } else { set enc [::apave::getOption -encoding {*}$args] set eol [string tolower [::apave::getOption -translation {*}$args]] if {$eol eq {}} {set eol auto} ;# let EOL be autodetected by default ::apave::textChanConfigure $chan $enc $eol set fvar [read $chan] close $chan logMessage "read $fname" } return $fvar } #_______________________ proc ::apave::writeTextFile {fname {varName ""} {doErr 0} {doSave 1} args} { # Writes to a text file. # fname - file name # varName - variable name for file content or "" # doErr - if 'true', exit at errors with error message # doSave - if 'true', saves an empty file, else deletes it # Returns "yes" if the file was saved successfully. variable _PU_opts if {$varName ne {}} { upvar $varName contents } else { set contents {} } set res yes if {!$doSave && [string trim $contents] eq {}} { if {[catch {file delete $fname} _PU_opts(_ERROR_)]} { set res no } else { logMessage "delete $fname" } } elseif {[catch {set chan [open $fname w]} _PU_opts(_ERROR_)]} { set res no } else { set enc [::apave::getOption -encoding {*}$args] set eol [string tolower [::apave::getOption -translation {*}$args]] ::apave::textChanConfigure $chan $enc $eol puts -nonewline $chan $contents close $chan logMessage "write $fname" } if {!$res && $doErr} {error [::apave::error $fname]} return $res } #_______________________ proc ::apave::undoIn {wtxt} { # Enters a block of undo/redo for a text widget. # wtxt - text widget's path # Run before massive changes of the text, to have Undo/Redo done at one blow. # See also: undoOut $wtxt configure -autoseparators no $wtxt edit separator } #_______________________ proc ::apave::undoOut {wtxt} { # Exits a block of undo/redo for a text widget. # wtxt - text widget's path # Run after massive changes of the text, to have Undo/Redo done at one blow. # See also: undoIn $wtxt edit separator $wtxt configure -autoseparators yes } ## ________________________ Binds _________________________ ## proc ::apave::bindToEvent {w event args} { # Binds an event on a widget to a command. # w - the widget's path # event - the event # args - the command ::baltip::my::BindToEvent $w $event {*}$args } #_______________________ proc ::apave::bindTextagToEvent {w tag event args} { # Binds an event on a text tag to a command. # w - the widget's path # tag - the tag # event - the event # args - the command ::baltip::my::BindTextagToEvent $w $tag $event {*}$args } #_______________________ proc ::apave::bindCantagToEvent {w tag event args} { # Binds an event on a canvas tag to a command. # w - the widget's path # tag - the tag # event - the event # args - the command ::baltip::my::BindCantagToEvent $w $tag $event {*}$args } ## ________________________ Helpers _________________________ ## proc ::apave::InfoWindow {{val ""} {w .} {modal no} {var ""} {regist no}} { # Registers/unregisters windows. Also sets/gets 'count of open modal windows'. # val - current number of open modal windows # w - root window's path # modal - yes, if the window is modal # var - variable's name for tkwait # regist - yes or no for registering/unregistering # See also: APaveBase::showWindow variable _PU_opts if {$modal || $regist} { set info [list $w $var $modal] set i [lsearch -exact $_PU_opts(_MODALWIN_) $info] catch {set _PU_opts(_MODALWIN_) [lreplace $_PU_opts(_MODALWIN_) $i $i]} if {$regist} { lappend _PU_opts(_MODALWIN_) $info } set res [IntStatus . MODALS $val] } else { set res [IntStatus . MODALS] } return $res } #_______________________ proc ::apave::InfoFind {w modal} { # Searches data of a window in a list of registered windows. # w - root window's path # modal - yes, if the window is modal # Returns: the window's path or "" if not found. # See also: InfoWindow variable _PU_opts foreach winfo [lrange $_PU_opts(_MODALWIN_) 1 end] { ;# skip 1st window incr i lassign $winfo w1 var1 modal1 if {[winfo exists $w1]} { if {$w eq $w1 && ($modal && $modal1 || !$modal && !$modal1)} { return $w1 } } else { catch {set _PU_opts(_MODALWIN_) [lreplace $_PU_opts(_MODALWIN_) $i $i]} } } return {} } #_______________________ proc ::apave::TreSelect {w idx} { # Selects a treeview item. # w - treeview's path # idx - item index set items [$w children {}] catch { set it [lindex $items $idx] $w see $it $w focus $it $w selection set $it ;# generates <<TreeviewSelect>> } } #_______________________ proc ::apave::LbxSelect {w idx} { # Selects a listbox item. # w - listbox's path # idx - item index $w activate $idx $w see $idx if {[$w cget -selectmode] in {single browse}} { $w selection clear 0 end $w selection set $idx event generate $w <<ListboxSelect>> } } #_______________________ proc ::apave::InsertChar {wt ch} { # Inserts character(s) into a text at cursor's position. # wt - text's path # ch - character(s) $wt insert [$wt index insert] $ch } #_______________________ proc ::apave::CursorToBEOL {wt where} { # Sets the cursor to the real start/end of text line. # wt - text's path # where - where to set set idx [$wt index insert] ::tk::TextSetCursor $wt [$wt index "$idx $where"] } #_______________________ proc ::apave::DefaultCS {} { # Gets default color scheme counting current background of Tk root window. if {[catch {set ib [ttk::style config . -background]}] || [lindex [InvertBg $ib B] 0] eq {B}} { set res 5 ;# light } else { set res 23 ;# dark } return $res } # ________________________ ObjectProperty _________________________ # # # 1st bit: Set/Get properties of object. # # Call of setter: # oo::define SomeClass { # mixin ObjectProperty # } # SomeClass create someobj # ... # someobj setProperty Prop1 100 # # Call of getter: # oo::define SomeClass { # mixin ObjectProperty # } # SomeClass create someobj # ... # someobj getProperty Alter 10 # someobj getProperty Alter oo::class create ::apave::ObjectProperty { variable _OP_Properties constructor {args} { array set _OP_Properties {} # ObjectProperty can play solo or be a mixin if {[llength [self next]]} { next {*}$args } } destructor { array unset _OP_Properties * if {[llength [self next]]} next } # _______________________________________________________________________ # method setProperty {name args} { # Sets a property's value as "object-wide". # name - name of property # args - value of property # If *args* is omitted, the method returns a property's value. # If *args* is set, the method sets a property's value as $args. switch -exact [llength $args] { 0 {return [my getProperty $name]} 1 {return [set _OP_Properties($name) [lindex $args 0]]} } puts -nonewline stderr \ "Wrong # args: should be \"[namespace current] setProperty propertyname ?value?\"" return -code error } #_______________________ method getProperty {name {defvalue ""}} { # Gets an property's value as "object-wide". # name - name of property # defvalue - default value # If the property had been set, the method returns its value. # Otherwise, the method returns the default value (`$defvalue`). if {[info exists _OP_Properties($name)]} { return $_OP_Properties($name) } return $defvalue } ## _________________ EONS ObjectProperty _________________ ## } # ________________________ ObjectTheming _________________________ # oo::class create ::apave::ObjectTheming { ## ________________________ Obj theming Inits _________________________ ## constructor {args} { my InitCS # ObjectTheming can play solo or be a mixin if {[llength [self next]]} { next {*}$args } } #_______________________ destructor { if {[llength [self next]]} next } #_______________________ method InitCS {} { # Initializes the color scheme processing. if {$::apave::_CS_(initall)} { my basicFontSize 10 ;# initialize main font size my basicTextFont $::apave::_CS_(textFont) ;# initialize main font for text my ColorScheme ;# initialize default colors my untouchWidgets *_untouch_* set ::apave::_CS_(initall) 0 } } ## ________________________ Fonts _________________________ ## method create_FontsType {type args} { # Creates fonts used in apave, with additional options. # type - type of the created fonts # args - pairs "option value" # Returns a list of two created font names (default & mono). set name1 apaveFontDefTyped$type set name2 apaveFontMonoTyped$type catch {font delete $name1} catch {font delete $name2} font create $name1 -family $::apave::_CS_(defFont) -size $::apave::_CS_(fs) {*}$args font create $name2 -family $::apave::_CS_(textFont) -size $::apave::_CS_(fs) {*}$args list $name1 $name2 } #_______________________ method create_Fonts {} { # Creates fonts used in apave. catch {font delete apaveFontMono} catch {font delete apaveFontDef} catch {font delete apaveFontMonoBold} catch {font delete apaveFontDefBold} font create apaveFontMono -family $::apave::_CS_(textFont) -size $::apave::_CS_(fs) font create apaveFontDef -family $::apave::_CS_(defFont) -size $::apave::_CS_(fs) font create apaveFontMonoBold {*}[my boldTextFont] font create apaveFontDefBold {*}[my boldDefFont] set ::apave::FONTMAIN "[font actual apaveFontDef]" set ::apave::FONTMAINBOLD "[font actual apaveFontDefBold]" } #_______________________ method basicFontSize {{fs 0} {ds 0}} { # Gets/Sets a basic size of font used in apave # fs - font size # ds - incr/decr of size # If 'fs' is omitted or ==0, this method gets it. # If 'fs' >0, this method sets it. if {$fs} { set ::apave::_CS_(fs) [expr {$fs + $ds}] my create_Fonts return $::apave::_CS_(fs) } else { return [expr {$::apave::_CS_(fs) + $ds}] } } #_______________________ method basicDefFont {{deffont ""}} { # Gets/Sets a basic default font. # deffont - font # If 'deffont' is omitted or =="", this method gets it. # If 'deffont' is set, this method sets it. if {$deffont ne ""} { return [set ::apave::_CS_(defFont) $deffont] } else { return $::apave::_CS_(defFont) } } #_______________________ method basicTextFont {{textfont ""}} { # Gets/Sets a basic font used in editing/viewing text widget. # textfont - font # If 'textfont' is omitted or =="", this method gets it. # If 'textfont' is set, this method sets it. if {$textfont ne ""} { return [set ::apave::_CS_(textFont) $textfont] } else { return $::apave::_CS_(textFont) } } #_______________________ method basicSmallFont {{smallfont ""}} { # Gets/Sets a basic small font used in status bar etc. # smallfont - font # If 'smallfont' is omitted or =="", this method gets it. # If 'smallfont' is set, this method sets it. if {$smallfont ne ""} { return [set ::apave::_CS_(smallFont) $smallfont] } else { return $::apave::_CS_(smallFont) } } #_______________________ method boldDefFont {{fs 0}} { # Returns a bold default font. # fs - font size if {$fs == 0} {set fs [my basicFontSize]} set bf [font actual basicDefFont] dict replace $bf -family [my basicDefFont] -weight bold -size $fs } #_______________________ method boldTextFont {{fs 0}} { # Returns a bold fixed font. # fs - font size if {$fs == 0} {set fs [expr {2+[my basicFontSize]}]} set bf [font actual TkFixedFont] dict replace $bf -family [my basicTextFont] -weight bold -size $fs } ## ________________________ Color schemes _________________________ ## method csFont {fontname} { # Returns attributes of CS font. if {[catch {set font [font configure $fontname]}]} { my create_Fonts set font [font configure $fontname] } return $font } #_______________________ method csFontMono {} { # Returns attributes of CS monotype font. my csFont apaveFontMono } #_______________________ method csFontDef {} { # Returns attributes of CS default font. my csFont apaveFontDef } #_______________________ method csDark {{cs ""}} { # Returns a flag "a color scheme is dark" # cs - the color scheme to be checked (the current one, if not set) if {$cs eq {} || $cs==-3} {set cs [my csCurrent]} lassign $::apave::_CS_(TONED) csbasic cstoned if {$cs==$cstoned} {set cs $csbasic} expr {$cs>22} } #_______________________ method csExport {} { # TODO set theme "" foreach arg {tfg1 tbg1 tfg2 tbg2 tfgS tbgS tfgD tbgD tcur bclr args} { if {[catch {set a "$::apave::_CS_(expo,$arg)"}] || $a==""} { break } append theme " $a" } return $theme } #_______________________ method csCurrent {} { # Gets an index of current color scheme return $::apave::_CS_(index) } #_______________________ method csGetName {{ncolor 0}} { # Gets a color scheme's name # ncolor - index of color scheme if {$ncolor < $::apave::_CS_(MINCS)} { return "-2: None" } elseif {$ncolor == $::apave::_CS_(MINCS)} { return "-1: Basic" } lindex [my ColorScheme $ncolor] 0 } #_______________________ method csGet {{ncolor ""}} { # Gets a color scheme's colors # ncolor - index of color scheme if {$ncolor eq ""} {set ncolor [my csCurrent]} lrange [my ColorScheme $ncolor] 1 end } #_______________________ method csSet {{ncolor 0} {win .} args} { # Sets a color scheme and applies it to Tk/Ttk widgets. # ncolor - index of color scheme # win - window's name # args - list of colors if ncolor="" # # The `args` can be set as "-doit". In this case the method does set # the `ncolor` color scheme (otherwise it doesn't set the CS if it's # already of the same `ncolor`). # The clrtitf, clrinaf etc. had been designed for e_menu. And as such, # they can be used directly, outside of this "color scheming" UI. # They set pairs of related fb/bg: # clrtitf/clrtitb is item's fg/bg # clrinaf/clrinab is main fg/bg # clractf/clractb is active (selection) fg/bg # and separate colors: # clrhelp is "help" foreground # clrcurs is "caret" background # clrgrey is "shadowing" background # clrhotk is "hotkey/border" foreground # # In color scheming, these colors are transformed to be consistent # with Tk/Ttk's color mechanics. # # Additionally, "grey" color is used as "border color/disabled foreground". # # Returns a list of colors used by the color scheme. if {$ncolor == -2} { ttk::style map Treeview -foreground [list readonly grey disabled grey selected black] return {} } if {$ncolor eq {}} { lassign $args \ clrtitf clrinaf clrtitb clrinab clrhelp clractb clractf clrcurs clrgrey clrhotk tfgI tbgI fM bM tfgW tbgW tHL2 tbHL chkHL res5 res6 res7 } else { foreach cs [list $ncolor $::apave::_CS_(MINCS)] { lassign [my csGet $cs] \ clrtitf clrinaf clrtitb clrinab clrhelp clractb clractf clrcurs clrgrey clrhotk tfgI tbgI fM bM tfgW tbgW tHL2 tbHL chkHL res5 res6 res7 if {$clrtitf ne ""} break set ncolor $cs } set ::apave::_CS_(index) $ncolor } # colors can be passed in args as -clrtitf "color" -clrinaf "color" ... if {$ncolor>=0} { foreach nclr {clrtitf clrinaf clrtitb clrinab clrhelp clractb clractf clrcurs clrgrey clrhotk tfgI tbgI fM bM tfgW tbgW tHL2 tbHL chkHL} { incr ic if {[set i [lsearch $args -$nclr]]>-1} { set $nclr [lindex $args $i+1] set chcs [lreplace [lindex $::apave::_CS_(ALL) $ncolor] $ic $ic [set $nclr]] set ::apave::_CS_(ALL) [lreplace $::apave::_CS_(ALL) $ncolor $ncolor $chcs] } } } set fg $clrinaf ;# main foreground set bg $clrinab ;# main background set fE $clrtitf ;# fieldforeground foreground set bE $clrtitb ;# fieldforeground background set fS $clractf ;# active/selection foreground set bS $clractb ;# active/selection background set hh $clrhelp ;# (not used in cs' theming) title color set gr $clrgrey ;# (not used in cs' theming) shadowing color set cc $clrcurs ;# caret's color set ht $clrhotk ;# hotkey color set grey $gr ;# #808080 if {$::apave::_CS_(old) != $ncolor || "-doit" in $args} { set ::apave::_CS_(old) $ncolor my themeWindow $win [list $fg $bg $fE $bE $fS $bS $grey $bg $cc $ht $hh $tfgI $tbgI $fM $bM $tfgW $tbgW $tHL2 $tbHL $chkHL $res5 $res6 $res7] my UpdateColors my initTooltip } set ::apave::FGMAIN $fg set ::apave::BGMAIN $bg set ::apave::FGMAIN2 $fE set ::apave::BGMAIN2 $bE catch { if {[my csDark $ncolor]} {::baltip::configure -relief groove} } list $fg $bg $fE $bE $fS $bS $hh $grey $cc $ht $tfgI $tbgI $fM $bM $tfgW $tbgW $tHL2 $tbHL $chkHL $res5 $res6 $res7 } #_______________________ method csAdd {newcs {setnew true}} { # Registers new color scheme in the list of CS. # newcs - CS item # setnew - if true, sets the CS as current # Does not register the CS, if it is already registered. # Returns an index of current CS. # See also: themeWindow if {[llength $newcs]<4} { set newcs [my ColorScheme] ;# CS should be defined } lassign $newcs name tfg2 tfg1 tbg2 tbg1 tfhh - - tcur grey bclr set found $::apave::_CS_(NONCS) set maxcs [::apave::cs_Max] for {set i $::apave::_CS_(MINCS)} {$i<=$maxcs} {incr i} { lassign [my csGet $i] cfg2 cfg1 cbg2 cbg1 cfhh - - ccur if {$cfg2 eq $tfg2 && $cfg1 eq $tfg1 && $cbg2 eq $tbg2 && \ $cbg1 eq $tbg1 && $cfhh eq $tfhh && $ccur eq $tcur} { set found $i break } } if {$found == $::apave::_CS_(MINCS) && [my csCurrent] == $::apave::_CS_(NONCS)} { set setnew false ;# no moves from default CS to 'basic' } elseif {$found == $::apave::_CS_(NONCS)} { lappend ::apave::_CS_(ALL) $newcs set found [expr {$maxcs+1}] } if {$setnew} {set ::apave::_CS_(index) [set ::apave::_CS_(old) $found]} my csCurrent } #_______________________ method csDeleteExternal {} { # Removes all external CS. set ::apave::_CS_(ALL) [lreplace $::apave::_CS_(ALL) 48 end] } #_______________________ method csToned {cs hue {doit no}} { # Make an external CS that has tones (hues) of colors for a CS. # cs - internal apave CS to be toned # hue - a percent to get light (> 0) or dark (< 0) tones # doit - flag "do it anyway" # This method allows only one external CS, eliminating others. # Returns: "yes" if the CS was toned if {!$doit && [my csCurrent] > $::apave::_CS_(NONCS)} { puts [set msg "\napave method csToned must be run before csSet!\n"] return -code error $msg } if {$cs <= $::apave::_CS_(NONCS) || $cs > $::apave::_CS_(STDCS)} { return no } my csDeleteExternal set CS [my csGet $cs] set mainc [my csMainColors] set ::apave::_CS_(HUE) $hue set hue [expr {(100.0+$hue)/100.0}] foreach i [my csMapTheme] { set color [lindex $CS $i] if {$i in $mainc} { catch { ;# for CS=-1 not working set clr [string map {black #000000 white #ffffff grey #808080 \ red #ff0000 yellow #ffff00 \ orange #ffa500 #000 #000000 #fff #ffffff} $color] scan $clr #%2x%2x%2x R G B foreach valname {R G B} { set val [expr {int([set $valname]*$hue)}] set $valname [expr {max(min($val,255),0)}] } set color [format #%02x%02x%02x $R $G $B] } } lappend TWargs $color } set ::apave::_CS_(TONED) [list $cs [my csNewIndex]] my themeWindow . $TWargs no my csSet [my csCurrent] . ;# resets new CS's data return yes } #_______________________ method csMainColors {} { # Returns a list of main colors' indices of CS. # See also: csMapTheme list 0 1 2 3 5 10 11 13 16 } #_______________________ method csMapTheme {} { # Returns a map of CS / themeWindow method colors. # The map is a list of indices in CS corresponding to themeWindow's args. # See also: themeWindow list 1 3 0 2 6 5 8 3 7 9 4 10 11 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 } #_______________________ method csNewIndex {} { # Gets a next available CS's index. expr {[::apave::cs_Max]+1} } #_______________________ method ColorScheme {{ncolor ""}} { # Gets a full record of color scheme from a list of available ones # ncolor - index of color scheme if {$ncolor eq {} || $ncolor<0} { # basic color scheme: get colors from a current ttk::style colors set fW black set bW #FBFB95 set bg2 #e4e4e4 if {[info exists ::apave::_CS_(def_fg)]} { if {$ncolor == $::apave::_CS_(NONCS)} {set bg2 #e5e5e5} set fg $::apave::_CS_(def_fg) set fg2 #2b3f55 set bg $::apave::_CS_(def_bg) set fS $::apave::_CS_(def_fS) set bS $::apave::_CS_(def_bS) set bA $::apave::_CS_(def_bA) } else { set ::apave::_CS_(index) $::apave::_CS_(NONCS) lassign [::apave::parseOptions [ttk::style configure .] \ -foreground #000000 -background #d9d9d9 -troughcolor #c3c3c3] fg bg tc set fS $::apave::_CS_(!FG) set bS $::apave::_CS_(!BG) lassign [::apave::parseOptions [ttk::style map . -background] \ disabled #d9d9d9 active #ececec] bD bA if {$bA eq {#ececec}} {set bA #ffffff} lassign [::apave::parseOptions [ttk::style map . -foreground] \ disabled #a3a3a3] fD lassign [::apave::parseOptions [ttk::style map . -selectbackground] \ !focus #9e9a91] bclr set ::apave::_CS_(def_fg) [set fg2 $fg] set ::apave::_CS_(def_bg) $bg set ::apave::_CS_(def_fS) $fS set ::apave::_CS_(def_bS) $bS set ::apave::_CS_(def_fD) $fD set ::apave::_CS_(def_bD) $bD set ::apave::_CS_(def_bA) $bA set ::apave::_CS_(def_tc) $tc set ::apave::_CS_(def_bclr) $bclr } return [list default \ $fg $fg $bA $bg $fg2 $bS $fS #444 grey #4f6379 $fS $bS - $bg $fW $bW $bg2 #a20000 #76b2f1 #005 #006 #007] # clrtitf clrinaf clrtitb clrinab clrhelp clractb clractf clrcurs clrgrey clrhotk fI bI fM bM fW bW } lindex $::apave::_CS_(ALL) $ncolor } # ________________________ Theming _________________________ # ## ________________________ Common _________________________ ## method apaveTheme {{theme {}}} { # Checks if apave color scheme is used (always for standard ttk themes). # theme - a theme to be checked (if omitted, a current ttk theme) if {$theme eq {}} {set theme [ttk::style theme use]} expr {$theme in {clam alt classic default awdark awlight plastik}} } #_______________________ method initTooltip {args} { # Configurates colors and other attributes of tooltip. # args - options of ::baltip::configure ::apave::initBaltip lassign [lrange [my csGet] 14 15] fW bW ::baltip config -fg $fW -bg $bW -global yes ::baltip config {*}$args } #_______________________ method thDark {theme} { # Checks if a theme is dark, light or neutral. # theme - theme's name # Returns 1 for dark, 0 for light, -1 for neutral. if {$theme in {alt classic default clam}} { return -1 } string match -nocase *dark* $theme } ## ________________________ Theme methods _________________________ ## method themeWindow {win {clrs ""} {isCS true} args} { # Changes a Tk style (theming a bit) # win - window's name # clrs - list of colors # isCS - true, if the colors are taken from a CS # args - other options # # The clrs contains: # tfg1 - foreground for themed widgets (main stock) # tbg1 - background for themed widgets (main stock) # tfg2 - foreground for themed widgets (enter data stock) # tbg2 - background for themed widgets (enter data stock) # tfgS - foreground for selection # tbgS - background for selection # tfgD - foreground for disabled themed widgets # tbgD - background for disabled themed widgets # tcur - insertion cursor color # bclr - hotkey/border color # thlp - help color # tfgI - foreground for external CS # tbgI - background for external CS # tfgM - foreground for menus # tbgM - background for menus # # The themeWindow can be used outside of "color scheme" UI. # E.g., in TKE editor, e_menu and add_shortcuts plugins use it to # be consistent with TKE theme. if {![::apave::cs_Active]} { my themeMandatory $win {*}$args return } lassign $clrs tfg1 tbg1 tfg2 tbg2 tfgS tbgS tfgD tbgD tcur bclr \ thlp tfgI tbgI tfgM tbgM twfg twbg tHL2 tbHL chkHL res5 res6 res7 if {$tfg1 eq {-}} return if {!$isCS} { # if 'external scheme' is used, register it in _CS_(ALL) # and set it as the current CS # <CS> itemfg mainfg itembg mainbg itemsHL actbg actfg cursor greyed hot \ emfg embg - menubg winfg winbg itemHL2 #003...reserved... my csAdd [list CS-[my csNewIndex] $tfg2 $tfg1 $tbg2 $tbg1 \ $thlp $tbgS $tfgS $tcur $tfgD $bclr $tfgI $tbgI $tfgM $tbgM \ $twfg $twbg $tHL2 $tbHL $chkHL $res5 $res6 $res7] } if {$tfgI eq {}} {set tfgI $tfg2} if {$tbgI eq {}} {set tbgI $tbg2} if {$tfgM in {{} -}} {set tfgM $tfg1} if {$tbgM eq {}} {set tbgM $tbg1} my Main_Style $tfg1 $tbg1 $tfg2 $tbg2 $tfgS $tbgS $tfgD $tbg1 $tfg1 $tbg2 $tbg1 foreach arg {tfg1 tbg1 tfg2 tbg2 tfgS tbgS tfgD tbgD tcur bclr \ thlp tfgI tbgI tfgM tbgM twfg twbg tHL2 tbHL chkHL res5 res6 res7 args} { if {$win eq {.}} { set ::apave::_C_($win,$arg) [set $arg] } set ::apave::_CS_(expo,$arg) [set $arg] } if {[set darkCS [my csDark]]} {set aclr #ff9dff} {set aclr #890970} set fontdef [font actual apaveFontDef] # configuring themed widgets foreach ts {TLabel TButton TCheckbutton TRadiobutton TMenubutton} { my Ttk_style configure $ts -font $fontdef my Ttk_style configure $ts -foreground $tfg1 my Ttk_style configure $ts -background $tbg1 my Ttk_style map $ts -background [list pressed $tbg2 active $tbg2 focus $tbgS alternate $tbg2] my Ttk_style map $ts -foreground [list disabled $tfgD pressed $tfgS active $aclr focus $tfgS alternate $tfg2 focus $tfg2 selected $tfg1] my Ttk_style map $ts -bordercolor [list focus $bclr pressed $bclr] my Ttk_style map $ts -lightcolor [list focus $bclr] my Ttk_style map $ts -darkcolor [list focus $bclr] } ttk::style configure TLabelframe.Label -foreground $thlp -background $tbg1 -font $fontdef foreach ts {TNotebook TFrame} { my Ttk_style configure $ts -background $tbg1 my Ttk_style map $ts -background [list focus $tbg1 !focus $tbg1] } ttk::style configure TNotebook.Tab -font $fontdef ttk::style map TNotebook.Tab -foreground [list {selected !active} $tfgS \ {!selected !active} $tfgM active $aclr {selected active} $aclr] \ -background [list {selected !active} $tbgS {!selected !active} $tbgM \ {!selected active} $tbg2 {selected active} $tbg2] foreach ts {TEntry Treeview TSpinbox TCombobox TCombobox.Spinbox TMatchbox TNotebook.Tab TScale} { my Ttk_style map $ts -lightcolor [list focus $bclr active $bclr] my Ttk_style map $ts -darkcolor [list focus $bclr active $bclr] } ttk::style configure TScrollbar -arrowcolor $tfg1 ttk::style map TScrollbar -troughcolor [list !active $tbg1 active $tbg2] \ -background [list !active $tbg1 disabled $tbg1 {!selected !disabled active} $tbgS] ttk::style map TProgressbar -troughcolor [list !active $tbg2 active $tbg1] ttk::style configure TProgressbar -background $tbgS if {[set cs [my csCurrent]]<20} { ttk::style conf TSeparator -background #a2a2a2 } elseif {$cs<23} { ttk::style conf TSeparator -background #656565 } elseif {$cs<28} { ttk::style conf TSeparator -background #3c3c3c } elseif {$cs>35 && $cs<39} { ttk::style conf TSeparator -background #313131 } elseif {$cs==43 || $cs>44} { ttk::style conf TSeparator -background #2e2e2e } foreach ts {TEntry Treeview TSpinbox TCombobox TCombobox.Spinbox TMatchbox} { my Ttk_style configure $ts -font $fontdef my Ttk_style configure $ts -selectforeground $tfgS my Ttk_style configure $ts -selectbackground $tbgS my Ttk_style map $ts -selectforeground [list !focus $::apave::_CS_(!FG)] my Ttk_style map $ts -selectbackground [list !focus $::apave::_CS_(!BG)] my Ttk_style configure $ts -fieldforeground $tfg2 my Ttk_style configure $ts -fieldbackground $tbg2 my Ttk_style configure $ts -insertcolor $tcur my Ttk_style map $ts -bordercolor [list focus $bclr active $bclr] my Ttk_style configure $ts -insertwidth $::apave::_CS_(CURSORWIDTH) if {$ts eq {TCombobox}} { # combobox is sort of individual ttk::style configure $ts -foreground $tfg1 -background $tbg1 -arrowcolor $tfg1 ttk::style map $ts -background [list {readonly focus} $tbg2 {active focus} $tbg2] \ -foreground [list {readonly focus} $tfg2 {active focus} $tfg2] \ -fieldforeground [list {active focus} $tfg2 readonly $tfg2 disabled $tfgD] \ -fieldbackground [list {active focus} $tbg2 {readonly focus} $tbg2 {readonly !focus} $tbg1 disabled $tbgD] \ -focusfill [list {readonly focus} $tbgS] -arrowcolor [list disabled $tfgD] } else { my Ttk_style configure $ts -foreground $tfg2 my Ttk_style configure $ts -background $tbg2 if {$ts eq {Treeview}} { ttk::style map $ts -foreground [list readonly $tfgD disabled $tfgD {selected focus} $tfgS {selected !focus} $thlp] \ -background [list readonly $tbgD disabled $tbgD {selected focus} $tbgS {selected !focus} $tbg1] } else { my Ttk_style map $ts -foreground [list readonly $tfgD disabled $tfgD selected $tfgS] my Ttk_style map $ts -background [list readonly $tbgD disabled $tbgD selected $tbgS] my Ttk_style map $ts -fieldforeground [list readonly $tfgD disabled $tfgD] my Ttk_style map $ts -fieldbackground [list readonly $tbgD disabled $tbgD] my Ttk_style map $ts -arrowcolor [list disabled $tfgD] my Ttk_style configure $ts -arrowcolor $tfg1 } } } ttk::style configure Heading -font $fontdef -relief raised -padding 1 -background $tbg1 ttk::style map Heading -foreground [list active $aclr] option add *Listbox.font $fontdef option add *Menu.font $fontdef ttk::style configure TMenubutton -foreground $tfgM -background $tbgM -arrowcolor $tfg1 ttk::style map TMenubutton -arrowcolor [list disabled $tfgD] ttk::style configure TButton -foreground $tfgM -background $tbgM foreach {nam clr} {back tbg2 fore tfg2 selectBack tbgS selectFore tfgS} { option add *Listbox.${nam}ground [set $clr] } foreach {nam clr} {back tbgM fore tfgM selectBack tbgS selectFore tfgS} { option add *Menu.${nam}ground [set $clr] } foreach ts {TRadiobutton TCheckbutton} { ttk::style map $ts -background [list focus $tbg2 !focus $tbg1] } if {$darkCS} { # esp. for default/alt/classic themes and dark CS: # checked buttons to be lighter foreach ts {TCheckbutton TRadiobutton} { ttk::style configure $ts -indicatorcolor $tbgM ttk::style map $ts -indicatorcolor [list pressed $tbg2 selected $chkHL] } } # non-themed widgets of button and entry types foreach ts [my NonThemedWidgets button] { set ::apave::_C_($ts,0) 6 set ::apave::_C_($ts,1) "-background $tbg1" set ::apave::_C_($ts,2) "-foreground $tfg1" set ::apave::_C_($ts,3) "-activeforeground $tfg2" set ::apave::_C_($ts,4) "-activebackground $tbg2" set ::apave::_C_($ts,5) "-font {$fontdef}" set ::apave::_C_($ts,6) "-highlightbackground $tfgD" switch -exact -- $ts { checkbutton - radiobutton { set ::apave::_C_($ts,0) 8 set ::apave::_C_($ts,7) "-selectcolor $tbg1" set ::apave::_C_($ts,8) "-highlightbackground $tbg1" } frame - scrollbar - scale { set ::apave::_C_($ts,0) 8 set ::apave::_C_($ts,4) "-activebackground $tbgS" set ::apave::_C_($ts,7) "-troughcolor $tbg1" set ::apave::_C_($ts,8) "-elementborderwidth 2" } menu { set ::apave::_C_($ts,0) 9 set ::apave::_C_($ts,1) "-background $tbgM" set ::apave::_C_($ts,3) "-activeforeground $tfgS" set ::apave::_C_($ts,4) "-activebackground $tbgS" set ::apave::_C_($ts,5) "-disabledforeground $tfgD" set ::apave::_C_($ts,6) "-font {$fontdef}" if {[::iswindows]} { set ::apave::_C_($ts,0) 6 } elseif {[my apaveTheme]} { set ::apave::_C_($ts,7) {-borderwidth 2} set ::apave::_C_($ts,8) {-relief raised} } else { set ::apave::_C_($ts,7) {-borderwidth 1} set ::apave::_C_($ts,8) {-relief groove} } if {$darkCS} {set c white} {set c black} set ::apave::_C_($ts,9) "-selectcolor $c" } canvas { set ::apave::_C_($ts,1) "-background $tbg2" } } } foreach ts [my NonThemedWidgets entry] { set ::apave::_C_($ts,0) 3 set ::apave::_C_($ts,1) "-foreground $tfg2" set ::apave::_C_($ts,2) "-background $tbg2" set ::apave::_C_($ts,3) "-highlightbackground $tfgD" switch -exact -- $ts { tcombobox - listbox - tmatchbox { set ::apave::_C_($ts,0) 8 set ::apave::_C_($ts,4) "-disabledforeground $tfgD" set ::apave::_C_($ts,5) "-disabledbackground $tbgD" set ::apave::_C_($ts,6) "-highlightcolor $bclr" set ::apave::_C_($ts,7) "-font {$fontdef}" set ::apave::_C_($ts,8) "-insertbackground $tcur" } text - entry - tentry { set ::apave::_C_($ts,0) 11 set ::apave::_C_($ts,4) "-selectforeground $tfgS" set ::apave::_C_($ts,5) "-selectbackground $tbgS" set ::apave::_C_($ts,6) "-disabledforeground $tfgD" set ::apave::_C_($ts,7) "-disabledbackground $tbgD" set ::apave::_C_($ts,8) "-highlightcolor $bclr" if {$ts eq {text}} { set ::apave::_C_($ts,0) 12 set ::apave::_C_($ts,9) "-font {[font actual apaveFontMono]}" set ::apave::_C_($ts,12) "-inactiveselectbackground $tbgS" } else { set ::apave::_C_($ts,9) "-font {$fontdef}" } set ::apave::_C_($ts,10) "-insertwidth $::apave::_CS_(CURSORWIDTH)" set ::apave::_C_($ts,11) "-insertbackground $tcur" } spinbox - tspinbox - tablelist { set ::apave::_C_($ts,0) 12 set ::apave::_C_($ts,4) "-insertbackground $tcur" set ::apave::_C_($ts,5) "-buttonbackground $tbg2" set ::apave::_C_($ts,6) "-selectforeground $::apave::_CS_(!FG)" set ::apave::_C_($ts,7) "-selectbackground $::apave::_CS_(!BG)" set ::apave::_C_($ts,8) "-disabledforeground $tfgD" set ::apave::_C_($ts,9) "-disabledbackground $tbgD" set ::apave::_C_($ts,10) "-font {$fontdef}" set ::apave::_C_($ts,11) "-insertwidth $::apave::_CS_(CURSORWIDTH)" set ::apave::_C_($ts,12) "-highlightcolor $bclr" } } } foreach ts {disabled} { set ::apave::_C_($ts,0) 4 set ::apave::_C_($ts,1) "-foreground $tfgD" set ::apave::_C_($ts,2) "-background $tbgD" set ::apave::_C_($ts,3) "-disabledforeground $tfgD" set ::apave::_C_($ts,4) "-disabledbackground $tbgD" } foreach ts {readonly} { set ::apave::_C_($ts,0) 2 set ::apave::_C_($ts,1) "-foreground $tfg1" set ::apave::_C_($ts,2) "-background $tbg1" } my themeMandatory $win {*}$args } #_______________________ method Ttk_style {oper ts opt val} { # Sets a new style options. # oper - command of ttk::style ("map" or "configure") # ts - type of style to be configurated # opt - option's name # val - option's value if {![catch {set oldval [ttk::style $oper $ts $opt]}]} { catch {ttk::style $oper $ts $opt $val} if {$oldval eq {} && $oper eq {configure}} { switch -exact -- $opt { -foreground - -background { set oldval [ttk::style $oper . $opt] } -fieldbackground { set oldval white } -insertcolor { set oldval black } } } } } #_______________________ method Main_Style {tfg1 tbg1 tfg2 tbg2 tfgS tbgS bclr tc fA bA bD} { # Sets main colors of application # tfg1 - main foreground # tbg1 - main background # tfg2 - not used # tbg2 - not used # tfgS - selectforeground # tbgS - selectbackground # bclr - bordercolor # tc - troughcolor # fA - foreground active # bA - background active # bD - background disabled # The *foreground disabled* is set as `grey`. my create_Fonts if {[ttk::style theme use] eq {classic}} { set hlc "-highlightcolor $tbg1" } else { set hlc {} } ttk::style configure "." \ -foreground $tfg1 -background $tbg1 -bordercolor $bclr -darkcolor $tbg1 \ -lightcolor $tbg1 -troughcolor $tc -arrowcolor $tfg1 \ -selectforeground $tfgS -selectbackground $tbgS {*}$hlc ttk::style map "." \ -background [list disabled $bD active $bA] \ -foreground [list disabled grey active $fA] . configure -bg $tbg1 } #_______________________ method themeMandatory {win args} { # Themes all that must be themed. # win - window's name # args - options # set the new options for nested widgets (menu e.g.) my themeNonThemed $win # other options per widget type foreach {typ v1 v2} $args { if {$typ eq "-"} { # config of non-themed widgets set ind [incr ::apave::_C_($v1,0)] set ::apave::_C_($v1,$ind) "$v2" } else { # style maps of themed widgets my Ttk_style map $typ $v1 [list {*}$v2] } } ::apave::initStyles my ThemeChoosers } #_______________________ method untouchWidgets {args} { # Makes non-ttk widgets to be untouched by coloring or gets their list. # args - list of widget globs (e.g. {.em.fr.win.* .em.fr.h1 .em.fr.h2}) # If args not set, returns the list of untouched widgets. # Items of *args* can have 2 components: # - widget glob # - list of option+value pairs, e.g. "*.textWidget {-fg white -bg black}" # 2nd component defines additional attributes that override the defaults. # If 1st item of *args* is "clear", removes all items set with glob patterns # (e.g.: my untouchWidgets clear *BALTIP* - clears all baltip's references). # See also: # touchWidgets # themeNonThemed if {[llength $args]==0} {return $::apave::_CS_(untouch)} if {[lindex $args 0] eq {clear}} { foreach u [lrange $args 1 end] { set ii [lsearch -all -glob $::apave::_CS_(untouch) $u] foreach i [lsort -decreasing -integer $ii] { set ::apave::_CS_(untouch) [lreplace $::apave::_CS_(untouch) $i $i] } } } else { foreach u $args { if {[lsearch -exact $::apave::_CS_(untouch) $u]==-1} { lappend ::apave::_CS_(untouch) $u } } } } #_______________________ method touchWidgets {args} { # Makes non-ttk widgets to be touched again. # args - list of widget globs (e.g. {.em.fr.win.* .em.fr.h1 .em.fr.h2}) # If args not set, returns the list of untouched widgets. # See also: # untouchWidgets # themeNonThemed if {[llength $args]==0} {return $::apave::_CS_(untouch)} foreach u $args { set u [lindex $u 0] if {[set i [lsearch -index 0 -exact $::apave::_CS_(untouch) $u]]>-1} { set ::apave::_CS_(untouch) [lreplace $::apave::_CS_(untouch) $i $i] } } } #_______________________ method themeExternal {args} { # Configures an external dialogue so that its colors accord with a current CS. # args - list of untouched widgets if {[set cs [my csCurrent]] != -2} { foreach untw $args {my untouchWidgets $untw} after idle [list [self] csSet $cs . -doit] ;# theme the dialogue to be run } } #_______________________ method themeNonThemed {win {addwid {}}} { # Updates the appearances of currently used widgets (non-themed). # win - window path whose children will be touched # addwid - additional widget(s) to be touched # # See also: # untouchWidgets set wtypes [my NonThemedWidgets all] set lwid [winfo children $win] lappend lwid {*}$addwid foreach w1 $lwid { set ts [string tolower [winfo class $w1]] if {$ts ni {tcombobox tlabel tscrollbar tcheckbutton tradiobutton}} { my themeNonThemed $w1 } set tch 1 foreach u $::apave::_CS_(untouch) { lassign $u u addopts if {[string match $u $w1]} {set tch 0; break} } if {[info exist ::apave::_C_($ts,0)] && [lsearch -exact $wtypes $ts]>-1} { set i 0 if {$tch} { set tch $::apave::_C_($ts,0) set addopts {} } else { if {$addopts ne {}} { set tch $::apave::_C_($ts,0) } } while {[incr i] <= $tch} { lassign $::apave::_C_($ts,$i) opt val catch { if {[string first __tooltip__.label $w1]<0} { $w1 configure $opt $val {*}$addopts switch -exact -- [$w1 cget -state] { disabled { $w1 configure {*}[my NonTtkStyle $w1 1] } readonly { $w1 configure {*}[my NonTtkStyle $w1 2] } } } set nam3 [string range [my ownWName $w1] 0 2] if {$nam3 in {lbx tbl flb enT spX}} { my UpdateSelectAttrs $w1 } } } } } } #_______________________ method NonThemedWidgets {selector} { # Lists the non-themed widgets to process in apave. # selector - sets a widget group to return as a list # The `selector` can be `entry`, `button` or `all`. switch -exact -- $selector { entry { return [list tspinbox tcombobox tentry entry text listbox spinbox tablelist tmatchbox] } button { return [list label button menu menubutton checkbutton radiobutton frame labelframe scale scrollbar canvas] } } return [list tspinbox tcombobox tentry entry text listbox spinbox label button \ menu menubutton checkbutton radiobutton frame labelframe scale \ scrollbar canvas tablelist tmatchbox] } #_______________________ method NonTtkTheme {win} { # Calls themeWindow to color non-ttk widgets. # win - window's name if {[info exists ::apave::_C_(.,tfg1)] && $::apave::_CS_(expo,tfg1) ne "-"} { my themeWindow $win [list \ $::apave::_C_(.,tfg1) \ $::apave::_C_(.,tbg1) \ $::apave::_C_(.,tfg2) \ $::apave::_C_(.,tbg2) \ $::apave::_C_(.,tfgS) \ $::apave::_C_(.,tbgS) \ $::apave::_C_(.,tfgD) \ $::apave::_C_(.,tbgD) \ $::apave::_C_(.,tcur) \ $::apave::_C_(.,bclr) \ $::apave::_C_(.,thlp) \ $::apave::_C_(.,tfgI) \ $::apave::_C_(.,tbgI) \ $::apave::_C_(.,tfgM) \ $::apave::_C_(.,tbgM) \ $::apave::_C_(.,twfg) \ $::apave::_C_(.,twbg) \ $::apave::_C_(.,tHL2)] \ false {*}$::apave::_C_(.,args) } } #_______________________ method NonTtkStyle {typ {dsbl 0}} { # Makes styling for non-ttk widgets. # typ - widget's type (the same as in "APaveBase::widgetType" method) # dsbl - `1` for disabled; `2` for readonly; otherwise for all widgets # See also: APaveBase::widgetType if {$dsbl} { set disopt {} if {$dsbl==1 && [info exist ::apave::_C_(disabled,0)]} { set typ [string range [lindex [split $typ .] end] 0 2] switch -exact -- $typ { frA - lfR { append disopt { } $::apave::_C_(disabled,2) } enT - spX { append disopt { } $::apave::_C_(disabled,1) \ { } $::apave::_C_(disabled,2) \ { } $::apave::_C_(disabled,3) \ { } $::apave::_C_(disabled,4) } laB - tex - chB - raD - lbx - scA { append disopt { } $::apave::_C_(disabled,1) \ { } $::apave::_C_(disabled,2) } } } elseif {$dsbl==2 && [info exist ::apave::_C_(readonly,0)]} { append disopt { } \ $::apave::_C_(readonly,1) { } $::apave::_C_(readonly,2) \ } return $disopt } set opts {-foreground -foreground -background -background} lassign "" ts2 ts3 opts2 opts3 switch -exact -- $typ { buT {set ts TButton} chB {set ts TCheckbutton lappend opts -background -selectcolor } enT { set ts TEntry set opts {-foreground -foreground -fieldbackground -background \ -insertbackground -insertcolor} } tex { set ts TEntry set opts {-foreground -foreground -fieldbackground -background \ -insertcolor -insertbackground \ -selectforeground -selectforeground -selectbackground -selectbackground } } frA {set ts TFrame; set opts {-background -background}} laB {set ts TLabel} lbx {set ts TLabel} lfR {set ts TLabelframe} raD {set ts TRadiobutton} scA {set ts TScale} sbH - sbV {set ts TScrollbar; set opts {-background -background}} spX {set ts TSpinbox} default { return {} } } set att {} for {set i 1} {$i<=3} {incr i} { if {$i>1} { set ts [set ts$i] set opts [set opts$i] } foreach {opt1 opt2} $opts { if {[catch {set val [ttk::style configure $ts $opt1]}]} { return $att } if {$val eq {}} { catch { set val [ttk::style $oper . $opt2] } } if {$val ne {}} { append att " $opt2 $val" } } } return $att } #_______________________ method UpdateSelectAttrs {w} { # Updates attributes for selection. # w - window's name # Some widgets (e.g. listbox) need a work-around to set # attributes for selection in run-time, namely at focusing in/out. set fD $::apave::_CS_(!FG) set bD $::apave::_CS_(!BG) set f -selectforeground set b -selectbackground lassign [::apave::parseOptions [ttk::style configure .] $f $fD $b $bD] fS bS ::apave::bindToEvent $w <FocusIn> $w configure $f $fS $b $bS ::apave::bindToEvent $w <FocusOut> $w configure $f $fD $b $bD } ## ________________________ Popup menus _________________________ ## method ThemePopup {mnu args} { # Recursively configures popup menus. # mnu - menu's name (path) # args - options of configuration # See also: themePopup if {[set last [$mnu index end]] ne {none}} { $mnu configure {*}$args for {set i 0} {$i <= $last} {incr i} { switch -exact -- [$mnu type $i] { cascade { my ThemePopup [$mnu entrycget $i -menu] {*}$args } command { $mnu entryconfigure $i {*}$args } } } } } #_______________________ method themePopup {mnu} { # Configures a popup menu so that its colors accord with a current CS. # mnu - menu's name (path) if {[my csCurrent] == $::apave::_CS_(NONCS)} return lassign [my csGet] - fg - bg2 - bgS fgS - tfgD - - - - bg if {$bg eq {}} {set bg $bg2} set opts "-foreground $fg -background $bg -activeforeground $fgS \ -activebackground $bgS -font {[font actual apaveFontDef]}" if {[catch {my ThemePopup $mnu {*}$opts -disabledforeground $tfgD}]} { my ThemePopup $mnu {*}$opts } my themeNonThemed $mnu $mnu } ## ________________________ Tk choosers _________________________ ## method ThemeChoosers {} { # Configures file/dir choosers so that its colors accord with a current CS. if {[info commands ::apave::_TK_TOPLEVEL] ne ""} return rename ::toplevel ::apave::_TK_TOPLEVEL ; proc ::toplevel {args} { set res [eval ::apave::_TK_TOPLEVEL $args] set w [lindex $args 0] rename $w ::apave::_W_TOPLEVEL$w ; proc ::$w {args} " \ set cs \[::apave::obj csCurrent\] ;\ if {{configure -menu} eq \$args} {set args {configure}} ;\ if {\$cs>-2 && \[string first {configure} \$args\]==0} { \ lassign \[::apave::obj csGet \$cs\] fg - bg ;\ lappend args -background \$bg \ } ;\ return \[eval ::apave::_W_TOPLEVEL$w \$args\] " return $res } rename ::canvas ::apave::_TK_CANVAS ; proc ::canvas {args} { set res [eval ::apave::_TK_CANVAS $args] set w [lindex $args 0] if {[string match "*cHull.canvas" $w]} { rename $w ::apave::_W_CANVAS$w ; proc ::$w {args} " \ set cs \[::apave::obj csCurrent\] ;\ lassign \[::apave::obj csGet \$cs\] fg - bg ;\ if {\$cs>-2} { \ if {\[string first {create text} \$args\]==0 || \ \[string first {itemconfigure} \$args\]==0 && \ \[string first {-fill black} \$args\]>0} { \ dict set args -fill \$fg ;\ dict set args -font apaveFontDef \ } \ } ;\ ::apave::_W_CANVAS$w configure -bg \$bg ;\ return \[eval ::apave::_W_CANVAS$w \$args\] " } return $res } } ## __________________ EONS ObjectTheming ___________________ ## } # ________________________ EOF _________________________ #