The bartabs Tcl/Tk package provides a bar widget containing tabs that are
The bartabs defines three TclOO classes:
However, only the Bars class is used to create bars along with tabs. It can be also used to deal with any bars and tabs, providing all necessary interface.
The Bar does not create a real TclOO object, rather it provides syntax sugar for a convenient access to the bar methods.
The Tab does not create a real TclOO object as well. It serves actually for structuring bartabs code as for tab methods. Thus, its methods are accessible through the Bars ("real" TclOO) and Bar ("sugar") objects.
A common work flow with bartabs looks like this:
Firstly, we create a Bars object, e.g.
bartabs::Bars create NS::bars
Then we create a Bar object, e.g.
NS::bars create NS::bar $barOptions
If a tab of the bar should be displayed (with its possible contents), we show the bar and select the current tab:
set TID [NS::bar tabID "tab label"] ;# get the tab's ID by its label
NS::bar $TID show ;# show the bar and select the tab
or just draw the bar without mind-breaking about a tab:
NS::bar draw ;# show the bar without selecting a tab
The rest actions include:
-csel command
option of Bar object)-cdel command
option of Bar object)-cmov command
option of Bar object)cget
and configure
methods to change the bar/tab appearance
The methods of Tab class are called from Bars or Bar object and are passed: tab ID (TID), method name, arguments. Syntax:
OBJECT TID method arguments
For example: NS::bars $TID close
or NS::bar $TID show false
The methods of Bar class are called from Bar object or (more wordy) from Bars object. Syntax:
BAR_OBJECT method arguments
BARS_OBJECT BID method arguments
For example: NS::bar popList $X $Y
or NS::bars $BID popList $X $Y
The methods of Bars class need no TID nor BID, though not protesting them passed before method name. Syntax:
BARS_OBJECT method arguments
For example:
NS::bars drawAll ;# good boy
NS::bars tab11 drawAll ;# bad boy uses the useless tab11 (TID)
NS::bars bar1 drawAll ;# bad boy's BID is useless as well
There are three "virtual" methods:
NS::bar create NS::tab $label
creates a tab object NS::tab for a tab labeled $label to access the tab methods, e.g. NS::tab show
NS::tab cget $option
gets an option of tab, e.g. NS::tab cget -text
NS::tab configure $option $value
sets an option of tab, e.g. NS::tab configure -text "new label"
Few words about BID and TID mentioned throughout the bartabs.
These are identifiers of bars and tabs, of form bar<index>
and tab<index>
where <index>
is integer increased from 0 in order of bar/tab creation. The bars and the tabs of all bars have unique IDs.
You can use these literals freely, along with BIDs and TIDs gotten from bartabs methods. For example, if you know that "some tab" was created third, you can show it straightforward:
NS::bar tab2 show ;# show the 3rd tab (TID=tab2)
instead of
NS::bar [NS::bar tabID "some tab"] show ;# find and show the tab by its name
Reference on baltip (package used by bartabs)
########################################################### # Name: bartabs.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ( # Date: 01/12/2023 # Brief: Handles the tab bar widget. # License: MIT. ########################################################### package provide bartabs 1.6.10 # ________________________ NS bartabs _________________________ # namespace eval ::bartabs { # IDs for new bars & tabs variable NewBarID -1 NewTabID -1 NewTabNo -1 variable NewAfterID; array set NewAfterID [list] # images made by base64 image create photo bts_ImgLeft \ -data {iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQBAMAAADt3eJSAAAAElBMVEUAAABJSUmSkpJtbW22trbb 29vYK8X/AAAAAXRSTlMAQObYZgAAAEBJREFUCNdjAANGBigQhNKMjlCGEJTBqAplCIVCGIwqKopg hrATjKGkZAiRMgIyIEJABlTIEGYDjMEoiGQp3BkAc58E+W1dC9QAAAAASUVORK5CYII=} image create photo bts_ImgRight \ -data {iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQBAMAAADt3eJSAAAAElBMVEUAAABJSUmSkpJtbW22trbb 29vYK8X/AAAAAXRSTlMAQObYZgAAAEBJREFUCNdjYGAQYIACQRhDRADGUIQxggSgjFCokJCTkwCU oWIIZggrKcEYygIQBlAAwgAKQBiCMLsE0C2FCAAAa1IEzBjs2sUAAAAASUVORK5CYII=} image create photo bts_ImgNone \ -data {iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQAQMAAAAlPW0iAAAAA1BMVEUAAACnej3aAAAAAXRSTlMA QObYZgAAAAtJREFUCNdjIBEAAAAwAAFletZ8AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC} image create photo bts_ImgClose \ -data {iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQBAMAAADt3eJSAAAALVBMVEUAAAAAACTb29u2trbt4+Ll 4eHw4eD/6N/y3Nv85N/94t3m29vn0dPjz8/dyssim+gAAAAAAXRSTlMAQObYZgAAAEdJREFUCNdj wAvaFZiWgWgORSUlYQcgg11QSFFQAchgUhQUFLoAkjskKKgNVqwkKKjHAJMCqeGEKWYzBGoPAMk5 KTCp4rURAEWmB5A5tzUJAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC} variable BarsList [list] ; proc drawAll {} { # Draws all bars. Used at updating themes etc. foreach bars $::bartabs::BarsList {$bars drawAll} } #_______________________ proc messageBox {type ttl msg args} { # Runs Tk's or apave's ok/yes/no/cancel dialogue. # type - ok, yesno or yesnocancel # ttl - title # ttl - message # args - additional arguments of tk_messageBox # Returns 1 if 'yes' chosen, 2 if 'no', 0 otherwise. # try the apave package's dialogue if {[catch {set res [::apave::obj $type ques $ttl $msg]}]} { # or run the standard tk_messageBox set res [tk_messageBox -title $ttl -message $msg -type $type \ -icon question {*}$args] set res [expr {$res eq {yes} ? 1 : ($res eq {no} ? 2 : 0)}] } return $res } ## ____________ EONS bartabs ____________ ## } # ____________ bartabs class hierarchy ____________ # oo::class create ::bartabs::Tab { } oo::class create ::bartabs::Bar { superclass ::bartabs::Tab } oo::class create ::bartabs::Bars { superclass ::bartabs::Bar } # ________________________ Tab _______________________ # ## ____________ Private methods of Tab ____________ ## oo::define ::bartabs::Tab { method My {ID} { # Creates a caller of method. # ID - ID of caller set t [string range $ID 0 2] oo::objdefine [self] "method $ID {args} { \ set m \[lindex \$args 0\] ; \ if {\$m in {{} -1}} {return {}} ; \ if {\$m eq {create} && {$t} eq {bar} || \$m in {cget configure} && {$t} eq {tab}} { \ set args \[lreplace \$args 0 0 Tab_\$m\]} ; \ return \[my {*}\$args\]}" } #_______________________ method ID {} { # Returns ID of caller. lindex [uplevel 1 {self caller}] 2 } #_______________________ method IDs {TID} { # Returns a pair of TID and BID. list $TID [my $TID cget -BID] } #_______________________ method Tab_Create {BID TID w text} { # Creates a tab widget (frame, label, button). # w - parent frame # text - tab's label # Returns a list of created widgets of the tab. lassign [my $BID cget -relief -bd -padx -pady -BGMAIN] relief bd padx pady bgm lassign [my $TID cget -wb -wb1 -wb2] wb wb1 wb2 if {!$bd} {set relief flat} if {![my Tab_Is $wb]} { if {$wb eq {}} { set ::bartabs::NewTabNo [expr {($::bartabs::NewTabNo+1)%1000000}] set wb $w.$TID[format %06d $::bartabs::NewTabNo] set wb1 $wb.l set wb2 $wb.b } my $TID configure -wb $wb -wb1 $wb1 -wb2 $wb2 ttk::frame $wb -borderwidth [expr {$bd? $bd : 2}] ttk::label $wb1 if {[my TtkTheme]} { ttk::button $wb2 -style ClButton$BID -image bts_ImgNone \ -command [list [self] $TID close yes -withicon yes] -takefocus 0 } else { button $wb2 -relief flat -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 -image bts_ImgNone \ -command [list [self] $TID close yes -withicon yes] -takefocus 0 -background $bgm } } $wb configure -relief $relief $wb1 configure -relief flat -padding "$padx $pady $padx $pady" \ {*}[my Tab_Font $BID] lassign [my Tab_TextEllipsed $BID $text] text ttip if {[set tip [my $TID cget -tip]] ne {}} { my $TID configure -tip $tip ;# run baltip after creating $wb1 & $wb2 } $wb1 configure -text $text -background $bgm if {[my Tab_Iconic $BID]} { $wb2 configure -state normal } else { $wb2 configure -state disabled -image {} } list $wb $wb1 $wb2 } #_______________________ method Tab_create {tabCom label} { # Creates tab method and registers it. Defined by "My". set BID [my ID] if {[set TID [my $BID tabID $label]] eq {}} { return -code error "No label {$label} in $BID" } ; proc $tabCom {args} "return \[[self] $TID {*}\$args\]" set lObj [my $BID cget -TABCOM] my $BID configure -TABCOM [lappend lObj [list $TID $tabCom]] } #_______________________ method Tab_ExpandOption {BID expand} { # Gets a real -expand option, counting that it may be set as a number>1 # meaning "starting from this number do expanding, otherwise not" # expand - original value of -expand option if {[string is digit $expand] && $expand>1} { set tabs [my $BID cget -TABS] set expand [expr {$expand<[llength $tabs]}] } return $expand } #_______________________ method Tab_cget {args} { # Gets options of tab. # args - list of options # Returns a list of values or one value if args is one option. variable btData lassign [my Tab_BID [set TID [my ID]]] BID i tab lassign $tab tID tdata set res [list] foreach opt $args { switch -- $opt { -BID {lappend res $BID} -text - -wb - -wb1 - -wb2 - -pf { if {[catch {lappend res [dict get $tdata $opt]}]} { lappend res {} } } -index { if {$i<([dict get $btData $BID -LLEN]-1)} { lappend res $i } else { lappend res end } } -width { ;# width of tab widget lassign [my Tab_DictItem $tab] tID text wb wb1 wb2 if {![my Tab_Is $wb]} { lappend res 0 } else { set b1 [ttk::style configure TLabel -borderwidth] if {$b1 eq {}} {set b1 0} lassign [my $BID cget -bd -expand -static] bd expand static set bd [expr {$bd?2*$b1:0}] set b2 [expr {[my Aux_WidgetWidth $wb2]-3}] set expand [my Tab_ExpandOption $BID $expand] set expand [expr {$expand||![my Tab_Iconic $BID]?2:0}] lappend res [expr {[my Aux_WidgetWidth $wb1]+$b2+$bd+$expand}] } } default { ;# user's options if {[catch {lappend res [dict get $tdata $opt]}]} {lappend res {}} } } } if {[llength $args]==1} {return [lindex $res 0]} return $res } #_______________________ method Tab_configure {args} { # Sets values of options for a tab. # args - list of pairs "option value" lassign [my Tab_BID [set TID [my ID]]] BID i tab lassign $tab tID data foreach {opt val} $args { dict set data $opt $val if {$opt eq {-tip}} { ;# configure the tab's tip lassign [my $TID cget -wb1 -wb2] wb1 wb2 if {$wb1 ne {}} { catch { baltip::tip $wb1 $val -under 3 baltip::tip $wb2 $val -under 3 } } } } set tab [list $TID $data] my $BID configure -TABS [lreplace [my $BID cget -TABS] $i $i $tab] } #_______________________ method Tab_DictItem {TID {data ""}} { # Gets item data from a tab item (ID + data). # TID - tab ID or the tab item (ID + data). # data - tab's data (list of option-value) # If 'data' omitted, TID is a tab item (ID + data). # If the tab's attribute is absent, it's meant to be "". # Returns a list of values: ID, text, wb, wb1, wb2, pf. if {$data eq {}} {lassign $TID TID data} set res [list $TID] foreach a {-text -wb -wb1 -wb2 -pf} { if {[dict exists $data $a]} { lappend res [dict get $data $a] } else { lappend res {} } } return $res } #_______________________ method Tab_ItemDict {TID text {wb ""} {wb1 ""} {wb2 ""} {pf ""}} { # Returns a tab item (ID + data) from item data. # text - tab's text; # wb - tab's frame widget # wb1 - tab's label widget # wb2 - tab's button widget # pf - "p" for tab packed, "" for tab forgotten list $TID [list -text $text -wb $wb -wb1 $wb1 -wb2 $wb2 -pf $pf] } #_______________________ method Tab_Data {BID text} { # Creates data of new tab. # text - new tab's label # The bar is checked for a duplicate of 'text'. # Returns a tab item or "" (if duplicated). variable btData if {[dict exists $btData $BID] && [my $BID tabID $text] ne {}} {return {}} my My tab[incr ::bartabs::NewTabID] my Tab_ItemDict tab$::bartabs::NewTabID $text } #_______________________ method Tab_BID {TID {act ""}} { # Gets BID from TID. # act - if "check", only checks the existance of TID # If 'act' is "check" and a bar not found, -1 is returned, otherwise BID. # Returns a list of 1. BID (or -1 if no bar found) 2. index of the tab in tab list 3. the tab data. variable btData set BID {} dict for {bID bInfo} $btData { set tabs [my $bID cget -TABS] if {[set i [my Aux_IndexInList $TID $tabs]] > -1} { set BID $bID break } } if {$act eq {check}} {return $BID} if {$BID eq {}} { return -code error "bartabs: tab ID $TID not found in the bars" } list $BID $i [lindex $tabs $i] } #_______________________ method Tab_Bindings {BID} { # Sets bindings on events of tabs. lassign [my $BID cget -static -FGOVER -BGOVER -WWID] static fgo bgo wwid foreach tab [my $BID listTab] { lassign $tab TID text wb wb1 wb2 if {[my Tab_Is $wb]} { set bar "[self] $BID" set tab "[self] $TID" set ctrlBP "$tab OnCtrlClick ; break" foreach w [list $wb $wb1 $wb2] { bind $w <Enter> "$bar OnEnterTab $TID $wb1 $wb2 $fgo $bgo" bind $w <Leave> "[self] $TID OnLeaveTab $wb1 $wb2" bind $w <Button-3> "[self] $TID OnPopup %X %Y" bind $w <Control-ButtonPress> $ctrlBP } bind $wb <Control-ButtonPress> $ctrlBP bind $wb <ButtonPress> "[self] $BID OnButtonPress $TID $wb1 {}" bind $wb1 <ButtonPress> "[self] $BID OnButtonPress $TID $wb1 %x" bind $wb1 <ButtonRelease> "[self] $BID OnButtonRelease $wb1 %x" bind $wb1 <Motion> "[self] $BID OnButtonMotion $wb $wb1 %x %y" } } bind [lindex $wwid 0] <Button-3> "[self] $BID OnPopup %X %Y $BID" } #_______________________ method Tab_Font {BID} { # Gets a font attributes for tab label. set font [my $BID cget -font] if {$font eq {}} { if {[set font [ttk::style configure TLabel -font]] eq {}} { set font TkDefaultFont } set font [font actual $font] } return "-font {$font}" } #_______________________ method Tab_MarkAttrs {BID TID {withbg yes} {wb2 ""}} { # Gets image & mark attributes of marks. # TID - ID of current tab # withbg - if true, gets also background # wb2 - tab's button # Returns string of attributes if any. lassign [my $BID cget \ -mark -imagemark -fgmark -bgmark -IMAGETABS -FGMAIN -BGMAIN -FGDSBL -BGDSBL] \ marktabs imagemark fgm bgm imagetabs fgmain bgmain fgdsbl bgdsbl set res {} if {[my Disabled $TID]} { set imagemark {} if {$wb2 ne {}} {$wb2 configure -state disabled} set res " -foreground $fgdsbl" if {$withbg} {append res " -background $bgdsbl"} } elseif {[lsearch $marktabs $TID]>-1} { if {$imagemark eq {}} { if {$fgm eq {}} {set fgm $fgmain} ;# empty value - no markable tabs set res " -foreground $fgm" if {$withbg} { if {$bgm eq {}} {set bgm $bgmain} append res " -background $bgm" } if {$wb2 ne {}} {$wb2 configure -image bts_ImgNone} } } else { set imagemark {} if {[set i [lsearch -index 0 $imagetabs $TID]]>-1} { set imagemark [lindex $imagetabs $i 1] } elseif {$wb2 ne {}} { $wb2 configure -image bts_ImgNone } } if {$imagemark ne {}} { set res " -image $imagemark" if {$wb2 ne {}} { $wb2 configure {*}$res catch {$wb2 configure -style ClButton$BID} } } return $res } #_______________________ method Tab_SelAttrs {fnt fgsel bgsel} { # Gets font attributes of selected tab. # fnt - original font attributes # fgsel - foreground for selection # bgsel - background for selection # If both set, fgsel and bgsel mean colors # If bgsel=="", fgsel!="", fgsel is a widget to get attributes # If fgsel=="", 'selection' is 'underlining' lassign $fnt opt val if {$fgsel eq {}} { dict set val -underline 1 } else { if {$bgsel eq {}} { set bgsel [ttk::style configure $fgsel -selectbackground] set fgsel [ttk::style configure $fgsel -selectforeground] } set opt "-foreground $fgsel -background $bgsel $opt" } return "$opt {$val}" } #_______________________ method Tab_MarkBar {BID {TID "-1"}} { # Marks the tabs of a bar . # TID - ID of the current tab lassign [my $BID cget -tabcurrent -fgsel -bgsel -select -FGMAIN -BGMAIN] \ tID fgs bgs fewsel fgm bgm if {$TID in {{} {-1}}} {set TID $tID} foreach tab [my $BID listTab] { lassign $tab tID text wb wb1 wb2 if {[my Tab_Is $wb]} { set font [my Tab_Font $BID] set selected [expr {$tID == $TID || [lsearch $fewsel $tID]>-1}] if {$selected} {set font [my Tab_SelAttrs $font $fgs $bgs]} $wb1 configure {*}$font set attrs [my Tab_MarkAttrs $BID $tID [expr {!$selected}] $wb2] if {$attrs ne {} && {-image} ni $attrs } { $wb1 configure {*}$attrs } elseif {!$selected} { $wb1 configure -foreground $fgm -background $bgm } } } my $BID configure -tabcurrent $TID } #_______________________ method Tab_MarkBars {{BID -1} {TID -1}} { # Marks the tabs. # BID - bar ID (if omitted, all bars are scanned) # TID - ID of the current tab variable btData if {$BID == -1} { dict for {BID barOpts} $btData {my Tab_MarkBar $BID} } else { my Tab_MarkBar $BID $TID } } #_______________________ method Tab_TextEllipsed {BID text {lneed -1}} { # Returns a tab's label and tip. # text - label # lneed - label length anyway lassign [my $BID cget -lablen -ELLIPSE] lablen ellipse if {$lneed ne -1} {set lablen $lneed} if {$lablen && [string length $text]>$lablen} { set ttip $text set text [string range $text 0 $lablen-1] append text $ellipse } else { set ttip {} } list $text $ttip } #_______________________ method Tab_Iconic {BID} { # Gets a flag "tabs with icons". # Returns "yes", if tabs are supplied with icons. expr {![my $BID cget -static]} } #_______________________ method Tab_Pack {BID TID wb wb1 wb2} { # Packs a tab widget. # wb, wb1, wb2 - tab's widgets lassign [my $BID cget -static -expand] static expand if {[my Tab_Iconic $BID]} { pack $wb1 -side left pack $wb2 -side left } else { pack $wb1 -side left -fill x pack forget $wb2 } set expand [my Tab_ExpandOption $BID $expand] if {$expand} { pack $wb -side left -fill x -expand 1 } else { pack $wb -side left } my $TID configure -pf "p" } #_______________________ method Tab_RemoveLinks {BID TID} { # Removes a tab's links to lists. foreach o {-IMAGETABS -TABCOM -mark -disable -select} { set l [my $BID cget $o] for {set i 0} {$i>-1} {} { if {[set i [lsearch -index 0 $l $TID]]>-1} { set l [lreplace $l $i $i] my $BID configure $o $l } } } my Tab_MarkBars $BID } #_______________________ method Tab_Is {wb} { # Checks if 'wb' is an existing tab widget. # wb - path expr {$wb ne {} && [winfo exists $wb]} } #_______________________ method Tab_CloseFew {{TID -1} {left no} args} { # Closes tabs of bar. # TID - ID of the current tab or -1 if to close all # left - "yes" if to close all at left of TID, "no" if at right # args - options (if contains -skipsel, selected tabs aren't closed) set BID [my ID] if {$TID ne {-1}} {lassign [my Tab_BID $TID] BID icur} set tabs [my $BID listTab] set skipsel [expr {[lsearch $args -skipsel]>-1}] set seltabs [my $BID cget -select] set doupdate no set first 1 for {set i [llength $tabs]} {$i} {} { incr i -1 set tID [lindex $tabs $i 0] if {!$skipsel || $tID ni $seltabs} { if {$TID eq {-1} || ($left && $i<$icur) || (!$left && $i>$icur)} { if {![set res [my $tID close no -first $first]]} break if {$res==1} {set doupdate yes} set first 0 ;# -first option is "1" for the very first closed tab } } } if {$doupdate} { my $BID clear if {$TID eq {-1}} { my $BID Refill 0 yes } else { my $BID $TID show yes } } } #_______________________ method PrepareCmd {TID BID opt args} { # Prepares a command bound to an action on a tab. # opt - command option (-csel, -cmov, -cdel) # args - additional argumens of the command # The commands can include wildcards: %b for bar ID, %t for tab ID, %l for tab label. # Returns "" or the command if 'opt' exists in 'args'. variable btData if {[dict exists $btData $BID $opt]} { set com [dict get $btData $BID $opt] if {$TID>-1} { set label [my $TID cget -text] } else { set label {} } set label [string map {\{ ( \} )} $label] lappend com {*}$args return [string map [list %b $BID %t $TID %l $label] $com] } return {} } #_______________________ method Tab_Cmd {opt args} { # Executes a command bound to an action on a tab. # opt - command option (-csel, -cmov, -cdel) # args - additional argumens of the command # The commands can include wildcards: %b for bar ID, %t for tab ID, %l for tab label. # Returns 1, if no command set; otherwise: 1 for Yes, 0 for No, -1 for Cancel. lassign [my IDs [my ID]] TID BID if {[set com [my PrepareCmd $TID $BID $opt {*}$args]] ne {}} { if {[catch {set res [{*}$com]}]} {set res yes} if {$res eq {} || !$res} {return 0} return $res } return 1 } #_______________________ method Tab_BeCurrent {} { # Makes the tab be currently visible. if {[set TID [my ID]] in {{} {-1}} || [my Disabled $TID]} return set BID [my $TID cget -BID] my $TID Tab_Cmd -csel ;# command before the selection shown my Tab_MarkBar $BID $TID if {[set wb2 [my $TID cget -wb2]] ne {} && \ ![string match *bartabs::* [$wb2 cget -image]] && $TID ni [my $BID listFlag "m"]} { $wb2 configure -image bts_ImgNone } my $BID Bar_Cmd2 -csel2 $TID ;# command after the selection shown } #_______________________ method Disabled {TID} { # Checks if the tab is disabled. set dsbltabs [my [my $TID cget -BID] cget -disable] expr {[lsearch $dsbltabs $TID]>-1} } ## ____________ Event handlers ____________ ## method DestroyMoveWindow {} { # Destroys the moving window zombi. set BID [my ID] set movWin [lindex [my $BID cget -MOVWIN] 0] catch {destroy $movWin} my $BID configure -MOVX {} -wb1 {} } #_______________________ method OnEnterTab {TID wb1 wb2 fgo bgo} { # Handles the mouse pointer entering a tab. # wb1, wb2 - tab's widgets # fgo, bgo - colors of "mouse over the tab" if {[my Disabled $TID]} return $wb1 configure -foreground $fgo -background $bgo if {[my Tab_Iconic [my ID]]} {$wb2 configure -image bts_ImgClose} } #_______________________ method OnLeaveTab {wb1 wb2} { # Handles the mouse pointer leaving a tab. # wb1, wb2 - tab's widgets lassign [my IDs [my ID]] TID BID if {[my Disabled $TID]} return if {![winfo exists $wb1]} return lassign [my $BID cget -FGMAIN -BGMAIN] fgm bgm $wb1 configure -foreground $fgm -background $bgm my Tab_MarkBars $BID if {"-image" ni [set attrs [my Tab_MarkAttrs $BID $TID 0 $wb2]] && \ [my Tab_Iconic $BID]} { $wb2 configure -image bts_ImgNone catch {$wb2 configure -style ClButton$BID} } } #_______________________ method OnButtonPress {TID wb1 x} { # Handles the mouse clicking a tab. # wb1 - tab's label # x - x position of the mouse pointer if {[my Disabled $TID]} return my [set BID [my ID]] configure -MOVX $x if {$TID eq {}} {set TID [my $BID tabID [$wb1 cget -text]]} my $TID Tab_BeCurrent } #_______________________ method OnButtonMotion {wb wb1 x y} { # Handles the mouse moving over a tab. # wb - tab's frame # wb1 - tab's label # x, y - positions of the mouse pointer lassign [my [set BID [my ID]] cget \ -static -FGMAIN -FGOVER -BGOVER -MOVWIN -MOVX -MOVX0 -MOVX1 -MOVY0] \ static fgm fgo bgo movWin movX movx movx1 movY0 if {$movX eq {} || $static} return # dragging the tab if {![winfo exists $movWin]} { # make the tab's replica to be dragged toplevel $movWin if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { wm attributes $movWin -alpha 0.0 } else { wm withdraw $movWin } if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} { ::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle style $movWin help none } else { wm overrideredirect $movWin 1 } set movx [set movx1 $x] set movX [expr {[winfo pointerx .]-$x}] set movY0 [expr {[winfo pointery .]-$y}] label $movWin.label -text [$wb1 cget -text] -relief solid \ -foreground black -background #7eeeee {*}[my Tab_Font $BID] pack $movWin.label -expand 1 -fill both -ipadx 1 wm minsize $movWin [winfo reqwidth $movWin.label] [winfo reqheight $wb1] set againstLooseFocus "[self] $BID DestroyMoveWindow" bind $movWin <Leave> $againstLooseFocus bind $movWin <ButtonPress> $againstLooseFocus $wb1 configure -foreground $fgm my $BID configure -wb1 $wb1 -MOVX1 $movx1 -MOVY0 $movY0 } if {abs([winfo pointery .]-$movY0)>$movY0*.5} { my $BID DestroyMoveWindow ;# too vertical return } lassign [my $BID cget -WWID] wframe wlarr lassign [split [winfo geometry $wframe] x+] wflen lassign [split [winfo geometry $wlarr] x+] walen lassign [split [winfo geometry $wb] x+] wbl - wbx if {abs($x-$movx)>1 && ($wflen-$wbx+$movx1+$walen)>$x && ($wbx+$wbl-$movx1+$x)>0} { wm geometry $movWin +$movX+$movY0 if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { if {[wm attributes $movWin -alpha] < 0.1} {wm attributes $movWin -alpha 1.0} } else { catch {wm deiconify $movWin ; raise $movWin} } } my $BID configure -MOVX [expr {$movX+$x-$movx}] -MOVX0 $x } #_______________________ method OnButtonRelease {wb1o x} { # Handles the mouse releasing a tab. # wb1o - original tab's label # x - x position of the mouse pointer lassign [my [set BID [my ID]] cget \ -MOVWIN -MOVX -MOVX1 -MOVY0 -FGMAIN -wb1 -tleft -tright -wbar -static] \ movWin movX movx1 movY0 fgm wb1 tleft tright wbar static my $BID DestroyMoveWindow if {$movX eq {} || $wb1o ne $wb1 || $static} return # dropping the tab - find a tab being dropped at $wb1 configure -foreground $fgm lassign [my Aux_InitDraw $BID no] bwidth vislen bd arrlen llen set vislen1 $vislen set vlist [list] set i 0 set iw1 -1 set tabssav [set tabs [my $BID cget -TABS]] foreach tab $tabs { lassign [my Tab_DictItem $tab] tID text _wb _wb1 _wb2 _pf if {$_pf ne {}} { if {$_wb1 eq $wb1} { set vislen0 $vislen set tab1 $tab set iw1 $i set TID $tID } set wl [expr {[winfo reqwidth $_wb1]+[winfo reqwidth $_wb2]}] lappend vlist [list $i $vislen $wl] incr vislen $wl } incr i } if {$iw1==-1} return ;# for sure if {[my $TID Tab_Cmd -cmov] ni {"1" "yes" "true"}} return ;# chosen to not move set vislen2 [expr {$vislen0+$x-$movx1}] foreach vl $vlist { lassign $vl i vislen wl set rightest [expr {$i==$tright && $vislen2>(10+$vislen)}] if {$iw1==($i+1) && $x<0} {incr vislen2 $wl} if {($vislen>$vislen2 || $rightest)} { set tabs [lreplace $tabs $iw1 $iw1] set i [expr {$rightest||$iw1>$i?$i:$i-1}] if {$rightest && $i<($llen-1) && $i==$iw1} {incr i} set tabs [linsert $tabs $i $tab1] set left yes if {$rightest} { set left no set tleft $i } elseif {$i<$tleft} { set tleft $i } break } } if {$tabssav ne $tabs} { my $BID configure -TABS $tabs my $BID Refill $tleft $left my $BID Bar_Cmd2 -cmov2 $TID ;# command after the action } } #_______________________ method OnCtrlClick {} { # Handles a selection of tabs with Ctrl+click. lassign [my IDs [my ID]] TID BID lassign [my $BID cget -static -select] static fewsel if {$static} return if {[set i [lsearch $fewsel $TID]]>-1} { set fewsel [lreplace $fewsel $i $i] } else { lappend fewsel $TID } my $BID configure -select $fewsel my Tab_MarkBar $BID my $BID Bar_Cmd2 -csel3 $TID ;# command after the action } #_______________________ method OnPopup {X Y {BID "-1"} {TID "-1"} {textcur ""}} { # Handles the mouse right-clicking on a tab. # X, Y - positions of the mouse pointer if {$BID eq "-1"} { lassign [my IDs [my ID]] TID BID set textcur [my $TID cget -text] } lassign [my $BID cget -wbar -menu -USERMNU -UMNU -TABS -static -hidearrows -WWID] \ wbar popup usermnu popup0 tabs static hidearr wwid if {$static && $hidearr && !$usermnu} { lassign $wwid wframe wlarr wrarr if {[catch {pack info $wlarr}] && [catch {pack info $wrarr}]} { return ;# static absolutely } } set pop $wbar.popupMenu if {[winfo exist $pop]} {destroy $pop} my $BID configure -LOCKDRAW 1 menu $pop -tearoff 0 set ipops [set lpops [list]] if {$TID eq "-1"} { set popup [list [lindex $popup 0] s {*}$popup0] ;# let "List" be in } foreach p $popup { lassign $p typ label comm menu dsbl tip var if {$menu ne {}} {set popc $pop.$menu} {set popc $pop} foreach opt {label comm menu dsbl} { set $opt [string map [list %b $BID %t $TID %l $textcur] [set $opt]] } if {[info commands [lindex $dsbl 0]] ne {}} { ;# 0/1/2 image label hotkey lassign [{*}$dsbl $BID $TID $label] dsbl comimg comlabel hotk } else { lassign $dsbl dsbl comimg comlabel hotk if {$dsbl ne {}} {set dsbl [expr $dsbl]} set dsbl [expr {([string is boolean $dsbl] && $dsbl ne {})?$dsbl:0}] } if {$dsbl eq {2}} continue ;# 2 - "hide"; 1 - "disable"; 0 - "normal" if {$dsbl} {set dsbl {-state disabled}} {set dsbl {}} if {$comimg ne {}} {set comimg "-image $comimg"} if {$comlabel ne {}} {set label $comlabel} if {$comimg eq {}} {set comimg {-image bts_ImgNone}} if {$hotk ne {}} {set hotk "-accelerator $hotk"} switch [string index $typ 0] { s {$popc add separator} c { switch [string index $typ 1] { o - {} { ;# command $popc add command -label $label -command $comm \ {*}$dsbl -compound left {*}$comimg {*}$hotk } h { ;# checkbutton if {$comm ne {}} {set comm [list -command $comm]} $popc add checkbutton -label $label {*}$comm -variable $var } } } m { if {$menu eq {bartabs_cascade} && !$usermnu && $static} { set popc $pop ;# no user mnu & static: only list of tabs be shown } else { if {[winfo exist $popc]} {destroy $popc} menu $popc -tearoff 0 set popm [string range $popc 0 [string last . $popc]-1] $popm add cascade -label $label -menu $popc \ {*}$dsbl -compound left {*}$comimg {*}$hotk } if {[string match {bartabs_cascade*} $menu]} { set popi $popc lappend lpops $popi set ipops [my $BID FillMenuList $BID $popi $TID $menu] } } } if {$tip ne {}} { catch {baltip::tip $popc $tip -index [$popc index end]} } } if {[llength $lpops]} { catch {::apave::obj themePopup $pop} my Bar_MenuList $BID $TID $pop ;# main menu foreach popi $lpops {my Bar_MenuList $BID $TID $popi $ipops} if {$TID ne {-1}} { lassign [my $TID cget -wb1 -wb2] wb1 wb2 bind $pop <Unmap> [list [self] $TID OnLeaveTab $wb1 $wb2] } my $BID DestroyMoveWindow tk_popup $pop $X $Y } else { my $BID popList $X $Y } my $BID configure -LOCKDRAW {} } ## ____________ Public methods of Tab ____________ ## method show {{refill no} {lifo yes}} { # Shows a tab in a bar and sets it current. # refill - if "yes", update the bar # lifo - if "yes", allows moving a tab to 0th position # When refill=no and lifo=no, just shows a tab in its current position. lassign [my IDs [my ID]] TID BID if {$refill} {my $BID clear} set itab 0 foreach tab [my $BID listTab] { lassign $tab tID text wb wb1 wb2 pf if {$TID eq $tID} { set refill [expr {$pf eq {}}] ;# check if visible break } incr itab } if {$refill && $lifo && [my $BID cget -lifo] && (![my $TID visible] || \ [string is true -strict [my $BID cget -lifoest]])} { my $BID moveTab $TID 0 set itab 0 } if {$refill} {my $BID Refill $itab no yes} my $TID Tab_BeCurrent } #_______________________ method close {{redraw yes} args} { # Closes a tab and updates the bar. # redraw - if "yes", update the bar and select the new tab # args - additional argumens of the -cdel command # Returns "1" if the deletion was successful, otherwise 0 (no) or -1 (cancel). lassign [my Tab_BID [set TID [my ID]]] BID icurr tabcurr if {[my Disabled $TID]} { set ttl [msgcat::mc Closing] set t [my $TID cget -text] set msg [msgcat::mc "Can't close the disabled\n\"%t\"\n\nClose others?"] set msg [string map [list %t $t] $msg] return [expr {[::bartabs::messageBox yesno $ttl $msg -icon question]==1}] } set cdel [my $BID cget -cdel] if {$cdel eq {}} { set res 1 } else { set cdel [my PrepareCmd $TID $BID -cdel {*}$args] if {[catch {set res [{*}$cdel]}]} { set res [my $TID Tab_Cmd -cdel {*}$args] } } if {$res ni {1 yes true}} {return $res} if {$redraw} {my $BID clear} lassign [my $BID cget -TABS -tleft -tright -tabcurrent] tabs tleft tright tcurr my Tab_RemoveLinks $BID $TID destroy [my $TID cget -wb] set tabs [lreplace $tabs $icurr $icurr] oo::objdefine [self] [list deletemethod [lindex $tabcurr 0]] my $BID configure -TABS $tabs if {$redraw} { if {$icurr>=$tleft && $icurr<[llength $tabs]} { my $BID draw my [lindex $tabs $icurr 0] Tab_BeCurrent } else { if {[set TID [lindex $tabs end 0]] ne {}} { my $TID show yes ;# last tab deleted: show the new last if any } } } my $BID Bar_Cmd2 -cdel2 ;# command after the action return 1 } #_______________________ method visible {} { # Checks if a tab is visible. # Returns yes if the tab is visible,. lassign [my IDs [my ID]] TID BID lassign [my $BID cget -tleft -tright] tleft tright set tabs [my $BID listTab] for {set i $tleft} {$i<=$tright} {incr i} { if {$TID eq [lindex $tabs $i 0]} { return yes } } return no } ## ________________________ EOC Tab _________________________ ## } # ________________________ Bar _________________________ # ## ____________ Private methods of Bar ____________ ## oo::define ::bartabs::Bar { method Bar_Data {barOptions} { # Puts data of new bar in btData. # barOptions - new bar's options # Returns BID of new bar. variable btData set BID bar[incr ::bartabs::NewBarID] # defaults: set barOpts [dict create -wbar {} -wbase {} -wproc {} -static no -lowlist no \ -hidearrows no -scrollsel yes -lablen 0 -tiplen 0 -tleft 0 -tright end \ -disable [list] -select [list] -mark [list] -fgmark #800080 -fgsel "." \ -relief groove -padx 1 -pady 1 -expand 0 -tabcurrent -1 -dotip no \ -bd 0 -separator 1 -lifo 0 -fg {} -bg {} -popuptip {} -sortlist 0 -comlist {} \ -ELLIPSE "\u2026" -MOVWIN {.bt_move} -ARRLEN 0 -USERMNU 0 -LLEN 0 -title Tabs] set tabinfo [set imagetabs [set popup [list]]] my Bar_DefaultMenu $BID popup foreach {optnam optval} $barOptions { switch -exact -- $optnam { -tab - -imagetab { if {$optnam eq "-imagetab"} {lassign $optval optval img} # no duplicates allowed: if {[lsearch -index {1 1} -exact $tabinfo $optval]==-1} { lappend tabinfo [set tab [my Tab_Data $BID $optval]] dict set barOpts -TABS $tabinfo dict set barOpts -LLEN [llength $tabinfo] if {$optnam eq "-imagetab"} { lappend imagetabs [list [lindex $tab 0] $img] dict set barOpts -IMAGETABS $imagetabs } } } -menu { lappend popup {*}$optval dict set barOpts -menu $popup dict set barOpts -USERMNU 1 lappend mnu {*}$optval if {[string index [lindex $mnu 0] 0] eq "s"} {set mnu [lrange $mnu 1 end]} dict set barOpts -UMNU $mnu } default { dict set barOpts $optnam $optval } } } set wbar [dict get $barOpts -wbar] if {$wbar eq {}} {return -code error {bartabs: -wbar option is obligatory}} set wbase [dict get $barOpts -wbase] set wproc [dict get $barOpts -wproc] foreach o {-tleft -tright} { set v [dict get $barOpts $o] set v [expr [string map [list end [llength $tabinfo]-1] $v]] dict set barOpts $o $v } if {$wbase ne {} && $wproc eq {}} { dict set barOpts -wproc "expr {\[winfo width $wbase\]-80}" ;# 80 for ornithology } dict set btData $BID $barOpts return $BID } #_______________________ method Bar_DefaultMenu {BID popName} { # Creates default menu items. # popName - variable name for popup's data upvar 1 $popName pop set bar "[self] $BID" set dsbl "{$bar CheckDsblPopup}" lassign [my Mc_MenuItems] list behind close closeall closeleft closeright foreach item [list \ "m {$list} {} bartabs_cascade" \ "s {} {} {} $dsbl" \ "m {BHND} {} bartabs_cascade2 $dsbl" \ "s {} {} {} $dsbl" \ "c {$close} {[self] %t close yes -first -1} {} $dsbl" \ "c {$closeall} {$bar closeAll $BID -1 1} {} $dsbl" \ "c {$closeleft} {$bar closeAll $BID %t 2} {} $dsbl" \ "c {$closeright} {$bar closeAll $BID %t 3} {} $dsbl"] { lappend pop $item } } #_______________________ method Bar_MenuList {BID TID popi {ilist ""} {pop ""}} { # Tunes "List" menu item for colors & underlining. # popi - menu of tab items # ilist - list of "s" (separators) and TIDs # pop - menu to be themed in apave package if {$pop eq {}} {set pop $popi} catch {::apave::obj themePopup $pop} lassign [my $BID cget -tabcurrent -select -FGOVER -BGOVER -lowlist] \ tabcurr fewsel fgo bgo ll if {$ll || [catch {set fs "-size [dict get [$pop cget -font] -size]"}]} { if {$ll && [string is digit $ll] && $ll>1} { set fs "-size $ll" } else { set fs {} } } # ALERT: "font actual TkDefaultFont" may be wasteful with tclkits set font [list -font "[font actual TkDefaultFont] $fs"] set llen [llength $ilist] if {[$popi cget -tearoff]} { set ito 1 set TID $tabcurr } else { set ito 0 } for {set i 0} {$i<$llen} {incr i} { if {[set tID [lindex $ilist $i]] eq {s}} continue set opts [my Tab_MarkAttrs $BID $tID no] if {"-image" ni $opts} {append opts " -image bts_ImgNone"} append opts " -compound left" if {$tID==$tabcurr || [lsearch $fewsel $tID]>-1} { set font2 [my Tab_SelAttrs $font {} {}] } else { set font2 $font } append opts " $font2" if {$tID==$TID} {append opts " -foreground $fgo -background $bgo"} if {[string match *bartabs_cascade2 $popi] && [my Disabled $tID]} { append opts " -foreground [my $BID cget -FGMAIN]" ;# move behind any } catch {$popi entryconfigure [expr {$i+$ito}] {*}$opts} } } #_______________________ method Bar_Cmd2 {comopt2 {TID ""}} { # Executes a command after an action. # comopt2 - the command's option (-csel2, -cdel2, -cmov2) set BID [my ID] if {[set com2 [my $BID cget $comopt2]] ne {}} { {*}[string map [list %t $TID] $com2] } } #_______________________ method Mc_MenuItems {} { # Returns localized menu items' label. namespace eval ::bartabs { return [list [msgcat::mc List] \ [msgcat::mc behind] \ [msgcat::mc Close] \ [msgcat::mc {... All}] \ [msgcat::mc {... All at Left}] \ [msgcat::mc {... All at Right}]] } } #_______________________ method InitColors {} { # Initializes colors of a bar. set BID [my ID] if {[set fgmain [my $BID cget -fg]] eq {}} { set fgmain [ttk::style configure . -foreground] } if {[set bgmain [my $BID cget -bg]] eq {}} { set bgmain [ttk::style configure . -background] } if {[catch {set fgdsbl [dict get [ttk::style map . -foreground] disabled]}]} { set fgdsbl $fgmain } if {[catch {set bgdsbl [dict get [ttk::style map . -background] disabled]}]} { set bgdsbl $bgmain } if {[catch { set fgo [ttk::style map TButton -foreground] if {[dict exists $fgo active]} { set fgo [dict get $fgo active] } else { set fgo $fgmain } set bgo [ttk::style map TButton -background] if {[dict exists $bgo active]} { set bgo [dict get $bgo active] } else { set bgo $bgmain } }]} { set bgo $fgmain ;# reversed set fgo $bgmain if {$bgo in {black #000000}} {set bgo #444444; set fgo #FFFFFF} } my $BID configure -FGMAIN $fgmain -BGMAIN $bgmain \ -FGDSBL $fgdsbl -BGDSBL $bgdsbl -FGOVER $fgo -BGOVER $bgo my $BID Style } #_______________________ method Style {} { # Sets styles a bar's widgets. set BID [my ID] set bg [my $BID cget -BGMAIN] ttk::style configure ClButton$BID {*}[ttk::style configure TButton] ttk::style configure ClButton$BID -relief flat -padx 0 -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 ttk::style map ClButton$BID {*}[ttk::style map TButton] ttk::style map ClButton$BID -background [list active $bg !active $bg] ttk::style layout ClButton$BID [ttk::style layout TButton] } #_______________________ method ScrollCurr {dir} { # Scrolls the current tab to the left/right. # dir - 1/-1 for scrolling to the right/left lassign [my [set BID [my ID]] cget -scrollsel -tabcurrent] sccur tcurr if {!$sccur || $tcurr eq {}} {return no} set tabs [my $BID listFlag] if {[set i [my Aux_IndexInList $tcurr $tabs]]==-1} {return no} incr i $dir set TID [lindex $tabs $i 0] if {[lindex $tabs $i 2] eq "1" && ![my Disabled $TID]} { my $TID Tab_BeCurrent ;# TID visible & enabled return yes } return no } #_______________________ method ArrowsState {tleft tright sright} { # Sets a state of scrolling arrows. # tleft, tright - index of left/right tab # sright - state of a right arrow ("no" for disabled) lassign [my [set BID [my ID]] cget -WWID -hidearrows -tiplen] wwid hidearr tiplen lassign $wwid wframe wlarr wrarr set tabs [my $BID listTab] if {$tleft} { if {$hidearr && [catch {pack $wlarr -before $wframe -side left}]} { pack $wlarr -side left } set state normal } else { if {$hidearr} { set state normal pack forget $wlarr } else { catch {pack $wlarr -before $wframe -side left} set state disabled } } $wlarr configure -state $state set tip {} if {$state eq {normal} && $tiplen>=0} { for {set i [expr {$tleft-1}]} {$i>=0} {incr i -1} { if {$tiplen && [incr cntl]>$tiplen} { append tip "..." break } set text [lindex [my Tab_TextEllipsed $BID [lindex $tabs $i 1]] 0] append tip "$text\n" } } catch {::baltip::tip $wlarr [string trim $tip]} if {$sright} { if {$hidearr && [catch {pack $wrarr -after $wframe -side right -anchor e}]} { pack $wrarr -side right -anchor e } set state normal } else { if {$hidearr} { set state normal pack forget $wrarr } else { catch {pack $wrarr -after $wframe -side right -anchor e} set state disabled } } $wrarr configure -state $state set tip {} if {$state eq {normal} && $tiplen>=0} { for {set i [expr {$tright+1}]} {$i<[llength $tabs]} {incr i} { if {$tiplen && [incr cntr]>$tiplen} { append tip ... break } set text [lindex [my Tab_TextEllipsed $BID [lindex $tabs $i 1]] 0] append tip "$text\n" } } catch {::baltip::tip $wrarr [string trim $tip]} } #_______________________ method FillMenuList {BID popi {TID -1} {mnu ""} {mustBeSorted {}}} { # Fills "List of tabs" item of popup menu. # popi - menu of tab items # TID - clicked tab ID # mnu - root menu # mustBeSorted - flag "sorted list" # Return a list of items types: s (separator) and TID. lassign [my $BID cget -tiplen -popuptip -sortlist -comlist] tiplen popuptip sortlist comlist set vis [set seps 0] ;# flags for separators: before/after visible items set idx [set icom -1] set res [list] set tabs [my [set BID [my ID]] listFlag] if {$mustBeSorted ne {}} {set sortlist $mustBeSorted} if {$sortlist} { set tabs [lsort -index 1 -dictionary $tabs] } foreach tab $tabs { incr icom lassign $tab tID text vsbl if {!$sortlist} { if {$vsbl && !$seps || !$vsbl && $vis} { incr idx $popi add separator lappend res s incr seps set vis 0 } elseif {$vsbl} { set vis 1 } if {!$seps && $vis} { ;# no invisible at left incr idx $popi add separator lappend res s incr seps } } set dsbl {} if {$TID == -1 || $mnu eq {bartabs_cascade}} { if {$comlist eq {}} { set comm "[self] $tID show yes" } else { set tip [my $tID cget -tip] set comm [string map [list %ID $tID %i $icom %t $tip] $comlist] } if {[my Disabled $tID]} {set dsbl {-state disabled}} } else { set comm "[self] moveSelTab $TID $tID" } if {[set cbr [expr {$tiplen>0 && [incr ccnt]>$tiplen}]]} {set ccnt 0} incr idx if {$popuptip ne {}} { # make a tip for menu items $popuptip $popi $idx $tID } $popi add command -label $text -command $comm {*}$dsbl -columnbreak $cbr lappend res $tID } if {$seps<2 && !$sortlist} { ;# no invisible at right $popi add separator lappend res s } return $res } #_______________________ method Width {} { # Calculates and returns the bar width to place tabs. lassign [my [set BID [my ID]] cget \ -tleft -tright -LLEN -wbase -wbar -ARRLEN -hidearrows -WWID -BWIDTH -wproc] \ tleft tright llen wbase wb arrlen hidearrows wwid bwidth1 wproc set iarr 2 if {$hidearrows} { ;# how many arrows are visible? if {!$tleft} {incr iarr -1} if {$tright==($llen-1)} {incr iarr -1} } set minus2len [expr {-$iarr*$arrlen}] set bwidth2 0 if {$wproc ne {}} { set bwidth2 [{*}[string map [list %b $BID] $wproc]] } if {$bwidth2<2 && [set wbase_exist [winfo exists $wbase]]} { # 'wbase' is a base widget to get the bartabs' width from set bwidth2 [my Aux_WidgetWidth $wbase] } incr bwidth2 $minus2len set wbase_exist [expr {$bwidth2>1}] if {$wbase_exist} { set bwidth $bwidth2 } else { if {$bwidth1 eq {} || $bwidth1<=1} {set bwidth1 100} set bwidth [expr {$wbase_exist ? min($bwidth1,$bwidth2) : $bwidth1}] } if {[set winw [winfo width .]]<2} {set winw [winfo reqwidth .]} incr winw $minus2len if {$bwidth<=0} { ;# last refuge set bwidth [expr {max($winw,[winfo reqwidth $wb],[winfo width $wb])}] } elseif {$wbase eq {} && $bwidth1 && $winw>1 && $bwidth1>$winw} { set bwidth $winw } return $bwidth } #_______________________ method FillFromLeft {{ileft ""} {tright "end"}} { # Fills a bar with tabs from the left to the right (as much tabs as possible). # ileft - index of a left tab # tright - index of a right tab lassign [my Aux_InitDraw [set BID [my ID]]] bwidth vislen bd arrlen llen tleft hidearr tabs wframe if {$ileft ne {}} {set tleft $ileft} for {set i $tleft} {$i<$llen} {incr i} { lassign [my Tab_DictItem [lindex $tabs $i]] TID text wb wb1 wb2 pf lassign [my Tab_Create $BID $TID $wframe $text] wb wb1 wb2 if {[my Aux_CheckTabVisible $wb $wb1 $wb2 $i $tleft tright vislen \ $llen $hidearr $arrlen $bd $bwidth tabs $TID $text]} { my Tab_Pack $BID $TID $wb $wb1 $wb2 } } my Aux_EndDraw $BID $tleft $tright $llen } #_______________________ method FillFromRight {tleft tright behind} { # Fills a bar with tabs from the right to the left (as much tabs as possible). # tleft, tright - index of left/right tab # behind - flag "go behind the right tab" set llen [my [set BID [my ID]] cget -LLEN] if {$tright eq "end" || $tright>=$llen} {set tright [expr {$llen-1}]} my $BID configure -tleft $tright -tright $tright lassign [my Aux_InitDraw $BID] bwidth vislen bd arrlen llen tleft hidearr tabs wframe set totlen 0 for {set i $tright} {$i>=0} {incr i -1} { lassign [my Tab_DictItem [lindex $tabs $i]] TID text wb wb1 wb2 pf lassign [my Tab_Create $BID $TID $wframe $text] wb wb1 wb2 incr vislen [set wlen [my $TID cget -width]] if {$i<$tright && ($vislen+($tright<($llen-1)||!$hidearr?$arrlen:0))>$bwidth} { set pf {} } else { set tleft $i set pf p incr totlen $wlen } set tabs [lreplace $tabs $i $i [my Tab_ItemDict $TID $text $wb $wb1 $wb2 $pf]] } set i $tright while {$behind && [incr i]<$llen && $totlen<$bwidth} { # go behind the right tab as far as possible lassign [my Tab_DictItem [lindex $tabs $i]] TID text wb wb1 wb2 pf lassign [my Tab_Create $BID $TID $wframe $text] wb wb1 wb2 incr totlen [my $TID cget -width] if {($totlen+($i<($llen-1)||!$hidearr?$arrlen:0))>$bwidth} { set pf {} } else { set tright $i set pf p } set tabs [lreplace $tabs $i $i [my Tab_ItemDict $TID $text $wb $wb1 $wb2 $pf]] } for {set i $tleft} {$i<$llen} {incr i} { lassign [my Tab_DictItem [lindex $tabs $i]] TID text wb wb1 wb2 pf if {[my Tab_Is $wb] && $pf ne {}} {my Tab_Pack $BID $TID $wb $wb1 $wb2} } my Aux_EndDraw $BID $tleft $tright $llen } #_______________________ method Locked {BID} { # Checks for "draw locked" mode: protects the menu. expr {[my $BID cget -LOCKDRAW] ne {}} } #_______________________ method Refill {itab left {behind false}} { # Fills a bar with tabs. # itab - index of tab # left - if "yes", fill from left to right # behind - flag "go behind the right tab" if {[my Locked [set BID [my ID]]]} return my $BID clear if {$itab eq "end" || $itab==([my $BID cget -LLEN]-1)} {set left 0} if {$left} { my $BID FillFromLeft $itab } else { my $BID FillFromRight 0 $itab $behind } } #_______________________ method CheckDsblPopup {BID TID mnuit} { # Controls disabling of Close* menu items. # mnuit - menu label # Returns "yes" for disabled menu item lassign [my Tab_BID $TID] BID icur lassign [my $BID cget -static -LLEN] static llen set dsbl [my Disabled $TID] lassign [my Mc_MenuItems] list behind close closeall closeleft closeright switch -exact -- $mnuit [list \ BHND { if {$static} {return 2} if {[set slen [llength [my $BID listFlag "s"]]]>1} { set mnuit [string map [list %n $slen] [msgcat::mc "%n tabs"]] } else { lassign [my Tab_TextEllipsed $BID [my $TID cget -text] 16] mnuit set mnuit "\"$mnuit\"" } return [list [expr {$dsbl||$llen<2||$llen==2&&$icur==1}] {} "$mnuit $behind"] } \ $close - $closeall - {} { if {$static} {return 2} } \ $closeleft { if {$static} {return 2} return [expr {$dsbl || !$icur}] } \ $closeright { if {$static} {return 2} return [expr {$dsbl || $icur==($llen-1)}] } \ ] return $dsbl } #_______________________ method NeedDraw {} { # Redraws a bar at need. set BID [my ID] lassign [my $BID cget -wproc -BWIDTH -ARRLEN] wproc bwo arrlen set bw [{*}[string map [list %b $BID] $wproc]] if {$bwo eq {} || [set need [expr {abs($bwo-$bw)>$arrlen} && $bw>10]]} { my $BID configure -BWIDTH $bw } if {$bwo ne {} && $need} { catch {after cancel $::bartabs::NewAfterID($BID)} set ::bartabs::NewAfterID($BID) [after 10 [list [self] $BID draw]] } } ## ____________ Exported methods of Bar ____________ ## method _runBound_ {w ev args} { # Runs a method bound to an event occuring at a widget. # w - widget # ev - event # args - the bound method & its arguments if {[catch {my {*}$args}]} { ;# failed binding => remove it foreach b [split [bind $w $ev] \n] { if {[string first $args $b]==-1} { if {[incr is1]==1} {bind $w $ev $b} {my bindToEvent $w $ev $b} } } } } export _runBound_ ## ____________ Auxiliary methods of Bar ____________ ## method Aux_WidgetWidth {w} { # Calculates a widget's width. if {![winfo exists $w]} {return 0} set wwidth [winfo width $w] if {$wwidth<2} {set wwidth [winfo reqwidth $w]} return $wwidth } #_______________________ method Aux_InitDraw {BID {clearpf yes}} { # Auxiliary method used before cycles drawing tabs. # Returns a list of main options of drawing tabs. my $BID InitColors lassign [my $BID cget \ -tleft -hidearrows -LLEN -WWID -bd -wbase -wbar -ARRLEN -wproc] \ tleft hidearr llen wwid bd wbase wbar arrlen wproc lassign $wwid wframe wlarr if {$arrlen eq {}} { set arrlen [winfo reqwidth $wlarr] my $BID configure -wbase $wbase -ARRLEN $arrlen } set bwidth [my $BID Width] set vislen [expr {$tleft || !$hidearr ? $arrlen : 0}] set tabs [my $BID cget -TABS] if {$clearpf} {foreach tab $tabs {my [lindex $tab 0] configure -pf {}}} list $bwidth $vislen $bd $arrlen $llen $tleft $hidearr $tabs $wframe } #_______________________ method Aux_CheckTabVisible {wb wb1 wb2 i tleft trightN vislenN llen hidearr arrlen bd bwidth tabsN TID text} { # Auxiliary method used to check if a tab is visible. upvar 1 $trightN tright $tabsN tabs $vislenN vislen incr vislen [my $TID cget -width] if {$i>$tleft && ($vislen+(($i+1)<$llen||!$hidearr?$arrlen:0))>$bwidth} { pack forget $wb set pf {} } else { set tright $i set pf p } my $TID configure -wb $wb -wb1 $wb1 -wb2 $wb2 -pf $pf string length $pf } #_______________________ method Aux_EndDraw {BID tleft tright llen} { # Auxiliary method used after cycles drawing tabs. my $BID ArrowsState $tleft $tright [expr {$tright < ($llen-1)}] my $BID configure -tleft $tleft -tright $tright my Tab_Bindings $BID my Tab_MarkBar $BID } #_______________________ method Aux_IndexInList {ID lst} { # Searches ID in list. set i 0 foreach it $lst { if {[lindex $it 0]==$ID} {return $i} incr i } return -1 } ## ____________ Public methods of Bar ____________ ## method cget {args} { # Gets values of options of bars & tabs. # args - list of options, e.g. {-tabcurrent -MyOpt} # Return a list of values or one value if args is one option. set BID [my ID] variable btData set res [list] set llen [dict get $btData $BID -LLEN] foreach opt $args { if {$opt eq "-listlen"} { lappend res $llen } elseif {$opt eq "-width"} { lassign [dict get [dict get $btData $BID] -wbar] wbar lappend res [my Aux_WidgetWidth $wbar] } elseif {[dict exists $btData $BID $opt] && ($llen || $opt ne "-tabcurrent")} { lappend res [dict get $btData $BID $opt] } else { lappend res {} } } if {[llength $args]==1} {return [lindex $res 0]} return $res } #_______________________ method configure {args} { # Sets values of options for bars & tabs. # args - list of pairs "option value" set BID [my ID] variable btData foreach {opt val} $args { dict set btData $BID $opt $val if {$opt eq "-TABS"} {dict set btData $BID -LLEN [llength $val]} } if {[dict exists $args -static]} {my $BID Style} } #_______________________ method draw {{upd yes}} { # Draws the bar tabs at slight changes. # upd - if "yes", run "update" before redrawing if {[my Locked [set BID [my ID]]]} return if {$upd} update lassign [my Aux_InitDraw $BID] bwidth vislen bd arrlen llen tleft hidearr tabs wframe set tright [expr {$llen-1}] for {set i $tleft} {$i<$llen} {incr i} { lassign [my Tab_DictItem [lindex $tabs $i]] TID text wb wb1 wb2 pf lassign [my Tab_Create $BID $TID $wframe $text] wb wb1 wb2 if {[my Aux_CheckTabVisible $wb $wb1 $wb2 $i $tleft tright vislen $llen $hidearr $arrlen $bd $bwidth tabs $TID $text]} { my Tab_Pack $BID $TID $wb $wb1 $wb2 } } my Aux_EndDraw $BID $tleft $tright $llen my Tab_MarkBar $BID } #_______________________ method update {} { # Updates the bar in hard way. if {[my Locked [set BID [my ID]]]} return update my $BID Refill 0 yes } #_______________________ method clear {} { # Forgets (hides) the shown tabs. if {[my Locked [set BID [my ID]]]} return set wlist [] foreach tab [my $BID listTab] { lassign $tab TID text wb wb1 wb2 pf if {[my Tab_Is $wb] && $pf ne {}} { lappend wlist $wb my $TID configure -pf {} } } if {[llength $wlist]} {pack forget {*}$wlist} } #_______________________ method scrollLeft {} { # Scrolls tabs to the left. set BID [my ID] lassign [my $BID cget -wbar -dotip] w dotip set wlarr $w.larr ;# left arrow if {[my $BID ScrollCurr -1]} { if {$dotip} {catch {::baltip::repaint $wlarr}} return } lassign [my $BID cget -tleft -LLEN -scrollsel] tleft llen sccur if {![string is integer -strict $tleft]} {set tleft 0} if {$tleft && $tleft<$llen} { incr tleft -1 set tID [lindex [my $BID listTab] $tleft 0] my $BID configure -tleft $tleft my $BID Refill $tleft yes if {$sccur} {my $tID Tab_BeCurrent} if {$dotip} {catch {::baltip::repaint $wlarr}} } } #_______________________ method scrollRight {} { # Scrolls tabs to the right. set BID [my ID] lassign [my $BID cget -wbar -dotip] w dotip set wrarr $w.rarr ;# left arrow if {[my $BID ScrollCurr 1]} { if {$dotip} {catch {::baltip::repaint $wrarr}} return } lassign [my $BID cget -tright -LLEN -scrollsel] tright llen sccur if {![string is integer -strict $tright]} {set tright [expr {$llen-2}]} if {$tright<($llen-1)} { incr tright set tID [lindex [my $BID listTab] $tright 0] my $BID configure -tright $tright my $BID Refill $tright no if {$sccur} {my $tID Tab_BeCurrent} if {$dotip} {catch {::baltip::repaint $wrarr}} } } #_______________________ method listTab {} { # Gets a list of tabs. # Returns a list of TID, text, wb, wb1, wb2, pf. set res [list] foreach tab [my [my ID] cget -TABS] {lappend res [my Tab_DictItem $tab]} return $res } #_______________________ method comparetext {it1 it2} { # Compares items (by -text attribute) for sort method. # it1 - 1st item to compare # it2 - 2nd item to compare # See also: sort catch {set it1 [dict get $it1 -text]} catch {set it2 [dict get $it2 -text]} string compare -nocase $it1 $it2 } #_______________________ method sort {{mode -increasing} {cmd ""}} { # Sorts a list of tabs by the tab names. # mode - option of sort # cmd - command to compare two items set BID [my ID] lassign [my $BID cget -tabcurrent -lifo] TID lifo set tabs [my $BID cget -TABS] if {$cmd eq {}} { set tabs [lsort $mode -index 1 -dictionary -command "[self] comparetext" $tabs] } else { set tabs [lsort $mode -dictionary -command $cmd $tabs] } my $BID configure -TABS $tabs -lifo no my $TID show yes my $BID configure -lifo $lifo } #_______________________ method listFlag {{filter ""}} { # Gets a list of TID + flags "visible", "marked", "selected", "disabled". # filter - "" for all or "v","m","s","d" for visible, marked, selected, disabled # Returns a list "TID, text, visible, marked, selected, disabled" for all or a list of TID for filtered. set BID [my ID] lassign [my $BID cget -mark -disable -select -tabcurrent] mark dsbl fewsel tcurr set res [list] foreach tab [my $BID listTab] { lassign $tab TID text wb wb1 wb2 pf set visibl [expr {[my Tab_Is $wb] && $pf ne {}}] set marked [expr {[lsearch $mark $TID]>=0}] set dsbled [expr {[lsearch $dsbl $TID]>=0}] set select [expr {$TID == $tcurr || [lsearch $fewsel $TID]>-1}] if {$filter eq {}} { lappend res [list $TID $text $visibl $marked $select $dsbled] } elseif {$filter eq "v" && $visibl || $filter eq "m" && $marked || \ $filter eq "d" && $dsbled || $filter eq "s" && $select} { lappend res $TID } } return $res } #_______________________ method insertTab {txt {pos "end"} {img ""}} { # Inserts a new tab into a bar. # txt - tab's label # pos - tab's position in tab list # img - tab's image # Returns TID of new tab or "". set tabs [my [set BID [my ID]] cget -TABS] set tab [my Tab_Data $BID $txt] if {$tab eq {}} {return {}} if {$pos eq {end}} { lappend tabs $tab } else { set tabs [linsert $tabs $pos $tab] } if {$img ne {}} { set imagetabs [my $BID cget -IMAGETABS] lappend imagetabs [list [lindex $tab 0] $img] my $BID configure -IMAGETABS $imagetabs } my $BID configure -TABS $tabs my $BID Refill $pos [expr {$pos ne "end"}] lindex $tab 0 } #_______________________ method tabID {txt} { # Gets TID by tab's label. # txt - label # Returns TID or -1. set BID [my ID] if {[catch {set ellipse [my $BID cget -ELLIPSE]}]} {return {}} if {[string first $ellipse $txt]>0} { set pattern [string map [list $ellipse "*"] $txt] } else { set pattern {} } foreach tab [my $BID listTab] { lassign $tab tID ttxt if {$txt eq $ttxt} {return $tID} if {$pattern ne {} && [string match $pattern $ttxt]} {return $tID} } return {} } #_______________________ method popList {{X ""} {Y ""} {sortedList 0}} { # Shows a menu of tabs. # X - x coordinate of mouse pointer # Y - y coordinate of mouse pointer # sortedList - flag "sorted list" set BID [my ID] my $BID DestroyMoveWindow lassign [my $BID cget -wbar -title] wbar title set popi $wbar.popupList catch {destroy $popi} menu $popi -tearoff 1 -title $title if {[set plist [my $BID FillMenuList $BID $popi -1 {} $sortedList]] eq "s"} { destroy $popi } else { my Bar_MenuList $BID -1 $popi $plist if {$X eq {}} {lassign [winfo pointerxy .] X Y} tk_popup $popi $X $Y } } #_______________________ method remove {} { # Removes a bar. # Returns "yes" at success. set BID [my ID] variable btData if {[dict exists $btData $BID]} { catch {bind [my $BID cget -wbase] <Configure> {}} lassign [my $BID cget -BINDWBASE] wb bnd if {$wb ne {}} {bind $wb <Configure> $bnd} set bar [dict get $btData $BID] foreach tab [dict get $bar -TABS] {my Tab_RemoveLinks $BID [lindex $tab 0]} catch {destroy {*}[dict get $bar -WWID]} catch {destroy [my $BID cget -UNDERWID]} if {[set bc [my $BID cget -BARCOM]] ne {}} {catch {rename $bc {}}} foreach tc [my $BID cget -TABCOM] {catch {rename [lindex $tc 1] {}}} dict unset btData $BID return yes } return no } #_______________________ method moveTab {TID pos} { # Moves a tab to a new position in the bar. # pos - the new position set BID [my ID] set tabs [my $BID cget -TABS] if {[set i [lsearch -index 0 $tabs $TID]]>-1} { set tab [lindex $tabs $i] set tabs [lreplace $tabs $i $i] my $BID configure -TABS [linsert $tabs $pos $tab] } } #_______________________ method checkDisabledMenu {BID TID func} { # Checks whether the popup menu's items are disabled. # func - close function # *func* equals to: # 1 - for "Close All" # 2 - for "Close All at Left" # 3 - for "Close All at Right" # Returns "yes" if the menu's item is disabled. lassign [my Mc_MenuItems] list behind close closeall closeleft closeright switch $func { 1 {set item $closeall} 2 {set item $closeleft} 3 {set item $closeright} default {set item $close} } my CheckDsblPopup $BID $TID $item } #_______________________ method closeAll {BID TID func args} { # Closes tabs of bar. # func - close function # *func* equals to: # 1 - for "Close All" # 2 - for "Close All at Left" # 3 - for "Close All at Right" switch $func { 1 {my $BID Tab_CloseFew -1 no {*}$args} 2 {my $BID Tab_CloseFew $TID yes} 3 {my $BID Tab_CloseFew $TID no} } } #_______________________ method bindToEvent {w event args} { # Binds an event on a widget to a command. # w - the widget's path # event - the event # args - the command if {[string first $args [bind $w $event]]<0} { bind $w $event [list + {*}$args] } } ## ____________ EOC Bar ____________ ## } # ________________________ Bars _________________________ # ## ____________ Methods of Bars ____________ ## oo::define ::bartabs::Bars { variable btData constructor {args} { set btData [dict create] if {[llength [self next]]} { next {*}$args } oo::objdefine [self] "method tab-1 {args} {return {-1}}" lappend ::bartabs::BarsList [self] } destructor { my removeAll unset btData set i [lsearch -exact $::bartabs::BarsList [self]] set ::bartabs::BarsList [lreplace $::bartabs::BarsList $i $i] if {[llength [self next]]} next } ## ____________ Private methods of Bars ____________ ## method Bars_Method {mtd args} { # Executes a method for all bars. # mtd - method's name # args - method's arguments foreach BID [lsort -decreasing [dict keys $btData]] {my $BID $mtd {*}$args} } #_______________________ method MarkTab {opt args} { # Sets option of tab(s). # opt - option # args - list of TID foreach TID $args { if {$TID ni {{} -1}} { set BID [lindex [my Tab_BID $TID] 0] set marktabs [my $BID cget $opt] if {[lsearch $marktabs $TID]<0} { lappend marktabs $TID my $BID configure $opt $marktabs } } } my Tab_MarkBars } #_______________________ method UnmarkTab {opt args} { # Unsets option of tab(s). # opt - option # args - list of TID if {![llength $args]} {my Bars_Method configure $opt [list]} foreach TID $args { if {$TID ni {{} -1}} { set BID [lindex [my Tab_BID $TID] 0] set marktabs [my $BID cget $opt] if {[set i [lsearch $marktabs $TID]]>=0} { my $BID configure $opt [lreplace $marktabs $i $i] } } } my Tab_MarkBars } #_______________________ method TtkTheme {} { # Checks if a standard ttk theme is used. expr {[ttk::style theme use] in {clam alt classic default awdark awlight}} } ## ____________ Public methods of Bars ____________ ## method create {barCom {barOpts ""} {tab1 ""}} { # Creates a bar. # barCom - bar command's name or barOpts # barOpts - list of bar's options # tab1 - tab to show after creating the bar # Returns BID. if {[set noComm [expr {$barOpts eq {}}]]} {set barOpts $barCom} set w [dict get $barOpts -wbar] ;# parent window set wframe $w.frame ;# frame set wlarr $w.larr ;# left arrow set wrarr $w.rarr ;# right arrow lappend barOpts -WWID [list $wframe $wlarr $wrarr] my My [set BID [my Bar_Data $barOpts]] my $BID InitColors set bgm [my $BID cget -BGMAIN] if {[my TtkTheme]} { ttk::button $wlarr -style ClButton$BID -image bts_ImgLeft \ -command [list [self] $BID scrollLeft] -takefocus 0 ttk::button $wrarr -style ClButton$BID -image bts_ImgRight \ -command [list [self] $BID scrollRight] -takefocus 0 } else { button $wlarr -image bts_ImgLeft -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 \ -command [list [self] $BID scrollLeft] -takefocus 0 -background $bgm button $wrarr -image bts_ImgRight -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 \ -command [list [self] $BID scrollRight] -takefocus 0 -background $bgm } if {$bgm eq {}} {set style {}} {set style "-background $bgm"} frame $wframe -relief flat {*}$style pack $wlarr -side left -padx 0 -pady 0 -anchor e pack $wframe -after $wlarr -side left -padx 0 -pady 0 -fill x -expand 1 pack $wrarr -after $wframe -side right -padx 0 -pady 0 -anchor w if {[my $BID cget -separator]} { if {![winfo exists $w.under]} { ttk::separator $w.under -orient horizontal my $BID configure -UNDERWID $w.under } pack $w.under -before $wlarr -side bottom -fill x -expand 1 -padx 0 -pady 2 } foreach w {wlarr wrarr} { bind [set $w] <Button-3> "[self] $BID popList %X %Y" } set wbase [my $BID cget -wbase] if {$wbase ne {}} { after 1 [list \ my $BID configure -BINDWBASE [list $wbase [bind $wbase <Configure>]] ; \ my $BID bindToEvent $wbase <Configure> [self] _runBound_ $wbase <Configure> $BID NeedDraw] } if {!$noComm} { ; proc $barCom {args} "return \[[self] $BID {*}\$args\]" my $BID configure -BARCOM $barCom } if {$tab1 eq {}} { after 50 [list [self] $BID NeedDraw ; [self] $BID draw] } else { set tab1 [my $BID tabID $tab1] if {$tab1 ne {}} {after 100 "[self] $BID clear; [self] $BID $tab1 show yes"} } return $BID } #_______________________ method updateAll {} { # Updates all bars in hard way. my Bars_Method Refill 0 yes } #_______________________ method drawAll {{upd yes}} { # Redraws all bars. # upd - if "yes", run "update" before redrawing if {$upd} update my Bars_Method draw no } #_______________________ method removeAll {} { # Removes all bars. my Bars_Method remove } #_______________________ method markTab {args} { # Marks tab(s). # args - list of TID my MarkTab -mark {*}$args } #_______________________ method unmarkTab {args} { # Unmarks tab(s). # args - list of TID or {} my UnmarkTab -mark {*}$args } #_______________________ method onSelectCmd {args} { # Runs a command (set by "-csel3") on a list of tabs. # args - list of TID foreach TID $args { if {$TID ni {{} -1}} { set BID [lindex [my Tab_BID $TID] 0] my $BID Bar_Cmd2 -csel3 $TID ;# command after the action } } } #_______________________ method selectTab {args} { # Selects tab(s). # args - list of TID my MarkTab -select {*}$args my onSelectCmd {*}$args } #_______________________ method unselectTab {args} { # Unselects tab(s). # args - list of TID or {} my UnmarkTab -select {*}$args my onSelectCmd {*}$args } #_______________________ method enableTab {args} { # Enables tab(s). # args - list of TID or {} my UnmarkTab -disable {*}$args } #_______________________ method disableTab {args} { # Disables tab(s). # args - list of TID my MarkTab -disable {*}$args } #_______________________ method isTab {TID} { # Checks if a tab exists. # TID - tab ID # Returns true if the tab exists. expr {[my Tab_BID $TID check] ne {}} } #_______________________ method MoveTab {TID1 TID2} { # Changes a tab's position in bar. # TID1 - TID of the moved tab # TID2 - TID of a tab to move TID1 behind # TID1 and TID2 must be of the same bar. lassign [my Tab_BID $TID1] BID1 i1 lassign [my Tab_BID $TID2] BID2 i2 if {$i1!=$i2 && $BID1 eq $BID2} { set tabs [my $BID1 cget -TABS] set tab [lindex $tabs $i1] set tabs [lreplace $tabs $i1 $i1] set i [expr {$i1>$i2?($i2+1):$i2}] my $BID1 configure -TABS [linsert $tabs $i $tab] # let a neighbor be shown if possible set TID [lindex $tabs $i1 0] if {[catch {my $TID show yes}]} { my $TID1 show yes ;# old way: show 1st moved tab } } } #_______________________ method moveSelTab {TID1 TID2} { # Changes a tab's or selected tabs' position in bar. # TID1 - TID of the moved tab # TID2 - TID of a tab to move TID1 behind # TID1 and TID2 must be of the same bar. if {[my $TID1 Tab_Cmd -cmov] ni {"1" "yes" "true"}} return ;# chosen to not move set BID [my Tab_BID $TID1 check] # -lifo option prevents moving, so it has to be temporarily disabled set lifo [my $BID cget -lifo] my $BID configure -lifo no set seltabs [my $BID listFlag "s"] if {[set i [llength $seltabs]]>1} { for {incr i -1} {$i>=0} {incr i -1} { set tid [lindex $seltabs $i] if {$tid ne $TID2} {my MoveTab $tid $TID2} } my $BID Bar_Cmd2 -cmov3 } else { my MoveTab $TID1 $TID2 my $BID Bar_Cmd2 -cmov3 $TID1 ;# command after the action } my $BID configure -lifo $lifo ;# restore -lifo option } ## ____________ EOC Bars ____________ ## } # ________________________________ EOF __________________________________ #