A library for GUI development with Tcl/Tk.
########################################################### # Name: apavebase.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov (aplsimple@gmail.com) # Date: 12/09/2021 # Brief: Handles APaveBase class, sort of geometry manager. # License: MIT. ########################################################### # ________________________ TCLLIBPATH _________________________ # # use TCLLIBPATH variable (some tclkits don't see it) catch { foreach _ [lreverse $::env(TCLLIBPATH)] { set _ [file normalize $_] if {[lsearch -exact $::auto_path $_]<0 && [file exists $_]} { set ::auto_path [linsert $::auto_path 0 $_] } } } unset -nocomplain _ # _____ Remove installed subpackages of apave _____ # foreach _ {baltip bartabs hl_tcl} { catch {package forget $_} catch {namespace delete ::$_} } unset -nocomplain _ # ________________________ apave NS _________________________ # namespace eval ::apave { variable SRCDIR [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]] ## ________________________ apave variables _________________________ ## variable ISBALTIP yes variable cursorwidth 1 variable apaveDir [file dirname [info script]] variable _AP_ICO { none folder OpenFile SaveFile saveall print font color \ date help home misc terminal run tools file find replace other view \ categories actions config pin cut copy paste plus minus add delete \ change diagram box trash double more undo redo up down previous next \ previous2 next2 upload download tag tagoff tree lock light restricted \ attach share mail www map umbrella gulls sound heart clock people info \ err warn ques retry yes no ok cancel exit } variable _AP_IMG; array set _AP_IMG [list] variable _AP_VARS; array set _AP_VARS [list] set _AP_VARS(APPICON) {} set _AP_VARS(.,MODALS) 0 set _AP_VARS(WPAVE) {} set _AP_VARS(TIMW) [list] set _AP_VARS(LINKFONT) [list -underline 1] set _AP_VARS(INDENT) " " set _AP_VARS(KEY,F3) F3 set _AP_VARS(KEY,CtrlA) [list Control-A Control-a] set _AP_VARS(KEY,CtrlD) [list Control-D Control-d] set _AP_VARS(KEY,CtrlY) [list Control-Y Control-y] set _AP_VARS(KEY,CtrlT) [list Control-T Control-t] set _AP_VARS(KEY,CtrlB) [list Control-B Control-b] set _AP_VARS(KEY,CtrlE) [list Control-E Control-e] set _AP_VARS(KEY,AltQ) [list Alt-Q Alt-q] set _AP_VARS(KEY,AltW) [list Alt-W Alt-w] variable _AP_VISITED; array set _AP_VISITED [list] set _AP_VISITED(ALL) [list] variable UFF "\uFFFF" variable MC_NS {} FOCUSED {} ## _ default options & attributes of widgets _ ## variable _Defaults [dict create \ bts {{} {}} \ but {{} {}} \ buT {{} {-width -20 -pady 1}} \ btT {{} {-width -20 -pady 1 -relief flat -overrelief raised -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0}} \ can {{} {}} \ chb {{} {}} \ swi {{} {}} \ chB {{} {-relief sunken -padx 6 -pady 2}} \ cbx {{} {}} \ fco {{} {}} \ ent {{} {}} \ enT {{} {-insertwidth $::apave::cursorwidth -insertofftime 250 -insertontime 750}} \ fil {{} {}} \ fis {{} {}} \ dir {{} {}} \ fon {{} {}} \ clr {{} {}} \ dat {{} {}} \ fiL {{} {}} \ fiS {{} {}} \ diR {{} {}} \ foN {{} {}} \ clR {{} {}} \ daT {{} {}} \ sta {{} {}} \ too {{} {}} \ fra {{} {-takefocus 0}} \ frA {{} {-takefocus 0}} \ ftx {{} {}} \ gut {{} {-width 0 -highlightthickness 1}} \ lab {{-sticky w} {-takefocus 0}} \ laB {{-sticky w} {-takefocus 0}} \ lfr {{} {-takefocus 0}} \ lfR {{} {-relief groove -takefocus 0}} \ lbx {{} {-activestyle none -exportselection 0 -selectmode browse}} \ flb {{} {}} \ meb {{} {}} \ meB {{} {}} \ nbk {{} {}} \ opc {{} {}} \ pan {{} {}} \ pro {{} {}} \ rad {{} {}} \ raD {{} {-padx 6 -pady 2}} \ sca {{} {-orient horizontal -takefocus 0}} \ scA {{} {-orient horizontal -takefocus 0}} \ sbh {{-sticky ew} {-orient horizontal -takefocus 0}} \ sbH {{-sticky ew} {-orient horizontal -takefocus 0}} \ sbv {{-sticky ns} {-orient vertical -takefocus 0}} \ sbV {{-sticky ns} {-orient vertical -takefocus 0}} \ scf {{} {}} \ seh {{-sticky ew} {-orient horizontal -takefocus 0}} \ sev {{-sticky ns} {-orient vertical -takefocus 0}} \ siz {{} {}} \ spx {{} {}} \ spX {{} {}} \ tbl {{} {-selectborderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 2 \ -labelcommand tablelist::sortByColumn -stretch all \ -showseparators 1}} \ tex {{} {-undo 1 -maxundo 0 -highlightthickness 2 -insertofftime 250 -insertontime 750 -insertwidth $::apave::cursorwidth -wrap word -selborderwidth 1 -exportselection 0}} \ tre {{} {-selectmode browse}} \ h_ {{-sticky ew -csz 3 -padx 3} {}} \ v_ {{-sticky ns -rsz 3 -pady 3} {}}] ## _______________________ Helpers _____________________ ## proc WindowStatus {w name {val ""} {defval ""}} { # Sets/gets a status of window. The status is a value assigned to a name. # w - window's path # name - name of status # val - if blank, to get a value of status; otherwise a value to set # defval - default value (actual if the status not set beforehand) # Returns a value of status. # See also: IntStatus variable _AP_VARS if {$val eq {}} { ;# getting if {[info exist _AP_VARS($w,$name)]} { return $_AP_VARS($w,$name) } return $defval } set _AP_VARS($w,$name) $val ;# setting } #_______________________ proc mainWindowOfApp {{win ""}} { # Sets/gets a main window of application. # win - window's path # This should be run at application start, before opening any window. WindowStatus . MAIN_WINDOW_OF_APP $win } #_______________________ proc IntStatus {w {name "status"} {val ""}} { # Sets/gets a status of window. The status is an integer assigned to a name. # w - window's path # name - name of status # val - if blank, to get a value of status; otherwise a value to set # Default value of status is 0. # Returns an old value of status. # See also: WindowStatus set old [WindowStatus $w $name {} 0] if {$val ne {}} {WindowStatus $w $name $val 1} return $old } #_______________________ proc iconImage {{icon ""} {iconset "small"} {doit no}} { # Gets a defined icon's image or list of icons. # If *icon* equals to "-init", initializes apave's icon set. # icon - icon's name # iconset - one of small/middle/large # doit - force the initialization # Returns the icon's image or, if *icon* is blank, a list of icons # available in *apave*. variable _AP_IMG variable _AP_ICO if {$icon eq {}} {return $_AP_ICO} ; proc imagename {icon} { # Get a defined icon's image name return _AP_IMG(img$icon) } variable apaveDir if {![array size _AP_IMG] || $doit} { # Make images of icons source [file join $apaveDir apaveimg.tcl] if {$iconset ne "small"} { foreach ic $_AP_ICO { ;# small icons best fit for menus set _AP_IMG($ic-small) [set _AP_IMG($ic)] } if {$iconset eq "middle"} { source [file join $apaveDir apaveimg2.tcl] } else { source [file join $apaveDir apaveimg2.tcl] ;# TODO } } foreach ic $_AP_ICO { if {[catch {image create photo [imagename $ic] -data [set _AP_IMG($ic)]}]} { # some png issues on old Tk image create photo [imagename $ic] -data [set _AP_IMG(none)] } elseif {$iconset ne "small"} { image create photo [imagename $ic-small] -data [set _AP_IMG($ic-small)] } } } if {$icon eq "-init"} {return $_AP_ICO} ;# just to get to icons if {$icon ni $_AP_ICO} {set icon [lindex $_AP_ICO 0]} if {$iconset eq "small" && "_AP_IMG(img$icon-small)" in [image names]} { set icon $icon-small } return [imagename $icon] } #_______________________ proc iconData {{icon "info"} {iconset ""}} { # Gets an icon's data. # icon - icon's name # iconset - one of small/middle/large # Returns data of the icon. variable _AP_IMG iconImage -init if {$iconset ne {} && "_AP_IMG(img$icon-$iconset)" in [image names]} { return [set _AP_IMG($icon-$iconset)] } set _AP_IMG($icon) } #_______________________ proc setAppIcon {win {winicon ""}} { # Sets application's icon. # win - path to a window of application # winicon - data of icon # The *winicon* may be a contents of variable (as supposed by default) or # a file's name containing th image data. # If it fails to find an image in either, no icon is set. variable _AP_VARS set _AP_VARS(APPICON) {} if {$winicon ne {}} { if {[catch {set _AP_VARS(APPICON) [image create photo -data $winicon]}]} { catch {set _AP_VARS(APPICON) [image create photo -file $winicon]} } } if {$_AP_VARS(APPICON) ne {}} {wm iconphoto $win -default $_AP_VARS(APPICON)} } #_______________________ proc getAppIcon {} { # Gets application's icon. variable _AP_VARS return $_AP_VARS(APPICON) } #_______________________ proc precedeWidgetName {widname prename} { # Adds a preceding name to a tail name of widget. # widname - widget's full name # prename - preceding name # Useful at getting a entry/button name of chooser. # Example: # set wentry [::apave::precedeWidgetName [$pobj DirToChoose] ent] # See also: APaveBase::Replace_chooser set p [string last . $widname] set res [string range $widname 0 $p] append res $prename [string range $widname $p+1 end] return $res } #_______________________ proc defaultAttrs {{type ""} {opts ""} {atrs ""} {widget ""}} { # Sets, gets or registers default options and attributes for widget type. # type - widget type # opts - new default grid/pack options # atrs - new default attributes # widget - Tcl/Tk command for the new registered widget type # See also: APaveBase::defaultATTRS obj defaultATTRS $type $opts $atrs $widget } #_______________________ proc focusApp {{win ""}} { # Saves (if *win* is set) or restores app's focus. # win - focused window's path # In some DE, if app loses focus, restoring it # focuses main window, ignores modal toplevel, locks keyboard. # focusApp tries to focus on last modal window. variable FOCUSED if {$win ne {}} { setProperty FOCW_$win [focus] return } catch { if {[set foc [focus]] ne {}} { set foc [winfo toplevel $foc] set modal 0 foreach fw $FOCUSED { if {$fw eq $foc} {set modal 1; break} } # if non-modal is currently focused, let it be so if {!$modal} { if {[focus] eq $foc} {catch {focus [getProperty FOCW_$foc]}} return } } # find and focus last open modal for {set i [llength $FOCUSED]} {$i} {} { set fw [lindex $FOCUSED [incr i -1]] if {[winfo exists $fw]} { if {$fw ne $foc} { focus -force $fw catch {focus [getProperty FOCW_$fw]} } break } set FOCUSED [lreplace $FOCUSED $i $i] } } } ## _______________________ Text little procs _________________________ ## proc eventOnText {w ev} { # Generates an event on a text, saving its current index in hl_tcl. # w - text widget's path # ev - event # The hl_tcl needs to call MemPos before any action changing the text. catch {::hl_tcl::my::MemPos $w} if {[catch {$w tag ranges sel} sels]} {set sels [list]} switch -exact -- $ev { <<Cut>> - <<Copy>> { if {[set llen [expr {[llength $sels]-1}]] < 2} return # multiple ranges of selection: # first, copy all selections to clipboard clipboard clear -displayof $w foreach {pos1 pos2} $sels { clipboard append -displayof $w [$w get $pos1 $pos2] } if {$ev eq {<<Cut>>}} { # for Cut event: delete all selections for {set i $llen} {$i>0} {incr i -2} { set pos1 [lindex $sels $i-1] set pos2 [lindex $sels $i] $w delete $pos1 $pos2 } } return -code break } default { event generate $w $ev } } } #_______________________ proc getTextHotkeys {key} { # Gets upper & lower keys for a hot key. # key - the hot key variable _AP_VARS if {![info exist _AP_VARS(KEY,$key)]} {return [list]} set keys $_AP_VARS(KEY,$key) if {[llength $keys]==1} { if {[set i [string last - $keys]]>0} { set lt [string range $keys $i+1 end] if {[string length $lt]==1} { ;# for lower case of letters set keys "[string range $keys 0 $i][string toupper $lt]" lappend keys "[string range $keys 0 $i][string tolower $lt]" } } } return $keys } #_______________________ proc setTextHotkeys {key value} { # Sets new key combinations for some operations on text widgets. # key - ctrlD for "double selection", ctrlY for "delete line" operation # value - list of new key combinations variable _AP_VARS set _AP_VARS(KEY,$key) $value } #_______________________ proc setTextIndent {len {padchar { }}} { # Sets an indenting for text widgets. # len - length of indenting # padchar - indenting character variable _AP_VARS if {$padchar ne "\t"} {set padchar { }} set _AP_VARS(INDENT) [string repeat $padchar $len] } ## ________________________ EONS ::apave _________________________ ## } # ________________________ source *.tcl _________________________ # # Let the *.tcl be sourced here just to ensure # that apave's stuff available for them and vice versa. source [file join $::apave::apaveDir obbit.tcl] # ________________________ APaveBase oo::class _________________________ # oo::class create ::apave::APaveBase { mixin ::apave::ObjectTheming variable PV Moveall Initialcolor Modalwin Fgbut Bgbut Fgtxt Bgtxt Prepost Widgetopts Edge constructor {{cs -2} args} { # Creates APaveBase object. # cs - color scheme (CS) # args - additional arguments # If cs>-2, the appropriate CS is set for the created APaveBase object. # Makes few procedures in the object's namespace to access from # event handlers: # - ListboxHandle # - ListboxSelect # - WinResize # This trick with *proc* inside an object is discussed at # [proc-in-tcl-ooclass](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54804964/proc-in-tcl-ooclass) # keep the 'important' data of Pave object in array array set PV [list] set Moveall 1 set Initialcolor {} set Modalwin . set Fgbut [ttk::style lookup TButton -foreground]; if {$Fgbut eq {}} {set Fgbut #000000} set Bgbut [ttk::style lookup TButton -background]; if {$Bgbut eq {}} {set Bgbut #d9d9d9} set Fgtxt [ttk::style lookup TEntry -foreground] ; if {$Fgtxt eq {}} {set Fgtxt #000000} set Prepost [list] set Widgetopts [list] set Edge @@ if {$Fgtxt in {black #000000}} { set Bgtxt white } else { set Bgtxt [ttk::style lookup TEntry -background] } # set/reset a color scheme if it is/was requested if {$cs>=-1} {my csSet $cs} {my initTooltip} # object's procedures ; proc ListboxHandle {W offset maxChars} { set list {} foreach index [$W curselection] { lappend list [$W get $index] } set text [join $list \n] return [string range $text $offset [expr {$offset+$maxChars-1}]] } ; proc ListboxSelect {W} { # This code had been taken from Tcl's wiki: # https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/listbox+selection selection clear -displayof $W selection own -command {} $W selection handle -type UTF8_STRING \ $W [list [namespace current]::ListboxHandle $W] selection handle \ $W [list [namespace current]::ListboxHandle $W] return } ; proc WinResize {win} { # Restricts the window's sizes (thus fixing Tk's issue with a menubar) # win - path to a window to be of restricted sizes if {[$win cget -menu] ne {}} { lassign [::apave::splitGeometry [wm geometry $win]] w h lassign [wm minsize $win] wmin hmin if {$w<$wmin && $h<$hmin} { set corrgeom ${wmin}x$hmin } elseif {$w<$wmin} { set corrgeom ${wmin}x$h } elseif {$h<$hmin} { set corrgeom ${w}x$hmin } else { return } wm geometry $win $corrgeom } return } # the end of APaveBase constructor if {[llength [self next]]} { next {*}$args } return } destructor { # Clears variables used in the object. array unset PV * if {[llength [self next]]} next } ## _______________________ Methods to be redefined ____________________ ## method themePopup {mnu} { # Applies a color scheme to a popup menu. # mnu - name of popup menu # The method is to be redefined in descendants/mixins. } method NonTtkTheme {win} { # Applies a current color scheme for non-ttk widgets. # win - path to a window to be colored. # Method to be redefined in descendants/mixins. } method NonTtkStyle {typ {dsbl 0}} { # Gets a style for non-ttk widgets. # typ - the type of widget (in apave terms, i.e. but, buT etc.) # dsbl - a mode to get style of disabled (1) or readonly (2) widgets # See also: widgetType # Method to be redefined in descendants/mixins. } ## _______________________ Helpers for APaveBase ________________________ ## method paveoptionValue {opt} { # Gets an option's value. # opt - option's name # Returns a value for options like "Moveall". if {$opt in [info object vars [self]]} { variable $opt return [set $opt] } return {} } #_______________________ method checkXY {w h x y} { # Checks the coordinates of window (against the screen). # w - width of window # h - height of window # x - window's X coordinate # y - window's Y coordinate # Returns new coordinates in +X+Y form. # check for left/right edge of screen (accounting decors) set scrw [expr {[winfo vrootwidth .] - 12}] set scrh [expr {[winfo vrootheight .] - 36}] if {($x + $w) > $scrw } { set x [expr {$scrw - $w}] } if {($y + $h) > $scrh } { set y [expr {$scrh - $h}] } if {![string match -* $x]} {set x +[string trimleft $x +]} if {![string match -* $y]} {set y +[string trimleft $y +]} return $x$y } #_______________________ method CenteredXY {rw rh rx ry w h} { # Gets the coordinates of centered window (against its parent). # rw - parent's width # rh - parent's height # rx - parent's X coordinate # ry - parent's Y coordinate # w - width of window to be centered # h - height of window to be centered # Returns centered coordinates in +X+Y form. set x [expr {max(0, $rx + ($rw - $w) / 2)}] set y [expr {max(0,$ry + ($rh - $h) / 2)}] my checkXY $w $h $x $y } #_______________________ method ownWName {name} { # Gets a tail (last part) of widget's name # name - name (path) of the widget lindex [split $name .] end } #_______________________ method parentWName {name} { # Gets parent name of widget. # name - name (path) of the widget string range $name 0 [string last . $name]-1 } #_______________________ method iconA {icon {iconset small} {cmpd left}} { # Gets icon attributes for buttons, menus etc. # icon - name of icon # iconset - one of small/middle/large # cmpd - value of -compound option # The *iconset* is "small" for menus (recommended and default). return "-image [::apave::iconImage $icon $iconset] -compound $cmpd" } #_______________________ method configure {args} { # Configures the apave object (all of options may be changed). # args - list of pairs name/value of options # Example: # pobj configure edge "@@" foreach {optnam optval} $args {set $optnam $optval} } #_______________________ method ExpandOptions {options} { # Expands shortened options. set options [string map { { -st } { -sticky } { -com } { -command } { -t } { -text } { -w } { -width } { -h } { -height } { -var } { -variable } { -tvar } { -textvariable } { -lvar } { -listvariable } { -ro } { -readonly } } " $options"] return $options } #_______________________ method AddButtonIcon {w attrsName} { # Gets the button's icon based on its text and name (e.g. butOK) and # appends it to the attributes of button. # w - button's name # attrsName - name of variable containing attributes of the button upvar 1 $attrsName attrs set com [::apave::getOption -com {*}$attrs] if {[string is integer -strict $com]} { ;# returned integer result ::apave::extractOptions attrs -com {} append attrs " -com {[self] res {[my pavedPath]} $com}" } if {[::apave::getOption -image {*}$attrs] ne {}} return set txt [::apave::getOption -t {*}$attrs] if {$txt eq {}} { set txt [::apave::getOption -text {*}$attrs] } set im {} set icolist [list {exit abort} {exit close} \ {SaveFile save} {OpenFile open}] # ok, yes, cancel, apply buttons should be at the end of list # as their texts can be renamed (e.g. "Help" in e_menu's "About") lappend icolist {*}[::apave::iconImage] {yes apply} foreach icon $icolist { lassign $icon ic1 ic2 # text of button is of highest priority at defining its icon if {[string match -nocase $ic1 $txt] || \ [string match -nocase b*t$ic1 $w] || ($ic2 ne {} && ( \ [string match -nocase b*t$ic2 $w] || [string match -nocase $ic2 $txt]))} { if {[string match -nocase btT* $w]} { set cmpd none } else { set cmpd left } append attrs " [my iconA $ic1 small $cmpd]" break } } } #_______________________ method ListboxesAttrs {w attrs} { # Appends selection attributes to listboxes. # Details: # 1. https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/listbox+selection # 2. https://stackoverflow.com, the question: # the-tablelist-curselection-goes-at-calling-the-directory-dialog if {{-exportselection} ni $attrs} { append attrs " -ListboxSel $w -selectmode extended -exportselection 0" } return $attrs } #_______________________ method getWidChildren {wid treeName {init yes}} { # Gets children of a widget. # wid - widget's path # treeName - name of variable to hold the result. upvar $treeName tree if {$init} {set tree [list]} foreach ch [winfo children $wid] { lappend tree $ch my getWidChildren $ch $treeName no } } #_______________________ method findWidPath {wid {mode exact} {visible yes}} { # Searches a widget's path among the active widgets. # w - widget name, set partially e.g. "wid" instead of ".win.wid" # mode - if "exact", searches *.wid; if "globe", searches *wid* # Returns the widget's full path or "" if the widget isn't active. my getWidChildren . tree if {$mode eq {exact}} { set i [lsearch -glob $tree "*.$wid"] } else { set i [lsearch -glob $tree "*$wid*"] } if {$i>-1} {return [lindex $tree $i]} return {} } ## _______________________ File content widget _______________________ ## method FCfieldAttrs {wnamefull attrs varopt} { # Fills the non-standard attributes of file content widget. # wnamefull - a widget name # attrs - a list of all attributes # varopt - a variable option # The *varopt* refers to a variable part such as tvar, lvar: # * -inpval option means an initial value of the field # * -retpos option has p1:p2 format (e.g. 0:10) to cut a substring \ from a returned value # Returns *attrs* without -inpval and -retpos options. lassign [::apave::parseOptions $attrs $varopt {} -retpos {} -inpval {}] \ vn rp iv if {[string first {-state disabled} $attrs]<0 && $vn ne {}} { set all {} if {$varopt eq {-lvar}} { lassign [::apave::extractOptions attrs -values {} -ALL 0] iv a if {[string is boolean -strict $a] && $a} {set all ALL} lappend Widgetopts "-lbxname$all $wnamefull $vn" } if {$rp ne {}} { if {$all ne {}} {set rp 0:end} lappend Widgetopts "-retpos $wnamefull $vn $rp" } } if {$iv ne {}} { set $vn $iv } return [::apave::removeOptions $attrs -retpos -inpval] } #_______________________ method FCfieldValues {wnamefull attrs} { # Fills the file content widget's values. # wnamefull - name (path) of fco widget # attrs - attributes of the widget ; proc readFCO {fname} { # Reads a file's content. # Returns a list of (non-empty) lines of the file. if {$fname eq {}} { set retval {{}} } else { set retval {} foreach ln [::apave::textsplit [::apave::readTextFile $fname {} 1]] { # probably, it's bad idea to have braces in the file of contents set ln [string map [list \\ \\\\ \{ \\\{ \} \\\}] $ln] if {$ln ne {}} {lappend retval $ln} } } return $retval } ; proc contFCO {fline opts edge args} { # Given a file's line and options, # cuts a substring from the line. lassign [::apave::parseOptionsFile 1 $opts {*}$args] opts lassign $opts - - - div1 - div2 - pos - len - RE - ret set ldv1 [string length $div1] set ldv2 [string length $div2] set i1 [expr {[string first $div1 $fline]+$ldv1}] set i2 [expr {[string first $div2 $fline]-1}] set filterfile yes if {$ldv1 && $ldv2} { if {$i1<0 || $i2<0} {return $edge} set retval [string range $fline $i1 $i2] } elseif {$ldv1} { if {$i1<0} {return $edge} set retval [string range $fline $i1 end] } elseif {$ldv2} { if {$i2<0} {return $edge} set retval [string range $fline 0 $i2] } elseif {$pos ne {} && $len ne {}} { set retval [string range $fline $pos $pos+[incr len -1]] } elseif {$pos ne {}} { set retval [string range $fline $pos end] } elseif {$len ne {}} { set retval [string range $fline 0 $len-1] } elseif {$RE ne {}} { set retval [regexp -inline $RE $fline] if {[llength $retval]>1} { foreach r [lrange $retval 1 end] {append retval_tmp $r} set retval $retval_tmp } else { set retval [lindex $retval 0] } } else { set retval $fline set filterfile no } if {$retval eq {} && $filterfile} {return $edge} set retval [string map [list "\}" "\\\}" "\{" "\\\{"] $retval] return [list $retval $ret] } set edge $Edge set ldv1 [string length $edge] set filecontents {} set optionlists {} set tplvalues {} set retpos {} set values [::apave::getOption -values {*}$attrs] if {[string first $edge $values]<0} { ;# if 1 file, edge set values "$edge$values$edge" ;# may be omitted } # get: files' contents, files' options, template line set lopts {-list {} -div1 {} -div2 {} -pos {} -len {} -RE {} -ret 0} while {1} { set i1 [string first $edge $values] set i2 [string first $edge $values $i1+1] if {$i1>=0 && $i2>=0} { incr i1 $ldv1 append tplvalues [string range $values 0 $i1-1] set fdata [string range $values $i1 $i2-1] lassign [::apave::parseOptionsFile 1 $fdata {*}$lopts] fopts fname lappend filecontents [readFCO $fname] lappend optionlists $fopts set values [string range $values $i2+$ldv1 end] } else { append tplvalues $values break } } # fill the combobox lines, using files' contents and options if {[set leno [llength $optionlists]]} { set newvalues {} set ilin 0 lassign $filecontents firstFCO foreach fline $firstFCO { ;# lines of first file for a base set line {} set tplline $tplvalues for {set io 0} {$io<$leno} {incr io} { set opts [lindex $optionlists $io] if {$ilin==0} { ;# 1st cycle: add items from -list option lassign $opts - list1 ;# -list option goes first if {[llength $list1]} { foreach l1 $list1 {append newvalues "\{$l1\} "} lappend Widgetopts "-list $wnamefull [list $list1]" } } set i1 [string first $edge $tplline] if {$i1>=0} { lassign [contFCO $fline $opts $edge {*}$lopts] retline ret if {$ret ne "0" && $retline ne $edge && \ [string first $edge $line]<0} { set p1 [expr {[string length $line]+$i1}] if {$io<($leno-1)} { set p2 [expr {$p1+[string length $retline]-1}] } else { set p2 end } set retpos "-retpos $p1:$p2" } append line [string range $tplline 0 $i1-1] $retline set tplline [string range $tplline $i1+$ldv1 end] } else { break } set fline [lindex [lindex $filecontents $io+1] $ilin] } if {[string first $edge $line]<0} { # put only valid lines into the list of values append newvalues "\{$line$tplline\} " } incr ilin } # replace old 'values' attribute with the new 'values' lassign [::apave::parseOptionsFile 2 $attrs -values \ [string trimright $newvalues]] attrs } return "$attrs $retpos" } ## _______________________ Timeout button _______________________ ## method timeoutButton {w tmo lbl {lbltext ""}} { # Invokes a button's action after a timeout. # w - button's path # tmo - timeout in sec. # lbl - label widget, where seconds to wait are displayed # lbltext - original text of label if {$tmo>0} { catch {set lbl [my $lbl]} if {[winfo exist $lbl]} { if {$lbltext eq {}} { set lbltext [$lbl cget -text] lappend ::apave::_AP_VARS(TIMW) $w } $lbl configure -text "$lbltext $tmo sec. " } incr tmo -1 after 1000 [list if "\[info commands [self]\] ne {}" \ "[self] checkTimeoutButton $w $tmo $lbl {$lbltext}"] return } if {[winfo exist $w]} {$w invoke} } #_______________________ method checkTimeoutButton {w tmo lbl {lbltext ""}} { # Checks if the timeout button is alive & focused; if not, cancels the timeout. # w - button's path # tmo - timeout in sec. # lbl - label widget, where seconds to wait are displayed # lbltext - original text of label if {[winfo exists $lbl]} { if {[focus] in [list $w {}]} { if {$w in $::apave::_AP_VARS(TIMW)} { my timeoutButton $w $tmo $lbl $lbltext } } else { $lbl configure -text $lbltext } } } ## ________________________ Making widgets _________________________ ## method widgetType {wnamefull options attrs} { # Gets the widget type based on 3 initial letters of its name. Also # fills the grid/pack options and attributes of the widget. # wnamefull - path to the widget # options - grid/pack options of the widget # attrs - attribute of the widget # Returns a list of items: # widget - Tk/Ttk widget name # options - grid/pack options of the widget # attrs - attribute of the widget # nam3 - 3 initial letters of widget's name # disabled - flag of *disabled* state set disabled [expr {[::apave::getOption -state {*}$attrs] eq {disabled}}] set pack $options set name [my ownWName $wnamefull] if {[info exists ::apave::_AP_VARS(ProSplash,type)] && \ $::apave::_AP_VARS(ProSplash,type) eq {}} { set val [my progress_Go [incr ::apave::_AP_VARS(ProSplash,curvalue)] {} $name] } set nam3 [string tolower [string index $name 0]][string range $name 1 2] if {[string index $nam3 1] eq "_"} {set k [string range $nam3 0 1]} {set k $nam3} lassign [my defaultATTRS $k] defopts defattrs newtype set options "$defopts $options" set attrs "$defattrs $attrs" switch -glob -- $nam3 { bts { set widget ttk::frame if {![namespace exists ::bartabs]} { source [file join $::apave::SRCDIR bartabs bartabs.tcl] } set attrs "-bartabs {$attrs}" } but { set widget ttk::button my AddButtonIcon $name attrs } buT - btT { set widget button my AddButtonIcon $name attrs } can {set widget canvas} chb {set widget ttk::checkbutton} swi { set widget ttk::checkbutton if {![my apaveTheme]} { set attrs "$attrs -style Switch.TCheckbutton" } } chB {set widget checkbutton} cbx - fco { set widget ttk::combobox if {$nam3 eq {fco}} { ;# file content combobox set attrs [my FCfieldValues $wnamefull $attrs] } set attrs [my FCfieldAttrs $wnamefull $attrs -tvar] } ent {set widget ttk::entry} enT {set widget entry} fil - fiL - fis - fiS - dir - diR - fon - foN - clr - clR - dat - daT - sta - too - fra { # + frame for choosers and bars set widget ttk::frame } frA { set widget frame if {$disabled} {set attrs [::apave::removeOptions $attrs -state]} } ftx {set widget ttk::labelframe} gut {set widget canvas} lab { set widget ttk::label if {$disabled} { set grey [lindex [my csGet] 8] set attrs "-foreground $grey $attrs" } lassign [::apave::parseOptions $attrs -link {} -style {} -font {}] \ cmd style font if {$cmd ne {}} { set attrs "-linkcom {$cmd} $attrs" set attrs [::apave::removeOptions $attrs -link] } if {$style eq {} && $font eq {}} { set attrs "-font {$::apave::FONTMAIN} $attrs" } elseif {$style ne {}} { # some themes stumble at ttk styles, so bring their attrs directly set attrs [::apave::removeOptions $attrs -style] set attrs "[ttk::style configure $style] $attrs" } } laB {set widget label} lfr {set widget ttk::labelframe} lfR { set widget labelframe if {$disabled} {set attrs [::apave::removeOptions $attrs -state]} } lbx - flb { set widget listbox if {$nam3 eq {flb}} { ;# file content listbox set attrs [my FCfieldValues $wnamefull $attrs] } set attrs "[my FCfieldAttrs $wnamefull $attrs -lvar]" set attrs "[my ListboxesAttrs $wnamefull $attrs]" my AddPopupAttr $wnamefull attrs -entrypop 1 foreach {ev com} {Home {::apave::LbxSelect %w 0} End {::apave::LbxSelect %w end}} { append attrs " -bindEC {<$ev> {$com}} " } } meb {set widget ttk::menubutton} meB {set widget menubutton} nbk { set widget ttk::notebook set attrs "-notebazook {$attrs}" } opc { ;# tk_optionCascade - example of "my method" widget ;# arguments: vname items mbopts precom args set widget {my tk_optionCascade} set imax [expr {min(4,[llength $attrs])}] for {set i 0} {$i<$imax} {incr i} { set atr [lindex $attrs $i] if {$i!=1} { lset attrs $i \{$atr\} } elseif {[llength $atr]==1 && [info exist $atr]} { lset attrs $i [set $atr] ;# items stored in a variable } } } pan {set widget ttk::panedwindow if {[string first -w $attrs]>-1 && [string first -h $attrs]>-1} { # important for panes with fixed (customized) dimensions set attrs "-propagate {$options} $attrs" } } pro {set widget ttk::progressbar} rad {set widget ttk::radiobutton} raD {set widget radiobutton} sca {set widget ttk::scale} scA {set widget scale} sbh {set widget ttk::scrollbar} sbH {set widget scrollbar} sbv {set widget ttk::scrollbar} sbV {set widget scrollbar} scf { if {![namespace exists ::apave::sframe]} { namespace eval ::apave { source [file join $::apave::apaveDir sframe.tcl] } } # scrolledFrame - example of "my method" widget set widget {my scrolledFrame} } seh {set widget ttk::separator} sev {set widget ttk::separator} siz {set widget ttk::sizegrip} spx - spX { if {$nam3 eq {spx}} {set widget ttk::spinbox} {set widget spinbox} lassign [::apave::parseOptions $attrs \ -command {} -com {} -from {} -to {}] cmd cmd2 from to append cmd $cmd2 lassign [::apave::extractOptions attrs -tip {} -tooltip {}] t1 t2 set t2 "$t1$t2" if {$from ne {} || $to ne {}} { if {$t2 ne {}} {set t2 "\n $t2"} set t2 " $from .. $to $t2" } if {$t2 ne {}} {set t2 "-tip {$t2}"} append attrs " -onReturn {$::apave::UFF{$cmd} {$from} {$to}$::apave::UFF} $t2" } tbl { ;# tablelist if {![namespace exists ::tablelist::]} { namespace eval :: {package require tablelist} } set widget ::tablelist::tablelist set attrs "[my FCfieldAttrs $wnamefull $attrs -lvar]" set attrs "[my ListboxesAttrs $wnamefull $attrs]" } tex {set widget text if {[::apave::getOption -textpop {*}$attrs] eq {}} { my AddPopupAttr $wnamefull attrs -textpop \ [expr {[::apave::getOption -rotext {*}$attrs] ne {}}] -- disabled } lassign [::apave::parseOptions $attrs -ro {} -readonly {} -rotext {} \ -gutter {} -gutterwidth 5 -guttershift 6] r1 r2 r3 g1 g2 g3 set b1 [expr [string is boolean -strict $r1]] set b2 [expr [string is boolean -strict $r2]] if {($b1 && $r1) || ($b2 && $r2) || \ ($r3 ne {} && !($b1 && !$r1) && !($b2 && !$r2))} { set attrs "-takefocus 0 $attrs" } set attrs [::apave::removeOptions $attrs -gutter -gutterwidth -guttershift] if {$g1 ne {}} { set attrs "$attrs -gutter {-canvas $g1 -width $g2 -shift $g3}" } } tre { set widget ttk::treeview set ec [list Home {::apave::TreSelect %w 0} End {::apave::TreSelect %w end}] if {[::isunix]} {lappend ec KP_Enter {event generate %w <Return>}} foreach {ev com} $ec { append attrs " -bindEC {<$ev> {$com}} " } } h_* {set widget ttk::frame} v_* {set widget ttk::frame} default {set widget $newtype} } set attrs [my GetMC $attrs] if {$nam3 in {cbx ent enT fco spx spX}} { # entry-like widgets need their popup menu set clearcom [lindex [::apave::parseOptions $attrs -clearcom -] 0] if {$clearcom eq {-}} { my AddPopupAttr $wnamefull attrs -entrypop 0 readonly disabled } } if {[string first pack [string trimleft $pack]]==0} { catch { # try to expand -after option (if set as WidgetName instead widgetName) if {[set i [lsearch -exact $pack {-after}]]>=0} { set aft [lindex $pack [incr i]] if {[regexp {^[A-Z]} $aft]} { set aft [my $aft] set pack [lreplace $pack $i $i $aft] } } } set options $pack } set options [string trim $options] set attrs [list {*}$attrs] list $widget $options $attrs $nam3 $disabled } #_______________________ method defaultATTRS {{type ""} {opts ""} {atrs ""} {widget ""}} { # Sets, gets or registers default options and attributes for widget type. # type - widget type # opts - new default grid/pack options # atrs - new default attributes # widget - Tcl/Tk command for the new registered widget type # The *type* should be a three letter unique string. # If the *type* is absent in the registered types and *opts* and/or *atrs* # is not set to "", defaultATTRS registers the new *type* with its grid/pack # options and attributes. At that *widget* is a command for the new widget # type. For example, to register "toolbutton" widget: # my defaultATTRS tbt {} {-style Toolbutton -compound top} ttk::button # Options and attributes may contain data (variables and commands) # to be processed by [subst]. # Returns: # - if not set *type*: a full list of options and attributes of all types # - if set *type* only: a list of options, attributes and *widget* # - else: a list of updated options, attributes and *widget* if {$type eq {}} {return $::apave::_Defaults} set optatr "$opts$atrs" if {[catch {set def1 [dict get $::apave::_Defaults $type]}]} { if {$optatr eq {}} { set err "[self method]: \"$type\" widget type not registered." puts -nonewline stderr $err return -code error $err } set def1 [list $opts $atrs $widget] } if {$optatr eq {}} {return [subst $def1]} lassign $def1 defopts defatrs widget if {[catch {set defopts [dict replace $defopts {*}$opts]}]} { set defopts [string trim "$defopts $opts"] } if {[catch {set defatrs [dict replace $defatrs {*}$atrs]}]} { set defatrs [string trim "$defatrs $atrs"] } set newval [list $defopts $defatrs $widget] dict set ::apave::_Defaults $type $newval return $newval } #_______________________ method MC {msg} { # Gets localized message # msg - the message # to use a preset namespace name, we need a fully qualified variable set ::apave::_MC_TEXT_ [string trim $msg \{\}] if {$::apave::MC_NS ne {}} { namespace eval $::apave::MC_NS { set ::apave::_MC_TEXT_ [msgcat::mc $::apave::_MC_TEXT_] } } else { set ::apave::_MC_TEXT_ [msgcat::mc $::apave::_MC_TEXT_] } return $::apave::_MC_TEXT_ } #_______________________ method GetMC {attrs} { # Gets localized -text attribute. # attrs - list of attributes lassign [::apave::extractOptions attrs -t {} -text {}] t text if {$t ne {} || $text ne {}} { if {$text eq {}} {set text $t} dict set attrs -t [my MC $text] } return $attrs } #_______________________ method SpanConfig {w rcnam rc rcspan opt val} { # The method is used by *GetIntOptions* method to configure # row/column for their *span* options. for {set i $rc} {$i < ($rc + $rcspan)} {incr i} { eval [grid ${rcnam}configure $w $i $opt $val] } } #_______________________ method GetIntOptions {w options row rowspan col colspan} { # Gets specific integer options. Then expands other options. # w - widget's name # options - grid options # row, rowspan - row and its span of thw widget # col, colspan - column and its span of thw widget # The options are set in grid options as "-rw <int>", "-cw <int>" etc. # Returns the resulting grid options. set opts {} foreach {opt val} [list {*}$options] { switch -exact -- $opt { -rw {my SpanConfig $w row $row $rowspan -weight $val} -cw {my SpanConfig $w column $col $colspan -weight $val} -rsz {my SpanConfig $w row $row $rowspan -minsize $val} -csz {my SpanConfig $w column $col $colspan -minsize $val} -ro {my SpanConfig $w column $col $colspan -readonly $val} default {append opts " $opt $val"} } } # Get other grid options return [my ExpandOptions $opts] } #_______________________ method GetAttrs {options {nam3 ""} {disabled 0} } { # Expands attributes' values. # options - list of attributes and values # nam3 - first three letters (type) of widget's name # disabled - flag of "disabled" state # Returns expanded attributes. set opts [list] foreach {opt val} [list {*}$options] { switch -exact -- $opt { -t - -text { ;# these options need translating \\n to \n # catch {set val [subst -nocommands -novariables $val]} set val [string map [list \\n \n \\t \t] $val] set opt -text } -st {set opt -sticky} -com {set opt -command} -w {set opt -width} -h {set opt -height} -var {set opt -variable} -tvar {set opt -textvariable} -lvar {set opt -listvariable} -ro {set opt -readonly} } lappend opts $opt \{$val\} } if {$disabled} { append opts [my NonTtkStyle $nam3 1] } return $opts } #_______________________ method menuTips {win tip {wpar {}}} { # Makes tip(s) for menu and its items. # win - menu's path # tip - tip's text # wpar - path to menu's parent (for opc widget) # The tips for menu items are set by "-indexedtips ?idx tip...?" # e.g., a tip can be "parent tip -indexedtips 0 1stItem 9 {10th Item}" if {$tip ne {}} { set tip [my MC $tip] if {[set i [string first {-indexedtips } $tip]]>-1} { set indexedtips [string range $tip [string first { } $tip $i]+1 end] set tip [string range $tip 0 $i-1] } else { set indexedtips {} } # \indexedtips to present -indexedtips in parent tip set tip [string map "\\indexedtips -indexedtips" $tip] catch { # tips for indexed items of menu while {$indexedtips ne {}} { lassign $indexedtips idx itip if {$idx eq {}} break after idle [list ::baltip tip $win $itip -index $idx -ontop 1] set indexedtips [lrange $indexedtips 2 end] } } if {$tip ne {} && $wpar ne {}} { after idle [list ::baltip tip $wpar $tip] ;# tip for the parent widget } } } ## ________________________ Option cascade _________________________ ## method optionCascadeText {it} { # Rids a tk_optionCascade item of braces. # it - an item to be trimmed # Reason: tk_optionCascade items shimmer between 'list' and 'string' # so a multiline item is displayed with braces, if not got rid of them. # Returns the item trimmed. # See also: tk_optionCascade if {[string match "\{*\}" $it]} { set it [string range $it 1 end-1] } return $it } #_______________________ method tk_optionCascade {w vname items {mbopts ""} {precom ""} args} { # A bit modified tk_optionCascade widget made by Richard Suchenwirth. # w - widget name # vname - variable name for current selection # items - list of items # mbopts - ttk::menubutton options (e.g. "-width -4") # precom - command to get entry's options (%a presents its label) # args - additional options of entries # Returns a path to the widget. # See also: # optionCascadeText # [wiki.tcl-lang.org](https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/tk_optionCascade) set win $w.m if {![info exists $vname]} { set it [lindex $items 0] while {[llength $it]>1} {set it [lindex $it 0]} set it [my optionCascadeText $it] set $vname $it } lassign [::apave::extractOptions mbopts -tip {} -tooltip {} -com {} -command {}] \ tip tip2 com com2 if {$tip eq {}} {set tip $tip2} if {$com eq {}} {set com $com2} if {$com ne {}} {lappend args -command $com} ttk::menubutton $w -menu $win -text [set $vname] -style TMenuButtonWest {*}$mbopts menu $win -tearoff 0 my menuTips $win $tip $w my OptionCascade_add $win $vname $items $precom {*}$args trace add variable $vname write \ "$w config -text \"\[[self] optionCascadeText \${$vname}\]\" ;\#" lappend ::apave::_AP_VARS(_TRACED_$w) $vname ::apave::bindToEvent $w <ButtonPress> focus $w return $win } #_______________________ method OptionCascade_add {w vname argl precom args} { # Adds tk_optionCascade items recursively. # w - tk_optionCascade widget's name # vname - variable name for current selection # arg1 - list of items to be added # precom - command to get entry's options (%a presents its label) # args - additional options of entries set n [set colbreak 0] foreach arg $argl { if {$arg eq {--}} { $w add separator } elseif {$arg eq {|}} { if {[tk windowingsystem] ne {aqua}} { set colbreak 1 } continue } elseif {[llength $arg] == 1} { set label [my optionCascadeText [join $arg]] if {$precom eq {}} { set adds {} } else { set adds [eval {*}[string map [list \$ \\\$ \[ \\\[] \ [string map [list %a $label] $precom]]] } $w add radiobutton -label $label -variable $vname {*}$args {*}$adds } else { set child [menu $w.[incr n] -tearoff 0] $w add cascade -label [lindex $arg 0] -menu $child my OptionCascade_add $child $vname [lrange $arg 1 end] $precom {*}$args } if $colbreak { $w entryconfigure end -columnbreak 1 set colbreak 0 } } return } #_______________________ method ParentOpt {{w "."}} { # Gets *-parent* option for choosers. # w - parent window's name (path) if {$Modalwin ne {.}} {set w $Modalwin} return "-parent $w" } ## ________________________ Mega-widgets _________________________ ## method fillGutter {txt {canvas ""} {width ""} {shift ""} args} { # Fills a gutter of text with the text's line numbers. # txt - path to the text widget # canvas - canvas of the gutter # width - width of the gutter, in chars # shift - addition to the width (to shift from the left side) # args - additional arguments for tracing # The code is borrowed from open source tedit project. set savedcont [namespace current]::gc$txt if {![winfo exists $txt] || ![winfo ismapped $txt]} { unset -nocomplain $savedcont return } if {$canvas eq {}} { catch {{*}[bind $txt <Configure>]} ;# update gutter return } set oper [lindex $args 0 1] if {![llength $args] || [lindex $args 0 4] eq {-elide} || \ $oper in {configure delete insert see yview}} { set i [$txt index @0,0] set gcont [list] while true { set dline [$txt dlineinfo $i] if {[llength $dline] == 0} break set height [lindex $dline 3] set y [expr {[lindex $dline 1]}] set linenum [format "%${width}d" [lindex [split $i .] 0]] set i [$txt index "$i +1 lines linestart"] lappend gcont [list $y $linenum] } # update the gutter at changing its contents/config if {[::apave::cs_Active]} { lassign [my csGet] - - - bg - - - - fg ::apave::setProperty _GUTTER_FGBG [list $fg $bg] } else { lassign [::apave::getProperty _GUTTER_FGBG] fg bg } set cwidth [expr {$shift + \ [font measure apaveFontMono -displayof $txt [string repeat 0 $width]]}] set newbg [expr {$bg ne [$canvas cget -background]}] set newwidth [expr {$cwidth ne [$canvas cget -width]}] if {![llength $args] || $newbg || $newwidth || ![info exists $savedcont] || \ $gcont ne [set $savedcont]} { if {$newbg} {$canvas config -background $bg} if {$newwidth} {$canvas config -width $cwidth} $canvas delete all foreach g $gcont { lassign $g y linenum $canvas create text 2 $y -anchor nw -text $linenum -font apaveFontMono -fill $fg } set $savedcont $gcont } } } #_______________________ method bindGutter {txt canvas {width 5} {shift 3}} { # Makes bindings for a text and its gutter. # txt - path to the text widget # canvas - canvas of the gutter # width - width of the gutter, in chars # shift - addition to the width (to shift from the left side) set bind [list [self] fillGutter $txt $canvas $width $shift] bind $txt <Configure> $bind bind $txt <Motion> [list after idle $bind] if {[trace info execution $txt] eq {}} { trace add execution $txt leave $bind } } #_______________________ method gutterContents {txt} { # Gets contents of a text's gutter # txt - text's path set savedcont [namespace current]::gc$txt if {[info exists $savedcont]} { return [set $savedcont] } return {} } #_______________________ method AuxSetChooserGeometry {vargeo vargeo2 parent widname} { # Auxiliary method to set some Tk choosers' geometry. # vargeo - variable for geometry value # vargeo2 - variable for geometry value with second type of dialogue # parent - list containing a parent's path # widname - name of the chooser # If there is no saved geometry with *vargeo*, tries to get it with *vargeo2*. # Returns a path to the chooser to be open. set wp [lindex $parent 1] set wchooser $wp.$widname set geom {} if {[catch {lassign [set $vargeo] -> geom}] || $geom eq {}} { # no saved geometry with *vargeo*, so get it with *vargeo2* catch {lassign [set $vargeo2] -> geom} } if {![string match *x*+*+* $geom]} { # chooser's default geometry centered in parent if {![winfo exists $wp]} {set wp .} set geom [set W 640]x[set H 470] catch {append geom [my CenteredXY {*}[split [wm geometry $wp] x+] $W $H]} } if {[::isunix]} { # the below equilibristics provides the smooth display after idle "catch {wm withdraw $wchooser; wm geometry $wchooser 1x1}" after 0 [list after idle \ "catch {wm withdraw $wchooser; wm geometry $wchooser $geom; wm deiconify $wchooser; wm geometry $wchooser $geom}"] } return $wchooser } #_______________________ method validateColorChoice {lab {ent ""}} { # Displays a current color of color chooser's entry. # lab - color chooser's label (or apave name's clr1 / Clr1) # ent - color chooser's entry # Can be called as "validateColorChoice clr1 / Clr1". if {[string match -nocase clr* $lab]} { set lab [string tolower [string index $lab 0]][string range $lab 1 end] set ent Ent$lab set lab Lab$lab } set ent [my [my ownWName $ent]] set lab [my [my ownWName $lab]] set val [$ent get] catch {$lab configure -background $val} catch {$ent selection clear} return yes } #_______________________ method scrolledFrame {w args} { # Retrieves the path where the scrollable contents of frame go. # w - frame's path lassign [::apave::extractOptions args -toplevel no -anchor center -mode both] tl anc mode ::apave::sframe new $w -toplevel $tl -anchor $anc -mode $mode set path [::apave::sframe content $w] return $path } #_______________________ method chooserGeomVars {{dirvar ""} {filevar ""}} { # Sets/gets variables to save/restore geometry of Tcl/Tk dir/file choosers (in Linux). # dirvar - variable's name for geometry of directory chooser # filevar - variable's name for geometry of file chooser # See also: chooser if {$dirvar eq {}} { return [::apave::getProperty DirFilGeoVars] } ::apave::setProperty DirFilGeoVars [list $dirvar $filevar] } #_______________________ method chooser {nchooser tvar args} { # Chooser (for all available types). # nchooser - name of chooser # tvar - name of variable containing an input/output value # args - options of the chooser # The chooser names are: # tk_getOpenFile - choose a file to open # tk_getSaveFile - choose a file to save # tk_chooseDirectory - choose a directory # fontChooser - choose a font # dateChooser - choose a date # colorChooser - choose a color # ftx_OpenFile - (internal) choose a file for ftx widget # Returns a selected value. set isfilename [set rootname 0] lassign [apave::extractOptions args \ -ftxvar {} -tname {} -bname {} -parent {}] ftxvar tname bname parent if {$parent ne {}} { set parent "-parent $parent" } else { set parent [my ParentOpt] } lassign $parent -> wpar set wtoplist [my onTop $wpar 1] my onTop $wpar 0 $wtoplist ;# do not overlap choosers lassign [my chooserGeomVars] dirvar filvar if {$dirvar eq {}} { set [set dirvar ::apave::APaveDirVar] {} set [set filvar ::apave::APaveFilVar] {} my chooserGeomVars $dirvar $filvar } set vargeo {} if {$nchooser eq {ftx_OpenFile}} { set nchooser tk_getOpenFile } set widname {} set choosname $nchooser if {$choosname in {fontChooser colorChooser dateChooser}} { set nchooser "my $choosname $tvar $parent $args" if {$choosname eq {fontChooser}} { append nchooser " -topmost [llength $wtoplist]" } } elseif {$choosname in {tk_getOpenFile tk_getSaveFile}} { set vargeo $filvar set widname [my AuxSetChooserGeometry $vargeo $dirvar $parent __tk_filedialog] if {[catch {set fn [set $tvar]}]} {set fn {}} if {$fn eq {}} { set dn [pwd] } else { set dn [file dirname $fn] set fn [file tail $fn] } lassign [apave::extractOptions args -initialdir $dn] dn if {[string match -* $dn]} { set rootname 1 set dn [string range $dn 1 end] } set args [list -initialfile $fn -initialdir $dn {*}$parent {*}$args] incr isfilename } elseif {$nchooser eq {tk_chooseDirectory}} { set vargeo $dirvar set widname [my AuxSetChooserGeometry $vargeo $filvar $parent __tk_choosedir] set args [list -initialdir [set $tvar] {*}$parent {*}$args] incr isfilename } if {[::isunix] && $choosname ne {dateChooser}} { my themeExternal *.foc.* *f1.demo ;# don't touch tkcc's boxes } set res [{*}$nchooser {*}$args] my onTop $wpar 1 $wtoplist if {"$res" ne {} && "$tvar" ne {}} { if {$rootname} {set res [file rootname [file tail $res]]} if {$isfilename} { lassign [my SplitContentVariable $ftxvar] -> txtnam wid if {[info exist $ftxvar] && \ [file exist [set res [file nativename $res]]]} { set $ftxvar [apave::readTextFile $res] if {[winfo exist $txtnam]} { my readonlyWidget $txtnam no my displayTaggedText $txtnam $ftxvar my readonlyWidget $txtnam yes set wid [string range $txtnam 0 [string last . $txtnam]]$wid $wid configure -text "$res" ::tk::TextSetCursor $txtnam 1.0 update } } } set $tvar $res } if {$vargeo ne {} && $widname ne {} && [::isunix]} { catch { set $vargeo [list $widname [wm geometry $widname]] ;# 1st item for possible usage only } } if {$tname ne {}} { set tname [my [my ownWName $tname]] if {$bname ne {}} { # re-focus to fire invalidation of the entry (esp. for Windows) set ent [my ownWName $tname] set but [my ownWName $bname] set bname [string map [list .$ent .$but] $tname] focus $bname } focus $tname after idle "catch {$tname selection range 0 end ; $tname icursor end}" } return $res } #_______________________ method colorChooser {tvar args} { # Color chooser. # tvar - name of variable containing a color # args - options of *tk_chooseColor* # The *tvar* sets the value of *-initialcolor* option. Also # it gets a color selected in the chooser. # Returns a selected color. if {$Initialcolor eq {} && [::isunix]} { source [file join $::apave::apaveDir pickers color clrpick.tcl] } lassign [apave::extractOptions args -entry {} -inifile {} -ontop 0] ent ini top if {$ent ne {}} { set ent [my [my ownWName $ent]] set x [winfo rootx $ent] set y [expr {[winfo rooty $ent]+32}] dict set args -geometry +$x+$y ;# the same as with date picker } if {[set _ [string trim [set $tvar]]] ne {}} { set ic $_ set _ [. cget -background] if {[catch {. configure -background $ic}]} { set ic "#$ic" if {[catch {. configure -background $ic}]} {set ic black} } set Initialcolor $ic . configure -background $_ } else { set Initialcolor black } if {[catch {lassign [tk_chooseColor -moveall $Moveall \ -initialcolor $Initialcolor {*}$args -inifile $ini -ontop $top] res Moveall}]} { set args [apave::removeOptions $args -moveall -tonemoves -geometry] set res [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $Initialcolor {*}$args] } if {$res ne {}} { set Initialcolor [set $tvar $res] } return $res } #_______________________ method sourceKlnd {{num ""}} { # Loads klnd package at need. # num - defines which name of package file to be used if {[info commands ::klnd::calendar$num] eq {}} { # imo, it's more effective to source on request than to require on possibility source [file join $::apave::apaveDir pickers klnd klnd$num.tcl] } } #_______________________ method dateChooser {tvar args} { # Date chooser (calendar widget). # tvar - name of variable containing a date # args - options of *::klnd::calendar* # Returns a selected date. my sourceKlnd {} if {![catch {set ent [my [my ownWName [apave::getOption -entry {*}$args]]]}]} { dict set args -entry $ent set res [::klnd::calendar {*}$args -tvar $tvar -parent [winfo toplevel $ent]] } else { set res [::klnd::calendar {*}$args -tvar $tvar] } return $res } #_______________________ method Replace_Tcl {r1 r2 r3 args} { # Replaces Tcl code with its resulting items in *lwidgets* list. # r1 - variable name for a current index in *lwidgets* list # r2 - variable name for a length of *lwidgets* list # r3 - variable name for *lwidgets* list # args - "tcl" and "tcl code" for "tcl" type of widget # The code should use the wildcard that goes first at a line: # %C - a command for inserting an item into lwidgets list. # The "tcl" widget type can be useful to automate the inserting # a list of similar widgets to the list of widgets. # See tests/test2_pave.tcl where the "tcl" fills "Color schemes" tab. lassign $args _name _code if {[my ownWName $_name] ne {tcl}} {return $args} upvar 1 $r1 _ii $r2 _lwlen $r3 _lwidgets ; proc lwins {lwName i w} { upvar 2 $lwName lw set lw [linsert $lw $i $w] } set _lwidgets [lreplace $_lwidgets $_ii $_ii] ;# removes tcl item set _inext [expr {$_ii-1}] eval [string map {%C {lwins $r3 [incr _inext] }} $_code] return {} } #_______________________ method Replace_chooser {r0 r1 r2 r3 args} { # Replaces an item for a chooser with two items. # r0 - variable name for a widget's name # r1 - variable name for a current index in *lwidgets* list # r2 - variable name for a length of *lwidgets* list # r3 - variable name for *lwidgets* list # args - the widget item of *lwidgets* list # Choosers should contain 2 fields: entry + button. # Here every chooser is replaced with these two widgets. upvar 1 $r0 w $r1 i $r2 lwlen $r3 lwidgets lassign $args name neighbor posofnei rowspan colspan options1 attrs1 lassign {} wpar view addattrs addattrs2 lassign [::apave::parseOptions $attrs1 -tvar {-} -validatecommand {}] tvar validatecommand lassign [::apave::extractOptions attrs1 -takefocus 0 -showcolor {} -filetypes {} \ -initialdir {} -initialfile {} -defaultextension {} -multiple {}] \ takefocus showcolor filetypes initialdir initialfile defaultextension multiple lassign [::apave::extractOptions options1 -padx 0 -pady 0] padx pady set takefocus "-takefocus $takefocus" foreach atr {filetypes initialdir initialfile defaultextension multiple} { set val [set $atr] if {$val ne {}} { lset args 6 $attrs1 append addattrs2 " -$atr {$val}" } } set an [set entname {}] lassign [my LowercaseWidgetName $name] n set ownname [my ownWName $n] set wtyp [string range $ownname 0 2] switch -exact $wtyp { daT { ;# embed calendar widgets into $ownname frame my sourceKlnd my sourceKlnd 2 set attrs1 [subst $attrs1] set lwidgets2 [::klnd::calendar2 [self] $w $n {*}$attrs1] set lwlen2 [llength $lwidgets2] for {set i2 0} {$i2 < $lwlen2} {} { set lst2 [lindex $lwidgets2 $i2] if {[my Replace_Tcl i2 lwlen2 lwidgets2 {*}$lst2] ne {}} {incr i2} } incr lwlen [llength $lwidgets2] set lwidgets [linsert $lwidgets [expr {$i+1}] {*}$lwidgets2] lset args 6 [::klnd::clearArgs {*}$attrs1] return $args } fil - fiL {set chooser tk_getOpenFile} fis - fiS {set chooser tk_getSaveFile} dir - diR {set chooser tk_chooseDirectory} fon - foN {set chooser fontChooser} clr - clR { set chooser colorChooser if {$showcolor eq {}} {set showcolor 1} ;# default is "show color label" set showcolor [string is true -strict $showcolor] set wpar "-parent $w" ;# specific for color chooser (parent of $w) set entname {-entry } } dat {set chooser dateChooser; set entname {-entry }} ftx { set chooser [set view ftx_OpenFile] if {$tvar ne {} && [info exist $tvar]} { append addattrs " -t {[set $tvar]}" } set an tex set txtnam [my Transname $an $name] } default { return $args } } set inname [my MakeWidgetName $w $name $an] set name $n if {$view ne {}} { set tvname $inname set inname [my WidgetNameFull $w $name] } set tvar [set vv [set addopt {}]] set attmp [list] foreach {nam val} $attrs1 { if {$nam in {-title -parent -dateformat -weekday -modal -centerme}} { append addopt " $nam \{$val\}" } else { lappend attmp $nam $val } } set attrs1 $attmp catch {array set a $attrs1; set tvar "-tvar [set vv $a(-tvar)]"} catch {array set a $attrs1; set tvar "-tvar [set vv $a(-textvariable)]"} if {$vv eq {}} { set vv [namespace current]::$name set tvar "-tvar $vv" } # make a frame in the widget list set ispack 0 if {![catch {set gm [lindex [lindex $lwidgets $i] 5]}]} { set ispack [expr [string first pack $gm]==0] } if {$ispack} { lassign [::apave::parseOptions $options1 -expand 0 -fill x] exp fil set args [list $name - - - - \ "pack -expand $exp -fill $fil [string range $gm 5 end]" $addattrs] } else { lassign [::apave::parseOptions $options1 -st ew -sticky {} -rw {} -cw {}] st st2 rw cw if {$st2 ne {}} {set st $st2} if {$rw ne {}} {set rw "-rw $rw"} if {$cw ne {}} {set cw "-cw $cw"} set args [list $name $neighbor $posofnei $rowspan $colspan \ "-st $st $rw $cw" $addattrs] } lset lwidgets $i $args set btTname [my Transname btT $name] if {$view ne {}} { append attrs1 " -callF2 {.texF .btTf .texf .btTf}" set tvar [::apave::getOption -tvar {*}$attrs1] set attrs1 [::apave::removeOptions $attrs1 -tvar] if {$tvar ne {} && [file exist [set $tvar]]} { set tcont [my SetContentVariable $tvar $tvname [my ownWName $name]] set wpar "-ftxvar $tcont" set $tcont [::apave::readTextFile [set $tvar]] set attrs1 [::apave::putOption -rotext $tcont {*}$attrs1] } set entf [list $txtnam - - - - "pack -side top -expand 1 -fill both -in $inname" "$attrs1"] } else { if {$wtyp in {fiL fiS diR foN clR}} { set field cbx set tname [my Transname Cbx $name] } else { set tname [my Transname Ent $name] set field ent } if {$entname ne {}} {append entname $tname} append attrs1 " -callF2 {.$field .btT}" append wpar " -tname $tname -bname $btTname" if {$chooser eq {fontChooser}} { append wpar " -parent \[[self] [my ownWName $tname]\]" } set entf [list $tname - - - - "pack -padx $padx -pady $pady -side left -expand 1 -fill x -in $inname" "$attrs1 $tvar"] } set icon folder foreach ic {OpenFile SaveFile font color date} { if {[string first $ic $chooser] >= 0} {set icon $ic; break} } set com "[self] chooser $chooser \{$vv\} $addopt $wpar $addattrs2 $entname" if {$view ne {}} {set anc n} {set anc center} set butf [list $btTname - - - - "pack -side right -anchor $anc -in $inname -padx 2" "-com \{$com\} -compound none -image [::apave::iconImage $icon small] -font \{-weight bold -size 5\} -fg $Fgbut -bg $Bgbut $takefocus"] if {$view ne {}} { set scrolv [list [my Transname sbv $name] $txtnam L - - "pack -in $inname -side bottom -after [my WidgetNameFull $w $btTname]" {}] set lwidgets [linsert $lwidgets [expr {$i+1}] $butf] set lwidgets [linsert $lwidgets [expr {$i+2}] $entf] set lwidgets [linsert $lwidgets [expr {$i+3}] $scrolv] incr lwlen 3 set wrap [::apave::getOption -wrap {*}$attrs1] if {$wrap eq {none}} { set scrolh [list [my Transname sbh $name] $txtnam T - - "pack -in $inname -side bottom -after [my WidgetNameFull $w $txtnam]" {}] set lwidgets [linsert $lwidgets [expr {$i+3}] $scrolh] incr lwlen } } else { if {$chooser eq {colorChooser} && $showcolor} { set f0 [my Transname Lab $name] set labf [list $f0 - - - - "pack -side right -in $inname -padx 2" \ "-t \{ \} -relief raised"] lassign $entf f1 - - - - f2 f3 set com "[self] validateColorChoice $f0 $f1" append f3 " -afteridle \"$com; bind \[string map \{.entclr .labclr\} %w\] <ButtonPress> \{eval \[string map \{.entclr .btTclr\} %w\] invoke\}\"" append f3 " -validate all -validatecommand \{$com ; $validatecommand\}" set entf [list $f1 - - - - $f2 $f3] set lwidgets [linsert $lwidgets [expr {$i+1}] $entf $butf $labf] incr lwlen 3 } else { set lwidgets [linsert $lwidgets [expr {$i+1}] $entf $butf] incr lwlen 2 } } return $args } #_______________________ method Replace_bar {r0 r1 r2 r3 args} { # Replaces an item for a menu/tool/status bar with appropriate items. # r0 - variable name for a widget's name # r1 - variable name for a current index in *lwidgets* list # r2 - variable name for a length of *lwidgets* list # r3 - variable name for *lwidgets* list # args - the widget item of *lwidgets* list # Bar widgets should contain N fields of appropriate type upvar 1 $r0 w $r1 i $r2 lwlen $r3 lwidgets if {[catch {set winname [winfo toplevel $w]}]} { return $args } lassign $args name neighbor posofnei rowspan colspan options1 attrs1 my MakeWidgetName $w $name set name [lindex [my LowercaseWidgetName $name] 0] set wpar {} switch -glob -- [my ownWName $name] { men* {set typ menuBar} too* {set typ toolBar} sta* {set typ statusBar} default { return $args } } set attcur [list] set namvar [list] # get array of pairs (e.g. image-command for toolbar) foreach {nam val} $attrs1 { if {$nam eq {-array}} { catch {set val [subst $val]} set ind -1 foreach {v1 v2} $val { catch {set v1 [subst -nocommand -nobackslash $v1]} catch {set v2 [subst -nocommand -nobackslash $v2]} if {$name eq {menu}} {set v2 [list [my MC $v2]]} lappend namvar [namespace current]::$typ[incr ind] $v1 $v2 } } else { lappend attcur $nam $val } } # make a frame in the widget list if {$typ eq {menuBar}} { if {[set fillmenu [lindex $args 7]] ne {}} { after idle $fillmenu } set args {} } else { set ispack 0 if {![catch {set gm [lindex [lindex $lwidgets $i] 5]}]} { set ispack [expr [string first pack $gm]==0] } if {$ispack} { set args [list $name - - - - "pack -expand 0 -fill x -side bottom [string range $gm 5 end]" $attcur] } else { set args [list $name $neighbor $posofnei $rowspan $colspan "-st ew" $attcur] } lset lwidgets $i $args } lassign [my csGet] fga fg bga bg set fontB [my boldTextFont 16] set fontS [my basicSmallFont] set itmp $i set k [set j [set j2 [set wasmenu 0]]] foreach {nam v1 v2} $namvar { if {[string first # $v1]==0} continue if {$v1 eq {h_}} { ;# horisontal space set ntmp [my Transname fra ${name}[incr j2]] set wid1 [list $ntmp - - - - "pack -side left -in $w.$name -fill y"] set wid2 [list $ntmp.[my ownWName [my Transname h_ $name$j]] - - - - "pack -fill y -expand 1 -padx $v2"] } elseif {$v1 eq {sev}} { ;# vertical separator set ntmp [my Transname fra ${name}[incr j2]] set wid1 [list $ntmp - - - - "pack -side left -in $w.$name -fill y"] set wid2 [list $ntmp.[my ownWName [my Transname sev $name$j]] - - - - "pack -fill y -expand 1 -padx $v2"] } elseif {$typ eq {statusBar}} { ;# statusbar my NormalizeName name i lwidgets set dattr [lrange $v1 1 end] if {[::apave::extractOptions dattr -expand 0]} { set expand {-expand 1 -fill x} } else { set expand {} } set font " -font {$fontS}" # status prompt set wid1 [list .[my ownWName [my Transname Lab ${name}_[incr j]]] - - - - "pack -side left -in $w.$name" "-t {[lindex $v1 0]} $font $dattr"] # status value if {$::apave::_CS_(LABELBORDER)} {set relief sunken} {set relief flat} set wid2 [list .[my ownWName [my Transname Lab $name$j]] - - - - "pack -side left $expand -in $w.$name" "-style TLabelSTD -relief $relief -w $v2 -t { } $font $dattr"] } elseif {$typ eq {toolBar}} { ;# toolbar set packreq {} switch -nocase -glob -- $v1 { lab* - laB* { ;# label lassign $v2 txt packreq att set v2 "-text {$txt} $att" } opc* { ;# tk_optionCascade lset v2 2 "[lindex $v2 2] -takefocus 0" } spx* - chb* - ent* - cbx* { ;# spinbox etc. set v2 "$v2 -takefocus 0" } default { if {[string is lower [string index $v1 0]]} { ;# button with -image set but buT } else { set but BuT } set v2 "[my toolbarItem_Attrs [string match _* $v1] $v1 $fontB \ $fg $bg $fga $bga] -command $v2" lassign [::apave::extractOptions v2 -method {}] ismeth set v1 [my Transname $but _$v1] if {[string is true -strict $ismeth]} { # -method option forces making "WidgetName" method from "widgetName" my MakeWidgetName $w.$name [string totitle $v1 0 0] } } } set wid1 [list $name.$v1 - - - - "pack -side left $packreq" $v2] if {[incr wasseh]==1} { ;# horiz.separator for multiline toolbar set wid2 [list [my Transname seh $name$j] - - - - "pack -side top -fill x"] } else { ;# 1st line of toolbar set lwidgets [linsert $lwidgets [incr itmp] $wid1] continue } } elseif {$typ eq {menuBar}} { ;# menubar: making it here; filling it outside of 'pave window' if {[incr wasmenu]==1} { set menupath [my MakeWidgetName $winname $name] menu $menupath -tearoff 0 } set menuitem [my MakeWidgetName $menupath $v1] menu $menuitem -tearoff 0 set ampos [string first & [string trimleft $v2 \{]] if {$ampos>=0} {append v2 " -underline $ampos"} set v2 [string map {& {}} $v2] $menupath add cascade -label [lindex $v2 0] {*}[lrange $v2 1 end] -menu $menuitem continue } else { error "\npaveme.tcl: erroneous \"$v1\" for \"$nam\"\n" } set lwidgets [linsert $lwidgets [incr itmp] $wid1 $wid2] incr itmp } if {$wasmenu} { $winname configure -menu $menupath } incr lwlen [expr {$itmp - $i}] return $args } #_______________________ method fontChooser {tvar args} { # Font chooser. # tvar - name of variable containing a font # args - options of *tk fontchooser* # The *tvar* sets the value of *-font* option. Also # it gets a font selected in the chooser. # Returns a selected font. set top [apave::extractOptions args -topmost 0] set parw [apave::parseOptions $args -parent [::apave::rootModalWindow .]] ; proc [namespace current]::applyFont {font} " \ set $tvar \[font actual \$font\]; \ focus -force $parw" set font [set $tvar] if {$font eq {}} { catch {font create fontchoose {*}$::apave::FONTMAIN} } else { catch {font delete fontchoose} catch {font create fontchoose {*}[font actual $font]} } tk fontchooser configure -font fontchoose {*}[my ParentOpt] \ {*}$args -command [namespace current]::applyFont tk fontchooser show # core Tk font chooser is bad with focusing in and out, it isn't modal if {[set foc [info commands *__tk__fontchooser.ok]] ne {}} { after idle [list after 0 [list catch "focus -force $foc"]] catch {wm attributes [winfo toplevel $foc] -topmost $top} } set $tvar } #_______________________ method toolbarItem_Attrs {istext img fontB fg bg fga bga} { # Gets default attributes of toolbar button. # istext - true if textual button # img - image of button # fontB - bold font # fg - foreground # bg - background # fga - active foreground # bga - active background if {$istext} { set img "-font {$fontB} -foreground $fg -background $bg -width 2 -pady 0 -padx 2" } else { set img "-image $img -background $bg" } append img " -relief flat -overrelief raised -activeforeground $fga \ -activebackground $bga -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0" } ## ________________________ Widget names & methods _________________________ ## method chooserPath {W {w ent}} { # Gets a path to chooser's entry or label. # W - widget/method name (e.g. Fil, Dir) # w - ent / lab for entry / label ::apave::precedeWidgetName [my $W] $w } #_______________________ method Transname {typ name} { # Transforms *name* by adding *typ* (its type). # typ - type of widget in *apave* terms (but, buT etc.) # name - name (path) of widget # Returns the transformed name. if {[set pp [string last . $name]]>-1} { set name [string range $name 0 $pp]$typ[string range $name $pp+1 end] } else { set name $typ$name } return $name } #_______________________ method LowercaseWidgetName {name} { # Makes the widget name lowercased. # name - widget's name # The widgets of widget list can have uppercased names which # means that the appropriate methods will be created to access # their full pathes with a command `my Name`. # This method gets a "normal" name of widget accepted by Tk. # See also: MakeWidgetName set root [my ownWName $name] list [string range $name 0 [string last . $name]][string tolower $root 0 0] $root } #_______________________ method NormalizeName {refname refi reflwidgets} { # Gets the real name of widget from *.name*. # refname - variable name for widget name # refi - variable name for index in widget list # reflwidgets - variable name for widget list # The *.name* means "child of some previous" and should be normalized. # Example: # If parent: fra.fra ..... # child: .but # => normalized: fra.fra.but upvar $refname name $refi i $reflwidgets lwidgets set wname $name if {[string index $name 0] eq {.}} { for {set i2 [expr {$i-1}]} {$i2 >=0} {incr i2 -1} { lassign [lindex $lwidgets $i2] name2 if {[string index $name2 0] ne {.}} { set name2 [lindex [my LowercaseWidgetName $name2] 0] set wname "$name2$name" set name [lindex [my LowercaseWidgetName $name] 0] set name "$name2$name" break } } } list $name $wname } #_______________________ method WidgetNameFull {w name {an {}}} { # Gets a full name of a widget. # w - name of root widget # name - name of widget # an - additional prefix for name # See also: apave::sframe::content set wn [string trim [my parentWName $name].$an[my ownWName $name] .] set wnamefull $w.$wn set wcc canvas.container.content ;# sframe.tcl may be not sourced if {[set i1 [string first .scf $wnamefull]]>0 && \ [set i2 [string first . $wnamefull $i1+1]]>0 && \ [string first .$wcc. $wnamefull]<0} { # insert a container's name into a scrolled frame's child set wend [string range $wnamefull $i2 end] set wnamefull [string range $wnamefull 0 $i2] append wnamefull $wcc $wend } return $wnamefull } #_______________________ method dlgPath {} { # Gets a window name of apave open dialogue. if {[catch {set res $Dlgpath}] || $Dlgpath eq {}} { set res $::apave::MODALWINDOW } return $res } #_______________________ method DiaWidgetName {w} { # Gets a widget name of apave dialogue. # w - name of widget # The name of widget may be partial. In this case it's prepended # the current dialogue's frame path. # Useful in "input" dialogue when -method option is present # or widget names are uppercased. # See also: MakeWidgetName, input if {[string index $w 0] eq {.}} {return $w} return $Dlgpath.fra.$w } #_______________________ method MakeWidgetName {w name {an {}}} { # Makes an exported method named after root widget, if it's uppercased. # w - name of root widget # name - name of widget # an - additional prefix for name (if "-", $w is full/partial name) # The created method used for easy access to the widget's path. # Example: # fra1.fra2.fra3.Entry1 # => method Entry1 {} {...} # ... # my Entry1 ;# instead of .win.fra1.fra2.fra3.Entry1 if {$an eq {-}} { set wnamefull "\[my DiaWidgetName $w\]" } else { set wnamefull [my WidgetNameFull $w $name $an] lassign [my LowercaseWidgetName $wnamefull] wnamefull } set method [my ownWName $name] set root1 [string index $method 0] if {[string is upper $root1]} { oo::objdefine [self] "method $method {} {return $wnamefull} ; \ export $method" } return $wnamefull } #_______________________ method AddPopupAttr {w attrsName atRO isRO args} { # Adds the attribute to call a popup menu for an editable widget. # w - widget's name # attrsName - variable name for attributes of widget # atRO - "readonly" attribute (internally used) # isRO - flag of readonly widget # args - widget states to be checked upvar 1 $attrsName attrs lassign $args state state2 if {$state2 ne {}} { if {[::apave::getOption -state {*}$attrs] eq $state2} return set isRO [expr {$isRO || [::apave::getOption -state {*}$attrs] eq $state}] } if {$isRO} {append atRO RO} append attrs " $atRO $w" } #_______________________ method clearEntry {w clearcom} { # Clears entry-like widget's value, after calling a command. # w - widget's path # clearcom - a command to call, can have %w for *w* (widget's path) if {$clearcom ne {}} { {*}[string map [list %w $w %p [self]] $clearcom] } #! perhaps, needs refactoring: if {[catch {$w delete 0 end}]} { ;# entry if {[catch {$w set {}}]} { ;# combobox # others } } } #_______________________ method makePopup {w {isRO no} {istext no} {tearoff no} {addpop ""} {clearcom ""}} { # Makes a popup menu for an editable widget. # w - widget's name # isRO - flag for "is it readonly" # istext - flag for "is it a text" # tearoff - flag for "-tearoff" option # addpop - additional commands for popup menu # clearcom - command for "Clear" item set pop $w.popupMenu catch {menu $pop -tearoff $tearoff} $pop delete 0 end if {$isRO || [$w cget -state] eq {disabled}} { $pop add command {*}[my iconA copy] -accelerator Ctrl+C -label Copy \ -command "event generate $w <<Copy>>" if {$istext} { eval [my popupHighlightCommands $pop $w] after idle [list [self] set_highlight_matches $w] } } else { if {$istext} { ::apave::bindToEvent $w <<Copy>> ::apave::eventOnText $w <<Copy>> ::apave::bindToEvent $w <<Cut>> ::apave::eventOnText $w <<Cut>> $pop add command {*}[my iconA cut] -accelerator Ctrl+X -label Cut \ -command "event generate $w <<Cut>>" $pop add command {*}[my iconA copy] -accelerator Ctrl+C -label Copy \ -command "event generate $w <<Copy>>" $pop add command {*}[my iconA paste] -accelerator Ctrl+V -label Paste \ -command "::apave::eventOnText $w <<Paste>>" $pop add separator $pop add command {*}[my iconA undo] -accelerator Ctrl+Z -label Undo \ -command "::apave::eventOnText $w <<Undo>>" $pop add command {*}[my iconA redo] -accelerator Ctrl+Shift+Z -label Redo \ -command "::apave::eventOnText $w <<Redo>>" catch { eval [my popupBlockCommands $pop $w] eval [my popupHighlightCommands $pop $w] if {$addpop ne {}} { lassign $addpop com par1 par2 eval [my $com $pop $w {*}$par1 {*}$par2] } after idle [list [self] set_highlight_matches $w] after idle [my setTextBinds $w] } } else { if {$clearcom ne {}} { $pop add command {*}[my iconA no] -label Clear \ -command [list [self] clearEntry $w $clearcom] $pop add separator } $pop add command {*}[my iconA cut] -accelerator Ctrl+X -label Cut \ -command "event generate $w <<Cut>>" $pop add command {*}[my iconA copy] -accelerator Ctrl+C -label Copy \ -command "event generate $w <<Copy>>" $pop add command {*}[my iconA paste] -accelerator Ctrl+V -label Paste \ -command "event generate $w <<Paste>>" } } if {$istext} { $pop add separator $pop add command {*}[my iconA none] -accelerator Ctrl+A -label {Select All} \ -command "$w tag add sel 1.0 end" bind $w <Control-a> "$w tag add sel 1.0 end; break" } bind $w <Button-3> "[self] themePopup $w.popupMenu; tk_popup $w.popupMenu %X %Y" } #_______________________ method Pre {refattrs} { # "Pre" actions for the text widget and similar # which all require some actions before and after their creation e.g.: # the text widget's text cannot be filled if disabled # so, we must act this way: # 1. call Pre - to get a text of widget # 2. create the widget # 3. call Post - to enable, then fill it with a text, then disable it # It's only possible with Pre and Post methods. # See also: Post upvar 1 $refattrs attrs set attrs_ret [set Prepost [list]] foreach {a v} $attrs { switch -exact -- $a { -disabledtext - -rotext - -lbxsel - -cbxsel - -notebazook - \ -entrypop - -entrypopRO - -textpop - -textpopRO - -ListboxSel - \ -callF2 - -timeout - -bartabs - -onReturn - -linkcom - -selcombobox - \ -afteridle - -gutter - -propagate - -columnoptions - -selborderwidth - -selected - -popup - -bindEC - -tags - -debug - -clearcom - -onevent { # attributes specific to apave, processed below in "Post" set v2 [string trimleft $v \{] set v2 [string range $v2 0 end-[expr {[string length $v]-[string length $v2]}]] lappend Prepost [list $a $v2] } -myown { lappend Prepost [list $a [subst $v]] } -labelwidget { ;# widget path as a method set v [string trim $v \{\}] catch {set v [my $v]} lappend attrs_ret $a $v } default { lappend attrs_ret $a $v } } } set attrs $attrs_ret } #_______________________ method Post {w attrs} { # Performes "post" actions after creation a widget. # w - widget's path # attrs - widget's attributes # Processes the same *apave* options that are processed in Pre method. # See also: Pre if {[set i [lsearch -exact -index 0 $Prepost -tags]]>-1} { set v [lindex $Prepost $i 1] set tags [set $v] } else { set tags {} } foreach pp $Prepost { lassign $pp a v set v [string trim $v $::apave::UFF] switch -exact -- $a { -disabledtext { $w configure -state normal my displayTaggedText $w v $tags $w configure -state disabled my readonlyWidget $w no } -rotext { if {[info exist v]} { if {[info exist $v]} { my displayTaggedText $w $v $tags } else { my displayTaggedText $w v $tags } } my readonlyWidget $w yes } -lbxsel { set v [lsearch -glob [$w get 0 end] "$v*"] if {$v>=0} { $w selection set $v $w yview $v $w activate $v } my UpdateSelectAttrs $w } -cbxsel { set cbl [$w cget -values] set v [lsearch -glob $cbl "$v*"] if {$v>=0} { $w set [lindex $cbl $v] } } -ListboxSel { bind $v <<ListboxSelect>> [list [namespace current]::ListboxSelect %W] } -entrypop - -entrypopRO { if {[winfo exists $v]} { my makePopup $v [expr {$a eq {-entrypopRO}}] } } -clearcom { my makePopup $w no no no {} $v ;# popup menu with "Clear" command } -textpop - -textpopRO { if {[winfo exists $v]} { set ro [expr {$a eq {-textpopRO}}] my makePopup $v $ro yes set w $v } elseif {[string length $v]>5} { my makePopup $w no yes no $v } $w tag configure sel -borderwidth 1 } -notebazook { foreach {fr attr} $v { if {[string match -tr* $fr]} { if {[string is boolean -strict $attr] && $attr} { ttk::notebook::enableTraversal $w } } elseif {[string match -sel* $fr]} { $w select $w.$attr } elseif {![string match #* $fr]} { set attr [my GetMC $attr] set attr [subst $attr] lassign [::apave::extractOptions attr -tip {} -tooltip {}] tip t2 set wt [my MakeWidgetName $w $fr] $w add [ttk::frame $wt] {*}$attr catch {$wt config -takefocus 0} if {[append tip $t2] ne {}} { set tip [my MC $tip] ::baltip::tip $w $tip -nbktab $wt } } } } -gutter { lassign [::apave::parseOptions $v -canvas Gut -width 5 -shift 6] canvas width shift if {![winfo exists $canvas]} {set canvas [my $canvas]} my bindGutter $w $canvas $width $shift } -onReturn { ;# makes a command run at Enter key pressing lassign $v cmd from to if {[set tvar [$w cget -textvariable]] ne {}} { if {$from ne {}} { set cmd "if {\$$tvar < $from} {set $tvar $from}; $cmd" } if {$to ne {}} { set cmd "if {\$$tvar >$to} {set $tvar $to}; $cmd" } } foreach k {<Return> <KP_Enter>} { if {$v ne {}} {bind $w $k $cmd} } } -linkcom { lassign [my csGet] fg fg2 bg bg2 my makeLabelLinked $w $v $fg $bg $fg2 $bg2 yes yes } -callF2 { if {[llength $v]==1} {set w2 $v} {set w2 [string map $v $w]} ::apave::bindToEvent $w <F2> $w2 invoke } -bindEC { set v [string map [list %w $w] $v] lassign $v ev com ::apave::bindToEvent $w $ev {*}$com switch -exact -- [winfo class $w] { Treeview { ::apave::bindToEvent $w <ButtonPress> selection clear ::apave::bindToEvent $w <KeyPress> selection clear } Listbox { ::apave::bindToEvent $w <ButtonPress> selection clear ::apave::bindToEvent $w <KeyPress> selection clear } } } -timeout { lassign $v timo lbl after idle [list [self] timeoutButton $w $timo $lbl] } -myown { eval {*}[string map [list %w $w] $v] } -bartabs { after 10 [string map [list %w $w] $v] } -afteridle { after idle [string map [list %w $w] $v] } -propagate { if {[lindex $v 0] in {add pack}} { pack propagate $w 0 } else { grid propagate $w 0 } } -columnoptions { foreach {col opts} $v { $w column $col {*}$opts } } -selborderwidth { $w tag configure sel -borderwidth $v } -selcombobox { bind $w <<ComboboxSelected>> $v } -selected { if {[string is true $v]} { after idle "$w selection range 0 end" } } -popup { after 50 "bind $w <Button-3> {$v}" ;# redefines other possible popups } -debug { if {$v} { # puts out the widget's name and (if exists) its method set method [string toupper [my ownWName $w] 0] if {$method in [info object methods [self]]} { set method " METHOD: $method" } else { set method {} } puts "WIDGET: $w $method" } } -onevent { set v [string map [list %w $w] $v] foreach {ev proc} $v { after idle [list bind $w $ev [subst $proc]] } } } } } #_______________________ method CleanUps {{wr ""}} { # Performs various clean-ups before and after showing a window. # wr - window's path (to clean up at closing) # Cleans the unused widgets from _AP_VISITED list for {set i [llength $::apave::_AP_VISITED(ALL)]} {[incr i -1]>=0} {} { if {![winfo exists [lindex $::apave::_AP_VISITED(ALL) $i 0]]} { set ::apave::_AP_VISITED(ALL) [lreplace $::apave::_AP_VISITED(ALL) $i $i] } } if {$wr ne {}} { for {set i [llength $::apave::_AP_VARS(TIMW)]} {[incr i -1]>=0} {} { set w [lindex $::apave::_AP_VARS(TIMW) $i] if {[string first $wr $w]==0 && ![catch {::baltip::hide $w}]} { set ::apave::_AP_VARS(TIMW) [lreplace $::apave::_AP_VARS(TIMW) $i $i] } } foreach {lst vars} [array get ::apave::_AP_VARS "_TRACED_${wr}*"] { foreach v $vars { ::apave::traceRemove $v } set ::apave::_AP_VARS($lst) [list] } } } #_______________________ method UpdateColors {} { # Updates colors of widgets at changing CS. lassign [my csGet] fg fg2 bg bg2 - - - - - fg3 # Visited labels: my CleanUps foreach lw $::apave::_AP_VISITED(ALL) { ;# mark the same links lassign $lw w v inv lassign [my makeLabelLinked $w $v $fg $bg $fg2 $bg2 no $inv] fg0 bg0 if {[info exists ::apave::_AP_VISITED(FG,$w)]} { set fg0 $fg3 set ::apave::_AP_VISITED(FG,$w) $fg3 } $w configure -foreground $fg0 -background $bg0 } } ## ________________________ Links in labels _________________________ ## method initLinkFont {args} { # Gets/sets font attributes of links (labels & text tags with -link). # args - font attributes ("-underline 1" by default) # Returns the current value of these attributes. if {[set ll [llength $args]]} { if {$ll%2} { ;# clear the attributes, if called with "" set ::apave::_AP_VARS(LINKFONT) [list] } else { lassign [::apave::extractOptions args -foreground {} -background {}] \ ::apave::_AP_VARS(LINKFG) ::apave::_AP_VARS(LINKBG) set ::apave::_AP_VARS(LINKFONT) $args } } return $::apave::_AP_VARS(LINKFONT) } #_______________________ method labelFlashing {w1 w2 first args} { # Options of 'flashing' label: # -file (or -data) {list of image files (or data variables)} # -label {list of labels' texts} # -incr {increment for -alpha option} # -pause {pause in seconds for -alpha 1.0} # -after {interval for 'after'} # -squeeze {value for *-big.png} if {![winfo exists $w1]} return if {$first} { lassign [::apave::parseOptions $args \ -file {} -data {} -label {} -incr 0.01 -pause 3.0 -after 10 -squeeze {} -static 0] \ ofile odata olabel oincr opause oafter osqueeze ostatic if {$osqueeze ne {}} {set osqueeze "-subsample $osqueeze"} lassign {0 -2 0 1} idx incev waitev direv } else { lassign $args ofile odata olabel oincr opause oafter osqueeze ostatic \ idx incev waitev direv } set llf [llength $ofile] set lld [llength $odata] if {[set llen [expr {max($llf,$lld)}]]==0} return incr incev $direv set alphaev [expr {$oincr*$incev}] if {$alphaev>=1} { set alpha 1.0 if {[incr waitev -1]<0} { set direv -1 } } elseif {$alphaev<0} { set alpha 0.0 set idx [expr {$idx%$llen+1}] set direv 1 set incev 0 set waitev [expr {int($opause/$oincr)}] } else { set alpha $alphaev } if {$llf} { set png [list -file [lindex $ofile $idx-1]] } elseif {[info exists [set datavar [lindex $odata $idx-1]]]} { set png [list -data [set $datavar]] } else { set png [list -data $odata] } set NS [namespace current] if {$ostatic} { image create photo ${NS}::ImgT$w1 {*}$png $w1 configure -image ${NS}::ImgT$w1 } else { image create photo ${NS}::ImgT$w1 {*}$png -format "png -alpha $alpha" image create photo ${NS}::Img$w1 ${NS}::Img$w1 copy ${NS}::ImgT$w1 {*}$osqueeze $w1 configure -image ${NS}::Img$w1 } if {$w2 ne {}} { if {$alphaev<0.33 && !$ostatic} { set fg [$w1 cget -background] } else { if {[info exists ::apave::_AP_VISITED(FG,$w2)]} { set fg $::apave::_AP_VISITED(FG,$w2) } else { set fg [$w1 cget -foreground] } } $w2 configure -text [lindex $olabel $idx-1] -foreground $fg } after $oafter [list [self] labelFlashing $w1 $w2 0 \ $ofile $odata $olabel $oincr $opause $oafter $osqueeze $ostatic \ $idx $incev $waitev $direv] } #_______________________ method VisitedLab {w cmd {on ""} {fg ""} {bg ""}} { # Marks a label as visited/not visited # w - label's path # cmd - command linked # on - flag "the label visited" # fg - foreground of label # bg - background of label set styl [ttk::style configure TLabel] if {$fg eq {}} {lassign [my csGet] - fg - bg} if {[info exists ::apave::_AP_VARS(LINKFG)]} { if {$::apave::_AP_VARS(LINKFG) ne {}} {set fg $::apave::_AP_VARS(LINKFG)} if {$::apave::_AP_VARS(LINKBG) ne {}} {set bg $::apave::_AP_VARS(LINKBG)} } set vst [string map {{ } _} $cmd] if {$on eq {}} { set on [expr {[info exists ::apave::_AP_VISITED($vst)]}] } if {$on} { set fg [lindex [my csGet] 9] set ::apave::_AP_VISITED($vst) 1 set ::apave::_AP_VISITED(FG,$w) $fg foreach lw $::apave::_AP_VISITED(ALL) { ;# mark the same links lassign $lw w2 cmd2 if {[winfo exists $w2] && $cmd eq $cmd2} { $w2 configure -foreground $fg -background $bg set ::apave::_AP_VISITED(FG,$w2) $fg } } } $w configure -foreground $fg -background $bg if {[set font [$w cget -font]] eq {}} { set font $::apave::FONTMAIN } else { catch {set font [font actual $font]} } foreach {o v} [my initLinkFont] {dict set font $o $v} $w configure -font $font } #_______________________ method HoverLab {w cmd on {fg ""} {bg ""}} { # Actions on entering/leaving a linked label. # w - label's path # cmd - command linked # on - flag "now hovering on the label" # fg - foreground of label # bg - background of label if {$on} { if {$fg eq {}} {lassign [my csGet] fg - bg} $w configure -background $bg } else { my VisitedLab $w $cmd {} $fg $bg } } #_______________________ method textLink {w idx} { # Gets a label's path of a link in a text widget. # w - text's path # idx - index of the link if {[info exists ::apave::__TEXTLINKS__($w)]} { return [lindex $::apave::__TEXTLINKS__($w) $idx] } return {} } #_______________________ method makeLabelLinked {lab v fg bg fg2 bg2 {doadd yes} {inv no} } { # Makes the linked label from a label. # lab - label's path # v - data of the link: command, tip, visited # fg - foreground unhovered # bg - background unhovered # fg2 - foreground hovered # bg2 - background hovered # doadd - flag "register the label in the list of visited" # inv - flag "invert the meaning of colors" set txt [$lab cget -text] lassign [split [string map [list $Edge $::apave::UFF] $v] $::apave::UFF] v tt vz set tt [string map [list %l $txt] $tt] set v [string map [list %l $txt %t $tt] $v] if {$tt ne {}} { set tt [my MC $tt] ::baltip tip $lab $tt lappend ::apave::_AP_VARS(TIMW) $lab } if {$inv} { set ft $fg set bt $bg set fg $fg2 set bg $bg2 set fg2 $ft set bg2 $bt } my VisitedLab $lab $v $vz $fg $bg bind $lab <Enter> "::apave::obj EXPORT HoverLab $lab {$v} yes $fg2 $bg2" bind $lab <Leave> "::apave::obj EXPORT HoverLab $lab {$v} no $fg $bg" bind $lab <Button-1> "::apave::obj EXPORT VisitedLab $lab {$v} yes $fg2 $bg2;$v" if {$doadd} {lappend ::apave::_AP_VISITED(ALL) [list $lab $v $inv]} list $fg $bg $fg2 $bg2 } #_______________________ method leadingSpaces {line} { # Returns a number of leading spaces of a line # line - the line expr {[string length $line]-[string length [string trimleft $line]]} } ## ________________________ Text methods _________________________ ## method SetContentVariable {tvar txtnam name} { # Sets an internal text variable combining its main attributes. # tvar - external variable for text # txtnam - full name of widget # name - short (tail) name of widget # The tricky thing is for further access to all of the text. # See also: GetContentVariable set PV(textcont,$tvar) $tvar*$txtnam*$name } #_______________________ method GetContentVariable {tvar} { # Gets an internal text variable. # See also: SetContentVariable return $PV(textcont,$tvar) } #_______________________ method SplitContentVariable {ftxvar} { # Gets parts of an internal text variable. # See also: SetContentVariable split $ftxvar * } #_______________________ method getTextContent {tvar} { # Gets text content. # tvar - text variable # Uses an internal text variable to extract the text contents. # Returns the content of text. lassign [my SplitContentVariable [my GetContentVariable $tvar]] \ -> txtnam wid string trimright [$txtnam get 1.0 end] } #_______________________ method onKeyTextM {w K {s {}}} { # Processes indents and braces at pressing keys. # w - text's path # K - key's name # s - key's state set lindt [string length $::apave::_AP_VARS(INDENT)] switch -exact $K { Return - KP_Enter { # at pressing Enter key, indent (and possibly add the right brace) # but shift/ctrl+Enter acts by default - without indenting if {$s & 1 || $s & 4} return set idx1 [$w index {insert linestart}] set idx2 [$w index {insert lineend}] set line [$w get $idx1 $idx2] set nchars [my leadingSpaces $line] set indent [string range $line 0 $nchars-1] set ch1 [string range $line $nchars $nchars+1] set islist [expr {$ch1 in {{* } {- } {# }}}] set ch2 [string index $line end] set idx1 [$w index insert] set idx2 [$w index "$idx1 +1 line"] set st2 [$w get "$idx2 linestart" "$idx2 lineend"] set ch3 [string index [string trimleft $st2] 0] if {$indent ne {} || $ch2 eq "\{" || $K eq {KP_Enter} || $st2 ne {} || $islist} { set st1 [$w get "$idx1" "$idx1 lineend"] if {[string index $st1 0] in [list \t { }]} { # if space(s) are at the right, remove them at cutting set n1 [my leadingSpaces $st1] $w delete $idx1 [$w index "$idx1 +$n1 char"] } elseif {$ch2 eq "\{" && $st1 eq {}} { # indent + closing brace set nchars2 [my leadingSpaces $st2] if {$st2 eq {} || $nchars>$nchars2 || ($nchars==$nchars2 && $ch3 ne "\}")} { append indent $::apave::_AP_VARS(INDENT) \n $indent "\}" } else { append indent $::apave::_AP_VARS(INDENT) } incr nchars $lindt } elseif {$indent eq {} && $st2 ne {}} { # no indent of previous line, try to get it from the next if {[string trim $st2] eq "\}"} { # add indentation for the next brace set st2 "$::apave::_AP_VARS(INDENT)$st2" } set nchars [my leadingSpaces $st2] set indent [string range $st2 0 [expr {$nchars-1}]] } # a new line supplied with "list-like pattern" if {$islist && ![string match *.0 $idx1] && \ [string trim [$w get "$idx1 linestart" $idx1]] ne {}} { if {$ch1 eq {# } && int($idx1)>1} { # for comments: if only more than 1 of them, then add another set idx0 [$w index "$idx1 -1 line"] set st0 [string trimleft [$w get "$idx0 linestart" "$idx0 lineend"]] if {[string index $st0 0] ne {#} && $ch3 ne {#}} { set ch1 {} } } set indent "$indent$ch1" incr nchars [string length $ch1] } $w insert $idx1 \n$indent ::tk::TextSetCursor $w [$w index "$idx2 linestart +$nchars char"] return -code break } } braceright - "\}" { # right brace pressed: shift the brace to left set idx1 [$w index insert] set st [$w get "$idx1 linestart" "$idx1 lineend"] set idx2 [$w index "$idx1 -1 line"] set st2 [$w get "$idx2 linestart" "$idx2 lineend"] set nchars [my leadingSpaces $st] set nchars2 [my leadingSpaces $st2] set st2 [string index $st2 end] if {($st2 ne "\{" && $nchars2<=$nchars || $st2 eq "\{" && $nchars2<$nchars) \ && [string trimright $st] eq {} && [string length $st]>=$lindt} { if {$nchars>$nchars2} {set lindt [expr {$nchars-$nchars2}]} $w delete "$idx1 lineend -$lindt char" "$idx1 lineend" } } } } #_______________________ method setTextBinds {wt} { # Returns bindings for a text widget. # wt - the text's path if {[bind $wt <<Paste>>] eq {}} { set res " \ ::apave::bindToEvent $wt <<Paste>> [self] pasteText $wt ;\ ::apave::bindToEvent $wt <KP_Enter> [self] onKeyTextM $wt %K %s ;\ ::apave::bindToEvent $wt <Return> [self] onKeyTextM $wt %K %s ;\ catch {::apave::bindToEvent $wt <braceright> [self] onKeyTextM $wt %K}" } foreach k [::apave::getTextHotkeys CtrlD] { append res " ; ::apave::bindToEvent $wt <$k> [self] doubleText $wt" } foreach k [::apave::getTextHotkeys CtrlY] { append res " ; ::apave::bindToEvent $wt <$k> [self] deleteLine $wt" } foreach k [::apave::getTextHotkeys CtrlA] { append res " ; ::apave::bindToEvent $wt <$k> $wt tag add sel 1.0 end {;} break" } foreach k [::apave::getTextHotkeys CtrlT] { append res " ; ::apave::bindToEvent $wt <$k> ::apave::InsertChar $wt {\t} {;} break" } set lstart linestart if {[::isunix]} {append lstart { +1c}} ;# don't use "break" foreach k [::apave::getTextHotkeys CtrlB] { append res " ; ::apave::bindToEvent $wt <$k> ::apave::CursorToBEOL $wt {$lstart}" } foreach k [::apave::getTextHotkeys CtrlE] { append res " ; ::apave::bindToEvent $wt <$k> ::apave::CursorToBEOL $wt lineend" } append res " ;\ ::apave::bindToEvent $wt <Alt-Up> [self] linesMove $wt -1 ;\ ::apave::bindToEvent $wt <Alt-Down> [self] linesMove $wt +1" } #_______________________ method TextCommandForChange {w com on {com2 ""}} { # Replaces a command of text widget for making changes # w - text widget's name # com - command for changes # on - if "yes", replaces a text command; if "no", restores it # In particular, when `com` is empty, the text widget becomes readonly. set newcom $w.internal if {!$on} { if {[info commands ::$newcom] ne {}} { rename ::$w {} rename ::$newcom ::$w } } elseif {[info commands ::$newcom] eq {}} { rename $w ::$newcom if {$com eq {}} { # text to be readonly ; proc ::$w {args} " switch -exact -- \[lindex \$args 0\] \{ insert \{\} delete \{\} replace \{\} default \{ return \[eval ::$newcom \$args\] \} \}" } else { # text to be sensible to changes ; proc ::$w {args} " set _res_of_TextCommandForChange \[eval ::$newcom \$args\] switch -exact -- \[lindex \$args 0\] \{ insert \{$com\} delete \{$com\} replace \{$com\} \} return \$_res_of_TextCommandForChange" } } if {$com2 ne {}} { {*}$com2 } } #_______________________ method readonlyWidget {w {on yes} {popup yes}} { # Switches on/off a widget's readonly state for a text widget. # w - text widget's path # on - "on/off" boolean flag # popup - "make popup menu" boolean flag # See also: # [wiki.tcl-lang.org](https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/Read-only+text+widget) my TextCommandForChange $w {} $on if {$popup} {my makePopup $w $on yes} } #_______________________ method GetOutputValues {} { # Makes output values for some widgets (lbx, fco). # Some i/o widgets need a special method to get their returned values. foreach aop $Widgetopts { lassign $aop optnam vn v1 v2 switch -glob -- $optnam { -lbxname* { # To get a listbox's value, its methods are used. # The widget may not exist when an apave object is used for # several dialogs which is a bad style (very very bad). if {[winfo exists $vn]} { lassign [$vn curselection] s1 if {$s1 eq {}} {set s1 0} set w [string range $vn [string last . $vn]+1 end] if {[catch {set v0 [$vn get $s1]}]} {set v0 {}} if {$optnam eq {-lbxnameALL}} { # when -ALL option is set to 1, listbox returns # a list of 3 items - sel index, sel contents and all contents set $v1 [list $s1 $v0 [set $v1]] } else { set $v1 $v0 } } } -retpos { ;# a range to cut from -tvar/-lvar variable lassign [split $v2 :] p1 p2 set val1 [set $v1] # there may be -list option for this widget # then if the value is from the list, it's fully returned foreach aop2 $Widgetopts { lassign $aop2 optnam2 vn2 lst2 if {$optnam2 eq {-list} && $vn eq $vn2} { foreach val2 $lst2 { if {$val1 eq $val2} { set p1 0 set p2 end break } } break } } set $v1 [string range $val1 $p1 $p2] } } } } #_______________________ method focusNext {w wnext {wnext0 ""}} { # Sets focus on a next widget (possibly, defined as `my Widget`). # w - parent window name # wnext - next widget's name # wnext0 - core next name (used internally, for recursive search) if {$wnext eq {}} return if {[winfo exist $wnext]} { focus $wnext ;# direct path to the next widget return } # try to find the next widget in hierarchy of widgets set ws $wnext if {$wnext0 eq {}} { # get the real next widget (wnext can be uppercased or calculated) catch {set wnext [subst $wnext]} if {![string match {my *} $wnext]} { catch {set wnext [my [my ownWName $wnext]]} } my focusNext $w $wnext $wnext } else { set wnext $wnext0 } foreach wn [winfo children $w] { my focusNext $wn $wnext $wnext0 if {[string match "*.$wnext" $wn] || [string match "*.$ws" $wn]} { focus $wn return } } } #_______________________ method AdditionalCommands {w wdg attrsName} { # Gets additional commands (for non-standard attributes). # w - window name # wdg - widget's full path # attrsName - variable name for widget's attributes upvar $attrsName attrs set addcomms {} if {[set tooltip [::apave::getOption -tooltip {*}$attrs]] ne {} || [set tooltip [::apave::getOption -tip {*}$attrs]] ne {}} { ::apave::initBaltip if {[set i [string first $Edge $tooltip]]>=0} { set tooltip [string range $tooltip 1 end-1] set tattrs [string range $tooltip [incr i -1]+[string length $Edge] end] set tooltip "{[string range $tooltip 0 $i-1]}" } else { set tattrs {} } set tooltip [my MC $tooltip] lappend addcomms [list ::baltip::tip $wdg $tooltip {*}$tattrs] set attrs [::apave::removeOptions $attrs -tooltip -tip] } if {[::apave::getOption -ro {*}$attrs] ne {} || \ [::apave::getOption -readonly {*}$attrs] ne {}} { lassign [::apave::extractOptions attrs -ro 0 -readonly 0] ro readonly lappend addcomms [list my readonlyWidget $wdg [expr $ro||$readonly]] } if {[set wnext [::apave::getOption -tabnext {*}$attrs]] ne {}} { # two widgets for Tab & Shift/Tab (proc can be used to get them) set wnext [string trim $wnext "\{\}"] if {[string first \[ $wnext]==0} { ;# if [comm1] [comm2] for next/prev set wprev {} catch {lassign [subst $wnext] wnext wprev} } else { if {[catch {lassign [{*}$wnext] wnext wprev}]} { lassign $wnext wnext wprev } } if {$wnext eq {0}} {set wnext $wdg} ;# disables Tab on this widget if {[::iswindows]} { set i1 {{%s}==0} ;# in Windows: Shift+Tab doesn't work in text } else { set i1 1 } set c1 "[self] focusNext $w $wnext ; break" set c2 "[self] focusNext $w $wprev ; break" set i2 [expr {$wprev ne {}}] after idle [list if "\[winfo exists $wdg\]" [list bind $wdg <Key> \ [list + if {{%K} eq {Tab}} [list if $i1 $c1 elseif $i2 $c2]]]] set attrs [::apave::removeOptions $attrs -tabnext] } return $addcomms } #_______________________ method DefineWidgetKeys {wname widget} { # Sets some hotkeys for some widgets (e.g. Enter to work as Tab) # wname - the widget's name # widget - the widget's type # This may be disabled by including "STD" in the widget's name. if {[string first STD $wname]>0} return if {($widget in {ttk::entry entry})} { bind $wname <Up> \ "$wname selection clear ; \ if {{$::tcl_platform(platform)} eq {windows}} { event generate $wname <Shift-Tab> } else { event generate $wname <Key> -keysym ISO_Left_Tab }" bind $wname <Down> \ "$wname selection clear ; \ event generate $wname <Key> -keysym Tab" } elseif {$widget in {ttk::button button ttk::checkbutton checkbutton \ ttk::radiobutton radiobutton "my tk_optionCascade"}} { foreach k {<Up> <Left>} { bind $wname $k [list \ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} [list \ event generate $wname <Shift-Tab> \ ] else [list \ event generate $wname <Key> -keysym ISO_Left_Tab] \ ] } foreach k {<Down> <Right>} { bind $wname $k \ [list event generate $wname <Key> -keysym Tab] } } if {$widget in {ttk::button button \ ttk::checkbutton checkbutton ttk::radiobutton radiobutton}} { foreach k {<Return> <KP_Enter>} { bind $wname $k \ [list event generate $wname <Key> -keysym space] } } if {$widget in {ttk::entry entry spinbox ttk::spinbox ttk::combobox}} { foreach k {<Return> <KP_Enter>} { bind $wname $k \ "+ $wname selection clear ; event generate $wname <Key> -keysym Tab" } } } ## ________________________ Paving windows _________________________ ## method colorWindow {win args} { # Initialize colors of a window. # win - window's path # args - arguments for csSet if {[my apaveTheme]} { my csSet [my csCurrent] $win {*}$args if {$args ne {-doit}} {my themeNonThemed $win} } else { my themeNonThemed $win } } #_______________________ method ShowOption {name} { # Gets a default show option, used in showModal. # name - name of option # See also: getShowOption, setShowOption return "_SHOWMODAL_$name" } #_______________________ method getShowOption {name {defval ""}} { # Gets a default show option, used in showModal. # name - name of option # defval - default value # See also: showModal ::apave::getProperty [my ShowOption $name] $defval } #_______________________ method setShowOption {name args} { # Sets / gets a default show option, used in showModal. # name - name of option # args - value of option # See also: showModal ::apave::setProperty [my ShowOption $name] {*}$args } #_______________________ method pavedPath {} { # Gets the currently paved window's path. return $Modalwin } #_______________________ method Window {w inplists} { # Paves the window with widgets. # w - window's name (path) # inplists - list of widget items (lists of widget data) # Contents of a widget's item: # name - widget's name (first 3 characters define its type) # neighbor - top (T) or left (L) neighbor of the widget # posofnei - position of neighbor: T (top) or L (left) # rowspan - row span of the widget # colspan - column span of the widget # options - grid/pack options # attrs - attributes of widget # First 3 items are mandatory, others are set at need. # Called by *paveWindow* method to process a portion of widgets. # The "portion" refers to a separate block of widgets such as # notebook's tabs or frames. set ::apave::_AP_VARS(WPAVE) [winfo toplevel $w] set lwidgets [list] # comments be skipped foreach lst $inplists { if {[string index $lst 0] ne {#}} { lappend lwidgets $lst } } set lused [list] set lwlen [llength $lwidgets] if {$lwlen<2 && [string trim $lwidgets "{} "] eq {}} { set lwidgets [list {fra - - - - {pack -padx 99 -pady 99}}] set lwlen 1 } for {set i 0} {$i < $lwlen} {} { set lst1 [lindex $lwidgets $i] if {[my Replace_Tcl i lwlen lwidgets {*}$lst1] ne {}} {incr i} } # firstly, normalize all names that are "subwidgets" (.lab for fra.lab) # also, "+" for previous neighbors set i [set lwlen [llength $lwidgets]] while {$i>1} { incr i -1 set lst1 [lindex $lwidgets $i] lassign $lst1 name neighbor if {$neighbor eq {+}} {set neighbor [lindex $lwidgets $i-1 0]} lassign [my NormalizeName name i lwidgets] name wname set neighbor [lindex [my NormalizeName neighbor i lwidgets] 0] set lst1 [lreplace $lst1 0 1 $wname $neighbor] set lwidgets [lreplace $lwidgets $i $i $lst1] } for {set i 0} {$i < $lwlen} {} { # List of widgets contains data per widget: # widget's name, # neighbor widget, position of neighbor (T, L), # widget's rowspan and columnspan (both optional), # grid options, widget's attributes (both optional) set lst1 [lindex $lwidgets $i] set lst1 [my Replace_chooser w i lwlen lwidgets {*}$lst1] if {[set lst1 [my Replace_bar w i lwlen lwidgets {*}$lst1]] eq {}} { incr i continue } lassign $lst1 name neighbor posofnei rowspan colspan options1 attrs1 lassign [my NormalizeName name i lwidgets] name wname set wname [my MakeWidgetName $w $wname] if {$colspan eq {} || $colspan eq {-}} { set colspan 1 if {$rowspan eq {} || $rowspan eq {-}} { set rowspan 1 } } foreach ao {attrs options} { if {[catch {set $ao [uplevel 2 subst -nocommand -nobackslashes [list [set ${ao}1]]]}]} { set $ao [set ${ao}1] } } lassign [my widgetType $wname $options $attrs] widget options attrs nam3 dsbl # The type of widget (if defined) means its creation # (if not defined, it was created after "makewindow" call # and before "window" call) if { !($widget eq {} || [winfo exists $widget])} { set attrs [my GetAttrs $attrs $nam3 $dsbl] set attrs [my ExpandOptions $attrs] # for scrollbars - set up the scrolling commands if {$widget in {ttk::scrollbar scrollbar}} { set neighbor [lindex [my LowercaseWidgetName $neighbor] 0] set wneigb [my WidgetNameFull $w $neighbor] if {$posofnei eq {L}} { $wneigb config -yscrollcommand "$wname set" set attrs "$attrs -com \\\{$wneigb yview\\\}" append options { -side right -fill y} ;# -after $wneigb" } elseif {$posofnei eq {T}} { $wneigb config -xscrollcommand "$wname set" set attrs "$attrs -com \\\{$wneigb xview\\\}" append options { -side bottom -fill x} ;# -before $wneigb" } set options [string map [list %w $wneigb] $options] } my Pre attrs set addcomms [my AdditionalCommands $w $wname attrs] eval $widget $wname {*}$attrs my Post $wname $attrs foreach acm $addcomms {{*}$acm} # for buttons and entries - set up the hotkeys (Up/Down etc.) my DefineWidgetKeys $wname $widget } if {$neighbor eq {-} || $row < 0} { set row [set col 0] } # check for simple creation of widget (without pack/grid) if {$neighbor ne {#}} { set options [my GetIntOptions $w $options $row $rowspan $col $colspan] set pack [string trim $options] if {[string first add $pack]==0} { set comm "[winfo parent $wname] add $wname [string range $pack 4 end]" {*}$comm } elseif {[string first pack $pack]==0} { set opts [string trim [string range $pack 5 end]] if {[string first forget $opts]==0} { pack forget {*}[string range $opts 6 end] } else { pack $wname {*}$opts } } else { grid $wname -row $row -column $col -rowspan $rowspan \ -columnspan $colspan -padx 1 -pady 1 {*}$options } } lappend lused [list $name $row $col $rowspan $colspan] if {[incr i] < $lwlen} { lassign [lindex $lwidgets $i] name neighbor posofnei set neighbor [lindex [my LowercaseWidgetName $neighbor] 0] set row -1 foreach cell $lused { lassign $cell uname urow ucol urowspan ucolspan if {[lindex [my LowercaseWidgetName $uname] 0] eq $neighbor} { set col $ucol set row $urow if {$posofnei eq {T} || $posofnei eq {}} { incr row $urowspan } elseif {$posofnei eq {L}} { incr col $ucolspan } } } } } return $lwidgets } #_______________________ method paveWindow {args} { # Processes "win / list_of_widgets" pairs. # args - list of pairs "win / lwidgets" # The *win* is a window's path. The *lwidgets* is a list of widget items. # Each widget item contains: # name - widget's name (first 3 characters define its type) # neighbor - top or left neighbor of the widget # posofnei - position of neighbor: T (top) or L (left) # rowspan - row span of the widget # colspan - column span of the widget # options - grid/pack options # attrs - attributes of widget # First 3 items are mandatory, others are set at need. # This method calls *paveWindow* in a cycle, to process a current "win/lwidgets" pair. set res [list] set wmain [set wdia {}] foreach {w lwidgets} $args { if {[lindex $lwidgets 0 0] eq {after}} { # if 1st item is "after idle" or like "after 1000", layout the window after... # (fit for "invisible independent" windows/frames/tabs) set what [lindex $lwidgets 0 1] if {$what eq {idle} || [string is integer -strict $what]} { after $what [list [self] paveWindow $w [lrange $lwidgets 1 end]] after $what [list [self] colorWindow $w -doit] } continue } lappend res {*}[my Window $w $lwidgets] if {[set ifnd [regexp -indices -inline {[.]dia\d+} $w]] ne {}} { set wdia [string range $w 0 [lindex $ifnd 0 1]] } else { set wmain .[lindex [split $w .] 1] } } # add a system Menu binding for the created window if {[winfo exists $wdia]} {::apave::initPOP $wdia} elseif { [winfo exists $wmain]} {::apave::initPOP $wmain} return $res } #_______________________ method window {args} { # Obsolete version of paveWindow (remains for compatibility). # See also: paveWindow return [uplevel 1 [list [self] paveWindow {*}$args]] } #_______________________ method WinVarname {win} { # Gets a unique varname for a window. # win - window's path return [namespace current]::PV(_WIN_,$win) } #_______________________ method waitWinVar {win var modal} { # Tk waiting for variable's change. # win - the window's path # var - variable's name to receive a result (tkwait's variable) # modal - yes at showing the window as modal # first of all, wait till the window be visible after 1 ;# solves an issue with doubleclicking buttons if {![winfo viewable $win]} { tkwait visibility $win } set wmain [::apave::mainWindowOfApp] if {$modal} { ;# for modal, grab the window set wgr [grab current] if {$wmain ne {} && $wmain ne $win} { if {[catch {grab set $win} e]} { catch {tkwait visibility $win} ;# 2nd attempt to get the window visible, by force catch {grab set $win} ;# (not sure, where it can fire, still let it be) puts stderr "\napave::waitWinVar - please send a note to apave developers on this catch. Error: $e" catch {puts stderr "apave::waitWinVar - [info level -1]\n"} } } } # at need, wait till the window associated variable be changed if {$var ne {}} { tkwait variable $var } if {$modal} { ;# for modal, release the grab and restore the old one catch {grab release $win} if {$wgr ne {}} { catch {grab set $wgr} } } } #_______________________ method showWindow {win modal ontop {var ""} {minsize ""} {waitvar 1} {waitme {}}} { # Displays a windows and goes in tkwait cycle to interact with a user. # win - the window's path # modal - yes at showing the window as modal # ontop - yes at showing the window as topmost # var - variable's name to receive a result (tkwait's variable) # minsize - list {minwidth minheight} or {} # waitvar - if yes, force tkwait variable (mostly for non-modal windows) # waitme - if empty, deiconify immediately, otherwise after waiting a variable or "timeout and/or idle" ::apave::InfoWindow [expr {[::apave::InfoWindow] + 1}] $win $modal $var yes if {$waitme ne {}} { if {[info exists $waitme]} { vwait $waitme ::apave::deiconify $win catch {incr $waitme} ;# used to trigger chained events } else { after {*}$waitme ::apave::deiconify $win } } else { ::apave::deiconify $win } if {$minsize eq {}} { set minsize [list [winfo width $win] [winfo height $win]] } wm minsize $win {*}$minsize bind $win <Configure> "[namespace current]::WinResize $win" if {$ontop} {wm attributes $win -topmost 1} if {$modal} { # modal window: my waitWinVar $win $var $modal ::apave::InfoWindow [expr {[::apave::InfoWindow] - 1}] $win $modal $var } else { # non-modal window: if {[set wgr [grab current]] ne {}} { # otherwise the non-modal window is irresponsive (in Windows even at WM level): grab release $wgr } if {$waitvar && $var ne {}} { my waitWinVar $win $var $modal ;# show and wait for closing the window } } } #_______________________ method showModal {win args} { # Shows a window as modal. # win - window's name # args - attributes of window ("-name value" pairs) set ::apave::MODALWINDOW $win ::apave::setAppIcon $win set ontop [my getShowOption -ontop 0] lassign [::apave::extractOptions args -centerme {} -ontop $ontop -modal yes \ -minsize {} -themed {} -input 0 -variable {} -waitvar {} -transient {-} \ -root {} -parent {} -waitme {}] \ centerme ontop modal minsize themed input varname waitvar transient \ root parent waitme $win configure -bg [lindex [my csGet] 3] ;# removes blinking by default bg if {$themed in {{} {0}} && [my csCurrent] != [apave::cs_Non]} { my colorWindow $win } if {$centerme eq {}} { # obsolete options: -root, -parent if {$root ne {}} {set centerme $root} {set centerme $parent} } set root [winfo parent $win] set rooted 1 if {$centerme ne {}} { ;# forced centering relative to a caller's window lassign [::apave::splitGeometry $centerme] rw rh rx ry set rooted [expr {![regexp {[+|-]+\d+\++} $centerme]}] if {$rooted && [winfo exist $centerme]} { set root $centerme } } set decor [expr {$root in {{} .}}] foreach {o v} [list -decor $decor -focus {} -onclose {} -geometry {} \ -resizable {} -escape 1 -checkgeometry 1] { set v [my getShowOption $o $v] lappend defargs $o $v set [string range $o 1 end] $v } if {$varname ne {}} { set waitvar 1 } else { set waitvar [string is true $waitvar] ;# default 1: wait for closing the window set varname [my WinVarname $win] } array set opt [list {*}$defargs {*}$args] if {$ontop eq {}} { if {$opt(-ontop)} { set ontop yes } else { set ontop no catch { set ontop [wm attributes [winfo parent $win] -topmost] } if {!$ontop} { # find if a window child of "." is topmost # if so, let this one be topmost too foreach w [winfo children .] { catch {set ontop [wm attributes $w -topmost]} if {$ontop} break } } } } if {$rooted} { lassign [::apave::splitGeometry [wm geometry [winfo toplevel $root]]] rw rh rx ry } if {$transient ne {-}} { wm transient $win $transient } elseif {!$opt(-decor)} { wm transient $win $root } if {[set destroy [expr {$opt(-onclose) eq {destroy}}]]} { set opt(-onclose) {} } if {$opt(-onclose) eq {}} { set opt(-onclose) "set $varname 0" } else { set opt(-onclose) "$opt(-onclose) $varname" ;# $opt(-onclose) is a command set opt(-onclose) [string map [list %w $win] $opt(-onclose)] } if {$destroy} {append opt(-onclose) " ; catch {destroy $win}"} if {$opt(-resizable) ne {}} { if {[string is boolean $opt(-resizable)]} { set opt(-resizable) "$opt(-resizable) $opt(-resizable)" } wm resizable $win {*}$opt(-resizable) } if {!($modal || $waitvar)} { append opt(-onclose) "; ::apave::obj EXPORT CleanUps $win" } foreach ev {KeyRelease ButtonRelease} { after idle [list bind $Modalwin <$ev> "::apave::focusApp $Modalwin"] } if {$modal} {lappend ::apave::FOCUSED $win} wm protocol $win WM_TAKE_FOCUS {after idle ::apave::focusApp} wm protocol $win WM_DELETE_WINDOW $opt(-onclose) # get the window's geometry from its requested sizes set inpgeom $opt(-geometry) if {$inpgeom eq {}} { # this is for less blinking: set opt(-geometry) [my CenteredXY $rw $rh $rx $ry \ [winfo reqwidth $win] [winfo reqheight $win]] } elseif {[string first pointer $inpgeom]==0} { lassign [split $inpgeom+0+0 +] -> x y set inpgeom +[expr {$x+[winfo pointerx .]}]+[expr {$y+[winfo pointery .]}] set opt(-geometry) $inpgeom } elseif {[string first root $inpgeom]==0} { set root .[string trimleft [string range $inpgeom 5 end] .] set opt(-geometry) [set inpgeom {}] } if {$opt(-geometry) ne {}} { lassign [::apave::splitGeometry $opt(-geometry) {} {}] - - x y if {$x ne {}} {wm geometry $win $x$y} } if {$opt(-focus) eq {}} { set opt(-focus) $win } set $varname {-} if {$opt(-escape)} {bind $win <Escape> $opt(-onclose)} update if {![winfo exists $win]} { return 0 ;# looks idiotic, yet possible at sporadic calls } set w [winfo reqwidth $win] set h [winfo reqheight $win] if {$inpgeom eq {}} { ;# final geometrizing with actual sizes set geo [my CenteredXY $rw $rh $rx $ry $w $h] set y [lindex [split $geo +] end] if {!$rooted || $root ne {.} && (($h/2-$ry-$rh/2)>30 || [::iswindows] && $y>0)} { # ::tk::PlaceWindow needs correcting in rare cases, namely: # when 'root' is of less sizes than 'win' and at screen top wm geometry $win $geo } else { ::tk::PlaceWindow $win widget $root } } else { lassign [::apave::splitGeometry $inpgeom {} {}] - - x y if {$x ne {} && $y ne {} && [string first x $inpgeom]<0 && $opt(-checkgeometry)} { set inpgeom [my checkXY $w $h $x $y] } elseif {$x eq {} && $y eq {} && $centerme ne {} && $opt(-geometry) ne {}} { lassign [split $opt(-geometry) x+] w h lassign [split [my CenteredXY $rw $rh $rx $ry $w $h] +] -> x y set inpgeom ${w}x$h+$x+$y } set inpgeom [::apave::checkGeometry $inpgeom] catch {wm geometry $win $inpgeom} } if {$opt(-focus) eq {Tab}} { after 100 "catch {focus $win; event generate $win <Tab>}" ;# to focus on 1st } else { after 100 "catch {focus -force $opt(-focus); apave::setProperty FOCW_$win $opt(-focus)}" } if {[info exists ::transpops::my::cntwait]} { # this specific bind - for transpops package (to hide a demo message by keys) bind $win <Control-Alt-0> {set ::transpops::my::cntwait 0} } my showWindow $win $modal $ontop $varname $minsize $waitvar $waitme set res 0 catch { if {$modal || $waitvar} {my CleanUps $win} if {[winfo exists $win]} { if {$input} {my GetOutputValues} set res [set [set _ $varname]] } } return $res } #_______________________ method res {{win {}} {result get}} { # Gets/sets a variable for *vwait* command. # win - window's path # result - value of variable # This method is used when # - an event cycle should be stopped with changing a variable's value # - a result of event cycle (the variable's value) should be got # In the first case, *result* is set to an integer. In *apave* dialogs # the integer is corresponding a pressed button's index. # In the second case, *result* is omitted or equal to "get". # Returns a value of variable that controls an event cycle. if {$win eq {}} {set win [my dlgPath]} set varname [my WinVarname $win] if {$result eq {get}} { return [set $varname] } my CleanUps $win return [set $varname $result] } #_______________________ method makeWindow {w ttl args} { # Creates a toplevel window that has to be paved. # w - window's name # ttl - window's title # args - options for 'toplevel' command # If $w matches "*.fra" then ttk::frame is created with name $w. my CleanUps set w [set wtop [string trimright $w .]] set withfr [expr {[set pp [string last . $w]]>0 && \ [string match *.fra $w]}] if {$withfr} { set wtop [string range $w 0 $pp-1] } catch {destroy $wtop} lassign [::apave::extractOptions args -type {}] type set Modalwin [toplevel $wtop {*}$args] ::apave::withdraw $wtop ;# nice to hide all gui manipulations if {$type ne {} && [tk windowingsystem] eq {x11}} { wm attributes $wtop -type $type } if {$withfr} { pack [frame $w -background [lindex [my csGet] 3]] -expand 1 -fill both } wm title $wtop $ttl return $wtop } #_______________________ method displayText {w conts {pos 1.0}} { # Sets the text widget's contents. # w - text widget's name # conts - contents to be set in the widget if {[set state [$w cget -state]] ne {normal}} { $w configure -state normal } $w replace 1.0 end $conts $w edit reset; $w edit modified no if {$state eq {normal}} { ::tk::TextSetCursor $w $pos } else { $w configure -state $state } } #_______________________ method resetText {w state {contsName {}}} { # Resets a text widget to edit/view from scratch. # w - text widget's name # state - widget's final state (normal/disabled) # contsName - variable name for contents to be set in the widget if {$contsName ne {}} { upvar 1 $contsName conts $w replace 1.0 end $conts } $w edit reset $w edit modified no $w configure -state $state } #_______________________ method displayTaggedText {w contsName {tags ""}} { # Sets the text widget's contents using tags (ornamental details). # w - text widget's name # contsName - variable name for contents to be set in the widget # tags - list of tags to be applied to the text # The lines in *text contents* are divided by \n and can include # *tags* like in a html layout, e.g. <red>RED ARMY</red>. # The *tags* is a list of "name/value" pairs. 1st is a tag's name, 2nd # is a tag's value. # The tag's name is "pure" one (without <>) so e.g.for <b>..</b> the tag # list contains "b". # The tag's value is a string of text attributes (-font etc.). # If the tag's name is FG, FG2, BG or BG2, then it is really a link color. upvar $contsName conts if {$tags eq {}} { my displayText $w $conts return } lassign [my csGet] fg fg2 bg bg2 if { [set state [$w cget -state]] ne {normal}} { $w configure -state normal } set taglist [set tagpos [set taglen [list]]] foreach tagi $tags { lassign $tagi tag opts if {$tag in {FG FG2 BG BG2} } { set [string tolower $tag] $opts } elseif {![string match link* $tag]} { $w tag config $tag {*}$opts } lappend tagpos 0 lappend taglen [string length $tag] } set tLen [llength $tags] set disptext {} set irow 1 foreach line [split $conts \n] { if {$irow > 1} { append disptext \n } set newline {} while 1 { set p [string first \< $line] if {$p < 0} { break } append newline [string range $line 0 $p-1] set line [string range $line $p end] set i 0 set nrnc $irow.[string length $newline] foreach tagi $tags pos $tagpos len $taglen { lassign $tagi tag if {[string first <$tag> $line]==0} { if {$pos ne {0}} { error "\napave: mismatched <$tag> in line $irow.\n" } lset tagpos $i $nrnc set line [string range $line $len+2 end] break } elseif {[string first </$tag> $line]==0} { if {$pos eq {0}} { error "\napave: mismatched </$tag> in line $irow.\n" } lappend taglist [list $i $pos $nrnc] lset tagpos $i 0 set line [string range $line $len+3 end] break } incr i } if {$i == $tLen} { # tag not found after "<" - shift by 1 character append newline [string index $line 0] set line [string range $line 1 end] } } append disptext $newline $line incr irow } $w replace 1.0 end $disptext set lfont [$w cget -font] catch {set lfont [font actual $lfont]} foreach {o v} [my initLinkFont] {dict set lfont $o $v} set ::apave::__TEXTLINKS__($w) [list] for {set it [llength $taglist]} {[incr it -1]>=0} {} { set tagli [lindex $taglist $it] lassign $tagli i p1 p2 lassign [lindex $tags $i] tag opts if {[string match link* $tag] && \ [set ist [lsearch -exact -index 0 $tags $tag]]>=0} { set txt [$w get $p1 $p2] set lab ${w}l[incr ::apave::__linklab__] ttk::label $lab -text $txt -font $lfont -foreground $fg -background $bg set ::apave::__TEXTLINKS__($w) [linsert $::apave::__TEXTLINKS__($w) 0 $lab] $w delete $p1 $p2 $w window create $p1 -window $lab set v [lindex $tags $ist 1] my makeLabelLinked $lab $v $fg $bg $fg2 $bg2 } else { $w tag add $tag $p1 $p2 } } my resetText $w $state } # ________________________ EOC ::apave::APaveBase _________________________ # } # _____________________________ EOF _____________________________________ #