A library for GUI development with Tcl/Tk.
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh ############################################################################ # # Runs pave dialogs from CLI. # Scripted by Alex Plotnikov. # # After choosing 'OK' in a dialog, the dialog's result is written to stdout. # The output would be sort of: # #!/bin/bash # export var1='value 1' # export var2='value 2' # ... # export varN='value 3' # The output may be redirected to temp file. After analizing the result of # dialog (1 if 'OK', otherwise 0), the output temp file may be sourced to # execute the "export ..." commands. So that the dialog's variable values # would be assigned to the environment variables with appropriate names, # within the current shell. # # Example: # # tclsh ~/UTILS/pave/pavecli.tcl "" "TEST OF pavecli" \ { ent1 {" Find: "} {"$::EN1 2 3"} ent2 {"Replace: "} \ {"$::EN2 $::EN4"} labo {{} {-anchor w} {-t "\\nOptions:" -font \ {-weight bold}}} {} radA {{Match: }} {{RE } Exact "Glob" \ {RE }} seh {{} {} {}} {} chb1 {{Match whole word only}} \ {1} chb2 {{Match case }} {1} seh2 {{} {} {}} {} \ v_ {{} {} {}} {} cbx1 {{Where: }} {{"in file"} {in file} \ {in session} {in directory}} } -head "Enter data:" -weight bold \ == EN1 EN2 V1 C1 C2 W1 > tmp.sh ; \ if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then source tmp.sh; fi ; \ rm tmp.sh ; \ echo "EN1=$EN1, EN2=$EN2, V1=$V1, C1=$C1, C2=$C2, W1=$W1" # # The end of command looks like this: # == EN1 EN2 V1 C1 C2 W1 > tmp.sh # which sets the EN1, EN2, V1, C1, C2 and W1 output variables and redirects # their assignment to tmp.sh file. After checking the command's result, the # tmp.sh file is executed in the current shell, by 'source' command. # # So the EN1, EN2, V1, C1, C2 and W1 environment variables would correspond # to the dialog's variables. # # See also: # https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/pave # ############################################################################ if {[catch {package require apave}]} { set ::apavedir [file dirname [info script]] lappend auto_path $::apavedir if {[catch {package require apave}]} { lset auto_path end $::apavedir/pave package require apave } } namespace eval apavecli { } #=== Input dialog for getting data proc ::apavecli::input {args} { ::apave::APave create dialog set cmd [subst -nocommands -novariables [string range $args 1 end-1]] set dp [string last " ==" $cmd] if {$dp<0} {set dp 999999} set data [string range $cmd $dp+3 end] set data [split [string trim $data]] set cmd "dialog input [string range $cmd 0 $dp-1]" set res [eval $cmd] set r [lindex $res 0] if {$r && $data ne ""} { set rind 0 puts "#!/bin/bash" foreach res [lrange $res 1 end] { puts "export [lindex $data $rind]='$res'" incr rind } } return $r } #=== Run dialog proc ::apavecli::run {} { apave::initWM set res [::apavecli::input $::argv] ::apave::APave destroy exit $res } ::apavecli::run #% DOCTEST SOURCE tests/apavecli.test