A library for GUI development with Tcl/Tk.
########################################################### # Name: apave.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov (aplsimple@gmail.com) # Date: 12/09/2021 # Brief: Handles APave class creating input dialogs. # License: MIT. ########################################################### package require Tk package provide apave 4.5.1 source [file join [file dirname [info script]] apavedialog.tcl] # ________________________ Independent procs _________________________ # proc ::iswindows {} { # Checks for "platform is MS Windows". expr {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} } proc ::isunix {} { # Checks for "platform is Unix". expr {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {unix}} } proc ::isKDE {} { # Checks for "desktop is KDE". expr {[info exists ::env(XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP)] && $::env(XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP) eq {KDE}} } proc ::asKDE {} { # Checks for DE behaving as weird as KDE. expr {[::isKDE] && ![package vsatisfies [package require Tcl] 8.6.11-]} } # ________________________ apave NS _________________________ # namespace eval ::apave { namespace export obj openDoc textsplit focusByForce *TextFile undo* *Option* mainWindowOfApp . variable _OBJ_ {} proc obj {com args} { # Calls a method of APave class. # com - a method # args - arguments of the method # It can (and must) be used only for temporary tasks. # For persistent tasks, use a "normal" apave object. # Returns the command's result. variable _OBJ_ if {$_OBJ_ eq {}} {set _OBJ_ [::apave::APave new]} if {[set exported [expr {$com eq "EXPORT"}]]} { set com [lindex $args 0] set args [lrange $args 1 end] oo::objdefine $_OBJ_ "export $com" } set res [$_OBJ_ $com {*}$args] if {$exported} { oo::objdefine $_OBJ_ "unexport $com" } return $res } #_______________________ proc None {args} { # Useful when to do nothing is better than to do something. } #_______________________ proc autoexec {comm {ext ""}} { # Imitates Tcl's auto_execok. # comm - a command to find # ext - file's extension (for Windows) # If it doesn't get the command from Tcl's auto_execok, # it tries to knock at its file by itself. if {$ext ne {} && [::iswindows]} {append comm $ext} set res [auto_execok $comm] if {$res eq {} && [file exists $comm]} { set res $comm } return $res } #_______________________ proc openDoc {url} { # Opens a document. # url - document's file name, www link, e-mail etc. set commands {xdg-open open start} foreach opener $commands { if {$opener eq "start"} { set command [list {*}[auto_execok start] {}] } else { set command [auto_execok $opener] } if {[string length $command]} { break } } if {[string length $command] == 0} { puts "ERROR: couldn't find any opener" } # remove the tailing " &" (as e_menu can set) set url [string trimright $url] if {[string match "* &" $url]} {set url [string range $url 0 end-2]} set url [string trim $url] if {[catch {exec -- {*}$command $url &} error]} { puts "ERROR: couldn't execute '$command':\n$error" } } #_______________________ proc countChar {str ch} { # Counts a character in a string. # str - a string # ch - a character # # Returns a number of non-escaped occurences of character *ch* in # string *str*. # # See also: # [wiki.tcl-lang.org](https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/Reformatting+Tcl+code+indentation) set icnt 0 while {[set idx [string first $ch $str]] >= 0} { set backslashes 0 set nidx $idx while {[string equal [string index $str [incr nidx -1]] \\]} { incr backslashes } if {$backslashes % 2 == 0} { incr icnt } set str [string range $str [incr idx] end] } return $icnt } #_______________________ proc traceRemove {v} { # Cancels tracing of a variable. # v - variable's name foreach t [trace info variable $v] { lassign $t o c trace remove variable $v $o $c } } #_______________________ proc initBaltip {} { # Initializes baltip package. if {[info command ::baltip] eq {}} { if {$::apave::ISBALTIP} { source [file join $::apave::SRCDIR baltip baltip.tcl] } else { # disabling baltip facilities with stub proc (no source "baltip.src") namespace eval ::baltip { variable expproc [list configure cget tip update hide repaint \ optionlist tippath clear sleep showBalloon showTip] foreach _ $expproc { ; proc $_ {args} {return {}} namespace export $_ } namespace ensemble create namespace eval my { ; proc BindToEvent {args} {} } } } } } ## ________________________ Integers _________________________ ## proc getN {sn {defn 0} {min ""} {max ""}} { # Gets a number from a string # sn - string containing a number # defn - default value when sn is not a number # min - minimal value allowed # max - maximal value allowed if {$sn eq "" || [catch {set sn [expr {$sn}]}]} {set sn $defn} if {$max ne ""} { set sn [expr {min($max,$sn)}] } if {$min ne ""} { set sn [expr {max($min,$sn)}] } return $sn } #_______________________ proc p+ {p1 p2} { # Sums two text positions straightforward: lines & columns separately. # p1 - 1st position # p2 - 2nd position # The lines may be with "-". # Reasons for this: # 1. expr $p1+$p2 doesn't work, e.g. 309.10+1.4=310.5 instead of 310.14 # 2. do it without a text widget's path (for text's arithmetic) lassign [split $p1 .] l11 c11 lassign [split $p2 .] l21 c21 foreach n {l11 c11 l21 c21} { if {![string is digit -strict [string trimleft [set $n] -]]} {set $n 0} } return [incr l11 $l21].[incr c11 $c21] } #_______________________ proc pint {pos} { # Gets int part of text position, e.g. "4" for "4.end". # pos - position in text if {[set i [string first . $pos]]>0} {incr i -1} {set i end} expr {int([string range $pos 0 $i])} } #_______________________ proc intInRange {int min max} { # Checks whether an integer is in min-max range. # int - the integer # min - minimum of the range # max - maximum of the range expr {[string is integer -strict $int] && $int>=$min && $int<=$max} } #_______________________ proc IsRoundInt {i1 i2} { # Checks whether an integer equals roundly to other integer. # i1 - integer to compare # i2 - integer to be compared (rounded) to i1 expr {$i1>($i2-3) && $i1<($i2+3)} } ## _______________________ Lists, arrays _______________________ ## proc lsearchFile {flist fname} { # Searches a file name in a list, using normalized file names. # flist - list of file names # fname - file name to find # Returns an index of found file name or -1 if it's not found. set i 0 set fname [file normalize $fname] foreach fn $flist { if {[file normalize $fn] eq $fname} { return $i } incr i } return -1 } #_______________________ proc RestoreArray {arName arSave} { # Tries restoring an array 1:1. # arName - fully qualified array name # arSave - saved array's value (got with "array get") # At restoring, new items of $arName are deleted and existing items are updated, # so that after restoring *array get $arName* is equal to $arSave. # Note: "array unset $arName *; array set $arName $arSave" doesn't ensure this equality. set ar $arName array set artmp $arSave set tmp1 [array names artmp] set tmp2 [array names $arName] foreach n $tmp2 { if {$n ni $tmp1} {unset [set ar]($n)} {set [set ar]($n) $artmp($n)} } foreach n $tmp1 { # deleted items can break 1:1 equality (not the case with alited) if {$n ni $tmp2} {set [set ar]($n) $artmp($n)} } } #_______________________ proc EnsureArray {arName args} { # Ensures restoring an array at calling a proc. # arName - fully qualified array name # args - proc name & arguments set arSave [array get $arName] {*}$args RestoreArray $arName $arSave } #_______________________ proc PushInList {listName item {pos 0} {max 16}} { # Pushes an item in a list: deletes an old instance, inserts a new one. # listName - the list's variable name # item - item to push # pos - position in the list to push in # max - maximum length of the list upvar $listName ln if {[set i [lsearch -exact $ln $item]]>-1} { set ln [lreplace $ln $i $i] } set ln [linsert $ln $pos $item] catch {set ln [lreplace $ln $max end]} } ## ________________________ Widgets _________________________ ## proc checkGeometry {geo} { # Checks a window's geometry. # geo - the geometry # Returns a "normalized" geometry (+0+0 if input not correct). if {!([regexp {^\d+x\d+\+-?\d+\+-?\d+$} $geo] || [regexp {^\+-?\d+\+-?\d+$} $geo] || [regexp {^\d+x\d+$} $geo])} { set geo +0+0 } return $geo } #_______________________ proc repaintWindow {win {wfoc ""}} { # Shows a window and, optionally, focuses on a widget of it. # win - the window's path # wfoc - the widget's path or a command to get it # Returns yes, if the window is shown successfully. if {[winfo exists $win]} { # esp. for KDE if {[isKDE]} { ;# KDE is KDE, Tk is Tk, and never the twain shall meet wm withdraw $win wm deiconify $win wm attributes $win -topmost [wm attributes $win -topmost] } update if {$wfoc ne {}} { catch {set wfoc [{*}$wfoc]} focus $wfoc } return yes } return no } #_______________________ proc rootModalWindow {pwin} { # Gets a parent modal window for a given one. # pwin - default parent set root $pwin foreach w [winfo children $pwin] { if {[winfo ismapped $w] && [InfoFind $w yes] ne {}} { set root [winfo toplevel $w] } } return $root } #_______________________ proc splitGeometry {geom {X +0} {Y +0}} { # Gets widget's geometry components. # geom - geometry # X - default X-coordinate # Y - default Y-coordinate # Returns a list of width, height, X and Y (coordinates are always with + or -) # and also a flag "negative coordinates, calculated from bottom right". lassign [split $geom x+-] w h lassign [regexp -inline -all {([+-][[:digit:]]+)} $geom] -> x y if {$geom ne {}} { if {$x in {"" 0} || [catch {expr {$x+0}}]} {set x $X} if {$y in {"" 0} || [catch {expr {$y+0}}]} {set y $Y} } set neg [expr {[string first - $geom]>=0 && [string first + $geom]<0}] list $w $h $x $y $neg } #_______________________ proc focusFirst {w {dofocus yes} {res {}}} { # Sets a focus on a first widget of a parent widget. # w - the parent widget # dofocus - if no, means "only return the widget's path" # res - used for recursive call # Returns a path to a focused widget or "". if {$w ne {}} { foreach w [winfo children $w] { if {[focusedWidget $w]} { if {$dofocus} {after 200 "catch {focus -force $w}"} return $w } else { if {[set res [focusFirst $w $dofocus]] ne {}} break } } } return $res } #_______________________ proc focusedWidget {w} { # Gets a flag "is a widget can be focused". # w - widget's path set wclass [string tolower [winfo class $w]] foreach c [list entry text button box list view] { if {[string match *$c $wclass]} { if {[catch {set state [$w cget -state]}]} {set state normal} if {$state ne {disabled}} { if {[catch {set focus [$w cget -takefocus]}]} {set focus no} return [expr {![string is boolean -strict $focus] || $focus}] } break } } return no } #_______________________ proc MouseOnWidget {w1} { # Places the mouse pointer on a widget. # w1 - the widget's path update set w2 [winfo parent $w1] set w3 [winfo parent $w2] lassign [split [winfo geometry $w1] +x] w h x1 y1 lassign [split [winfo geometry $w2] +x] - - x2 y2 event generate $w3 <Motion> -warp 1 \ -x [expr {$x1+$x2+int($w/2)}] -y [expr {$y1+$y2+int($h/2)}] } #_______________________ proc CursorAtEnd {w} { # Sets the cursor at the end of a field. # w - the field's path focus $w $w selection clear $w icursor end } #_______________________ proc focusByForce {foc {cnt 10}} { # Focuses a widget. # foc - widget's path if {[incr cnt -1]>0} { after idle after 5 ::apave::focusByForce $foc $cnt } else { catch {focus -force [winfo toplevel $foc]; focus $foc} } } #_______________________ proc KeyAccelerator {acc} { # Returns a key accelerator. # acc - key name, may contain 2 items (e.g. Control-D Control-d) set acc [lindex $acc 0] string map {Control Ctrl - + bracketleft [ bracketright ]} $acc } #_______________________ proc InvertBg {clr {B #000000} {W #FFFFFF}} { # Gets a "inverted" color (white/black) for an color. # clr - color (#hhh or #hhhhhh) # B - "black" color # W - "white" color # Returns a list of "black/white" and normalized input color if {[string length $clr]==4} { lassign [split $clr {}] -> r g b set clr #$r$r$g$g$b$b } lassign [winfo rgb . $clr] r g b if {($r%256+$b%256)<15 && ($g%256)>180 || $r+1.5*$g+0.5*$b > 100000} { set res $B } else { set res $W } list $res $clr } ### ________________________ Blinking widgets _________________________ ### proc blinkWidget {w {fg #000} {bg #fff} {fg2 {}} {bg2 red} \ {pause 1000} {count -1} {mode 1}} { # Makes a widget blink. # w - the widget's path # fg - normal foreground color # bg - normal background color # fg2 - blinking foreground color (if {}, stops the blinking) # bg2 - blinking background color # pause - pause in millisec between blinkings # count - means how many times do blinking # mode - for recursive calls if {![winfo exists $w]} return if {$count==0 || $fg2 eq {}} { catch {after cancel $::apave::BLINKWIDGET1} catch {after cancel $::apave::BLINKWIDGET2} after idle "$w configure -foreground $fg; $w configure -background $bg" } elseif {$mode==1} { incr count -1 $w configure -foreground $fg2 $w configure -background $bg2 set ::apave::BLINKWIDGET1 [after \ $pause ::apave::blinkWidget $w $fg $bg $fg2 $bg2 $pause $count 2] } elseif {$mode==2} { $w configure -foreground $fg $w configure -background $bg set ::apave::BLINKWIDGET2 [after \ $pause ::apave::blinkWidget $w $fg $bg $fg2 $bg2 $pause $count 1] } } #_______________________ proc blinkWidgetImage {w img1 {img2 alimg_none} {cnt 6} {ms 100}} { # Makes a widget's image blink. # w - widget's path # img1 - main image # img2 - flashed image # cnt - count of flashes # ms - millisec between flashes set imgcur $img1 if {$cnt>0} { if {$cnt % 2} {set imgcur $img2} after $ms "::apave::blinkWidgetImage $w $img1 $img2 [incr cnt -1] $ms" } $w configure -image $imgcur } ## ________________________ File names _________________________ ## proc HomeDir {} { # For Tcl 9.0 & Windows: gets a home directory ("~"). if {[catch {set hd [file home]}]} { if {[info exists ::env(HOME)]} {set hd $::env(HOME)} {set hd ~} } return $hd } #_______________________ proc checkHomeDir {com} { # For Tcl 9.0 & Windows: checks a command for "~". set hd [HomeDir] set com [string map [list { ~/} " $hd/" \"~/ \"$hd/ '~/ '$hd/ \\n~/ \\n$hd/ \n~/ \n$hd/ \{~/ \{$hd/] $com] if {[string match ~/* $com]} {set com $hd[string range $com 1 end]} return $com } #_______________________ proc UnixPath {path} { # Makes a path "unix-like" to be good for Tcl. # path - the path set path [string trim $path "\{\}"] ;# possibly braced if contains spaces set path [string map [list \\ / %H [HomeDir]] $path] checkHomeDir $path } #_______________________ proc NormalizeName {name} { # Removes spec.characters from a name (sort of normalizing it). # name - the name string map [list \\ {} \{ {} \} {} \[ {} \] {} \t {} \n {} \r {} \" {}] $name } #_______________________ proc NormalizeFileName {name} { # Removes spec.characters from a file/dir name (sort of normalizing it). # name - the name of file/dir set name [string trim $name] string map [list \ * _ ? _ ~ _ / _ \\ _ \{ _ \} _ \[ _ \] _ \t _ \n _ \r _ \ | _ < _ > _ & _ , _ : _ \; _ \" _ ' _ ` _] $name } #_______________________ proc FileTail {basepath fullpath} { # Extracts a tail path from a full file path. # E.g. FileTail /a/b /a/b/cd/ef => cd/ef # basepath - base path # fullpath - full path set lbase [file split $basepath] set lfull [file split $fullpath] set ll [expr {[llength $lfull] - [llength $lbase] - 1}] if {$ll>-1} { return [file join {*}[lrange $lfull end-$ll end]] } return {} } #_______________________ proc FileRelativeTail {basepath fullpath} { # Gets a base relative path. # E.g. FileRelativeTail /a/b /a/b/cd/ef => ../ef # basepath - base path # fullpath - full path set tail [FileTail $basepath $fullpath] set lev [llength [file split $tail]] set base {} for {set i 1} {$i<$lev} {incr i} {append base ../} append base [file tail $tail] } ## ________________________ Borrowed from BWidget _________________________ ## # Command BWidget::place ----> apave::place # # Notes: # For Windows systems with more than one monitor the available screen area may # have negative positions. Geometry settings with negative numbers are used # under X to place wrt the right or bottom of the screen. On windows, Tk # continues to do this. However, a geometry such as 100x100+-200-100 can be # used to place a window onto a secondary monitor. Passing the + gets Tk # to pass the remainder unchanged so the Windows manager then handles -200 # which is a position on the left hand monitor. # I've tested this for left, right, above and below the primary monitor. # Currently there is no way to ask Tk the extent of the Windows desktop in # a multi monitor system. Nor what the legal co-ordinate range might be. # proc place { path w h args } { update idletasks # If the window is not mapped, it may have any current size. # Then use required size, but bound it to the screen width. # This is mostly inexact, because any toolbars will still be removed # which may reduce size. if { $w == 0 && [winfo ismapped $path] } { set w [winfo width $path] } else { if { $w == 0 } { set w [winfo reqwidth $path] } set vsw [winfo vrootwidth $path] if { $w > $vsw } { set w $vsw } } if { $h == 0 && [winfo ismapped $path] } { set h [winfo height $path] } else { if { $h == 0 } { set h [winfo reqheight $path] } set vsh [winfo vrootheight $path] if { $h > $vsh } { set h $vsh } } set arglen [llength $args] if { $arglen > 3 } { return -code error "apave::place: bad number of argument" } if { $arglen > 0 } { set where [lindex $args 0] set list [list at center left right above below] set idx [lsearch $list $where] if { $idx == -1 } { return -code error "apave::place: bad position: $where $list" } if { $idx == 0 } { set err [catch { # purposely removed the {} around these expressions - [PT] set x [expr int([lindex $args 1])] set y [expr int([lindex $args 2])] } e] if { $err } { return -code error "apave::place: bad position: $e" } if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} { # handle windows multi-screen. -100 != +-100 if {[string index [lindex $args 1] 0] ne {-}} { set x +$x } if {[string index [lindex $args 2] 0] ne {-}} { set y +$y } } else { if { $x >= 0 } { set x +$x } if { $y >= 0 } { set y +$y } } } else { if { $arglen == 2 } { set widget [lindex $args 1] if { ![winfo exists $widget] } { return -code error "apave::place: \"$widget\" does not exist" } } else { set widget . } set sw [winfo screenwidth $path] set sh [winfo screenheight $path] if { $idx == 1 } { if { $arglen == 2 } { # center to widget set x0 [expr {[winfo rootx $widget] + ([winfo width $widget] - $w)/2}] set y0 [expr {[winfo rooty $widget] + ([winfo height $widget] - $h)/2}] } else { # center to screen set x0 [expr {($sw - $w)/2 - [winfo vrootx $path]}] set y0 [expr {($sh - $h)/2 - [winfo vrooty $path]}] } set x +$x0 set y +$y0 if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne {windows}} { if { $x0+$w > $sw } {set x {-0}; set x0 [expr {$sw-$w}]} if { $x0 < 0 } {set x {+0}} if { $y0+$h > $sh } {set y {-0}; set y0 [expr {$sh-$h}]} if { $y0 < 0 } {set y {+0}} } } else { set x0 [winfo rootx $widget] set y0 [winfo rooty $widget] set x1 [expr {$x0 + [winfo width $widget]}] set y1 [expr {$y0 + [winfo height $widget]}] if { $idx == 2 || $idx == 3 } { set y +$y0 if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne {windows}} { if { $y0+$h > $sh } {set y {-0}; set y0 [expr {$sh-$h}]} if { $y0 < 0 } {set y {+0}} } if { $idx == 2 } { # try left, then right if out, then 0 if out if { $x0 >= $w } { set x [expr {$x0-$w}] } elseif { $x1+$w <= $sw } { set x +$x1 } else { set x {+0} } } else { # try right, then left if out, then 0 if out if { $x1+$w <= $sw } { set x +$x1 } elseif { $x0 >= $w } { set x [expr {$x0-$w}] } else { set x {-0} } } } else { set x +$x0 if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne {windows}} { if { $x0+$w > $sw } {set x {-0}; set x0 [expr {$sw-$w}]} if { $x0 < 0 } {set x {+0}} } if { $idx == 4 } { # try top, then bottom, then 0 if { $h <= $y0 } { set y [expr {$y0-$h}] } elseif { $y1+$h <= $sh } { set y +$y1 } else { set y {+0} } } else { # try bottom, then top, then 0 if { $y1+$h <= $sh } { set y +$y1 } elseif { $h <= $y0 } { set y [expr {$y0-$h}] } else { set y {-0} } } } } } ## If there's not a + or - in front of the number, we need to add one. if {[string is integer [string index $x 0]]} { set x +$x } if {[string is integer [string index $y 0]]} { set y +$y } wm geometry $path "${w}x${h}${x}${y}" } else { wm geometry $path "${w}x${h}" } update idletasks } ## ________________________ EONS apave _________________________ ## } # ________________________ APave _________________________ # oo::class create ::apave::APave { superclass ::apave::APaveDialog variable _savedvv constructor {args} { # Creates APave object. # win - window's name (path) # args - additional arguments set _savedvv [list] if {[llength [self next]]} { next {*}$args } } destructor { # Clears variables used in the object. my initInput unset _savedvv if {[llength [self next]]} next } #_______________________ method initInput {} { # Initializes input and clears variables made in previous session. foreach {vn vv} $_savedvv { catch {unset $vn} } set _savedvv [list] set Widgetopts [list] } #_______________________ method varInput {} { # Gets variables made and filled in a previous session # as a list of "varname varvalue" pairs where varname # is of form: namespace::var$widgetname. return $_savedvv } #_______________________ method valueInput {} { # Gets input variables' values. set _values {} foreach {vnam -} [my varInput] { lappend _values [set $vnam] } return $_values } #_______________________ method input {icon ttl iopts args} { # Makes and runs an input dialog. # icon - icon (omitted if equals to "") # ttl - title of window # iopts - list of widgets and their attributes # args - list of dialog's attributes # The `iopts` contains lists of three items: # name - name of widgets # prompt - prompt for entering data # valopts - value options # The `valopts` is a list specific for a widget's type, however # a first item of `valopts` is always an initial input value. if {$iopts ne {}} { my initInput ;# clear away all internal vars } set pady "-pady 2" if {[set focusopt [::apave::getOption -focus {*}$args]] ne {}} { set focusopt "-focus $focusopt" } lappend inopts [list fraM + T 1 98 "-st nsew $pady -rw 1"] set savedvv [list] set frameprev {} foreach {name prompt valopts} $iopts { if {$name eq {}} continue lassign $prompt prompt gopts attrs lassign [::apave::extractOptions attrs -method {} -toprev {}] ismeth toprev if {[string toupper $name 0] eq $name} { set ismeth yes ;# overcomes the above setting set name [string tolower $name 0] } set ismeth [string is true -strict $ismeth] set gopts "$pady $gopts" set typ [string tolower [string range $name 0 1]] if {$typ eq "v_" || $typ eq "se"} { lappend inopts [list fraM.$name - - - - "pack -fill x $gopts"] continue } set tvar "-tvar" switch -exact -- $typ { ch { set tvar "-var" } sp { set gopts "$gopts -expand 0 -side left"} } set framename fraM.fra$name if {$typ in {lb te tb}} { ;# the widgets sized vertically lappend inopts [list $framename - - - - "pack -expand 1 -fill both"] } else { lappend inopts [list $framename - - - - "pack -fill x"] } set vv [my varName $name] set ff [my FieldName $name] set Name [string toupper $name 0] if {$ismeth && $typ ni {ra}} { # -method option forces making "WidgetName" method from "widgetName" my MakeWidgetName $ff $Name - } if {$typ ne {la} && $toprev eq {}} { set takfoc [::apave::parseOptions $attrs -takefocus 1] if {$focusopt eq {} && $takfoc} { if {$typ in {fi di cl fo da}} { set _ en*$name ;# 'entry-like mega-widgets' } elseif {$typ eq "ft"} { set _ te*$name ;# ftx - 'text-like mega-widget' } else { set _ $name } set focusopt "-focus $_" } if {$typ in {lb tb te}} {set anc nw} {set anc w} lappend inopts [list fraM.fra$name.labB$name - - - - \ "pack -side left -anchor $anc -padx 3" \ "-t \"$prompt\" -font \ \"-family {[my basicTextFont]} -size [my basicFontSize]\""] } # for most widgets: # 1st item of 'valopts' list is the current value # 2nd and the rest of 'valopts' are a list of values if {$typ ni {fc te la}} { # curr.value can be set with a variable, so 'subst' is applied set vsel [lindex $valopts 0] catch {set vsel [subst -nocommands -nobackslashes $vsel]} set vlist [lrange $valopts 1 end] } if {[set msgLab [::apave::getOption -msgLab {*}$attrs]] ne {}} { set attrs [::apave::removeOptions $attrs -msgLab] } # define a current widget's info switch -exact -- $typ { lb - tb { set $vv $vlist lappend attrs -lvar $vv if {$vsel ni {{} -}} { lappend attrs -lbxsel "$::apave::UFF$vsel$::apave::UFF" } lappend inopts [list $ff - - - - \ "pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both $gopts" $attrs] lappend inopts [list fraM.fra$name.sbv$name $ff L - - "pack -fill y"] } cb { if {![info exist $vv]} {catch {set $vv $vsel}} lappend attrs -tvar $vv -values $vlist if {$vsel ni {{} -}} { lappend attrs -cbxsel $::apave::UFF$vsel$::apave::UFF } lappend inopts [list $ff - - - - "pack -side left -expand 1 -fill x $gopts" $attrs] } fc { if {![info exist $vv]} {catch {set $vv {}}} lappend inopts [list $ff - - - - "pack -side left -expand 1 -fill x $gopts" "-tvar $vv -values \{$valopts\} $attrs"] } op { set $vv $vsel lappend inopts [list $ff - - - - "pack -fill x $gopts" "$vv $vlist"] } ra { if {![info exist $vv]} {catch {set $vv $vsel}} set padx 0 foreach vo $vlist { set name $name set FF $ff[incr nnn] lappend inopts [list $FF - - - - "pack -side left $gopts -padx $padx" "-var $vv -value \"$vo\" -t \"$vo\" $attrs"] if {$ismeth} { my MakeWidgetName $FF $Name$nnn - } set padx [expr {$padx ? 0 : 9}] } } te { if {![info exist $vv]} { set valopts [string map [list \\n \n \\t \t] $valopts] set $vv [string map [list \\\\ \\ \\\} \} \\\{ \{] $valopts] } if {[dict exist $attrs -state] && [dict get $attrs -state] eq "disabled"} \ { # disabled text widget cannot be filled with a text, so we should # compensate this through a home-made attribute (-disabledtext) set disattr "-disabledtext \{[set $vv]\}" } elseif {[dict exist $attrs -readonly] && [dict get $attrs -readonly] || [dict exist $attrs -ro] && [dict get $attrs -ro]} { set disattr "-rotext \{[set $vv]\}" set attrs [::apave::removeOptions $attrs -readonly -ro] } else { set disattr {} } lappend inopts [list $ff - - - - "pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both $gopts" "$attrs $disattr"] lappend inopts [list fraM.fra$name.sbv$name $ff L - - "pack -fill y"] } la { if {$prompt ne {}} { set prompt "-t \"$prompt\" " } ;# prompt as -text lappend inopts [list $ff - - - - "pack -anchor w $gopts" "$prompt$attrs"] continue } bu - bt - ch { set prompt {} if {$toprev eq {}} { lappend inopts [list $ff - - - - \ "pack -side left -expand 1 -fill both $gopts" "$tvar $vv $attrs"] } else { lappend inopts [list $frameprev.$name - - - - \ "pack -side left $gopts" "$tvar $vv $attrs"] } if {$vv ne {}} { if {![info exist $vv]} { catch { if {$vsel eq {}} {set vsel 0} set $vv $vsel } } } } default { if {$vlist ne {}} {lappend attrs -values $vlist} lappend inopts [list $ff - - - - \ "pack -side left -expand 1 -fill x $gopts" "$tvar $vv $attrs"] if {$vv ne {}} { if {![info exist $vv]} {catch {set $vv $vsel}} } } } if {$msgLab ne {}} { lassign $msgLab lab msg attlab set lab [my parentWName [lindex $inopts end 0]].$lab if {$msg ne {}} {set msg "-t {$msg}"} append msg " $attlab" lappend inopts [list $lab - - - - "pack -side left -expand 1 -fill x" $msg] } if {![info exist $vv]} {set $vv {}} lappend _savedvv $vv [set $vv] set frameprev $framename } lassign [::apave::parseOptions $args -titleHELP {} -buttons {} -comOK 1 \ -titleOK OK -titleCANCEL Cancel -centerme {}] \ titleHELP buttons comOK titleOK titleCANCEL centerme if {$titleHELP eq {}} { set butHelp {} } else { lassign $titleHELP title command set butHelp [list butHELP $title $command] } if {$titleCANCEL eq {}} { set butCancel {} } else { set butCancel "butCANCEL $titleCANCEL destroy" } if {$centerme eq {}} { set centerme {-centerme 1} } else { set centerme "-centerme $centerme" } set args [::apave::removeOptions $args \ -titleHELP -buttons -comOK -titleOK -titleCANCEL -centerme -modal] lappend args {*}$focusopt if {[catch { lassign [my PrepArgs {*}$args] args set res [my Query $icon $ttl {} \ "$butHelp $buttons butOK $titleOK $comOK $butCancel" \ butOK $inopts $args {} {*}$centerme -input yes]} e] } then { catch {destroy $Dlgpath} ;# Query's window set under \n[string repeat _ 80]\n\n ::apave::obj ok err "ERROR" "\n$e$under $inopts$under $args$under $centerme" \ -t 1 -head "\nAPave error: \n" -hfg red -weight bold -w 80 return 0 } if {![lindex $res 0]} { ;# restore old values if OK not chosen foreach {vn vv} $_savedvv { # tk_optionCascade (destroyed now) was tracing its variable => catch catch {set $vn $vv} } } return $res } #_______________________ method vieweditFile {fname {prepcom ""} args} { # Views or edits a file. # fname - name of file # prepcom - a command performing before and after creating a dialog # args - additional options # It's a sort of stub for calling *editfile* method. # See also: editfile my editfile $fname {} {} {} $prepcom {*}$args } #_______________________ method editfile {fname fg bg cc {prepcom ""} args} { # Edits or views a file with a set of main colors # fname - name of file # fg - foreground color of text widget # bg - background color of text widget # cc - caret's color of text widget # prepcom - a command performing before and after creating a dialog # args - additional options (`-readonly 1` for viewing the file). # If *fg* isn't empty, all three colors are used to color a text. # See also: # [aplsimple.github.io](https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/pave/index.html) if {$fname eq {}} { return false } set newfile 0 if {[catch {set filetxt [::apave::readTextFile $fname {} yes]}]} { return false } lassign [::apave::parseOptions $args -rotext {} -readonly 1 -ro 1] rotext readonly ro lassign [::apave::extractOptions args -buttons {}] buttadd set btns {Close 0} ;# by default 'view' mode set oper VIEW if {$rotext eq {} && (!$readonly || !$ro)} { set btns {Save 1 Close 0} set oper EDIT } if {$fg eq {}} { set tclr {} } else { set tclr "-fg $fg -bg $bg -cc $cc" } if {$prepcom eq {}} {set aa {}} {set aa [$prepcom filetxt]} set res [my misc {} "$oper: $fname" "$filetxt" "$buttadd $btns" \ TEXT -text 1 -w {100 80} -h 32 {*}$tclr \ -post $prepcom {*}$aa {*}$args] set data [string range $res 2 end] if {[set res [string index $res 0]] eq "1"} { set data [string range $data [string first " " $data]+1 end] set data [string trimright $data] set res [::apave::writeTextFile $fname data] } elseif {$newfile} { file delete $fname } return $res } #_______________________ method onTop {wpar top {wtoplist -} {res ""}} { # Sets -topmost attribute for windows or gets a list of topmost windows. # wpar - parent window's path # top - -topmost attribute's value # wtoplist - list of windows to process # res - used to get the result # Returns a list of "topmost=$top" windows found on $wpar path. if {$wtoplist ne "-"} { # sets the attribute foreach w $wtoplist {wm attributes $w -topmost $top} } else { # gets a list of topmost windows if {$wpar ne {}} { set res [my onTop [winfo parent $wpar] $top - $res] catch { if {[wm attributes $wpar -topmost]==$top} {lappend res $wpar} } } } return $res } # ________________________ EONS _________________________ # } # ________________________ EOF _________________________ #